

The Corsican Brothers
The Corsican Brothers
Alexandre Dumas
The story of two conjoined brothers who, though separated at birth, can still feel each other's pains.
The Black Monk and Other Stories
The Black Monk and Other Stories
Anton Chekhov
A psychologically thrilling tale, The Black Monk delves into the murky region between fantasy and reality and asks what separates self-confidence from self-delusion. Our protagonist Andrei Kovrin, a brilliant scholar who takes a leave of absence from academia due to stress, and recuperates at the house of his former guardian Pesotsky. He grows close to Pesotsky’s daughter Tatiana as they tend the orchard together. Kovrin enjoys taking long walks in the garden, and one night he sees a dark, spectral figure and realizes that it is the black monk, whose legend he had just told Tatiana. Upon seeing the monk, Kovrin feels radiant and inspired, and asks for Tania’s hand in marriage. As his romance progresses, Kovrin continues to meet and talk with the monk in the garden. The monk tells him that he is one of God’s chosen, but soon after Kovrin's health begins to deteriorate.
Little Red Riding Hood and Other Tales
Little Red Riding Hood and Other Tales
Brothers Grimm
Little Red Riding Hood, a French fairy tale about a young girl and a big bad wolf and thirty three other European tales are featured in this volume of Grimm's tales. Little Red Riding Hood story follows a mean wolf that wants to eat the little girl but is afraid to do so in public. He secretly stalks her behind trees, bushes, and patches of tall grass. He approaches Little Red Riding Hood and she na?vely tells him where she is going.
Dela: Gorski vijenac, Lu?a Mikrokozma, Slobodijada...
Dela: Gorski vijenac, Lu?a Mikrokozma, Slobodijada...
Petar II Petrović Njegoš
Dvestotu godi?njicu Njego?evog ro?enja 2013. Knji?evna radionica Ra?i? obele?ila je objavljivanjem elektronske knjige pod naslovom Dela Njego?eva. Ova knjiga sadr?i obiman izbor Njego?evih najva?nijih dela: Gorski Vijenac, Lu?a mikrokozma, La?ni car ??epan Mali, Slobodijada, Glas kamen?taka, Pustinjak cetinski, Kula ?uri?i?a -- ?ardak Aleksi?a, Prozni zapisi, No? skuplja vijeka, te Izabrana pisma.
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus
L. Frank Baum
Santa Claus, as a baby is found in the Forest of Burzee and placed in the care of the lioness Shiegra. The Wood Nymph, Necile, breaks the law of the forest and takes the baby because she desires to raise a child of her own as mortals do. Necile calls him Claus, meaning little one in the old Burzee language.
The Blue Cross
The Blue Cross
G. K. Chesterton
Farther Brown may be walking into a trap when he tries to save his soul as his precious Blue Cross is targeted by the notorious criminal Flambeau.
Oleg Pavlov
From the first pages it becomes apparent that Asystole is a novel about love of life in its purest, instinctive and intimate form. It’s also a novel about human faith in its existence and a desire to experience this love. Author Oleg Pavlov places his character – a boy who grows to be a man and is clearly personified by the writer’s own outlook on life – in impossible and familiar circumstances, impossible not to relate to. An adult is shaped in childhood. Chaotic, anxious and at the same time withdrawn narration seems to have no direction and no resolution. Except that the life of the people, who are in fact children of a broken destiny, is real and not much needs to be said to make it our own. Laconic and ‘to the point’ observations of Pavlov’s protagonist as he goes, are chilling at times. They pierce through flesh right to the bone – the quality only the naked truth can have. Asystole is moreover about the by-stander effect, about a disconnected and malfunctioning society and a struggle of one not to merge into the faceless mass of many. Modern, deeply thought through and heartfelt, this novel is an examination of the physics of human soul. Pavlov’s Universe has a special arrangement – if it was up to him, humans wouldn’t be allowed in it, for the privilege of being human requires living up to the title.
Jane Austen
Emma Woodhouse, aged 20 at the start of the novel, is a young is a young, beautiful, witty, and privileged woman in Regency England. As the novel opens, Emma has just attended the wedding of Miss Taylor, her best friend and former governess. Having introduced Miss Taylor to her future husband, Mr. Weston, Emma takes credit for their marriage, and decides that she rather likes matchmaking. She greatly overestimates her own matchmaking abilities; she is blind to the dangers of meddling in other people's lives, and her imagination and perceptions often lead her astray.
Waking the Lion:Inside Writing (1984 to 2017)
Waking the Lion:Inside Writing (1984 to 2017)
Mark Antony Rossi
American futurist poet and playwright Mark Antony Rossi has selected essays, notes and interviews from the past thirty three years of writing covering poetry, short fiction and drama. A short book of instruction and discovery meant to help fellow writers.
Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost
John Milton
This Tribeca Press edition includes the full original text as well as an easy to use interactive table of contents.
A Short History of the Short Story:Western and Asian Traditions
A Short History of the Short Story:Western and Asian Traditions
Gulnaz Fatma
Worldwide Appreciation of the Short Story Form Spans Cultures and Centuries! In this concise volume, Gulnaz Fatma traces the short story from its origins in fables, ancient poetry, and tales such as The Arabian Nights, to its modern form in the early American stories of Irving, Poe, and Hawthorne, and then through the twentieth century and throughout the world. The elements of what makes a short story are presented along with a discussion of the difficulties in defining the genre. The short story's relation to the novel as well as its uniqueness as its own form are deftly presented. While the American and European traditions of the short story take up much of this book, the final chapter is a thorough presentation of the short story's development in India. Anyone interested in the short story--teachers, students, writers, and readers--will find this volume informative, thoughtful, and a welcome addition to our understanding of one of literature's most dynamic forms. Gulnaz Fatma is an Indian writer and author. She is a research scholar in the Department of English at Aligarh Muslim University in Aligarh, India. "As a fiction writer who has also taught the short story form, I was impressed by the thoroughness and insight presented in this concise book. Fatma's broad exploration of the short story form is backed by numerous supporting examples and her chapter on the short story in India will introduce many readers to that country's own literary gems." --Tyler R. Tichelaar, Ph.D. and author of the award-winning Narrow Lives From the World Voices Series www.ModernHistoryPress.com Literary Criticism: Short Stories Literary Criticism: Asian - General
The Imprint Journey:A Path of Lasting Transformation Into Your Authentic Self
The Imprint Journey:A Path of Lasting Transformation Into Your Authentic Self
Liliane Desjardins
Ever Wonder Why The Same Patterns Happen To You Over And Over Again? We all have imprints, both negative and positive. An imprint is a belief that shapes our thoughts and actions, a belief we often hold unconsciously. Liliane Desjardins, a certified clinical addiction specialist, co-founder of Pavillon Gilles Desjardins, and co-creator of the Desjardins Unified Model of Treatment of Addictions, sets forth in The Imprint Journey an exploration of imprints, how they govern our lives, and how we can reprogram our minds to function in new and fulfilling ways. The Imprint Journey is equivalent to reading two powerful books in one. Liliane spends the first section telling her own story--a childhood in war-torn Croatia, the death of her mother, being an immigrant first to France and later French Canada--and the addictions and dysfunctions that marred her life until a suicide attempt resulted in a near-death experience. Her own personal recovery led her on a mission to help others find their own freedom from self-imposed and self-limiting imprints. The second half of this powerful book provides an anatomy of our imprints, revealing how to transform them so we are free to be our authentic selves. Liliane includes eight powerful personal stories of people who have overcome their imprints--including religious, sexual, and cultural limitations--as well as an overview of how understanding and rewriting our imprints can shape the human race's future as we all experience individual "Oneness." Readers will find themselves turning to The Imprint Journey again and again as a guide to relieve fears and to discover powerful truths about themselves that will transform them into their authentic selves. Acclaim For Desjardins' The Imprint Journey "Liliane writes from the depth of her own experience, with passion and power and a keen understanding of the human psyche. Her insights lift the reader above their own past patterns, providing insight both comforting and striking. The book inspires hope that no matter what we've been through, fundamental change is possible." --Marianne Williamson, author, A Return To Love "The Imprint Journey will touch your very soul and make way for profound transformation. From personal story to practical steps, Liliane walks with her readers on the path of awakening. Your life will be changed." --Carolyn Craft, Psychotherapist, Unity Minister, host of "Waking Up With Carolyn Craft" on Sirius Satellite Radio Learn more at www.LilianeDesjardins.com From Life Scripts Press www.RewritingLifeScripts.com FAM501000 Family & Relationships : Dysfunctional Families SEL003000 Self-Help : Adult Children of Alcoholics PSY017000 Psychology : Interpersonal Relations
lumin?, ?ncet
lumin?, ?ncet
Marian Drăghici
C?t?lin Ghi?? este unul dintre cei mai serio?i, mai informa?i ?i mai inspira?i cercet?tori care se afirm? ?n comparatistica literar? ?i cultural? de la noi. Neotematismul s?u este unul atent la diferen?e – ?i ?n primul r?nd la diferen?a estetic? –, reticent fa?? de exploatarea ideologizant? a literaturii. Cartea de fa?? ??i acoper? tema cu mare grij?, cu acribie filologic? ?i teoretic?, dar o ?i dep??e?te uneori prin implica?ii nea?teptate ?i prin considera?ii de ansamblu. ?mi place ?n mod deosebit luciditatea autocritic? a autorului, ?n care v?d reflexul moral al modestiei ?i, ?n acela?i timp, orgoliul justificat al competen?ei profesionale“. – Mircea Martin
Inima dat? la maximum
Inima dat? la maximum
Ania Vilal
gata! Mito? Micleu?anu (n. 1972), pictor, scriitor, muzician. Cofondator al proiectului ?Planeta Moldova“.
