Цив?л?зац?я: Як Зах?д став усп?шним
Okupiv?i na jednome mjestu najzanimljivija imena lijeve politi?ke misli od Slovenije do Bugarske, s naglaskom na zemlje biv?e Jugoslavije, filozofi? i aktivisti Sre?ko Horvat i Igor ?tiks pred njih su stavili zadatak da napi?u tekstove o situaciji danas i ovdje, prije svega na Balkanu. ?etrnaest autora, od mladih filozofskih nada do svjetski priznatih imena, u svojim esejima pokazuje koliko je po?ast neoliberalizma u sprezi s politi?ko-mafija?kim klanovima i krupnim kapitalom razjela sve one pozitivne tekovine koje je ostavilo socijalisti?ko naslje?e. Bez sentimenta i nostalgije prema pro?lim vremenima, Dobro do?li u pustinju postsocijalizma najzanimljivija je i najaktualnija knjiga o suvre?menom trenutku. Ona je nezaobilazna studija za svakoga tko ?eli ozbiljnije shvatiti ?to nam se i za?to doga?a u vremenima duboke krize.

A Girl With A Book and Other Plays
A topical collection of new plays by popular UK playwright Nick Wood 'I am not a lone voice, I am many.'?Malala ? Yousafzai A Girl with a Book and?Other Plays ?brings together four plays for young people by acclaimed playwright Nick Wood. Topical and wide-ranging, they concern refugees, friendship, loss and courage. 'You know those sente nces that start I'm not sexist/racist/homophobic and the speaker sticks in the word 'but' and goes on to prove that's exactly what they are?' The title play, ? A Girl with a Book ?is an honest response to the story of Malala Yousafzai, who was shot by the Taliban. Produced many times in Germany and the UK, the play raises serious questions about the West's complex relationship with and attitudes to the Muslim world. 'a journey into empathy and imagination...'?Stephen Lowe Plays Nick Wood's poignant political drama A Girl with a Book is based on the true story of Nobel Peace Prize-Winner Malala Yousafza. In 2012, gunmen stopped a bus in Pakistan and shot three young girls. Their crime? Wanting to go to school. Knowing nothing about the situation, able to offer little more than outrage, the writer is forced out from behind his desk and in the search for answers to help him tell the story of a brave young woman's fight for girls' education, but when his research uncovers attitudes at odds with his liberal convictions he has to face what he learns about himself. Achieving international acclaim after its opening in Hamburg, A Girl with a Book examines Malala's story through a series of questions - Wood asks how a girl who wanted to go to school could become such a target. Bird boy:?Eddie and Tim create their own den up on the Knoll, a secret place for heroes. The only problem is, winter is setting in and Eddie won't come down. As the snow falls, Tim must decide whether to take food to Eddie or betray him by telling the grown ups where he is. Mia:?Mia is a refugee who has lost her home, and most of her family. She has odd bits and pieces in her bag, which have stories attached to them. Mia is searching for her sister, Sofia, can they help? Dream of White Horses: ? ?Paul wants two things - to find out whether his father's death was an accident or not. He climbs the same cliff, to discover what happened to his father, and a great deal about himself. '...invites us to better understand Malala, her father, and her kinsmen.'? On Religion '...a journey into empathy and imagination coolly and cleanly done. A crucially important tale well told with great humanity.' ? Stephen Lowe, playwright '...there's plenty of scope here for schools, colleges and youth theatre groups. The title play... has a cast of one... The remaining three plays use larger casts and explore asylum seeking, friendship, loss and courage.' ?Susan Elkin, The Stage

