

[清]王植撰 邸利平点校
《正蒙初义》,清代王植撰,在广收前人旧注的基础上,通过检讨和反思以往对《正蒙》注解的不足,断以己意,提出了许多个人新见,以求更恰当、融贯地解释《正蒙》及其中张载的思想体系,“以张子之说还张子”。本书还充分注意到张载思想与周敦颐、二程、朱熹的不同,通过对“太虚”、“气”、“性”、“命”、“心”等多方面范畴的比较,试图指出张载思想的独特性。因此,《正蒙初义》对于了解和研究《正蒙》在理学史上的意义具有重要的参考价值。 此次整理,以《四库全书存目丛书》影印的清雍正元年刻本为底本,以《文渊阁四库全书》本为校本加以点校而成。
每满100减50 知行合一
中国历史上取得“立德、立功、立言三不朽”成就者几希,明代大儒王阳明便是其中之一。他少年丧母,青年染疾,中年仕途更是屡屡受挫,但这些困难均未能阻挡他大放异彩,*终跻身圣人之列。这位传奇人物是如何在生活、思考中探索和实践,成就了一番辉煌业绩的?我们或许可以从他知行合一的心学智慧中找到答案。 本书从王阳明的心学典籍中精选了经典语录165条,分为立志、良知、教育、用兵、修行、处友、政治、为学、修心九个部分,用通俗易懂的语言对其行了全面而深的阐述。希望助你从中获得顿悟,不再困惑和纠结,内心平静而强大,人生从此破局,勇猛而精。
每满100减50 先秦政治思想史(国学基本文库)
每满100减50 古典·哲学时代——庄子哲学
郎擎霄 著
每满100减50 胡居仁儒学思想研究
每满100减50 道家文化研究(第三十三辑)
每满100减50 古典·哲学时代——孙子浅说
蒋百里 刘邦骥 著
The Beauty of Death
The Beauty of Death
J. Krishnamurti
"Only in peace can a human being flower in goodness - not in war, not in violence, not in disorder, but only when there is a deep abiding peace. And to understand this whole phenomenon of hate, destruction and disorder, one has to enquire not merely intellectually - because such an enquiry is futile, worthless and has no meaning whatsoever - but actually what order means, what violence means, and the significance of peace; one has to enquire non-verbally, non-intellectually - [intellectual inquiry] really has very little meaning, because most of us have read or indulged in theory what peace should be, how to get rid of violence, and how to establish order.." Krishnamurti gave these talks in India and Europe. The talks span the whole of human existence, exploring what it means to live rightly in a world full of confusion and misery.
Marcus Aurelius Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: All Works
Marcus Aurelius Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: All Works
Marcus Aurelius, William Wolfe Capes, St. George Stock
Marcus Aurelius Complete Works – World’s Best World's Best Collection This is the world’s best Marcus Aurelius collection, including the most complete set of Aurelius’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor from 161 to 180, known as one of the last of the Five Good Emperors, and is also considered one of the most important Stoic philosophers. His seminary work ‘Meditations’ has been revered since ancient times, and is still highly influential The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get all Marcus Aurelius’s work, plus several comprehensive and extensive notes, interpretations and annotative notes on his writings. Plus we also include a biography so you can experience the life of the man behind the words, and understand them on an even deeper level. Works Included: Biography Of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus The Philosophy Of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus The Meditations Of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Your Special Bonuses A Guide To Stoicism: Philosophy Among The Greeks And Romans An in depth look at the philosophy that Aurelius followed and thought on, delving into it’s origins and basis, including chapters on: Logic Ethics Physic Stoicism The history and concepts of the Stoic philosophy, noting a special chapter on Aurelius and how his Stoic philosophy compared to others, including chapters on: Thought And Character Of Socrates Cynics Rise Of Stoicism And Its Relation To The Spirit Of The Age Stoicism At Rome Under The Republic Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Or Stoicism On The Throne "How to Apply Stoicism in Your Daily Life"?- Written specially for this collection. Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Marcus Aurelius collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his world like never before!
