
The World Set Free
Kitab?n ba?l?ca vasf? olarak, Antik Yunan polisinden günümüze uzanan yolda, ?ocuk ve gen? yeti?tirmenin kamusal ve insan? ?nemini ortaya koyarken, fizik?, ahl?k? ve kültürel y?nleriyle bir bütün olarak e?itim felsefesi üzerine kaleme al?nm?? en temel eserlerden biri olmas? g?sterilebilir… ?Bu noktada, Rousseau’nun, “Tüm yazd?klar?m i?inde en iyi eserim” diye takdim etti?i?Emile’in 1762’de yay?nland???nda lanetlenip, 30 y?l sonra, Frans?z Devrimi’nin ?ncüleri i?in Frans?z milli e?itiminin ilham kayna?? addedildi?i dikkate al?nd???nda, Kant’?n e?itim üzerine sarf etti?i s?zlerin tarihsel ve toplumsal ba?lam? da ortaya ??kar. 18.yüzy?l?n ortalar?ndan 19.yüzy?l?n ba?lar?na dek ge?en bir ?mürlük sürede k?ta Avrupas? büyük bir do?umun sanc?lar?yla sars?lmaktad?r. ?ncesi ve sonras? diye tarihi ikiye ay?ran ?ifte Devrim (Sanayi ve Frans?z Devrimi) büyük bir zihinsel d?nü?üme yol a?mak üzeredir. Kant’? büyüten, ya da büyüklü?üne ayr?ca de?er katan bir unsur da, onun i?te bu ?a??n insan? olmas?d?r. ?Kant, 1806’daki Jena Sava??n? ve Napoleon i?galinin Alman milleti üzerinde yaratt??? ?ok ve deh?eti g?remeden vefat etse de, Wilhelm von Humboldt gibi e?itim reformcular? arac?l???yla Prusya (genel itibar?yla da Alman) e?itim sistemi i?in ne denli ?nemli bir yol a?t???n? tüm kitap boyunca seziyor gibidir. Bununla birlikte Kant’?nE?itim ?zerine’si, milli dilde ibadet edip, okumay? yazmay? te?vik eden Luhterci gelene?in Pietizmle kendini yenilemi? ve Büyük Frederich taraf?ndan te?vik edilmi? olan e?itim anlay???n?n olgunla?ma ?a??n?n da bir ürünüdür. Bu sebeple, kitab?n tamam?na h?kim olan motif, Ayd?nlanmac? bir “i?sel ?zgürle?im” ve “ruhan? terbiye” aras?nda kurulmas? gereken büyük dengedir. ? ? ?Bu arka plan? dikkate alarak, ?imdi kitaba biraz daha yak?ndan bakabiliriz… E?itim ?zerine, memleketin sayg?n ?evirmenlerinden biri olan Ahmet Aydo?an’?n sunu? ve ?ns?züyle ba?l?yor. ?stü kapal? fakat sitem dolu bir de?erlendirme yaz?s? olan “’Sapere Aude!’ Diye ??kt?k Yola”, Kant’a s?zü teslim etmeden evvel, 30 sayfada, Kant’?n dü?ünce dünyas?ndan ne denli uzakta kald???m?z?n ele?tirisini yap?yor. Bu arada, kitab?n ortaya ??k?? ?yküsüne de 22.sayfada a??klay?c? bir notla yer veriliyor. K?ningsberg ?niversitesi’nde muhtelif zamanlarda verilen dersler i?in haz?rlanan notlardan derlendi?i anla??lan?E?itim ?zerine, modern Türk?e’nin bir felsefe dili olamamas?n?n da etkisiyle, ?e?itli dipnotlar arac?l???yla kavramlar?n ve kelimelerin daha anla??l?r k?l?nd??? bir h?lde okura sunuluyor. ? “?nsan E?itilmesi Gereken Bir Varl?kt?r”: ? ?Kant, dü?üncelerini temellendirdi?i giri? sayfalar?nda insan?n e?itime muhta? ten varl?k oldu?u ger?e?inden hareket ediyor ve insan?n ancak e?itimle insan olabilece?ini dile getiriyor. (s.35) E?itime y?nelik bu yakla??m, Kant’?n idealizm felsefesinin ger?ekle?mesine giden yolu a?an anahtarlardan biri say?labilir.? ? ???NDEK?LER: ? KANT'IN YA?AMI…KANT'A G?RE AYDINLANMA NED?R?AHLAKIN METAF?Z???…KANT VE E??T?M ?ZER?NE….KANT VE TANRIKANT IN ELE?T?REL FELSEFES?KANT’IN ELE?T?REL FELSEFES?NE PLATON VE PARMEN?DES?N KATKILARI Kritisizm Nedir? KANT FELSEFES?N?N TEMEL KAVRAMLARIKANT’IN KURAMSAL METAF?Z?K ELE?T?R?S? HAKKINDAK? D???NCELER?..I. KANT'IN LE?BN?Z- WOLFF VE HUME'UN FELSEFELER?NE Y?NEL?K ELE?T?R?S?II. KANT'TA METAF?Z?K B?LG?N?N OLANA?I: METAF?Z?K OLANAKLI MIDIR?SONU?LARKANT’IN D?NYA YURTTA?LI?I AMACINA Y?NEL?K GENEL B?R TAR?H D???NCES?KANT’?I EBED? BARI?” D???NCES?S?YAS? HAKLARDA TEOR? VE PRAT?K ?L??K?S? ?ZER?NEK?RESELLE?EN SORUNLAR KAR?ISINDA KANT ET???UNUTULMAZ KANT S?ZLER?…..


