

A Vénusz-rejtély
A Vénusz-rejtély
Szalóczy Pál
Ormai Norbert Kossuth Lajos mellett szolgált, s remek meggy?z?képességével ?tezer vadászkatonát állított a szabadságharcba. Gyorsan t?rt el?re, az 1848 júliusában még hadnagyi rangban szolgáló Ormait tíz hónap múlva már ezredessé léptették el?, Kossuth kinevezte a honvéd vadászezredek f?felügyel?jévé. Pár nappal azután, miután visszavonult és lemondott beosztásáról, császári fogságba esett, majd a hadbírósági tárgyalása napján kivégezték.Az egykori ezredes életét és halálát máig legendák ?vezik. Sokan, még a neves t?rténészek is, minden komolyabb utánajárás nélkül nevezték Ormait szélhámosnak. E kiadvány számos ponton tisztázza az Ormaival kapcsolatos félreértéseket, torzításokat, és megpróbál hiteles adatok, valamint eredeti okmányok k?zlésével hozzájárulni pályaívének teljesebb megrajzolásához.
Ion Iano?i - 80
Ion Iano?i - 80
Christi Aura, Ștefănescu Alexandru
Raporturile dintre cuvinte i confer poemelor sale conotaii metafizice derulate ntr-o muzic enigmatic a linitii i tcerii, fiecare cuvnt scris avnd parc viaa i destinul su (ca n poemele uruguaienei Delmira Agustini), brodnd misterioase asociaii greu de tradus chiar n limba romn, ceea ce m-a determinat s le las s zburde singure, citndu-le deseori pe acelea crora nu le-am gsit corespondentul n dicionarul meu srac n sinonime.Poemele Alinei Beiu-Deliu au o densitate i un dramatism care refuz tiparele obinuite ale feminitii, fiind ncrcate de un lirism convulsiv care explodeaza deseori cu farmecul spontaneitii imediate, alteori cu delicateea i fragilitatea disimulrilor, care printr-un inexplicabil algoritm, dezvluie mai mult dect acoper mesajul poetic, crend o atmosfer grav de filigran incomprehensibil la prima lectur, dar care se limpezete treptat, pe msura repetrii, n toat splendoarea, obligndu-l pe cititor s se ntrebe, n final, dac singurtatea poetei este o simpl izolare sau o form de aprare a libertii sale ctigate prin suferin.“ (Valeriu Cuner)
Din mansarda lui Cioran
Din mansarda lui Cioran
Cubleșan Constantin
Deopotriv? cronica vivant? a tranzi?iei, aide-memoire, jurnal ?i anti-jurnal, foileton pamflet, addenda, Pe muchie de h?rtie ??i propune o radiografiere a st?rii literaturii rom?ne de azi, folosind ?n permanen?? oglinda retrovizoare."Tipic, scrie despre autoare Constantin C?lin, ?n critica actual?, e, cel mai adesea, s? coexi?ti, s? superi c?t mai pu?in? lume, s? te rezemi de grup, s? te pliezi pe ideile celor mai bine plasa?i ?n ierarhie, s? fii amuzant ca un comis-voiajor, s? te adaptezi la orice "canon", s? te aranjezi cu oricine. Atipic a devenit s? ?ncerci s? spui adev?rul integral, s? nu ui?i, s? nu fii la?, s? nu fii oportunist."
A Game Called Loneliness: Incarcerated Tale
A Game Called Loneliness: Incarcerated Tale
Vîrtosu George
„C? Lucia Cuciureanu era nu numai predispus?, dar ?i preg?tit? de zbenguial? liric? se vedea deja din volumul las? apa s? curg?, unde lucrarea principal? era f?cut? de verv? ?i de inteligen??. Nici aici, în noua carte (o sut? de kilometri mai la nord), nu lucreaz? altcineva în locul lor. Textul e un joc de compozi?ie cu regul? de imprevizibilit??i cât mai spontane (pe principiul «s? fie u?or ilogic» totul) ?i cu gândul s? par? fermec?toare. A?a ar ?i p?rea dac? din loc în loc n-ar c?dea, în plin? euforie ludic? (inclusiv intra-textual?, nu doar referen?ial? la tot pasul), câte-un strop de ghea?? sau câte-o imagine de frison (de genul lini?tii «din fereastr?/ca un pumn în plex» ori al «creierului strivit de ?enile» ce «pare o poian? cu brându?e» ?.a.) care magnetizeaz? anxios pulberea de nota?ii existen?iale.“ - Al. Cistelecan
Oh My God! ?n 6 s?pt?m?ni. Sl?be?te rapid ?i uime?te-?i prietenii
Oh My God! ?n 6 s?pt?m?ni. Sl?be?te rapid ?i uime?te-?i prietenii
Fulton Venice A.
