ArcPy and ArcGIS – Geospatial Analysis with Python
If you are a GIS student or professional who needs an understanding of how to use ArcPy to reduce repetitive tasks and perform analysis faster, this book is for you. It is also a valuable book for Python programmers who want to understand how to automate geospatial analyses.

Spring Integration Essentials
This book is intended for developers who are either already involved with enterprise integration or planning to venture into the domain. Basic knowledge of Java and Spring is expected. For newer users, this book can be used to understand an integration scenario, what the challenges are, and how Spring Integration can be used to solve it. Prior experience of Spring Integration is not expected as this book will walk you through all the code examples.

Learning Apache Cassandra
If you're an application developer familiar with SQL databases such as MySQL or Postgres, and you want to explore distributed databases such as Cassandra, this is the perfect guide for you. Even if you've never worked with a distributed database before, Cassandra's intuitive programming interface coupled with the step-by-step examples in this book will have you building highly scalable persistence layers for your applications in no time.

Android NDK: Beginner's Guide - Second Edition
Are you an Android Java programmer who needs more performanceAre you a C/C++ developer who doesn’t want to bother with the complexity of Java and its out-of-control garbage collectorDo you want to create fast intensive multimedia applications or gamesIf you’ve answered yes to any of these questions then this book is for you. With some general knowledge of C/C++ development, you will be able to dive headfirst into native Android development.

Real-time Analytics with Storm and Cassandra
If you want to efficiently use Storm and Cassandra together and excel at developing production-grade, distributed real-time applications, then this book is for you. No prior knowledge of using Storm and Cassandra together is necessary. However, a background in Java is expected.

Mastering QGIS
If you are a GIS professional, a consultant, a student, or perhaps a fast learner who wants to go beyond the basics of QGIS, then this book is for you. It will prepare you to realize the full potential of QGIS.

CRYENGINE Game Development Blueprints
This book is intended for CRYENGINE game developers wanting to develop their skills with the help of industry experts. A good knowledge level and understanding of CRYENGINE is assumed.

Microsoft Application Virtualization Advanced Guide
A practical tutorial containing clear, step-by-step explanations of all the concepts required to understand the technology involved in virtualizing your application infrastructure. Each chapter uses real-world scenarios so that the readers can put into practice what they learn immediately and with the right guidance. Each topic is written defining a common need and developing the process to solve it using Microsoft App-V. This book is for system administrators or consultants who want to master and dominate App-V, and gain a deeper understanding of the technology in order to optimize App V implementations. Even though the book does not include basic steps like installing App-V components or sequencing simple applications; application virtualization beginners will receive a comprehensive look into App-V before jumping into the technical process of each chapter.

Microsoft Lync 2013 Unified Communications
This is a tutorial guide to gain in-depth knowledge such as realizing projects to migrate traditional telephony to Unified Communications inside an organization. This book is targeted at three audiences: business decision makers, technical advocates, and IT decision makers. As this is also a fundamental book on real time collaboration technology, it is also suitable for anyone who is interested in the future of communications.

Oracle 11g Anti-hacker's Cookbook
This cookbook has recipes written in simple, easy to understand format with lots of screenshots and insightful tips and hints. If you are an Oracle Database Administrator, Security Manager or Security Auditor looking to secure the Oracle Database or prevent it from being hacked, then this book is for you. This book assumes you have a basic understanding of security concepts.

SQL Server 2012 with PowerShell V3 Cookbook
SQL Server 2012 with PowerShell V3 Cookbook" is an example-focused book that provides step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish specific SQL Server tasks using PowerShell. Each recipe is followed by an analysis of the steps or design decisions taken, and additional information about the task at hand. Working *s are provided for all examples so that you can dive in right away. You can read this book sequentially by chapter, or you can pick and choose which topics you need right away,This book is written for the SQL Server database professional (DBA, developer, BI developer) who wants to use PowerShell to automate, integrate, and simplify database tasks. A little bit of *ing background is helpful, but not necessary.

iAd Production Beginner’s Guide
This beginner's guide focuses on getting you through all the major learning points in a smooth, logical order. You'll also see how to avoid some common pitfalls. This book is for brands, advertisers and developers who want to create compelling, emotive, iAd advertisements that generate revenue and increase brand awareness. You don’t need previous experience of creating adverts or apps for iPhone and iPad, as you’ll be taken through the entire process to make motion-rich, beautiful ads.

iPhone User Interface Cookbook
Written in a cookbook style, this book offers solutions using a recipe based approach. Each recipe contains step-by-step instructions followed by an analysis of what was done in each task and other useful information. The cookbook approach means you can dive into whatever recipes you want in no particular order. The iPhone Interface Cookbook is written from the ground up for people who are new to iOS or application interface design in general. Each chapter discusses the reasoning and design strategy behind critical interface components, as well as how to best integrate each into any iPhone or iPad application. Detailed and straight-forward recipes help give guidance and build understanding far beyond what is offered through Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines.