本书从康德遗留于世的300多封信中选出100封书信,根据年代先后按照编年史顺序排列。康德书信是康德哲学思想体系的一个重要组成部分。它们不仅包含了康德对自己思想体系的许多重要的说明和解释,形成了康德哲学著作的一个重要补充,而且以动态的方式再现了康德哲学思想形成的过程。同时,它们也是康德生活与事业的忠实见证人。 此外,本书的附录部分收录了康德三篇重要的论文,即《关于一种出自世界公民意图的普遍历史的观念》《回答一个问题:什么是启蒙》《重新提出的问题:人类是否在不断地向善步?》


哲学一直给人一种远在云端的感觉,对于很多人来说,读不读哲学对生活没有多少影响。但其实,这种高高在上的哲学是被经院化和学科化了的,是对哲学原来面貌的*扭曲! 七格说,哲学与我们的距离并不遥远。哲学家可以很有趣,哲学可以很辛辣,哲学与我们的生活息息相关,可以启发我们从不同的角度看待生活中的问题。 《脑洞大的哲学简史(*部分:八世纪前)》带你认识48位哲学大师的前世今生,风趣幽默的观剖析,独具一格的人物短评,各类学科与哲学的激情碰撞,让你畅游哲学海洋,重塑不一样的哲学态度!

Перегляд позитивного мислення
A compreens?o de Contos d’Escárnio n?o poderia restringir-se à constru??o do horizonte no qual nasce, o século XX. A inten??o de escrever lixo e bestagem, anunciada pelo narrador, aos poucos, revela um grotesco vindo de um longínquo, de um aquém. Por isto, faz-se necessário também compreender o fluxo histórico-estético que encontra acolhida na imagina??o de Hilda Hilst, cujo amparo conceitual buscou-se à estética da recep??o e do efeito. Na Teoria Estética, o feio insurge como fen?meno da realidade artística contempor?nea; refúgio de sobrevivência da arte e dos belos escritos, deixa livre à plasticidade do presente a tarefa da denúncia da realidade. Em protesto, o dissonante reivindica cidadania e se mantém como possibilidade da arte. Neste sentido, tem lugar em Hilda Hilst a atualidade do grotesco.



李退溪是朝鲜朝*为重要的儒学家之一。本书以朝鲜儒学的一段公案—“四七之辩”始谈起,以文献考据和哲学分析为基本方法,重分析了李退溪的“理气互发”说和心学思想的理论渊源与后学影响。李退溪受《周易》和周敦颐《太极图说》中动静说的启发,推发了“理”之能“发四端”的可能性,由此建立了人性之善与天理之间牢不可破的联系。退溪心学的形成与宋、元、明时期儒学的多元化发展有关,是以朱子思想为根基对《心经附注》、《延平答问》的继承,强调“十六字心传”—道心对人心的统帅。 另外,本书还从文献流传的角度揭示了朱子学东传之路径及李退溪在其中的重要作用。





Getting Used to Weird: A very different sort of Love Story
Are you awakening spiritually and feeling weird?You’re not alone. Truly, you are not alone. You have many spiritual helpers, and just like Angela, you can learn to communicate with them and enlist their support. Lorelle Taylor’s extraordinary book traces Angela’s journey from normal to weird. Join her as she confronts challenges and undertakes deeply spiritual lessons while exploring the biggest questions. Learn about life and death from angels, spirit guides, Jesus and God. Discover how to overcome obstacles in your own path as you too discover the secrets for a fulfilled and happy life. Start reading?Getting Used to Weird: A very different sort of Love Story?today and you’ll discover that on this journey, you’re also getting used to love. You’ll come away with the knowledge that “Love is the answer to all questions.”




