Kisah Hikayat Aminah Binti Wahab Ibunda Nabi Muhammad SAW
Aminah binti Wahab adalah ibu yang melahirkan Muhammad, Nabi umat Islam. Siti Aminah menikah dengan Abdullah Ayahanda Nabi. Tidak terdapat keterangan mengenai lahirnya beliau, dan menurut sejarah ia meninggal pada tahun 577 ketika dalam perjalanan menuju Yatsrib untuk mengajak Nabi Muhammad SAW mengunjungi pamannya dan melihat kuburan ayahnya.Aminah dilahirkan di Mekkah. Ayah Aminah adalah pemimpin Bani Zuhrah, yang bernama Wahab bin Abdul Manaf bin Zuhrah bin Kilab. Sedangkan ibu Aminah adalah Barrah binti Abdul Uzza bin Utsman bin Abduddar bin Qushay.Bunda Aminah adalah pemimpin para ibu, karena ia ibu Nabi Muhammad SAW yang dipilih Allah SWT sebagai Rasul pembawa risalah untuk umat manusia hingga akhir zaman. Baginda Muhammadlah penyeru kebenaran dan keadilan serta kebaikan berupa agama Islam.“Dan barangsiapa memilih agama selain Islam, maka tiadalah diterima (agama itu) darinya. Dan di akhirat termasuk orang-orang yang rugi.” (QS. Ali Imran: 85)Tak banyak sejarawan yang mengupas masa hidupnya, namun nama ini senantiasa semerbak bersama hembusan angin keindahan. Perjalanannya yang indah nan suci telah mengukir perubahan besar perputaran zaman. Siapa yang tak kenal Bani Hasyim; karena dari kabilah inilah Nabi SAW dilahirkan. Siapa pula yang tak kenal Bani Zuhrah; sebuah kabilah yang pernah menyimpan wanita suci dan mulia, karena dari rahimnya lahir sebuah cahaya agung yang membawa pembaharuan besar di dunia ini, Aminah binti Wahab Ibunda Rasululllah SAW.
Kisah Hikayat Nabi Adam AS Dalam Islam
Nabi Adam AS adalah tokoh dari Kitab Kejadian, Perjanjian Baru & Kitab Suci Al-Quran. Menurut mitos penciptaan dari agama-agama Abrahamik dia adalah seorang Nabi & manusia pertama. Dan menurut agama samawi pula merekalah leluhur dari semua manusia yang ada di bumi.Rincian kisah mengenai kehidupan Nabi Adam AS dan Siti Hawa (Eve) berbeda-beda antara agama Islam, Judaism, Nasrani maupun agama lain yang berkembang dari ketiga agama Abrahamik ini.Nabi Adam AS hidup selama 930 tahun, sedangkan Siti Hawa (Eve) diciptakan ketika Adam berusia 130 tahun. Al-Quran memuat kisah Adam dalam beberapa surat, di antaranya Surat Al-Baqarah (2):30-38 dan Surat Al-A’raaf (7):11-25.Menurut ajaran agama Abrahamik, anak-anak Nabi Adam AS dan Siti Hawa dilahirkan secara kembar, yaitu, setiap bayi lelaki dilahirkan bersamaan dengan seorang bayi perempuan. Adam menikahkan anak lelakinya dengan anak gadisnya yang tidak sekembar dengannya.Menurut hadits Nabi Muhammad SAW yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari, Nabi Adam AS memiliki postur badan dengan ketinggian 60 hasta. Hadits mengenai ini pula ditemukan dalam riwayat Imam Muslim dan Imam Ahmad, namun dalam sanad yang berbeda.Sosok Nabi Adam AS digambarkan sangat beradab sekali, seorang Nabi yang cerdas, jujur, saleh, memiliki ilmu yang tinggi dan ia bukan makhluk purba. Ia berasal dari surga (jannah) yang berperadaban maju. Turun ke muka bumi bisa sebagai makhluk asing dari sebuah peradaban yang jauh lebih maju dan cerdas, dari peradaban di bumi sampai kapanpun, oleh karena itulah Allah SWT menunjuknya sebagai khalifah (pemimpin) di muka bumi ini.Dalam gambarannya ia adalah makhluk yang teramat cerdas, sangat dimuliakan oleh Allah SWT, memiliki kelebihan yang sempurna dibandingkan makhluk yang lain sebelumnya dan diciptakan dalam bentuk yang terbaik dan sempurna. Sesuai dengan Surah Al Israa' 70, yang berbunyi:"...dan sesungguhnya telah Kami muliakan anak-anak Adam, Kami angkat mereka di daratan dan di lautan, Kami beri mereka rezeki dari yang baik-baik dan Kami lebihkan mereka dengan kelebihan yang sempurna atas kebanyakan makhluk yang telah Kami ciptakan."
