
Tenta?ia limitei ?i limita tenta?iei
ntmplri reale despre magia pe care iubirea o aduce n viaa taAventura cutrii rochiei de mireas perfecte se sfrete cu gsirea unui nou mire. Un diagnostic greit de cancer devine pentru o tnr prilejul s afle c a fcut cea mai bun alegere n dragoste. Cstoria unui cuplu de pensionari arat c iubirea nu are vrst, iar cei care spun c ea este doar pentru cei tineri i c apare doar o dat n via se nal. S completezi cercul dragostei cu un inel este singura cale s nelegi cu adevrat ncntarea pe care i-o ofer aceasta. 57 de ntmplri adevrate despre magia care face doi oameni s rmn mpreun pn cnd moartea i va despri.

Eminescu, poem cu poem. Luceaf?rul
Cartea fundamentala despre ?ngeri ?i rolul surprinzator pe care il au ?n via?a noastr??n martie 2015, lumea ?ntreag? a fost impresionat? de salvarea miraculoas? a feti?ei de 18 luni, Lily Groesbeck, care a supravie?uit paisprezece ore ?n ma?ina r?sturnat? ?ntr-un r?u ?nghe?at din Utah.??n timp ce se chinuiau s? scoat? ma?ina din ap?, poli?i?tii au auzit o voce de femeie care striga ?Ajutor". Ceea ce au v?zut dup? ce au adus ma?ina ?n pozi?ie normal? i-a ?ocat: singura femeie din ma?in?, mama lui Lily, murise ?n urma accidentului petrecut cu paisprezece ore ?n urm?.Tyler Beddoes, unul dintre poli?i?ti, este convins c? ?n ziua aceea a auzit un ?nger, iar asta a schimbat tot ceea ce credea c? ?tie despre lumea spiritual?.??mpletind povestea lui Tyler cu istorisiri adev?rate ale unor ?nt?lniri cu ?ngerii, autorul creeaz? un tablou viu al modului ?n care ?ngerii intervin ?n vie?ile noastre. El arat? c? bariera dintre domeniul spiritual ?i cel ?tiin?ific este mai pu?in strict delimitat? dec?t credem ?i ne transmite un mesaj lini?titor: nu suntem singuri.

Jurnalul unui iubitor de fotbal
Noi venim pe lumea aceasta cu un suflet sincer ?i cu ochii larg deschi?i. Primim cu ?nc?ntare fiecare raz? de soare, observ?m curcubeul ?n fiecare pic?tura de ploaie ?i respir?m cu tot pieptul, pun?ndu?ne ?n fa?a v?ntului. Dar trec anii ?i ceva se ?nt?mpl?: noi brusc observ?m c? ne?am dezobi?nuit s? r?dem, entuziasmul a fost ?nlocuit cu morm?itul, iar a?teptarea bucuriei, cu am?r?ciunea dezam?girii. ?i doar o prim? adiere de v?nt de prim?var? ne treze?te ?n suflet amintirea acelei perioade de aur, c?nd via?a noastr? era una adev?rat?, ?mplinit? ?i fericit?. Vom face o c?l?torie ?mpreun? cu marele maestru Vladimir Lermontov. Dansa?i, lua?i zborul ?i zbura?i spre o nou? via?? minunat?. Mai simplu dec?t at?t nu poate fi!

