

The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Oscar Wilde
n noiembrie 2011 i n lunile ce au urmat, mpreun cu un grup entuziast de oameni, dintre care doi investitori i doi directori ai companiei holding am pus bazele unei noi companii de IT, numit F-Startup.Am considerat important s pstrez n acest jurnal amintirea vie a evenimentelor trite, pentru ca i alii s beneficieze de pe urma experienei noastre. Anumite ntmplri le-am inut ascunse, din motive profesionale, ns acum m simt ndatorat s le scot la lumin. Voi, cei care suntei nceptori, putei considera acest jurnal confesiunea mea i sper c, dup ce vei citi povestea, vei nelege mai bine ce a mers prost i de ce.n momentul n care compania a dat faliment, m-am considerat responsabil pentru eecul colectiv. Totui cred c eforturile noastre nu au fost n van, deoarece am ctigat cu toii o lecie valoroas de via i o prietenie frumoas.n final, pot spune doar att: v urez succes n ncercrile voastre viitoare!
Idegen gyerek
Idegen gyerek
Rachel Abbott
K?zérthet? ismeretterjeszt? kiadvány az általános adatvédelmi rendeletr?l (GDPR) kisvállalkozóknak és magánszemélyeknek.
Mlădin Emil
Demersul este unul curajos. n ara cu cei mai muli experi i cea mai puin expertiz, ca s citez o coleg de-a mea, cineva are curajul s scrie. Minunat. i-a asumat curajul de a fi criticat. i asta pentru a fi de folos, n definitiv. i este. Cartea de fa este un bun ndrumar pentru cineva care se gndete s fie copywriter sau care a apucat-o deja pe acest drum i nu s-a umplut nc de sine. Pentru oricine consider c mai are de nvat.“ – Felix Ttaru, Global VP. International Advertising AssociationPrimul manual romnesc de copywriting. O lectur obligatorie pentru cei care vor s intre n publicitate.“ – Marius Cristea, IQadsD-mi banii ti este un ghid pe care vor trebui s-l poarte n buzunar, de acum ncolo, deopotriv cei care i doresc o carier n meseria de copywriter, ct i cei responsabili de comunicarea mrcilor.“ – Iulian Toma, AdPlayersGabriel Brnescu este un copywriter veteran, trecut prin multe i uns cu toate alifiile. Dar dincolo de tezaurul experienei, cartea dezvluie o nelegere profund att a psihologiei consumatorului, ct i a imperativelor de business ale advertiserului.“ – Conf. univ. dr. Dan Petre, SNSPA
Rajtad a szemem
Rajtad a szemem
Teresa Driscoll
"Imádsz írni? Szeretnéd, ha olvasnák is? Még jobb lenne, ha megvennék, amit írsz?Gondolj csak bele, rajtad kívül még milliónyian akarnak írók lenni, s még t?bben blogszerz?k, cikkírók. ?riási a kínálat, mennyi az esély, hogy téged észrevesznek? ?s ha észrevesznek, mennyien fognak olvasni? S, ha olvasnak elegen, hogyan éred el, hogy vegyenek is t?led? S, ha még ezt el is éred, tudod, honnan veszed mindehhez az id?t? Ha elgondolkodtál ezeken, akkor máris tudod, milyen értékes, ha valaki helyetted már elgondolkodott ezeken a kérdéseken, megkereste a megoldásokat, és számodra id?t, fáradtságot spórolva a ?kezedbe adja”." Van egy bizonyos pszichológiai folyamat, amin az olvasó átmegy,amikor megismeri az írásaidat. Ha ennek ismeretében és figyelembevételével építed fel a kommunikációdat, az nagyon jól fog m?k?dni. Biztosan azt szeretnéd, ha egyre t?bb olvasód és/vagy vev?d lenne. Ha alkalmazod a k?nyvben bemutatott lépéseket, az olvasókat k?nnyen eléred, majd lépésr?l-lépésre végigviszed azon a folyamaton, amely érdekl?d?b?l visszatér? olvasót és lelkes vásárlót alakít. Ez a világ egyik legcsodálatosabb folyamata: Te egyre lelkesebben írsz és az olvasók egyre jobban várják, az új munkáidat. Mindezt úgy, hogy nem nyomulsz, hanem ellenkez?leg, olyan szimpatikusan csinálod, hogy ?r?m?t okoz újra és újra visszatérni, olvasni és megvásárolni a m?veidet.