Cucamonga este o carte de avangard?, experimental?, care cuprinde texte din zonele poeziei, prozei ?i filozofiei. Cele cinci capitole ale c?r?ii s?nt urm?toarele:1) Best Sailor. Este un poem ?n proz?, polemic ?i critic la adresa societ??ii de consum ?i a pie?ei de carte dominate de bestselleruri. Arm?tura fiec?ruia dintre cele ?apte capitole ale acestui poem este alc?tuit? din scurte descrieri ale c?r?ilor prezente ?n topurile de v?nz?ri din Statele Unite ale Americii, topuri publicate ?n revista The New York Times Book Review (nr. 11 din 24 martie 2008). Unul dintre personajele cele mai sonore care apar ?n acest text este Barack Obama.Best Sailor este probabil singurul poem din lume cu bibliografie (lista cuprinde ?n jur de 100 de c?r?i).2) 19 pove?ti despre orice. Este un capitol care cuprinde 19 poeme scrise ?n registre diferite, fiecare fiind despre ceva anume: Despre visele unora pl?tite de al?ii; Despre importan?a ficu?ilor ?n via?a c?l?torilor; Despre pas?rea care ??i ia zborul din om; Despre pescuitul alternativ; Despre cum se pleac? ?n luna de miere; Despre cum ajunge privirea s? vad?; Despre orbirea vorbirii; Despre pompierul care ??i incendia ?ig?rile; Despre rolul menghinei ?n deprinderea tehnicii zborului; Despre legile rescrise ale ospitalit??ii termodinamice; Despre c?l?toria p?m?ntului ?n jurul omului; Despre mor?i numai de bine; Despre teorema pesc?ru?ului cu cap de lup; Despre fatalitatea de a urm?ri ?tirile la televizor; Despre anatomia valurilor; Despre garderoba incandescent? a lui Dumnezeu; Despre con?inutul de metal al picioarelor; Despre lumina care ne calc? pe urme; Despre categoriile aristotelice ale liniei orizontului. Ultimele cinci poeme-pove?ti au la baz? c?te o ipotez? ?tiin?ific? ?i s?nt scrise ?ntr-o manier? inovatoare.3) Iubita mea vitreg? ?i 4) Unul dintre domni?oara W ?i doamna Kuttare s?nt dou? poeme ?n proz?, cu personaje ?i ?nt?mpl?ri stranii. (Aceste poeme s?nt relu?ri din c?r?i mai vechi, ap?rute ?n urm? cu 8-9 ani.)5) Demonadologia este o lucrare de filozofie, o scurt? introducere ?n metafizica r?ului, alc?tuit? din 90 de paragrafe, care parodiaz? Monadologia, celebrul tratat de metafizic? al lui G. W. Leibniz. Monadei leibniziene i-a fost aici substituit? demonada, ?n locul lui Dumnezeu apare Demonezeu, iar cea mai bun? dintre lumile posibile a fost ?nlocuit? de cea mai rea dintre lumile posibile. De?i trateaz? despre principiile care stau la baza r?ului din lume, Demonadologia se ?ncheie ?ntr-o not? optimist?, cu happy-end.
Logica elefan?ilor
Logica elefan?ilor
Vâlcan Ciprian, Percec Dana
M? numesc Valeriu Mircea Popa. M-am n?scut ?n 4 octombrie 1947. Eu ?i fratele meu Sorin (un matematician de elit?) suntem a patra genera?ie de intelectuali din familie. O familie de prin Ardeal.?n via?a de acum am fost (?i poate ?nc? mai sunt) golan, student, muzician (chitar? clasic? ?i instrumentul indian numit sitar), textier, fum?tor, afemeiat, b?utor de vodc?, culturist, defectolog, logoped ?i psihoterapeut ?n ?coli speciale, practicant de karate, contrabandist, marochiner, poet, ?ngrijitor de b?tr?ni ?ntr-un Altenheim din Germania, tat?, cre?tin gnostic, lector universitar, doctor ?n psihologia artei, t?mplar, designer de bijuterii, gravor, bijutier.De o vreme ?ncoace am impresia c? sunt un nimeni.Nu vreau s? ?tiu ce am fost ?n vie?ile anterioare.