Google SketchUp for Game Design: Beginner's Guide
The book takes a clear, step-by-step approach to building a complete game level using SketchUp with many props and textures. This book is designed for anyone who wants to create entire 3D worlds in freely available game engines such as Unity 3D, CryEngine, Ogre, Panda3D, Unreal Engine, and Blender Game Engine. It also targets all those who wish to create new levels and assets to sell in game asset stores or use in visualization or animation.

JIRA Development Cookbook
This book is part of Packt's Cookbook series. A Packt Cookbook contains step-by-step recipes for solutions to the most important problems you face when working with a topic. Inside this Cookbook you will find: A straightforward and easy-to-follow format, A selection of the most important tasks and problems ,Carefully organized instructions for solving the problem efficiently, Clear explanations of what you did Details for applying the solution to other situations If you are a JIRA developer or project manager who wants to fully exploit the exciting capabilities of JIRA, then this is the perfect book for you.

Google Plus First Look: a tip-packed, comprehensive look at Google+
Through over 100 books, mostly computer-related, the author has mastered a fun but information packed style that gives you exactly what you want — up to speed on Plus with minimal effort and maximum results. Google+ or Plus (the terms are interchangeable) was written for everyone. This book mirrors that concept and is written for everyone — from us techheads (early adopters) to delightful old Aunt Mable and the rest of the Thursday Night Bridge Club. Because social networking exists for all people and we are all people — all of us are plusses on Plus.

Windows Phone 7.5 Data Cookbook
The book is written in a cookbook style, presenting examples in the style of recipes, allowing you to go directly to your topic of interest, or follow topics throughout a chapter to gain in-depth knowledge. This book is for developers who want to build data-driven apps, or a line of business applications using the Windows Phone platform. It is also useful for developers on other mobile platforms looking to convert their apps to Windows Phone 7.5 Mango. Basic understanding of C#, XAML and Silverlight is required.

FreeRADIUS Beginner's Guide
This is a fast-paced Beginner's Guide that will take you step by step through the fundamentals of FreeRADIUS and using it in your live projects. It has been structured in a way that will let you get maximum practical information out of it in setting up your own FreeRADIUS server. It will guide you on all the aspects of FreeRADIUS and do much more to get you all the 'A's right. If you are an Internet Service Provider (ISPs) or a network manager who needs to track and control network usage, then this is the book for you. You need to be familiar with Linux and have a solid understanding of TCP/IP. No previous knowledge of RADIUS or FreeRADIUS is required.

Flash Facebook Cookbook
Written in a cookbook style, this book offers solutions using a recipe-based approach. Each recipe contains step-by-step instructions followed by an analysis of what was done in each task and other useful information. This Cookbook is targeted towards those with at least a basic understanding of the Flash Builder IDE and the Flex framework. No prior knowledge of the Facebook APIs is assumed or required. If you want to start building Flash Facebook apps quickly and effectively this is the book for you.

Alfresco 3 Cookbook
Written in a cookbook style, this book offers solutions using a recipe based approach. Each recipe contains step-by-step instructions followed by an analysis of what was done in each task and other useful information. If you are a software developer interested in content management systems, who wants to work with Alfresco or is already experienced in Alfresco, this cookbook will get you up and running quickly. If you want rapid implementation of Alfresco’s most important and effective features then this is the cookbook for you.

Rhomobile Beginner's Guide
Part of Packt's Beginner's Guide series, this book is packed full of practical examples and screenshots to make building your application straightforward and fun. Whether you have prior experience of developing mobile applications or this is your first venture, all newcomers to Rhomobile will be able to quickly develop their own mobile application. This book is accessible for people who are completely new to Ruby, though having prior knowledge of it would be a huge advantage.