

49元5本 王阳明图传
生命伦理学是20世纪60年代诞生的新颖交叉学科,50多年来一直发展迅速,现已扩展到世界上几乎所有重要国家。生命伦理学目前不仅在学院之内活动,而且已经深实践,走向生活。生命伦理学的发展不仅有助于解决生命科技以及医疗卫生中的伦理问题,也有助于指出人文社会科学理论如何综合科学技术发展应用实际的路。 本书1987年出版,是对当代生命科学技术伦理问题的讨论,这些生命科学技术包括辅助生殖、生育控制、遗传和优生、生命维持、器官移植、行为控制等。本书在对生命科学技术以及医疗卫生中的伦理问题,即应该做什么和应该如何做的问题行探讨的基础上,也提出了对生命科技以及医疗卫生行管理的建议,其中不少建议已经被采纳在法律、法规、条例之中。今天增订再版此书,并附有作者近年来的多篇学术论文,可帮助读者一窥我国生命伦理学发展的历程。
49元5本 梁启超修身三书:曾文正公嘉言钞
      二十世纪初,梁启超(任公)先后编纂了三种关于传统的修身方面的书。此三书既是梁启超本人用以自修的随身札记读本,也是任公用以推行公民德育的指导书。考虑到梁氏编纂这三种书思路的连贯性和紧密性,取名“梁启超修身三书”。    其中《曾文正公嘉言钞》是从曾国藩的书札、家书、家训、日记、文章中摘录有关修身内容汇编而成,时加按语提示,书末另附有曾国藩部属和学友胡林翼、左宗棠的名言选辑。自1916年编纂后,十年间每年一版,可见此书之风行。
49元5本 瞧,这个人
(德)弗里德里希·尼采著 , 王涌译
     尼采在临近精神崩溃时,用纸和笔回顾了自己"超人般"的一生:如何与大音乐家瓦格纳相会、相知又决裂;如何摆脱叔本华悲观哲学的影响,成为酒神狄奥尼索斯的信徒;如何用一本又一本惊世骇俗的著作,炮轰死气沉沉的欧洲思想,重估一切价值……本书展现了尼采充满思想激情的一生,同时也向世人宣告:美好生活的真谛就在于"热爱命运",就在于努力"成为你自己"!   可以说,关于如何过好一生,尼采在一百多年前,用超凌时代的睿智,同时付出了超凌时代的代价,以这本极具震撼力的自传--《瞧,这个人》,公布了他的思考。
49元5本 梁启超修身三书:德育鉴
      二十世纪初,梁启超(任公)先后编纂了三种关于传统的修身方面的书。此三书既是梁启超本人用以自修的随身札记读本,也是任公用以推行公民德育的指导书。考虑到梁氏编纂这三种书思路的连贯性和紧密性,取名“梁启超修身三书”。           其中《德育鉴》是按照修身的方法和步骤,摘录编排先秦至明清的儒者的相关言论,并加按语跋识。自1905年在新民丛报上发表后,不断再版,影响深远。如梁漱溟就多次说自己走上后来的学问和实践之路是来自此书的启发和引导。        
49元5本 体悟力:楼宇烈的北大哲学课
楼宇烈著 焦雅君编选
本书是楼宇烈教授六十余年思想精华,来自北大火爆的中国哲学大课堂等。楼宇烈教授的中国哲学课,得到了北大学生以及广大传统文化爱好者的广泛认可。 “哲学”给人的印象是艰深难懂的,但是经过楼宇烈教授深浅出、幽默风趣的讲解、阐释,中国哲学的核心理念,变得生动易懂。楼宇烈教授通过醍醐灌顶式的深分析,培养大众的哲学思维方式,构筑中国哲学的宽广知识体系。本书是大众学习中国哲学的佳作。
49元5本 张载关学的历史重构(精)
(清)查慎行撰 范道济点校
野谷道人 编著
(英)约翰·埃德温·桑兹 (John Edwin Sandys)
《西方古典学术史》是英国古典学者约翰?埃德温?桑兹*重要的著作,全书共三卷,全面系统地阐述了西元前6世纪至19世纪古典学术的发展历程,细数希腊罗马学术发展流变,涉及各时期文学、史学、哲学等领域,尤以文献学、版本学、词源学、语法学见长,著述极为详赡渊博,可看作对以往各个时代古典学术成就的总录。 本书*卷自约西元前600年至约西元1350年,主要讲述希腊拉丁学术的发生、演变以及希腊、拉丁学术在拜占庭时期和西方中古时期的流布与嬗变。全书首先涉及荷马的史诗研究、戏剧及其他诗歌作品的研究、演说术与修辞学、语法学与词源学、亚历山大里亚学派、斯多葛学派、帕伽摩学派、帝国初世纪的文学批评以及古典晚期的希腊、拉丁学术等诸多方面,视野宏远,涵括诸端。在本书后半部分,作者把目光投向君士坦丁堡,对于古代到中世纪之间文献的传承、抄录和校勘行细致整理和深度阐述,对拜占庭学术、9世纪的经典著作、早期经院学者及其经典著作、中古时期的文献考据等情况细细爬梳,使得枝蔓繁多的中古时期的学术发展脉络一目了然。
49元5本 儒家修身九讲(典藏版)
针对现代人沉重的压力和疲困的心灵,特别是各种精神心理疾病,《儒家修身九讲(典藏版)》认为,中国古代的修身传统有无比强大的现实意义。《儒家修身九讲(典藏版)》探讨了如何在现代条件下激活古代修身传统,并在实际教学中摸索出一套具体的修身方法。 作者将儒家几千年来特别是从孔孟到宋明时期所发展起来的修身智慧,分成守静、存养、自省、定性、治心、慎独、主敬、慎言、致诚等九个范畴,对它们的基本含义及其现实意义行了深浅出的阐释。书后附录集多家经典,可用于反复阅读、朗读乃至抄写,帮助修身实践。 希望《儒家修身九讲(典藏版)》能对当下浮躁的世风有镇静作用,同时也对关心国学复兴之路的人有所启迪。
49元5本 探索“良政”:章太炎思想论集
49元5本 体道
李宇林, 著
