

Misused Words and Then Some: No Mistakes Grammar, Volume V
Misused Words and Then Some: No Mistakes Grammar, Volume V
Giacomo Giammatteo 
This is the final book in the No Mistakes Grammar series, so be prepared to learn. We cover a lot of territory in this book. Things like: count nouns (data and media), linking verbs, comma usage, hyphenation, sayings and proverbs, appositives, more mispronunciations, words from other languages, and more. There should be enough in here to keep you busy for a while. And I guarantee it will improve your grammar in an easy-to-understand style. ?
G?lceava sonetelor
G?lceava sonetelor
Lazu Ion, Murgeanu Ion, Istrate Gheorghe
Comandorul Sablin are ca subiect principal activitatea fostului ofi?er al Marinei Ruse Imperiale reflectat? ?n dosarele Siguran?ei ?i ale Securit??ii. Documentele publicate sub egida Institutului de Istorie ?George Bari?iu“ al Academiei Rom?ne acoper? perioada interbelic? ?i cea postbelic?. Nikolai Vasilievici Sablin a activat pe vasul ?arului Nikolai al II-lea al Rusiei, ??tandart“, iar dup? 1918 – ca ?ef al Cifrului Statului Major al Flotei Militare din Marea Baltic?. ?n Rom?nia a fost reprezentant al Marelui Duce Kiril Vladimirovici, pre?edinte al filialei Uniunii Militare Navale Ruse, vicepre?edinte al Societ??ii de Ajutor a Fo?tilor Combatan?i Ru?i de pe Frontul Rom?n, director al ziarului Golos Buharesta, a participat la r?zboiul antisovietic.Din nota agentului Securit??ii ?Alexandru Popescu“, casa ?Paula“, 19 octombrie 1956:?Urmare notelor anterioare referitoare la emigrantul rus, fost reprezentant pentru Rom?nia al organiza?iei emigran?ilor ru?i Mi?carea Monarhist? Rus?, ?inut ?n observa?ie, comunic:Despre leg?tura lui Sablin N. cu organele informative militare rom?ne ?nainte de 23 august 1944 am auzit din timpul vechiului meu serviciu, ?ns? nu am avut preciziuni. ?n prezent semnalez urm?toarele:Dup? cum s-a comunicat prin nota din 10 octombrie a.c., ?n ziua de 4 octombrie a.c., Sablin Nikolai a f?cut o vizit? lui Baikov Andrei (str. Sl?ve?ti 3), c?nd s-a discutat cu acesta chestiunea cu pensia lui Sablin N., sistat?.?n timpul convorbirii (am asistat ?n camer? ?i eu) Sablin N. a povestit c? el s-a ?nt?lnit cu un fost colonel rom?n (numele n-am putut re?ine) pe care Sablin N. l-a cunoscut ?nainte de 23 august 1944 ?i cu care a avut ni?te leg?turi.Sablin N. a spus c? el sper? c? la cererea lui acest colonel va ajuta lui ?n chestia pensiei sale, deoarece el ?n trecut a colaborat cu acesta ?n domeniul informativ, privitor la URSS. Sablin Nikolai a specificat c? acest material el c?p?ta de la fratele s?u Sablin Eugen, din Londra (Sablin Eugen ?n ultimul an al regimului ?arist a fost ministrul Rusiei ?n Anglia, iar apoi a fost conduc?torul emigra?iei ruse din Londra ?i unul din activi?tii principali din Mi?carea Monarhist? Rus?).“
George Eliot
Hamlet is commonly regarded as one of the greatest plays ever written. Drawing on Danish chronicles and the Elizabethan vogue for revenge tragedy, Shakespeare created a play that is at once a philosophic treatise, a family drama, and a supernatural thriller. In the wake of his father’s death, Prince Hamlet finds that his Uncle Claudius has swiftly taken the throne and married his mother, Queen Gertrude. The ghost of the dead king then appears and charges Claudius with ‘murder most foul.’ Hamlet is called to revenge his father’s death: but will he be able to act before it is too late?
Zece prozatori exemplari (perioada comunist?)
Zece prozatori exemplari (perioada comunist?)
