

Pleasure: An Almanac for the Heart (Text Only)
Pleasure: An Almanac for the Heart (Text Only)
Nikki Gemmell
(This edition does not include illustrations.) An intimate celebration of women and friendship from international bestselling author Nikki Gemmell. ‘The Bride Stripped Bare’ exposed female desire as no other book had; raw, intoxicating and breathtakingly libidinous. ‘Pleasure’ looks set to do the same with more secret women's business – dealing candidly with everything from Brazilian waxes to 'secret' underwear, from coping with broken hearts to what makes a perfect partner (a checklist to cut out and keep), from advice on the friends who flatten you (frenemies) to the importance of empathy. Both bold and intimate, ‘Pleasure’ is a book Nikki Gemmell says she looked for as a gift for a cherished friend – and never found. So she decided to write it herself. Encased in a stunning design package with beautiful feminine illustrations, this is a book every woman will want to share with her best friend, aunt, sister or fairy godmother.
Ballantyne Lisa
Este posibil? o autoanaliz?? Dac? da, c?nd, ?n ce m?sur? ?i cu ce limite? Putem utiliza tehnicile psihanalitice pe cont propriu, pentru a ne rezolva problemele? Este introspec?ia constructiv? sau mai degrab? inutil?? Acestea sunt ?ntreb?rile pe care le abordeaz?, ?n cartea sa, Karen Horney, al?turi de prezentarea a numeroase studii de caz. Argumente sunt destule, at?t pro, c?t ?i contra: noi ne cunoa?tem cel mai bine pe noi ?n?ine, introspec?ia este constructiv? ?n momentul ?n care o utiliz?m ?n slujba dorin?ei de a deveni o fiin?? mai bun?, mai ?nzestrat? ?i mai puternic?, iar insighturile ob?inute prin autoanaliz? sunt mai bine primite; pe de alt? parte, factorii emo?ionali ?i rezisten?ele constituie o dificultate important? ?n acest demers. Astfel, autoanaliza este, ?n viziunea autoarei, o ?ncercare de a fi pacient ?i analist ?n acela?i timp, metoda de baz? r?m?n?nd aceea?i ca la orice psihanaliz?: asocierile libere. Dincolo de tehnici ?i metode, mesajul este simplu ?i percutant: pentru c? via?a ta este cel mai bun psihoterapeut, crede ?n tine ?nsu?i!Fiecare autoanaliz? reu?it? spore?te ?ncrederea ?n sine, dar exist? ?i un alt c??tig, datorat faptului c? ai cucerit ?n ?ntregime un teritoriu prin ini?iativ? proprie, perseveren?? ?i curaj. Acest efect se manifest? ?n analiz?, ca ?i ?n alte aspecte ale vie?ii. S? g?se?ti de unul singur o c?rare pe munte ??i d? un sentiment mai deplin de putere, dec?t s? mergi pe poteca indicat?, de?i efortul ?i rezultatul sunt acelea?i. O astfel de realizare nu-?i insufl? numai o m?ndrie justificat?, ci ?i un sentiment de ?ncredere ?n propria capacitate de a te confrunta cu situa?ii grele ?i de a nu te sim?i pierdut ?n lipsa ?ndrum?rii.Autoanaliza este o ?ncercare de a fi pacient ?i psihanalist ?n acela?i timp. S? nu uit?m c? acest proces este nu numai suma dintre travaliul analistului ?i cel al pacientului, dar ?i o rela?ie uman?. Faptul c? sunt implicate dou? persoane are o influen?? considerabil? asupra contribu?iei fiec?reia. Pacientul are trei sarcini principale. Prima este s? se exprime c?t mai complet ?i sincer cu putin??. A doua este s? devin? con?tient de for?ele pulsionale incon?tiente ?i influen?a lor asupra vie?ii sale. Iar a treia e s?-?i dezvolte capacitatea de a schimba acele atitudini care ?i perturb? rela?iile cu sine ?nsu?i ?i cu lumea din jurul lui. [...] Dac? pacientul are capacitatea de a lucra singur pentru a g?si solu?ia la o problem?, poate fi oare folosit? aceast? capacitate de o manier? deliberat??