本书运用道家经籍阐述道家思想,重在体现道学的思想内涵,让人们认识关于道家论述道的概念。 道家认为:道是宇宙天地自然万物的原动力、原始能量,它虽然无形无象、无色无味、无方无圆、无外无内、虚无空静,但却是无处不在,无所不有。万有都是道的派生物,生而不有、为而不恃。道生之、德蓄之;道无为、德有为,有为又是在无为的基础之上,无为之为,并不是人为之妄为。德的有为在于顺应自然,辅助、协助而无私情私欲。也就是道生长万物而德蓄养万物,虽蓄养而不为己有、即行善而不求名利,助人而不彰显功德,完全是一种博爱、大爱。万物都是道的化生物,道对于他们是齐同的、统一的,顺应他们的本性去体现万物各自的姿态,顺其自然生生化化,无穷无尽。天地有道则风调雨顺,四季有序万物盛长,自然有道则万物繁茂,则人民食物丰厚,社会有道和谐而安宁,国家有道、则民富国强,万国来朝,家庭有道则父慈子孝、万事兴起,自身有道则血脉和顺阴阳有节,身强体键。 道学从研究天地自然的永生不变中,去觉悟到人类社会的变化,缘由,一步认证了他们之间的关系,“人法地、地法天、天法道、道法自然”。顺应根据遵循自然人类社会就可以繁荣昌盛,国家就可以长治久安,家庭就可以和睦相处,自身就可以健康长寿。这与《易经》、《黄帝内经》倡导的天人合一、天人相应、阴阳和谐是同一理念。  人不能脱离与天地自然的和谐统一,人不能离自然而独立存在,也不能离社会家庭而独自生活。人与天地、自然万物的相通相应就说明了,一个人的个体只是万物中的一物而己。庄子说:“我与天地并生、万物与我为一”,强调了万物相齐和谐统一的理念,而道家又是特别的珍爱生命,珍惜健康,一直以来人们都认为道教是尊生贵术的宗教,这是道教继承道家思想的缘由。珍爱生命,看重使人健康长寿的养生方术,倡导身心同治,心性与身体同样重要,是道家几千年来研究道德、以道德的理念指导医药养生的精神本质,也就是医学结合健康长寿的*秘诀。 从人与自然社会、家庭以及人本身的和谐层面,论述道的理念,又从修齐治平的概念去体现道的内涵,目的是使人们返淳返朴,求证生命的本真,“坐忘”以求本、“养真”以合道,回归上古自然无为,清静恬淡,“甘其食、美其服、安其居、乐其俗,邻国相望,鸡犬之声相闻”的原始生活状态。这或许是实现和谐、和平,回归自然的*好方法。
La drum cu Platon. Ce spun filosofii despre na?tere, iubire
La drum cu Platon. Ce spun filosofii despre na?tere, iubire
Robert Rowland Smith
n concepia religioas a lui Gogol, diavolul este esena mistic i fiina real n care sa concentrat negarea lui Dumnezeu, rul etern. Gogol, ca artist, la lumina rsului, studiaz natura acestei esene mistice; ca om, cu arma rsului, lupt mpotriva acestei fiine reale: rsul lui Gogol este lupta omului cu diavolul. Dumnezeu este infinitul, sfritul i nceputul existenei; diavolul este negarea lui Dumnezeu i, prin urmare, negarea oricrui nceput i a oricrui sfrit; diavolul este nceputul i neterminatul care se d drept nenceput i infinit; diavolul este mijlocul numenal al existenei, negarea tuturor profunzimilor i culmilor, este platitudinea etern, venica trivialitate. Unicul obiect al creaiei gogoliene este diavolul chiar n acest sens, adic drept manifestare a nemuritoarei trivialiti omeneti”, observat dincolo de toate condiiile de timp i de spaiu – de istorie, popor, stat, societate –, manifestarea rului indiscutabil, etern i universal; – trivialitatea sub speciae aeterni, sub nfiarea eternitii”. (Dmitri Merejkovski)
Unicat. Cartea cu o sut? de finaluri
Unicat. Cartea cu o sut? de finaluri
Milorad Pavić
O parte dintre noi au tr?it vremuri grele pe care uneori le mai vis?m, le povestim sau despre care scriem ?nc?, f?r? patima cumplit? care i-a cuprins pe profitorii de atunci, care ?i ast?zi ne fac r?u, ?i chiar mai r?u dec?t ?pe vremea aceea“, cum se zice. E drept c? noi am prev?zut-o ?ntr-un fel sau altul, spun?nd-o celor care se-ncumetau s? ne asculte, f?r? preten?ia, Doamne, fere?te!, de a ne considera ?i disiden?i, cum o f?cur? cei men?iona?i mai sus. Previziunile noastre s-au bazat pe o anume cunoa?tere a mersului istoriei, care, cum se ?tie, se tot repet?, cu mici