A huszadik feleség
A huszadik feleség
Indu Sundaresan
Ismer?seink, családtagjaink, kollégáink, a vállalati értékesít?k - egy szóval gyakorlatilag mindenki - egyfolytában hazudik nekünk. Egyikünknek sincs immunitása a ránk zúduló hazugságok ellen, úgyhogy mindannyian a csalás áldozatai vagyunk. A témát egymástól függetlenül vizsgáló kutatók jutottak ugyanarra az eredményre: az átlagembert minden áldott nap k?zel 200 alkalommal traktálják valami valótlansággal. Most végre létrej?tt valami, ami a védelmünkre lehet. A Verj át, ha tudsz! három kül?nb?z? elméletb?l és gyakorlatból - az arckifejezések helyes értelmezéséb?l, a kihallgatási technikák alkalmazásából és a hazugságvizsgáló kutatások átfogó ?sszehasonlításából - hoz létre új diszciplínát, kifejezetten azzal a céllal, hogy megtanítsa az üzleti élet szerepl?it arra, miként lehet a leghatékonyabban felderíteni a csalást, és ezáltal képessé tegye ?ket arra, hogy a rejtett háttér információk birtokában hozhassák meg fontos üzleti d?ntéseiket és vághassanak bele sorsd?nt? tranzakciók lebonyolításába. Ennek az új tudománynak a metódusait használja a gyakorlatban is az amerikai üzleti élet nem egy jól ismert alakja, elszántan arra, hogy végképp kiirtsa a nagy kockázattal járó üzleti tranzakciókból a hazugság elemeit. Hosszú évek teltek el, mire a Verj át, ha tudsz! végre k?zkinccsé tette az igazgatósági irodákban, a vezet?i értekezleteken, az állásinterjúkon, a jogi eljárásokban és az üzleti tárgyalásokon is a korábban csak a hírszerz?i k?r?kben, a rend?r akadémiákon és az egyetemi tanszékek eldugott kutatásaiban jelenlév?, szétszórtan fellelhet? tudást. Mi van a k?nyvben? Tanuljon olyan titkos kommunikációs technikákat, amelyek a k?zelmúltig csak egy maroknyi kutató, kihallgató tiszt és operatív hírszerz? el?tt voltak ismertek! A Verj át, ha tudsz! -ból megtudható, mi az ami ott van minden üzleti megbeszélésen, minden állásinterjú során, minden tárgyaláson az ?n orra el?tt, és amit mégsem vett eddig soha észre: - Az a tíz életveszélyes arckifejezés, amelyet jobb, ha megtanul felfedezni üzleti és társasági kapcsolataiban. - Az a tíz perd?nt? kérdés, amellyel bárkit rábírhat, hogy elmondja ?nnek az igazságot. Megtanulja, miképpen szúrja ki és fojtsa el csírájában egy viszonylag egyszer?, ?tlépcs?s módszer segítségével a szinte minden fontos üzleti tárgyaláson és interjúban el?bukkanó hazugságokat. Megtanul felismerni t?bb tucat olyan arckifejezést és testtartást, amelynek láttán jobb, ha harmadfokú készültségbe helyezi magát. Füle megtanulja, miképpen ismerheti fel azokat a szófordulatokat és frázisokat, amelyek beszédes jeleib?l megkül?nb?ztethet? a csalárd beszéd az igazmondástól. Végül megtudja azt is, miképpen vegye k?rül magát olyan megbízható tanácsadókkal, akik garantálhatják ?nnek a sikert.
Вазочки, конфетницы, корзинки.
