

Сто рок?в боротьби
Сто рок?в боротьби
Володимир В’ятрович
Esta publica??o é eminentemente didática e útil aos vários profissionais da área da saúde. A obra está organizada em duas partes. A primeira, dedicada à teoria da Psicologia da Saúde, visa dar ao leitor um panorama geral dos aspectos que embasam a compreens?o da Segunda parte do livro voltada aos trabalhos de pesquisa desenvolvidos pelos pesquisadores da Psicologia da Saúde, aqui reunidos.
Шпигунськ? та?мниц?. Як захистити сво? життя
Шпигунськ? та?мниц?. Як захистити сво? життя
Jason Hanson
Jedan od najboljih psihoterapeuta i pisaca Jorge Bucay u knjizi 20 koraka prema naprijed iznova pokazuje da su velike mudrosti jednostavne, ali i da ih moramo prije svega otkriti u samima sebi. O ?injenicama koje nas ?ine boljima, otvorenijima i sretnijima Bucay pi?e tako da ?itatelj shvati da ih mora prona?i u sebi i za sebe. U svakom koraku nalazi se i poneka pri?a koja plasti?no ocrtava ?to taj korak za nas kao pojedinca zna?i. Bucay ne pi?e naputke za samopomo?, on ne daje recept za sre?u i uspjeh, nego kao vrhunski ge?talter tra?i od ?itatelja da se aktivno uklju?i, da sam bude taj koji ?e pred sobom otvoriti vrata, prije?i put ?ivota i odlu?iti kako ?e taj put izgledati. 20 koraka prema naprijed po?etak je putovanja prema boljem, sigurnijem i sretnijem ja, prema shva?anju svojih potreba i ?elja. U 20 koraka prema naprijed Jorge Bucay postavlja smjerokaze, a svoj put svatko treba prona?i sam.
Сырники, творожники, сочни, хачапури и другие блюда с творогом
Сырники, творожники, сочни, хачапури и другие блюда с творогом
Kravecka Lesja
Gdyby ludzki mózg by? tak prosty, ?e mogliby?my go zrozumie?, byliby?my tak g?upi, ?e nie zrozumieliby?my go i tak. Gdzie tkwi dobro cz?owieka, a gdzie z?o? Co odró?nia nas od zwierz?t? Po co nam emocje? Czy normy etyczne u polityków s? zani?one? Czy pornografia rzeczywi?cie szkodzi? Co dzieje si? w mózgu seksoholików? Czy marihuana ma w?a?ciwo?ci lecznicze? Czemu tak lubimy je??, a nawet si? opycha?? Czy starzenie si? jest nie do unikni?cia? Czy w mózgu znajdziemy kiedy? odpowied? na pytanie, czy Bóg istnieje? Wybitny neurobiolog Jerzy Vetulani w rozmowie z Mari? Mazurek opowiada o tajemnicach skomplikowanego i wci?? nie do końca poznanego organu: ludzkiego mózgu. Podejmuje nie?atwe i cz?sto kontrowersyjne kwestie, takie jak: narkotyki i uzale?nienia, p?e? mózgu, neurobiologia polityki i religii. Wyja?nia dzia?anie naszego wewn?trznego kompasu, zastanawia si? nad rol? sztuki w kszta?towaniu mózgu, mówi o konsekwencjach zdrowotnych stresu i metodach walki z nim, a tak?e o wielu innych zjawiskach.
Homer Odysseája
Homer Odysseája
Rájttem, hogy nem azért jttem vissza a halálból, mert olyan okos vagyok. Vagyis az akaratomnak semmi kze nem volt az élethez. Valami más intelligencia dolgozott, nem az enyém. Ha van egyáltalán valamiféle vallásom, az nem más, mint hit abban, hogy az én intelligenciám részt vesz egy másik, nagyobb intelligenciában. Tehát nem én vagyok okos, hanem valamiféleképpen rezonálok valamivel, ami okos. Részt veszek valamiben. Mindannyian a világmindenség gyümlcsei vagyunk. Ti is a világmindenség gyümlcsei vagytok. A gyümlcs se tudja, hogy miért érik olyan szép szilvává vagy szibarackká, csak úgy csinálja, ahogy mi is csináljuk. Vagy a kisujjamban a sejtek. k is csak részt vesznek bennem, mikzben nem ismerik Feldmár Andrást. n sem ismerem azt, akinek én egy kis sejtje vagyok.”