Capcana de piatr?
Capcana de piatr?
Lazu Ion
Sonetul contondentCelor doi / poe?i de mare soi...(Istrate ?i Murgeanu)Visam c? Marea-?i p?r?sea ghioculCu-al s?u tumult de valuri euxine?i, h?t-departe-n zonele alpine,Ca-n Cretaceu, ??i reg?sise locul...Priveam de-acuma fascinat la joculDe valuri ?n?esate de jivineDin vremuri disp?rute, care-n fine,??i ?ncercau, o dat?-n plus, norocul.Sim?eam o dulce binecuv?ntareC?-n groapa euxinic? ad?nc?O Mare Neagr? nu exist? ?nc?,Nici Casa Scriitorilor la mare;Nici doi poe?i cu barb?, bur?i ?i plete,S?-n?ire contondentele sonete.
Share! Cum am ?nv??at din social media s?-i iubesc din nou pe rom?ni
Share! Cum am ?nv??at din social media s?-i iubesc din nou pe rom?ni
Mîndruță Lucian
O radiografie hermeneutic? a unor c?r?i-eveniment ce au v?zut lumina tiparului ?n perioada postdecembrist?, accentul fiind pus pe autorii interzi?i sub dictatur?, precum ?i pe c?r?ile poe?ilor ce devin, f?r? voia lor, o rara avis ?n societatea de tranzi?ie. Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
?n ap?rarea femeii cavernelor
?n ap?rarea femeii cavernelor
Dr Harold Klawans
Proiectul acestei cri m frmnta de mai muli ani. n ultimul timp am tot cutat motivaii pentru care o asemenea carte merit s fie scris. Iat ce am gsit.n primul rnd, chiar dac printr-o fereastr foarte ngust, ea este o mrturie a ultimilor 20 de ani. Conine o frm din istoria acestor dou decenii, mici instantanee ale devenirii Romniei dup 1989.n al doilea rnd, exist n mintea fiecrui romn – i aici m includ i pe mine – preconcepia c toate afacerile postrevoluionare sunt mnjite, nscute din privatizri dubioase sau dezvoltate la umbra unor reele de influen care-i ntind rdcinile n era comunist. Povestea din aceast carte arta contrariul. S-au putut constitui i iniiative independente i curate, cum sunt convins c mai exist cu miile. Povestea de fa poate fi o contribuie la schimbarea de mentalitate, att de necesar pentru intrarea n normalitate.“ (Mihail Penescu)
A visszakapott élet
A visszakapott élet
Rados Virág
Ninge ?n martieNinge ?ntr-un hornDin care iese fumNinge tot mai densCople?itor?i ?ntoarce fumul din drum?l preseaz? ?n horn ca-ntr-un teasc?l ?ndeas? la loc ?n c?rbuniAstup? flac?raRea?az? focul ?nMiezul ?nsu?i al P?m?ntului.
Labirintul haosului meu
Labirintul haosului meu
Vestemean Ciprian
Ca orice construc?ie solid?, ?i un sistem de g?ndire se pl?smuie?te pe structura unor con?cepte fundamentale cu func?ii vitaminizante pentru ?ntreaga desf??urare a g?ndului ?i pen?tru ?nchegarea lui ?ntr?o viziune articulat? ?i complex?, marcat? de cele dou? condi?ii indis?pensabile unui sistem: completitudinea ?i non?contradic?ia. ?i mai preciz?m, chiar cu riscul suspiciunii de banal, c? un sistem de g?ndire articulat nu las? ?i nu trebuie s? lase r?m??i?e sau componente necuprinse ?n ansamblu. C?ci un sistem incomplet, cu resturi sau componen?te r?mase ?n afara ?ntregului ??i pierde carac?teristica de sistem. S? preciz?m totu?i c? vorbim despre sis?tem ?ntr?un loc unde, nu doar c? lipse?te, dar a ?i fost repudiat cu o insisten?? repetat? ?i ?n?d?rjit?. Nu spun c? furia lui Cioran ?mpotriva ideii de sistem filosofic nu??i are ra?iunile ei, spun doar c? chiar acolo unde este t?g?duit?, o anumit? viziune de ansamblu asupra lumii este totu?i implicit?. Nu se poate vorbi despre parte, despre fragment f?r? s? se aib? ?n vede?re imaginea totului ?i felul cum o diviziune este a?ezat? ?n p?ntecul exist?rii. Ionel Necula
?n ?ntuneric
?n ?ntuneric
Mark Billingham
Coresponden?? primit? de Geo Bogza de la Stephan Roll, Sa?a Pan?, Mary-Ange Pan?, Victor Brauner, Ilarie Voronca, Colomba Voronca, grupul ?Alge“ ??n Epistolarul avangardist, care con?ine coresponden?a pe care Geo Bogza a primit-o de la reprezentan?ii grupului Alge, este ?i o poveste con?inut? aici, ?n aceste scrisori, o poveste de via??, de supravie?uire, de construire, de fapt, a unei poetici de grup ?i a unei ac?iuni culturale rom?ne.“ – Carmen Mu?at ?Pe mine cel mai mult m-a emo?ionat Epistolarul. Au fost ni?te lucruri de care nu ?tiam ?i pe care le-am citit cu foarte mult? emo?ie, ceea ce m-a f?cut s? mai r?scolesc ?i s? m? uit cu mai mult? aten?ie. Erau scrisori de la mama, am ?nceput s? m? uit ?i ?n jurnalul ei ?i am descoperit o serie de lucruri extraordinare. O s? continui s? cercetez.“ – Vladimir Pan?