Buciu Marian Victor
Vera Maria Rosenberg a fost, probabil, cea mai important? femeie spion din al Doilea R?zboi Mondial. N?scut? ?n 1908 la Gala?i, a emigrat ?n Marea Britanie ?n 1933, fiind recrutat? ?n tinere?e de serviciile de informa?ii britanice. Ulterior ?i-a schimbat numele, pentru a-?i ascunde originea evreiasc?, iar dup? stabilirea ?n Marea Britanie a participat la nenum?rate misiuni secrete, ajung?nd ?n fruntea SOE, serviciul de opera?iuni speciale creat de Winston Churchill. Agen?ii ei au participat la nenum?rate opera?iuni vitale, inclusiv la preg?tirea debarc?rii ?n Normandia. ?n 1987, Fran?ois Mitterand i-a acordat Legiunea de Onoare, pentru aportul ei la eliberarea Fran?ei. Dup? r?zboi, Vera Atkins s-a retras ?ntr-un sat din Anglia, unde a r?mas p?n? la moarte, ?n 2000. Via?a i-a fost ?nconjurat? de mister, ?i pu?ini au ?tiut cine este cu adev?rat. Biografia lui Sarah Helm dezv?luie secretele celei despre care Ian Fleming, creatorul celebrului James Bond, spunea ??n adev?rata lume a spionilor, Vera Atkins a fost ?eful.“
Lakodalom az állatkertben
Lakodalom az állatkertben
László Rinyai
A magyar turanizmus jellegzetesen magyar és teljességgel elhallgatott eszmeáramlat: akik benne voltak, igyekeztek még a nyomait is eltüntetni. Pedig a magyar k?zvéleményt a 19. század eleje óta izgatta a magyarság keleti eredete és nyugati mintak?vetése k?zti ellentmondás. Vissza kell-e fordulnunk keletre? Létrej?het-e a ?turáni népek” ?sszefogása? Van-e a magyaroknak küldetésük Keleten? Vagy éppen Nyugaton? Száz évvel ezel?tt magyar expedíciók rótták Anatólia, a Balkán és Dél-Oroszország útjait, a magyar kormány hatalmas ?sszegeket áldozott, hogy keleti ?szt?ndíjasokat hozzon Magyarországra, magyar üzletemberek próbáltak piacot találni a K?zel-Keleten, és a turanizmus divatjának k?sz?nhet? az els? külf?ldi magyar intézet megnyitása is. A két világháború k?z?tt az eszmeáramlat számos befolyásos értelmiségit kísértett meg, majd 1945 után elhallgattatták. Ennek ellenére túlélte az államszocializmus éveit, és újra teret nyert a rendszerváltozás után. Ez a k?nyv nemcsak a turanizmus, hanem a Keletr?l való gondolkodás és politikai konzekvenciáinak t?rténete is. Izgalmas, másfél évszázados utazás Tibett?l Argentínáig, Tartutól Isztambulig. Felbukkan benne a turáni egyistenhív? rádióm?szerész, a feministából lett vércsoportkutató f?ldbirtokosleány, a monoklis múzeumalapító, aki egyszerre találta ki a világbékét és a l?vészárokásó gépet, néhány pénzhamisító, illetve a mérn?k, aki megállapította a magyar–maori rokonságot. Turanista emlékek k?z?tt élünk – csak nem tudunk róluk. Ablonczy Balázs (1974) t?rténész, az ELTE BTK oktatója és az MTA BTK T?rténettudományi Intézetének tudományos f?munkatársa. Doktori címét 2004-ben szerezte, tanított és kutatott Londonban, Párizsban, Berlinben és az Egyesült ?llamokbeli Bloomingtonban. 2011 és 2015 k?z?tt a Párizsi Magyar Intézet igazgatója volt. Jelenleg az MTA Lendület-pályázatán támogatott Trianon 100 kutatócsoport vezet?je, Budapesten él.