A férfi - Srácoknak
A férfi - Srácoknak
Dr. Csernus Imre
A huszadik század alapvet?en megváltoztatta a nemek kapcsolatát, a család szerepét és a n? helyét a világban. A maga korában minden újabb lépés természetes volt: az emberek jogot formáltak a szerelem szabad élvezetére, megtanultuk, hogyan tervezzünk tudatosan családot, a n?k munkába álltak, és küzdeni kezdtek a szabadságukért. ?s mindek?zben a nemek viszonya el?re nem látott módon változott meg. Megváltozott a férfi és a n? szerepe és biológiája, háttérbe szorult a család, és sokan már a gyerekekr?l is tudatosan mondanak le. Korántsem biztos azonban, hogy ebben az új világban tényleg boldogabbak és szabadabbak vagyunk… Vajon mi lehet az evolúciós háttere a tudatos gyermektelenségnek vagy a szingli életformának? Mit?l változott meg a szépségideál az elmúlt száz esztend?ben? Nem egyszer?en a viszonyok rendez?dtek át: a két nem biológiai értelemben is változik. Változik a n? teste, változik egész lénye. SZENDI G?BOR A n? felemelkedése és tünd?klése cím? nagysiker? k?nyvében még arról írt, mi rejlik a génekben, milyen programok dolgoznak a n?ben és a férfiben. Legújabb k?tetében már azt elemzi, milyen er?k és fordulatok ?sszhatására született meg az ?új n?”, és milyen nehézségekkel kell megküzdenie a jelenben és a j?v?be.
Hidasi Judit
Потомственная бабка-шептуха Наталья делится действенными шепотками и обрядами, наговорами, секретами изготовления оберегов, передававшимися из поколения в поколение. Они помогут вам в жизни, лечении болезней, привлечении любви, удачи, благополучия, защитят вас и ваше жилище от недобрых людей и неприятностей. Шепотки от различных болезней детей и взрослых. Обереги для защиты дома и привлечения удачи. Наговоры для привлечения денег. Избавление от порчи и сглаза. Обряды на исполнение желаний. Шепотки для молодости и красоты. Заговоры на верность супруга и т. д. Potomstvennaja babka-sheptuha Natal'ja delitsja dejstvennymi shepotkami i obrjadami, nagovorami, sekretami izgotovlenija oberegov, peredavavshimisja iz pokolenija v pokolenie. Oni pomogut vam v zhizni, lechenii boleznej, privlechenii ljubvi, udachi, blagopoluchija, zashhitjat vas i vashe zhilishhe ot nedobryh ljudej i neprijatnostej. Shepotki ot razlichnyh boleznej detej i vzroslyh. Oberegi dlja zashhity doma i privlechenija udachi. Nagovory dlja privlechenija deneg. Izbavlenie ot porchi i sglaza. Obrjady na ispolnenie zhelanij. Shepotki dlja molodosti i krasoty. Zagovory na vernost' supruga i t. d.
Yoga: The Essential Positions
Yoga: The Essential Positions
Jacqueline May
The practice of yoga improves flexibility, strength and balance, reduces stress and anxiety, increases energy and decreases fatigue, as well as facilitating the flow of prana (vital energy) and helping balance the koshas (sheaths) of the physical and metaphysical body. Yoga features 90 poses in beautiful pen and ink line drawings. Accompanying the image of the pose are both its Sanskrit and English names and a brief description of how to achieve the pose correctly, the precise meaning of its name and how it benefits the body.? With each position exquisitely illustrated and written by an experienced yoga teacher, Yoga is a must-have for beginners and dedicated yoga enthusiasts alike.
