

Taming Your Public Speaking Monkeys
Taming Your Public Speaking Monkeys
Dee Clayton
A Godsend for anyone who’s ever suffered that dread of speaking in public!’ If, like almost everyone, you’re petrified of public speaking, the last thing you want is a lecture! And there lies the brilliance of this unique book’s genuinely innovative approach to the issue: Dee Clayton makes the process of overcoming those negative voices in your head (Your ‘Public Speaking Monkeys!’) and becoming an effective speaker lighthearted and fun! A Godsend for anyone who’s ever suffered that dread, Dee’s refreshingly simple yet amazingly effective multiawardwinning approach has already helped thousands to overcome their fears and become effective and confident public speakers. Significantly, the author’s keenly aware that for most of us, effective public speaking isn’t necessarily an end in itself but a means to other ends for example Dee has already helped company directors to persuade more successfully, doctors to win more funding, mediators to influence international decisions and all kinds of business people to fulfil their potential. What’s more, this is a genuinely practical guide! Unlike most ‘self help’ books on the topic (or any other), this one doesn’t just tell you what to do; in her chatty, good-humored style, Dee explains exactly how, sharing her own experiences and coaxing the reader through a programme that doesn’t just work it even makes public speaking enjoyable! Taming Your Public Speaking Monkeysworks so well because its easy, enjoyable style is underpinned by Dee’s solid, real-life experience of speaking publicly to tens of thousands of people first in her highly successful twenty-year marketing career (communicating for UK household brands such as Jacob’s Creek, Pizza Hut and Jammie Dodgers to name but a few) and now as a public speaking training specialist. Equally vitally, the book draws heavily upon the NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) techniques and insights in which Dee is a highly experienced Trainer and Master Practitioner. Taming your Public Speaking Monkeysis a rare find: a self-help book that really helps and best of all the results come to you quickly and stick with you for life!
A New Model of Economy
A New Model of Economy
Brian Hodgkinson
This book offers a radical revision of modern economic theory. Its starting point is the existing body of both micro and macro economics, as developed in such textbooks as Economics by Begg, Fischer and Dornbusch and Positive Economics by Lipsey and Chrystal. Following a similar framework to these books, it adjusts the whole range of theory by introducing some new concepts and other earlier ones that have been much neglected in the economic thought of the past century. These are related especially to the fundamental part played by land, in it proper sense of all natural resources available on the earth, the significance of credit, especially through the banking system, and the crucial impact of the method of taxation. The resulting analysis yields a thoroughly revised version of the contemporary model of a capitalist economy, so that a genuine ‘third way’ is revealed. This is not a mere modification of the present system of absentee ownership confronting a market for labour, with all the attendant evils of unemployment, monopoly and maldistribution of wealth and income. Rather it is a system based upon natural law, exhibiting economic security for all, fair distribution of output and, above all, the opportunity for self-fulfillment through work. The ‘new model’ draws upon the masters of economic thought from Smith and Ricardo to Marshall, Schumpeter and Keynes, by highlighting concepts often omitted from current studies of their works; such as Ricardo’s analysis of scarcity and differential elements of rent, Schumpeter’s view of the role of banking and Keynes’s hints at a labour theory of value. Indeed this far-reaching revision makes bold advances upon the Marshallian theory of the firm and the Keynesian theory of national income determination, thus providing new insights into both micro and macro theory. It remains faithful, however to the tradition of these latter thinkers in explaining matters fully in words, and resorting to mathematics mainly through the use of diagrams intelligible to anyone with an elementary grasp of the subject. Whilst the book strives to avoid value judgements in the interests of social science, it undoubtedly carries strong implications about economic policy. These are bound up with the central notions of free land and free credit, which have been singularly ignored by policy-makers since a few valiant attempts to introduce them in the early twentieth century. Hence the ‘new model’ is offered to both theorists and practitioners of economics, to politicians and public servants, but particularly to those who, like the author, truly seek a new vision of the subject.
