

Remarkable Criminals
Remarkable Criminals
Irving, Harry Brodribb
Written during World War I by Harry Brodribb Irving, this is a study of the crimes of some of the world's most infamous criminals. Irving spent much of his life in the theatre, and his flair for the dramatic is displayed in his writings.He went on to found 'Our Society' with, amongst others, Sherlock Holmes creator Arthur Conan Doyle. 'Our Society' survives today as the so called 'Murder' Club in London, where old crimes are discussed at regularly held dinners.
Our Thoughts Entirely
Our Thoughts Entirely
Parr, Roger
Throughout the course of my life, I have written a number of poems and was fortunate to have been left my late father's unpublished work, plus those of my past best friend. It seemed to me, therefore, that it would be appropriate to amalgamate them in one book, in part as tribute to their memory and on a personal level, to leave a permanent record for future generations to read and enjoy. I have always felt that poetry should reflect one's innermost feelings and expressed in a simple, honest and uncomplicated manner, to enable the reader to share that feeling and thus provoke a lasting emotion. To that end, I believe these poems will appeal to all age groups as they contain a rich mixture of emotions - love, humour, melancholy - and thought-provoking themes, and trust that in time, this book will become a favourite companion.
The Apocalyptic Mannequin
The Apocalyptic Mannequin
Stephanie M. Wytovich
Doomsday is here and the earth is suffering with each breath she takes. Whether it’s from the nuclear meltdown, the wrath of the Four Horsemen, a war with technology, or a consequence of our relationship with the planet, humanity is left buried and hiding, our bones exposed, our hearts beating somewhere in our freshly slit throats. This is a collection that strips away civilization and throws readers into the lives of its survivors. The poems inside are undelivered letters, tear-soaked whispers, and unanswered prayers. They are every worry you’ve had when your electricity went out, and every pit that grew in your stomach watching the news at night. They are tragedy and trauma, but they are also grief and fear, fear of who—or what—lives inside us once everything is taken away. These pages hold the teeth of monsters against the faded photographs of family and friends, and here, Wytovich is both plague doctor and midwife, both judge and jury, forever searching through severed limbs and exposed wires as she straddles the line evaluating what’s moral versus what’s necessary to survive. What’s clear though, is that the world is burning and we don’t remember who we are. So tell me: who will you become when it’s over? "Reading this collection is like dancing through Doomsday, intoxicated by the destructive, decadent truth of desire in our very mortality." --Saba Syed Razvi, author of?Heliophobia?and?In the Crocodile Gardens "Vivid, each word a weight on your tongue, these poems taste of metal and ash with a hint of spice, smoke. She reminds us the lucky ones die first, and those who remain must face the horrors of a world painted in blisters and fear." --Todd Keisling, author of?Ugly Little Things?and?Devil's Creek "Set in a post-apocalyptic world that at times seems all too near, Wytovich's poems conjure up frighteningly beautiful and uncomfortably prescient imagery." --Claire C. Holland, author of?I Am Not Your Final Girl "A surreal journey through an apocalyptic wasteland, a world that is terrifyingly reminiscent of our own even as the blare of evacuation alarms drowns out the sizzle of acid rain, smiling mannequins bear witness to a hundred thousand deaths, and "the forest floor grows femurs in the light of a skeletal moon."--Christa Carmen, author of?Something Borrowed, Something Blood-Soaked "Like a doomsday clock fast-forwarding to its final self-destruction, Wytovich's poetry will give you whiplash as you flip through page after page. The writing here is ugly yet beautiful. It reads like a disease greedily eating up vital organs. The apocalypse has arrived and it couldn't be more intoxicating!"--Max Booth III, author of?Carnivorous Lunar Activities
101 Amazing Facts about the Royal Family
101 Amazing Facts about the Royal Family
Goldstein, Jack
Are you a fan of the modern generation of royals? How much do you know about the lives of Prince William, his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and the rest of the Royal Family? If you're a fan, then this is a great book which will give you fascinating information about royals both past and present. Separated into sections containing information on individual royals, traditions of the monarchy, kings and queens from history, and of course Queen Elizabeth II, you will find more than 100 amazing facts inside!
First Class Phonics - Book 6
First Class Phonics - Book 6
Quick, P S
First Class Phonics is a series of books designed to help children quickly become proficient readers and writers.These books use Synthetic Phonics, a high-quality teaching method recognised all over the world. In Synthetic Phonics, children focus on the skills that enable them to read and spell words accurately. They recognise the importance of every sound they hear in the spoken word and learn to blend these sounds so that they can read words from the very beginning of the program.It is essential that children develop the ability to hear, identify and manipulate individual sounds in order to read fluently. This book provides a range of fun activities to ensure this happens.Book 6 introduces more diagraphs (two-letter sounds) and trigraphs (three-letter sounds). It covers the sounds ed (yelled), ed(jumped), le (puzzle), el (funnel), al (medal), il (fossil), o (glove), ou (touch), tch (match), ey (money), y (pansy), ie (shield), wa (watch), qua (quad), kn (knight) and gn (gnome).In this book some earlier words taught cease to be 'tricky words' as children learn new sounds and understand their spelling pattern. The last chapter contains a story that uses only words built from the sounds taught in this and previous books.