The Black Tulip
The Black Tulip
Alexandre Dumas
The city of Haarlem, Netherlands, has set a huge prize to the person who can grow a black tulip, sparking competition between the country's best gardeners to win the money, honour and fame. Only the city's oldest citizens remember the Tulip Mania thirty years prior, and the citizens throw themselves into the competition. The young and bourgeois Cornelius van Baerle has almost succeeded but is suddenly thrown into the Loevestein prison. There he meets the prison guard's beautiful daughter Rosa, who will be his comfort and help, and eventually become his rescuer.
What Is Art?
What Is Art?
Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy shares his views about the imprecision of general opinions on art, the time, effort, public funds, and public respect spent on art and artists. The difficulty of meaning in art, and especially what is good, useful art, art for the sake of which we might condone such sacrifices as are being offered at its shrine. So, what is art?
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Nathaniel Hawthorne
A collection of stories typical of Hawthorne, many are allegories and focus on the dark side of human nature. The book was named in honor of The Old Manse where Hawthorne and his wife lived for the first three years of their marriage.
A Tramp Abroad
A Tramp Abroad
Mark Twain
The book details Twain's journey with his friend Harris through central and southern Europe. While the stated goal of the journey is to walk most of the way, the men find themselves using other forms of transport as they traverse the continent.
The Forged Coupon, and Other Stories
The Forged Coupon, and Other Stories
Leo Tolstoy
Schoolboy Mitya is in desperate need of money to repay a debt, but his father angrily denies him assistance. Dejected, under the instigation of a friend Makhin, Mitya simply changes a 2.50 note to read 12.50, but this one evil deed sets off a chain of events that affects the lives of dozens of others, when his one falsehood indirectly causes a man to murder a woman.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Charles Dickens
The final unfinished novel by Charles Dickens leaving the identity of the murderer unresolved. The story is set in Cloisterham, a disguised Rochester. Drood's uncle, John Jasper is in love with Rosa Bud. Miss Bud, Drood's fiancée, has also caught the eye of the high-spirited and hot-tempered Neville Landless, who comes from Ceylon with his twin sister, Helena. Landless and Drood take an instant dislike to one another. Drood later disappears under mysterious circumstances.
The Moonstone: A Romance
The Moonstone: A Romance
Wilkie Collins
Rachel Verinder, a young English woman, inherits a large Indian diamond on her eighteenth birthday. It is a legacy from her uncle, a corrupt British army officer who served in India. The diamond is of great religious significance as well as being extremely valuable, and three Hindu priests have dedicated their lives to recovering it.
Educational Disobedience
Educational Disobedience
Dr. Annise Mabry
In “Educational Disobedience,” educationist, Dr. Annise Mabry, offers a compelling, unique and refreshing insight into how she helps her children overcome the limitations of what she terms “a broken education system,” in the State of Georgia. Her decision to homeschool them were borne largely due to the fact that they were not receiving the best of education, and more because protection from the unending problem of bullying in public schools was lacking. She soon realized that only a crucial intervention could save her family from falling apart, and it was a decision that proved timely because not only did she achieve her objectives, but she also ended up saving her community! She has helped many parents to transform their children from struggling students to homeschool high school graduates!This isn't the guide for how to homescool--it's the story of survival because of homeschool.