Perspective rom?ne?ti asupra politicilor europene
Perspective rom?ne?ti asupra politicilor europene
Gherghina Sergiu, Chiru Mihail
n aceast carte, scriitorul i jurnalistul timiorean a rspuns ntrebrilor adresate de un cristian, ntrebri despre literatur i lumea literar, despre presa ultimilor 20 de ani, secretele realizrii unui interviu reuit, televiziune i culisele ei, despre copilrie, adolescen, prieteni ori evenimente personale importante. Eu m aprind cam repede, dar nu m ine suprarea, nu se lipete de mine, indiferent despre ce e vorba. Snt un ins senin, mulumesc lui Dumnezeu pentru asta, dar i prinilor care m-au crescut aa, ca pe un om al pcii. Iar dac, totui, aveam ceva care m mcina, care nu-mi ddea tihn, m refugiam n citit. n singurtate. Poate c i asta m-a atras spre literatur: solitudinea de care ai nevoie ca s citeti i s scrii. Din cnd n cnd, mai rar sau mai des, faci pasul napoi din lume i rmi cu crile tale. Am fost i snt biat de gac, om de lume, dar, vorba lui Petre Stoica, doar singurtatea i este fidel. (Robert erban)
A Christmas Carol in Prose: Being a Ghost Story of Christmas
A Christmas Carol in Prose: Being a Ghost Story of Christmas
Charles Dickens
Soii Claudia i Haruya Sumiya sunt modele de buntate i sensibilitate. Au parcurs zeci de mii de kilometri n drumurile lor din Japonia pn n Ro-mnia, pentru salvarea cinilor fr stpn, n timp ce 90% dintre romni, spre ruinea lor, au asistat pasivi la mcelrirea a peste 300.000 de cini. Etalon pentru iubitorii de animale, cartea se adreseaz tuturor vrstelor; are i candoare, i caracter educativ, i mult nelepciune. Dac au inim, n paginile ei se regsesc oameni din toate categoriile socia-le. Judecata de valoare a doamnei Claudia Sumiya este imbatabil: ntr-adevr, toi cei care se ocup s omoare cinii, de la preedinte pn la hingherul de rnd, sunt oameni cu mintea contorsionat”. Devotai unei cauze nobile, soii Sumiya i-au salvat de la un sfrit iminent i ngrozitor pe celua Fetia din Romnia, pe motanul Sultan i pe ci-nele Sheba din Japonia. Grija lor i a iubitorilor de animale s-a ndreptat i spre eroul Ta-keshi Koizumi, condamnat la moarte pentru vina de a-i fi rzbunat cel mai loial prieten, cinele Chiro, ucis de hingheri, cu bestialitate. Cu siguran, familia Sumiya este binecuvantat cu mult fericire, pentru c iubirea revrsat ctre un animal se ntoarce nze-cit spre cel care-l iubete necondiionat. nchei prin a-i felicita pe cei doi autentici iubitori de animale i scriitori remarcabili, care ne dau permanent lecii de via: Iubim oamenii, de aceea cei mai inteligeni dintre ei spun c noi suntem cei mai buni prieteni ai lor. V mulumim c existai!“ – Marius Marinescu
Frumuse?i monstruoase
Frumuse?i monstruoase
Marina Neagu
Dup? treisprezece ani de la prima apari?ie, m?-ntreb unde-a ajuns oare Drumul furnicilor? Strada pe care plou?-ntotdeauna ?i-o fi luat un new look? Josefina, musca dintre ferestre, cum se adapteaz? la termopane? La baie apa continu? s? curg? zi ?i noapte ca un fluviu particular? Colacul de s?rm? ploioas? s-o fi dezr?sucit de tot, l?s?nd moartea pe dinafar?? Vreun paparazzi o fi ob?inut vreo poz? a p?s?rii din pod pe care nimeni n-a z?rit-o? Nu m?-ntreba?i pe mine, eu n-am f?cut altceva dec?t s? bat la ma?in? litere unele dup? altele. Tot ce ?tiu este c? ?i dup? treisprezece ani norii ?i be?ele de chibrit r?m?n cele mai frumoase lucruri de pe lume. (Constantin Ab?lu??, decembrie 2010)
