The Psychology of Nations
This "contribution to the philosophy of history" was first published soon after the First World War.
Just GONE:Book 1 of 2 of the 7 Years Later Series
It was without doubt that Lana Bell was the cleverest, sexiest, most inspiring and seductive girl Hayden Ravensdale had ever met. The attractive law student had burst into his life, blown his mind and changed everything. He was head over heels in love with her. He could not have foreseen the disaster awaiting him just around the corner. So when all of a sudden Lana disappears without a trace, Hayden’s whole world crumbles to pieces. Had it all been a lie? Had she only been using the young and wealthy heir to a well-known international publishing firm? When after 7 years of despair, pain, anger, hatred, and finally, emptiness, the disillusioned businessman unexpectedly comes face to face with the love of his youth, only to see his strictly organized life turn upside down again. Their chance encounter finds them both cast into a whirlwind of attraction, uncertainty, and doubt. Can he ever trust her again? Can he once more put his broken heart into the hands of this woman without the risk of ruining himself completely? Dare he even resist? Can either of them possibly deny the physical attraction they feel towards each other? This is the passionate and captivating love story of Hayden and Lana. I hope you will enjoy reading it!
Beginner Spanish in 32 Topics:Speak With Confidence About Everyday Matters
Learn to speak in Spanish about the things that matter to you. Massively improve your Spanish vocabulary and speaking skills through reading about these 32 everyday topics. By the end of this book you will: Know the essential Spanish vocabulary for speaking about 32 everyday topics. Feel confident having real conversations about real topics with other Spanish speakers. Know 100’s of new Spanish words and feel comfortable about moving up to the intermediate level. Who is it for? If you are a high beginner with a good understanding of basic grammar and vocabulary then this is the book to help you to take your Spanish to the next level. How does it work? Each article covers a topic that you would commonly talk about in your own language. So instead of learning boring vocabulary lists, you will be reading interesting articles and learning the specific language you will need for having real conversations with other Spanish speakers. We’ve kept it interesting by giving each topic an ‘angle’. So, for example the ‘romance’ article is about ‘online dating’ and the ‘food’ article is about ‘cooking shows’ etc. This way, you will be much more engaged and learn more smoothly. By the end of this book you will: Know the essential Spanish vocabulary for speaking about 32 everyday topics. Feel confident having real conversations about real topics with other Spanish speakers. Know 100’s of new Spanish words and feel comfortable about moving up to the intermediate level. Get started today and click the buy button, and start speaking with confidence about 32 everyday topics.
Hat kül?nleges t?rténet az egzotikus utazásoktól a szívfájdító szerelemig. Sok-sok kül?nb?z? ember, rendkívüli párok és szerelmek. Egy mexikói luxus prostituált erotikus t?rténete, akit a kegyetlen sors, az átok sem tud megakadályozni abban, hogy rátaláljon az igaz szerelemre. A sivatagban eltévedt fiatal orvosn?, az elkényeztetett maffiaf?n?k lánya, és az ?r?kké bizonytalan magyar Kathy egzotikus világokba viszi el az olvasókat Jement?l Mexikóig. Mindezek mellett két fiatalt, egy testvér szíve, sok-sok fájdalom, és csodálatos érzelmek vezérelnek, hogy szem ne maradjon szárazon. A t?rténetekben megtalálható a kaland, rejtély, izgalom, de mindenekel?tt a romantika.
Cheyenne & The Witches
Join Cheyenne as she sets out on a new adventure: Cheyenne befriends?Wendy, who is a curious girl and seems to have no friends; dresses and talks funny; eats strange things, and wears pointed shoes. Who is this new girl? ?Join Cheyenne as she makes friends with Wendy and joins up with some of her old friends to stop the evil witches.
joke bank - Popular Jokes
For adults we have the adult jokes section, the dirty jokes, and the Yo Mama jokes categories. Of course the classic celebrity characters, like Chuck Norris, Bill Clinton, Al Bundy and Barney Stinson, are all in there too. To tease your friends or your foes, we recommend the professional categories. Whether they're a civil servant, a farmer, a graduate, a student, a doctor, a lawyer, a politician, a broker, a footballer or a schoolboy, we have just the thing. The classical knock knock jokes and light bulb jokes are also included. A separated clean jokes section is available.