Váratlan nyaralás
Váratlan nyaralás
Cat Lavoie
Kádár János és a nevével fémjelzett korszak megítélése napjainkig élesen megosztja a magyar k?zvéleményt. Ennek egyik ered?je az a hatvanas évek elején meghirdetett ?sz?vetségi politika”, amely egy újfajta kiegyezés reményében együttm?k?d?k, ?társutasok” megnyerésével igyekezett alkut k?tni a magyar társadalommal. Az ennek érdekében hozott politikai, gazdasági intézkedések a t?rténeti elemzések révén mára jól ismertek. Kádár hatalomtechnikai t?rekvéseinek mélyebb rétegei, személyes dimenziói azonban részben még ma is feltáratlanok. Kik voltak azok, akikkel a pártállami vezet?k a megújuló hatalomgyakorlási mód jegyében párbeszédet kezdtek? Milyen korábbi mintákat hasznosított az MSZMP ?sz?vetségi politikájának” kialakítása során? Milyen út vezetett addig, amíg az 1956-os forradalom leverése után ?t évvel elhangozhatott a kádárizmus jelszava, a bibliai mondást kifordító ?aki nincs ellenünk, az velünk van” mottó? TABAJDI G?BOR legújabb k?tete a ?kádárizmus” hatalomtechnikai módszereinek kialakulását mutatja be, és azt a hatalom birtokosai, a magyar kommunisták, illetve Kádár János politikája fel?l értelmezi. ?tfogó elemzéséhez a r?vid és hosszú távú, kül-, illetve belpolitikai folyamatok bemutatása mellett eddig nem publikált titkosszolgálati dokumentumokat is felhasznál.
Pokoli macskák
Pokoli macskák
Jackson Galaxy
A Midsummer Night's Dream is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare, suggested by "The Knight's Tale" from Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, written around 1594 to 1596. It portrays the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of amateur actors, their interactions with the Duke and Duchess of Athens, Theseus and Hippolyta, and with the fairies who inhabit a moonlit forest. The play is one of Shakespeare's most popular works for the stage and is widely performed across the world.
William Shakeapeare
Demagóg, ?rült, gazember? Népvezér, próféta, mártír? E két véglet k?z?tt ingadozott Szálasi Ferenc megítélése kortársai szemében. Az utókor azonban k?zel sem ilyen megosztott személyét illet?en, Szálasi a 20. századi magyar t?rténelem talán legelutasítottabb alakja. K?tetünkben arra keressük a választ, miként vált azzá. Miért lépett egyáltalán a politika színpadára otthagyva ezzel a biztos karriert kínáló katonaságot? Milyen célok vezették? Mit gondolt és mit tett politikusként? Szálasi életútjának állomásairól számos egykori dokumentum vall, ami lehet?séget ad, hogy t?bb, olykor lényegesen eltér? néz?pontokból vizsgálhassuk ugyanazt az eseményt. K?nyvünkben megkíséreljük a sok esetben részrehajló – vagy éppen elfogult – kortársak írásai alapján áttekinteni Szálasi életútját: a katonáét, az ideológusét, a politikusét – gyermekkorától egészen haláláig. Végül pedig azt is bemutatjuk, miként viszonyul hozzá az utókor. A k?tetet életrajzi kronológia, válogatott bibliográfia, valamint térképek teszik teljessé. PAKSA RUDOLF 1981-ben született Ajkán, az ELTE-n doktorált t?rténelemb?l és 2009 októberét?l az MTA BTK T?rténettudományi Intézetének a munkatársa. ?rdekl?dési területe a modern kori magyar t?rténelem; kutatásai súlypontja a 19–20. századi historiográfia, a régi E?tv?s Collegium, valamint a Horthy-kori széls?jobboldali irányzatok.
Calitatea democra?iei ?i cultura politic? ?n Rom?nia
Calitatea democra?iei ?i cultura politic? ?n Rom?nia
Vasile Brașovanu
So?ia mea, pe c?te cred, mi-a fost Cinstit?. Poate acum e necinstit?. Te cred om drept… dar nu mi-e dovedit? P?rerea despre ea ?i despre tine. Avea un nume f?r? de ru?ine ?i chipul ei cu al Dianei sem?na. Cum pot s? cred c? s-ar putea schimba Deodat? ?ntr un chip ?ntunecat, Cum este acel cu care-s ?nzestrat? By the world, I think my wife be honest and think she is not; I think that thou art just and think thou art not. I’ll have some proof. Her name, that was as fresh As Dian’s visage, is now begrimed and black As mine own face
Az ego az ellenség: Pusztítsd el az egódat. Miel?tt ? pusztít el téged.