Delphi Complete Works of Louisa May Alcott (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Louisa May Alcott (Illustrated)
Louisa May Alcott
Louisa May Alcott’s charming tales of ‘Little Women’ have delighted readers across the world since their 1868 publication, but she was also an author of sensational thrillers, humorous plays and perceptive poetry. For the first time in publishing history, this comprehensive eBook presents the complete works of Louis May Alcott, with numerous illustrations, rare texts appearing in digital print for the first time, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 3) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Alcott’s life and works * Concise introductions to the novels and other texts * ALL 12 novels published under Alcott’s name, with individual contents tables * Images of how the books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the texts * Famous works such as LITTLE WOMEN are fully illustrated with their original artwork * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry and the short stories * Easily locate the poems or short stories you want to read * Includes Alcott’s letters – spend hours exploring the author’s personal correspondence * Includes many rare sensation thrillers that Alcott wrote under the pen name A. M. Barnard, appearing here for the first time in digital print * Also includes Alcott’s complete poems for the first time in digital publishing * Rare non-fiction works, including Alcott’s memoir HOW I WENT OUT TO SERVICE * Features the bonus biography by Alcott enthusiast Ednah D. Cheney – discover Alcott’s literary life * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres * UPDATED with completely revised texts, rare poems and stories and many improvements. Please note: the two obscure novels A LONG FATAL LOVE CHASE and THE INHERITANCE are still held under copyright and cannot appear in this collection. When they enter the public domain they will be added to the collection as a free update. Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Little Women Series The Novels MOODS LITTLE WOMEN GOOD WIVES AN OLD-FASHIONED GIRL LITTLE MEN WORK: A STORY OF EXPERIENCE EIGHT COUSINS ROSE IN BLOOM A MODERN MEPHISTOPHELES UNDER THE LILACS JACK AND JILL JO’S BOYS The Short Story Collections FLOWER FABLES THE RIVAL PAINTERS HOSPITAL SKETCHES ON PICKET DUTY AND OTHER TALES MORNING-GLORIES, AND OTHER STORIES WILL’S WONDER BOOK AUNT JO’S SCRAP-BAG SERIES 1-6 PROVERB STORIES; OR, KITTY’S CLASS DAY AND OTHER STORIES SPINNING-WHEEL STORIES LULU’S LIBRARY SERIES 1-3 SILVER PITCHERS: AND INDEPENDENCE A GARLAND FOR GIRLS THE CANDY COUNTRY THE ‘A. M. BARNARD’ THRILLERS The Short Stories LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Plays COMIC TRAGEDIES The Poetry LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Non-Fiction HOW I WENT OUT TO SERVICE LITTLE WOMEN LETTERS FROM THE HOUSE OF ALCOTT The Biography LOUISA MAY ALCOTT: HER LIFE, LETTERS AND JOURNALS by Ednah D. Cheney Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
Ασπρ?μαυρε? Μν?με?
Ασπρ?μαυρε? Μν?με?
Πανίκκος Βύρωνος
Τα λιγοστ? αυτ? ποι?ματα, που συναρμολογ?θηκαν στη συλλογ? με τ?τλο ‘Ασπρ?μαυρε? Μν?με?’, αποτελο?ν μια ευα?σθητη κατ?θεση ψυχ?? και καρδι?? του Παν?κκου Β?ρωνο?. Ε?ναι ?να ξεχε?λισμα εκ βαθ?ων πηγα?ου συναισθ?ματο? και μν?μη? μαζ?, που πα?ρνει μορφ? κι αποτυπ?νεται αβ?αστα, ?πω? φτ?νει τι? σελ?δε? που το συγκρατο?ν και το σχηματ?ζουν. Ανεπιτ?δευτοι και λιτο? στ?χοι που ιστορο?ν νοσταλγικ? μια φορτισμ?νη, προσωπικ? εμπειρ?α, ?να νεανικ? ?ρωτα που ?φησε βαθι? τα χν?ρια του στην θ?μηση και σκ?ψη του ποιητ?, χωρ?? περισσ? κι αχρε?αστη επεξεργασ?α. Το ?ντονο μ?τρο και μια επαναληπτικ?, επ?μονη συχν? ομοιοκαταληξ?α, ομολογο?ν την ?μεση καταγωγ? του? απο τη μουσικ?. Κ?ποτε μοι?ζουν περισσ?τερο με στ?χου? για μελοπο?ηση. Οπω? ?λλωστε επιβεβαι?νει ο ?διο? στο πρ?λογ? του: “Μ?σα σ’ αυτ? το σκηνικ? γαλουχ?θηκε η δικι? μου γενι? και σ’ αυτ? το ?διο σκηνικ? διαδραματ?στηκε η μικρ? αυτ? ιστορ?α, που τραγουδ?νε οι στ?χοι που ακολουθο?ν”.