Вазочки, конфетницы, корзинки.
Kadnikova Olga
Капталзм свобода — класика полтико-економчно лтератури ХХ столття — як нколи актуальна для Украни. Нобелвський лауреат Млтон Фрдман розгляда зв’язок мж економчною та полтичною свободою. Вн опису, чому варто обмежити вплив держави в економку, децентралзувати владу, забезпечити гнучкий валютний курс, роздержавити сфери освти соцального забезпечення.
Тринадцята казка (Trinadcjata kazka)
Тринадцята казка (Trinadcjata kazka)
Dіana Setterfіld
Одного дня життя дев’ятир?чного хлопчика повн?стю зм?нилося. Дитяча ц?кав?сть обернулася страшною пожежею, внасл?док яко? хлопчик отримав оп?ки майже усього т?ла. Пробувши у л?карн? п’ять м?сяц?в, в?н пережив ампутац?ю пальц?в та бол?сну реаб?л?тац?ю. Але якщо рубц? на т?л? можна прикрити одягом, то що робити ?з душевними шрамами? Чи можна п?сля цього мр?яти про повноц?нне щасливе життя? ?У полум’?? — це книга-спов?дь про незламн?сть, пошук себе ? велику роботу на шляху до усп?ху. Вона написана на основ? реальних под?й, як? зм?нили життя багатьох людей.
Intro to GDPR: A Plain English Guide to Compliance
Intro to GDPR: A Plain English Guide to Compliance
Punit Bhatia
Intro to GDPR is written by experienced data protection professional Punit Bhatia. Bhatia has served as the Privacy and Protection Officer in an EU-based bank and lecturer at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. He is Certified Information Privacy Professional ? Europe (CIPP-E), Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM), and Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP). Bhatia will lead you through the complex journey to the GDPR compliance with the simple language and many practical examples. Whether you are a complete beginner or experienced data protection practitioner this book is the right resource for you. Intro to GDPR is a complete guide to compliance. Bhatia uses the simple language, understandable to everyone in order to lead you from the introduction all the way to getting your organization GDPR compliant. In this book you will learn: 1. Which organisations need to be compliant with the GDPR? 2. Key terms in the GDPR. You will get familiarized with key terms that form the basis of the GDPR. You will learn definitions of terms: “Personal data”, “Special categories of personal data”, “Processing” difference between terms “Controller” and “Processor” and others. 3. Myths about the GDPR like “the GDPR is only applicable in the EU”, “The GDPR is about fines” and others. 4. Transparency through the privacy notice. As written in the book, “transparency is one of the key principles in the EU GDPR” so it is important to understand what is transparency and privacy notice but also what are the key requirements and contents of a privacy notice. 5. Data breaches. “GDPR requirements on data breaches are different for controllers and for processors” – this chapter will make you aware of data breach requirements and key actions that are required once a breach is detected. 6. What is the first thing to do to become compliant and what are the key factors to remain compliant with the GDPR, and much more. Written in plain English, with many practical examples, Intro to GDPR is the only book you need on the subject of GDPR.
Get Paid For Your Pad: How to Maximize Profit From Your Airbnb Listing
Get Paid For Your Pad: How to Maximize Profit From Your Airbnb Listing
Jasper Ribbers, Huzefa Kapadia
How To Make Money On Airbnb If you have a home and an Internet connection, you may very well be sitting on a goldmine. You could be making hundreds of dollars a night. Even just renting out a spare room could bring in well over $1000 a month! Renting in the vacation rentals market, when done correctly, crushes the return from long-term tenants. Like hundreds of thousands of people, you can boost your rental profits by 2 to 3 times?with the most well-known vacation rentals marketplace in the world: Airbnb. If you have a home or spare room that is empty (when you travel or on vacation for example) you are missing out on significant rental income! The Most Comprehensive Airbnb Book Available:This step-by-step guide to renting your home on the Airbnb platform teaches you in detail how to take advantage of this opportunity:? How Jasper went from making $24,000 per year to $60,000 from his apartment in Amsterdam ? How to prepare your home like a 5-star bed & breakfast in a cost-effective manner ? How to set up a dazzling and polished Airbnb?listing from start to finish ? How to communicate with guests in a professional and responsive way ? How to scientifically calculate an optimal price point for profit maximization ? How to catapult your search rank within the Airbnb platform **This book comes with a FREE audio book** Get Paid For Your Pad is the definitive book for Airbnb hosts?and real estate investing, which includes:? little known tips & tricks to optimize your listing? examples from real, profitable Airbnb listings? stories and strategies from successful Airbnb hosts? "Do This Now" action items to get your listing ready for primetime? easy-to-implement tactics and turn-key templates...... that can be employed to launch and optimize your Airbnb business right away!
