

49元5本 外教社认知语言学丛书·应用系列:概念语义研究的新视角
程琪龙, 著
49元5本 外国现代作家研究丛书:弗罗斯特研究
黄宗英, 著
49元5本 国家哲学社会科学规划项目:时事篇章跨文化对比研究
杨敏, 主编
49元5本 外教社博学文库:汉学视域中的《论语》英译研究
王琰, 著
49元5本 中国特色外语教学改革探索
束定芳, 主编
     中学生为什么要学习外语?如何才能帮助学生逐渐学生自己去学习外语并利用外语获得其他的知识和能力? 束定芳等编著的《中国特色外语教学改革探索——江苏华南实验学校英语教学改革实验纪实(2009.5-2011.1)》就是从这两个问题手,全面探索中学外学教学的*途径。全书共六章节,内容包括实验概况、课程设计、教师培训、教材编写等。
49元5本 英国文学专史系列研究:英国短篇小说史
李维屏, 等著
    “英国文学专史系列研究”是我国套英国文学史专题研究丛书,包括《英国文学思想史》、《英国文学批评史》、《英国女性小说史》、《英国短篇小说史》和《英国传记发展史》五部学术著作。本套丛书全面、系统地梳理了英国文学五个领域的发展轨迹,将其放在自身的传承关素以及与整个英国文学的互动关系中加以考量,并对各个时期的代表作家和经典作品行深探讨、本套丛书体现了我国英国文学史研究学术范式的转型。作者改变了以往以宏观叙事为特征的文学通史编写模式,不仅以更具有专业性和学术性的视角分别阐述了英国文学上述五个领域的体系与精华,揭示其演变过程和内在逻辑,而且也为英国文学史研究提供了一种新的选择。     由李维屏编著的《英国短篇小说史》借鉴文学史研究的成熟模式,结合短篇小说的艺术特色,对英国短篇小说的起源和发展行系统研究。《英国短篇小说史》不仅全面介绍和评述英国各个历史时期的重要作家和作品,而且对这一独立文学体裁的美学原则、谋篇技巧和解读方式做了全面介绍。作者借鉴了*的小说理论和以往长篇小说研究的经验与方法,对短篇小说文体的艺术特征和美学价值行深的剖析。在全面揭示英国短篇小说发展轨迹的同时,作者不仅多视角、多层次地探讨了各个时期短篇小说的思想主题、人物特征、艺术形式和叙事风格,而且还论述了它与长篇小说之间的互动关系。    
49元5本 信息技术与外语教学研究
陈坚林, 主编
Washington Irving
“Knickerbocker's History of New York” is the book by Washington Irving, an American writer who was born in New York City on April 3, 1783. It is published in December, 1809, with which Washington living, at the age of twenty-six, first won wide credit and influence. Knickerbocker's History of New York is a satire on self-important local history and contemporary politics. Prior to its publication, Irving started a hoax akin to today's viral marketing campaigns; he placed a series of missing person adverts in New York newspapers seeking information on Diedrich Knickerbocker, a crusty Dutch historian who had allegedly gone missing from his hotel in New York City. Today, author Washington Irving is best remembered for the iconic tales "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle." However, Irving also produced a number of well-regarded works of history and biography. This brilliant volume combines fact and fiction, offering a satirical history of New York from the perspective of make-believe Dutch historian Diedrich Knickerbocker.
49元5本 翻译的技巧(百科全书式的英语翻译技巧指南,让你游刃有余地学习翻译技巧,领略中英双语的语言魅力!)
