Leviathan is one of the earliest and most influential examples of social contract theory. A classic western work on statecraft comparable to Machiavelli's The Prince. Written during the English Civil War (1642–1651), Leviathan argues for a social contract and rule by an absolute sovereign.

Marilyn, Norma Jean and Me
In this boisterous but sensitive drama, playwright J. Ajlouny looks beyond public image to find the heart of this young woman thrust wildly into fame as a sex symbol. Presented as a play-in-the-making within a play, Marilyn, Norma Jean and Me weaves biography with humor to explore the movie star’s widely speculated plan to leave Hollywood for Broadway. The author imagines her innocence and vulnerability, her friendliness and loyalty, even as the public image threatens to steal her humanity. This play is a must-see or -read for fans of film and stage, not just because it is so good, but for its powerful way of finding the real Norma Jean in the legend known as Marilyn Monroe.

The Elements of Style (Classic Edition): With Editor's Notes and Study Guide
This Classic Edition contains the original version of "The Elements of Style" written by Cornell University English professor William Strunk Jr. Generations of college students and writers have learned the basics of grammar from this short primer over the years. It was rated "one of the 100 most influential books written in English" by Time in 2011, and iconic author Stephen King recommended it as a grammar handbook that all aspiring writers should read. Written one hundred years ago, "The Elements of Style" is a nostalgic link to a momentous time in American history that ushered in the Art Deco era and the Roaring Twenties. Many of the English grammar rules it cites are as relevant today as they were at the turn of the 20th century; but, one by one, these rules are becoming out-of-date This Classic Edition, updated as we head into 2017, is intended as a tribute to Prof. Strunk's enduring book. It follows the original version but includes these enhancements for today's readers: 1. Editorial notes have been inserted to indicate grammar rules now considered obsolete, and to provide brief insights on updated rules for present-day writers. 2. Easily recognizable symbols have been added to the grammar examples throughout the book so that readers can discern correctly written sentences from errors at a glance. 3. A Study Guide has been added at the conclusion of the book. 4. The paperback version includes blank, lined pages at the end for convenient note taking. 5. The digital version has been restyled for improved display on all modern e-book readers.

The Thesmophoriazusae
Today the women at the festival are going to kill me for insulting them!' This bold statement by Euripides is the absurd premise upon which the whole play depends. The women are incensed by his plays' portrayal of the female sex as mad, murderous, and sexually depraved, and they are using the festival of the Thesmophoria (an annual fertility celebration dedicated to Demeter) as an opportunity to debate a suitable choice of revenge.

The Seagull
The Seagull is one of the best ever dramas about the theatre, yet on the very first opening night it was a famous failure. The play triumphed later in Stanislavski's production and became one of the greatest events in the history of Russian theatre and one of the greatest new developments in the history of world drama.

The Choephori
Orestes arrives at the grave of his father, accompanied by his cousin Pylades, the son of the king of Phocis, where he has grown up in exile; he places two locks of his hair on the tomb. Orestes and Pylades hide as Electra, Orestes' sister, arrives at the grave accompanied by a chorus of elderly slave women (the libation bearers of the title) to pour libations on Agamemnon's grave; they have been sent by Clytemnestra in an effort to ward off harm. Just as the ritual ends, Electra spots a lock of hair on the tomb which she recognizes as similar to her own; subsequently she sees two sets of footprints, one of which has proportions similar to hers. At this point Orestes and Pylades emerge from their hiding place and Orestes gradually convinces her of his identity.

The Knights
The Knights is a satire on political and social life in 5th-century BC Athens, the characters are drawn from real life and Cleon is clearly intended to be the villain. However it is also an allegory, the characters are figures of fantasy and the villain in this context is Paphlagonian, a comic monstrosity responsible for almost everything that's wrong with the world.

No Mistakes Grammar for Kids, Volume II: Lie and Lay
Do you tell your dog to lay down or lie down? How do you respond to the question of "How are you?" Do you say good or well? If these questions confuse you, imagine how tough it is for your kids. Don't worry about it anymore. Let Queen Shinobi teach them the proper way. She's been around a long, long time and she knows her stuff. So invest a few bucks in your child's learning and let Queen Shinobi show them how to do it. ?