Deadly Storms
This series of nonfiction readers will grab a student's interest from the very first page! Designed with struggling readers in mind, these riveting 92-page books offer short chapters on significant disasters. Each chapter is its own mini-book, which includes a timeline, key terms, and interesting facts. Fascinating black and white photographs keep the pages turning. A bibliography encourages further topical reading. Disasters are inherently frightening, riveting, and involving. Grabbed straight from the headlines, these disasters leave tragedy, destruction, and years of anguish: Cyclones, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, The Perfect Storm, Hurricane Katrina, and more.
This series of nonfiction readers will grab a student's interest from the very first page! Designed with struggling readers in mind, these riveting 92-page books offer short chapters on significant disasters. Each chapter is its own mini-book, which includes a timeline, key terms, and interesting facts. Fascinating black and white photographs keep the pages turning. A bibliography encourages further topical reading. Disasters are inherently frightening, riveting, and involving. Grabbed straight from the headlines, these disasters leave tragedy, destruction, and years of anguish: The Munich Massacre, Sara Jane Olson, The Achille Lauro, The Unabomber, Oklahoma City, 9/11, The London Underground, and more.
Delphi Complete Works of Mary Wollstonecraft (Illustrated)
English writer, philosopher and pioneering advocate of women's rights, Mary Wollstonecraft wrote novels, treatises, a travel narrative, a history of the French Revolution and a children's book. In her landmark feminist text, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), Wollstonecraft argued that women are not naturally inferior to men, but appeared to be only because they lacked education. She called for men and women to be treated equally, paving the way for the emergence of the feminist movement at the turn of the twentieth century. This comprehensive eBook presents Wollstonecraft’s complete fictional works, with numerous illustrations, rare texts, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Wollstonecraft’s life and works* Concise introductions to the novels and other texts* All the novels, with individual contents tables* Images of how the books were first published, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts* Excellent formatting of the texts* Includes Wollstonecraft’s complete pamphlets* ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Man’ in presented with an appendix of Burke’s ‘Reflections on the Revolution in France’* Includes Wollstonecraft’s posthumously published Works* Features three biographies, including the author’s husband’s controversial memoir - discover Wollstonecraft’s personal and literary life* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The FictionMARY: A FICTIONMARIA; OR, THE WRONGS OF WOMANTHE CAVE OF FANCY The Children’s BookORIGINAL STORIES FROM REAL LIFE The Non-FictionTHOUGHTS ON THE EDUCATION OF DAUGHTERSA VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTS OF MENA VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WOMANAN HISTORICAL AND MORAL VIEW OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION; AND THE EFFECT IT HAS PRODUCED IN EUROPELETTERS WRITTEN DURING A SHORT RESIDENCE IN SWEDEN, NORWAY, AND DENMARKON POETRY, AND OUR RELISH FOR THE BEAUTIES OF NATURELETTER ON THE PRESENT CHARACTER OF THE FRENCH NATIONFRAGMENT OF LETTERS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF INFANTSLETTERS TO MR. JOHNSON, BOOKSELLER, IN ST. PAUL’S CHURCH-YARDLESSONSHINTSLETTERS The BiographiesMEMOIRS OF THE AUTHOR OF A VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WOMAN by William GodwinMARY WOLLSTONECRAFT by Elizabeth Robins PennellA BRIEF SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles or to purchase this eBook as a Parts Edition of individual eBooks
On the Parts of Animals
Every systematic science, the humblest and the noblest alike, seems to admit of two distinct kinds of proficiency; one of which may be properly called scientific knowledge of the subject, while the other is a kind of educational acquaintance with it. For an educated man should be able to form a fair off-hand judgement as to the goodness or badness of the method used by a professor in his exposition. To be educated is in fact to be able to do this; and even the man of universal education we deem to be such in virtue of his having this ability.