Cine sunt eu? O c?l?torie prin mintea ta
Numeroase descoperiri arheologice, aparent misterioase, i multe indicii din scrierile strvechi ale omenirii l-au determinat pe Erich von Dniken s porneasc n cutarea unor explicaii pentru misterele neelucidate ale trecutului. Concluziile uimitoare la care ajunge autorul ne-ar putea convinge s ne revizuim imaginea despre istoria timpurie a Pmntului. Ele deschid deopotriv perspective noi asupra progresului tehnicii de azi i de mine.“ Cu aceste cuvinte era anunat, n 1968, apariia crii de fa, care a declanat, prin concluziile sale surprinztoare, ce nu se limitau la arheologie, un val de indignare n rndurile oamenilor de tiin, dar, pe de alt parte, i un viu entuziasm n rndul publicului larg.Erich von Dniken a susinut c Pmntul a fost vizitat n timpuri strvechi de ctre fiine inteligente extraterestre, i c acestea au creat de fapt homo sapiens. Chiar dac i-a argumentat teza prin cercetri ntreprinse cu rigurozitate n lumea ntreag, ea a ramas destul de controversat. Totui, succesul enorm al crii sale a demonstrat c subiectul abordat este unul de mare interes. n decurs de doi ani, cartea a atins numai n Germania un tiraj de peste cinci sute de mii de exemplare.Cercetrile i descoperirile lui Erich von Dniken nasc i astzi discuii aprinse. Numrul adepilor si crete de la an la an. Din acest motiv, am considerat oportun reeditarea n limba romn, ntr-o traducere nou i necenzurat, a crii sale de debut, care nu a pierdut nimic din caracterul exploziv, incitant i senzaional, att n privina limbajului, ct i a coninutului. n prefaa nou a crii, Erich von Dniken analizeaz reaciile pro i contra strnite de tezele sale, pe care le reexamineaz n contextul cunotinelor recent dobndite.

A history of romanian oil vol. I
Autorul reconsider contribuia lui Velikovsky la ideile noastre despre sistemul solar i scoate n eviden care dintre prediciile acestuia ar mai putea fi confirmate n viitor.“ – Nexus Magazine, iunie 2012. De ce Lumi n coliziune scris de Immanuel Velikovsky era singura carte deschis pe masa de lucru a lui Albert Einstein, n momentul morii acestuia n anii ‘50, Immanuel Velikovsky, scriitor i psihiatru rus, provoca un adevrat scandal n mediul tiinific prin crile sale. Susinea o teorie a dezastrelor conform creia ciocnirea planetei Venus cu Marte ar fi provocat rcirea brusc a Pmntului n doar cteva clipe, modificnd radical destinul planetei noastre. Cartea de fa propune o reexaminare a controversatelor ipoteze avansate de Velikovsky referitoare la planeta Venus, n lumina noilor descoperiri astronomice i arheologice. Se pare c att recentele misiuni ale sondelor spaiale, ct i traducerile unor vechi documente din China, Coreea i Japonia despre planeta Venus confirm retroactiv viziunile celui care a fost considerat cndva un eretic al tiinei.

A history of romanian oil vol. II
Autorul c?r?ii Conversa?ii cu Dumnezeu – Cartea 2 din seria Conversa?ii cu omenirea?98% dintre oameni ??i petrec 98% din timp cu lucruri lipsite de importan??.“ ...a?a ?ncepe cea mai recent? carte a lui Neale Donald Walsch, care ne ?nva?? c? aceast? imens? pierdere de vreme duce la at?tea vie?i pline de triste?e ?i zbucium, ?i lumea ?ns??i pare s? se afle mereu ?n pragul unui dezastru.Nimeni nu este de vin?, spune autorul, pentru aceast? stare de fapt. Pur ?i simplu, nu ne-am spus sau nu ne-am g?ndit la ceea ce conteaz? – sau, dac? la ?ntreb?rile noastre despre ceea ce conteaz? s-a r?spuns, r?spunsurile pe care le-am dat n-au fost potrivite.Acum ?ns?, afirm? Walsch, specia uman? prime?te o invita?ie de la Via?? ?ns??i, sub forma unei schimb?ri energetice palpabile, ce se petrece ?n 2012 ?i dup? aceea, o invita?ie de a pune ?ntrebarea ?ntr-un mod direct – iar oamenii de pretutindeni pot sim?i acest lucru.Walsch ne spune c? vie?ile noastre nu trebuie s? fie o serie de crize de ?ngrijor?ri ?i de dificult??i, implic?nd banii, rela?iile, s?n?tatea sau familia, ?i nici lumea larg? nu trebuie s? fie un loc al unui dezastru permanent.Singurul lucru care conteaz? ne ofer? o formul?, elegant? prin simplitatea sa, ce va ?nnobila de ?ndat? via?a celor ce o ?mbr??i?eaz? – ?i care poate schimba ?ntreaga lume.