Drumul spre ?nalta societate
Drumul spre ?nalta societate
Braine John
Iubirile miraculoase care aduc speran?? ?i bucurie ?n via?a taCu to?ii avem de ?nfruntat adversit??i din c?nd ?n c?nd. Cu to?ii suntem uneori tri?ti. Cu to?ii suntem c?teodat? prea ocupa?i, prea mul?umi?i de noi ?n?ine sau prea ap?sa?i de povara propriilor probleme ca s? mai apreciem lucrurile pozitive din vie?ile noastre. Colec?ia ?Pove?ti adev?rate“ ??i aduce cazuri reale, ?nt?mpl?ri din via?a unor oameni obi?nui?i, ce ne vorbesc despre curaj ?i bun?tate, despre binecuv?nt?rile ?i miracolele vie?ii, amintindu-ne c? nu suntem singuri, c? putem r?zbate chiar ?i ?n cele mai ?ntunecate zile, c? ?nc? exist? bun?tate ?n lume.O c?snicie de 50 de ani, ?ntre cei mai neverosimili parteneri. Un nea?teptat dar de Cr?ciun, de la so?ul p?n? de cur?nd lipsit de romantism. O rela?ie pe care divor?ul o face, paradoxal, mai puternic?. Atunci c?nd ??i ?mp?rt??esc pove?tile de iubire, femeile g?sesc una la cealalt? alinare, ?ncurajare ?i bucurie. Dar, mai ales, ??i confirm? c? dragostea este cel mai important lucru din via?a lor. Pentru c? niciodat? o femeie nu este mai frumoas?, mai fermec?toare ?i mai interesant? dec?t atunci c?nd este ?ndr?gostit?.
Un caftan pentru Don Quijote
Un caftan pentru Don Quijote
Ivanovici Victor
ntmplri reale despre cea mai dificil slujb din lume Cu toii avem de nfruntat adversiti din cnd n cnd. Cu toii suntem uneori triti. Cu toii suntem cteodat prea ocupai, prea mulumii de noi nine sau prea apsai de povara propriilor probleme ca s mai apreciem lucrurile pozitive din vieile noastre. Colecia Poveti adevrate“ i aduce cazuri reale, ntmplri din viaa unor oameni obinuii, ce ne vorbesc despre curaj i buntate, despre binecuvntrile i miracolele vieii, amintindu-ne c nu suntem singuri, c putem rzbate chiar i n cele mai ntunecate zile, c nc exist buntate n lume. S l prezinte pe noul su partener fiicelor adolescente poate fi dificil pentru o vduv, mai ales cnd acestea se ateptau ca tatl lor s nu fie niciodat nlocuit. Mama singur a doi copii, dintre care unul autist, reuete s gseasc iertarea pentru fostul so care i-a prsit, fr a plti pensie alimentar i fr a se mai interesa de ei. Accidentul n urma cruia fiul su risc s rmn fr ambele picioare o face pe o mam divorat s realizeze c, indiferent de ncercrile la care vor fi supui, ea i cei doi copii vor forma ntotdeauna o familie. Mamele singure au de nfruntat, de cele mai multe ori, inconvenientele financiare ale unui singur venit care s susin familia i sarcina de a ine i locul tatlui acum absent, iar viaa lor devine o curs contra cronometru ntre slujb, coala copiilor, cumprturi i ntreinerea gospodriei. 33 de ntmplri adevrate despre puterea dragostei care le face pe mame s depeasc orice obstacol.
O Porquê da Vida
O Porquê da Vida
Léon Denis
Cea mai bun carte despre experienele n pragul morii din ultimii ani. Conine informaiile necesare pentru nelegerea acestui fenomen.“ – Bruce Greyson, M.D. Professor de psihiatrie i tiine neurocomportamentale, Universitatea VirginiaCu mult mai veche dect orice form organizat de religie, credina n viaa dincolo de moarte este fundamental pentru experiena uman i merge departe n trecutul omenirii, cel puin pn la omul de Neanderthal. Totui, la jumtatea secolului al XIX-lea, n efervescena generat de progresul tiinei, muli au nceput s pun la ndoial existena vieii dincolo de moarte, atrai de doctrina materialist. Acum, narmat cu suficiente dovezi tiinifice, Chris Carter pune sub semnul ntrebrii argumentele materialiste care contest supravieuirea contiinei dincolo de moartea fizic i ne demonstreaz cum experienele n pragul morii (EPM) pot, ntr-adevr, s ne ofere o prim modalitate de nelegere a vieii ce ne ateapt dincolo de lumea noastr.Apelnd la dovezi furnizate de studii tiinifice, mecanica cuantic i cercetri consacrate contiinei, autorul ne arat de ce contiina nu depinde de existena creierului i poate supravieui morii corpului nostru fizic.
