The Strategist: Be the Leader Your Business Needs
Strategy is about identifying why your business matters, not just analysing the competition. Cynthia Montgomery reveals how leaders can embrace the crucial role of The Strategist to really define and drive the objectives and advantages to power their companies forward. Cynthia Montgomery teaches the globally-renowned EOP (Entrepreneur, Owner, President) course at Harvard Business School, one of Harvard’s most oversubscribed executive courses. Participants are all seasoned executives, owners, CEOs, or COOs of privately held companies who pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend, with the goal of learning how to be more effective leaders and how to make their companies more successful. Montgomery’s course teaches them a totally new way to understand leadership, a way that fuses leadership with strategy. Her approach calls for a reset of current thinking about both. She shows that strategy is not just a tool for outwitting the competition – it is the most powerful means a leader has for shaping a firm itself. Montgomery takes the readers through the paces of her world-renowned course, teaching them how to develop the skills and sensibilities that living strategy and real leadership demand. No other book marries strategy and leadership in the same way – a way readers will find challenging, intriguing, and ultimately, inspiring.
Time Management (Collins Business Secrets)
The time management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Time Management. Includes how to: ? Identify your biggest priorities and find time to achieve them ? Deal with the biggest hidden time-wasters ? Communicate effectively with colleagues and clients ? Cope with information overload ? Take control of your inbox and voicemail
Presenting (Collins Business Secrets)
The presenting secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Presenting. Includes how to: ? Enjoy presenting and approach it with confidence ? Assess your audience and their reactions ? Prepare presentations for maximum impact ? Use your voice and body to make your point ? Use visual aids and handle questions
People Management (Collins Business Secrets)
The people management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of People Management Includes how to: ? Build a business-like relationships with your direct reports ? Set clear targets and monitor them ? Understand different personality types and how to manage them ? Deliver criticism and compliments in the right way ? Mentor your employees to produce fantastic results
Getting Things Done (Collins Business Secrets)
The secrets that experts and top professionals use to get things done. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Getting Things Done. Includes how to: ? Get more done in less time ? Manage upwards, downwards and sideways ? Under-promise and over-deliver ? Overcome difficult people and issues ? Deliver projects on time and on budget
Mindpower (Collins Business Secrets)
The secrets that experts and top professionals use to stay at the top of their game. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Mind Power Includes how to: ? Produce creative and innovative ideas ? Remember names, numbers and concepts ? Sharpen your mental reflexes, whatever your age ? Ask the right questions and understand other points of view ? Make good decisions and stick to them
Leadership (Collins Business Secrets)
The leadership secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Leadership. Includes how to: ? Understand and develop your leadership style ? Identify strategic goals for your department ? Motivate and manage teams of all sizes ? Build a culture of results and responsibility ? Lead the way out of a crisis
Interview (Collins Business Secrets)
The interview secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Interviews. Includes how to: ? Research the needs of the employer ? Focus the interview on your strengths ? Use body language to impress ? Deal with difficult questions ? Negotiate the perfect package
The Tyranny of Numbers: Why Counting Can’t Make Us Happy