Red Eve
Red Eve
Henry Rider Haggard
rülk, hogy úgy dntttél, belenézel a knyvembe. Tudod, ez az hely, ahol a szerzk ismert emberektl idéznek arról, hogy milyen nagyszer ez a knyv. De én ezt nem igazán szeretem. Olcsó trükknek tartom, ami csak arra jó, hogy bepalizza az embereket. Nem hiszek benne. Te ennél úgyis okosabb vagy, és szebb úgysem dlnél be. Nagyon tetszik a blúzod jól megy a knyvemhez! ELLEN DEGENERES Imádom, ahogy fogod ezt a knyvet. Látszik, hogy erre születtél Vedd meg és el se engedd! ELLEN DEGENERES Tudod, mi tetszik nekem a legjobban benned Az, hogy így egymásra találtunk. Na meg a szemed! ELLEN DEGENERES Te vagy a legkedvesebb olvasóm! Minden idk abszolút kedvence. De psszt... meg ne mondd a tbbieknek! ELLEN DEGENERES
Bradley Tamás visszaüt
Bradley Tamás visszaüt
Rejtő Jenő
me, egy zenéldoboz, és benne a táncospár: már halljuk is a monoton muzsikát, amelynek dallamára lassan, szertartásosan, ugyanarra a koreográfiára perdülnek-fordulnak a táncosok. Amikor a dallam lejár, egy láthatatlan kéz újra felhúzza a dobozt a kulccsal, és a férfi és a n végtelen tánca folytatódhat – a szabadulás reménye nélkül. Hiába van az arcukon mosoly, a lelkük, kiváltképpen a né, zilált; rks kzttük a feszültség, és az áldozat sebei talán sohasem gyógyulnak be. Ismers a helyzet Nem véletlenül, hiszen gyakrabban fordul el, mint gondolnánk, hogy társas kapcsolatainkban áldozattá válik az egyik fél, és helyzetébl nemhogy a kiutat nem találja, de sérült nbecsülése folytán azt sem érzékeli: ez nem természetes állapot. RADOS VIRG pszichológiai témájú regénye azt boncolgatja, hogy milyen mélységekig süllyedhet a férfi és n kztti kapcsolat, és trténete lapjain kibomlanak a bántalmazás lélektanának súlyos titkai. A szép és intelligens, ám a szíve mélyén súlyos nbizalomhiánnyal küszkd Kárpáti Anna ügyetlenül csetlik-botlik a partnerkapcsolatok világában. Már-már feladja a társkeresést, amikor találkozik Ferkóval. Eleinte minden szép és jó, de egy napon robban a bomba. Ferkóról kiderül, hogy korántsem az a kedves, szeretetteljes férfi, akinek addig mutatta magát, hanem rideg, goromba, erszakos ember. Szinte nap mint nap szóval és tettel, lelkileg és fizikailag bántalmazza Annát. mégsem tud hátat fordítani neki, ellenkezleg: egyre mélyebbre merül a kapcsolatba, remélve, hogy a férfi megváltozik a kedvéért. Van-e kiút ebbl az rdgi krbl Mi minden trténik Annával, amíg ráébred: saját testi és lelki épsége érdekében ki kell lépnie az életét megkeserít, egészségtelen viszonyból Vajon sikerül-e neki Mi, olvasóként végigkísérhetjük a táncát”; tanúi lehetünk, ahogyan – az t megillet támogatással – sikerül megtalálnia nmagát… A mben a trténet és a szereplk is kitaláltak. Bármilyen hasonlóság valóságos eseményekkel vagy személyekkel csupán a véletlen mve.