Cea mai indrazneata lucrare a lui Von D?niken din ultimii ani! Pe inaltimile Anzilor bolivieni la 4.000 de metri deasupra nivelului marii se afla ruinele stravechiului oras Puma Punku un oras care pur si simplu nu putea fi construit de catre locuitorii lui din Epoca Pietrei. Conform calendarului mayas in decembrie 2012 zeii se vor intoarce din indelungata lor calatorie si isi vor face din nou aparitia aici pe Pamant. Da asa-numitii zei – de fapt extraterestrii – se vor intoarce intr-adevar! Vom trai intalnirea cu zeii. Numai ca orice om inzestrat macar cu un dram de minte stie ca o calatorie interstelara este imposibila din cauza distantelor colosale pe care le-ar implica! ?i ca extraterestrii n-au cum sa semene cu noi! Ei bine dragi cititori eu distrug aceste idei preconcepute. Sistematic. Una cate una! In stilul sau imposibil de imitat Erich von D?niken desfiinteaza prejudecatile celor care inca mai pun sub semnul intrebarii existenta civilizatiilor extraterestre cu o claritate de care nici un alt autor nu este capabil. C?r?ile sale ridica inteligenta umana la standardele unui dialog cu civilizatiile interstelare. Erich von D?niken este fara doar si poate cel mai citit si mai imitat autor non-fiction din lume. A publicat prima (si cea mai cunoscuta) carte Amintiri despre viitor in 1968. A fost un succes mondial de vanzari urmat de alte 31 de titluri inclusiv recentul ?hit Istoria se insala. C?r?ile lui D?niken au fost traduse in 28 de limbi si s-au vandut in total in 63 de milioane de exemplare. Cateva dintre ele au fost adaptate cinematografic iar ideile lui von D?niken au reprezentat sursa de inspiratie pentru multe seriale de televiziune dintre care si faimosul documentar difuzat de History Channel ?Extraterestrii din antichitate . Erich von D?niken este omniprezent in peisajul international al circuitelor de prelegeri publice. In prezent locuieste in Elvetia.

Sf?r?itul istoriei dup? Cioran
Administra?ia Na?ional? pentru Aeronautic? ?i Spa?iu (NASA) a fost ?nfiin?at? pe 29 iulie 1958. ?nc? din primele zile, aceasta s-a aflat ?n avangarda eforturilor de explorare a spa?iului cosmic, iar rezultatele acestora s-au v?zut ?n misiunile selenare Apollo, ?n sta?ia spa?ial? Skylab, precum ?i ?n naveta spa?ial?, a?a cum o ?tim noi ast?zi. De-a lungul timpului, de NASA au fost legate multe opera?iuni de mu?amalizare ?i ascundere a adev?rului la cele mai ?nalte niveluri. Iat? c?teva dintre faimoasele ?secrete“ p?strate de NASA:Ipoteza c? aseleniz?rile Apollo din perioada 1969-1972 au fost, de fapt, simulate, ca parte a efortului de a demonstra superioritatea militar? ?i tehnologic? fa?? de fosta Uniune Sovietic?.Controversatul ?Chip uman de pe Marte“ – despre care mul?i cred c? ar fi o structur? sculptat?, creat? ?n trecutul ?ndep?rtat de mar?ienii indigeni, care ?ntre timp au disp?rut.Numele informatorilor secre?i din cadrul NASA care au ?ncercat s? deconspire cele mai stra?nic p?zite secrete ale organiza?iei cu privire la interac?iunile dintre guvernul american ?i extratere?tri.Cuprins:Mul?umiriIntroducereImplicarea extratere?trilorDe la Mercury la GeminiPr?bu?irea de la KecksburgApollo. Zboruri imaginare?Conexiunea cu Zona 51O epidemie de origine extraterestr?Europa anilor 1970Fra?ii din spa?iuMac Tonnies fa?? ?n fa?? cu mar?ieniiOZN-uri pr?bu?ite ?n BoliviaSabotarea navetelor spa?ialeR?pirile extraterestre ?i NASAMon?trii NASADeschiderea dosarelor X ale NASARoswell ?i astronautulFotografii cenzurateAtacul computerelor NASA Concluzie: Trecut, prezent ?i viitor NoteBibliografie