Public Speaking for Authors, Creatives and Other Introverts
Are you an introverted author or creative? Do you want to improve your public speaking ability?As creatives in a crowded world, we can no longer sit in our rooms, creating alone, if we want a viable income. Increasingly, we have to be out there in the world, sharing our knowledge and being visible in order to have a successful career. Public speaking can be an extra income stream, or can form an integral part of your marketing. It's also a good idea to plan for success and authors/creatives often have to speak when they become well-known, so it's best to start practicing earlier. This book is a starter pack and an easy reference guide with the information that you need the most to speak confidently and professionally in public. And, although some chapters have specific tips for introverts, much of this information will be useful for anyone who is interested in public speaking, regardless of their personality type. In this book, I'll share everything that I know as a professional speaker and introverted author-entrepreneur. The book contains lots of tips about public speaking in general, based on my own experience over the last five years. In addition, I cover some specific points that creative introverts need to consider as speakers. You can read this book from start to finish, but you can also dip in and out, as each chapter contains succinct tips that you'll need at different times on your journey. In this book, you will find: Part 1 goes into the practicalities of speaking: types of speaking, preparation, your actual talk, and what happens afterwards. Part 2 is about some of the psychological aspects of speaking: your mindset, authenticity, confidence, and tackling the inevitable anxiety, which we all feel. Part 3 discusses the business side of speaking: financials, marketing, and how to create multiple streams of income. Part 4 contains interviews with three fantastic professional speakers, each from a different market, to give you a variation in perspective. Mark McGuinness is an introvert, Clare Edwards is an extrovert and Alastair Humphreys sits somewhere in the middle.? There are also videos, audio and extra image-formatted transcripts, so you can experience this information in other modes if you prefer. The Appendices contain resources that may be useful in your speaking journey, including my own speaking checklist and booking form, example sales page and a series of questions for you to answer that will kickstart your public speaking.??? I’m an author and professional speaker, and I’m also an introvert. I often get asked how I do what I do, when our natural tendency is to relish being alone and creative, not standing in front of a crowd. In this book, I share everything I’ve learned about being a speaker and creative over the last 5 years of speaking internationally, in front of large and small audiences. I also dispel some of the myths around being a speaker. You don’t have to be Tony Robbins, bouncing around on stage with a booming voice and larger than life persona. You just have to be you, and tell your stories. If you're ready to improve your public speaking, download a sample or buy now.
A lány a vonaton
Ritkaság, hogy egy k?nyv vezesse t?bb országban egyszerre, szinte az ?sszes fontos sikerlistát. A New York Timesét és a BarnesandNoble-ét, például. Az végképp szokatlan, hogy ezt egy debütáló író tegye.2015 elején Paula Hawkins regénye berobbant az angolszász piacokra. Ahogy Stephen King fogalmazott, ebben a t?rténetben csak fokozódik és fokozódik a feszültség. Nem véletlenül hasonlítják Hitchkockhoz és Agatha Crhristie-hez az írót, a Gone girlhez a t?rténetet.Rachel ingázó, minden reggel felszáll ugyanarra a vonatra. Tudja, hogy minden alkalommal várakozni szoktak ugyanannál a fénysorompónál, ahonnan egy sor hátsó udvarra nyílik rálátás. Már-már kezdi úgy érezni, hogy ismeri az egyik ház lakóit. Jess és Jason, így nevezi ?ket. A pár élete t?kéletesnek t?nik, és Rachel sóvárogva gondol a boldogságukra.?s aztán lát valami megd?bbent?t. Csak egyetlen pillanatig, ahogy a vonat tovahalad, de ennyi elég.A pillanat mindent megváltoztat. Rachel immár részese az életüknek, melyet eddig csak messzir?l szemlélt.Meglátják; sokkal t?bb ?, mint egy lány a vonaton.
Te las s? pleci
Totul s-a petrecut at?t de repede. Oare n-ar fi putut face nimic ca s? ?mpiedice dezastrul? ?ntr-o frac?iune de secund?, existen?a Jennei Gray se transform? ?n co?mar. Singura ei speran?? de a dep??i momentul este s? se ?ndep?rteze de tot ce-i este familiar ?i s-o ia de la cap?t. Cu o nevoie disperat? de a se elibera, Jenna se refugiaz? ?ntr-o c?su?? uitat? de lume pe coastele ??rii Galilor, dar continu? s? fie b?ntuit? de temerile ei, de durere ?i de aminti?rile unei nop?i cumplite de noiembrie care i-a schimbat via?a pentru totdeauna. Pas cu pas, Jenna ?ntrez?re?te o ?ans? la fericire ?n viitorul ei. Dar trecutul o ajunge din urm? ?i consecin?ele pot fi devastatoare… “Terifiant, captivant ?i sensibil, Te las s? pleci este un roman scris cu m?iestrie, iar intriga e demen?ial?.“ - Paula Hawkins, autoarea bestsellerului Fata din tren “Un debut senza?ional… o inten?sitate uimitoare care te prinde ?i nu-?i mai d? drumul. R?sturn?ri de situa?ie care-?i taie r?suflarea.“ - Daily Mail “Extraordinar!“ - The Independent “O carte cum n-a?i mai citit.“ - S.J. Watson, autorul bestsellerurilor ?nainte s? adorm ?i Second Life “Povestea e foarte conving?toare, mai ales c? autoarea a fost ofi?er de poli?ie. Cu un debut at?t de bun ca acesta, ce au pierdut for?ele de ordine a c??tigat literatura poli?ist?.“ - Sunday Mirror Te las s? pleci a ?nregistrat ?n 2015 cele mai rapide v?nz?ri pentru un autor debutant. A fost selectat pentru Richard ?i Judy Book Club ?i a ob?inut votul publicului pentru cel mai bun roman ?n selec?ia 2015.