The Alchemist
The Alchemist
Ben Johnson
Of all the myths which have come down to us from the East, and of all the creations of Western fancy and belief, the Personality of Evil has had the strongest attraction for the mind of man. The Devil is the greatest enigma that has ever con-fronted the human intelligence. So large a place has Satan taken in our imagination, and we might also say in our heart, that his expulsion therefrom, no matter what philosophy may teach us, must for ever remain an impossibility. As a character in imagi-native literature Lucifer has not his equal in heaven above or on the earth beneath. In contrast to the idea of Good, which is the more exalted in proportion to its freedom from anthropomor-phism, the idea of Evil owes to the presence of this element its chief value as a poetic theme. The discrowned archangel may have been inferior to St. Michael in military tactics, but he cer-tainly is his superior in matters literary. The fair angels—all frankness and goodness—are beyond our comprehension, but the fallen angels, with all their faults and sufferings, are kin to us. There is a legend that the Devil has always had literary aspi-rations. The German theosophist Jacob B?hme relates that when Satan was asked to explain the cause of God’s enmity to him and his consequent downfall, he replied: “I wanted to be an author.” Whether or not the Devil has ever written anything over his own signature, he has certainly helped others compose their greatest works. It is a significant fact that the greatest im-aginations have discerned an attraction in Diabolus. What would the world’s literature be if from it we eliminated Dante’s Divine Comedy, Calderón’s Marvellous Magician, Milton’s Paradise Lost, Goethe’s Faust, Byron’s Cain, Vigny’s Eloa, and Lermon-tov’s Demon? Sorry indeed would have been the plight of litera-ture without a judicious admixture of the Diabolical. Without the Devil there would simply be no literature, because without his intervention there would be no plot, and without a plot the story of the world would lose its interest. Even now, when the belief in the Devil has gone out of fashion, and when the very mention of his name, far from causing men to cross themselves, brings a smile to their faces, Satan has continued to be a puissant personage in the realm of letters. As a matter of fact, Beelzebub has perhaps received his greatest elaboration at the hands of writers who believed in him just as little as Shake-speare did in the ghost of Hamlet’s father.
Democracy in America: Book Two
Democracy in America: Book Two
Alexis De Tocqueville
The girl had been an orphan from childhood, and Rowland Trowbridge had been almost as a father to her. Avice loved him and watched over him as a daughter; at least, that had been the case until lately. A few weeks since, Mr. Trowbridge had succumbed to the rather florid charms of Mrs. Black, his housekeeper, and told Avice he would marry her in a month. Though greatly surprised and not greatly pleased, Avice had accepted the situation and treated the housekeeper with the same pleasant courtesy she had always shown her. The two “got along” as the phrase is, though their natures were not in many ways congenial. Avice remained at the window till she saw at last Leslie Hoyt’s tall form approaching. She ran to open the door herself. “Oh, Judge Hoyt,” she cried, “Uncle hasn’t come yet! There must be something wrong! What can we do” THE MARK OF CAINBY CAROLYN WELLS AUTHOR OF “A CHAIN OF EVIDENCE,” “THE GOLD BAG,” “THE WHITE ALLEY,” ETC.WITH A FRONTISPIECE IN COLOR BY GAYLE HOSKINS
Prince William and Kate Middleton
Prince William and Kate Middleton
Peacock, Chris
This excellent quick-read biography of the life so far of Prince William and Kate Middleton is a fascinating read, and will make an wonderful addition to the library of any fan of the British Royal Family. Tracking William's life from birth, through school, the death of his mother Princess Diana, university, his career in the forces, his engagement to Kate and more, it also looks at Miss Middleton's background and is full of interesting facts about their lives. Containing many colour pictures, this royal mini biography has been specially formatted for today's e-readers and is written by top-selling celebrity biographer Chris Peacock.