Misused Words and Then Some: No Mistakes Grammar, Volume V
This is the final book in the No Mistakes Grammar series, so be prepared to learn. We cover a lot of territory in this book. Things like: count nouns (data and media), linking verbs, comma usage, hyphenation, sayings and proverbs, appositives, more mispronunciations, words from other languages, and more. There should be enough in here to keep you busy for a while. And I guarantee it will improve your grammar in an easy-to-understand style. ?

Literatura german?. De la Sturm-und-Drang la zilele noastre
Cartea abordeaz? o tem? important?, care nu a f?cut obiectul unei cercet?ri distincte ?n istoriografia rom?neasc?, mai ales perioada 1948-1955. Autorul a analizat evolu?ia elitei politice na?ional-??r?niste ?i na?ional-liberale ?n ?ntreg intervalul 1945-1955 … Ponderea cea mai mare o ocup? activitatea represiv? a guvernan?ilor care, ?n anii 1947-1950, au desf??urat o ampl? ac?iune de arestare a tuturor adversarilor regimului … Urm?rind simultan, potrivit criteriului cronologic, ?ntregul tablou al situa?iei interna?ionale, al activit??ii guvernamentale, al vie?ii interne a partidelor analizate, al ac?iunii liderilor politici etc … lucrarea se dovede?te a fi temeinic documentat? ?i realmente original?.

Arhive secrete, secretele arhivelor. Vol. 2
Lucrarea vizeaz? o tem? de actualitate – brandul de ora?, oferind un cadru teoretic al acestui nou concept de marketing, completat de o parte aplicativ? divers?, care ?i-a propus s? identifice ?i s? completeze eforturile autorit??ilor locale ?n aceast? direc?ie.

Environmental Degradation and Dryland Agro-Technologies in Northwest China
Environmental Degradation and Dryland Agro-Technologies in Northwest China” is a documentation of past and present research, training and extension experiences on: environmental degradation; conservation farming systems; water and nutrient management options; soil and water management technologies and training; soil erosion control; dryland agriculture and soil erosion; soil fertility and crop production; drought and soil water use, demonstration of ecologically sustainable agriculture; and dissemination of farming system technologies in the arid and semi-arid lands of Northwest China. These concerns are expounded on both from the national (China) and Regional (Loess Plateau) perspectives. The information provided herein was obtained through a review of all relevant literature and firsthand consultations/discussions undertaken by the author with professors and local research scientists, technicians and farmers in Northwest China. The facts and figures presented are based on their experiences of many years. This publication does provide valuable scientific information on the status of environmental degradation and dryland agro-technologies within Northwest China that are either traditional or newly developed through scientific research at various relevant Institutions such as NWAU, NWISWC and Regional Academies of Agricultural Sciences such as SAAS, GAAS, NAAF and QAAF. There are lessons to be learnt and plausible remedial conservation measures to be adopted elsewhere from these experiences in Northwest China.

?anakkale -1915
anakkale Sava üzerine zellikle son yllarda yazlan kitaplarda doru ve dürüst yaklamlara da, cehaletin, aymazln, tarihe ihanetin ve yalann bin bir türlüsüne de rastlamak mümkün… ylesine aknlk yaratacak rnekler var ki... Kimisi, deniz savalar (18 Mart) ile Gelibolu’daki kara savalarn (25 Nisan) kronolojik olarak ayrt edebilecek bilgiden bile yoksun! ünkü gerei ideolojiye kurban etmeyi kafaya koymular bir kere… Tek ama, her ne pahasna olursa olsun anakkale’den Mustafa Kemal’in adn silip atmak… Mustafa Kemal’in ad gemesin, Mustafa Kemal o baardan pay almasn yeter! Varsn verdikleri tarihler de, saylar da, ordularn muharebe düzenleri de yalan-yanl olsun, ne kar! Meydan bo zannedilmesin... te polemik konular, yalanlar, iftiralar ve tarihi gerekler... --- YAZAR ZGEM----- Tayfun AVUOLU (1964 / …) Uluda niversitesi Eitim Fakültesi Alman Dili Anabilim Dal (1985) mezunu. renciyken 1983 yl balarnda Türk Haberler Ajans (THA) Bursa Bürosu’nda muhabirlie balad. Bursa’daki yerel gazeteler Hkimiyet, Olay, Bursa hkimiyet ve Kent gazetelerinde muhabir, istihbarat efi, haber müdürü, yaz ileri müdürü olarak alt. Bursa hkimiyet ve Bursa Haber gazetelerinde genel yayn ynetmenlii grevinde bulundu. Halen Bursa yerel basnndaki almalarn sürdürüyor. ada Gazeteciler Dernei (GD) Bursa ubesi’nde iki dnem (1997-2001) bakanlk yapan Tayfun avuolu, Bursa Gazeteciler Cemiyeti’nde (BGC) bir dnem (2009-2012) ynetim kurulu üyeliinde de bulundu. Basn meslek rgütlerinden ok sayda dül de alan, sürekli basn kart sahibi Tayfun avuolu, ngilizce retmeni Nesrin avuolu ile evli olup, Altu ve Alper’in babasdr. lk kitab “anakkale 1915, ftiralar, Yalanlar, Polemikler”, 2014’ün ubatnda Kasta Yaynevi (stanbul) tarafndan yaynland.