Content Marketing for PR
Content Marketing for PR
Trevor Young
Are you struggling to cut through the noise and convey your message to the marketplace? Become your own media channel and tell your stories like a PR pro! We live in a fast-paced, digital-first world cluttered with brands and individuals telling the world how great they are. It’s no wonder consumers are so cynical and distrustful. They resent being interrupted with meaningless ads, pitches and promotional messages. They simply don’t care about you or your business—because you haven’t given them a reason to. Meanwhile, marketers and PR pros are beginning to accept that many of the methods they’ve been using to reach potential customers and influencers simply don’t work anymore. Bottom line: Standing out, getting noticed and resonating in the marketplace is a growing challenge for businesses and organizations, large and small. Trust and reputation have never been more important in business. Learn how to harness the power of both public relations and content marketing to build recognition, influence and credibility for your business, organization or personal brand. In this book, veteran public relations practitioner and marketing speaker Trevor Young—aka “The PR Warrior”—shows you how to strategically use content marketing for PR to: ? ? - Humanize your company or organization ? ? - Deepen the connection your brand has with consumers ? ? - Grow your influence within the industry you operate? ? ? - Build familiarity and trust in the marketplace ? ? - Connect with the people who influence your clients and customers ? ? - Increase new business leads and sales ? ? - Reduce the customer’s buying cycle ? ? - Make paid-for advertising work harder Written for entrepreneurs, change agents, business leaders, marketers and PR practitioners, Content Marketing for PR is your essential guide to building a visible brand that’s recognized, respected and relevant in today’s noisy social world.
A Princess Runs Away
A Princess Runs Away
Barbara Cartland
The beautiful Princess Vasila, an orphan, who has been looked after by Baroness von Bergstein in a Grace and Favour house, is astonished when an Equerry arrives to take her to Windsor Castle to see the Queen. ??????????? She is not told until she arrives that Prince Gadelov of Saralovia, which is a small Balkan State, has appealed to Queen Victoria to give him a Royal British wife so that he can be protected from the grasping Russians. ??????????? When the Queen tells Vasila that she is to marry Prince Gadelov immediately, she is horrified and very frightened. ??????????? Without really thinking she runs away down a passage and out through a side door of The Castle. She then jumps into a parked van and its driver agrees to take her wherever she wants to go. ??????????? As they are leaving Windsor Castle, the van is stopped by Prince Gadelov arriving in an open carriage.? When she sees the man who is to marry her, she knows that she would rather die than allow him to touch her. ??????????? The van driver puts her down at a nearby circus, as she loves circuses, and here she goes to look at the Helter-skelter, which she has never seen before. ??????????? As she wants one thing to remember in case she is taken back and married before she can prevent it, she asks a stranger who is standing by her to take her on the Helter-skelter. ??????????? The man is Kelvin Ridge, who has just arrived from India.?? He is in disguise because, having discovered a dastardly Russian plot to murder the Viceroy, his life is in danger. ??????????? How the two of them, who are both running away from danger, ride on the Helter-skelter and how Kelvin Ridge finds it difficult, as Vasila clings desperately to him, to be rid of her as she has nowhere to go. ??????????? How she saves his life and he inevitably falls in love with her is all told in this exciting romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.