First Class Phonics - Book 7
First Class Phonics - Book 7
Quick, P S
First Class Phonics is a series of books designed to help children quickly become proficient readers and writers.These books use Synthetic Phonics, a high-quality teaching method recognised all over the world. In Synthetic Phonics, children focus on the skills that enable them to read and spell words accurately. They recognise the importance of every sound they hear in the spoken word and learn to blend these sounds so that they can read words from the very beginning of the program.It is essential that children develop the ability to hear, identify and manipulate individual sounds in order to read fluently. This book provides a range of fun activities to ensure this happens.Book 7 introduces more diagraphs (two-letter sounds) and trigraphs (three-letter sounds). It also introduces alternative graphemes for phonemes already learnt. It covers the sounds i (ivy), wr (write), o (wolf), ou (would), our (pour), au (Paul), al (chalk), or (boar), or (score), se (cheese), ze (snooze), ear (earth), or (worm), ere (were), g (giraffe), ge (page), dge (badge), mb (lamb), st (castle), c (circle), and ce (fence).In this book some earlier words taught cease to be 'tricky words' as children learn new sounds and understand their spelling pattern. The last chapter contains a story that uses only words built from the sounds taught in this and previous books.
First Class Phonics - Book 8
First Class Phonics - Book 8
Quick, P S
First Class Phonics is a series of books designed to help children quickly become proficient readers and writers.These books use Synthetic Phonics, a high-quality teaching method recognised all over the world. In Synthetic Phonics, children focus on the skills that enable them to read and spell words accurately. They recognise the importance of every sound they hear in the spoken word and learn to blend these sounds so that they can read words from the very beginning of the program.It is essential that children develop the ability to hear, identify and manipulate individual sounds in order to read fluently. This book provides a range of fun activities to ensure this happens.Book 8 introduces more digraphs (two-letter sounds) and trigraphs (three-letter sounds). It also introduces alternative graphemes for phonemes already learnt. It covers the sounds ou (soup), ui (fruit), u (ruby), u (uniform), a (acorn), er (grey), eigh (eight), ea (steak), eer (deer), ere (sphere), ier (pier), ea (bread), ai (said), ear (pear), are (square), ere (there), al (calf), a (father), gh (laugh), ture (picture), tion (fraction), cian (musician), sion (explosion).In this book some earlier words taught cease to be 'tricky words' as children learn new sounds and understand their spelling pattern. The last chapter contains a story that uses only words built from the sounds taught in this and previous books.
Britain's Television Queen
Britain's Television Queen
Crew, Bob
Focusing purely on Queen Elizabeth II's relationship with television, this book shows how she was ahead of the game in helping to change the face of British television from the outset of her reign in 1953 when she let the cameras into Westminster Abbey. The Queen embraced television at a time when Winston Churchill and her government advisors recommended that she should keep them out - on the grounds that the cameras would destroy her royal mystique - right through the 1950s which was Britain s television decade (for reasons that are not generally understood today), when Britain became the first nation in the world to have public service television. In 1969 the Queen opened the doors to the cameras once again for the invention of Britains first family-reality-TV, fly-on-the-wall programme, showing how she and her husband the Duke of Edinburgh and their children, Charles and Anne, went about their daily lives, thereby giving the seal of royal approval to reality-TV, ahead of the first programmes in the United States and the UK that followed in her wake. Queen Elizabeth II can accurately be described as a television queen, the first monarch to understand and embrace television and, in particular reality-TV, which is why she was light years ahead of other royals and her government ministers. Television was for her a right of passage and, not until she ran into bad and stormy weather with Princess Diana in the 1980s and 1990s, did she have any image problems with television. These problems no longer remain today, evidently, as once again the television arrangements are in full swing for her Diamond Jubilee celebrations this June. Queen Elizabeth II remains the most televised and visualised person in the world.
101 Amazing Prince Harry Facts
101 Amazing Prince Harry Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Are you a fan of royal wildchild Prince Harry? Do you know everything there is to know about the third in line to the throne? Then this is the book for you! In this easy-to-digest eBook are 101 facts about your favourite prince - do you know all of them?Test yourself and your friends with these handily-packaged facts easily organised into categories for maximum enjoyment. Sections include his upbringing, his army career, and of course information about his most controversial moments - including his now infamous Vegas party...
If You Really Loved Me
If You Really Loved Me
Cantons, Emma
This is the story of how, and why, Emma Cantons stayed with her husband Anthony after she discovered he was a transexual woman. The book covers three years from the moment when Victoria declared her existence, to their vow renewal celebration in 2012.