Never before have we attempted to measure as much as we do today. Why are we so obsessed with numbers? What can they really tell us? Too often we try to quantify what can’t actually be measured. We count people, but not individuals. We count exam results rather than intelligence, benefit claimants instead of poverty. The government has set itself 10,000 new targets. Politicians pack their speeches with skewed statistics: crime rates are either rising or falling depending on who is doing the counting. We are in a world in which everything designed only to be measured. If it can’t be measured it can be ignored. But the big problem is what numbers don’t tell you. They won’t interpret. They won’t inspire, and they won’t tell you precisely what causes what. In this passionately argued and thought-provoking book, David Boyle examines our obsession with numbers. He reminds us of the danger of taking numbers so seriously at the expense of what is non-measurable, non-calculable: intuition, creativity, imagination, happiness… Counting is a vital human skill. Yardsticks are a vital tool. As long as we remember how limiting they are if we cling to them too closely. Americans who claim to have been abducted by aliens = 3.7 million Average time spent by British people in traffic jams every year = 11 days Number of Americans shot by children under six between 1983 and 1993 = 138, 490
Evim Dolar Evim: “Evinden Para Kazan”
Evini kiraya veren ev sahipleri!!Art?k ayl?k sabit kira bedeline mahkum de?ilsiniz!Hem eviniz sürekli kontrolünüz alt?nda olacak, Hem de yeterli hizmeti vererek daha fazla para kazanabileceksiniz.Bu s?rada dünyan?n her yerinden bir?ok dostunuz tan?d???n?z insanlar olacak.Bu kitapta evinizi nas?l, nerde, ne ?ekilde, pazarlayarak daha fazla kazan? elde edebilece?inizin ipu?lar? verilmi?tir.Hem e?lenin Hem kazan?n!!! ?NS?Z / G?R??Uzun y?llar i? hayat?nda ini?li ??k??l?, yorucu ve stres dolu zamanlardan sonra. Ebru art?k kendi i?ini yapmal?s?n bu kadar ko?tur ko?tur nereye kadar seslerine 2 y?l sonra kulak verdim. ?e?itli i?ler yapt?m ?ok ?e?itli desem yeri var J s?ralayacak olursam siz bile ?a??racaks?n?z.?ngiltere’de telefon uygulamalar? haz?rlay?p Türkiye’ye pazarlayan bir firman?n home ofise online dan??manl???,Italyan Panorama Vitrin Dizayn firmas?n?n ?stanbul’daki markalar?n Vitrin Tasar?m projelerinin haz?rlanmas?,Ing?ltere’den Erkek Giyim üzerine Türkiye’den ithalat yapan firman?n mü?teri temsilcili?i,?ngiltere Assosia firmas?n?n Türkiye’de Marka denetimiTabii bunlar hep otelcili?in yan?nda ekstra gelir i?in yapt???m i?lerdi. Malum ?stanbul gibi bir yerde tek ba??na ayakta kalabilmek emek ister.As?l mesle?im otelcilik, 15 y?l boyunca Laleli ve Taksim b?lgesinde baz? otellerde muhasebe de daha sonra da y?netici olarak g?rev ald?m. Gelin siz dü?ünün nas?l deli gibi ?al??t???m?.Tatiller falan benim i?in lüks ?tesi bir ?eydi. Tatile ??kacak olsam vicdan azab? ?ekerdim J kald? ki hala tatil konseptine al??amad?m ama al???yorum art?k yava? yava?.Ger?? yapt???m en büyük tatil;yurt d???nda yasayan ablam Türkiye’ye geldiginde, a?lemle gec?rd?g?m 3 gunluk tat?l olmu?tu o da bilgisayar ve telefon ba??nda JNeyse uzun laf?n k?sas? art?k etraf?ma kulak verd?m ve ucundan ba?layal?m bakal?m ded?m. Otelc?l?k d?neminde zaten otel mü?terileri haricinde acentalar olsun, eski misafirlerimiz olsun sürekli konaklama ihtiya?lar? olurdu ve biz de bildi?imiz ?al??t???m?z yerlere y?nlendirirdik.Her ?ey bir tarafa, ?ncelikle sunu s?ylemek isterim ki ?ok merakli ve ara?t?rmac? bir ki?ili?im vard?r malum Basak burcuyum J Taksim’de bir otelde y?neticilik yaparken gitmedi?im online pazarlama e?itimi, okumad???m kitap, ara?t?rmad???m konu kalmad? desem abartm?? olmam. ?imdi meyvelerini topluyorum zaten. BU KITAP KIMLER ICIN HAZIRLANDI.Bu kitap 2 grup i?in haz?rland?1. Hali haz?rda dairesi olup bu sekt?rün i?inde olanlar ve geli?tirmek isteyenler.2. Bu sekt?rü duymu? ve dairesini de?erlendirmek isteyen ama nas?l yapaca??n? bilemeyenler i?in.Hali haz?rda ev sahibi olanlar bir ?ok konuya vak?f olabilirsiz ama bunun yan? sira nas?l daha da ilerleye bilir ve en iyi evsahibi olabilirsiniz. Bu geli?im size arama sonu?lar?nda bulundu?unuz b?lgedeki evler aras?nda daha ust s?ralarda ??kman?za yard?mc? olacakt?r.Ev sahipleri evlerini de?erlendirmek isteyenler ama bir turlu cesaret edemeyenler. Sizler i?in de her bir detay anlat?larak ad?m ad?m bu i?i nas?l yapabilece?inizi nas?l yard?mlar alabilece?iniz.