Southeast Asian Plays
The first ever comprehensive collection of plays ?in English from Southeast Asia. Features work by eight playwrights from seven countries in Southeast Asia, a region which is experiencing profound change:?Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia and Cambodia.? Southeast Asian Plays ?explores the rich variety of dramatic work that is only beginning to be translated into English. Theatre scripts are merely blueprints for productions, especially in this region. As elsewhere, second productions and revivals are rare, so publication is key to allowing play texts to find a wider international readership. Topics include the global financial crisis, sex workers, traditional v modern values, the role of faith in society, corruption in high places and journalistic ethics. The plays have been selected for performance. Plays: The Plunge by Jean Tay (Singapore) An Evening At the Opera by Floy Quintos (Philippines) Night of the Minotaur by Tew Bunnag (Thailand) Tarap Man by Ann Lee (Malaysia) Dark Rac e by Dang Chuong (Vietnam) Frangipani by Chhon Sina (Cambodia) Picnic by Joned Suryatmoko (Indonesia) Nadirah by Alfian Saat (Singapore) "The editors have done an excellent job of opening up our chances of reading and learning about plays from all over Southeast Asia. ...editorial choices are significant for opening up spaces to voices which are otherwise heard less often. All in all the plays are interesting for the ways in which they grapple with key concerns in their respective societies."? --The Asiatic

The Emperor and the Nightingale
From a story by Hans Christian Andersen In ancient China, young emperor Wu is kept a virtual prisoner in his palace by his devious guardian, Li Si. Wu believes the world outside the Forbidden City is an evil and dangerous place. But when Xiao, a young servant girl, tells him of the most beautiful sound on earth – the song of the nightingale – it’s too much to resist. The two embark on an adventure that will take them across mountain tops and waterfalls, past chattering monkeys and magical dragons to the far reaches of his kingdom. When Wu returns with the nightingale, and starts to overturn the old palace customs, Li Si plots to restore things to the way they were before. Featuring puppetry, music and all the colour, movement and spectacle of Chinese theatre, this joyful adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale is a feast for the senses that will delight the whole family. Suitable for ages 6+

The Diary of a Hounslow Girl
The story of a modern Asian young woman trying to straddle Western attitudes and traditional beliefs. You've heard of an Essex Girl or even a Chelsea Girl but what is a Hounslow Girl? The term has become a byword for confident, young Muslim women who are grappling with traditional values, city life and fashion. From the joys of Pakistani weddings to fights on the night bus, Ambreen Razia's? The Diary of a Hounslow Girl ?is a funny, bold, provocative play highlighting the challenges of being a teenage girl in a traditional Muslim family, alongside the temptations and influences of growing up in and around London. “Ambreen’s writing is poetic in its structure and intensity, funny, moving, chilling, and delivered in a style that takes inspiration from spoken word and physical theatre. She has created a rhythm that draws the audience in, as compelling as a thriller, complete with gathering ominousness, shocks and comic relief.” Deborah Bestwick, Director, Ovalhouse “Ambreen Razia’s terrific play is exactly the kind of new work we wish to support in the new home of multi-cultural theatre in London. Hounslow Girl is a wonderfully funny take on a London phenomenon and one audiences will enjoy.” Jatinder Verma, Artistic Director, Tara Arts” "a powerful piece of theatre... Ambreen Razia's performance is astonishing."?BritishTheatre.com "This is a sophisticated, moving and often very funny piece of writing, particularly nuanced in its depiction of Shaheeda's relationship with her mother ... astute in tackling the breakdown of the loving bonds between parent and child that can occur when a child becomes a teenager – and also how this experience can be magnified for the children of first-generation immigrants, whose parents feel distant from their children’s British lives... Razia's script touches on everything from first love to cultural expectations to student-teacher relationships; it’s a bit like an inner-city version of An Education."?The Stage Ambreen Razia is an actress and writer from South London.? The Diary of a Hounslow Girl is Ambreen's debut show which premiered at Ovalhouse in 2015. Passionate about re-establishing British Asian comedy within the UK, she continues to write her comedy sketch show involving two British Asian girls exploring the?clash between traditional Indian/Pakistani culture and modern British life. She is also currently writing her next play POT primarily focusing on the recent comeback of gang culture within the UK.?Performance credits include: On the Middle Day (Old Vic Theatre);? Words and Women (Edinburgh Fringe); Random Acts (Channel 4);? Fair Exchange (Hen and Chickens Theatre);? Variations on a Theme (Camden People's Theatre);? Mind the Gap (National Theatre ); No Guts, No Heart, No Glory? (BBC4/Perth Festival Australia) and Murdered by my Father? (BBC3).