?les tárgyak
A fiatal chicagói újságíróra, Camille Preakerre nyugtalanító feladat vár néhány hónapos pszichiátriai kezelését k?vet?en: f?szerkeszt?je visszaküldi fojtogató szül?városába, hogy az ott t?rtént gyerekgyilkosságokról tudósítson. Camille évek óta alig beszélt neurotikus, hipochonder anyjával, tizenhárom éves, gy?ny?r? féltestvérét, a poros kisváros lakóit valamiképp a markában tartó Ammát pedig utoljára óvodásként látta. A viktoriánus stílusú, kísérteties családi házban Camille-t megrohanják boldogtalan gyerekkorának emlékei, és akaratlanul is azonosulni kezd a meggyilkolt kislányokkal. Mik?zben egyre mélyebbre rántják s?tét múltjának démonai, és felszakadnak soha be nem gyógyult sebei, versenyfutásba kezd az id?vel, hogy kiderítse, ki lehet a tettes. Ha Camille túl akarja élni veszélyes visszatérését, nem tehet mást, mint hogy egyszer és mindenkorra ?sszerakja múltja kirakójátékának darabjait. ?Szellemes, stílusos, remek els? k?nyv. Igazi f?nyeremény.” harlan coben ??Az, hogy fantasztikusan jó debütáló regény, enyhe kifejezés. (…) Rettegve olvastam az utolsó harminc oldalt, de képtelen voltam letenni. Utána még sokáig a fejemben kavargott, sziszegett a t?rténet. Csodálatra méltóan, f?rtelmesen gonosz t?rténet, és még csodásabbá teszi Gillian Flynn remek stílusa és leny?g?z? éleslátása.” stephen king
Dup? ce te-am pierdut
C?nd o poveste se sf?r?e?te, alta ?ncepe...Lou Clark are o mul?ime de ?ntreb?ri. Cum de a ajuns s? lucreze ?ntr-un bar din aeroport ?i s?-?i petreac? timpul urm?rindu-i cu privirea pe cei care pleac? spre alte locuri? Sau de ce nu se simte ?nc? acas? ?n apartamentul pe care ?l are deja de un an? Oare familia ei o va putea ierta pentru ce a f?cut cu optsprezece luni ?n urm?? ?i va reu?i vreodat? s? treac? peste iubirea vie?ii ei? Ceea ce Lou ?tie sigur e c? ceva trebuie s? se schimbe. Apoi, ?ntr-o noapte, la u?a ei bate cineva. Dar oare str?ina care ?i apare ?n prag are r?spunsurile pe care ea le caut? sau ?i aduce doar alte ?ntreb?ri? Dac? ?nchide u?a, via?a ei va continua ca p?n? acum: simpl?, ordonat?, sigur?. Dac? o deschide, va risca totul. ?ns? Lou a f?cut c?ndva o promisiune: s? tr?iasc?. ?i, dac? vrea s? o respecte, va trebui s? deschid? larg u?a...?Amuzant, surprinz?tor ?i emo?ionant, cu personaje care inspir? ?n acela?i timp optimism ?i melancolie... Un roman provocator ?i captivant, care reu?e?te s? surprind? ?ntreaga complexitate a iubirii.“
Crockpot 30 Quick and Easy Crock Pot Recipes
The only Crock Pot Slow cooker guide you will ever need: What you will find included in the ultimate Crock Pot and Slow Cooker Recipes book? ? A detailed list of what ingredients you will need to cook your crock pot. ? A step by step guide on how to cook your crock pot and slow cooker meals. ? A wide variety of meals and cuisine to satisfy all tastes and preferences. Impress family and friends with delicious slow cooker and dump meals: The Ultimate Crockpot Cookbook has arrived! So here you are! Ready to cook delicious crock pot recipes! Do you want to impress your family, friends or even give yourself a treat? Whether you are new to this or an experienced cook, here you will find all the tools you need to prepare exceptional dishes. Now imagine being at home: You are working, doing your chores or coming back home after running you errands: And as you walk along your corridor you can smell the scent, the aroma, the goodness coming from your kitchen: It is your meal being cooked slowly in your kitchen. It is awaiting you; it wants you to taste it. And you know that after a couple of hours, when you are done with your stuff, it will be there, ready for you to enjoy. But most importantly, it will be your creation, it will be yours! Use the Ultimate Slow cooker recipes and Crockpot dump meals knowledge to change your life forever towards feeling healthier! We care about you: Enjoy the healthiest and tastiest Crock Pot recipes. Because we want you to enjoy what real food is, we have put together this unique crock pot guide, for you to choose and cook whatever you like. All the crock pot knowledge in the world is put together in this book. You can even cook a different meal every day for the next 5 years of your life! No exceptions!