每满100减50 时间哲学简史:关于本真的时间的考察
The Mirror of Relationship
The Mirror of Relationship
J. Krishnamurti
Within the process of daily relations with people, with nature, and with society, our own causes of sorrow are revealed. 'In relationship the important thing to bear in mind is not the other but oneself,' states Krishnamurti, 'It is within oneself that harmony in relationship can be found, not in another, nor in environment.' (p. 160) This is not cause for isolation but the beginning of a process of self-revelation which creates the foundation for true relationship.
The New Mind
The New Mind
J. Krishnamurti
In these Talks, given in India and Saanen, Krishnamurti speaks to the necessity for a new way of looking, thinking and being in the world. "What is the effect or value of an individual changing? How will that transform the whole current of human existence? What can an individual do?...... there is no such thing as an individual consciousness; there is only consciousness of which we are a part. You might segregate yourself and build a wall of a particular space called the `me'. But that `me' is related to the whole, that `me' is not separate. And in transforming that particular section, that particular part, we will affect the whole of consciousness. And I think this is very important to realize: that we are not talking about individual salvation or individual reformation, but about being aware of the particular in relation to, the total. Then out of that realization comes action which will affect the whole."
The World Within
The World Within
J. Krishnamurti
"Truth is not something that is mysterious; truth is where you are. From there you can begin. The truth is that I am angry, I am jealous, I am aggressive, I quarrel. That is a fact. So one must begin, if one may most respectfully point out, from where one is. That is why it is important to know yourself, to have complete knowledge of yourself, not from others, not from psychologists, brain specialists and so on, but to know what you are. Because, you are the story of mankind. If you know how to read that book which is yourself, then you know all the activities and brutalities and stupidities of mankind because you are the rest of the world." – J. Krishnamurti Reading the teachings of J. Krishnamurti, one is immediately struck by how personal the words are to one’s own thinking and what a close mirror they are of our human psychological activity. His language is not bound by time, place, or circumstance, and so readers in any era or on any continent can find themselves clearly and compassionately made plain. Krishnamurti’s heuristic approach was typical not only of his dialogues or interviews, but also of his public talks where an attendee in an audience of thousands felt in direct contact with the speaker. His language was simple, without jargon or without any assumptions about the audience by the speaker. Krishnamurti helped the interviewees, without intending to, to see for themselves the intricacies of their thinking and of their problems. During the Second World War (1939-1945) Krishnamurti did not speak publicly in the United States, but lived quietly in Ojai, California. People sought him out and came to dialogue with him on many issues of the times or their own personal dilemmas. Their problems were universal human problems, and each made true his statement that ‘You are the world.’ As Krishnamurti unwound the tight threads of their thinking and feeling, the core or source of a concern was revealed, unadorned and without blame or guilt. After the Second World War years, there was a set of three volumes of interviews with Krishnamurti that appeared worldwide, titled Commentaries on Living. This new book, The World Within, out of the Krishnamurti Archives, is a compendium of additional perennial questions with their timeless answers. The inquiry is still fresh, after seventy years, and readers will find themselves in both the questions and the responses.