Кам’яний г?сть. Лен?н у Центральн?й Укра?н?
O livro apresenta uma abordagem sobre como foram construídos os saberes inerentes à medicina e ao hospital na Sociedade Moderna. Mostra, historicamente, como foi estabelecido o poder e as práticas médico-hospitalares. A obra apresenta o discurso das institui??es dominantes sobre o modelo assistencial, como também revela a realidade pragmática do acesso efetivo ao direito social à saúde, que, formalmente, foi expresso como uma necessidade básica traduzida em mínimos sociais, como condi??o legítima de dignidade da pessoa humana. A relev?ncia desse estudo é em virtude de sua especial significa??o nas diversas áreas das Ciências Humanas e Sociais, ao nutrir o debate sobre a temática do Direito à Saúde nas inst?ncias do Poder Público, bem como ao introduzi-la na agenda das profiss?es relacionadas com o campo da saúde, aprofundando suas dimens?es de transdisciplinariedade e transversalidade.

Calea spre fericire. Pove?ti adev?rate. Vol. 2
No caso da episteme comunicacional pode-se dizer que a mesma vem-se constituindo na historicidade de conceitos chave e de hipóteses clássicas que têm nutrido o pensamento teórico e a pesquisa empírica do campo. Pensando a episteme comunicacional trata disso, ou seja, do objeto comunica??o em sua trajetória por fazer-se, a qual, ao acumular-se, permite a renova??o do que foi pensado a seu respeito e a prospec??o de novos pontos de vista.

Любий друг
Fic??o brasileira no século XXI é um livro instigante. De leitura agradável e de interesse amplo, debru?a-se, com competência e inventividade, sobre oito escritores brasileiros contempor?neos, consagrados e premiados. O que n?o é pouco em uma tradi??o como a nossa, em que n?o se encontram muitos estudiosos de literatura que encarem o contempor?neo e consigam discuti-lo de forma a dialogar, n?o apenas com o estudioso e o especialista como também com o leitor comum interessado em literatura. Adriana Lunardi, Alberto Martins, Luiz Ruffato, Michel Laub, Milton Hatoum, Nelson de Oliveira, Ricardo Lísias e Rodrigo Lacerda encontram, por meio da leitura que deles fazem os autores deste livro, novos olhares para suas obras. E, nestes novos olhares, há um convite para novos leitores e leituras renovadas.

The World's Greatest Military Aircraft: An Illustrated History
Ever since man first took to the air, combat aircraft have been at the cutting edge of aviation technology, resulting in some of the greatest and most complex designs ever built. The World’s Greatest Military Aircraft features 52 of the most important military aircraft of the last hundred years. The book includes all the main types, from biplane fighters and carrier aircraft to tactical bombers, transport aircraft, multirole fighters, strategic strike aircraft and stealth bombers. Featured aircraft include: the Fokker Dr.1 triplane, the legendary fighter flown by German flying ace Manfred von Richthofen, ‘the Red Baron’, during World War I; the Mitsubishi A6M Zero, Japan’s highly-manoeuvrable fighter that dominated air-to-air combat in the early part of the Pacific War; the tank-busting Il-2 Shturmovik, the most produced aircraft in World War II; the Harrier jump jet, a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) fighter that has been service for more than 40 years; the B-2 Spirit bomber, an American precision strike aircraft used in recent conflicts in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan; and the F-22 Raptor, an air superiority fighter with state-of-the-art stealth technology that makes it almost invisible to radars. Each entry includes a brief description of the model’s development and history, a profile view, key features and specifications. Packed with more than 200 artworks and photographs, The World’s Greatest Military Aircraft is a colourful guide for the military aviation enthusiast.

