

Тринадцята казка (Trinadcjata kazka)
Тринадцята казка (Trinadcjata kazka)
Dіana Setterfіld
Одного дня життя дев’ятир?чного хлопчика повн?стю зм?нилося. Дитяча ц?кав?сть обернулася страшною пожежею, внасл?док яко? хлопчик отримав оп?ки майже усього т?ла. Пробувши у л?карн? п’ять м?сяц?в, в?н пережив ампутац?ю пальц?в та бол?сну реаб?л?тац?ю. Але якщо рубц? на т?л? можна прикрити одягом, то що робити ?з душевними шрамами? Чи можна п?сля цього мр?яти про повноц?нне щасливе життя? ?У полум’?? — це книга-спов?дь про незламн?сть, пошук себе ? велику роботу на шляху до усп?ху. Вона написана на основ? реальних под?й, як? зм?нили життя багатьох людей.
Вазочки, конфетницы, корзинки.
Вазочки, конфетницы, корзинки.
Kadnikova Olga
Капталзм свобода — класика полтико-економчно лтератури ХХ столття — як нколи актуальна для Украни. Нобелвський лауреат Млтон Фрдман розгляда зв’язок мж економчною та полтичною свободою. Вн опису, чому варто обмежити вплив держави в економку, децентралзувати владу, забезпечити гнучкий валютний курс, роздержавити сфери освти соцального забезпечення.
Evim Dolar Evim: “Evinden Para Kazan”
Evim Dolar Evim: “Evinden Para Kazan”
Ebru Fidan
Evini kiraya veren ev sahipleri!!Art?k ayl?k sabit kira bedeline mahkum de?ilsiniz!Hem eviniz sürekli kontrolünüz alt?nda olacak, Hem de yeterli hizmeti vererek daha fazla para kazanabileceksiniz.Bu s?rada dünyan?n her yerinden bir?ok dostunuz tan?d???n?z insanlar olacak.Bu kitapta evinizi nas?l, nerde, ne ?ekilde, pazarlayarak daha fazla kazan? elde edebilece?inizin ipu?lar? verilmi?tir.Hem e?lenin Hem kazan?n!!! ?NS?Z / G?R??Uzun y?llar i? hayat?nda ini?li ??k??l?, yorucu ve stres dolu zamanlardan sonra. Ebru art?k kendi i?ini yapmal?s?n bu kadar ko?tur ko?tur nereye kadar seslerine 2 y?l sonra kulak verdim. ?e?itli i?ler yapt?m ?ok ?e?itli desem yeri var J s?ralayacak olursam siz bile ?a??racaks?n?z.?ngiltere’de telefon uygulamalar? haz?rlay?p Türkiye’ye pazarlayan bir firman?n home ofise online dan??manl???,Italyan Panorama Vitrin Dizayn firmas?n?n ?stanbul’daki markalar?n Vitrin Tasar?m projelerinin haz?rlanmas?,Ing?ltere’den Erkek Giyim üzerine Türkiye’den ithalat yapan firman?n mü?teri temsilcili?i,?ngiltere Assosia firmas?n?n Türkiye’de Marka denetimiTabii bunlar hep otelcili?in yan?nda ekstra gelir i?in yapt???m i?lerdi. Malum ?stanbul gibi bir yerde tek ba??na ayakta kalabilmek emek ister.As?l mesle?im otelcilik, 15 y?l boyunca Laleli ve Taksim b?lgesinde baz? otellerde muhasebe de daha sonra da y?netici olarak g?rev ald?m. Gelin siz dü?ünün nas?l deli gibi ?al??t???m?.Tatiller falan benim i?in lüks ?tesi bir ?eydi. Tatile ??kacak olsam vicdan azab? ?ekerdim J kald? ki hala tatil konseptine al??amad?m ama al???yorum art?k yava? yava?.Ger?? yapt???m en büyük tatil;yurt d???nda yasayan ablam Türkiye’ye geldiginde, a?lemle gec?rd?g?m 3 gunluk tat?l olmu?tu o da bilgisayar ve telefon ba??nda JNeyse uzun laf?n k?sas? art?k etraf?ma kulak verd?m ve ucundan ba?layal?m bakal?m ded?m. Otelc?l?k d?neminde zaten otel mü?terileri haricinde acentalar