Ten Days in a Mad-House
Ten Days in a Mad-House
Bly, Nellie
This is the true story of reporter Nellie Bly, who pretends to be insane, and manages to get herself committed into an insane asylum in the USA. This revised second digital edition is a fascinating account, specially formatted for today's e-readers by Andrews UK.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Midsummer Night's Dream
William Shakespeare
The Divine Comedy describes Dante's journey through Hell (Inferno), Purgatory (Purgatorio), and Paradise (Paradiso), guided first by the Roman poet Virgil and then by Beatrice, the subject of his love and of another of his works, La Vita Nuova. While the vision of Hell, the Inferno, is vivid for modern readers, the theological niceties presented in the other books require a certain amount of patience and knowledge to appreciate. Purgatorio, the most lyrical and human of the three, also has the most poets in it; Paradiso, the most heavily theological, has the most beautiful and ecstatic mystic passages in which Dante tries to describe what he confesses he is unable to convey (e.g., when Dante looks into the face of God: "all'alta fantasia qui mancò possa" — "at this high moment, ability failed my capacity to describe," Paradiso, XXXIII, 142). "IN the midway of this our mortal life, I found me in a gloomy wood, astray Gone from the path direct: and e'en to tell It were no easy task, how savage wild That forest, how robust and rough its growth, Which to remember only, my dismay Renews, in bitterness not far from death.." (Dante) IN the midway of this our mortal life,I found me in a gloomy wood, astrayGone from the path direct: and e'en to tellIt were no easy task, how savage wildThat forest, how robust and rough its growth,Which to remember only, my dismayRenews, in bitterness not far from death.Yet to discourse of what there good befell,All else will I relate discover'd there.How first I enter'd it I scarce can say,Such sleepy dullness in that instant weigh'dMy senses down, when the true path I left,But when a mountain's foot I reach'd, where clos'dThe valley, that had pierc'd my heart with dread,I look'd aloft, and saw his shoulders broadAlready vested with that planet's beam,Who leads all wanderers safe through every way. Then was a little respite to the fear,That in my heart's recesses deep had lain,All of that night, so pitifully pass'd:And as a man, with difficult short breath,Forespent with toiling, 'scap'd from sea to shore,Turns to the perilous wide waste, and standsAt gaze; e'en so my spirit, that yet fail'dStruggling with terror, turn'd to view the straits,That none hath pass'd and liv'd. My weary frameAfter short pause recomforted, againI journey'd on over that lonely steep,The hinder foot still firmer. Scarce the ascentBegan, when, lo! a panther, nimble, light,And cover'd with a speckled skin, appear'd,Nor, when it saw me, vanish'd, rather stroveTo check my onward going; that ofttimesWith purpose to retrace my steps I turn'd. ? ?About Dante: ? Durante degli Alighieri, simply referred to as Dante (1265–1321), was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, originally called La Comedia and later called Divina by Boccaccio, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. In Italy he is known as il Sommo Poeta ("the Supreme Poet") or just il Poeta. He, Petrarch and Boccaccio are also known as "the three fountains" or "the three crowns". Dante is also called the "Father of the Italian language".
Fisica Spirituale: Filosofia, conoscenza e tecnologia dal futuro
Fisica Spirituale: Filosofia, conoscenza e tecnologia dal futuro
Coyote Cardo
n parcul acela mare dintr-o suburbie a Chicago-ului am descoperit un col mai prginit, cu un lac plin de ppuri, de ierburi acvatice al cror nume l ignoram, de rae slbatice, ceva cam ca pe la noi. Se pare c, pe ct de mult difer locurile n care omul i face viaa lui civilizat, tot pe att de mult se aseamn ntre ele locurile care i-au pstrat, ca printr-o minune, starea lor de la nceput, netulburat de homo faber. Poate n-o s credei, dar nu ne mai dezlipeam de acel loc, cruia unii i-ar putea spune prloag. M-a impresionat faptul c aceti copii s-au artat receptivi la mesajul natural. nseamn c omul, atunci cnd i se ofer ocazia, alege n modul cel mai firesc un peisaj linitit, odihnitor. La drept vorbind, sunt attea lucruri interesante de vzut aici, la fratele meu Ionel Americanul! i tocmai n momente ca stea, gndul meu se ntoarce la ce-a fost cndva. Se pare ca i sufletul i are ochii lui...“ – Lidia Lazu
Povesti minunate cu lucruri fermecate
Povesti minunate cu lucruri fermecate
Italo Calvino
Un demers hermeneutic grav, efectuat ?n profunzimile operei ionesciene, ?i demonstr?nd cu asupra de m?sur? c? ??n prima pies? a lui Ionesco, Engleze?te f?r? profesor, comunicarea este repetitiv? ?i alienant?. Recurenta cli?eelor limbii de lemn burgheze este efectul (cauz?) unei existen?e osificate. Alienarea ?ncepe prin a fi pa?nic? ?i sf?r?e?te ?n agresiune. La ?nceput, b?tr?nii so?i Smith se afund? ?n banalitatea comunic?rii. Tinerii so?i Martin fac la fel, potrivit psihologiei v?rstei lor. Primii au o ?n?elepciune senil?. Ultimii, o vitalitate copil?reasc?. Pe parcurs (in)comunicarea se ad?nce?te, cuvintele ??i ?ndep?rteaz? tot mai mult sensurile, p?n? la a le abandona ori livra unei anamneze enun?iative. Sensul, p?r?nd genetic absent, ??i caut? identitatea ontologic? fictiv?, ?ntr-o deriv? total?. Noile contexte generate de un astfel de tip de enun?are creeaz? spa?ii retorice ale (?n)comunic?rii, inabitual proliferante, sf?r?ind adesea, cum s-a observat, ?ntr-un joc de-a masacrul logocratic, rupt de comandamentele – instan?ele – enun??rii. Personajele rostesc replicile automat, ?ntr-un ritm tot mai accentuat“.
