Complete Horoscope SCORPIO 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
In the Complete Horoscope: SCORPIO 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Scorpio, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Leo and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope: SCORPIO 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
Complete Horoscope LIBRA 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
n the Complete Horoscope: LIBRA 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Libra, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Leo and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope LIBRA 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
A Working Mother’s GPS: A Guide to Parenting Success for the Modern Working Mom
If you’ve ever felt road-weary from trying to navigate new and difficult stages of parenting while also steering your career in the right direction, you know the stresses of the modern working mother. Atara Malach’s latest book is the roadmap you’ve been looking for to guide you on your parenting journey. Atara’s time-tested program for regaining control of your home and career are based on the logical approach of leading with authority, trust, and love. Using language you’re already familiar with, Atara’s methods are clearly stated, simple to implement and grounded in practicality and flexibility. The techniques are adaptable for your family’s unique needs and easily transferable to your workplace. In this book, you’ll learn how to: Set your boundaries in an unequivocal way that earns buy-in from your family and your colleagues. Practice and implement techniques for gaining cooperation from your partner, your kids, and your co-workers. Define your success in your own terms, by minimizing frustration, guilt, and resentment. Achieve the work/life balance you’ve been striving for since you first became a working mother.
Healing With Love: The Art and Science of Healing Yourself and Others Through Lo
Healing with Love?presents a highly regarded physician’s practical, step-by-step program that shows how to turn on the power of our whole beings — hands, heart, and higher consciousness — to heal ourselves and others. Here are the extraordinary and learnable techniques that have transformed lives around the world. “Love is truth and beyond sentiment. It is the ultimate healer. Healing with Love offers practical insight into the mechanics of restoration of wholeness. I highly recommended it.” Deepak Chopra, M.D. author of Unconditional Love, Quantum Healing, and Perfect Health. “A new medicine is in the making, a form of healing that emphasizes the power of human consciousness. Because legitimate science stands behind this development, it will not go away but demands our full attention. Dr. Laskow last is a ‘real doctor’ who is one of the architects of this mind-based medicine. In this?book?he describes the healing power of love, unity, and wholeness. An important contribution!" - Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Meaning and Medicine.
S?n?tatea mental? a elevului. Ghid pentru personalul didactic
Trei fo?ti ofi?eri CIA, autorit??i interna?ionale ?n detectarea disimul?rii, v? ofer? un set de tehnici accesibile pentru a afla dac? vorbitorul din fa?a voastr? spune sau nu adev?rul. Fie c? realiza?i un interviu de angajare sau o anchet? judiciar?, fie c? vre?i s? afla?i dac? adolescentul vostru a consumat droguri ori dac? partenerul v? ?n?al?, ave?i acum la dispozi?ie un arsenal de ?ntreb?ri ?i tehnici de interpretare care ?i-au dovedit eficien?a chiar ?i ?n fa?a celor mai versa?i spioni ?i terori?ti. Baz?ndu-se pe analize complexe ale unor anchete de contraspionaj sau ale unor interviuri televizate cu politicieni pref?cu?i, cartea v? ?nva?? s? pune?i cele mai percutante ?ntreb?ri ?i s? identifica?i minciuna pornind de la semnele ei verbale (ezit?ri, generaliz?ri, apelul la divinitate) ?i nonverbale (mutarea centrului de sprijin, acoperirea fe?ei cu palma etc.). ?Arta ?n?el?ciunii este tema principal? a acestei c?r?i, care se adreseaz? unui spectru larg de speciali?ti: psihologi, avoca?i, judec?tori, procurori, poli?i?ti, investigatori, oameni de afaceri, oameni de v?nz?ri etc.“ – Ion Duvac, fondator al Psychological Profiler Academy
Amerika szolgálatában