olsun, eski misafirlerimiz olsun sürekli konaklama ihtiya?lar? olurdu ve biz de bildi?imiz ?al??t???m?z yerlere y?nlendirirdik.Her ?ey bir tarafa, ?ncelikle sunu s?ylemek isterim ki ?ok merakli ve ara?t?rmac? bir ki?ili?im vard?r malum Basak burcuyum J Taksim’de bir otelde y?neticilik yaparken gitmedi?im online pazarlama e?itimi, okumad???m kitap, ara?t?rmad???m konu kalmad? desem abartm?? olmam. ?imdi meyvelerini topluyorum zaten. BU KITAP KIMLER ICIN HAZIRLANDI.Bu kitap 2 grup i?in haz?rland?1. Hali haz?rda dairesi olup bu sekt?rün i?inde olanlar ve geli?tirmek isteyenler.2. Bu sekt?rü duymu? ve dairesini de?erlendirmek isteyen ama nas?l yapaca??n? bilemeyenler i?in.Hali haz?rda ev sahibi olanlar bir ?ok konuya vak?f olabilirsiz ama bunun yan? sira nas?l daha da ilerleye bilir ve en iyi evsahibi olabilirsiniz. Bu geli?im size arama sonu?lar?nda bulundu?unuz b?lgedeki evler aras?nda daha ust s?ralarda ??kman?za yard?mc? olacakt?r.Ev sahipleri evlerini de?erlendirmek isteyenler ama bir turlu cesaret edemeyenler. Sizler i?in de her bir detay anlat?larak ad?m ad?m bu i?i nas?l yapabilece?inizi nas?l yard?mlar alabilece?iniz.
Borsaya Teknik Bak??: [A??klamal? Terimler ve Diyagramlarla]
Borsaya Teknik Bak??: [A??klamal? Terimler ve Diyagramlarla]
Tarkan Özhan
NSZ / GR Ekonomik Analiz Hisse fiyatlar genel ekonomik koullardan etkilendiinden dolay ekonomik analiz temel analizin ilk aamasn oluturur. Hisse senetlerine yaplan bir yatrmn krla sonulanma olaslnn, gülü ve büyüyen ekonomilerde daha yüksek olduu bilinmektedir. Dolaysyla bu aamada hisse senedi yatrm iin genel ekonomik konjonktürün uygun olup olmad belirlenmeye allr. Zira ekonomik konjonktürdeki canlanma beklentisi hisse senedi yatrm iin uygun bir ortam iken, ekonomik konjonktürdeki daralma (resesyon) beklentisi hisse senedi yatrmlarndan klmas iin uygun bir ortama iaret eder. Ekonomik konjonktürdeki canlanma veya daralma beklentisi gstergelerden hareketle ekillenir. Ancak bu gstergeleri okuyabilmek ya da a deerlendirebilmek iin, nce genel olarak ekonomi ve ekonominin dinamikleri noktasnda bilgi sahibi olmak gerekir. Basite ifade edilmeye allan genel ekonomideki gelimeler ve sorunlar yakndan takip edilerek gelecek hakknda yaplan tahminler, yatrmclar asndan büyük nem tar. Ekonomik analizde ilk olarak dünyadaki ekonomik, sosyal ve politik gelimeler deerlendirilir. Daha sonra ise bu gelimelerin ülke ekonomisine olas etkileri deerlendirilir. Daha nce de ifade edildii üzere, bu tür deerlendirmeler ekonomik gstergelerden hareketle yaplr. Dolaysyla ekonomik analizde hangi ekonomik gstergelerin kullanlabilecei ve bu gstergelerin nasl deerlendirilecei konusu en nemli aamadr. Bu gstergeler ekonomik konjonktür hakknda bir fikir verecektir. Yazar Hakknda [Tarkan zhan, 1969-] RENM DURUMU: Trakya üniversitesi Blüm: Fen Fakultesi Kimyager MESLE: Borsac, Trader, Portfoy Ynetimi Aktif alma süresi; 25 yl
Idegen gyerek
Idegen gyerek
Rachel Abbott
K?zérthet? ismeretterjeszt? kiadvány az általános adatvédelmi rendeletr?l (GDPR) kisvállalkozóknak és magánszemélyeknek.