Az ego az ellenség: Pusztítsd el az egódat. Miel?tt ? pusztít el téged.
Ryan Holiday
Antológiánk magyar zsidó t?rténelemr?l szóló tanulmányok gy?jteménye. ?sszeállításunk azonban mind témájában, mind módszertanában kül?nb?zik az eddig megszokott ábrázolástól. A magyar (azaz a t?rténelmi Magyar Királyság területén él?) zsidóságot a t?rténetírók leginkább a modern eszmékhez lelkesen csatlakozó és asszimilációra t?rekv? k?z?sségként ábrázolták, amelyet csupán az antiszemitizmus id?szakos fellángolásai akadályoztak meg végs? céljuk elérésében. Sokszor még az is el?fordult, hogy a magyar zsidókat a legsikeresebben asszimilálódott európai zsidóságként jellemezték, ami már nyilvánvaló túlzás. Valójában a magyar zsidóság sajátos jellege sokkal inkább a jelent?s létszámú ortodox réteg határozott asszimiláció-ellenességéb?l fakadt. Az itt k?tetbe gy?jt?tt ?t tanulmány a magyar ortodoxia t?rténetével, ezzel a mostanáig igen kevés figyelemre méltatott területtel foglalkozik.
Povestea unui startup. Leadership prin experimentare
Povestea unui startup. Leadership prin experimentare
Lord Ronald Gower (1845 ù1916) was a British aristocrat, Liberal politician, sculptor and writer. Besides being a sculpture he wrote biographies of Marie Antoinette and Joan of Arc, and a history of the Tower of London. Joan of Arc was a15th century French heroine. She was born a peasant girl in eastern France who grew up to lead the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years' War. She was captured by the Burgundians, sold to the English, tried by an ecclesiastical court, and burned at the stake when she was nineteen years old.
Plimb?ndu-l pe Fun
Plimb?ndu-l pe Fun
Roman Alex
Drag? cititorule,Dac? te-ai uitat ieri mai mult de dou? ore la televizor ?i nu po?i f?r? asta, las? cartea asta jos.Dac? vrei s? fii de acord cu cineva, cu oricine, nu e?ti omul meu.Dac? m? ?tii din tinere?e ?i crezi c? sunt b?iatul care se b?lb?ia la prompter, dai banii degeaba.Dac? vrei s? dai cadou cartea asta unui prieten, nu mai bine ?i iei o sticl? de vin? Eu nu ?tiu s? ame?esc a?a bine.?n general, recomand cartea doar c?torva oameni.Cei care vor s? afle cum am ajuns s? tr?im, iubim, alegem ?n social media.Dar mai ales celor care cred c? a scrie poate schimba ceva.P.S. Poate.Doar c? trebuie s? scriem cu to?ii ?n acela?i timp.Despre asta e Share! Despre for?a social media, cel mai bun amplificator de idei pe care ?l ?tiu.?ntr-un fel, dac? stai s? te g?nde?ti, ?i tu ai scris-o.
Na?ionalismul. Identitatea etnocultural? ?i proiectul elitelor
Na?ionalismul. Identitatea etnocultural? ?i proiectul elitelor
Dragoman Dragoș
i corbul, croncnind, a rguit, Vestind c sorii fost au aruncai! Venii! Venii! Voi, duhuri, ce vegheai Pe gndurile morii, crunta zee! i m nvai s nu mai fiu femeie! M umplei, de la cretet pn’ la tlpi Cu o rutate nenduplecat! The raven himself is hoarse That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan Under my battlements. Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top full Of direst cruelty!
C?nd sufletul vorbe?te prin corp. S? ?n?elegem ?i s? trat?m tulbur?rile psihosom
C?nd sufletul vorbe?te prin corp. S? ?n?elegem ?i s? trat?m tulbur?rile psihosom
Hans Morschitzky, Sigrid Sator
Ilie Badescu, sociologul care a redeschis dezbaterea privind puterea si importanta pe care o are spiritul si desavarsirea fiintei si societatii, in lucrarea de fata ne vorbeste despre forta invataturilor precum si despre devierile prin care sunt propagate in lume falsele invataturi.