Szabó Magda
Vladimir Lermontov ?ncepe un curs de masterat al ?colii de s?n?tate, fericire, bog??ie ?i dragoste. Acum pute?i avea acces la cursurile ?colii pentru a p??i ?ntr?o lume plin? de descoperiri uimitoare, o lume pentru sufletul dumneavoastr?, doar deschiz?nd aceast? carte. Cursul avansat de transformare reprezint? o c?l?torie extrem? c?tre tine ?nsu?i. ?n cursul acestei c?l?torii v? a?teapt? ?nt?lniri uimitoare cu bucuria, extazul, libertatea ?i bun?starea. Iar la sf?r?itul c?l?toriei ve?i descoperi un t?r?m minunat – un t?r?m al omului ve?nic viu ?i mereu fericit pentru fiecare clip? din via?a sa.
?i nu uita s? fii fericit. Abecedar de psihologie pozitiv?
?i nu uita s? fii fericit. Abecedar de psihologie pozitiv?
Andre Christophe
Cum s? m? port cu ceilal?i la locul de munc? (fie c? sunt director sau subordonat), sau, în via?a privat?, cu rudele mele sau cu prietenii?Cum s? le în?eleg reac?iile ?i s? îi fac s?-mi în?eleag? corect mesajele? Cum s? m? adresez lor ?i cum s? m? comport, astfel încât comunicarea dintre noi s? fie optim?? Cu to?ii ne punem zi de zi astfel de întreb?ri.Autorul c?r?ii ne înva?? cum s? ne pozi?ion?m pe aceea?i lungime de und? cu interlocutorul nostru, în func?ie de tipul lui de personalitate: Perseverent, Gânditor, Imaginator, Promotor, Rebel sau Empatic. În acest mod, vom c?p?ta trei informa?ii esen?iale: despre sursele motiv?rii lui, despre modul de comunicare preferat ?i modalit??ile sale de a gestiona stresul. Modelul Process Communication a fost realizat de c?tre psihologul american Taibi Kahler, pentru NASA. Gérard Collignon, colaboratorul s?u apropiat, îl preia ?i îl explic? în aceast? carte pentru publicul larg, oferind un ajutor esen?ial oricui î?i dore?te îmbun?t??irea abilit??ilor de comunicare.
Kuciuk Ardian-Christian
Cea mai indrazneata lucrare a lui Von D?niken din ultimii ani! Pe inaltimile Anzilor bolivieni la 4.000 de metri deasupra nivelului marii se afla ruinele stravechiului oras Puma Punku un oras care pur si simplu nu putea fi construit de catre locuitorii lui din Epoca Pietrei. Conform calendarului mayas in decembrie 2012 zeii se vor intoarce din indelungata lor calatorie si isi vor face din nou aparitia aici pe Pamant. Da asa-numitii zei – de fapt extraterestrii – se vor intoarce intr-adevar! Vom trai intalnirea cu zeii. Numai ca orice om inzestrat macar cu un dram de minte stie ca o calatorie interstelara este imposibila din cauza distantelor colosale pe care le-ar implica! ?i ca extraterestrii n-au cum sa semene cu noi! Ei bine dragi cititori eu distrug aceste idei preconcepute. Sistematic. Una cate una! In stilul sau imposibil de imitat Erich von D?niken desfiinteaza prejudecatile celor care inca mai pun sub semnul intrebarii existenta civilizatiilor extraterestre cu o claritate de care nici un alt autor nu este capabil. C?r?ile sale ridica inteligenta umana la standardele unui dialog cu civilizatiile interstelare. Erich von D?niken este fara doar si poate cel mai citit si mai imitat autor non-fiction din lume. A publicat prima (si cea mai cunoscuta) carte Amintiri despre viitor in 1968. A fost un succes mondial de vanzari urmat de alte 31 de titluri inclusiv recentul ?hit Istoria se insala. C?r?ile lui D?niken au fost traduse in 28 de limbi si s-au vandut in total in 63 de milioane de exemplare. Cateva dintre ele au fost adaptate cinematografic iar ideile lui von D?niken au reprezentat sursa de inspiratie pentru multe seriale de televiziune dintre care si faimosul documentar difuzat de History Channel ?Extraterestrii din antichitate . Erich von D?niken este omniprezent in peisajul international al circuitelor de prelegeri publice. In prezent locuieste in Elvetia.
