《物性论》为读者带来一个警告:它是想改变你的生命。许多作者相信他们的著作将使读者感到一个真实的冲击,但是很少会想象到这种野心给读者所带来的变化。 ……想象一下,有满足之感,并想得到一个可靠的对宇宙的理解以及生存的自然规律,从而再没有对突如其来不愉快的惊讶,没有怪物从我们的无知的阴暗角落向我们发动攻击,而现在整个宇宙为自然规律的知识所照耀。想象没有权力、金钱、爱情甚至生命本身的野心。你应放弃所有的这些东西,一滴眼泪也不掉。你应当享受生命已经给了你的,而不应先追求这以外的东西。你应保持安详、满足和智慧。在《物性论》的末尾,卢克莱修说,你也应有像这样的一个生命。因此,这首诗并不是为炫耀其深奥聪明的观念的一部枯燥的哲学论著,更不是一位疲惫的诗人,碰着一个问题专注于把希腊哲学用拉丁诗体来表示出来。
考察《圣教论》四章内容,可以看出论主乔茶波陀是在努力构建一个新的吠檀多理论体系(这里所谓“新”是说与其前辈论师对奥义书的解释不一样)。这个体系基本上包括本体论、认识论、方法论、范畴论、解脱论或目的论等内容。 本书专门为《蛙氏奥义》作注解,阐释了奥义书哲学。作者对奥义书哲学和佛家大乘学说有独到的研究,在本书中提出了一系列新见解,构建了一个新的多哲学体系。因此说,本书不仅仅是一部对《蛙氏奥义》的权威注释,也是一部自成体系的古印度哲学专著。
《什么是主体性?》由法国存在主义哲学家让-保罗·萨特1961年12月在罗马应葛兰西学院之邀讲学的记录整理而成。当年的课堂记录尤其是萨特与现场听众讨论的部分,五十多年后重获发现,2013年在法国出版,主体为题为“马克思主义与主体性”的报告,同时收数位意大利的马克思主义知识分子(如Enzo Paci, Cesare Luporini, Galvano Della Volpe)与萨特讨论的文字。并由Michel Kail与Raoul Kirchmayer作序言“意识与主体性”,跋文是詹明信的“萨特的现实意义”。 “主体性”是萨特强调的重要概念之一,“什么是主体性”这一问题因为与当代批评理论中针对“主体”的讨论相关而重获重要性。自1930年代以来,主体性问题就困扰着萨特。萨特认为,正是人的主体性给了我们在生活中选择走自己的道路的能力。因为并不存在客观的标准、客观的价值,也不存在确定的决定我们是谁或我们是什么的本质,我们能够把握的只有主观的标准、主观的价值以及由此而来的本质,而这些只能从一个主观的视角来拓展和理解。 正如“序言”所言:本书的出版,使人们得以一瞥萨特著作的整体性,并可为他艰涩的《辩证理性批判》一书提供理想的门导读,而《辩证理性批判》一书正好在讲座前一年出版,构成了一次与马克思主义的交锋。这种交锋的前提是萨特对马克思主义的悖论性评价:马克思主义已停止不前,同时也构成我们时代不可逾越的地平线。 萨特这次报告的抱负即为将主体性置于马克思主义分析的核心,以重新赋予它一度失去的活力。他同时抨了主观主义和客观主义,他想指出为什么主体性对于认识社会来说必不可少。萨特的特有方法就是通过分析实例来紧紧抓住自己的对象。而抓住主体性,就是理解客观条件如何被内在化和被体验,使自己有能力说明集体实践的形式如何得以建立。主体性是“特殊的普遍”,是历史的产物,是历史的基本结构,是可能的创造!