本书为钱歌川先生*经典的百科全书式的英语翻译技巧指南。全书编写严谨、结构合理、条理清晰,注重基础知识的辨析与讲解,理论与实践相结合。一册在手,读者可以在牢固掌握英语语法和句型特的基础上,游刃有余地学习翻译的技巧。 全书共分为三编。*编重为中译英,系统梳理英语的各种句型,引领读者迅速英语语境;第二编重为英译中,包含12项134条语法知识,基本覆盖英语常见的惯用句和特殊表现法,令读者迅速摆脱洋径浜式英语;第三编主要为长篇的中译英和英译中材料,中文材料有浅近的白话和艰深的文言片段,英语材料全取近代人作品,主题多样,可使读者触到英文表现的各种面貌。附录部分选取了16篇英美名家代表作的节译,可为读者造直阅读文学名著的基础。全书三编皆附有大量习题以供读者练习之用,书末提供了详细的习题答案。 本书不仅适合英语翻译的从业人员和学生使用,任何渴望提高自己的英语水平的读者,都可以跟随本书循序渐地夯实英语基础,锻炼自己的语感,领略中英双语的语言魅力。
本套书包括《理智与情感上下》、《曼斯菲尔德庄园3册》和《诺桑觉寺上下册》共7册。《理智与情感》是简·奥斯丁富于幽默情趣的处女作。埃诺莉和玛丽安娜两姐妹生在一个英国乡绅家庭,姐姐善于用理智来控制情感,妹妹的情感却毫无节制,因此面对爱情时,她们作出了不同的反映……小说以这两位女主角曲折复杂的婚事风波为主线,通过"理智与情感"的幽默对比,提出了道德与行为的规范问题。本书和作者的《傲慢与偏见》堪称姐妹篇,同样以细腻的笔触和生动的对白叙述没有富裕嫁妆的少女恋爱结婚的故事。如同书名里所体现的那样,故事集中表现了"理智"与"情感"的矛盾冲突。《曼菲尔德庄园》以男女青年的恋爱婚姻为题材。范妮出身贫寒,12岁时被姨父母伯特伦爵士夫妇收养。与四个表兄姊,汤姆,埃德蒙,玛丽亚和朱丽亚一起在曼斯菲尔德庄园长大,但常受到不平等的对待,玛丽亚和朱丽亚被宠坏了,十分虚荣,汤姆则既不负责又嗜赌,唯有善良表兄埃德蒙平等亲切的待他。随当时间增长,范妮的感激更逐渐转化为暗恋。虽然中间发生了很多事情,但是小说以范妮和埃德蒙喜结良缘为结局。小说中带有很多讽刺意味,特别是涉及到两位姨母时。范妮的家庭出身比奥斯丁其他小说的主人公明显低一个档次,就这一点来说这本小说可能是奥斯丁著作中现实主义的。爱德华·萨义德曾经指出,奥斯丁对于曼斯菲尔德庄园的经济基础是奴隶制这一点避而不谈,正显示了西方文化对于奴隶制度和帝国主义带来的物质利益缺乏自省坦然受之的态度。《诺桑觉寺》是一部爱情小说。然而,同其他作品不同的是,除了爱情纠纷之外,小说自始至终还贯穿着对哥特小说的嘲讽。因此,这可谓是一部"双主题"小说。 女主人公凯瑟琳是牧师之女,活泼可爱,正直善良,家道殷实。十七岁了,生活还是如一潭死水。艾伦夫妇带她一起去巴思度假,她在那里大开眼界,并结识了富家之子、牧师亨利蒂尔尼与他妹妹艾丽诺,她的可爱为她赢得了亨利?蒂尔尼真诚的爱,以及他妹妹艾丽诺?蒂尔尼的真心帮助。她们很快成为了好朋友。可她也碰上了一些虚情假意、贪慕虚荣之人,好在识破了他们的嘴脸。同时,她还碰到了另一位青年约翰?索普。索普为了抬高自己的身价,向亨利的父亲蒂尼将军谎报了莫兰家的财产,蒂尼将军信以为真,竭力怂恿儿子去追求凯瑟琳。后来,索普追求凯瑟琳的系望破灭,便恼羞成怒,把以前吹捧莫兰家的话全盘推翻,说她家如何贫穷。蒂尼将军再次听信谎言,把凯瑟琳赶出了家门,并勒令儿子把她忘掉。凯瑟琳回到家里,母亲发现昔日可爱的女儿变得如此忧郁,和之前简直判若两人。可怜的妈妈还以为女儿留恋外面的花花世界,却没想到女儿长大了,有了喜欢的人。后来,蒂尔尼的意外出现,终于让凯瑟琳父母明白,他们必须考虑是否要同意女儿的婚事了……
Carlo Collodi
本套书包括《木偶奇遇记3册》、《一个孩子的星星梦》、《圣诞颂歌小气财神3册》和《圣诞树》共8册。《木偶奇遇记》The Adventures of Pinocchio is a novel for children by Italian author Carlo Collodi in 1883. It is about the mischievous adventures of an animated marionette named Pinocchio and his father, a poor woodcarver named Geppetto. The lonely woodcarver Geppetto carves himself a son—a mischievous puppet he names Pinocchio who learns that he can become a real boy by doing good deeds. From the moment Joseph the carpenter carves a puppet that can walk and talk, this wildly inventive fantasy takes Pinocchio through countless adventures, in the course of which his nose grows whenever he tells a lie, he is turned into a donkey, and is swallowed by a dogfish, before he gains real happiness. A narration is presented that has moral lessons and provokes to think in the right direction. An universal icon and a metaphor of the human condition, the book is considered a canonical piece of children's literature and has had great impact on world culture.《圣诞颂歌小气财神》A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being a Ghost-Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843; the first edition was illustrated by John Leech. A Christmas Carol tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an old miser who is visited by the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come. After their visits Scrooge is transformed into a kinder, gentler man.In his "Ghostly little book," Charles Dickens invents the modern concept of Christmas Spirit and offers one of the world’s most adapted and imitated stories. We know Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim, and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future, not only as fictional characters, but also as icons of the true meaning of Christmas in a world still plagued with avarice and cynicism.