Gr?dina lui Eros
Cititorul va g?si ?n cartea mea un Bucure?ti al scriitorilor, un Bucure?ti al oamenilor politici ?i al gazetarilor, un Bucure?ti al dueli?tilor de ocazie ?i al fan?ilor de salon, al boierilor risipitori ?i sibari?i, al briganzilor de felul unor Tunsu, Grozea sau Iancu Jianu, al domnitorilor cu sau f?r? noroc, al pasiunilor amoroase, al dramelor ?i comediilor vie?ii, o adev?rat? surs? de subiecte pentru scenari?tii care vor s?-?i ?ncerce norocul ?n produc?ia unor seriale TV, ca s? nu spun ?telenovele“. Exist? oameni care merit? aminti?i cu p?r?ile lor bune ?i rele, domnitori ca Mircea Ciobanul, Matei Basarab, Br?ncoveanu, Mavrocorda?ii, Nicolae Mavrogheni, Ioan Gheorghe Caragea, Gheoghe Bibescu, Barbu ?tirbei, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Carol I sau boieri ca Mihai Cantacuzino, Kre?ule?tii, V?c?re?tii, logof?tul Dudescu, Ion C?mpineanu, Ion Ghica, Nicolae B?lcescu, arhitec?i ca Alexandru Or?scu ?i al?ii. Am pornit ?n scrierea acestei c?r?i av?nd ?n fata ochilor r?ndurile scriitorului Mircea Constantinescu, foarte inspirat atunci c?nd afirma ?n romanul sau documentar ?C?nd toca la Radu Voda“ ca ?Bucure?tii nasc pove?ti de amor ca o mam? eroin?“.

Plimb?ndu-l pe Fun
Drag? cititorule,Dac? te-ai uitat ieri mai mult de dou? ore la televizor ?i nu po?i f?r? asta, las? cartea asta jos.Dac? vrei s? fii de acord cu cineva, cu oricine, nu e?ti omul meu.Dac? m? ?tii din tinere?e ?i crezi c? sunt b?iatul care se b?lb?ia la prompter, dai banii degeaba.Dac? vrei s? dai cadou cartea asta unui prieten, nu mai bine ?i iei o sticl? de vin? Eu nu ?tiu s? ame?esc a?a bine.?n general, recomand cartea doar c?torva oameni.Cei care vor s? afle cum am ajuns s? tr?im, iubim, alegem ?n social media.Dar mai ales celor care cred c? a scrie poate schimba ceva.P.S. Poate.Doar c? trebuie s? scriem cu to?ii ?n acela?i timp.Despre asta e Share! Despre for?a social media, cel mai bun amplificator de idei pe care ?l ?tiu.?ntr-un fel, dac? stai s? te g?nde?ti, ?i tu ai scris-o.