Hookah Nights: Tales from Cairo
Hookah Nights: Tales from Cairo
Anne-Marie Drosso
Anne-Marie Drosso's collection of fourteen short stories guides us through the turbulence of Egyptian modern history - from Gamal Abdel Nasser's early days of glory, to Abdel Fatah el-Sisi's recent assumption of power. Each story weaves a tapestry of hope, crisis and despair, illustrated through an array of characters trying to make sense of their lives in the face of social change and political turmoil. Drosso fictionalises potent segments of time from the mid-20th century onwards, revisiting illuminative figures from and affiliated with the 'Cradle of Civilisation'. The collection kicks off with 'Good Man', a story based on the life and death of writer and diplomat Herbert Norman (1909-1957), who was the Canadian Ambassador to Egypt (1955-1957) during the Suez Crisis. 'Lee is Coming' is loosely based on Lee Miller (1907-1977), the model, muse and photographer, following her divorce from an Egyptian businessman. These personal, often touching tales provide a seamless narrative to Egypt's tumultuous transitional phase.
The Further Adventures of Mr Wallace
The Further Adventures of Mr Wallace
Sue Whitaker
It was obvious at once that Mr. Wallace was no ordinary teddy bear. There was mystery behind his eyes. Mr. Wallace was first introduced in the short story 'The Life and Times of Mr. Wallace' from the short story book 'Serrated Skylines and Other Tales'. That first peep into his life was just not enough. Join him as the secrets in his extraordinary life are unlocked and gasp as the adventures continue and the further perils he has yet to face unfold. ?
The Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Edgar Rice Burroughs
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Burroughs includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Burroughs’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
She by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
She by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
H. Rider Haggard
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘She by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of H. Rider Haggard’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Haggard includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘She by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Haggard’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Mom Boss:Balancing Entrepreneurship, Kids & Success
Mom Boss:Balancing Entrepreneurship, Kids & Success
Nicole Feliciano
Mom Boss — Super Mom, Great Business Woman Entrepreneurial Mom: Learn how to be a super mom and a great business woman in a step-by-step guide to developing, incubating, and marketing your business without taking the joy out of family life with kids—being an active parent while being an active business entrepreneur. Badass Business Woman: Where Sophia Amoruso’s #GirlBoss left off for young millennials breaking into the business world, Mom Boss picks up and continues the mission for all the entrepreneurial moms out there. Mom Boss proves that being successful isn’t about degrees or sacrifices, it’s about balance and power. It’s where instinct meets intelligence. Every mom has it in her to be a badass business woman. Nicole Feliciano charts the course for building a successful career without sacrificing being a great mom. Mom Boss: The first book by Nicole Feliciano the Founder & CEO of Momtrends Media. Momtrends Media provides busy women with a daily dose of style. Each day Nicole and her team of editors, interpret trends for moms, keeping in mind that modern women want to look and feel great, but they are working with less time and less energy than they had before the kids came along. Nicole and her team are there to help and inspire women to look and feel their best. Social media is her playground, and she's built a loyal following by making fashion fun and accessible. Successful Business Woman: Before launching Momtrends Media, Nicole graduated from Vanderbilt University with a degree in English Literature, and spent a decade working in fashion -- most notably as an executive with Polo Ralph Lauren. When she became a mom in 2005, the business woman and fashion maven embarked on her social media career and began contributing to Babble.com, Time Out New York Kids, and many more online publications. Seeing a void in the blogosphere, she launched Momtrends.com in 2007. Momtrends continues to be the cornerstone of her media empire. Mom Boss includes: ·tips on how to develop, incubate, and market your business without taking the joy out of family life ·valuable self assessment exercises ·step by step advise, inspiration, and tried and true business and personal tips ·insights into how to be a successful and happy business woman and mom
Cryptocurrency 101
Cryptocurrency 101
Patt Tomas
In 2010 the cryptocurrency known as bitcoin worth only ten cents, if you would have invested 1000 dollars into bitcoin in 2010, you would today be a multi-millionaire. Currency has ability to change the world and people believe we're at the very beginning of a revolution in the way the world operates because of the creation of the block chain which is the backbone of cryptocurrency. Can you imagine buying into a cryptocurrency that within a few months as value rises more than 2000%, sent this is a huge deal for investors because as time goes on and more and more people discover the power of cryptocurrency and the system it uses for security and all the other applications it has that can change the world, the value of cryptocurrency is going to skyrocket. In this course I will walk you through: - ? what cryptocurrency is. ? The Noteworthy digital currencies that currently exist. ? Why this has the potential to change the world. ? How to convert real money into cryptocurrency using the top most trusted platform online. ? How to transfer and trade various cryptocurrencies ? How to sell once you're ready... and more. ? Finally, will explore the two main strategies used when investing in concurrency. There is a lot to learn and a lot of potential to make money. Thanks for checking this course and I hope you will learn a lot.