Inigo: a play about Ignatius of Loyola
Inigo (Ignatius de Loyola) begins as a hot-headed, street-fighting sensualist, in this action-packed play but due to serious injury in a sword-fight, he has to spend time recovering and reassessing his dissolute life. This stage version of his life follows his transformation to become the co-founder of the Jesuits in the sixteenth century, battling the powers of the day and the Inquisition. In Moore's bold, funny play, he asserts Inigo's position as a radical figure bent on changing the Catholic Church.?? This play is not only for those interested in Inigo and the Jesuits. It is also about individuals who fight for change against an implacable Establishment and it is ideal for performing in schools, colleges and theatres. Of special interest to schools and colleges, many of which are named after Inigo (Ignatius de Loyola).?Inigo's spiritual tools for change have informed other self-development programs such as the 12 step program for recovering drug and alcohol addicts. As Pope Francis is a Jesuit, this is a timely exploration of one of history's major spiritual leaders and reformers. "This is the most interesting play text to have reached me for a while... Ignatius of Loyala, founder of the Jesuits is not the most obvious choice for a play subject until you remember that he was effectively a counter-cultural radical fighting an implacable establishment suddenly it s both topical and relevant. I hope this thoughtful, engaging and very funny in places eight-hander will get more outings very soon. If not read the text anyway." --Susan Elkin, The Stage"Brilliantly written... a great evening of thoughtful and dynamic theatre." --Mark Lawson, arts correspondent"The structure and dynamism of the play, the art with which Jonathan Moore makes Ignatius accessible to us, capturing much of the drama of the Spiritual Exercises themselves, would also make I?igo an excellent discovery for schools and colleges." --James Hanvey SJ, Master of Campion Hall, University of Oxford, Thinking Faith Jonathan Moore is an award-winning actor, writer and director. As an actor he has played leading roles at the Royal Shakespeare Co, Royal Court, Donmar, the Royal Exchange and on BBC TV. He has directed theatre and opera world premieres at the Almeida, Donmar, West End, Royal Exchange, Gate, English National Opera, Covent Garden, La Fenice in Venice and on TV among many others. He has directed world premieres by composers such as Turnage, MacMillan, Henze, Schnittke, Nyman, Copeland and more, and his early work was sponsored by Joe Strummer of The Clash. He has collaborated with members of punk band Killing Joke and on several projects with Industrial group Test Dept. A published playwright and librettist, his work has been performed at leading theatres including the Donmar, Royal Exchange, Gate, BBC TV, radio and internationally. Jonathan was asked by Mark Rylance to direct the large-scale immersive project for over fifty performers What You Will, a co-production for Shakespeare s Globe, The Cultural Olympiad and Mayor s Office and several subsequent Shakespeare projects. He is due to direct a large-scale site-specific immersive project for Ludovico Einaudi in Italy and a new opera project with Stewart Copeland. He is on the Artistic Advisory Committee of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. He has had a Who s Who entry since 2007. A collection of Moore's plays has been previously published by Aurora Metro Books. www.jonathanmooreuk.com
Conscious by Nature: Understanding the nature of consciousness through nature it
Come on a journey into the nature of consciousness, finding the space 'between thoughts' as the most obvious place to recognize your true and eternal Self. We recognize overlooked aspects of the natural world around us; as ourselves, as well as using nature to demonstrate spiritual concepts such as God, union and liberation. Your true 'nature' awaits...---------------------------"No matter how it is approached, no amount of words will ever transmit to another person the indescribable 'ultimate Truth'. The fact that it's described as indescribable should be enough to stop us trying. Yet it's made even more difficult because of our troublesome human mind. As intelligent and magnificent as it is, it has a deep and tragic habit of confusing the symbols we use (for simple convenience) in our lives, for the actual things or ideas they represent. As Alan Watts used to say, it's like climbing a signpost rather than walking in the direction it points. Our greatest of misunderstandings is that we confuse the story and idea of who we are, with what is actually true; pure and simple. We make a false judgment on who or what we are, and you wouldn't believe the amount of mischief that arises in result.As exaggerated or humorous as all this may sound on first impressions, this habit of confusing symbols for reality is a very real problem plaguing our human world, and the implications are exceptionally far reaching. We have confused such things as money for wealth, status or fame for character and even the virtual world for real - but most appropriate to this book, is that religious or spiritual concepts are always confused for the things they are pointing towards. That's particularly true of our concepts of 'God', particularly true of Buddha's Dharma, particularly true of any teaching towards enlightenment or liberation."---------------------------"OmniscienceOh father in heaven, omniscience cannot be. It makes no sense, no sense to me....***Between thoughts, your functioning remains flawless. Between thoughts you are ego-less, yet still exist...?How is it so that your heart beats without your control?How do migrating birds travel without directions, newborn horses stand straight up and embryos form without instruction. How does a plant know how to flower and a seed mature into a tree??Without thought or instruction, nature around you is already omniscient. Are you different from nature, or one and the same?***Young one, nature already exists in an omniscient state with no mind…?Between thoughts, are you omniscient?Mid-thought, do you believe you're not?"