《查拉图斯特拉如是说》是尼采假借查拉图斯特拉之名说出他自己的哲学思想,也可以说是一本查拉图斯特拉的说教集或者说是查拉图斯特拉的行藏录。 这部作品是德国哲学家尼采的一部里程碑式的作品。这本书以散文诗体写就,宣讲“超人的哲学”和“权力意志”,通过主人公查拉图斯特拉阐述出:人类是处于超人和禽兽之间的物种,人类的步方向是超人;上帝已死,唯有让上帝死才能化为超人;人类的道德便是超人甘于坠落自己的意志等哲学思想,用诗歌的语言,讲述了尼采对于人生、人类、痛苦、快乐、期待的深刻领悟。这本书是一部哲学书,却有极高的文学价值,是一部关于“超人”的圣经。

Inigo: a play about Ignatius of Loyola
Inigo (Ignatius de Loyola) begins as a hot-headed, street-fighting sensualist, in this action-packed play but due to serious injury in a sword-fight, he has to spend time recovering and reassessing his dissolute life. This stage version of his life follows his transformation to become the co-founder of the Jesuits in the sixteenth century, battling the powers of the day and the Inquisition. In Moore's bold, funny play, he asserts Inigo's position as a radical figure bent on changing the Catholic Church.?? This play is not only for those interested in Inigo and the Jesuits. It is also about individuals who fight for change against an implacable Establishment and it is ideal for performing in schools, colleges and theatres. Of special interest to schools and colleges, many of which are named after Inigo (Ignatius de Loyola).?Inigo's spiritual tools for change have informed other self-development programs such as the 12 step program for recovering drug and alcohol addicts. As Pope Francis is a Jesuit, this is a timely exploration of one of history's major spiritual leaders and reformers. "This is the most interesting play text to have reached me for a while... Ignatius of Loyala, founder of the Jesuits is not the most obvious choice for a play subject until you remember that he was effectively a counter-cultural radical fighting an implacable establishment suddenly it s both topical and relevant. I hope this thoughtful, engaging and very funny in places eight-hander will get more outings very soon. If not read the text anyway." --Susan Elkin, The Stage"Brilliantly written... a great evening of thoughtful and dynamic theatre." --Mark Lawson, arts correspondent"The structure and dynamism of the play, the art with which Jonathan Moore makes Ignatius accessible to us, capturing much of the drama of the Spiritual Exercises themselves, would also make I?igo an excellent discovery for schools and colleges." --James Hanvey SJ, Master of Campion Hall, University of Oxford, Thinking Faith Jonathan Moore is an award-winning actor, writer and director. As an actor he has played leading roles at the Royal Shakespeare Co, Royal Court, Donmar, the Royal Exchange and on BBC TV. He has directed theatre and opera world premieres at the Almeida, Donmar, West End, Royal Exchange, Gate, English National Opera, Covent Garden, La Fenice in Venice and on TV among many others. He has directed world premieres by composers such as Turnage, MacMillan, Henze, Schnittke, Nyman, Copeland and more, and his early work was sponsored by Joe Strummer of The Clash. He has collaborated with members of punk band Killing Joke and on several projects with Industrial group Test Dept. A published playwright and librettist, his work has been performed at leading theatres including the Donmar, Royal Exchange, Gate, BBC TV, radio and internationally. Jonathan was asked by Mark Rylance to direct the large-scale immersive project for over fifty performers What You Will, a co-production for Shakespeare s Globe, The Cultural Olympiad and Mayor s Office and several subsequent Shakespeare projects. He is due to direct a large-scale site-specific immersive project for Ludovico Einaudi in Italy and a new opera project with Stewart Copeland. He is on the Artistic Advisory Committee of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. He has had a Who s Who entry since 2007. A collection of Moore's plays has been previously published by Aurora Metro Books. www.jonathanmooreuk.com