deosebiri, fire?te. Oricum, ceva cuno?tin?e de economie politic? nu ne stric? nici ?n zilele noastre, pentru a ne da seama de jocul frecvent al trecerii de la economia politic? la politica economic? ?i, mai ales, al trecerilor de la un sistem sau or?nduire economic? la alta ?i invers, cum le-am tr?it noi: de la capitalism la socialism ?i viceversa. Ca un fel de ciud??enie, au r?mas considera?iunile despre noul eon sau noua er? (New Age) ale filosofului din Lancr?m, mai ales c? acestea s-au realizat abia dup? c?derea comunismului, pe care n-o mai prev?zuse Blaga. (Alexandru Surdu) Eseuri filosofice de acela?i autor 1. Voca?ii filosofice rom?ne?ti, Editura Aca?de?miei Rom?ne, Bucure?ti, 1995, 216 p.; edi??ia a II-a, Editura Ardealul, T?rgu-Mure?, 2003, 206 p. 2. Confluen?e cultural-filosofice, Editura Pai?de?ia, Bucure?ti, 2002, 219 p. 3. M?rturiile anamnezei, Editura Paideia, Bu?cu?re?ti, 2004, 193 p. 4. Comentarii la rostirea filosofic?, Editura Kron-Art, Bra?ov, 2009, 186 p. 5. Izvoare de filosofie rom?neasc?, Editura Biblioteca Bucure?tilor, Bucure?ti, 2010, 171 p.; edi?ia a II-a, Editura Renaissance, Bucu?re?ti, 2011, 161 p. 6. A sufletului rom?nesc cinstire, Editura Re?naissance, Bucure?ti, 2011, 197 p. 7. Pietre de poticnire, Editura Ardealul, T?r?gu-Mure?, 2014, 179 p.
Confesiunile unei dependente de art?
Confesiunile unei dependente de art?
David Guggenheim
One of the greatest works of philosophy, political theory, and literature ever produced, Plato’s Republic has shaped Western thought for thousands of years, and remains as relevant today as when it was written during the fourth century B.C.Republic begins by posing a central question: "What is justice, and why should we be just, especially when the wicked often seem happier and more successful?" For Plato, the answer lies with the ways people, groups, and institutions organize and behave. A brilliant inquiry into the problems of constructing the perfect state, and the roles education, the arts, family, and religion should play in our lives, Republic employs picturesque settings, sharply outlined characters, and conversational dialogue to drive home the philosopher’s often provocative arguments.Highly regarded as one of the most accurate renderings of Plato's Republic that has yet been published, this widely acclaimed work is the first strictly literal translation of a timeless classic. This Special Collector's Edition includes a new introduction by Prof. Colin Kant, PH.D, a noted Platonian and Socratic scholar.