The Viking Warrior: The Norse Raiders Who Terrorized Medieval Europe
"…and they laid all waste with dreadful havoc, trod with unhallowed feet the holy places, dug up the altars, and carried off all the treasures of the holy church. Some of the brethren they killed; some they carried off in chains; many they cast out, naked and loaded with insults; some they drowned in the sea." —Simeon of Durham, A History of the Community of Durham Beginning in 789 CE, the Vikings raided monasteries, sacked settlements and invaded the Atlantic coast of Europe and the British Isles. They looted and enslaved their enemies, terrorizing all whom they encountered. But that is only part of their story. Sailing their famous longboats, they discovered Iceland and North America, colonised Greenland, founded Dublin, and also sailed up the River Seine and besieged Paris. They settled from Newfoundland to Russia, conquered eastern England, and fought battles from Ireland to the Caspian Sea. They traded walruses with Inuits, brought Russian furs to Western Europe and took European slaves to Constantinople. Their graves contain Arab silver, Byzantine silks and Frankish weapons and artefacts. Illustrated with more than 200 maps, photographs and artworks, The Viking Warrior examines these fearsome warriors through their origins, social structure, raiding culture, weapons, trading networks and settlements.

American Battles and Campaigns: A Chronicle from 1622 - Present
Raids and sieges; trench warfare and air campaigns; guerrilla warfare, naval engagements, and colonial wars; American Battles & Campaigns covers every major campaign and battle fought in North America or by United States’ forces overseas, from the Pequot War of 1634 to the recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Arranged chronologically, American Battles & Campaigns includes hundreds of entries, ranging from the 1770 Boston Massacre through the Alamo (1836) and the Philippine-American War (1899–1902), to Chateau-Thierry (1918), Midway (1942) and Hue (1969). Major battles, such as Yorktown, Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, and D-Day are illustrated with an annotated colour 3D map and detailed text explaining the course of the engagement. There are also colour and black & white photographs, numerous 2D battle maps, paintings and artworks, and expert accounts from leading military historians on each engagement. American Battles & Campaigns offers a complete guide to every war fought by the United States, from early European settlement to the present day.

The British Beat Explosion: Rock'N'Roll Island
Over a small bridge on an island in the middle of the Thames, a great 60s club played host to acts that would later make a global name for themselves, including the Rolling Stones, Long John Baldry, Rod Stewart, the Small Faces, the Yardbirds and David Bowie. Jazz greats such as Cyril Davies, Ken Colyer and Acker Bilk also played at the legendary Eel Pie Hotel during its 50s and 60s heyday. This collection of essays traces ‘Eelpiland’s’ long-overlooked contribution to the British music scene.

Who Do We Think We Are?
A kaleidoscope of stories about war, displacement, revolution and liberation taking us on an emotional journey across three continents. Based on the actors’ personal and family experiences, the stories interweave and overlap, exploring moments of joy, sadness and laughter set against key historical events over the last hundred years. Poignant, moving, funny, inspiring, this is the first piece of work created by the Visible Ensemble, dedicated to putting older performers and their rich lives centre stage.

D-Day: Gold, Juno and Sword
In any military operation throughout history, few 24-hour periods have been as crucial as that of 6th June 1944. With the aid of specially commissioned maps, D-Day: The First 24 Hours series gives the dramatic history of the first 24 hours of the Normandy landings, and explains in detail the events that occurred in each landing zone. In this fourth volume of the series, the book describes the British and Canadian landings on Gold, Juno and Sword beaches. The book also includes details of the human cost of the first day, and a full order of battle for both sides. With colour and black & white photographs, the book is a guide to key events in the first 24 hours of the D-Day landings that saw the Allies successfully achieve a foothold in Northern Europe.

T?bb mint harminc év nagy anyagi, és emberi áldozatokat k?vetel? fejlesztései és kísérletezései után a XIX. század végére kialakult a tengerek új ura, a kor legmodernebb technológiai vívmányait magában egyesít?, modern értelemben vett csatahajó. A hatalmas, félelmetes acélmonstrumok leny?g?zték a kortársakat. Ezek a hajók voltak az ?ket birtokló ország erejének és nagyhatalmi státuszának szimbólumai, a nemzeti büszkeség megtestesít?i. Bennük jutott kifejezésre megépíttet?iknek gazdasági fejlettsége, ipari teljesít?képessége, valamint a szándék, hogy a világ vezet? nagyhatalmainak sorába tartozzanak. Világszerte minden nagyobb haditengerészet ezek k?ré a páncélos óriások k?ré szervez?d?tt, melyek teljes fegyverzetben állva várták, hogy országuk érdekeinek védelmében rendeltetésüknek megfelel?en harcba szálljanak az ellenfél hasonló páncélosai ellen, s bizonyítsák létezésük értelmét, és a rájuk k?lt?tt hatalmas ?sszegek megtérülését. Talán az új id?k kezdetének szimbolikus jelzéseként fogható fel, hogy erre az alkalomra végül nem a világot uraló európai országok vizein, hanem messze keleten, egy felt?rekv?, és nem az európai kultúrk?rbe tartozó új nagyhatalom partjai k?zelében került sor.