An Irish Fiction Omnibus
An Irish Fiction Omnibus
Orna Ross
An Irish Fiction Omnibus is a collection of three bestselling novels from Orna Ross, perfect for fans of The Irish Heart series by Juliet Gauvin and An Irish Family Saga series by Jean Reinhardt. After the Rising, book one in The Irish Trilogy is a historical murder mystery of love, revenge and redemption. Twenty years ago, Jo Devereux fled Mucknamore, the small Irish village where she grew up, driven away by buried secrets and hatreds, swearing never to return Now she is back and wants to uncover the truth… What really happened between her family and their friends, the O’Donovans, during the Ireland’s bitter Civil War? The consequences of that bitter division in the 1920s carried down into Jo’s own life, shattering her relationship with Rory O’Donovan, the only man she ever loved, and driving her to leave Ireland. Now, Jo’s estranged mother has died, leaving her a suitcase full of letters and diaries that seem answer some questions about the past. Over the course of a long hot summer, Jo is astonished to read about her grandmother and great-aunt, their part in Ireland’s fight for freedom and the repercussions that echoed throughout their lives. She has learned how the passion of rebellion sweeps people up but what happens after the rising? Her Secret Rose is the first book in The Yeats-Gonne Trilogy, chronicling the passionate relationship between W.B. Yeats and Maud Gonne.? Willie Yeats was 23 years old in 1889, when Maud Gonne, six feet tall, elegantly beautiful and passionately political, came calling to his house and “the troubling of his life” began.? He spread his dreams under her feet, as they set about creating a new Ireland, through his poetry and her politics, and their shared interest in the occult. Packed with emotional twists and surprises, Her Secret Rose is a novel of secrets and intrigue, passion and politics, mystery and magic, that brings to life 1890s Dublin, London and Paris, two fascinating characters — and a charismatic love affair that altered the course of history for two nations. Blue Mercy is a literary family drama, with a murder at its heart, full of emotional twists and surprises. When Mercy Mulcahy was 40 years old, she was accused of killing her elderly and tyrannical father. Now, at the end of her life, she has written a book about what really happened on that fateful night of Christmas Eve, 1989. The tragic and beautiful Mercy has devoted her life to protecting Star, especially from the father whose behavior so blighted her own life. Yet Star vehemently resists reading her manuscript. Why? What is Mercy hiding? Was her father's death an assisted suicide? Or something more sinister? In this book, nothing is what it seems on the surface and everywhere there are emotional twists and surprises. Will you side with mother or daughter?
Night and Day
Night and Day
Virginia Woolf
Set in Edwardian London, Night and Day contrasts the daily lives and romantic attachments of two acquaintances, Katharine Hilbery and Mary Datchet. The novel examines the relationships between love, marriage, happiness, and success. The sky and stars as well as river Thames serve as supporting characters throughout the book.
A Child's History of England
A Child's History of England
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens wrote this book for his own children hoping to help them bye and bye, to read with interest larger and better books on the same subject. The history covers the period between 50 BC and 1689, ending with a chapter summarising events from then until the accession of Queen Victoria. The book is considered one of the finest English history texts.
Rilla of Ingleside
Rilla of Ingleside
Lucy Montgomery
In the continuing story of Anne Shirley, this book draws the focus back onto a single character, Anne and Gilbert's youngest daughter Bertha Marilla "Rilla" Blythe. It has a more serious tone, as it takes place during World War I and the three Blythe boys—Jem, Walter, and Shirley—along with Rilla's sweetheart Ken Ford, and playmates Jerry Meredith and Carl Meredith—end up fighting in Europe with the Canadian Expeditionary Force. This book follows Anne from the age of 49 to 53.