Trade Size Management
Trade Size Management
Jimmy Putnik
Your trading strategy is Great; But your money management is Failing you. We all know that 95% of traders lose money. The truth is that this has nothing to do with their strategy, Its all about money and trade size management. An avarage profitable trader has a win rate of only 50-55% . They have Mastered the skill of money management and so should you. In this course you will learn: - The difference between Profitable traders and Losers; The simple secret you should know Trading is a 50/50 chance game; How to make that work in your favor. Allign your trading to your goals; to eliminate guess work and panic trading. And of course, in all this we will handle the math of trade sizing and management. This is the Bridge to your future profitability.... get your copy now!
Institutional Foundations of Impersonal Exchange
Institutional Foundations of Impersonal Exchange
Arrunada, Benito
Governments and development agencies spend considerable resources building property and company registries to protect property rights. When these efforts succeed, owners feel secure enough to invest in their property and banks are able use it as collateral for credit. Similarly, firms prosper when entrepreneurs can transform their firms into legal entities and thus contract more safely. Unfortunately, developing registries is harder than it may seem to observers, especially in developed countries, where registries are often taken for granted. As a result, policies in this area usually disappoint. ?Benito Arruada aims to avoid such failures by deepening our understanding of both the value of registries and the organizational requirements for constructing them. Presenting a theory of how registries strengthen property rights and reduce transaction costs, he analyzes the major trade-offs and proposes principles for successfully building registries in countries at different stages of development. Arruada focuses on land and company registries, explaining the difficulties they face, including current challenges like the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States and the dubious efforts made in developing countries toward universal land titling. Broadening the account, he extends his analytical framework to other registries, including intellectual property and organized exchanges of financial derivatives. With its nuanced presentation of the theoretical and practical implications, Institutional Foundations of Impersonal Exchange significantly expands our understanding of how public registries facilitate economic growth.
Stop Whining--and Start Winning
Stop Whining--and Start Winning
Pacetta, Frank
Filled with the kind of contagious energy and upbeat attitude that has made Frank Pacetta one of America's most popular motivational speakers, this unique book is for anyone who wants a difference in the workplace. Whatever the occupation, organization, or industry, here are tried and tested solutions, techniques, rules and tactics that get the job done right. Whether you're a manager fed up with your worker's ho-hum attitude or an individual who can't seem to live up to your potential no matter how hard you try, this book will give you ideas that can put into immediate action -- a no-fail formula for ending the whining and instilling in yourself and your employees a winning spirit.
Best Practices: Hiring People
Best Practices: Hiring People
Shwiff, Kathy
Filling your ranks with exceptional employees has never been more important or more challenging. Hiring People, a comprehensive and essential resource for any manager on the run, shows you how.Learn to: Attract, find, and retain top performers Conduct an effective talent search Get the most out of interviews Craft an irresistible offer Use recruiters effectively Build a referral network you can depend on The Collins Best Practices guides offer new and seasoned managers the essential information they need to achieve more, both personally and professionally. Designed to provide tried-and-true advice from the world's most influential business minds, they feature practical strategies and tips to help you get ahead.
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