《查拉图斯特拉如是说》是尼采假借查拉图斯特拉之名说出他自己的哲学思想,也可以说是一本查拉图斯特拉的说教集或者说是查拉图斯特拉的行藏录。 这部作品是德国哲学家尼采的一部里程碑式的作品。这本书以散文诗体写就,宣讲“超人的哲学”和“权力意志”,通过主人公查拉图斯特拉阐述出:人类是处于超人和禽兽之间的物种,人类的步方向是超人;上帝已死,唯有让上帝死才能化为超人;人类的道德便是超人甘于坠落自己的意志等哲学思想,用诗歌的语言,讲述了尼采对于人生、人类、痛苦、快乐、期待的深刻领悟。这本书是一部哲学书,却有极高的文学价值,是一部关于“超人”的圣经。
Discovery of the Future: Illustrated
Such is the system which underlies the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. Some knowledge of it is necessary to the right understanding of the book, but for us the chief interest lies elsewhere. We do not come to Marcus Aurelius for a treatise on Stoicism. He is no head of a school to lay down a body of doctrine for students; he does not even contemplate that others should read what he writes. His philosophy is not an eager intellectual inquiry, but more what we should call religious feeling. The uncompromising stiffness of Zeno or Chrysippus is softened and transformed by passing through a nature reverent and tolerant, gentle and free from guile; the grim resignation which made life possible to the Stoic sage becomes in him almost a mood of aspiration. His book records the innermost thoughts of his heart, set down to ease it, with such moral maxims and reflections as may help him to bear the burden of duty and the countless annoyances of a busy life. It is instructive to compare the Meditations with another famous book, the Imitation of Christ. There is the same ideal of self-control in both. It should be a man's task, says the Imitation, 'to overcome himself, and every day to be stronger than himself.' 'In withstanding of the passions standeth very peace of heart.' 'Let us set the axe to the root, that we being purged of our passions may have a peaceable mind.' To this end there must be continual self-examination. 'If thou may not continually gather thyself together, namely sometimes do it, at least once a day, the morning or the evening. In the morning purpose, in the evening discuss the manner, what thou hast been this day, in word, work, and thought.' But while the Roman's temper is a modest self-reliance, the Christian aims at a more passive mood, humbleness and meekness, and reliance on the presence and personal friendship of God. The Roman scrutinises his faults with severity, but without the self-contempt which makes the Christian 'vile in his own sight.' The Christian, like the Roman, bids 'study to withdraw thine heart from the love of things visible'; but it is not the busy life of duty he has in mind so much as the contempt of all worldly things, and the 'cutting away of all lower delectations.' Both rate men's praise or blame at their real worthlessness; 'Let not thy peace,' says the Christian, 'be in the mouths of men.' But it is to God's censure the Christian appeals, the Roman to his own soul. The petty annoyances of injustice or unkindness are looked on by each with the same magnanimity. 'Why doth a little thing said or done against thee make thee sorry? It is no new thing; it is not the first, nor shall it be the last, if thou live long. At best suffer patiently, if thou canst not suffer joyously.' The Christian should sorrow more for other men's malice than for our own wrongs; but the Roman is inclined to wash his hands of the offender. 