Intro to GDPR: A Plain English Guide to Compliance
Intro to GDPR: A Plain English Guide to Compliance
Punit Bhatia
Intro to GDPR is written by experienced data protection professional Punit Bhatia. Bhatia has served as the Privacy and Protection Officer in an EU-based bank and lecturer at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. He is Certified Information Privacy Professional ? Europe (CIPP-E), Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM), and Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP). Bhatia will lead you through the complex journey to the GDPR compliance with the simple language and many practical examples. Whether you are a complete beginner or experienced data protection practitioner this book is the right resource for you. Intro to GDPR is a complete guide to compliance. Bhatia uses the simple language, understandable to everyone in order to lead you from the introduction all the way to getting your organization GDPR compliant. In this book you will learn: 1. Which organisations need to be compliant with the GDPR? 2. Key terms in the GDPR. You will get familiarized with key terms that form the basis of the GDPR. You will learn definitions of terms: “Personal data”, “Special categories of personal data”, “Processing” difference between terms “Controller” and “Processor” and others. 3. Myths about the GDPR like “the GDPR is only applicable in the EU”, “The GDPR is about fines” and others. 4. Transparency through the privacy notice. As written in the book, “transparency is one of the key principles in the EU GDPR” so it is important to understand what is transparency and privacy notice but also what are the key requirements and contents of a privacy notice. 5. Data breaches. “GDPR requirements on data breaches are different for controllers and for processors” – this chapter will make you aware of data breach requirements and key actions that are required once a breach is detected. 6. What is the first thing to do to become compliant and what are the key factors to remain compliant with the GDPR, and much more. Written in plain English, with many practical examples, Intro to GDPR is the only book you need on the subject of GDPR.
The House of Harper
The House of Harper
Exman, Eugene
The epic story of a publishing giantIn 1817 four young brothers opened a printing shop in downtown Manhattan. Two centuries later, their small enterprise has grown into one of the world's largest and most successful publishing houses. The Harper brothers and their sons and successors created a grand cultural institution that has become a cornerstone of America's literary heritage.Eugene Exman's classic history, published in 1967, The House of Harper is the fascinating account of the birth and growth of a magnificent literary empire. Richly detailed, it is filled with portraits of dynamic publishers and editors, with remarkable anecdotes about the legendary artists and authors whose works they championed and brought to the general public Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, Winslow Homer, Henry James, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Thomas Wolfe, and Aldous Huxley, to name but a few. More than the enthralling saga of a successful business venture, it is a story of the shaping of American literature and culture.
The Girl's Guide to Starting Your Own Business
The Girl's Guide to Starting Your Own Business
Friedman, Caitlin
Geared toward the unique challenges faced by self-employed businesswomen and updated for the social media-driven, post-financial crisis world The Girl's Guide to Starting Your Own Business offers solutions and advice for handling a range of issues, including how to write a business plan, how to secure funding, and how to hire (and fire) employees. Caitlin Friedman and Kimberly Yorio share practical information drawn from their own extensive experience in the public relations, marketing, and consulting fields. Their concise and engaging advice is explained through entertaining tips, lists, and quizzes that speak directly to women who are dreaming of starting, or have already started, their own businesses.
The Cycle of Leadership
The Cycle of Leadership
Tichy, Noel M.
In The Leadership Engine Noel Tichy showed how great companies strive to create leaders at all levels of the organization and how those leaders actively develop future generations of leaders. In this new book he takes the theme further showing how great companies and their leaders develop their business knowledge into achable points of view pend a great portion of their time giving their learnings to others sharing best practices and how they in turn learn and receive business ideas/knowledge from the employees they are teaching. Calling this exchange a virtuous teaching cycle Professor Tichy shows how business builders from Jack Welch at GE to Joe Liemandt at Trilogy create organizations that foster this knowledge exchange and how their efforts result in smarter more agile companies and winning results. Some of these ideas were showcased in Tichy's recent Harvard Business Review article entitled Ordinary Boot Camp. Using examples from GE Ford Dell Southwest Airlines and many others Tichy presents and analyzes these principles in action and shows how managers can begin to transform their own businesses into teaching organizations and consequently better performing companies
Revolt in the Boardroom
Revolt in the Boardroom
Murray, Alan
Throughout the 20th century, American corporations were governed by autocratic, almost unaccountable chief executives. Their word was law and the only check on their power was a board of directors composed of their friends and allies.Then, in a stunning reversal, a momentous series of firings deposed the heads of some of the world's best-known companies: AIG, Morgan Stanley, Boeing, Hewlett-Packard and Pfizer, just to name a few. Formerly unchallenged CEOs found themselves under fire, often from their own handpicked boards. The number of deposed executives is astonishing. In 2004, the leaders of 600 companies were asked to leave. That number more than doubled in 2005 and reached 1,400 companies in 2006.Flexing new muscles, directors are assuming new and unfamiliar responsibilities. In Revolt in the Boardroom, Alan Murray reveals the inner workings of the new seat of power. Using the access afforded to him by his influential Wall Street Journal column, Murray tells the story of three seminal board revolts the now-famous Hewlett-Packard drama, the ousting of Boeing's Harry Stonecipher and the end of the reign one of the world's most autocratic executives, Hank Greenberg at AIG.Murray goes further to chart the history of the corporation, the rise of governance and the effects of the new power gained by outside institutions like hedge funds and interest groups. Through it all, Murray shows how the job of chief executive has rapidly and permanently changed. Leaders like A. G. Lafley and Jeff Immelt govern instead of rule, build alliances and support instead of dictating direction and pay careful attention to a broader range of stakeholders than ever before.Revolt in the Boardroom is the first look at the new world of corporate power and the last word on the transformational events of the last two years.