What is Right Action
What is Right Action
J. Krishnamurti
This volume covers talks given in New Zealand, Ojai, New York, South America and Mexico. Krishnamurti begins by stating "What we call problems are merely symptoms, which increase and multiply because we do not tackle the whole life as one but divide it as economic, social or religious problems. ..Now it is my intention to show that so long as we deal with these problems apart, separately, we but increase the misunderstanding, and therefore the conflict, and thereby the suffering and the pain..." An extensive compendium of Krishnamurti's talks and discussions in the USA, Europe, India, New Zealand, and South Africa from 1933 to 1967—the Collected Works have been carefully authenticated against existing transcripts and tapes. Each volume includes a frontispiece photograph of Krishnamurti , with question and subject indexes at the end. The content of each volume is not limited to the subject of the title, but rather offers a unique view of Krishnamurti's extraordinary teachings in selected years. The Collected Works offers the reader the opportunity to explore the early writings and dialogues in their most complete and authentic form.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
The passages in this Study Book have been taken directly from Krishnamurti’s talks and books from 1933 through 1967. The compil- ers began by reading all the passages from this period which contained the word action—the theme of this book. This would not have been possible without the use of a full text computer database, produced by the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust of England. Over 750 passages were studied in all, and the aspects of “action” most frequently addressed by Krishnamurti were noted. These aspects then formed the outline for the contents of this book.The material selected has not been altered from the way it was originally printed except for limited correction of spelling, punctua- tion, and missing words. Words or phrases that appear in brackets are not Krishnamurti’s, but have been added by the compilers for the sake of clarity. Ellipses introducing a passage, or ending it, indicate that the passage begins or ends in mid-sentence. Ellipses in the course of a passage indicate words or sentences omitted. A series of asterisks between paragraphs shows that there are paragraphs from that talk which have been omitted. Captions, set off from the body of the text, have been used with many passages. Most captions are statements taken directly from the text, with some being a combination of phrases from the passage.Krishnamurti spoke from such a large perspective that his entire vision was implied in any extended passage. If one wishes to see how a statement flows out of his whole discourse, one can find the full context from the references at the foot of each passage. These refer primarily to talks which have been published