

Making Marie Curie
Making Marie Curie
Wirten, Eva Hemmungs
In many ways, Marie Curie represents modern science. Her considerable lifetime achievements-the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize, the only woman to be awarded the Prize in two fields, and the only person to be awarded Nobel Prizes in multiple sciences-are studied by schoolchildren across the world. When, in 2009, the New Scientist carried out a poll for the "e;Most Inspirational Female Scientist of All Time,"e; the result was a foregone conclusion: Marie Curie trounced her closest runner-up, Rosalind Franklin, winning double the number of Franklin's votes. She is a role model to women embarking on a career in science, the pride of two nations-Poland and France-and, not least of all, a European Union brand for excellence in science.Making Marie Curie explores what went into the creation of this icon of science. It is not a traditional biography, or one that attempts to uncover the "e;real"e; Marie Curie. Rather, Eva Hemmungs Wirtn, by tracing a career that spans two centuries and a world war, provides an innovative and historically grounded account of how modern science emerges in tandem with celebrity culture under the influence of intellectual property in a dawning age of information. She explores the emergence of the Curie persona, the information culture of the period that shaped its development, and the strategies Curie used to manage and exploit her intellectual property. How did one create and maintain for oneself the persona of scientist at the beginning of the twentieth centuryWhat special conditions bore upon scientific women, and on married women in particularHow was French identity claimed, established, and subvertedHow, and with what consequences, was a scientific reputation secured?In its exploration of these questions and many more, Making Marie Curie provides a composite picture not only of the making of Marie Curie, but the making of modern science itself.
Cancer on Trial
Cancer on Trial
Keating, Peter
Until the early 1960s, cancer treatment consisted primarily of surgery and radiation therapy. Most practitioners then viewed the treatment of terminally ill cancer patients with heroic courses of chemotherapy as highly questionable. The randomized clinical trials that today sustain modern oncology were relatively rare and prompted stiff opposition from physicians, who were loath to assign patients randomly to competing treatments. Yet today these trials form the basis of medical oncology. How did such a spectacular change occurHow did medical oncology pivot from a nonentity and, in some regards, a reviled practice to the central position it now occupies in modern medicineIn Cancer on Trial Peter Keating and Alberto Cambrosio explore how practitioners established a new style of practice, at the center of which lies the cancer clinical trial. Far from mere testing devices, these trials have become full-fledged experiments that have redefined the practices of clinicians, statisticians, and biologists. Keating and Cambrosio investigate these trials and how they have changed since the 1960s, all the while demonstrating their significant impact on the progression of oncology. A novel look at the institution of clinical cancer research and therapy, this book will be warmly welcomed by historians, sociologists, and anthropologists of science and medicine, as well as clinicians and researchers in the cancer field.
BMW 3 Series - E36 Restoration Tips & Techniques
BMW 3 Series - E36 Restoration Tips & Techniques
Greg Hudock
A practical restoration manual on the E36, the 3 Series BMWs built between 1990 & 1999. Covers all models from the 316 compact to the M3. Advice is given on acquiring a good pre-owned example plus restoring & modifying engines, bodywork, trim, electrics, suspension & mechanical parts. Detailed information on Alpina & M3 cars. A total of 148 fully illustrated colour and black & white
Range Rover The Creators of an Icon
Range Rover The Creators of an Icon
Graham Bannock
Origins and history of the Range Rover marque, design and development of early models plus market research in Europe, Africa and the USA. A personal memoir by, author, Graham Bannock, of his time with the Rover Company in the late 1950s and the 1960s, which was the time the Range Rover was under development. Contents: Introduction; The Pearl in the Oyster: Origins of the Range Rover; Earlier History; How it was: Solihull in the 1960s; Across Africa: I The Sudan; Across Africa: II Ethiopia: Travels in North America, Europe and Africa; Renaissance - Appendix I: Rover's Finances by Graham Bannock and Alan Doran; Appendix II: Rover Gas Turbines by Graham Bannock and James Taylor; Appendix III - Internal memoranda; Bibliography.