Levitt, Steven D.
The New York Times best-selling Freakonomics was a worldwide sensation, selling over four million copies in thirty-five languages and changing the way we look at the world. Now, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner return with SuperFreakonomics, and fans and newcomers alike will find that the freakquel is even bolder, funnier, and more surprising than the first. Four years in the making, SuperFreakonomics asks not only the tough questions, but the unexpected ones: What's more dangerous, driving drunk or walking drunkWhy is chemotherapy prescribed so often if it's so ineffectiveCan a sex change boost your salarySuperFreakonomics challenges the way we think all over again, exploring the hidden side of everything with such questions as: How is a street prostitute like a department-store SantaWhy are doctors so bad at washing their handsHow much good do car seats doWhat's the best way to catch a terroristDid TV cause a rise in crimeWhat do hurricanes, heart attacks, and highway deaths have in commonAre people hard-wired for altruism or selfishness?Can eating kangaroo save the planetWhich adds more value: a pimp or a RealtorLevitt and Dubner mix smart thinking and great storytelling like no one else, whether investigating a solution to global warming or explaining why the price of oral sex has fallen so drastically. By examining how people respond to incentives, they show the world for what it really is good, bad, ugly, and, in the final analysis, super freaky. Freakonomics has been imitated many times over but only now, with SuperFreakonomics, has it met its match.
You Can't Win a Fight with Your Client
You Can't Win a Fight with Your Client
Markert, Tom
In this follow-up to You Can't Win a Fight with Your Boss, Tom Markert returns to provide clever, timeless advice on how to offer exceptional service. The most important ruleYou can't win a fight with your client! As American companies large and small have shifted their focus from manufacturing to providing services, keeping clients satisfied has become critical to the survival of every business. Yet, very few people have mastered the art of managing clients successfully. In You Can't Win a Fight with Your Client, Tom Markert argues that the secret to great service lies in understanding and applying a few fundamentals. In fifty small doses, he provides practical advice on how to manage your relationships with your clients and ensure they receive the kind of service that will keep them coming back for more.A perfect resource for anyone working with clients at any level, You Can't Win a Fight with Your Client is the no-nonsense, straightforward guide to keeping clients happy in today's hypercompetitive and demanding business environment.
William Morrow
William Morrow
Blanchard, Ken
The New One Minute Manager offers a way for you to succeed sooner with less stress in changing times both at work and at home.Based on the original book The One Minute Manager that helped millions of people around the world in organizations large and small, this new version of the classic story deals with a new world.The book will help you find meaning in your work and inspire you to discover new ways to help your organization adapt and prosper.The New One Minute Manager is a concise, easily read story that reveals three very practical secrets: One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute Re-Directs, the new third secret.The story is based on studies in the behavioral sciences and medicine that support why these apparently simple methods work so well with so many people. And by the book's end, you will know how to apply what you discover to your own situation and enjoy the benefits.