Conscious by Nature: Understanding the nature of consciousness through nature it
Come on a journey into the nature of consciousness, finding the space 'between thoughts' as the most obvious place to recognize your true and eternal Self. We recognize overlooked aspects of the natural world around us; as ourselves, as well as using nature to demonstrate spiritual concepts such as God, union and liberation. Your true 'nature' awaits...---------------------------"No matter how it is approached, no amount of words will ever transmit to another person the indescribable 'ultimate Truth'. The fact that it's described as indescribable should be enough to stop us trying. Yet it's made even more difficult because of our troublesome human mind. As intelligent and magnificent as it is, it has a deep and tragic habit of confusing the symbols we use (for simple convenience) in our lives, for the actual things or ideas they represent. As Alan Watts used to say, it's like climbing a signpost rather than walking in the direction it points. Our greatest of misunderstandings is that we confuse the story and idea of who we are, with what is actually true; pure and simple. We make a false judgment on who or what we are, and you wouldn't believe the amount of mischief that arises in result.As exaggerated or humorous as all this may sound on first impressions, this habit of confusing symbols for reality is a very real problem plaguing our human world, and the implications are exceptionally far reaching. We have confused such things as money for wealth, status or fame for character and even the virtual world for real - but most appropriate to this book, is that religious or spiritual concepts are always confused for the things they are pointing towards. That's particularly true of our concepts of 'God', particularly true of Buddha's Dharma, particularly true of any teaching towards enlightenment or liberation."---------------------------"OmniscienceOh father in heaven, omniscience cannot be. It makes no sense, no sense to me....***Between thoughts, your functioning remains flawless. Between thoughts you are ego-less, yet still exist...?How is it so that your heart beats without your control?How do migrating birds travel without directions, newborn horses stand straight up and embryos form without instruction. How does a plant know how to flower and a seed mature into a tree??Without thought or instruction, nature around you is already omniscient. Are you different from nature, or one and the same?***Young one, nature already exists in an omniscient state with no mind…?Between thoughts, are you omniscient?Mid-thought, do you believe you're not?"



科学发展观继承了*思想、邓小平理论、"三个代表"重要思想中关于发展的基本思想,深刻 体现了马克思主义中国化一脉相承的重要特。科学发展观是在新形势下提出的关于中国建设的又一新理论指导,是马克思主义中国化的*理论成果。本书主要从科学发展观的内容、要义等方面探讨了科学发展观就是中国化的马克思主义。


究竟什么才是知识? 知识从何而来? 为什么有些信念的来源就是可靠的知识? 哲学家对知识的思考有哪些不同的答案呢? …… 关于知识的问题,几千年来一直是哲学家思考的重,他们彼此争论,寻求问题的答案。对知识的哲学研究就是认识论。在书中,你可以读到柏拉图、康德、笛卡儿等不同哲学家对知识的思考,重塑你对知识的认识,也能在外在主义、内在主义、怀疑主义、经验主义的理解中启你对哲学的思考。 但你不要期待能在书中找到关于知识的*终答案,因为哲学中没有公认的答案。阅读本书时,*好的做法是试着自己评估每一种哲学立场,判断它是否正确。这不仅仅是一种本能反应,因为每一种立场都会伴随着赞成或反对的观,这些观都值得你自己去仔细考量,从而判断它们是否令人信服。你甚至可以添加一些自己的思考,享受一次令人兴奋的体验。 《人人都该懂的认识论》属于湛庐文化重磅推出的“新核心素养”系列图书之一。本系列图书致力于推广通识阅读,扩展读者的阅读面,培养批判性思考的能力。其中涵盖了哲学、心理学、法律、艺术、物理学、生物科技等诸多人文科学和自然科学的知识,其中《人人都该懂的认识论》从哲学的角度出发,对知识行了一场哲学思考,可以帮助你更好地理解知识,探讨知识到底从何而来,启一场对哲学的重新思考。



《谈美》是美学家朱光潜先生以书信形式为青年所写的一本美学门书,顺着美从哪里来、美是什么以及美的特等问题层层展,提出了美学研究的理想目标——“人生的艺术化”。朱先生以一种对老朋友的语气娓娓而谈,将他对艺术与人生关系的深刻体悟渗透在质朴清新的文字中,“引读者由艺术走人生,又将人生纳艺术之中”(朱自清语)。全书*后呼吁人们“慢慢走,欣赏啊”,认为“欣赏之中都寓有创造,创造之中也都寓有欣赏”。 书后收录朱先生的《近代实验美学》一文,供读者朋友参考。 名家荐评 作家、学者朱自清:作者是你的熟人,他曾写给你《十二封信》;他态度的亲切和谈话的风趣,你是不会忘记的……孟实先生引读者由艺术走人生,又将人生纳艺术之中。这种“宏远的眼界和豁达的胸襟”,值得学者深思。 当代学者钱念孙:朱先生美学的一个突出特,是中西融会、古今沟通……他灵心慧眼,博采西方美学之花;妙手剪裁,嫁中国传统之木。国人之有详赡系统美学专著,朱先生《文艺心理学》和《谈美》,风气之先。 语文教师陈小爽:他的《谈美》一书,如行云流水一般,时而诙谐,时而正经,有时比喻,有时引用,有时就像说故事一样,深浅出地一层层引领读者走高深和复杂里去。全书充满精妙之言,字字珠玑,可圈可,读来如品一杯清茶,所获匪浅。