The Alfa Romeo Spider Owners Work Manual
The Alfa Romeo Spider Owners Work Manual
Trade Trade
This is a do it ourself workshop manual, it was written for the owner who wishes to maintain his vehicle & carry out the bulk of his own servicing & repairs. Step by step instructions are given of most dismantling, overhauling & assembling operations. Covers Giulia 1300TI, GT Junior 1967-1972, Giulia 1600TI, Super 1962-1972, Giulia 1600 Sprint GT, GTV 1963-1968, Giulia 1600 Spider, Duetto 1962-1968, Giulia 1.6 Super 1972-1975, GT Junior 1.6 1972-1975, GT Junior 1600 1975-1976, 1750 GT Veloce 1968-1972, 1750 Spider Veloce 1968-1972, 2000 GT Veloce 1971-1975, 2000 Spider Veloce 1971-1978. A total of 168 fully illustrated pages. SB.
The Original Lotus Elan
The Original Lotus Elan
Trade Trade
This book contains a variety of information, both of a practical nature and otherwise, including the identification of alternative equivalent parts sources, which is applicable to all Lotus Elan 1500/1600 models as well as S2, S3, S4 and Sprint derivatives, produced between the years 1962 and 1973.
VW Transporter T4 Workshop Manual Diesel 2000-2004
VW Transporter T4 Workshop Manual Diesel 2000-2004
Greg Hudock
Covers all T4 diesel vehicles from 2000 to the end of 2004, including Vans 800, 1,000, and 1,200, Caravelle CL and GL, Bus (long and short wheelbase). Engines covered: Diesel 1.9L, 2.4L & 2.5L TDI, with a manual gearbox only. 164 large pages including 11 pages of wiring & over 200 illustrations.
Human Universe
Human Universe
Professor Brian Cox
Top ten Sunday Times Bestseller ‘Engaging, ambitious and creative’ Guardian Where are we? Are we alone? Who are we? Why are we here? What is our future? Human Universe tackles some of the greatest questions that humans have asked to try and understand the very nature of ourselves and the Universe in which we live. Through the endless leaps of human minds, it explores the extraordinary depth of our knowledge today and where our curiosity may lead us in the future. With groundbreaking insight it reveals how time, physics and chemistry came together to create a creature that can wonder at its own existence, blessed with an unquenchable thirst to discover not just where it came from, but how it can think, where it is going and if it is alone. Accompanies the acclaimed BBC TV series.
The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light
The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light
Paul Bogard
Streetlamps, neon signs – an ever-present glow that has changed the natural world and adversely affected our health; Paul Bogard illuminates the problems caused by a lack of darkness.
The Music of the Primes: Why an unsolved problem in mathematics matters (Text On
The Music of the Primes: Why an unsolved problem in mathematics matters (Text On
Marcus du Sautoy
The paperback of the critically-acclaimed popular science book by a writer who is fast becoming a celebrity mathematician. Prime numbers are the very atoms of arithmetic. They also embody one of the most tantalising enigmas in the pursuit of human knowledge. How can one predict when the next prime number will occur? Is there a formula which could generate primes? These apparently simple questions have confounded mathematicians ever since the Ancient Greeks. In 1859, the brilliant German mathematician Bernard Riemann put forward an idea which finally seemed to reveal a magical harmony at work in the numerical landscape. The promise that these eternal, unchanging numbers would finally reveal their secret thrilled mathematicians around the world. Yet Riemann, a hypochondriac and a troubled perfectionist, never publicly provided a proof for his hypothesis and his housekeeper burnt all his personal papers on his death. Whoever cracks Riemann's hypothesis will go down in history, for it has implications far beyond mathematics. In business, it is the lynchpin for security and e-commerce. In science, it has critical ramifications in Quantum Mechanics, Chaos Theory, and the future of computing. Pioneers in each of these fields are racing to crack the code and a prize of $1 million has been offered to the winner. As yet, it remains unsolved. In this breathtaking book, mathematician Marcus du Sautoy tells the story of the eccentric and brilliant men who have struggled to solve one of the biggest mysteries in science. It is a story of strange journeys, last-minute escapes from death and the unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Above all, it is a moving and awe-inspiring evocation of the mathematician's world and the beauties and mysteries it contains.