Tehnici simple ?i amuzante pentru ?mbun?t??irea memoriei Ui?i mereu unde ??i la?i cheile? Nu mai ?tii zilele de na?tere ale prietenilor, iar atunci c?nd ??i este prezentat cineva ?i ui?i imediat numele? ??i aduci aminte c? trebuie s? mergi la o ?nt?lnire dup? ce a ?nceput deja? Dac? primul lucru la care te g?nde?ti ?n urma acestor constat?ri este c? te vei trezi ?n cur?nd ?ntr-o lume f?r? amintiri, temerea ta este nefondat?. Nu ?i-ai pierdut min?ile, ci doar cheile, iar ?ntre timp ai g?sit cartea care te poate ajuta s? ??i ?mbun?t??e?ti memoria ?i s? ??i ?nt?re?ti capacitatea mental?. Pornind de la cele mai recente cercet?ri ?n domeniu, autorii ne ofer? explica?ii clare despre modul ?n care func?ioneaz? memoria. Creierul uman este un organ mult mai complex, mai flexibil, mai maleabil ?i mai u?or de re?nnoit dec?t se credea. Ca ?i ?n cazul mu?chilor, antrenarea creierului poate duce la rezultate extraordinare. Cele 8 capitole ale lucr?rii sunt u?or de parcurs ?i con?in cele mai eficiente instrumente de ascu?ire a memoriei. Exerci?iile practice, sfaturile ?i trucurile ne ?nva?? cum s? ne concentr?m mai bine, at?t la procesul de codificare a informatiilor, c?t ?i la procesul de recuperare a lor din amintire. Prin cre?terea capacit??ii de a re?ine lucrurile importante pentru noi, se ?mbun?t??e?te garantat ?i calitatea vie?ii. A?adar, dac? ai ?ndoieli ?n leg?tur? cu eficien?a memoriei tale sau ??i dore?ti, pur ?i simplu, s? re?ii lucrurile cu mai mult? u?urin??, ai ?ncredere ?n Doctorul memoriei! Specialitatea lui sunt amintirile clare, complete ?i de durat?.
Vremea plec?rii
Medicamentul cel mai des folosit ?n medicina general? este medicul ?nsu?i; altfel spus, nu doar flaconul sau cutia cu medicamente conteaz?, ci maniera ?n care acestea sunt prescrise pacientului – de fapt, ansamblul atmosferei ?n care medicamentul este dat ?i luat. ?n cartea de fa??, Michael Balint descrie diferite procese incon?tiente ce intervin ?n rela?ia medic-pacient, aspecte care pot favoriza vindecarea, sau pot duce la tensiuni, nepl?ceri ?i tratamente lipsite de rezultatul benefic a?teptat. Dac? rela?ia stabilit? ?ntre specialist ?i client poate fi un obstacol ?n calea bunei desf??ur?ri a activit??ii, atunci unul dintre modurile ?n care rezultatele profesionale pot fi ?mbun?t??ite este supervizarea centrat? pe reac?iile emo?ionale ale medicului fa?? de pacien?ii s?i. ?n?elegerea acestor reac?ii poate oferi date importante despre pacient, pe care specialistul s? le poat? folosi mai departe ?n evaluarea cazului ?i ?n stabilirea unei interven?ii eficiente. Numeroase exemple clinice ilustreaz? dinamica incon?tient? a rela?iei terapeutice, precum ?i modul ?n care se desf??oar? grupurile Balint pentru medici.
Ho?ul interior. Psihologia furtului ?i a pierderii
Ce se ascunde oare în spatele comportamentelor noastre? Ce for?e tainice ne mân? ac?iunile de zi cu zi? Un b?rbat nu reu?e?te s? se implice în nicio rela?ie amoroas? de lung? durat? cu o femeie — s? aib? el o orientare sexual? diferit?? O femeie, de?i are toate semnele c? partenerul îi este infidel, pare s? nu poat? observa ce se întâmpl? chiar sub ochii ei — oare s? fie chiar atât de naiv?? Un tat? î?i reneag? fiica atunci când aceasta se m?rit? cu un b?rbat de alt? religie — s? fie convingerile sale religioase mai puternice decât dragostea fa?? de propriul copil? Povestirile din aceast? carte ne deschid o fereastr? nu numai spre lumea l?untric? a protagoni?tilor ?i spre ceea ce se petrece într-un cabinet de psihanaliz?, ci ?i spre propria noastr? via??, ce poate purta, la rândul ei, sensuri ascunse. A-?i împ?rt??i tr?irile ?i a asculta cap?t? astfel noi valen?e, capabile s? duc? la o în?elegere profund? ?i la schimbare. Ele sunt istorii de caz din experien?a psihanalitic? a autorului, pove?ti ale pacien?ilor, redate într-un limbaj simplu, accesibil cititorului nefamiliarizat cu psihanaliza. Sensurile ascunse ale vie?ii este o carte ce te captiveaz? înc? de la primele pagini. O carte frumos scris? ?i plin? de înv???minte... o serie de capitole scurte, p?trunz?toare, care se citesc ca o combina?ie de Cehov ?i Oliver Sacks. – New York Times Atunci când nu putem g?si o cale de a ne rosti povestea, povestea ne roste?te pe noi, vis?m aceste pove?ti, dezvolt?m simptome sau ne vedem ac?ionând în feluri pe care nu le în?elegem ?Uneori schimbarea vine nu pentru c? ne propunem s? ne vindec?m sau s? repar?m rela?ia noastr? cu via?a; uneori ne schimb?m când repar?m rela?ia noastr? cu pierderea, cu uitarea, cu moartea. – Stephen Grosz