Gogol ?i diavolul
Stiinta si misterele OZN arunca o privire cuprinzatoare asupra datelor stiintifice legate de fenomenul farfuriilor zburatoare. Stanton T. Friedman conferentiar si specialist in fizica nucleara si-a sintetizat cei 40 de ani de cercetari despre OZN-uri intr-o carte ce prezinta o varietate impresionanta de sisteme spatiale si de sisteme nucleare avansate secrete. El raspunde la o serie de intrebari de fizica intr-un limbaj accesibil si nespecialistilor si ajunge la concluzia ca zborul interstelar este posibil fara a incalca legile fizicii. Cartea aduna informatii socante din mai multe studii de anvergura dedicate fenomenului OZN care n-au fost suficient dezbatute de-a lungul timpului. Pune mereu intrebarea ?de ce : de ce guvernul musamalizeaza unele informatii de ce extraterestrii vin pe Pamant si de ce nu aleg sa aterizeze direct pe gazonul de la Casa Alba. Friedman dezvaluie informatii despre programul SETI si aminteste de aversiunea scriitorilor de science-fiction fata de OZN-uri. De asemenea vorbeste despre ideile preconcepute fata de cei care cred in extraterestri si e de parere ca fenomenul OZN ar trebui sustinut cu mai multa convingere de mass-media si de comunitatea stiintifica.

Critica ra?iunii practice
Omenirea este ?n impas! Ce e de f?cut?Sesiz?nd c? gravele probleme cu care se confrunt? planeta nu sunt nici economice, nici politice, ci au o natur? spiritual? ?i c?, din acest motiv, transformarea trebuie s? ?nceap? cu noi ?n?ine, autorul aten?ioneaz? asupra necesit??ii unei Restaur?ri a Umanit??ii.Ca punct de pornire al acestui proces revolu?ionar, el identific? 3 ?ntreb?ri persistente:Cum este posibil ca 6,9 miliarde de oameni s? sus?in? to?i c? vor acelea?i lucruri – pace, securitate, oportunitate, prosperitate, fericire ?i iubire – ?i s? fie ?n mod bizar incapabili s? le ob?in??Este posibil s? existe ceva legat de Dumnezeu ?i de via?? pe care nu-l ?n?elegem pe deplin, dar a c?rui ?n?elegere ar putea s? schimbe totul?Este posibil s? existe ceva ce nu ?n?elegem pe deplin despre noi ?n?ine, despre propria noastr? via?? ?i scopul ei, un ceva care odat? ?n?eles ne-ar schimba realitatea ?i ne-ar ?mbun?t??i experien?a pentru totdeauna??i 4 ?ntreb?ri fundamentale ale vie?ii:Cine sunt?Unde sunt?De ce sunt unde sunt?Ce am de g?nd s? fac ?n privin?a asta?Furtuna de dinaintea lini?tii r?spunde la toate aceste ?ntreb?ri ?i invit? oamenii la un schimb de idei pe site-ul The Global Conversation.