'Study to be patient in suffering and bearing other men's defaults and all manner infirmities,' says the Christian; but the Roman would never have thought to add, 'If all men were perfect, what had we then to suffer of other men for God?' The virtue of suffering in itself is an idea which does not meet us in the Meditations. Both alike realise that man is one of a great community. 'No man is sufficient to himself,' says the Christian; 'we must bear together, help together, comfort together.' But while he sees a chief importance in zeal, in exalted emotion that is, and avoidance of lukewarmness, the Roman thought mainly of the duty to be done as well as might be, and less of the feeling which should go with the doing of it. To the saint as to the emperor, the world is a poor thing at best. 'Verily it is a misery to live upon the earth,' says the Christian; few and evil are the days of man's life, which passeth away suddenly as a shadow. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?*** ? "MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONINUS" was born on April 26, A.D. 121. His real name was M. Annius Verus, and he was sprung of a noble family which claimed descent from Numa, second King of Rome. Thus the most religious of emperors came of the blood of the most pious of early kings. His father, Annius Verus, had held high office in Rome, and his grandfather, of the same name, had been thrice Consul. Both his parents died young, but Marcus held them in loving remembrance. On his father's death Marcus was adopted by his grandfather, the consular Annius Verus, and there was deep love between these two. On the very first page of his book Marcus gratefully declares how of his grandfather he had learned to be gentle and meek, and to refrain from all anger and passion. The Emperor Hadrian divined the fine character of the lad, whom he used to call not Verus but Verissimus, more Truthful than his own name. He advanced Marcus to equestrian rank when six years of age, and at the age of eight made him a member of the ancient Salian priesthood. The boy's aunt, A
The World Set Free
Kitab?n ba?l?ca vasf? olarak, Antik Yunan polisinden günümüze uzanan yolda, ?ocuk ve gen? yeti?tirmenin kamusal ve insan? ?nemini ortaya koyarken, fizik?, ahl?k? ve kültürel y?nleriyle bir bütün olarak e?itim felsefesi üzerine kaleme al?nm?? en temel eserlerden biri olmas? g?sterilebilir… ?Bu noktada, Rousseau’nun, “Tüm yazd?klar?m i?inde en iyi eserim” diye takdim etti?i?Emile’in 1762’de yay?nland???nda lanetlenip, 30 y?l sonra, Frans?z Devrimi’nin ?ncüleri i?in Frans?z milli e?itiminin ilham kayna?? addedildi?i dikkate al?nd???nda, Kant’?n e?itim üzerine sarf etti?i s?zlerin tarihsel ve toplumsal ba?lam? da ortaya ??kar. 18.yüzy?l?n ortalar?ndan 19.yüzy?l?n ba?lar?na dek ge?en bir ?mürlük sürede k?ta Avrupas? büyük bir do?umun sanc?lar?yla sars?lmaktad?r. ?ncesi ve sonras? diye tarihi ikiye ay?ran ?ifte Devrim (Sanayi ve Frans?z Devrimi) büyük bir zihinsel d?nü?üme yol a?mak üzeredir. Kant’? büyüten, ya da büyüklü?