Low Blood Sugar
Low Blood Sugar
Martin Budd,Maggie Budd
A comprehensive and accessible handbook providing vital information for sufferers of low blood sugar, this is an ideal reference guide and essential first step for those who want to understand and treat their symptoms naturally. Includes 60 delicious recipes to prove that sufferers don’t have to miss out! An increasing number of people are being diagnosed with low blood sugar due to today’s high-pressure lifestyles and the predominance of over-processed foods in our diet- and the number of sufferers is set to rise. This is an essential up-to-date reference guide to low blood sugar, detailing everything that sufferers need to know about their condition and how to treat it. A complete guide to how to treat low blood sugar, this book reviews all the latest research on subjects such as insulin resistance, syndrome X and the role of the adrenal and thyroid hormones, as well as providing information about all the complementary and orthodox treatments available. The book explains what low blood sugar is and what causes it, and lists the symptoms of the condition making it easy to spot. The easy-to-follow nutritional plan is accompanied by 60 delicious recipes that prove sufferers can still enjoy their food while keeping low blood sugar under control. A comprehensive resources section reviews appropriate supplements, websites and suppliers. Ideal for anyone who wants to prevent low blood sugar, as well as for anyone already suffering from this condition.
The Invisible Century
The Invisible Century
Richard Panek
A book which offers fresh perspectives on the scientific developments of the past hundred years through the complementary work of two of the century’s greatest thinkers, Einstein and Freud. At the turn of the century there was a widespread assumption in scientific circles that the pursuit of knowledge was nearing its end and that all available evidence had been exhausted. However, by 1916 both Einstein and Freud had exploded the myth by leading exploration into the science of the invisible and the unconscious. These men were more than just contemporaries – their separate pursuits were in fact complementary. Freud’s science of psychoanalysis found its cosmological counterpart in the Astronomy of Invisible Light pioneered by Einstein. Together they questioned the little inconsistencies of Newton’s ordered cosmos to reveal a different reality, a natural order that was anything but ordered, a cosmos that was volatile and vast – an organism alive in time. These men inspired a fundamental shift in the history of human thought. They began a revolution that is still in progress and provided one of the past century’s greatest contributions to the history of science.
Scrabble Trickster (Collins Little Books)
Scrabble Trickster (Collins Little Books)
Collins Dictionaries
If you’re gonna break the rules, break ‘em good.
BMW 3 Series - E36 Restoration Tips & Techniques
BMW 3 Series - E36 Restoration Tips & Techniques
Greg Hudock
A practical restoration manual on the E36, the 3 Series BMWs built between 1990 & 1999. Covers all models from the 316 compact to the M3. Advice is given on acquiring a good pre-owned example plus restoring & modifying engines, bodywork, trim, electrics, suspension & mechanical parts. Detailed information on Alpina & M3 cars. A total of 148 fully illustrated colour and black & white
The Tolkien Quiz Book
The Tolkien Quiz Book
Andrew Murray
A revised and expanded reissue containing over 1,200 brain-teasing questions on the legendary works of J.R.R. Tolkien, published to coincide with the release of the third and final The Lord of The Rings movie. How many Hobbits joined the Fellowship of the Ring? What colour is the Orcs’ skin? Why did Gandalf have difficulty in opening the West-door of Khazad-dum? Who betrayed Berien and Luthien to Thingol? What was Farmer Giles’ full name? The worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien, from the saga of Middle-earth to a brief visit to Wootton Major, are so rich and varied that they inspire legions of followers of different ages. This peerless revised and expanded quiz book offers over 1,200 questions and answers, including easy starter questions and more difficult tie-breakers, to test the range and depth of your knowledge. And whereas every right answer will confirm your mastery over your subject, every wrong answer will be a learning experience all of its own!