Blue Blood and Mutiny
Blue Blood and Mutiny
Beard, Patricia
The inside story of the power struggle that rocked Wall Street's most prestigious financial institution What began with a shot over the bow ended in a shocking coup d'etat. In less than four months a group of eight retired executives orchestrated a stunning revolt within Morgan Stanley, the venerable and until recently most successful financial services firm on Wall Street. Now acclaimed journalist and historian Patricia Beard brings together the entire behind-the-scenes story in Blue Blood and Mutiny, a real-life business thriller exposing the tale that shook high finance. In March 2005 the business world woke up to an unprecedented full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal calling for the removal of Morgan Stanley's CEO. It was paid for by a cohort of eight former Morgan Stanley executives, including an ex-chairman and an ex-president, who soon would be dubbed the "Eight Grumpy Old Men." Their target was CEO Philip Purcell, a midwesterner who had come to power following Morgan Stanley's 1997 merger with Dean Witter Discover, where Purcell had been chief executive. In his eight years as CEO, Purcell had presided over a 50 percent decline in stock price since its peak in 2000 and a series of high-profile government and civil lawsuits that had tarnished the company's once-sterling reputation. Just a few months after the Journal ad, Purcell would retire under pressure, and former president John Mack, who had been pushed out by Purcell, was appointed CEO. The "Eight Grumpy Old Men" won the battle.The revolt of the Eight is about more than the stock price, or any bottom-line metrics: it signals a clash of cultures and a battle for the soul of American business. Since its founding, Morgan Stanley has been an elite enterprise guided by J. P. Morgan Jr.'s motto "A First Class Business in a First Class Way." The House of Morgan stood for something larger than success with honor; its ethos was unique some would say sacred and the eight retired executives believed this ideal had been undermined during Purcell's reign.Opening the long-closed doors of a bastion of Wall Street that has maintained the strictest privacy until now, Blue Blood and Mutiny weaves the history of Morgan Stanley with the inside story of the fight for dominance between two competing business cultures one, the collegial meritocracy handed down from the days of J. P. Morgan, and the other, a cold, contemporary corporate model. Here is the season's must-read book for anyone who wants to understand the future of American business.
Insight Out
Insight Out
Seelig, Tina
What if there were a clear set of instructions to help you bring your best ideas to lifeAs with a recipe, you could take a compelling idea and with concrete steps, transform it into something extraordinary. As a professor at Stanford University, Tina Seelig has dedicated her career to teaching the practice of moving from imagination to implementation. In Insight Out, she welcomes you into her classroom and crisply defines the core concepts of imagination, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship, presenting an elegant and much-needed model she calls the "Invention Cycle." This new approach enables you to see obstacles as opportunities, inspire others to share your vision, and ultimately bring more ideas to fruition. Filled with surprising research, examples from her Stanford classroom, and stories from around the world—Silicon Valley to San Quentin State Prison, rural Pakistan to the North Pole—Insight Out offers essential and unexpected strategies that will help bring even the slightest flicker of an idea to life. Equally useful for students, educators, entrepreneurs, and would-be innovators in all fields, this is an essential road map for anyone who wants to get ideas out of their head and into the world.
The Great Hangover
The Great Hangover
Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair presents 21 true stories of the new hard times Where did all the billions goCommissioned by the editors at Vanity Fair magazine, The Great Hangover is an eye-opening collection of essays on the global economic crisis by fifteen of the most respected contemporary business writers in America, including:Bryan Burrough (Barbarians at the Gate) on the atmosphere of uncertainty and fear that preceded the demise of Bear Stearns . . . Michael Lewis (Liar's Poker) on Iceland's bizarre national implosion . . . Mark Bowden (Black Hawk Down) on the decline of The New York Times and the threat to the ailing newspaper industry . . . Mark Seal on the defining figure of the seriously tarnished New Gilded Age: the Grand Master of Greed, Bernie Madoff . . . Along with compelling and sometimes hair-raising pieces from a dozen other Vanity Fair contributors on the recent recession's myriad villains and victims and the worldwide impact of the financial downturn.
Bulletproof Your Job
Bulletproof Your Job
Viscusi, Stephen
There's no doubt about it, today's workplace is an uncertain and treacherous territory. Newspaper headlines are proclaiming near record-high levels of unemployment, and, in these tough times, companies are making swift judgments about human capital. The bottom line: No job is safe. But there are tried and true ways to fight off sudden unemployment successfully, and the number one weapon in your arsenal is workplace expert and television and radio personality Stephen Viscusi's career manifesto, Bulletproof Your Job. Based on four simple strategies for dodging the layoff bullet and a long list of ways to implement these strategies, Bulletproof Your Job may save you from your worst enemy at work which just so happens to be you.Quite simply, observe these imperative rules:Be visible. Be easy. Be useful. Be ready. With plenty of distinct action items, dozens of anecdotal illustrations and examples, and lists and tips for adapting bulletproof strategies to your own situation, Bulletproof Your Job will show you how to leverage the black-and-white stuff your title, salary, and tenure with the gray stuff your relationship with coworkers, visibility in the workplace, and ability to make your boss look good to ward off the pink stuff the dreaded layoff notice. While you're at it, you'll be creating a long-term strategy for job security and career advancement that ensures you'll never feel this vulnerable again.