in The Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti. This seventeen-volume set covers the entire period from which this study book has been drawn. A complete bibliography is included at the end of this book. Students and scholars may also be interested in additional passages on action not used in the book, available for study upon written request, in the archives of the Krishna- murti Foundation of America.This Study Book aims to give the reader as comprehensive a view as possible, in 140 pages, of the question of action as explored by Krishnamurti during the period covered. Most of the material presented has not been previously published, except in the Verbatim Reports which were produced privately, in limited numbers, primarily for those who attended Krishnamurti’s talks.
一周特价11.9-11.22 静心:战胜焦虑、摆脱抑郁的心理策略
大千世界,光怪陆离,金钱、名利、地位让多少人迷了双眼,人生终也不过一抔黄土而已。如果在这个繁华浮躁的世界,仍然能够保持一份静心,做到“恬然不动其心”,则会少很多烦恼,长很多智慧。 一灯能破千年暗,一智能灭万年愚。有智慧的人,会带给更多的人以光明。心静能让人生出智慧,智慧如水,滋润万物。 古人说:“天地间,真滋味,唯静者,能尝得出。”水静下来才会清澈,才能照出这个世界。人只有心静了,才能品尝出生活本来的滋味,才能感受到简单生活的快乐。 做一个简单快乐的人,随缘而起,随遇而安,心静了,世界就宽了。
每满100减50 传习录(明隆庆六年初刻版精校,全新精装典藏版!阳明学研究专家余怀彦教授作序推荐)
每满100减50 公共哲学序说——中日关于公私问题的研究(百家廊文丛)
每满100减50 尼采四书
《尼采四书》套装包含德国哲学家尼采*重要的四部作品:一是《悲剧的诞生》,二是《快乐的科学》,三是《查拉图斯特拉如是说》,四是《权力意志》。 一、《悲剧的诞生》是青年尼采在巴塞尔大学当教授时的作品,讨论主题是作为*文艺种类的希腊悲剧。 二、《快乐的科学》是尼采中期的代表作,科利版编者甚至认为它在尼采哲学中具有“中心地位”,主要是因为它有承上启下的意义。该书主体部分由五部箴言/格言组成,共有383节;头部分是德语韵律短诗,标题取自诗人歌德的同名小歌剧《戏谑、诡计与复仇》;结尾部分(附录)则是尼采作于西西里岛的一组诗,立题为“自由鸟王子之歌”。从这本书始,尼采作为哲学家越来越走向孤独,越来越偏离严格学术的方法理想。尼采此时已经形成了成熟的箴言体哲学写作风格,它超越科学和艺术,又将两者合一,构成一种“快乐的科学”。 三、《查拉图斯特拉如是说》可能是尼采著作中*有名的一本,更可以说是尼采著作中*可读、也*不好懂的一本。此书一头就提出了骇人听闻的判词“上帝死了”,尼采成熟时期关于“超人”、“权力意志”和“永恒轮回”的核心思想,均在其中得到了传达。 四、《权力意志》是尼采晚期笔记,是一本未竟之作,这些笔记是为他所谓的“哲学主楼”准备的。尼采雄心勃勃的大书计划(形而上学计划)虽未既,但已有相当成熟的构思。
每满100减50 体道
李宇林, 著
本书运用道家经籍阐述道家思想,重在体现道学的思想内涵,让人们认识关于道家论述道的概念。 道家认为:道是宇宙天地自然万物的原动力、原始能量,它虽然无形无象、无色无味、无方无圆、无外无内、虚无空静,但却是无处不在,无所不有。万有都是道的派生物,生而不有、为而不恃。道生之、德蓄之;道无为、德有为,有为又是在无为的基础之上,无为之为,并不是人为之妄为。德的有为在于顺应自然,辅助、协助而无私情私欲。也就是道生长万物而德蓄养万物,虽蓄养而不为己有、即行善而不求名利,助人而不彰显功德,完全是一种博爱、大爱。万物都是道的化生物,道对于他们是齐同的、统一的,顺应他们的本性去体现万物各自的姿态,顺其自然生生化化,无穷无尽。天地有道则风调雨顺,四季有序万物盛长,自然有道则万物繁茂,则人民食物丰厚,社会有道和谐而安宁,国家有道、则民富国强,万国来朝,家庭有道则父慈子孝、万事兴起,自身有道则血脉和顺阴阳有节,身强体键。 道学从研究天地自然的永生不变中,去觉悟到人类社会的变化,缘由,一步认证了他们之间的关系,“人法地、地法天、天法道、道法自然”。顺应根据遵循自然人类社会就可以繁荣昌盛,国家就可以长治久安,家庭就可以和睦相处,自身就可以健康长寿。这与《易经》、《黄帝内经》倡导的天人合一、天人相应、阴阳和谐是同一理念。  人不能脱离与天地自然的和谐统一,人不能离自然而独立存在,也不能离社会家庭而独自生活。人与天地、自然万物的相通相应就说明了,一个人的个体只是万物中的一物而己。庄子说:“我与天地并生、万物与我为一”,强调了万物相齐和谐统一的理念,而道家又是特别的珍爱生命,珍惜健康,一直以来人们都认为道教是尊生贵术的宗教,这是道教继承道家思想的缘由。珍爱生命,看重使人健康长寿的养生方术,倡导身心同治,心性与身体同样重要,是道家几千年来研究道德、以道德的理念指导医药养生的精神本质,也就是医学结合健康长寿的*秘诀。 从人与自然社会、家庭以及人本身的和谐层面,论述道的理念,又从修齐治平的概念去体现道的内涵,目的是使人们返淳返朴,求证生命的本真,“坐忘”以求本、“养真”以合道,回归上古自然无为,清静恬淡,“甘其食、美其服、安其居、乐其俗,邻国相望,鸡犬之声相闻”的原始生活状态。这或许是实现和谐、和平,回归自然的*好方法。
每满100减50 叔本华科学随笔
叔本华是德国哲学家,他创立了意志哲学,*个公反对理性主义哲学并创了非理性主义哲学的先河。他认为生命意志是主宰世界运作的力量,世界的本源是意志,世界只是意志的表象。物理学家埃尔温·薛定谔说过,叔本华是西方*伟大的学者。 本书搞汇集了叔本华有关科学的文章,集中展现了叔本华对大自然和各门具体科学的研究和分析,以此证明意志哲学具有科学性,是解释世界的真理。这些文章选自叔本华的主要著作《作为意欲和表象的世界》第2卷和《附录和补遗》第2卷,部分篇目是初次翻译。