Parenting And Disciplining Strong Willed Children
The word discipline can have some negative connotations associated with it. When it comes to parenting, discipline is used to civilize your children. Discipline does not have to be a bad thing. It can be a fun and awarding time for you to show your child what the limits of their behavior are. All children are different, and not all discipline styles will work for every child. So if you are looking for a quick fix solution to help your child grows as an individual. I am sorry. Finding the right discipline style for your child or children is a trial and error process. On this book you'll learn how to go about this systematically both for average children, including the super stubborn, strong willed kids!
El conde de montecristo
Novela de aventuras que tiene lugar en Francia, Italia y varias islas del Mediterráneo entre 1814 y 1838. La historia esta basada en las memorias de Jacques Peuchet, quien escribió sobre un zapatero llamado Fran?ois Picaud.
Conselhos que os livros de auto-ajuda n?o ensinam
Prepare-se para aprender valiosas li??es de auto-ajuda que nem Augusto Cury vai lhe ensinar. S?o ensinamentos que, se n?o lhe ajudarem a viver melhor, também n?o o deixará viver pior.
A víz mélyén
A várost átszel? folyóból holtan húznak ki egy fiatal n?t. Néhány hónappal korábban egy sérülékeny tinédzser lány végezte ugyanott, ugyanígy. El?ttük évszázadokon át asszonyok és lányok hosszú sora lelte halálát a s?tét vízben, így a két friss tragédia régen eltemetett titkokat bolygat meg - és hoz felszínre.Az utolsó áldozat árván maradt, tizen?t éves lányának szembe kell néznie azzal, hogy félelmetes nagynénje lett a gondvisel?je, aki most kényszeredetten tér vissza oda, ahonnan annak idején elmenekült, és ahová szíve szerint soha nem tette volna be újra a lábát. A folyóparti ház eresztékei éjjelente hangosabban nyikorognak, a fal t?vében susogó víz kísérteties neszekkel t?lti meg az egyébként zavartalan csendet. A lány a vonaton cím? regényhez hasonlóan PAULA HAWKINS újabb t?rténete is megállíthatatlanul sodorja az olvasót a végkifejlet felé, bizonyítva, hogy az írón? nagy ismer?je a n?i léleknek és az emberi ?szt?n?knek. A lány a vonaton az elmúlt évek legnagyobb sikere volt a magyar és a nemzetk?zi k?nyvpiacon. A szerz? második thrillerére két évet kellett várni. De - ahogy az els? olvasók egybehangzóan állítják - megérte.
Uma novinha em minha vida
Otávio vivia tranquilamente sua vida de aposentado com a esposa. Sua rotina despreocupada mudou quando sua esposa trouxe para morar com eles uma sobrinha distante.A sobrinha era uma novinha de 17 anos, cabelos ruivos e seios fartos. Como qualquer homem de meia idade, Otávio gamou na novinha e, mesmo resistindo, caiu em tenta??o.Uma tenta??o que lhe custou tudo.
Az eltemetett óriás
'Alegreya Sans',sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 21px; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; display: inline ! important; float: none; background-color:Lélegzetelállítóan szép t?rténet arról, miért vágyunk feledni, és miért kell mégis emlékezni. 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 21px; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 1; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: Nagyregényt tart a kezében az Olvasó, a szó legnemesebb értelmében. Kazuo Ishiguro, a japán származású brit regényíró Az eltemetett óriás-sal szimbolikus t?rténetet ajándékozott a világirodalomnak, ami, mint minden nagy el?dje, az élet és halál mérlegén megmért emberi sorskalandról mesél, helytállásról vagy elbukásról a h?ség és árulás, háború és béke, szerelem és barátság próbáiban.