Dey Street Books
Dey Street Books
Simmons, Gene
The quintessential self-made man, master of brand identity, New York Times bestselling author, and award-winning executive KISS's Gene Simmons shares his manifesto for business success.KISS did not become one of the most successful rock bands in history by accident. Long before he first took the stage, Gene Simmons had a clear-cut operating plan for the business. Over the past forty years, KISS has sold more than 100 million CDs and DVDs worldwide and manages 5,000 licensed merchandise items from comic books and coffins to action figures and video games. The band received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and in 2014 was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In addition to KISS, Simmons's lucrative ventures include two hit reality shows, a professional sports team, a restaurant chain, and a record label. A recipient of the Forbes Lifetime Achievement Award, this brilliant executive runs all of his businesses on his own no personal assistant, few handlers, and as little red tape as possible.In Me, Inc., Simmons gives aspiring entrepreneurs the critical tools they need to succeed. He discusses how to build a solid business strategy, harness the countless tools available in the digital age, educate yourself, and be the architect for the business entity that is you. Inspired by The Art of War, Me, Inc. is organized around thirteen specific, easy-to-understand principles for success "The Art of More" drawn from Simmons's own triumphs and failures. From finding the confidence necessary to get started, to surrounding yourself with the right people, to knowing when to pull the plug and when to double-down, these principles can help you attain the freedom and wealth of your dreams.
Hyun, Jane
The workplace around the world is changing growing increasingly multicultural, female, and younger. Experts often tell CEOs and managers what not to do, and corporate diversity programs can often appear to be like defensive measures against lawsuits and harassment charges. While technology has connected all of us as a global workforce, it has not equipped us with the capability to interact genuinely with people. In order to be successful in this new global business environment, we need to rethink the way we lead others.Flex offers a new approach a proactive strategy for managers to understand and leverage difference effectively in this new global economy.Flex shows managers how to understand the power gap the social distance between you and those in the workplace of different cultures, ages, and gender; stretch your management style and bridge the gap with more effective communication and feedback tools; and multiply the effect by teaching these skills to others and closing the power gap with clients, customers, and partners to create innovative solutions. Creating flex in a company's management style will affect all aspects of developing existing leaders, attracting future talent, and building relationships with customers in this competitive marketplace. Flex shows you how.
The E-Myth Contractor
The E-Myth Contractor
Gerber, Michael E.
With The E-Myth Contractor, Michael E. Gerber launches a series of books that apply the E-Myth to specific types of small businesses. The first is aimed at contractors.This book reveals a radical new mind-set that will free contractors from the tyranny of an unprofitable, unproductive routine. With specific tips on topics as crucial as planning, money and personnel management, The E-Myth Contractor teaches readers how to: Implement the ingenious turnkey system of management a means of creating a business prototype that reflects the business owner's unique set of talents and replicating and distributing them among employees and customers. Recognise and manage the four forms of money income, profit, flow and equity. Harness the power of change to expand the company. The book also provides help on a larger level, leading readers towards becoming business visionaries by relinquishing tactical work and embracing strategic work, by letting go to gain control. Once put into action, Gerber's revolutionary ideas promise not only to help contractors build successful businesses, but successful lives as well.
The Tyranny of Oil
The Tyranny of Oil
Juhasz, Antonia
Who's really driving oil and gas pricesHow much oil is leftHow far will Big Oil go to get it, and at what cost to the environment, human rights, the economy, worker safety, public health, and democracy?Here, at last, are the answers we've been looking for and the inside story on Big Oil.In The Tyranny of Oil, Antonia Juhasz investigates the true state of the companies collectively known as "Big Oil," uncovering their unparalleled global financial power, their political dominance, and their increasingly destructive plans for the future. And she tells us what we can do about it.A tool for meaningful change that blends history, original investigative research and reporting, candid interviews with key insiders, and a unique focus on activism, The Tyranny of Oil is required reading for every concerned global citizen.
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