Borsa ve Piyasalar Anatomisi
Sermaye piyasalar? do?an?n i?leyi?i gibi davran??lar sergiler.. Do?a gibi dinamik haldedir... sürekli evrilir ve geli?irler Bilgi üreterek ve üretilen bilgiyi kullanarak ilerlerler..Bilgi sadece ki?ilerle piyasalar?n etkile?iminden ortaya ??kar. Bu nedenle teorik de?il, pratiktir. Bilgiyi anlama gayreti belli bir bilin? yarat?r ve ki?ilerin dü?ünerek hareket etmesi neticesinde piyasalar kendi do?al d?ngüsünü olu?turur. ?nsanlar?n olu?turdu?u yap?n?n kendisi de zamanla dü?ünen bir organizmaya d?nü?ür... Ki?i kendini korumaya ve geli?tirmeye y?nelik oldu?u i?in piyasalar da kendilerini koruyucu ve geli?tirici sistemlerini olu?tururlar. Ekonomik sistem binlerce farkl? piyasaya sahiptir ve bu say? giderek artmaktad?r. Artan finansal enstrümanlar ve hisse senedi borsalar?, menkul k?ymetlerin ?e?itlili?i, ülke ekonomilerindeki büyümenin finansal piyasalara giderek daha fazla ba??ml? hale gelmesine neden olmu?tur. Yat?r?mc?lar?n piyasa enstrümanlar?na ba??ml?l??? finansal sistemi olduk?a ?nemli hale getirir... Sermaye piyasalar? yat?r?mc?lar?n problemleri ??zebilecek bilgiyi olu?turmakta ba?ar?l?d?r.. ??te bu problemi ??zme ?eklidir. Piyasalar?n karakteri, asla bir kurtar?c? kahraman?n gelmesini beklemek de?ildir Bu nedenle problemleri ??zmek i?in farkl? bir y?ntemi vard?r. Rassal yürüyü? fiyat hareketlerinin rastlant?sal ve ?nceden tahmin edilemez oldu?unu s?yler. Fiyat hareketlerinin seyrini de?i?tirecek ani yükseli? ve dü?ü?lerde mevcut pozisyonda kal?nmas?n? savunur. Bu davran?? kimi yat?r?mc?lara mant?kl? gelebilir. Fakat profesyoneller i?in rastlant?sall?k ?ok ?nem arz etmez. Fiyatlar?n zaman zaman rastlant?sal oldu?u kabul edilse de her zaman rastlant?sal oldu?una inanmak amat?rlük olacakt?r Gelece?in ?ng?rülmez olu?u temel varsay?md?r.. Akl?n s?n?rl? dü?ünce gücü gelece?in ?ng?rülebilir olmad???n? fiyatlar?n olu?umu i?in de ?o?u zaman kullan?r. Teorik olarak herkese mant?kl? gelecek bu dü?ünce acaba profesyonel bak?? a??s?yla de?erlendirildi?inde temelinde bir hata i?eriyor olamaz m?: Fiyatlar?n ne y?nde ger?ekle?ece?ini bilememek. Piyasalar yat?r?mc?lar olmad??? sürece varl???n? sürdüremez.. Yat?r?mc?lar piyasalar?n karma??k yap?s?n? ak?l ve duygular?n? sentezleyerek ??zümlemeye ?al??anlard?r. S?radan bir insan ya da piyasa profesyoneli. Ekonomi k?tü giderken finansal piyasalarda i?lem yapmaya neden devam ederler.? Kimsenin g?remedi?i bir ?eyi mi g?rmektedirler? [Tarkan ?zhan, 1969-] ??REN?M DURUMU: Trakya üniversitesi B?lüm: Fen Fakultesi Kimyager MESLE??: Borsac?, Trader, Portfoy Y?netimi Aktif ?al??ma süresi; 25 y?l
Borsaya Teknik Bak??: [A??klamal? Terimler ve Diyagramlarla]