Road to Damascus
Road to Damascus
Strindberg, August
August Strindberg's classic trilogy of plays entitled To Damascus (also known as The Road to Damascus) is known as his greatest work.A very complex and thought provoking play series, it follows the conversations between two characters: the Stranger and the Lady.An excerpt from the Introduction:The Road to Damascus might be termed a marriage drama, a mystery drama, or a drama of penance and conversion, according as preponderance is given to one or other of its characteristics. The question then arises: what was it in the drama which was of deepest significance to the author himself? The answer is to be found in the title, with its allusion to the narrative in the Acts of the Apostles of the journey of Saul, the persecutor, the scoffer, who, on his way to Damascus, had an awe-inspiring vision, which converted Saul, the hater of Christ, into Paul, the apostle of the Gentiles. Strindberg's drama describes the progress of the author right up to his conversion, shows how stage by stage he relinquishes worldly things, scientific renown, and above all woman, and finally, when nothing more binds him to this world, takes the vows of a monk and enters a monastery where no dogmas or theology, but only broadminded humanity and resignation hold sway. What, however, in an inner sense, distinguishes Strindberg's drama from the Bible narrative is that the conversion itself - although what leads up to it is convincingly described, both logically and psychologically - does not bear the character of a final and irrevocable decision, but on the contrary is depicted with a certain hesitancy and uncertainty. THE STRANGER'S entry into the monastery consequently gives the impression of being a piece of logical construction; the author's heart is not wholly in it. From Strindberg's later works it also becomes evident that his severe crisis had undoubtedly led to a complete reformation in that it definitely caused him to turn from worldly things, of which indeed he had tasted to the full, towards matters divine. But this did not mean that then and there he accepted some specific religion, whether Christian or other. One would undoubtedly come nearest to the author's own interpretation in this respect by characterising The Road to Damascus not as a drama of conversion, but as a drama of struggle, the story of a restless, arduous pilgrimage through the chimeras of the world towards the border beyond which eternity stretches in solemn peace, symbolised in the drama by a mountain, the peaks of which reach high above the clouds.
Csak a holttesteden át
Csak a holttesteden át
Dan Wells
In issuing this second treatise on Crayon Portraiture, Liquid Water Colors and French Crystals, for the use of photographers and amateur artists, I do so with the hope and assurance that all the requirements in the way of instruction for making crayon portraits on photographic enlargements and for finishing photographs in color will be fully met. To these I have added complete instructions for free-hand crayons. This book embodies the results of a studio experience of twenty-four years spent in practical work, in teaching, and in overcoming the everyday difficulties encountered, not alone in my own work, but in that of my pupils as well. Hence the book has been prepared with special reference to the needs of the student. It presents a brief course of precepts, and requires on the part of the pupil only perseverance in order that he may achieve excellence. The mechanical principles are few, and have been laid down in a few words; and, as nearly all students have felt, in the earlier period of their art work, the necessity of some general rules to guide them in the composition and arrangement of color, I have given, without entering into any profound discussion of the subject, a few of its practical precepts, which, it is hoped, will prove helpful. While this book does not treat of art in a very broad way, yet I am convinced that those who follow its teachings will, through the work they accomplish, be soon led to a higher appreciation of art. Although this kind of work does not create, yet who will say that it will not have accomplished much if it shall prove to be the first step that shall lead some student to devote his or her life to the sacred calling of art? It has been said that artists rarely, if ever, write on art, because they have the impression that the public is too ill-informed to understand them—that is, to understand their ordinarily somewhat technical method of expression. If, therefore, in the following pages I may sometimes seem to take more space and time for an explanation than appears necessary, I hope the student will overlook it, as I seek to be thoroughly understood. My hope with reference to this work is that it may prove of actual value to the earnest student in helping him reach the excellence which is the common aim of all true artists. ? ?J. A. Barhydt. About Author: To many who know nothing about the art of crayon portraiture, the mastery of it not only seems very difficult, but almost unattainable. In fact, any work of art of whatever description, which in its execution is beyond the knowledge or comprehension of the spectator, is to him a thing of almost supernatural character. Of course, this is more decided when the subject portrayed carries our thoughts beyond the realms of visible things. But the making of crayon portraits is not within the reach alone of the trained artist who follows it as a profession. I claim that any one who can learn to write can learn to draw, and that any one who can learn to draw can learn to make crayon portraits. Making them over a photograph, that is, an enlargement, is a comparatively simple matter, as it does not require as much knowledge of drawing as do free-hand crayons. But you must not suppose that, because the photographic enlargement gives you the drawing in line and an indistinct impression of the form in light and shade, you are not required to draw at all in making a crayon portrait over such an enlargement. Some knowledge of drawing is necessary, though not a perfect knowledge. Many people err in supposing that only the exceptionally skilled can produce the human features in life-like form upon the crayon paper. While recognizing great differences in natural aptitude for drawing in different persons, just as those who use the pen differ widely in their skill, some being able to write with almost mechanical perfection of form, I still hold that any one who is able to draw at all can succeed in producing creditable crayons.. J. A. Barhydt.