On Speaking Well
On Speaking Well
Noonan, Peggy
For anyone who fears the thought of writing and giving a speech--be it to business associates, or at a wedding--help is at hand. Acclaimed presidential speechwriter Peggy Noonan shares her secrets to becoming a confidence, persuasive speaker demystifying topics including: Finding you own authentic voice Developing a text that interest you Acing the all-important first paragraph Using logic to move your audience Creating, developing, and reinventing the "core speech" for diverse audiences Strengthening your speech with a vital element: humor Winnowing your thought down to the essentials Handling professional jargon, clich s, and the sound bite syndrome Presenting your speech in the best way Collecting intellectual income--conversing your speech treasures Breaking all the rules and still succeeding Reading for inspiration--how to use the excellence of others Complete with lessons, tips and memorable examples, On Speaking Well shows us how to create forceful, persuasive, relevant speeches that will resonate with our audiences. Engaging, informative, and always entertaining, this is undoubtedly the authoritative how-to guide for anyone writing or giving a speech
Boom Bust
Boom Bust
Fred Harrison
In the two and a half years since the first edition appeared (April 2005), events have unfolded as predicted. Then the consensus among forecasters was that the boom in house prices would cool to an annual 2 or 3% rise over the following years. In fact, in keeping with the ‘winner’s curse’ phase of the cycle described by the author, prices rose by more than 10% per annum in Britain. Harrison’s first book, The Power in the Land, predicted the early 1990s recession. Boom Bust, warned that investing in property is not always a safe bet, because the housing market is subject to a sharp downturn at the end of a remarkably regular 18-year cycle. The crash of 2007/8 occurred exactly as predicted. His forecast was based on a careful study of the evidence from property markets in many countries over the last 200 years. Gordon Brown’s claim, last made in his 2007 Budget speech, that ‘we will never return to the old boom and bust’ has been proved false. The reason for the instability, Harrison explains, is not the housing market itself but the land market on which all buildings stand. Land is in fixed supply ‘ as Mark Twain noted: ‘They’re not making any more of it’. Therefore, as the demand for land for new homes and offices rises with population growth and economic expansion, market forces, which normally increase supply to reduce prices, have the reverse effect: prices rise. This encourages speculation, with banks lending more against escalating asset values and reinforcing the upward spiral. Under existing government policies, the only way land prices can be brought back to affordable levels is a slump, undermining the banking system and causing widespread unemployment and repossessions. This is exactly what happened in America with the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market. The run on Northern Rock showed the UK economy is not immune. The author reveals that the government’s monetary policy only has a marginal impact on land speculation, but as the Bank of England raises interest rates to curb house price inflation, the main victim is the first-time buyer and the productive economy, especially small businesses. The only way to neutralise the boom bust cycle in the housing market is through a reform of taxation, he claims. ‘This book is an important contribution to an overdue debate.’ Martin Ricketts, Chairman of the Academic Advisory Council of the Institute of Economic Affairs and Professor of Economic Organisation, University of Buckingham. Endorsing the thrust of Harrison’s argument, Prof. Ricketts goes on to acknowledge ‘that insufficient attention has been given by policymakers to the rent of land as socially the most efficient source of public revenue’, and that that will ‘have important practical consequences … for the stability of the economic system’. Economic stability is the objective of Gordon Brown and most governments around the world. Harrison explains how this may be achieved.
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding
Ries, Al
This marketing classic has been expanded to include new commentary, new illustrations, and a bonus book: The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding Smart and accessible, The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding is the definitive text on branding, pairing anecdotes about some of the best brands in the world, like Rolex, Volvo, and Heineken, with the signature savvy of marketing gurus Al and Laura Ries. Combining The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding and The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding, this book proclaims that the only way to stand out in today's marketplace is to build your product or service into a brand and provides the step-by-step instructions you need to do so. The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding also tackles one of the most challenging marketing problems today: branding on the Web. The Rieses divulge the controversial and counterintuitive strategies and secrets that both small and large companies have used to establish internet brands. The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding is the essential primer on building a category-dominating, world-class brand.