NSZ / GR Ekonomik Analiz Hisse fiyatlar genel ekonomik koullardan etkilendiinden dolay ekonomik analiz temel analizin ilk aamasn oluturur. Hisse senetlerine yaplan bir yatrmn krla sonulanma olaslnn, gülü ve büyüyen ekonomilerde daha yüksek olduu bilinmektedir. Dolaysyla bu aamada hisse senedi yatrm iin genel ekonomik konjonktürün uygun olup olmad belirlenmeye allr. Zira ekonomik konjonktürdeki canlanma beklentisi hisse senedi yatrm iin uygun bir ortam iken, ekonomik konjonktürdeki daralma (resesyon) beklentisi hisse senedi yatrmlarndan klmas iin uygun bir ortama iaret eder. Ekonomik konjonktürdeki canlanma veya daralma beklentisi gstergelerden hareketle ekillenir. Ancak bu gstergeleri okuyabilmek ya da a deerlendirebilmek iin, nce genel olarak ekonomi ve ekonominin dinamikleri noktasnda bilgi sahibi olmak gerekir. Basite ifade edilmeye allan genel ekonomideki gelimeler ve sorunlar yakndan takip edilerek gelecek hakknda yaplan tahminler, yatrmclar asndan büyük nem tar. Ekonomik analizde ilk olarak dünyadaki ekonomik, sosyal ve politik gelimeler deerlendirilir. Daha sonra ise bu gelimelerin ülke ekonomisine olas etkileri deerlendirilir. Daha nce de ifade edildii üzere, bu tür deerlendirmeler ekonomik gstergelerden hareketle yaplr. Dolaysyla ekonomik analizde hangi ekonomik gstergelerin kullanlabilecei ve bu gstergelerin nasl deerlendirilecei konusu en nemli aamadr. Bu gstergeler ekonomik konjonktür hakknda bir fikir verecektir. Yazar Hakknda [Tarkan zhan, 1969-] RENM DURUMU: Trakya üniversitesi Blüm: Fen Fakultesi Kimyager MESLE: Borsac, Trader, Portfoy Ynetimi Aktif alma süresi; 25 yl
Ce ve?i g?si ?n aceast? carte? Ve?i g?si ?nt?mpl?ri ?i pove?ti care seam?n? izbitor cu cele pe care le vedem ?n corpora?ii. Ve?i reg?si lucruri familiare, lucruri care v? plac, dar ?i lucruri care ?i vor pune pe g?nduri pe corporati?ti. Ve?i reg?si pove?ti despre situa?ii zilnice, colegii de birou, colegii de la alte birouri. ?i, nu ?n ultimul r?nd, v? ve?i reg?si pe fiecare dintre voi. De ce s? cump?ra?i o carte care v? poveste?te ceva ce tr?i?i zilnic? Poate pentru c? modul ?n care se poveste?te o s? v? plac? ?i o s? v? captiveze, pentru faptul c? e ca ?i cum cineva v-ar fi citit g?ndurile, pentru faptul c? doar vre?i s? v? sim?i?i bine descoperind mediul corporatist. Este o carte dedicat?, ?n principal, corpora?iilor ?i oamenilor care lucreaz? ?n ele, adic? despre noi, corporati?tii. ?ntr-un ton optimist ?i, sper, amuzant.
The Picture of Dorian Gray
n noiembrie 2011 i n lunile ce au urmat, mpreun cu un grup entuziast de oameni, dintre care doi investitori i doi directori ai companiei holding am pus bazele unei noi companii de IT, numit F-Startup.Am considerat important s pstrez n acest jurnal amintirea vie a evenimentelor trite, pentru ca i alii s beneficieze de pe urma experienei noastre. Anumite ntmplri le-am inut ascunse, din motive profesionale, ns acum m simt ndatorat s le scot la lumin. Voi, cei care suntei nceptori, putei considera acest jurnal confesiunea mea i sper c, dup ce vei citi povestea, vei nelege mai bine ce a mers prost i de ce.n momentul n care compania a dat faliment, m-am considerat responsabil pentru eecul colectiv. Totui cred c eforturile noastre nu au fost n van, deoarece am ctigat cu toii o lecie valoroas de via i o prietenie frumoas.n final, pot spune doar att: v urez succes n ncercrile voastre viitoare!