The Mysterious Island
The Mysterious Island
Jules Verne
Hard Times – For These Times (commonly known as "Hard Times") is the tenth novel by Charles Dickens, first published in 1854. The book appraises English society and highlights the social and economic pressures of the times. Hard Times is unusual in several respects. It is by far the shortest of Dickens' novels, barely a quarter of the length of those written immediately before and after it. Also, unlike all but one of his other novels, Hard Times has neither a preface nor illustrations. Moreover, it is his only novel not to have scenes set in London. Instead the story is set in the fictitious Victorian industrial Coketown, a generic Northern English mill-town, in some ways similar to Manchester, though smaller. Coketown may be partially based on 19th-century Preston. One of Dickens's reasons for writing Hard Times was that sales of his weekly periodical, Household Words, were low, and it was hoped the novel's publication in instalments would boost circulation – as indeed proved to be the case. Since publication it has received a mixed response from critics. Critics such as George Bernard Shaw and Thomas Macaulay have mainly focused on Dickens's treatment of trade unions and his post–Industrial Revolution pessimism regarding the divide between capitalist mill owners and undervalued workers during the Victorian era. F. R. Leavis, a great admirer of the book, included it—but not Dickens' work as a whole—as part of his Great Tradition of English novels. ***‘Now, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them. This is the principle on which I bring up my own children, and this is the principle on which I bring up these children. Stick to Facts, sir!’ ? ?The scene was a plain, bare, monotonous vault of a school-room, and the speaker’s square forefinger emphasized his observations by underscoring every sentence with a line on the schoolmaster’s sleeve. The emphasis was helped by the speaker’s square wall of a forehead, which had his eyebrows for its base, while his eyes found commodious cellarage in two dark caves, overshadowed by the wall. The emphasis was helped by the speaker’s mouth, which was wide, thin, and hard set. The emphasis was helped by the speaker’s voice, which was inflexible, dry, and dictatorial. The emphasis was helped by the speaker’s hair, which bristled on the skirts of his bald head, a plantation of firs to keep the wind from its shining surface, all covered with knobs, like the crust of a plum pie, as if the head had scarcely warehouse-room for the hard facts stored inside. The speaker’s obstinate carriage, square coat, square legs, square shoulders,—nay, his very neckcloth, trained to take him by the throat with an unaccommodating grasp, like a stubborn fact, as it was,—all helped the emphasis. ‘In this life, we want nothing but Facts, sir; nothing but Facts!’The speaker, and the schoolmaster, and the third grown person present, all backed a little, and swept with their eyes the inclined plane of little vessels then and there arranged in order, ready to have imperial gallons of facts poured into them until they were full to the brim.