Desene naravase
Desene naravase
Italo Calvino
Poemele dense, pline de miez ale lui Andrei Fischof curg unul dup altul. Fr ostentaie. Firesc, aa cum ploaia se scurge din orbitele zeilor fr nume, aa cum iarba poate fi numit iarb numai dac este pscut, din timp in timp, de pegaii morilor tineri. nfurat n toga marelui frig, poetul refuz zgomotul, nvlmeala, furtunile agitaiilor zadarnice, optnd mereu pentru ipostaza martorului tcut, marcat de o sensibilitate atent, ochiul su, da, cel triunghiular, din frunte, nregistrnd totul, aproape totul. Poemele-peisaje contureaz o lume a sfritului ntunecat, a degenerescentei, a decadenei i pierderii reperelor. E o lume de comar, o lume nurubat n albia apocalipsei care se inventa, clipa de clipa, provocnd martorul – adunat, strns n el nsui, atent la forurile-i luntrice i la vocea creia i se supune necondiionat – s imagineze discret, evaziv, surpat n uimirea de a fi el nsui: o ans de salvare. i martorul rspunde provocrii, aa cum un copil, fiind, pe malul mrii, harponat spre orizonturile mirabile ale dorinei de a fi, deseneaz, cu un beior, pe nisip, o uria corabie fantastic...“ – Aura Christi.
Olimpiada din Biblioteca Domnului Lemoncello
Olimpiada din Biblioteca Domnului Lemoncello
Chris Grabenstein
Simpatia fa de Legiune a fost indirect, prin Nae Ionescu, i n-a avut nici o influen n gndirea i scrierile mele“ (Mircea Eliade, 1978).Mircea Eliade. Anii tulburi: 1932-1938, iat o carte care te ndeamn s-o citeti nc de la lectura titlului. [...] ncearc s pun punctele pe toate i-urile n ceea ce privete relaiile lui Eliade cu micarea legionar. Obiectul de studiu sunt ndeosebi cele 17 articole evident legionare ale viitorului mare istoric al religiilor“ – Liviu Antonesei.Culpa lui Eliade rmne, ns nu trebuie s pierdem din vedere istovitoarea munc pe care a realizat-o pn la sfritul vieii sale i nici faptul c o ntreag coala de istorie a religiilor se revendic pornind de la cercetrile lui“ – Mihaela Gligor.
Pisicile r?zboinice. Cartea a V-a - O cale primejdioas?
Pisicile r?zboinice. Cartea a V-a - O cale primejdioas?
Erin Hunter
Selecia prozatorilor din comunism se cere ceva mai struitor argumentat dect cea a prozatorilor interbelici (termen uzual, dar neacoperitor, pentru c includem n aceast perioad i vremurile de rzboi). Exemplaritatea, aici, e motivat de valoarea, originalitatea, insolitul, atipicitatea (stranietatea, cu termenul lui Harold Bloom) epicii. Urmresc – o spun riscnd simplificarea – fondul autohton i forma universal. Dau prioritate experimentului, dac nnoirea este substanial, se integreaz n – i face sau ncearc diferena de – epica occidental. Fac o concesie cu M. Preda, prozatorul emblematic al unei epoci istorice ntunecate (cu toate nuanele de ntuneric i rarele ei strfulgerri de lumin). Previn uor reproul de a ocoli n selecie prozatori care abia dac debutau sau publicau primele cri pn n 1989.“ – Marian Victor Buciu