Рок. Книга первая. Лабиринт Сицилии - Исторический приключенческий роман
Действие первой книги романа ?Рок? разворачивается в Сицилии и далее на ?чёрном континенте?, в Африке, в период столкновения двух мегаполисов Древнего мира – Рима и Карфагена. Читателя ждут невероятно увлекательные приключения, где судьбы главных героев переплетаются паутиной войны и паутиной тайны, которую они пытаются раскрыть, борясь с невидимыми врагами. Развёрнутые красочные описания сражений, морских битв, быт, нравы того времени – все это доставит, пытливому, думающему человеку не только удовольствие от прочтения, но и повод задуматься о происходящем в мире в наше время. Этот динамичный роман написан для самой широкой читательской аудитории. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
?nainte de noi
“Todd e cel mai important fenomen literar al genera?iei sale.” – Cosmopolitan Al cincilea volum din seria AFTER 1,3 miliarde de lecturi pe Wattpad ?nainte s? o cunoasc? pe Tessa, Hardin era impulsiv ?i s?lbatic. ?n timpul acelor prime momente ?n care s au ?nt?lnit, ?i a dat seama c? trebuie s? o ?in? l?ng? el – via?a lui depindea de ea. Dup? ce au r?mas ?mpreun?, lumea n-a mai fost niciodat? la fel. Dramatica poveste de dragoste dintre Hardin ?i Tessa s-a transformat ?ntr un v?rtej ?n care au fost atra?i to?i cei din jur. Acum ace?tia cap?t? o voce proprie ?i povestesc ce s-a ?nt?mplat ?nainte, pe parcursul ?i dup? evenimentele din primele patru volume ale seriei AFTER. Afl?m ?i cum vede Hardin prima ?nt?lnire cu Tessa – iar confesiunea lui va schimba complet ceea ce credeai c? ?tii despre b?iatul deprimat ?i ?ngerul care ?l iubea.? Domnul Darcy ?i Lizzy Bennett din vremurile noastre…? AFTER a adunat peste 1 miliard de fani online ?i a fascinat cititorii din ?ntreaga lume. Cite?te ?i tu cea mai viral? poveste de pe internet!“O lectur? foarte relaxant?, dar care are ?i mult dramatism… Te va captiva de la prima pagin?.” – A Bookish Escape“Am luat o peste tot cu mine ca s? pot citi despre Hessa ?n fiecare clip? liber? pe care am avut o. M-a vr?jit de la prima pagin?!” – Grown Up Fan girl“Anna Todd reu?e?te s? te fac? s? ?ipi, s? pl?ngi, s? r?zi, s? te ?ndr?goste?ti ?i s? te cuib?re?ti ?n pat… preg?te?te-te s? sim?i emo?ii pe care nu credeai c? ?i le poate aduce vreo carte.” - Fangirlish?
Parteneri perfec?i
Joel Blackstone a petrecut zece ani ca s? transforme Thornquist Gear dintr-un mic magazin local ?ntr-un juc?tor important pe pia?a echipamentelor sportive ?i de camping. Recompensa pentru munca sa era promisiunea b?tr?nului Thornquist de a-i vinde afacerea ?n mai pu?in de un an. Din p?cate, proprietarul moare pe nea?teptate ?i-i las? mo?tenire imperiul unei nepoate din Vestul Mijlociu – nimeni alta dec?t o bibliotecar?. Joel consider? acest lucru doar o piedic? minor? – se va oferi pur ?i simplu s? cumpere compania de la ea.Leticia Thornquist este profund ?ndurerat? de moartea unchiului ei ?i vede ?n mo?tenire ocazia perfect? de a-?i schimba radical via?a, mai ales dup? ce ??i surprinde logodnicul ?ntr-o postur? extrem de compromi??toare. Drept pentru care se hot?r??te s?-?i dea demisia, s? se mute la Seattle ?i s? preia conducerea companiei. Cur?nd ?ns? ??i d? seama c? un obstacol major ?i st? ?n cale – Joel Blackstone.Prin urmare, este inevitabil ca, profesional, Joel ?i Letty s? se ?nfrunte cu ?nfl?c?rare pentru c??tigarea controlului asupra companiei… dar asta nu ?i ?mpiedic? s? realizeze c? sunt parteneri perfec?i ?n toate celelalte privin?e.