Demersul este unul curajos. n ara cu cei mai muli experi i cea mai puin expertiz, ca s citez o coleg de-a mea, cineva are curajul s scrie. Minunat. i-a asumat curajul de a fi criticat. i asta pentru a fi de folos, n definitiv. i este. Cartea de fa este un bun ndrumar pentru cineva care se gndete s fie copywriter sau care a apucat-o deja pe acest drum i nu s-a umplut nc de sine. Pentru oricine consider c mai are de nvat.“ – Felix Ttaru, Global VP. International Advertising AssociationPrimul manual romnesc de copywriting. O lectur obligatorie pentru cei care vor s intre n publicitate.“ – Marius Cristea, IQadsD-mi banii ti este un ghid pe care vor trebui s-l poarte n buzunar, de acum ncolo, deopotriv cei care i doresc o carier n meseria de copywriter, ct i cei responsabili de comunicarea mrcilor.“ – Iulian Toma, AdPlayersGabriel Brnescu este un copywriter veteran, trecut prin multe i uns cu toate alifiile. Dar dincolo de tezaurul experienei, cartea dezvluie o nelegere profund att a psihologiei consumatorului, ct i a imperativelor de business ale advertiserului.“ – Conf. univ. dr. Dan Petre, SNSPA
A huszadik feleség
Ismer?seink, családtagjaink, kollégáink, a vállalati értékesít?k - egy szóval gyakorlatilag mindenki - egyfolytában hazudik nekünk. Egyikünknek sincs immunitása a ránk zúduló hazugságok ellen, úgyhogy mindannyian a csalás áldozatai vagyunk. A témát egymástól függetlenül vizsgáló kutatók jutottak ugyanarra az eredményre: az átlagembert minden áldott nap k?zel 200 alkalommal traktálják valami valótlansággal. Most végre létrej?tt valami, ami a védelmünkre lehet. A Verj át, ha tudsz! három kül?nb?z? elméletb?l és gyakorlatból - az arckifejezések helyes értelmezéséb?l, a kihallgatási technikák alkalmazásából és a hazugságvizsgáló kutatások átfogó ?sszehasonlításából - hoz létre új diszciplínát, kifejezetten azzal a céllal, hogy megtanítsa az üzleti élet szerepl?it arra, miként lehet a leghatékonyabban felderíteni a csalást, és ezáltal képessé tegye ?ket arra, hogy a rejtett háttér információk birtokában hozhassák meg fontos üzleti d?ntéseiket és vághassanak bele sorsd?nt? tranzakciók lebonyolításába. Ennek az új tudománynak a metódusait használja a gyakorlatban is az amerikai üzleti élet nem egy jól ismert alakja, elszántan arra, hogy végképp kiirtsa a nagy kockázattal járó üzleti tranzakciókból a hazugság elemeit. Hosszú évek teltek el, mire a Verj át, ha tudsz! végre k?zkinccsé tette az igazgatósági irodákban, a vezet?i értekezleteken, az állásinterjúkon, a jogi eljárásokban és az üzleti tárgyalásokon is a korábban csak a hírszerz?i k?r?kben, a rend?r akadémiákon és az egyetemi tanszékek eldugott kutatásaiban jelenlév?, szétszórtan fellelhet? tudást. Mi van a k?nyvben? Tanuljon olyan titkos kommunikációs technikákat, amelyek a k?zelmúltig csak egy maroknyi kutató, kihallgató tiszt és operatív hírszerz? el?tt voltak ismertek! A Verj át, ha tudsz! -ból megtudható, mi az ami ott van minden üzleti megbeszélésen, minden állásinterjú során, minden tárgyaláson az ?n orra el?tt, és amit mégsem vett eddig soha észre: - Az a tíz életveszélyes arckifejezés, amelyet jobb, ha megtanul felfedezni üzleti és társasági kapcsolataiban. - Az a tíz perd?nt? kérdés, amellyel bárkit rábírhat, hogy elmondja ?nnek az igazságot. Megtanulja, miképpen szúrja ki és fojtsa el csírájában egy viszonylag egyszer?, ?tlépcs?s módszer segítségével a szinte minden fontos üzleti tárgyaláson és interjúban el?bukkanó hazugságokat. Megtanul felismerni t?bb tucat olyan arckifejezést és testtartást, amelynek láttán jobb, ha harmadfokú készültségbe helyezi magát. Füle megtanulja, miképpen ismerheti fel azokat a szófordulatokat és frázisokat, amelyek beszédes jeleib?l megkül?nb?ztethet? a csalárd beszéd az igazmondástól. Végül megtudja azt is, miképpen vegye k?rül magát olyan megbízható tanácsadókkal, akik garantálhatják ?nnek a sikert.