Az elvarázsoltak
Az elvarázsoltak
Rene Denfeld
This Illustrated version of the "A Short History of the world" contains about 300 Illustrated picture, and many historic objects.. THE story of our world is a story that is still very imperfectly known. A couple of hundred years ago men possessed the history of little more than the last three thousand years. What happened before that time was a matter of legend and speculation. Over a large part of the civilized world it was believed and taught that the world had been created suddenly in 4004 B.C., though authorities differed as to whether this had occurred in the spring or autumn of that year. This fantastically precise misconception was based upon a too literal interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, and upon rather arbitrary theological assumptions connected therewith. Such ideas have long since been abandoned by religious teachers, and it is universally recognized that the universe in which we live has to all appearances existed for an enormous period of time and possibly for endless time. Of course there may be deception in these appearances, as a room may be made to seem endless by putting mirrors facing each other at either end. But that the universe in which we live has existed only for six or seven thousand years may be regarded as an altogether exploded idea. "A Short History of the world" by E-Kitap projesi, Illustrated version by Murat Ukray.. Also added "IN the last fifty years there has been much very fine and interesting speculation on the part of scientific men upon the age and origin of our earth. Here we cannot pretend to give even a summary of such speculations because they involve the most subtle mathematical and physical considerations. The truth is that the physical and astronomical sciences are still too undeveloped as yet to make anything of the sort more than an illustrative guesswork. The general tendency has been to make the estimated age of our globe longer and longer. It now seems probable that the earth has had an independent existence as a spinning planet flying round and round the sun for a longer period than 2,000,000,000 years. It may have been much longer than that. This is a length of time that absolutely overpowers the imagination. "
Deborah Moggach
T?bb mint harminc év nagy anyagi, és emberi áldozatokat k?vetel? fejlesztései és kísérletezései után a XIX. század végére kialakult a tengerek új ura, a kor legmodernebb technológiai vívmányait magában egyesít?, modern értelemben vett csatahajó. A hatalmas, félelmetes acélmonstrumok leny?g?zték a kortársakat. Ezek a hajók voltak az ?ket birtokló ország erejének és nagyhatalmi státuszának szimbólumai, a nemzeti büszkeség megtestesít?i. Bennük jutott kifejezésre megépíttet?iknek gazdasági fejlettsége, ipari teljesít?képessége, valamint a szándék, hogy a világ vezet? nagyhatalmainak sorába tartozzanak. Világszerte minden nagyobb haditengerészet ezek k?ré a páncélos óriások k?ré szervez?d?tt, melyek teljes fegyverzetben állva várták, hogy országuk érdekeinek védelmében rendeltetésüknek megfelel?en harcba szálljanak az ellenfél hasonló páncélosai ellen, s bizonyítsák létezésük értelmét, és a rájuk k?lt?tt hatalmas ?sszegek megtérülését. Talán az új id?k kezdetének szimbolikus jelzéseként fogható fel, hogy erre az alkalomra végül nem a világot uraló európai országok vizein, hanem messze keleten, egy felt?rekv?, és nem az európai kultúrk?rbe tartozó új nagyhatalom partjai k?zelében került sor.
Кам’яний г?сть. Лен?н у Центральн?й Укра?н?
Кам’яний г?сть. Лен?н у Центральн?й Укра?н?
Олександра Гайдай
O livro apresenta uma abordagem sobre como foram construídos os saberes inerentes à medicina e ao hospital na Sociedade Moderna. Mostra, historicamente, como foi estabelecido o poder e as práticas médico-hospitalares. A obra apresenta o discurso das institui??es dominantes sobre o modelo assistencial, como também revela a realidade pragmática do acesso efetivo ao direito social à saúde, que, formalmente, foi expresso como uma necessidade básica traduzida em mínimos sociais, como condi??o legítima de dignidade da pessoa humana. A relev?ncia desse estudo é em virtude de sua especial significa??o nas diversas áreas das Ciências Humanas e Sociais, ao nutrir o debate sobre a temática do Direito à Saúde nas inst?ncias do Poder Público, bem como ao introduzi-la na agenda das profiss?es relacionadas com o campo da saúde, aprofundando suas dimens?es de transdisciplinariedade e transversalidade.
Calea spre fericire. Pove?ti adev?rate. Vol. 2
Calea spre fericire. Pove?ti adev?rate. Vol. 2
Sell Colleen,
No caso da episteme comunicacional pode-se dizer que a mesma vem-se constituindo na historicidade de conceitos chave e de hipóteses clássicas que têm nutrido o pensamento teórico e a pesquisa empírica do campo. Pensando a episteme comunicacional trata disso, ou seja, do objeto comunica??o em sua trajetória por fazer-se, a qual, ao acumular-se, permite a renova??o do que foi pensado a seu respeito e a prospec??o de novos pontos de vista.