The Sorrows of Young Werther
The Sorrows of Young Werther
J. W. Von Goethe
Among the notable books of later times-we may say, without exaggeration, of all time--must be reckoned The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau. It deals with leading personages and transactions of a momentous epoch, when absolutism and feudalism were rallying for their last struggle against the modern spirit, chiefly represented by Voltaire, the Encyclopedists, and Rousseau himself--a struggle to which, after many fierce intestine quarrels and sanguinary wars throughout Europe and America, has succeeded the prevalence of those more tolerant and rational principles by which the statesmen of our own day are actuated. On these matters, however, it is not our province to enlarge; nor is it necessary to furnish any detailed account of our author's political, religious, and philosophic axioms and systems, his paradoxes and his errors in logic: these have been so long and so exhaustively disputed over by contending factions that little is left for even the most assiduous gleaner in the field. The inquirer will find, in Mr. John Money's excellent work, the opinions of Rousseau reviewed succinctly and impartially. The 'Contrat Social', the 'Lattres Ecrites de la Montagne', and other treatises that once aroused fierce controversy, may therefore be left in the repose to which they have long been consigned, so far as the mass of mankind is concerned, though they must always form part of the library of the politician and the historian. One prefers to turn to the man Rousseau as he paints himself in the remarkable work before us. That the task which he undertook in offering to show himself--as Persius puts it--'Intus et in cute', to posterity, exceeded his powers, is a trite criticism; like all human enterprises, his purpose was only imperfectly fulfilled; but this circumstance in no way lessens the attractive qualities of his book, not only for the student of history or psychology, but for the intelligent man of the world. Its startling frankness gives it a peculiar interest wanting in most other autobiographies. Many censors have elected to sit in judgment on the failings of this strangely constituted being, and some have pronounced upon him very severe sentences. Let it be said once for all that his faults and mistakes were generally due to causes over which he had but little control, such as a defective education, a too acute sensitiveness, which engendered suspicion of his fellows, irresolution, an overstrained sense of honour and independence, and an obstinate refusal to take advice from those who really wished to befriend him; nor should it be forgotten that he was afflicted during the greater part of his life with an incurable disease. Lord Byron had a soul near akin to Rousseau's, whose writings naturally made a deep impression on the poet's mind, and probably had an influence on his conduct and modes of thought: In some stanzas of 'Childe Harold' this sympathy is expressed with truth and power; especially is the weakness of the Swiss philosopher's character summed up in the following admirable lines: "Here the self-torturing sophist, wild Rousseau, The apostle of affliction, he who threw Enchantment over passion, and from woe Wrung overwhelming eloquence, first drew The breath which made him wretched; yet he knew How to make madness beautiful, and cast O'er erring deeds and thoughts a heavenly hue Of words, like sunbeams, dazzling as they passed The eyes, which o'er them shed tears feelingly and fast. "His life was one long war with self-sought foes, Or friends by him self-banished; for his mind Had grown Suspicion's sanctuary, and chose, For its own cruel sacrifice, the kind, 'Gainst whom he raged with fury strange and blind. But he was frenzied,-wherefore, who may know? Since cause might be which skill could never find; But he was frenzied by disease or woe To that worst pitch of all, which wears a reasoning show."