Тринадцята казка (Trinadcjata kazka)
Одного дня життя дев’ятир?чного хлопчика повн?стю зм?нилося. Дитяча ц?кав?сть обернулася страшною пожежею, внасл?док яко? хлопчик отримав оп?ки майже усього т?ла. Пробувши у л?карн? п’ять м?сяц?в, в?н пережив ампутац?ю пальц?в та бол?сну реаб?л?тац?ю. Але якщо рубц? на т?л? можна прикрити одягом, то що робити ?з душевними шрамами? Чи можна п?сля цього мр?яти про повноц?нне щасливе життя? ?У полум’?? — це книга-спов?дь про незламн?сть, пошук себе ? велику роботу на шляху до усп?ху. Вона написана на основ? реальних под?й, як? зм?нили життя багатьох людей.
Afl? cum: De ce modul ?n care facem ceva decide rezultatul ac?iunii
„Lectur? obligatorie pentru oricine vrea s? aib? succes în afaceri sau în via?a personal?.“ – Jim Skinner, CEO McDonald’s 2004–2012
Rajtad a szemem
"Imádsz írni? Szeretnéd, ha olvasnák is? Még jobb lenne, ha megvennék, amit írsz?Gondolj csak bele, rajtad kívül még milliónyian akarnak írók lenni, s még t?bben blogszerz?k, cikkírók. ?riási a kínálat, mennyi az esély, hogy téged észrevesznek? ?s ha észrevesznek, mennyien fognak olvasni? S, ha olvasnak elegen, hogyan éred el, hogy vegyenek is t?led? S, ha még ezt el is éred, tudod, honnan veszed mindehhez az id?t? Ha elgondolkodtál ezeken, akkor máris tudod, milyen értékes, ha valaki helyetted már elgondolkodott ezeken a kérdéseken, megkereste a megoldásokat, és számodra id?t, fáradtságot spórolva a ?kezedbe adja”." Van egy bizonyos pszichológiai folyamat, amin az olvasó átmegy,amikor megismeri az írásaidat. Ha ennek ismeretében és figyelembevételével építed fel a kommunikációdat, az nagyon jól fog m?k?dni. Biztosan azt szeretnéd, ha egyre t?bb olvasód és/vagy vev?d lenne. Ha alkalmazod a k?nyvben bemutatott lépéseket, az olvasókat k?nnyen eléred, majd lépésr?l-lépésre végigviszed azon a folyamaton, amely érdekl?d?b?l visszatér? olvasót és lelkes vásárlót alakít. Ez a világ egyik legcsodálatosabb folyamata: Te egyre lelkesebben írsz és az olvasók egyre jobban várják, az új munkáidat. Mindezt úgy, hogy nem nyomulsz, hanem ellenkez?leg, olyan szimpatikusan csinálod, hogy ?r?m?t okoz újra és újra visszatérni, olvasni és megvásárolni a m?veidet.
Idegen gyerek
K?zérthet? ismeretterjeszt? kiadvány az általános adatvédelmi rendeletr?l (GDPR) kisvállalkozóknak és magánszemélyeknek.
Intro to GDPR: A Plain English Guide to Compliance
Intro to GDPR is written by experienced data protection professional Punit Bhatia. Bhatia has served as the Privacy and Protection Officer in an EU-based bank and lecturer at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. He is Certified Information Privacy Professional ? Europe (CIPP-E), Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM), and Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP). Bhatia will lead you through the complex journey to the GDPR compliance with the simple language and many practical examples. Whether you are a complete beginner or experienced data protection practitioner this book is the right resource for you. Intro to GDPR is a complete guide to compliance. Bhatia uses the simple language, understandable to everyone in order to lead you from the introduction all the way to getting your organization GDPR compliant. In this book you will learn: 1. Which organisations need to be compliant with the GDPR? 2. Key terms in the GDPR. You will get familiarized with key terms that form the basis of the GDPR. You will learn definitions of terms: “Personal data”, “Special categories of personal data”, “Processing” difference between terms “Controller” and “Processor” and others. 3. Myths about the GDPR like “the GDPR is only applicable in the EU”, “The GDPR is about fines” and others. 4. Transparency through the privacy notice. As written in the book, “transparency is one of the key principles in the EU GDPR” so it is important to understand what is transparency and privacy notice but also what are the key requirements and contents of a privacy notice. 5. Data breaches. “GDPR requirements on data breaches are different for controllers and for processors” – this chapter will make you aware of data breach requirements and key actions that are required once a breach is detected. 6. What is the first thing to do to become compliant and what are the key factors to remain compliant with the GDPR, and much more. Written in plain English, with many practical examples, Intro to GDPR is the only book you need on the subject of GDPR.