This I May
This I May
Clemow, Dominic
Dominic Clemow first began to write poems as a way of expressing feelings of sadness and loss after a relationship ended. His interest in poetry has grown and developed since then. He writes with feeling and passion, particularly about the pivotal moments of life, such as going on a date, marriage and break-ups - times when we are faced with choices that may transform our lives for ever. I love you more than words can say, More and more every single day, You're the one I think about before I go to sleep, And the one I'm happy with, so I'm yours to keep.
History of the Remarkable Life of John Sheppard
History of the Remarkable Life of John Sheppard
Defoe, Daniel
A fascinating look at the life of the notorious criminal John 'Jack' Sheppard, the original 'Jack the Lad', believed to have been ghostwritten by the author of Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe. Sheppard was active in early 18th century London, and became famous for escaping from jail no less than four times.
101 Amazing Facts about William and Kate
101 Amazing Facts about William and Kate
Goldstein, Jack
Are you a big fan of the British Royal Family? Or do you want to find out everything there is to know about the future king, his wife and their children? If so, then this is the book for you! Contained within are over one hundred interesting facts about the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, from their younger years to their relationship and marriage, their wider families, fashion and much, much more. The book is easily organised into sections so you can find the information you want fast... and is an unmissable addition to the bookshelf of any royal fan!
First Class Phonics - Book 1
First Class Phonics - Book 1
Quick, P S
First Class Phonics is a series of books designed to help children quickly become proficient readers and writers.These books use Synthetic Phonics, a high-quality teaching method recognised all over the world. In Synthetic Phonics, children focus on the skills that enable them to read and spell words accurately. They recognise the importance of every sound they hear in the spoken word and learn to blend these sounds so that they can read words from the very beginning of the program.It is essential that children develop the ability to hear, identify and manipulate individual sounds in order to read fluently. This book provides a range of fun activities to ensure this happens.Book 1 covers the sounds s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r and h. It teaches the tricky words I, the, to, no, go, so, my and said. The last chapter contains a story that uses only words built from the sounds taught in this book.
Whispering Tears
Whispering Tears
Morrow, Gordon
From the tear drops of angels. These writings come. These are the tears with-in the tranquilized warmth of our children. From the graceful willows spoken through the eyes of a dream-teller. Soft words dancing naked upon the wedge of feathers, for the people of the world. For with-in the corridors of whispering tears. The children sing to the soft morning mist. For the tenderness of love and happiness. So allow the shadowed moon flowers of our children to eclipse he wings of life around you. Yes these writings are of our children. The most wonderful reflection we will ever know. Illuminating the twinkling of precious memories. So thank the lord of evening prayers, for the gift of a child, is here.
Everyone In LA Is An REDACTED: Book 2
Everyone In LA Is An REDACTED: Book 2
Sarah Fuller, Sarah Noffke, Michael Anderle
LA is a beast. A city that swallows most with its glamour and glitz. However, as a science fiction writer, Sarah Fuller has a hard time trying to fit in with the socialites, granola moms and trendy hipsters. That’s why she chooses to passively sit by and make fun of them. No one is safe from her ridicule. Thrown back into the dating arena in her late thirties, Sarah encounters brand new challenges. Readers will laugh out loud at the adventures and mishaps this sassy protagonist gets herself into. She explores LA life, seeing it through her unique lens. Adventures in WeHo, drag queen bingo, pot dispensaries and all the strangeness that comes out of LA weave together in this crazy, episodic adventure. Can you handle the absurdities?? Fans of Chelsea Handler and Sex in the City will love Everyone in LA is an Asshole, a series that doesn’t hold back and says what we’re all secretly thinking.? ?
Adverse Camber
Adverse Camber
Funnell, Lyn
A varied selection of poems, mainly humurous, some serious, but they all rhyme!
African Millionaire
African Millionaire
Allen, Grant
African Millionaire
Greetings Noble Sir
Greetings Noble Sir
Flaxton, Nigel
Nigel Flaxton enjoyed a satisfying career in education covering the second half of the 20th century, This is an account of some of his experiences from old-fashioned monastic seclusion in training college just after the Second World War to three headships of new schools, the last being an upper school of over 900 students. Written with gentle humour, often at his own expense, he also comments on the very considerable changes in education in a broad sense during that period. He includes nearly two years in the RAF, to which he was frustratingly called up shortly after he qualified and his unprecedented promotion to Sergeant after one year. .Following what he expected was retirement he continued with government initiatives encouraging greater use of modern technology in schools, then further part-time support to schools using timetable software. This is not just a book for professionals. It will be of interest to anyone who enjoys reading other people's personal memoirs, especially someone with an obvious sense of humour.
10 Amazing Bridges
10 Amazing Bridges
Peacock, Chris
This quick-read guide introduces the reader to ten of the most amazing bridges in the world. Including photographs of every bridge and a brief description of the history of the structure, this ebook has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.
Peter the Great
Peter the Great
Abbott, Jacob
A fascinating biography of Peter I of Russia, otherwise known as Peter the Great.