49元5本 10天掌握KET核心语法+KET核心词图解+联想巧记速练(套装共2册)
唐卫华 余金好 主编
49元5本 世界经典名著:绿山墙的安妮英文版(套装功能4册)
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne of Green Gables is a 1908 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery.Written for all ages, it has been considered a children’s novel since themid-twentieth century. It recounts the adventures of Anne Shirley, an11-yearold orphan girl who is mistakenly sent to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert,a middleaged brother and sister who had intended to adopt a boy to help them ontheir farm in Prince Edward Island. The original book is taught to students around the world. It has beenadapted as film, made-for-television movies, and animated live-actiontelevision series. Plays and musicals have also been created, with productionsannually in Canada since 1964 of the first musical production, which has touredin Canada, the United States, Europe and Japan. Since publication, Anne of Green Gables has sold more than 50 millioncopies and has been translated into 20 languages.
Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit is a novel by Charles Dickens which satirises the shortcomings of both government and society, including the institution of debtors' prisons, where debtors were imprisoned, unable to work, until they repaid their debts. The prison in this case is the Marshalsea, where Dickens's own father had been imprisoned. Dickens is also critical of the lack of a social safety net, the treatment and safety of industrial workers, as well the bureaucracy of the British Treasury, in the form of his fictional "Circumlocution Office". In addition he satirises the stratification of society that results from the British class system. In his Introduction, David Gates argues that “intensity of imagination is the gift from which Dickens’s other great attributes derive: his eye and ear, his near-universal empathy, his ability to entertain both a sense of the ridiculous and a sense of ultimate significance.” Dickens criticizes the hierarchical society which would demand such an impossible thing of a man, and also questions which class of their acquaintance are good people and true friends.
Daniel Defoe
本套书包括《大疫年日记4册》、《摩尔:弗兰德斯3册》、《鲁滨逊漂流记续集4册》和《辛格尔顿船长5册》共16册。《大疫年日记》A Journal of the Plague Year is a novel by Daniel Defoe, first published in March 1722. The story is set in 1665, the horrors of the devastating pestilence struck London at that time. The Journal is narrated by a Londoner named "H. F." who allegedly lived through the devastating effects of the pestilence and produced this eye witness account. Henry Foe. H.F. claims that the plague has reached England because of active commerce with mainland Europe. Despite the different measures taken by the local health authorities, it has spread like wildfire amid the city crowds. The narrator reports the multiplying numbers of people with black “tokens” on their bodies and the consequent mass burials. When the nightmare has finally come to an end, tens of thousands of dead Londoners are reported. The book is told somewhat chronologically, though without sections or chapter headings. The Journal of the Plague Year will fascinate students, teachers, and general readers alike.《摩尔:弗兰德斯》a prolific and versatile writer/purportedly true story/a woman lives in sin and wickedness/ shocked countless readers/ how circumstances and a fear of poverty can drive one into a life of crime
Jules Verne
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is a classic science fiction novel by French writer Jules Verne, published in 1870. It is about the fictional Captain Nemo and his submarine, Nautilus. It was inspired by a model of the French submarine Plongeur (launched in 1863) was displayed at the 1867 University Expo, where it was studied by Jules Verne. The description of Nemo's ship, the Nautilus, was considered ahead of its time, as it accurately describes features on submarines, which at the time were very primitive vessels. The book was highly acclaimed when it was released and still is. It is regarded as one of the premiere adventure novels and one of Verne's greatest works, along with Around the World in Eighty Days and Journey to the Center of the Earth.
R. M. Ballantyne
All Ballantyne’s novels are, in his own words, "adventure stories for young folks", and The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean (1858) is no exception. It is a Robinsonade, a genre of fiction inspired by Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719). One of the first works of juvenile fiction to feature exclusively juvenile heroes, the story relates the adventures of three boys marooned on a South Pacific island, the only survivors of a shipwreck. Three boys, fifteen-year-old Ralph Rover (the narrator), eighteen-year-old Jack Martin and fourteen-year-old Peterkin Gay, are the sole survivors of a shipwreck on the coral reef of a large but uninhabited Polynesian island. At first their life on the island is idyllic; food, in the shape of fruits, fish and wild pigs, is plentiful, and using their only possessions; a broken telescope, an iron-bound oar and a small axe, they fashion a shelter and even construct a small boat.
很多学英语的人都会遇到这样一个问题:和外国人聊天时,互道姓名之后,接下来聊些什么合适呢?哪些话题是“老外”感兴趣的呢?我们需要什么样的英语口语学习书呢?基于这样的问题,我们策划了这样一本书:收录相关的情景对话,紧紧围绕着外国人喜欢的话题,旨在让读者在遇到外国人时能够打破僵局,快速找到投缘的话题,愉快地用英语进行交流。 本书以时尚为基础,选取了诸如美容、SPA、cosplay等话题,极富时代气息。语言通俗易懂,话题生动而不失深刻。每节都有大量地道的、原汁原味的句子,读者可以在与“老外”的日常交流中直接运用。