Società e libertà: elogio dell'individualismo: Mondi(m)possibili
Conect?nd punctele nodale dintre experien?ele supranaturale ?i cercet?rile clasice ?i contemporane ?n domeniul percep?iei extrasenzoriale, memoriei ?i psihologiei sociale, Wiseman descifreaz? cu m?iestrie mintea supersti?ioas? ?i explic? cum ?i de ce avem tendin?a s? credem tot felul de afirma?ii legate de paranormal. Cercet?rile privind telepatia, prezicerea viitorului ?i experien?ele extracorporale ne pot oferi informa?ii remarcabile despre creierul, comportamentul ?i convingerile noastre. Cartea de fa?? declan?eaz? o adev?rat? v?n?toare de fantome cu aceast? nou? ?tiin?? a supranaturalului ?i con?ine o mul?ime de activit??i care te ?nva?? s? experimentezi imposibilul.A sosit momentul s? descoperi adev?ratele secrete ale paranormalului. ?nva?? cum s?-?i controlezi visele ?i cum s?-?i p?r?se?ti corpul. Convinge-i pe necunoscu?i c? ?tii totul despre ei. Dezl?n?uie-?i puterea subcon?tientului.?Oamenii se simt atra?i emo?ional de supranatural.“ – Prof. Richard Dawkins?Experimentele care investigheaz? paranormalul sunt bizare ?i antrenante, iar Wiseman este un ghid iscusit ?ntr-un domeniu fascinant. ?n ultim? instan??, vei descoperi de ce creierul t?u este mult mai interesant dec?t oricare dintre fenomenele supranaturale investigate ?n aceast? carte.“ – New Scientist

Timp ?n deriv?
Interven?ii de natur? extraterestr? ?n armat?, guvernare ?i tehnologiePrezen?a extraterestr? pe P?m?nt este tot mai extins? ?i, pe m?sur? ce intr?m ?n Era V?rs?torului, va fi recunoscut? oficial, produc?nd ?oc ?i o nevoie stringent? de a ?n?elege schimb?rile sociale ?i tehnologice cauzate de ?fra?ii“ no?tri din spa?iu. O carte de c?p?t?i ?n ceea ce prive?te progresele uimitoare pe care le va ?nregistra omenirea pe plan ?tiin?ific ?i spiritual ?n anii urm?tori, acest compendiu exploreaz? influen?a extratere?trilor asupra istoriei noastre trecute ?i prezente.Cartea relateaz? pove?ti despre r?piri ?i ?nt?lniri cu extratere?trii, ridic? problema tehnologiilor inexplicabile, de origine extrap?m?ntean?, folosite ?n domeniul public ?i militar, precum ?i a dispozitivelor antigravita?ie, analizeaz? exopolitica (influen?a prezen?ei extraterestre asupra politicii), Stargate-ul din Irak, Proiectul Hibrid de ?ncruci?are rasial?, leg?turile nazi?tilor cu OZN-urile ?i baza lor subteran? secret? din Antarctica, t?inuirea de c?tre guvernul american a ac?iunilor extraterestre, printre care cazul Roswell, ?i transformarea declan?at? de cometa Hale-Bopp. Volumul cuprinde interviuri cu speciali?ti afla?i ?n prima linie a mi?c?rii New Science derivat? din ?tiin?a extraterestr?.

O Porquê da Vida
Cea mai bun carte despre experienele n pragul morii din ultimii ani. Conine informaiile necesare pentru nelegerea acestui fenomen.“ – Bruce Greyson, M.D. Professor de psihiatrie i tiine neurocomportamentale, Universitatea VirginiaCu mult mai veche dect orice form organizat de religie, credina n viaa dincolo de moarte este fundamental pentru experiena uman i merge departe n trecutul omenirii, cel puin pn la omul de Neanderthal. Totui, la jumtatea secolului al XIX-lea, n efervescena generat de progresul tiinei, muli au nceput s pun la ndoial existena vieii dincolo de moarte, atrai de doctrina materialist. Acum, narmat cu suficiente dovezi tiinifice, Chris Carter pune sub semnul ntrebrii argumentele materialiste care contest supravieuirea contiinei dincolo de moartea fizic i ne demonstreaz cum experienele n pragul morii (EPM) pot, ntr-adevr, s ne ofere o prim modalitate de nelegere a vieii ce ne ateapt dincolo de lumea noastr.Apelnd la dovezi furnizate de studii tiinifice, mecanica cuantic i cercetri consacrate contiinei, autorul ne arat de ce contiina nu depinde de existena creierului i poate supravieui morii corpului nostru fizic.