The Enchiridion
The Enchiridion or Manual of Epictetus is a guide on Stoic philosophy and ethical advice compiled by Arrian, a 2nd-century disciple of the Greek philosopher Epictetus. The book has played a disproportionately large role in the rise of modern attitudes and modern philosophy. Montaigne had a copy of the Enchiridion among his books. Frederick the Great carried the book with him on all campaigns. It was a source of inspiration and encouragement to Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, in the serious illness which ended only in his death; many pages of his diaries contain passages copied from the Enchiridion. It has been studied and widely quoted by Scottish philosophers like Francis Hutcheson, Adam Smith, and Adam Ferguson who valued Stoic moral philosophy for its reconciliation of social dependency and personal independence.
Is the Bible True?
In this lucid, insightful work, U.S. News World Report religion writer Jeffrey L. Sheler draws upon years of investigation and in-depth interviews to tackle such controversial subjects as the recent Jesus Seminar, modern biblical archaeology, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the mysterious Bible codes. This solid exploration into some of the thorniest aspects of current debates about the Bible and religion concludes with a message of reassurance about historical accuracy, validity, and integrity of the Scriptures. Sheler's bold but balanced investigation discloses a Bible still worthy of belief in a modern age. In this authoritative book, renowned U.S. News World Report religion writer Jeffrey L. Sheler sifts through the claims and counterclaims of contemporary biblical studies. After carefully investigating the full spectrum of cutting-edge research and conflicting reports, he challenges the popular perception that the credibility of the Bible has been seriously undermined by critical scholarship. Rather, he concludes that the weight of the historical evidence upholds the essential truth of Exodus, the Gospel accounts of Jesus, and other vital elements of the Bible. The author draws extensively from his own interviews with leading Bible experts and on-site reports from Israel and Egypt in his examination of scholarship's hot-button issues, including: Dramatic archaeological discoveries that both affirm and challenge the history in the Bible. The controversial quest for the historical Jesus and its sometimes flawed arguments and skeptical assumptions regarding the reliability of the Gospels. The amazing revelations of the Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient texts that profoundly influence our understanding of the Bible. The mysterious phenomenon of The Bible Code and why there may be far less to its doomsday prophesies than meets the eye. Sheler's considerable experience as a leading religion journalist enables him to get to the heart of the issues without the jargon. Written in clear, compelling prose, Is the Bible TruePresents a sophisticated analysis informed by important scholarly work in lucid, accessible terms.
What is Your Life's Work?
What Is Your Life's Workcaptures a most extraordinary moment in each of our lives the time when we sit down with loved ones and attempt to answer the big question about what really matters. Bill Jensen has created a wonderfully practical space for you to explore who you are, what you stand for, what you believe in, what's risky, what's not, what's worth it, what you're struggling with, and what you've accomplished.He has captured the intimate exchanges between mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, and caring teammates all talking about what really matters at work, and in life. Their conversations are as real as yours would be: "Don't kiss tush, beware carnivorous sheep." "Honey, there are no shortcuts." "My daughter was limp with pain ... and I'm worried about deadlines. What was I thinking?!?!" "Speak up if you don't agree." "Be a respectful rebel." In What Is Your Life's Workyou will discover a new way to see and know who you are in today's more-better-faster world. Exposed is what usually stays private; the raw truths we've all experienced, the personal frailties and mistakes we'd like to hide, and the proudest achievements we'd like to celebrate.In the letters and work diaries of others, we see ourselves. In their struggles, we see our own.Bill Jensen has made it his life's work to battle corporate stupidity and help us all simplify our workdays, take more control, and rediscover our passions. As your trail guide and partner, he will take you through five distinct discoveries that thousands have encountered in finding their voices: Finding Yourself Finding the Lessons to Be Learned,the Questions to Be Asked Finding the Choices That Really Matter Finding the Courage to Choose Finding Joy, Serenity, and FulfillmentWhile it touches your heart and lifts your soul, What Is Your Life's Workdoes not shy away from difficult introspection. You are an active participant in this book. Yes, you will find value here stories of people like you, new ways of looking at what really matters, or simple confirmation that others have chosen the same path as you.But the ultimate takeaway asks something of you in return: Take something from this book and pay it forward. Start a new conversation with a loved one about what really matters about your own life's work.You will get back even more than you give. You will have brought these pages to life.