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
William Shakespeare
Mülkiyet kar??t? ya?l? anar?ist, hayat?n?n son y?llar?nda ironik bir durumda kald?. ?svi?re vatanda?l???na girmenin yollar?n? arayan Bakunin'e sunulan se?enek, orada bir ev sahibi olmas?yd? ve belki de en hazini, sahip olaca?? bu ev nedeniyle, polisin, resm? tutanaklara “Michael Bakunin, rantiye” notunu dü?mesiydi. 18 May?s 1814'te Rusya'da do?an Michael Aleksandrovich Bakunin, 1 Temmuz 1876'da ?ldü?ünde ülkesinden ?ok uzaklardayd? ve cenazesinde yaln?zca 30–40 ki?i vard?. Gen? Bakunin i?in, “A?k, insan?n yeryüzündeki en üst misyonuydu. Bir insan?n kendini a?ks?z vermesi, Kutsal Ruh’a kar?? i?lenmi? bir günaht?”.. ?Kad?nlar taraf?ndan olduk?a ?ekici bulunan Mihail'in ise kad?nlarla ili?kisi hep ruhsal bir a?k olarak kald?.??svi?re'nin muhte?em manzaras? e?li?inde George Sand romanlar? okuyan Bakunin, Frans?z dü?üncesinin Alman dü?üncesinden üstün oldu?u inanc?n? sa?lamla?t?r?yordu. ? Bakunin, Marx i?in, “O, beni duygusal idealist olarak adland?r?yordu; hakl?yd?. Ben de onu, hoyrat, kendini be?enmi? ve ac?mas?z olarak de?erlendiriyordum; ben de hakl?yd?m” diyordu.. ? Kendisine ili?kin konularda kindar olmayan Bakunin, Herzen'in kar?s?na g?sterdi?i so?uklu?u hayat?n?n sonuna kadar unutamad?.?“Art?k reaksiyonun muzaffer gü?lerine kar?? Sisifos'un ta??n? yuvarlamak i?in ne gerekli güce ne de güvene sahibim. Bu yüzden, mücadeleden ?ekiliyor ve arkada?lar?mdan tek bir iyilik bekliyorum: "Unutulmak”,?Orta ve ge? on dokuzuncu yüzy?lda, radikal sol –yani, a?g?zlü kapitalizm ele?tirmenleri ve sanayi i??ilerinin ?zgürlü?ünün savunucular?– iki temel franksiyona ayr?l?yordu: Marksistler ve anar?istler. Kabaca s?ylemek gerekirse (ki bu son derece kar???k bir hik?yedir), kazanan Marksistler oldu ve yirminci yüzy?l?n tüm ba?ar?l? sol devrimleri –Rus, ?in ve Küba, ?rne?in– Marksist ilkelere ba?l?l?klar?n? ilan ettiler. ? Marksistler ile anar?istler aras?ndaki sava? bu noktada tarihsel bir meraktan ?te devam eden bir meseledir. Pi?man olmayan ya da ele?tirilmeyen tek ger?ek Marksist sol Kim Jong Il ve taraf etraftaki birka? entelektüel ve profes?rdür. Anar?izm ise uygulanabilir bir toplumsal hareket olarak ?kinci Dünya Sava??yla yava? yava? tükenmeye yüz tutmu?ken küreselle?me kar??t? hareket ve d?nemimizin di?er radikalizmleri i?inde yeniden dirilmeye ba?lam??t?r. ? Ne var ki, d?neminde –Marx’?n di?erleriyle aras?ndaki– bu sava? bir ?lüm kal?m meselesiydi ve Marksizm muhtemel kapitalizm kar??t? olarak ve yan? s?ra anar?izm kar??t? olarak tan?mlan?yordu. Asl?nda, Marx’?n yazarl??? anar?izme y?nelik sald?r?lar? a??s?ndan handiyse gülün? bir geni?li?e ula?m??t?r. Marx’?n Alman ?deolojisi kitab?n?n büyük b?lümü –yüzlerce sayfas?– bireyci/anar?ist Max Stirner’e y?nelik bir sald?r?dan ibarettir. Felsefenin Sefaleti Proudhon’a kar?? büyük?e bir fikir sava??d?r. Marx onca zaman ve enerjisini Bakunin’e sald?rmaya harcam??t?r: ?“dangalak!”?“canavar, et ve ya? y???n?,” “sap?k” vesaire: ?bu tabirler, has?mlar? s?z konusu oldu?unda Marx’?n bildik üslubudur: yazarl??? yar? bilimsel inceleme, yar? s?zlü tacizdir. Marx’?n, gerek kendi a?z?ndan gerekse de kimi s?zcülerini kullanarak ony?llar boyunca y?neltti?i ve muhtemelen di?erleri denli e?lenceli olmayan var olan su?lamas?, Bakunin’in bir muhbir oldu?u y?nündeydi ve Marx’?n bu ba?ar?l? sald?r?lar? nihayetinde Bakunin’in Enternasyonal ???i Z?mb?rt?s?ndan tasfiyesine yol a?t?.. ?
Nagyapó mesésk?nyve
Nagyapó mesésk?nyve
Lajos Pósa
...a knyvet ne tekintsük úgy, mint amelynek a fejldése már befejezdtt, és amin már nincs is mit tkéletesíteni... azzal mintha nem foglalkozna senki, hogy a knyvet miként lehetne az olvasó számára használhatóbbá tenni... nagyon is el tudnék képzelni ergonomikusabban megtervezett és knnyebben kézben tartható knyvet is (amelyet nem ejtek el, ha a mobilom után kezdek kotorászni a 6-os villamoson. Ha egyszer vehetünk jobban kézbe ill tollat, akkor talán ez sem képtelenség).”