Szerelem hirdetésre
A színházi kulisszák sok titkot rejtenek. Minden el?adás valódi küzdelem a sikerért, amiért nem csak a színészek, de a m?szak is megdolgozik. Honnan tudja a súgó, hogy mikor szorul a színész a segítségére? Miként lehet az asszisztens a rendez? igazi társa? Milyen egy igazi gyors?lt?zés? Mi t?rténik, ha nem sül el id?ben egy kelléknek használt fegyver? Hogyan varázsolják át pillanatok alatt a színpadképet a díszít?k? Milyen módszerekkel dolgoznak a koreográfusok? Mi jelenti az igazi kihívást az ügyel?k számára? Miért is van szükség annyi lámpára a színházban? Ez a k?nyv most egy kül?nleges utazásra hív a színházi kulisszák m?gé, amelyben ?lt?ztet?k, díszít?k, kellékesek, súgók, rendez?asszisztensek, világosítók, hangosítók, koreográfusok és ügyel?k mesélnek arról, hogy mi is t?rténik a függ?ny m?g?tt, amit már a reflektorok sem világítanak meg.Lovász-Horváth Nikolett, amellett, hogy az ARTIQ Kulturális Magazinba ír színikritikákat, hosszú évek óta dolgozik néz?téri munkatársként az egyik népszer? belvárosi színházban. Számára a színház nem munkahely, hanem maga a szerelem. Az? évek alatt pedig nemcsak a néz?i szokásokat ismerte meg, de a kulisszák m?gé is volt alkalma bepillantani.

Durban Dialogues, Then and Now
With a foreword by director Ralph Lawson and introduction by Pranav Joshipura, Associate Professor of English, Mahila College, Gandhinagar, India. A follow-up anthology of three hard-hitting plays to Singh’s successful drama anthology Durban Dialogues, Indian Voice (2013) which is now studied internationally. The plays selected, namely Into the Grey, Shooting and Swing cover topics such as social activism, the death of a friend and discrimination in sport. Described through Singh’s satirical lens, these thought-provoking plays bring us up to date with the challenges of life in post-Apartheid South Africa. They focus particularly on people of Indian origin and their relationships with other South African communities and chart the loss of ideals in the dream of the Rainbow nation. Into the Grey: A harrowing drama depicting the twenty-nine year association between two Durban activists who battle a variety of challenges as their country stumbles towards a bleak future. Shooting: A one-man play about the unchanging paradigm in Durban’s small town communities in the early years of democracy as a football prodigy’s dream is brutally shattered. Swing: A two-hander about the relationship between a mixed-race Durban tennis player and her father/coach as they confront many obstacles in a society which undervalues the girl-child.

A dual language edition in English and French. The genocide in Rwanda shocked the world. Back then, Ery Nzaramba was only a teenager and his family’s escape to Europe turned him into a “survivor”. How should he now respond to questions about who he is and where he comes from? In this autobiographical one-man play, performed to acclaim on the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the author journeys back to his Rwandan childhood. With the help of a cassette player, he brings to life nearly a dozen characters, exploring memories of kinship, cultural attitudes and personal identity. Both funny and poignant, the play highlights not only the intolerance that can breed violence and war but also the importance of power and privilege in the struggle for survival. Le génocide au Rwanda a choqué le monde. ? l'époque, Ery Nzaramba était un adolescent. Après que sa famille se fut échappé en Europe, il est devenu un ?survivant?. Désormais, que doit-il répondre à des questions sur qui il est et d'où il vient? Dans ce one-man show autobiographique, salué par la critique lors de sa présentation au Festival d'?dimbourg, l'auteur retourne vers son enfance au Rwanda. Accompagné d'un lecteur cassette, il donne vie à une bonne douzaine de personnages, explorant souvenirs de famille et d'affinités, attitudes culturelles et identité. ? la fois poignante et pleine d'humour, la pièce met en lumière non seulement l'intolérance qui peut engendrer violence et guerre, mais aussi l'importance du privilège dans la lutte pour la survie.