The Art of Mindfulness
This selection from Thich Nhat Hanh's bestselling The Art of Power illuminates the core Buddhist concept of mindfulness for the Western readerIn The Art of Mindfulness, one of the most revered Buddhist teachers in the world, Thich Nhat Hanh delivers a life changing practice to overcome our overdriven mind, to let go of preoccupations and multitasking and focus solely on the task at hand. By devoting 100% of our attention 100% of the time on what we are doing in the moment, we can alleviate suffering, fear, and anxiety. With the energy of mindfulness and the capacity of looking deeply, we can find the insights to transform and heal any situation.
Beyond Words
Beyond Words n (1.) Terms or names that point to the realm of mystery and depth that lies beyond our ordinary experience. (2.) The reality that is beyond even the power of beyond words to convey, and that can be known only by experiencing it for yourself."A word a day to keep the demons at bay." This is how Frederick Buechner likes to describe this witty and incisive dictionary. A daily devotional from one of today's greatest spiritual writers, Beyond Words offers 366 entries from Buechner's three alphabet books, Wishful Thinking, Peculiar Treasures, and Whistling in the Dark, including a new Introduction and nineteen new entries.Providing definitions of both sacred and ordinary words, as well as biblical characters, Buechner unabashedly brings his fresh perspective to words, concepts, and characters we thought we understood. This is a great introduction to Buechner's work as well as a library staple for those already well versed in his writing. It is Buechner at his best. Whether readers find themselves tearful from a deeply moving insight or laughing out loud at an unexpected turn of phrase, they will always feel uplifted, illuminated, and enchanted by the wisdom of Frederick Buechner.
Love Wins Companion
For those looking to go deeper with Rob Bell's bestselling pioneering book Love Wins, this companion offers: Insights and commentary by theologians, Bible scholars, scientists, and pastors Deep analysis of all relevant Bible passages on heaven, hell, and salvation Detailed chapter summaries, discussion questions, and Bible studies for individuals, groups, and classes Excerpts from works throughout Christian history illustrating the variety of teachers also debating the issues Bell wrestles with New material by Bell on his mission for the book and how people can take the next step
What Mama Taught Me
Millions of viewers of Tony Brown's Journal, the longest-running series on PBS, know Tony Brown as an advocate for self-reliance and self-enrichment. Now, in his most personal book yet, he introduces us to the woman who brought him up and taught him the seven core values he lives by to this day: reality, knowledge, race, history, truth, patience, and love. What Mama Taught Me states that only by understanding one's place in the world can one become free in mind and spirit, which is the path to true success. Brown argues that by following other people's rules, we betray ourselves and our desires, resulting in a vicious cycle of disconnection, unhappiness, and spiritual death. Enhanced by the homespun storytelling he heard as a child, this is Brown's personal recipe for achievement, imparting values that provide a blueprint for reaching success and happiness -- on one's own terms.