Hunting: Essential hunting and outdoor survival skills from the world's elite fo
Hunting: Essential hunting and outdoor survival skills from the world's elite fo
Chris McNab
With the aid of superb line artworks, the Elite Forces Handbook: Hunting demonstrates the core skills involved in being a self-reliant hunter. From tracking large game to shooting wild pheasant, this book is the essential guide to finding, killing and surviving off animals in the wild. The book offers useful tips on a vast array of topics, including laying traps, building your own weapons, deciphering tracks, skinning and butchering your kill, cooking meat and building smokehouses. It also describes various shooting techniques, as well as covering topics such as selecting firearms, choosing the right ammunition and gun maintenance. With more than 300 easy-to-follow artworks and handy pull-out lists of key information, the Elite Forces Handbook: Hunting is the definitive pocket guide for huntsmen of all levels. When nature’s all you have, you need to know how to use it to survive.
The Grasshopper and Other Stories
The Grasshopper and Other Stories
Anton Chekhov
In the Grasshopper we find a love triangle. Olga, her rather boring husband preoccupied with his work, and a young artist. Olga craves the excitement of the artistic life and finds a new lease on romance with the colourful landscape designer, who takes her on a cruise. But not all is going to plan in this quintessentially Chekhovian love tale. Other stories in this volume include: A woman's Kingdom, Difficult People, A Dreary Story, The Privy Councillor.
Red Eve by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Red Eve by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
H. Rider Haggard
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Red Eve by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of H. Rider Haggard’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Haggard includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Red Eve by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Haggard’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
White Nights and Other Stories
White Nights and Other Stories
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
White Nights, a sentimental story from the diary of a dreamer, is told in first person by a nameless narrator who lives alone in St. Petersburg and suffers from loneliness and the inability to stop thinking.
Jack and The Beanstalk and Other Fairy Tales
Jack and The Beanstalk and Other Fairy Tales
Andrew Lang
Once upon a time there was a poor widow who lived in a little cottage with her only son Jack. Jack was a giddy, thoughtless boy, but very kind-hearted and affectionate. There had been a hard winter, and after it the poor woman had suffered from fever and ...
Dombey and Son
Dombey and Son
Charles Dickens
Paul Dombey, a wealthy owner of a shipping company always wanted to have a son to continue his business. When his son is born Dombey's wife dies shortly after giving birth. Dombey employs a wet nurse named Mrs Richards and neglects his daughter Florence. Dickens started writing the book in Lausanne, Switzerland before returning to England, via Paris, to complete it.
The Remarkable Rocket
The Remarkable Rocket
Oscar Wilde
Set in a magical kingdom where a wealthy prince and a Russian princess meet for the first time and fall madly in love with each other. Their wedding is to be a huge celebration for the entire realm, with all sorts of entertainment, including fireworks as a grand finale. As soon as various firework elements are set in place they start talking amongst each other and we meet the very distinguished Remarkable Rocket responsible for so many of Oscar Wilde's memorable epigrams. 'I like to do all of the talking myself. It saves time and prevents arguments.'