Club A 42 de ani. Muzica tinere?ii tale
Iubim, ur?m, invidiem, ne dorim ?i sper?m... ne construim scenarii ?n care credem ?i pe care le perpetu?m, ?n care ?i angren?m pe ceilal?i, atribuindu-le roluri mai mult sau mai pu?in importante. Ne l?s?m, la r?ndul nostru, sedu?i ?n pove?tile altora. S? fie acestea "deliruri", ?es?turi psihice, care printr-o analiz? minu?ioas? se pot destr?ma? Atunci, ce se afl? la baza lor ?i cum ni le putem asuma, pentru a ?ntrez?ri ?i, ?n cele din urm?, a locui realitatea obiectiv??Purt?nd cititorul prin lumea interioar? a personajelor unor autori precum Shakespeare, Samuel Butler sau Dickens, c?t ?i prin aceea a propriilor pacien?i, Shengold ilustreaz? felul ?n care aceste deliruri iau na?tere ?n copil?ria timpurie, se men?in s?r?cindu-ne ?i rigidiz?ndu-ne via?a ?i pot fi estompate printr-o maturizare real?, adesea rod al travaliului psihanalitic.

Recueil des légendes de la Dame Blanche
La légende de la Dame Blanche est certainement la plus connue des légendes. Qu'elle soit protectrice, lavandière, autostoppeuse ou spectre, la Dame Blanche est présente aux quatre coins du monde. Ce recueil vous fait découvrir les différentes légendes à travers des témoignages et des histoires, comme celle de la Dame Blanche qui annon?a la mort de Sissi l'impératrice ou la Dame Blanche qui hante le ch?teau de Puymartin, la Dame Blanche du cimetière d'Easton ou encore la légende Resurrection Mary. Les chasseurs de fant?mes se régalent de la traquer, de l'identifier et de la photographier. Avec ce livre, vous pouvez aussi vous lancer dans l'aventure, car il donne les lieux précis où elle appara?t.

Guru: The Rarest Life Treasure
Guru: The Rarest Life Treasure is the second book of the Guruvakya Meditations series that is designed to help you deepen your inner relationship with the Divine Source, which you might know as Krishna, Christ, God, Divine Mother, or, as is the focus of this book, the Guru or spiritual Master. In this volume, you’ll get 365 Guruvakyas so you can use a different insight each day of the year. Use them for the five-minute 3-Step Guruvakya Meditation described inside, and you’ll quickly deepen your unique connection with the source of Divine Love, the indweller of your heart, your Guru. Paramahamsa Vishwananda is an enlightened spiritual Master who has the unique ability to awaken the soul’s inner Light and Love, helping us all advance more quickly toward the ultimate goal of life. Naturally being a living example of the focus of this book, His personal connection to ‘the Guru of all Gurus’, Mahavatar Babaji, is profound and timeless.