The Quest for Mars: NASA scientists and Their Search for Life Beyond Earth (Text
The Quest for Mars: NASA scientists and Their Search for Life Beyond Earth (Text
Laurence Bergreen
This edition does not include illustrations. Is there life on Mars? And if not, why not? These questions have gripped mankind throughout the twentieth century. In the shadow of the new millennium, The Quest for Mars seeks the definitive answers from the dedicated NASA scientists participating in the race to discover life on the Red Planet. ‘Ever since I was a small child, I’ve believed there was life out there. When I look at the magnitude of the universe, with its billions of stars, I believe that if life developed here on Earth, it must have developed elsewhere. We simply can’t be unique. I really don’t think we’re the most intelligent life forms in the universe, but that’s just my gut feeling’, Dr Claire Parkinson, NASA scientist. Of all the planets, Mars has exerted the most powerful allure over the human intellect and imagination. Generations of astronomers have expected to find clues to the origin and destiny of Earth and its inhabitants concealed amid the red storms sweeping across the surface of Mars. Today, the mystique of Mars is even greater. Public interest in the Mars mission is sky-high; the exploits of the tiny Mars Rover ‘Sojourner’ in the summer of 1997 excited the greatest curiosity in a space mission in a generation. In The Quest for Mars Laurence Bergreen has unrestricted access to a team of NASA employees – engineers, geologists and other scientists – who are consumed by the search for proof of life on Mars. As one formidable obstacle after another attempts to scupper their quest for a deeper understanding of life on Mars and throughout the Solar System, the narrative takes us step by step through the exhilaration and the despondency of their extraordinary adventure. Nothing is off limits in this unique, behind-the-scenes story of space exploration.
What Really Works:The Insider’s Guide to Complementary Health
What Really Works:The Insider’s Guide to Complementary Health
Susan Clark
Consumer guide to what’s best in complementary health, from products to therapies. Susan Clark is the UK’s most trusted consumer watchdog. For all those people who are forever cutting out snippets from newspapers and magazines and for those who are confused by just how much information on supplements and therapies is thrown at them in the media, this book will be a godsend. This wide ranging guide covers What Really Works across the entire mind, body, spirit area: ? Part 1 contains 5 chapters which are the building blocks for optimum health 1) Food: what to eat and when to eat it 2) Air: how to breathe and effects of pollution 3) Water: how much we need and why what comes out of our taps could be harmful 4) Sunlight – its benefits 5) Exercise ? Part 2: is a top to toe look at natural remedies for 80 everyday complaints ? Part 3: called Hands-on, lists 30 of the best complementary therapies ? Part 4: called Soulworks looks at spiritual-based therapies and practices – from shamanism to meditation ? Part 5 is a Time Out guide to spas, retreats, therapists – everything from yoga holidays to flotation tanks ? The biggest resources section of any book on the market today makes this book invaluable to the public In each case the book is thoroughly referenced to show you where to go, what brand to choose, which practitioner is best internationally.
Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong – and the New Research That’s Rewriting Th
Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong – and the New Research That’s Rewriting Th
Angela Saini
Angela Saini is an award-winning science journalist, author and broadcaster.
Eclipse: The science and history of nature's most spectacular phenomenon
Eclipse: The science and history of nature's most spectacular phenomenon
J. P. McEvoy
J P McEvoy was born in the USA. He has published over 50 papers on his specialist subject, superconductivity. He has been involved in improving public understanding of science for many years. He wrote the TV series Eureka, describing great moments in science from Archimedes to the present. In addition to journalism and radio broadcasting, he has written two guides in the ‘Begginers’ series for Icon Books.
I Am No Longer Myself Without You: How Men Love Women
I Am No Longer Myself Without You: How Men Love Women
Jonathan Rutherford
Jonathan Rutherford teaches Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Middlesex. A former community worker and journalist, he contributes regularly to the Guardian and Cosmopolitan.
Philip Hoare
The story of a man’s obsession with whales, which takes him on a personal, historical and biographical journey – from his childhood to his fascination with Moby-Dick and his excursions whale-watching. All his life, Philip Hoare has been obsessed by whales, from the gigantic skeletons in London’s Natural History Museum to adult encounters with the wild animals themselves. Whales have a mythical quality – they seem to elide with dark fantasies of sea-serpents and antediluvian monsters that swim in our collective unconscious. In ‘Leviathan’, Philip Hoare seeks to locate and identify this obsession. What impelled Melville to write ‘Moby-Dick’? After his book in 1851, no one saw whales in quite the same way again. This book is an investigation into what we know little about – dark, shadowy creatures who swim below the depths, only to surface in a spray of spume. More than the story of the whale, it is also the story of our own obsessions.