The Aegean Sea Dispute between Greece and Turkey: The Consequences for NATO and
The Aegean Sea Dispute between Greece and Turkey: The Consequences for NATO and
Dimitris Salapatas
The Aegean dispute between Greece and Turkey is a persistent problem between the two allied states. Difference of interpretation of the treaties has contributed in the prevalence of the argument. This dispute consists of five key issues. Greece only accepts one, namely the delimitation of the continental shelf. However, Turkey has introduced and has persisted on the other four, which are the delimitation of the territorial seas, the national airspace and FIR controls over the Aegean Sea, the demilitarization of the Eastern Aegean Islands and finally the disputed islands, islets and rocks which have presented the grey zones issue. All of these matters have persisted for so long, especially after the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 where the current status quo in the Aegean was introduced, due to economic, political and strategic reasons. The Aegean dispute does not only have consequences for Greece and Turkey; it also affects, negatively, NATO and the European Union. This is an ongoing problem, which if not solved it will produce future problems, not only for the two states, but also for NATO and the EU. A third party may be needed in order to assist in finding a just and permanent solution concerning this dispute, since Greece and Turkey seem incapable of solving this dispute by themselves.
The American Cook Book
The American Cook Book
Josh Verbae
The American Cook Book will surprise you with many traditional American cookery secrets and provide you with an insight into the art of dressing fish, poultry, vegetables. The book contains many detailed instructions and recipes for making pastes, puffs, pies, tarts, custards and preserves.
Book of Judas
Book of Judas
Richard Hollands
Philip and Simon Trenchard lost their parents at the age of seven and eight in a road accident, and were brought up by their beloved grandfather, the eminent archaeologist Sir Lawrence. At his funeral, years later, their world is about to be shattered once again – in fact the entire world as we know it faces an Armageddon of unimaginable evil. In Sir Lawrence’s will, he entrusts to the brothers the terrible secret he uncovered in the Holy Lands – some ancient apparently Biblical scrolls. But these were not the testaments of Mathew, Mark or John but of Judas… “The truth was potentially explosive. We had found the map and instructions to the biggest religious discovery of all time… Not only that, but if the Book of Judas really existed it was prophesised that its unearthing would destroy the pillars upon which the entire Christian religion had grown… It had the power to unlock the devil himself.” The very knowledge of their existence is deadly. Now Sir Lawrence is gone the Vatican is determined to claim the secret that undermines its raison d’être and their hired agents will stop at nothing. Worse still, is the knowledge that the Antichrist’s disciples on earth, The Satanica, have unleashed an assassin of pure, implacable evil leaving hideously mutilated bodies in his wake as he follows the Trenchard brothers on their quest. In a terrifying, nail-biting mission that takes us from leafy Oxfordshire to the Dead Sea; from Greece to the Vatican, the brothers travel the world to save the world – and themselves – from Satan’s ultimate revenge Language English
Billy And Ant Fall Out: Friendship and Pride
Billy And Ant Fall Out: Friendship and Pride
James Minter
For 7 to 9-year-old boys and girls. False pride makes a child feel so important that they would rather do something wrong than admit they have made a mistake. Could pride be playing a part in your child’s negative behaviour? Billy Field says something nasty to his best friend Ant Turner, and they row. Ant goes off and makes a new friend, leaving Billy feeling angry and abandoned. Billy’s pride will not let him apologise to Ant until things get out of hand. Is Billy the sort of person to have as a friend? Will it be possible for Billy and Ant to be mates again? Can they overcome their differences? Billy And Ant Fall Out is the second title in the Billy Growing Up series. Each book addresses a unique topic—bullying, arrogant pride, jealousy, lying, stealing, lack of self-belief, understanding money, and secrets. Written to help parents, guardians and teachers deal with the issues that challenge pre-teen children; each topic is presented in a gentle way through storytelling. Setting the issues in a meaningful context helps children to understand the challenges, and to see things from a different perspective. The books act as icebreakers allowing for discussions of difficult subjects. Additionally, each title is supported by a free activity book to reinforce the learning, while having fun. Buying this book today will support your child in dealing with arrogant pride—a negative and unhelpful emotion.
The Free Fishers
The Free Fishers
John Buchan
A conspiracy to betray England's defences to Napoleonic agents is discovered by Anthony Lammas, a young professor who sets out to save his former students appearing to be in grave danger.
A Lost Lady of Old Years
A Lost Lady of Old Years
John Buchan
An encounter with the beautiful wife of Bonnie Prince Charlie's secretary, Mrs Margaret Murray leads to a dangerous involvement with her husband for a young Edinburgh-born Francis Birkenshaw.
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