The Samurai Warrior: The Golden Age of Japan’s Elite Warriors 1560–1615
During Japan’s Warring States period, centuries of strife had left the country divided and leaderless. Those who filled the power vacuum were the daimyo, warlords who ruled over the clans and provinces of Japan. Serving their daimyo, the samurai were the ultimate warriors at a time when military prowess won out over hereditary power and position. The nature of warfare itself changed—romantic ideas of mounted duels and battlefield decorum became as rare as aristocratic samurai leaders. Marching in to replace them were the common foot soldiers, the ashigaru , armed with pikes and matchlock rifles. The Samurai Warrior examines the fighting men of this key period in Japanese history. Divided into six chapters, the book describes the unification under the Tokugawa bakufu , the major battles of the era, the weapons and armour used, the social structure of Japanese society, myths about the samurai, and finally the decline of the samurai amidst the modernization of the Meiji period. Including more than 200 photographs, illustrations, paintings, and maps, The Samurai Warrior is a colourful, accessible study of Japan’s famous but often misunderstood warrior elite.

Fall of the Reich: D-Day, Arnhem, Bulge and Berlin
Campaigns of World War II: Fall of the Reich is a military history of the Western European campaign from D-Day in June 1944 to the fall of Berlin in May 1945. Beginning with the Allied preparations for what would become Operation Overlord, from the initial discussions of Roosevelt and Churchill, to the deliberations and plans of Marshall and Brooke, and the subsequent appointment of commanders like Eisenhower, Montgomery and Ramsay, the book covers in detail the landings on the Normandy coast. Combining tactical coverage of events such as the severe fighting at Omaha and Pegasus Bridge, the Canadian success on Juno beach, and the 21st Panzer Division's aborted counterattack, with reporting of the reactions of Hitler and Rommel to the landings, the book provides an explanation of why the Allied advance ran out of steam, and a description of their struggle to escape the bocage hedgerows of Normandy. The US-led breakout in late July 1944 released Bradley and Patton's forces into the heart of France, and the liberation of Paris followed swiftly. A crumbling German defence led to Allied overconfidence and the resultant 'bridge too far' at Arnhem, but as the Allies approached the Rhine and the German border, resistance quickly stiffened. Hitler's last gamble, the attack through the Ardennes known as the Battle of the Bulge, brought temporary panic to the Allied ranks, but heroic stands at Bastogne and elsewhere, coupled with a German acute lack of petrol and the weather clearing to allow Allied aircraft to operate again, led to the defeat of the last Wehrmacht attack in the west. The final year of the war saw the Allies advancing as occupying forces into the heart of Germany, adopting Eisenhower's broad front strategy. Finally the book examines why the decision was made to allow the Red Army to occupy Berlin and remain on the western bank of the Elbe river. Part of a five-volume series on the Second World War written by prominent military historians, Fall of the Reich is a masterful account of the 1944–45 campaign in Western Europe that describes both the action on the front line and the decisions made behind the scenes that decided the fate of Nazi Germany.

The World's Greatest Tanks: An Illustrated History
The World's Greatest Tanks features 52 of the best armoured fighting vehicles from World War I to the present day. Beginning with the prototype Mark V Male in 1917, the book ranges from World War I, World War II, through the Cold War and up to the highly sophisticated tanks that have seen recent service in wars in the Balkans, Caususus, and Middle East. From the Soviet T-34 and German Panther tanks of World War II to the M1A2 Abrams, Challenger 2 and T-90 of the present day, The World's Greatest Tanks is an expert examination of the most successful tanks of the past hundred years. Each entry is examined over two spreads and includes a brief description of the tank's development and history, a colour profile artwork, photographs, key features and specifications tables. Packed with more than 200 artworks and photographs, The World's Greatest Tanks is a colourful guide for the military historian and military technology enthusiast.