De la Homer la Joyce
Dincolo de miza succesului ?colar (examenul de Evaluare Na?ional? fiind un prag important pentru fiecare elev), studiul limbii ?i al literaturii rom?ne trebuie s? r?m?n?, ?n gimnaziu, o experien?? cultural? pertinent? ?i interesant?, care s? implice imagina?ia, gustul estetic, nevoia de autointerogare ?i de comunicare. Respect?nd programa specific?, structura oficial? a subiectelor ?i maniera de formulare a sarcinilor de lucru stabilite de Ministerul Educa?iei, volumul ??i propune s? nuan?eze preg?tirea continu? ?i sistematic? pentru Evaluarea Na?ional?, intervenind cu fi?e teoretice esen?ializate, teme de portofoliu, modele ?i sugestii de rezolvare, r?spunsuri selective ?i o cons istent? baterie de teste de antrenament. De asemenea, cartea are ?n vedere, prin selec?ia textelor (clasice sau contemporane, din autori celebri sau mai pu?in cunoscu?i ?n anii de gimnaziu), redescoperirea ?n adolescentul de 14?15 ani a cititorului pasionat sau m?car avizat, dornic s???i sus?in? punctele de vedere, s???i l?rgeasc? orizontul cultural ?i s? descopere, dincolo de informa?ii, reguli, canoane, adev?ratele provoc?ri, ierarhii, idoli, ca form? de acomodare cu specificul ?i noile problematici ale orelor de limba ?i literatura rom?n? din clasa a IX?a de liceu.

Taking the Bastile: (Historical Novel)
It was a winter night, and the ground around Paris was covered with snow, although the flakes had ceased to fall since some hours.?Spite of the cold and the darkness, a young man, wrapped in a mantle so voluminous as to hide a babe in his arms, strode over the white fields out of the town of Villers Cotterets, in the woods, eighteen leagues from the capital, which he had reached by the stage-coach, towards a hamlet called Haramont. His assured step seemed to indicate that he had previously gone this road.?Soon above him streaked the leafless boughs upon the grey sky. The sharp air, the odor of the oaks, the icicles and beads on the tips of branches, all appealed to the poetry in the wanderer.??Through the clumps he looked for the village spire and the blue smoke of the chimneys, filtering from the cottages through the natural trellis of the limbs.?It was dawn when he crossed a brook, bordered with yellow cress and frozen vines, and at the first hovel asked for the laborer's boy to take him to Madeline Pi-tou's home.??Mute and attentive, not so dull as most of their kind, the children sprang up and staring at the stranger, led him by the hand to a rather large and good-looking cottage, on the bank of the rivulet running by most of the dwellings.?A plank served as a bridge.?"There," said one of the guides nodding his head to-wards it.?Gilbert gave them a coin, which made their eyes open still more widely, and crossed the board to the door which he pushed open, while the children, taking one another's hand, started with all their might at the handsome gentleman in a brown cloth coat, buckled shoes and large cloak, who wanted to find Madeline Pitou.?Apart from them, Gilbert, for such was the young man's name, simply so for he had no other, saw no liv-ing things: Haramont was the deserted village he was seeking.??As soon as the door was open, his sight was struck by a scene full of charm, for almost anybody, and par-ticularly for a young philosopher like our roamer.?A robust peasant woman was suckling a baby, while another child, a sturdy boy of four or five, was saying a prayer in a loud voice.?In the chimney corner, near a window or rather a hole in the wall in which was stuck a pane of glass, an-other woman, going on for thirty-five or six, was spin-ning, with a stool under her feet, and a fat poodle on an end of this stool.?Catching sight of the visitor the dog barked in a civil and hospitable manner just to show that he had not been caught napping. The praying boy turned, cutting the devotional phrase in two, and both females uttered an exclamation between joy and surprise.?"I greet you, good mother Madeline," said Gilbert with a smile.

R?zbunare la Paris
Volumul lui Leo Butnaru este tot o ncercare de sintez, de a a duce n faa cititorilor texte prea puin sau chiar deloc cunoscute i cred c, doar aa, n dialogul intercultural, se poate nelege i originalitatea avangardei romneti i ce se ntmpl cu ei dup restaurarea comunismului. La Leo Butnaru avem din nou de aface cu o perioad post 1917 i cu transformri.“ – Carmen Muat