Dey Street Books
Champion. Survivor. Hero. Legend. Completed just two days before Louis Zamperini's death at age 97, Don't Give Up, Don't Give In shares a lifetime of wisdom, insight, and humor from one of America's most inspiring lives. Zamperini's story has touched millions through Laura Hillenbrand's biography Unbroken, soon to be a major motion picture directed by Angelina Jolie. Now, in his own words, Louis Zamperini reveals, with warmth and great charm, the essential values and lessons that sustained him throughout his remarkable journey. He was a youthful troublemaker from California who turned his life around to become a 1936 Olympian and a world-class miler at the University of Southern California. Putting aside his superstar track career, Louis Zamperini volunteered for the army before Pearl Harbor and was thrust into the violent combat of World War II as a B-24 bombardier. While on a rescue mission, his plane went down in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where he survived, against all odds, drifting two thousand miles in a small raft for forty-seven days. His struggle was only beginning: Zamperini was captured by the Japanese and, for more than two years, he courageously endured torture and psychological abuse in a series of prisoner-of-war camps. He returned home to face more dark hours, but in 1949 Zamperini's life was transformed by a spiritual rebirth that would guide him through the next sixty-five years of his long and happy life. Cowritten with longtime collaborator David Rensin, Louis Zamperini's Don't Give Up, Don't Give In is an extraordinary last testament that captures the wisdom of a life lived to the fullest. A son of Italian immigrants, Louis Zamperini (1917–2014) was a U.S. Olympic runner, World War II bombardier, and POW survivor. After the war, he returned to the United States to found the Victory Boys Camp for at-risk youth and became an inspirational speaker. Zamperini's story was told in his 2003 autobiography Devil at My Heels, as well as in Laura Hillenbrand's 2010 biography Unbroken. David Rensin worked closely with Louis Zamperini for many years and cowrote Devil at My Heels, as well as fifteen other books, including five New York Times bestsellers.
Raising Your Spirited Child, Third Edition
The spirited child—often called "difficult" or "strong willed"—possesses traits we value in adults yet find challenging in children. Research shows that spirited children are wired to be "more"; by temperament, they are more intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, and more uncomfortable with change than the average child. In this newly revised third edition of the award-winning classic, Dr. Mary Sheedy Kurcinka provides vivid examples of real-life challenges and a refreshingly positive viewpoint. Within these pages you will find: New strategies for managing intensity levels—not just the spirited child's, but yours too A simple, four-step program for peaceful bedtimes, mealtimes, holidays, and many other commonly challenging situations A focus on your child's strengths Steps for teaching your child how to be a problem solver and how to work with others Updated guidance on establishing clear limits And more! Charts and quick tips make this newly updated edition an indispensable guide for fostering a supportive, encouraging, and loving environment for children.
The Modern Girl's Guide to Sticky Situations
This is the book to grab when . . . you're pulling your hair out, screaming like a banshee, blubbering with frustration, or hyperventilating because you just don't know what to do!Jane Buckingham, author of The Modern Girl's Guide to Life, is back with a collection of helpful quick fixes for the deserving gal with the best intentions who gets caught in sticky situations. Here are warm, witty, and eminently wise solutions to those everyday problems that pop up as a result of impulsive actions or just plain bad luck helpful hints on what to do if you: Send an e-mail you instantly regret Botch your self-tan Discover your best friend's husband is cheating on her Break your corkscrew while opening your only bottle of wine Run into your ex and need to look hot, fast! Are expected to name your baby after a family member with an awful name And that's just a small sampling of the scenarios for which Jane Buckingham offers solutions in The Modern Girl's Guide to Sticky Situations. So if you find yourself in a pickle . . . just leave it to Jane!
In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms
They number in the millions and they are incredibly important to families and to our society, yet they are underappreciated, little respected, and even controversial.Who are theyThey are the stay-at-home moms.These are women who know in their hearts that staying home to raise their children is the right choice for the whole family. Some do it from the outset of their marriages, while others make the difficult transition from career-driven women to homemakers. Either way, it is a choice that is incredibly rich and rewarding, not to mention challenging.Now Dr. Laura, building on principles developed during her long career as a licensed marriage and family therapist, provides a wealth of advice and support, as well as compassion and inspiration, to women as they navigate the wonders and struggles of being stay-at-home moms. Learn how: to hold your head high and deal with naysayers; to see the benefits of being home not only for your children but also for your marriage; to understand the changes you see in yourself; to realize that the sacrifices you endure now will make for lasting bonds and a stronger family, in addition to a more cohesive community. In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms is a special book, a profound and unique understanding of how important it is for mothers to raise their own children.