The HP Way
The HP Way
Packard, David
In the fall of 1930, David Packard left his hometown of Pueblo, Colorado, to enroll at Stanford University, where he befriended another freshman, Bill Hewlett. After graduation, Hewlett and Packard decided to throw their lots in together. They tossed a coin to decide whose name should go first on the notice of incorporation, then cast about in search of products to sell. Today, the one-car garage in Palo Alto that housed their first workshop is a California historic landmark: the birthplace of Silicon Valley. And Hewlett-Packard has produced thousands of innovative products for millions of customers throughout the world. Their little company employs 98,400 people and boasts constantly increasing sales that reached $25 billion in 1994. While there are many successful companies, there is only one Hewlett-Packard, because from the very beginning, Hewlett and Packard had a way of doing things that was contrary to the prevailing management strategies. In defining the objectives for their company, Packard and Hewlett wanted more than profits, revenue growth and a constant stream of new, happy customers. Hewlett-Packard success owes a great deal to many factors, including openness to change, an unrelenting will to win, the virtue of sustained hard work and a company-wide commitment to community involvement. As a result, HP now is universally acclaimed as the world most admired technology company; its wildly successful approach to business has been immortalized as The HP Way . In this book, David Packard tells the simple yet extraordinary story of his life work and of the truly exceptional company that he and Bill Hewlett started in a garage 55 years ago.
Finansal Krizler ve Etkileri: [A??klamal? ve Diyagramlarla]
Finansal Krizler ve Etkileri: [A??klamal? ve Diyagramlarla]
Tarkan Özhan
NSZ / GR Amerikallarn "büyük depresyon" adn verdikleri 1929 ekonomik bunalm, New-York borsasnn "Kara Sal" olarak adlandrlan 24 Ekim 1929 günü kmesiyle balar ve F. D. Roosevelt'in "New-Deal" politikalarnn uygulamaya balad Mart 1933'e kadar sürdüü kabul edilir. 1928 balarnda Dow Jones sanayi endeksi ortalamas 191 iken, 9 Eylül 1929'da endeks 382'ye yükselmitir. Bylece sanayi hisse senetleri bir yl iinde %100 deer kazanmtr. 28 Ekimde hisse senetleri %12,8 ve 29 Ekimde %11,7 deer kaybetmilerdir. Endeks deeri 294,3'e dümütür. Burjuva ekonomistleri bu durumu "crash" (ykm, iflas) olarak tanmlarlar. Ancak Amerikan borsasndaki düü devam etmi ve 7 Austos 1932'de endeks 41'e dümütür. Bylece 1929 "Kara Eylül"le balayan kü, iki yl iinde borsann %90 deer yitirmesine yol amtr. Byle bakldnda ve sunulduunda, 1929 ekonomik bunalm, ABD'de New-York borsasnn küüyle ortaya kan bir süre olarak grülmektedir. Bu bir kez kabul edilince, kanlmaz olarak 1929 ekonomik bunalm bir "borsa küü"nün yaratt bir bunalm olarak tanmlanabilir. Borsa da, hisse senetleri, tahviller, bonolar vs. "deerlikatlarn" ilem grdüü "piyasa" olduuna gre, ekonomik bunalm da, bu "katlarn" deerlerinde meydana gelen ani ve büyük düülerin yaratt "kaos" ortam haline gelmektedir. Gerekte ise borsada meydana gelen kü, bir neden deil, sonutur. Bu sonucu oluturan ise, ABD ekonomisinin 1924-1929 dnemindeki yaps ve biriktirdii olumsuzluklar dizisidir. Bir baka ifadeyle, 1929 ekonomik bunalm, New-York borsasnn ani küüyle grünür hale gelen klasik kapitalist ekonominin bunalmdr. Kapitalizmin irsi hastal olan ekonomik bunalmlar, sermayenin ve metalarn ar-üretimi bunalmdr. Kapitalizmin azami kr yasas, kr orannn yüksek olduu alanlara ynelik bir sermaye akna yol aar. Bu sermaye ak, akt alanda sermayenin ve meta üretiminin artmasna yol aar. Artan üretime uygun bir talep mevcut olmad koullarda, metalarn bir blümü satlmadan kalr. Bylece yatrlm olan para-sermaye, meta-sermaye olarak depolarda beklerken, para-sermayenin devri tamamlanamaz. Bu durumda, üretimin devam kredi sisteminin devreye girmesiyle mümkündür. Sürecin uzamasna paralel olarak kredi hacmi sürekli artar ve alnan krediler (kredi-para) satlmayan metalarda maddelemi olarak kalr. Yazar Hakknda[Tarkan zhan, 1969-] RENM DURUMU: Trakya üniversitesi Blüm: Fen Fakultesi Kimyager MESLE: Borsac, Trader, Portfoy Ynetimi Aktif alma süresi; 25 yl
D?? Ticarette Alternatif Para Kazanma Yollar?