üne ayr?ca de?er katan bir unsur da, onun i?te bu ?a??n insan? olmas?d?r. ?Kant, 1806’daki Jena Sava??n? ve Napoleon i?galinin Alman milleti üzerinde yaratt??? ?ok ve deh?eti g?remeden vefat etse de, Wilhelm von Humboldt gibi e?itim reformcular? arac?l???yla Prusya (genel itibar?yla da Alman) e?itim sistemi i?in ne denli ?nemli bir yol a?t???n? tüm kitap boyunca seziyor gibidir. Bununla birlikte Kant’?nE?itim ?zerine’si, milli dilde ibadet edip, okumay? yazmay? te?vik eden Luhterci gelene?in Pietizmle kendini yenilemi? ve Büyük Frederich taraf?ndan te?vik edilmi? olan e?itim anlay???n?n olgunla?ma ?a??n?n da bir ürünüdür. Bu sebeple, kitab?n tamam?na h?kim olan motif, Ayd?nlanmac? bir “i?sel ?zgürle?im” ve “ruhan? terbiye” aras?nda kurulmas? gereken büyük dengedir. ? ? ?Bu arka plan? dikkate alarak, ?imdi kitaba biraz daha yak?ndan bakabiliriz… E?itim ?zerine, memleketin sayg?n ?evirmenlerinden biri olan Ahmet Aydo?an’?n sunu? ve ?ns?züyle ba?l?yor. ?stü kapal? fakat sitem dolu bir de?erlendirme yaz?s? olan “’Sapere Aude!’ Diye ??kt?k Yola”, Kant’a s?zü teslim etmeden evvel, 30 sayfada, Kant’?n dü?ünce dünyas?ndan ne denli uzakta kald???m?z?n ele?tirisini yap?yor. Bu arada, kitab?n ortaya ??k?? ?yküsüne de 22.sayfada a??klay?c? bir notla yer veriliyor. K?ningsberg ?niversitesi’nde muhtelif zamanlarda verilen dersler i?in haz?rlanan notlardan derlendi?i anla??lan?E?itim ?zerine, modern Türk?e’nin bir felsefe dili olamamas?n?n da etkisiyle, ?e?itli dipnotlar arac?l???yla kavramlar?n ve kelimelerin daha anla??l?r k?l?nd??? bir h?lde okura sunuluyor. ? “?nsan E?itilmesi Gereken Bir Varl?kt?r”: ? ?Kant, dü?üncelerini temellendirdi?i giri? sayfalar?nda insan?n e?itime muhta? ten varl?k oldu?u ger?e?inden hareket ediyor ve insan?n ancak e?itimle insan olabilece?ini dile getiriyor. (s.35) E?itime y?nelik bu yakla??m, Kant’?n idealizm felsefesinin ger?ekle?mesine giden yolu a?an anahtarlardan biri say?labilir.? ? ???NDEK?LER: ? KANT'IN YA?AMI…KANT'A G?RE AYDINLANMA NED?R?AHLAKIN METAF?Z???…KANT VE E??T?M ?ZER?NE….KANT VE TANRIKANT IN ELE?T?REL FELSEFES?KANT’IN ELE?T?REL FELSEFES?NE PLATON VE PARMEN?DES?N KATKILARI Kritisizm Nedir? KANT FELSEFES?N?N TEMEL KAVRAMLARIKANT’IN KURAMSAL METAF?Z?K ELE?T?R?S? HAKKINDAK? D???NCELER?..I. KANT'IN LE?BN?Z- WOLFF VE HUME'UN FELSEFELER?NE Y?NEL?K ELE?T?R?S?II. KANT'TA METAF?Z?K B?LG?N?N OLANA?I: METAF?Z?K OLANAKLI MIDIR?SONU?LARKANT’IN D?NYA YURTTA?LI?I AMACINA Y?NEL?K GENEL B?R TAR?H D???NCES?KANT’?I EBED? BARI?” D???NCES?S?YAS? HAKLARDA TEOR? VE PRAT?K ?L??K?S? ?ZER?NEK?RESELLE?EN SORUNLAR KAR?ISINDA KANT ET???UNUTULMAZ KANT S?ZLER?…..
哲学一直给人一种远在云端的感觉,对于很多人来说,读不读哲学对生活没有多少影响。但其实,这种高高在上的哲学是被经院化和学科化了的,是对哲学原来面貌的*扭曲! 七格说,哲学与我们的距离并不遥远。哲学家可以很有趣,哲学可以很辛辣,哲学与我们的生活息息相关,可以启发我们从不同的角度看待生活中的问题。 《脑洞大的哲学简史(*部分:八世纪前)》带你认识48位哲学大师的前世今生,风趣幽默的观剖析,独具一格的人物短评,各类学科与哲学的激情碰撞,让你畅游哲学海洋,重塑不一样的哲学态度!
有些事物,永不消逝,暴力即属此类。 暴力性表达并非现代性的标志。暴力只是变化多端而已,其表现形式随社会局势而变。如今,它回到皮下、交际之下、毛细和神经元的领域,呈现出微观物理学的形态;这种形态的存在,无需在统治或敌对关系中的那种否定或排斥性。 它从可见转为无形,从粗野蛮横转为沉思内省,从正面直转为病毒性感染。暴力起作用的方式不是公然袭,而是蔓延传染。 作者在本书中首次揭示了暴力事件的变形记,从君权和血亲等前现代社会的斩首,经由现代规训社会的畸变,*终到了今天绩效社会和倦怠社会的抑郁。 ------------- 韩炳哲作品系列(见识城邦出品)(已出齐) 《精神政治学》(2019年3月) Psychopolitik 《爱欲之死》(2019年3月) Agonie des Eros 《在群中》(2019年3月) Im Schwarm 《他者的消失》(2019年6月) Die Austreibung des Anderen 《倦怠社会》(2019年6月) Müdigkeitsgesellschaft 《娱乐何为》(2019年6月) Gute Unterhaltung 《暴力拓扑学》(2019年10月) Topologie der Gewalt 《透明社会》(2019年10月) Transparenzgesellschaft 《美的救赎》(2019年10月) Die Errettung des Sch?nen