Mite. B?l?uca
Mite. B?l?uca
Lovinescu E.
Alexandru Sf?rlea arat? ?ntr-o recent? recenzie a versiunii tip?rite a c?r?ii 101 poeme: ?[...] S? mai spun c? unii ?i al?ii s-au ?inspirat? din texte ale lui Vasile Poenaru pentru a-?i etala ?prospe?imile? propriilor crea?ii, ?n vreme ce acest excelent poet st?tea ?pitit? sub obrocul impasibilit??ii ?i ignor?rii tenace a criticilor?Pentru c?, ?n via?a noastr? literar?, am ajuns s? cred c? asemenea practici sunt uzitate cu... sistem?, ca s? zic a?a, pentru ca lipsi?ii de har ?i inspira?ie, proteja?ii ?i coteri?tii s?-?i ?edifice? constructele de chirpici lingvistic, cu o jalnic? ?i penibil? non?alan??, cu un tupeu de-a dreptul incalificabil!Se vorbe?te cu asiduitate ?n presa literar? despre c?r?i ale unor a?a-zi?i nou?zeci?ti sau dou?mii?ti lipsite de semnifica?ii, sens ?i substan?ialitate poetic? ?i care pur ?i simplu bat apa-n piu? ?i nu spun nimic dec?t, poate, celor ce nu vor s? aud? nimic, adul?nd – ?ntr-un nefericit paradox – nevolniciile , nonsensurile ?i vacuitatea, ?n timp ce sunt ignorate cu cerbicie c?r?i valoroase ale unor autentici poe?i, precum Vasile Poenaru. Iat? , ?nc? un elocvent fragment poenaristic: ?Mergeam pe str?zi de lung? diminea??/ Cu p?inea mea de poezie sub bra?,/ Mergeam pe str?zi de lung? diminea??/ ?i m? ardeau de foame ochii min?ii/ Mergeam pe str?zi de lung? diminea??/ Tot forfoteau p?rerile sub pietre/ Din loc ?n loc o balt? de adverbe/ Ca p?s?rile clocotitor ardeau/ Spre vie?i izvor?toare-n alte trupuri/ Mergeam pe str?zi de lung? diminea??/ ?i nu se mai cr?pa odat’ de ziu? / ?i m? ardeau de foame ochii min?ii/ ?i-am ?nceput s?-mi rod ?nt?i din unghii/ Apoi din os din inim? din creier/ Mergeam pe str?zi de lung? diminea?? (...)? (R?sfirare). Sau, ?nc?, ni?te versuri de-a dreptul subversive – s? nu uit?m c? volumul din care citez a ap?rut ?n 1984 – care, poate c? fie ?i numai acestea, ar fi trebuit s?-i r?m?n? precum o aur? de zv?cnire iconoclast?, de nu protestatar?, poetului Vasile Poenaru: ?(...) Ora?ul ?n care m-ai ademenit/ E o sonat? a mor?ii/ ?n care doar miezul vie?ii trozne?te,/ Toat? noaptea am s? ard de frig ?n avanscen?/ C-un dirijor mai lent ca o statuie (...)??n fine, ce pot s? mai spun dec?t c? – ?n acest areal literar rom?nesc care seam?n? izbitor cu cel politicesc – poetul Vasile Poenaru este un mare nedrept??it, pe care cititorii one?ti, dac? ar ajunge, sau ar vrea s? ?i citeasc? volumele de poezie, l-ar pre?ui la adev?rata sa valoare...“