Daily Training: "Sleep, Rest and Relaxation"
The following pages contain certain rules and suggestions concerning health, and certain simple and sensible ways in which it may, we hope, be acquired and maintained at a very small expense of time and self-denial, by a large number of people who are naturally accustomed to feel not very well. The book is founded on notes made by its two authors who, though they lead for the most part very different lives, are agreed on certain broad principles of health herein set forth. ??One of them, for instance, eats largely of flesh-foods every day, the other has scarcely touched meat for years. But both are accustomed to feel extremely well and to undertake considerable exertion either of mind or body without experiencing any fatigue. One of them takes regular exercise, that is to say he plays an out-door game on most days of his life, while the other who abstains from flesh-foods has little practice of the sort. He will take no out-of-door exercise for several days, work very hard, and find himself perfectly fit for some severe physical test at the end. But they are both agreed that if the one abandoned flesh-foods (which he does not propose to do) he would cease to require regular exercise, and that if the other took flesh-foods (which he does not propose to do) he would not only be very ill, but would also require regular exercise. ??One again is seldom seen without some appliance of tobacco in his mouth, because he finds it agreeable and after an experiment of abstinence from it found that it did not make any difference, as far as he could make out, in his general health. The other never smokes at all. One again takes a cold bath in the morning, the other a hot one followed by cold sponging.??But both are absolutely in accord on far more main points than those on which their practice, at any rate, differs, and they have found it perfectly easy to write this book together without wrangling, on which account they wish to express a pious hope that the very fact that they differ in so many things may have saved them from dogmatism. For it has helped them to realize that even when they are agreed on any point it would be a sheer stupidity to hint that they were therefore right, and in consequence they only put forward the points on which they are agreed as suggestions, hoping that others after trial may also agree with them. ??For universal laws on an empirical matter like health are rare, and the constitutions of men are various. One man’s meat, in fact, is literally another man’s poison. But in the main the two authors are agreed. They believe that the majority of mankind habitually eat too much and habitually take too much stimulating food and drink. They believe also that most people who do so do not take enough exercise, and that either an increase of exercise or a decrease of stimulant is needed. ??They believe that the best sorts of exercise are not those of slow pushing movements such as are made in the use of dumb-bells, but full brisk extended movements, with much use of the breathing apparatus and the large muscle areas of the body. Similarly they are in accord as regards present systems of training which tend to treat an entire crew or team as if they were identical specimens, not as widely different specimens; in every day life also they hold that because a certain mode of diet and work suits A, it will not necessarily suit B and C, though B and C might do worse than try it.

The Fiery Heart: Discovering the Source of Divine Wisdom
All great sages and philosophers of antiquity emphasized the importance of the heart, calling it the “Abode of God.” It contains enormous magical potential and all the divine abilities people are destined to unseal in the coming New Era — the Era of the Heart. What is the fiery heart? What unknown functions does it perform? What are the specifics of its work? What is it capable of? How can you hear the voice of your heart and how can you avoid confusing it with the mind? Answers to these and many other questions will be provided to you by the Lord of Love and Compassion, known as the “Great Heart,” in Book 6 of The Teaching of the Heart series. Revealing the profound significance of the human heart step by step, He will enable you to look in an entirely new way at the treasure beating within your breast. After learning to listen to your heart, you will find a loyal friend that will always prompt you in which direction you need to head in order to realize your spiritual potential and accomplish — in the best way possible — the mission entrusted to you by destiny. It is the awakening of the human heart that will allow humanity to move to a new level of its spiritual development. Will you open your heart?

Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology: "Included Glossary of Jungian Terms"
This book contains a selection of articles and pamphlets on analytical psychology written at intervals during the past fourteen years. These years have seen the development of a new discipline, and as is usual in such a case, have involved many changes of view-point, of concept, and of formulation.??It is not my intention to give a presentation of the fundamental concepts of analytical psychology in this book; it throws some light, however, on a certain line of development which is especially characteristic of the Zürich School of psychoanalysis.??As is well known, the merit of the discovery of the new analytical method of general psychology belongs to Professor Freud of Vienna. His original view-points had to undergo many essential modifications, some of them owing to the work done at Zürich, in spite of the fact that he himself is far from agreeing with the standpoint of this school.??I am unable to explain fully the fundamental differences between the two schools, but would indicate the following points: The Vienna School takes the standpoint of an exclusive sexualistic conception, while that of the Zürich School is symbolistic. The Vienna School interprets the psychological symbol semiotically, as a sign or token of certain primitive psychosexual processes. Its method is analytical and causal.??The Zurich School recognises the scientific feasibility of such a conception, but denies its exclusive validity, for it does not interpret the psychological symbol semiotically only, but also symbolistically, that is, it attributes a positive value to the symbol.??The value does not depend merely on historical causes; its chief importance lies in the fact that it has a meaning for the actual present, and for the future, in their psychological aspects. For to the Zürich School the symbol is not merely a sign of something repressed and concealed, but is at the same time an attempt to comprehend and to point out the way of the further psychological development of the individual. Thus we add a prospective import to the retrospective value of the symbol.??The method of the Zurich School is therefore not only analytical and causal, but also synthetic and prospective, in recognition that the human mind is characterised by "caus?" and also by "fines" (aims). The latter fact needs particular emphasis, because there are two types of psychology, the one following the principle of hedonism, and the other following the principle of power. Scientific materialism is pertinent to the former type, and the philosophy of Nietzsche to the latter. The principle of the Freudian theory is hedonism, while that of Adler (one of Freud's earliest personal pupils) is founded upon the principle of power.??The Zurich School, recognising the existence of these two types (also remarked by the late Professor William James), considers that the views of Freud and Adler are one-sided, and only valid within the limits of their corresponding type.??Freud and Adler interpret in the analytical and causal way, reducing to the infantile and primitive. Thus with Freud the conception of the "aim" is the fulfilment of desire, with Adler it is the usurpation of power. Both authors take the standpoint in their practical analytical work which brings to view only infantile and gross egoistic aims.??The Zurich School is convinced of the fact that within the limits of a diseased mental attitude the psychology is such as Freud and Adler describe. It is, indeed, just on account of such impossible and childish psychology that the individual is in a state of inward dissociation and hence neurotic. The Zürich School, therefore, in agreement with them so far, also reduces the psychological symbol (the phantasy products of the patient) to the fundamental infantile hedonism, or to the infantile desire for power. But Freud and Adler content themselves with the result of mere reduction, according to their scientific biologism and naturalism.

Robinson Crusoe's Money
David Ames Wells (1828-1898), a prominent American financial economist, political activist and apostle of laissez faire, was a staunch advocate of free trade and the abolition of the tariff. "Wells wrote a large number of books, pamphlets, and articles ...His chief interests were the tariff, the theory of money and the currency question, and taxation. His discussion of all of these took character from his inspection of American economic life, which was marked in his period by progressive lowering of costs of production through the application of science.He, more than others, was the expositor of the nature and consequences of the 'machine age' ... Some of his most effective writing was in opposition to fiat money or depreciated monetary standards.An excellent example of his work in this field is his "ROBINSON CRUSOE'S MONEY", issued first in 1876 when resumption was in doubt, and again in 1896 when the 'free silver' advocacy was in full swing. Wells was among the earliest to appreciate the importance of what has since been known as 'technological unemployment,' the displacing of men by machines ...His writing and speaking was marked by simplicity, candor, and extraordinary facility in the popular adaptation of statistics. His aptness in illustration was as charming as it was effective ..."

The Fiery Hierarchy: Revealing the Secret Government of the World
All the peoples of the world have preserved myths and legends about a secret government which rules everything invisibly, making the most important decisions for humanity according to the just Laws of the Cosmos. This world government is Shambhala the Resplendent, headed by the Great Lord, who was once known all over the world as Prester John, a mysterious king of the East. Although this hidden government has little in common with earthly regimes, it still offered its help to leaders of different countries often. The acceptance of this higher assistance would bring these countries unprecedented flourishing, while its rejection would result in their inevitable decline. So what does the Hierarchy of Light, this biblical Jacob’s Ladder connecting the Earth and Heaven, represent? According to what laws does it rule in the Universe and on our planet? And how can you become a colleague of the Hierarchy? In Book 5 of The Teaching of the Heart series, the Lord of Love and Compassion, the Supreme Head of the Hierarchy on our planet, will tell you about the Teachers who guide life on the Earth and oppose the forces of darkness. He will help you comprehend one of the most fundamental and immutable laws of all creation: the Law of Hierarchy. In addition, in the book’s pages you will learn about an innermost link between the Teachers and their disciples and also how you yourself can come closer to the Hierarchy of Light and become its loyal colleague. The clear realization of the Hierarchy of Light will enable you to accelerate your spiritual ascent and attain the Higher Leadership, which will guide and protect you in all the righteous undertakings that you do for the good of all humanity. Will your heart accept the Supreme Guidance?