D?? Ticarette Alternatif Para Kazanma Yollar?
Hakan Akın
D?? ticaret ?ok basit anlat?m? ile bir ülkede üretilen mal?n o malla ihtiya? duyulan bir ba?ka ülkeye sat?lmas?d?r. Mal?n bir ülkeden sat?lmak suretiyle bir ba?ka ülkeye g?nderilmesi süreci gerek ilgili ülke mevzuatlar? gerekse uluslararas? ticaret uygulamalar? nedeniyle bazen son derece karma??k bir hal alabilir. Hele bu sürece dahil olan al?c? ve sat?c?lar süre? hakk?nda yeterli bilgi ve beceriye sahip de?ilse o d?? ticaret i?lemi ne yaz?k ki hukuki baz? müdehaleler gerektirebilir. Baz? üretici ve mü?teriler d?? ticaret konusunda yeterli bilgi ve beceriye sahip olmamalar?na ra?men ?o?u zaman gerek zorunluluktan gerekse d?? ticaretin sa?layaca?? faydalar? bilerek ihracat ve ithalat yapmak isterler. B?yle durumlarda esas i?i al?m sat?m olmayan ancak üretici ve mü?terilerin bir d?? ticaret i?ini ger?ekle?tirebilmelerini sa?layan ki?i ve yap?lar devreye girer. ??te kitab?n konusu bu; d?? ticarette üretici ve son kullan?c?lar d???nda para kazanan bu di?er ki?i ve yap?lar?n tan?t?lmas?, i? planlar?n?n anlat?lmas?, risk ve kazan? oranlar?n?n incelenmesi, tavsiyeler, uyar?lar. Elinizde tuttu?unuz kitab?n dünyada bir e?i yok. Ge?mi?te olmad?. Belki gelecekte de olmayacak. Peki ben neden b?yle bir kitap yazd?m ve kitap neden 8 bask? yapt? ? E?itimlerimden mezun olan giri?imcilerin s?k s?k "hocam e?itimi ald?k, ?ok iyiydi ancak bu bilgileri biz ?imdi nerede ve nas?l kullanaca??z?" diye sorular geliyordu. Yani giri?imcilere olta ve yemi veriyordum ama yemi i?neye nas?l takacaklar?n?, nerede avlanacaklar?n? ve oltay? suya nas?l atacaklar?n? ??retmiyordum. ??te bu kitap bu eksikli?i gidermek i?in yaz?ld?; d?? ticaret bilgisinin sahada nas?l kullan?laca??n? ve nas?l para kazan?laca??n? anlatmak i?in. Umar?m size de faydal? olur...
Borsa ve Piyasalar Anatomisi
Borsa ve Piyasalar Anatomisi
Tarkan Özhan
Sermaye piyasalar? do?an?n i?leyi?i gibi davran??lar sergiler.. Do?a gibi dinamik haldedir... sürekli evrilir ve geli?irler Bilgi üreterek ve üretilen bilgiyi kullanarak ilerlerler..Bilgi sadece ki?ilerle piyasalar?n etkile?iminden ortaya ??kar. Bu nedenle teorik de?il, pratiktir. Bilgiyi anlama gayreti belli bir bilin? yarat?r ve ki?ilerin dü?ünerek hareket etmesi neticesinde piyasalar kendi do?al d?ngüsünü olu?turur. ?nsanlar?n olu?turdu?u yap?n?n kendisi de zamanla dü?ünen bir organizmaya d?nü?ür... Ki?i kendini korumaya ve geli?tirmeye y?nelik oldu?u i?in piyasalar da kendilerini koruyucu ve geli?tirici sistemlerini olu?tururlar. Ekonomik sistem binlerce farkl? piyasaya sahiptir ve bu say? giderek artmaktad?r. Artan finansal enstrümanlar ve hisse senedi borsalar?, menkul k?ymetlerin ?e?itlili?i, ülke ekonomilerindeki büyümenin finansal piyasalara giderek daha fazla ba??ml? hale gelmesine neden olmu?tur. Yat?r?mc?lar?n piyasa enstrümanlar?na ba??ml?l??? finansal sistemi olduk?a ?nemli hale getirir... Sermaye piyasalar? yat?r?mc?lar?n problemleri ??zebilecek bilgiyi olu?turmakta ba?ar?l?d?r.. ??te bu problemi ??zme ?eklidir. Piyasalar?n karakteri, asla bir kurtar?c? kahraman?n gelmesini beklemek de?ildir Bu nedenle problemleri ??zmek i?in farkl? bir y?ntemi vard?r. Rassal yürüyü? fiyat hareketlerinin rastlant?sal ve ?nceden tahmin edilemez oldu?unu s?yler. Fiyat hareketlerinin seyrini de?i?tirecek ani yükseli? ve dü?ü?lerde mevcut pozisyonda kal?nmas?n? savunur. Bu davran?? kimi yat?r?mc?lara mant?kl? gelebilir. Fakat profesyoneller i?in rastlant?sall?k ?ok ?nem arz etmez. Fiyatlar?n zaman zaman rastlant?sal oldu?u kabul edilse de her zaman rastlant?sal oldu?una inanmak amat?rlük olacakt?r Gelece?in ?ng?rülmez olu?u temel varsay?md?r.. Akl?n s?n?rl? dü?