It Books
Tabatha is back to share her secrets of business success . . .With her characteristic savvy expertise and no-nonsense advice, the perfectly coiffed celebrity hairstylist, Tabatha Coffey, returns with her second book, teaching readers that the secret of success is taking charge of your priorities, your future, and your life. Fans of her hit show, Tabatha Takes Over, value Tabatha's sound approach to overhauling failing businesses, and now, in Own It!, she takes to the page to reach out to anyone with a dream: whether you're just beginning, revamping your career, or starting your own enterprise.Sharing her blunt but rock-solid wisdom, Tabatha provides tips for every aspect of business from entrepreneurship, to customer service, to management as well as on the home front, to help women seeking to balance their family lives with their careers. Filled with stories about real people who have faced challenging transitions, in addition to anecdotes from Tabatha's own experiences, this book reveals, through her unflinching honesty, Tabatha's commitment to the dreams and goals of her readers, and her never-say-never attitude when it comes to bringing them to life. Success is the result when you Own It! in all aspects of your life, and Tabatha breaks it down step-by-step as your straight-shooting personal coach to show you how it's done.
Today's Moms
Two producers of Today share their experiences and wisdom on baby's first year, along with priceless advice and anecdotes from the anchors and experts on America's number-one morning show.Being a new mother can be extremely nerve-racking and exhausting, and many moms find parenting advice, comfort, and humor on the Today show. Now all that advice and more is collected in Today's Moms, a one-stop guide to everything a new mother needs to know about her baby's first year, from the best breastfeeding products to reclaiming fun and intimacy with her partner after the baby. Full of behind-the-scenes stories with moms and experts, Today's Moms provides the most up-to-date news and information with easy, entertaining ways to help mothers keep their sanity. And it's all medically reviewed by NBC medical experts Dr. Nancy Snyderman and Dr. Tanya Benenson.Contributors include Meredith Vieira, Ann Curry, Matt Lauer, Al Roker, Kathie Lee Gifford, and many others. Written in a friendly and accessible tone, with straightforward, honest advice and expert information, Today's Moms will help all moms feel more confident about their first year of motherhood.
William Morrow
In this inspirational follow-up to the beloved Things I Want My Daughters to Know, lifestyle philosopher Alexandra Stoddard reflects on the lessons she's learned from her daughters and offers further thoughts and words of wisdom garnered from her own life.A mother, a grandmother, and the author of more than twenty-five books on personal fulfillment, Alexandra Stoddard celebrates the wisdom of motherhood and the lessons mothers can learn from their daughters in this warm and deeply moving new book that cuts to the heart of what is important in life.Speaking from her own experience and relying on the many conversations she has had with her contemporaries and their children, Stoddard has created a wonderful gift for every mother, daughter, and mother-to-be to give, receive, and share. Bridging generations, full of timeless insights to help us pursue a life rich with happiness, love, and gratitude, The Shared Wisdom of Mothers and Daughters reminds us of everything that makes life beautiful and profound.
How God Became King
Foundational: The four gospels come directly fromthe ancient church and are among the primary sourcesfor the church's teachings.Familiar: Since Christian worship services began, areading from the gospels has played a central role.Studied: For over two hundred years scholars havechallenged and defended the central claims of thegospels: miracles, historical accuracy, the divinity ofJesus, and more.But Forgotten: Still, leading Bible scholar N. T.Wright reveals shocking news: We have all forgottenwhat the four gospels are about."Despite centuries of intense and heavy industryexpended on the study of all sorts of features of thegospels," Wright writes, "we have often managed tomiss the main thing that they, all four of them, aremost eager to tell us. What we need is not just a bitof fine-tuning, an adjustment here and there. We needa fundamental rethink about what the gospels aretrying to tell us."What Wright offers is an opportunity to confront thesepowerful texts afresh, as if we are encountering themfor the first time. How God Became King reveals thesurprising, unexpected, and shocking news of thegospels: this is the story of a new king, a new kind ofking, a king who has changed everything, and a kingwho invites us to be part of his new world.