Magna?ii. Cum au inventat Andrew Carnegie, John D.
Dintre toate scrierile Svetlanei Aleksievici, Ultimii martori este cea mai sf??ietoare. C?ci ce poate fi mai cumplit dec?t copil?ria ?n timp de r?zboi, mai tragic dec?t inocen?a supus? violen?ei ?i anihil?rii? Personajele acestei c?r?i, b?ie?i ?i fete, aveau, ?n perioada celui de al Doilea R?zboi Mondial – conflictul poate cel mai inuman din istorie –, ?ntre trei ?i doisprezece ani, dar r?nile c?p?tate atunci le s?ngereaz? p?n? ?n ziua de azi. ?i totu?i, ?n pofida suferin?elor descrise, textul dob?nde?te o extraordinar? for?? evocatoare pentru c? reu?e?te s? reconstituie poezia inerent? v?rstei copil?riei. Tulbur?tor prin ?nc?rc?tura sa de adev?r ?i r?v??itor suflete?te, Ultimii martori ne schimb? perspectiva asupra istoriei, a r?zboiului, a copil?riei ?i a vie?ii.

Trecutul la judecata istoriei
Boris Johnson exploreaz?, ?n paginile acestui volum, din ce anume este constituit ?factorul Churchill“ – acea inteligen?? unic? a unuia dintre cei mai importan?i lideri ai secolului XX. Demont?nd miturile ?i prejudec??ile care au d?inuit al?turi de realitate, Johnson realizeaz? – cu inteligen?a ?i pasiunea caracteristice – portretul unui om al contradic?iilor, al curajului contagios, ?nzestrat cu o elocin?? uimitoare ?i cu o putere inegalabil? de a croi strategii. Curajos pe c?mpul de lupt?, Churchill a trebuit s? primeasc? ordin de la rege pentru a sta departe de focul b?t?liei ?n Ziua Z; a fost de acord cu bombardamentele strategice la scar? extins?, cu toate c? ura distrugerile produse de r?zboi ?i ?i dispre?uia pe politicienii care nu ?i tr?iser? ororile. A fost un jurnalist apreciat, un mare orator ?i a c??tigat Premiul Nobel pentru Literatur?. A fost faimos pentru capacitatea de a combina serile de dineuri oficiale cu nop?ile ?n care lua decizii cruciale pentru soarta r?zboiului. Viziunea sa progresist? asupra lumii l-a f?cut un pionier ?n dezvoltarea sistemului public de s?n?tate, de educa?ie ?i de asisten?? social?, de?i a r?mas un adept incorigibil al incorectitudinii politice. Factorul Churchill nu este o carte doar pe gustul pasiona?ilor de istorie. Este o lectur? esen?ial? pentru to?i cei care doresc s? afle din ce material anume e f?cut un mare lider.

Kultur in Cartoons: "With Accompanying Notes by Well-Known English Writers"
When his cartoons began to reach America toward the end of 1916 this country was neutral. It is with peculiar satisfaction, therefore, that I base this brief foreword upon press extracts published prior to America’s participation in the war. If it were possible to discover today an individual who was entirely ignorant as to the causes and conduct of the war, he would, after an inspection of a hundred or more of these cartoons, probably utter his conviction somewhat as follows: ?“I do not believe that these drawings have the slightest relation to the truth; I do not believe that it is possible for such things to happen in the twenti-eth century.” ??He would be quite justified, in his ignorance of what has happened in Europe, in expressing such an opinion, just as any of us, with the possible exception of the disciples of Bernhardi himself, would have been justified in expressing a similar view in July, 1914.??What is the view of all informed people today? “To Raemaekers the war is not a topic, or a subject for charity. It is a vivid heartrending reality,” says the New York “Evening Post,” “and you come away from the rooms where his cartoons now hang so aware of what war is that mental neutrality is for you a horror. If you have slackened in your determination to find out, these cartoons are a slap in the face. ??Raemaekers drives home a universal point that concerns not merely Germans, but every country where royal decrees have supreme power. Shall one man ever be given the power to seek his ends, using the people as his pawns? We cannot look at the cartoons and remain in ignorance of exactly what is the basis of truth on which they are built.”?The “Philadelphia American” likens Raemaekers to a sensitized plate upon which the spirit which brought on the war has imprinted itself forever, and adds: ?“What he gives out on that subject is as pitilessly true as a photograph. They look down upon us in their naked truth, those pictures which are to be, before the judgment-seat of history, the last indictment of the German nation. Of all impressions, there is one which will hold you in its inexorable grip: it is that Louis Raemaekers has told you the truth.”