ünce gücü gelece?in ?ng?rülebilir olmad???n? fiyatlar?n olu?umu i?in de ?o?u zaman kullan?r. Teorik olarak herkese mant?kl? gelecek bu dü?ünce acaba profesyonel bak?? a??s?yla de?erlendirildi?inde temelinde bir hata i?eriyor olamaz m?: Fiyatlar?n ne y?nde ger?ekle?ece?ini bilememek. Piyasalar yat?r?mc?lar olmad??? sürece varl???n? sürdüremez.. Yat?r?mc?lar piyasalar?n karma??k yap?s?n? ak?l ve duygular?n? sentezleyerek ??zümlemeye ?al??anlard?r. S?radan bir insan ya da piyasa profesyoneli. Ekonomi k?tü giderken finansal piyasalarda i?lem yapmaya neden devam ederler.? Kimsenin g?remedi?i bir ?eyi mi g?rmektedirler? [Tarkan ?zhan, 1969-] ??REN?M DURUMU: Trakya üniversitesi B?lüm: Fen Fakultesi Kimyager MESLE??: Borsac?, Trader, Portfoy Y?netimi Aktif ?al??ma süresi; 25 y?l
The Surprising Adventures of Puss in Boots
The Surprising Adventures of Puss in Boots
Josh Verbae
A beautifully illustrated story of a crafty, boots wearing cat named Puss, and how he made a fortune for his young, not very rich master, and made friends with a great Monarch, Marquis Carabas.
Tarzan the Terrible by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Tarzan the Terrible by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Edgar Rice Burroughs
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Tarzan the Terrible by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Burroughs includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Tarzan the Terrible by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Burroughs’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
At the Earth’s Core by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
At the Earth’s Core by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Edgar Rice Burroughs
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘At the Earth’s Core by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Burroughs includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘At the Earth’s Core by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Burroughs’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
The Scots Never Forget
The Scots Never Forget
Barbara Cartland
When her sister, Denise, seven years her senior, and her husband Alistair drowned in a storm at sea, the beautiful nineteen-year-old Pepita Linford is left alone to cope with the care of their young children, Rory and Jeanie, as well as Alistair’s huge amount of debts. Exiled from his Scottish Clan for ever by his father, the Duke of Strathnairn, because he dared to marry an Englishwoman against his wishes they then settled in Hertfordshire. Alistair had been deprived of his allowance from his father and had lived on a fast-dwindling legacy from his mother. Virtually destitute Pepita has no choice but to travel to Scotland to throw herself and the children on the mercy of the Duke of Strathnairn. But sadly His Grace, consumed with hatred for the English, is not in the slightest pleased to see them, but grudgingly agrees that they can stay at his imposing Castle for a short while. Pepita is at once aware of the hostility and dislike of the Duchess of Strathnairn, who does everything she can to make life unpleasant for her and Rory and Jeanie. Save for the children Pepita finds herself on her own in a hostile country until she finds warmth, kindness and sympathy in the handsome and charming Torquil McNairn, Alistair’s cousin. Soon that warmth becomes an all-encompassing and consuming love for both Pepita and Torquil. But surely it is a passion doomed. Pepita is determined that she must never inflict Alistair’s fate on Torquil – to be an outcast for no other reason than that he loved a ‘Sassenach’ from England!
A Princess Runs Away
A Princess Runs Away
Barbara Cartland
The beautiful Princess Vasila, an orphan, who has been looked after by Baroness von Bergstein in a Grace and Favour house, is astonished when an Equerry arrives to take her to Windsor Castle to see the Queen. ??????????? She is not told until she arrives that Prince Gadelov of Saralovia, which is a small Balkan State, has appealed to Queen Victoria to give him a Royal British wife so that he can be protected from the grasping Russians. ??????????? When the Queen tells Vasila that she is to marry Prince Gadelov immediately, she is horrified and very frightened. ??????????? Without really thinking she runs away down a passage and out through a side door of The Castle. She then jumps into a parked van and its driver agrees to take her wherever she wants to go. ??????????? As they are leaving Windsor Castle, the van is stopped by Prince Gadelov arriving in an open carriage.? When she sees the man who is to marry her, she knows that she would rather die than allow him to touch her. ??????????? The van driver puts her down at a nearby circus, as she loves circuses, and here she goes to look at the Helter-skelter, which she has never seen before. ??????????? As she wants one thing to remember in case she is taken back and married before she can prevent it, she asks a stranger who is standing by her to take her on the Helter-skelter. ??????????? The man is Kelvin Ridge, who has just arrived from India.?? He is in disguise because, having discovered a dastardly Russian plot to murder the Viceroy, his life is in danger. ??????????? How the two of them, who are both running away from danger, ride on the Helter-skelter and how Kelvin Ridge finds it difficult, as Vasila clings desperately to him, to be rid of her as she has nowhere to go. ??????????? How she saves his life and he inevitably falls in love with her is all told in this exciting romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.
She by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
She by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
H. Rider Haggard
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘She by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of H. Rider Haggard’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Haggard includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘She by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Haggard’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Hookah Nights: Tales from Cairo
Hookah Nights: Tales from Cairo
Anne-Marie Drosso
Anne-Marie Drosso's collection of fourteen short stories guides us through the turbulence of Egyptian modern history - from Gamal Abdel Nasser's early days of glory, to Abdel Fatah el-Sisi's recent assumption of power. Each story weaves a tapestry of hope, crisis and despair, illustrated through an array of characters trying to make sense of their lives in the face of social change and political turmoil. Drosso fictionalises potent segments of time from the mid-20th century onwards, revisiting illuminative figures from and affiliated with the 'Cradle of Civilisation'. The collection kicks off with 'Good Man', a story based on the life and death of writer and diplomat Herbert Norman (1909-1957), who was the Canadian Ambassador to Egypt (1955-1957) during the Suez Crisis. 'Lee is Coming' is loosely based on Lee Miller (1907-1977), the model, muse and photographer, following her divorce from an Egyptian businessman. These personal, often touching tales provide a seamless narrative to Egypt's tumultuous transitional phase.
Cryptocurrency 101
Cryptocurrency 101
Patt Tomas
In 2010 the cryptocurrency known as bitcoin worth only ten cents, if you would have invested 1000 dollars into bitcoin in 2010, you would today be a multi-millionaire. Currency has ability to change the world and people believe we're at the very beginning of a revolution in the way the world operates because of the creation of the block chain which is the backbone of cryptocurrency. Can you imagine buying into a cryptocurrency that within a few months as value rises more than 2000%, sent this is a huge deal for investors because as time goes on and more and more people discover the power of cryptocurrency and the system it uses for security and all the other applications it has that can change the world, the value of cryptocurrency is going to skyrocket. In this course I will walk you through: - ? what cryptocurrency is. ? The Noteworthy digital currencies that currently exist. ? Why this has the potential to change the world. ? How to convert real money into cryptocurrency using the top most trusted platform online. ? How to transfer and trade various cryptocurrencies ? How to sell once you're ready... and more. ? Finally, will explore the two main strategies used when investing in concurrency. There is a lot to learn and a lot of potential to make money. Thanks for checking this course and I hope you will learn a lot.
The Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Edgar Rice Burroughs
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Burroughs includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Burroughs’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Mom Boss:Balancing Entrepreneurship, Kids & Success
Mom Boss:Balancing Entrepreneurship, Kids & Success
Nicole Feliciano
Mom Boss — Super Mom, Great Business Woman Entrepreneurial Mom: Learn how to be a super mom and a great business woman in a step-by-step guide to developing, incubating, and marketing your business without taking the joy out of family life with kids—being an active parent while being an active business entrepreneur. Badass Business Woman: Where Sophia Amoruso’s #GirlBoss left off for young millennials breaking into the business world, Mom Boss picks up and continues the mission for all the entrepreneurial moms out there. Mom Boss proves that being successful isn’t about degrees or sacrifices, it’s about balance and power. It’s where instinct meets intelligence. Every mom has it in her to be a badass business woman. Nicole Feliciano charts the course for building a successful career without sacrificing being a great mom. Mom Boss: The first book by Nicole Feliciano the Founder & CEO of Momtrends Media. Momtrends Media provides busy women with a daily dose of style. Each day Nicole and her team of editors, interpret trends for moms, keeping in mind that modern women want to look and feel great, but they are working with less time and less energy than they had before the kids came along. Nicole and her team are there to help and inspire women to look and feel their best. Social media is her playground, and she's built a loyal following by making fashion fun and accessible. Successful Business Woman: Before launching Momtrends Media, Nicole graduated from Vanderbilt University with a degree in English Literature, and spent a decade working in fashion -- most notably as an executive with Polo Ralph Lauren. When she became a mom in 2005, the business woman and fashion maven embarked on her social media career and began contributing to Babble.com, Time Out New York Kids, and many more online publications. Seeing a void in the blogosphere, she launched Momtrends.com in 2007. Momtrends continues to be the cornerstone of her media empire. Mom Boss includes: ·tips on how to develop, incubate, and market your business without taking the joy out of family life ·valuable self assessment exercises ·step by step advise, inspiration, and tried and true business and personal tips ·insights into how to be a successful and happy business woman and mom
The Further Adventures of Mr Wallace
The Further Adventures of Mr Wallace
Sue Whitaker
It was obvious at once that Mr. Wallace was no ordinary teddy bear. There was mystery behind his eyes. Mr. Wallace was first introduced in the short story 'The Life and Times of Mr. Wallace' from the short story book 'Serrated Skylines and Other Tales'. That first peep into his life was just not enough. Join him as the secrets in his extraordinary life are unlocked and gasp as the adventures continue and the further perils he has yet to face unfold. ?
Intro to GDPR: A Plain English Guide to Compliance
Intro to GDPR: A Plain English Guide to Compliance
Punit Bhatia
Intro to GDPR is written by experienced data protection professional Punit Bhatia. Bhatia has served as the Privacy and Protection Officer in an EU-based bank and lecturer at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. He is Certified Information Privacy Professional ? Europe (CIPP-E), Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM), and Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP). Bhatia will lead you through the complex journey to the GDPR compliance with the simple language and many practical examples. Whether you are a complete beginner or experienced data protection practitioner this book is the right resource for you. Intro to GDPR is a complete guide to compliance. Bhatia uses the simple language, understandable to everyone in order to lead you from the introduction all the way to getting your organization GDPR compliant. In this book you will learn: 1. Which organisations need to be compliant with the GDPR? 2. Key terms in the GDPR. You will get familiarized with key terms that form the basis of the GDPR. You will learn definitions of terms: “Personal data”, “Special categories of personal data”, “Processing” difference between terms “Controller” and “Processor” and others. 3. Myths about the GDPR like “the GDPR is only applicable in the EU”, “The GDPR is about fines” and others. 4. Transparency through the privacy notice. As written in the book, “transparency is one of the key principles in the EU GDPR” so it is important to understand what is transparency and privacy notice but also what are the key requirements and contents of a privacy notice. 5. Data breaches. “GDPR requirements on data breaches are different for controllers and for processors” – this chapter will make you aware of data breach requirements and key actions that are required once a breach is detected. 6. What is the first thing to do to become compliant and what are the key factors to remain compliant with the GDPR, and much more. Written in plain English, with many practical examples, Intro to GDPR is the only book you need on the subject of GDPR.
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