Delphi Complete Works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Illustrated)
Widely regarded as one of the greatest psychologists in world literature, Fyodor Dostoyevsky crafted unique literary works that explored the psychology of the troubled political, social and spiritual atmosphere of nineteenth century Russia. This comprehensive eBook presents the complete works of Dostoyevsky, with numerous illustrations, rare texts appearing in digital print for the first time, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 9) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Dostoyevsky’s life and works * Concise introductions to the novels and other texts * ALL 15 novels, with individual contents tables * Images of how the books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the texts * 20 short stories, with rare tales available in no other collection * Easily locate the short stories you want to read * Includes Dostoyevsky’s journal and letters – spend hours exploring the author’s personal correspondence * Special criticism section, with essays evaluating Dostoyevsky’s contribution to literature * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres * UPDATED with corrected texts, new images and introductions Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Novels POOR FOLK THE DOUBLE NETOCHKA NEZVANOVA UNCLE’S DREAM THE VILLAGE OF STEPANCHIKOVO THE INSULTED AND HUMILIATED THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND CRIME AND PUNISHMENT THE GAMBLER THE IDIOT THE PERMANENT HUSBAND THE POSSESSED THE RAW YOUTH THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV The Short Stories MR. PROHARTCHIN THE CHRISTMAS TREE AND THE WEDDING THE HEAVENLY CHRISTMAS TREE THE CROCODILE BOBOK A GENTLE SPIRIT THE DREAM OF A RIDICULOUS MAN THE PEASANT MAREY THE LITTLE ORPHAN A WEAK HEART WHITE NIGHTS THE MEEK GIRL POLZUNKOV A LITTLE HERO THE HONEST THIEF A NOVEL IN NINE LETTERS THE LANDLADY AN UNPLEASANT PREDICAMENT ANOTHER MAN’S WIFE THE GRAND INQUISITOR The Non-Fiction DOSTOYEVSKY’S JOURNAL LETTERS OF FYODOR MICHAILOVITCH DOSTOYEVSKY TO HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS The Criticism ON RUSSIAN NOVELISTS by William Lyon Phelps RUSSIAN ROMANCE by Earl of Evelyn Baring Cromer A SURVEY OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE by Isabel Florence Hapgood Extract from ‘AN OUTLINE OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE’ by Maurice Baring THREE ESSAYS ON DOSTOYEVSKY by Virginia Woolf Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles
A Psychological Revolution
A PSYCHOLOGICAL REVOLUTION is an essay on the unique teaching of J. Krishnamurti. It starts with the question ‘What is Consciousness?’ – and carefully proposes a holistic definition, after reviewing the various psychological and spiritual theories that deal with this subject. However, the study goes farther and focuses on a more particular issue, a provocative question asked by K: “How to empty consciousness of its content?” Krishnamurti, coming to the conclusion that only a psychological revolution can lead to a transformation of thought and therewith, of the psychological make-up of modern man, suggests that it was possible to empty the content of consciousness on an individual level so as to totally renew our thought and emotional patterns. However, a careful examination of the question brought the author to the insight that consciousness cannot be emptied; what can be done instead is to integrate its content by the development of total awareness and vigilant attention.
Mental Efficiency And Other Hints
No one is a worse guide to success than your typical successful man. He seldom understands the reasons of his own success; and when he is asked by a popular magazine to give his experiences for the benefit of the youth of a whole nation, it is impossible for him to be natural and sincere. He knows the kind of thing that is expected from him, and if he didn’t come to London with half a crown in his pocket he probably did something equally silly, and he puts that down, and the note of the article or interview is struck, and good-bye to genuine truth!
Eden is Now - The Answers You Need to Live a Joyful Life on Earth and Ascend in
WELCOME to EDEN...You have a joyful life waiting for you. It’s time to claim it. Eden IS here, right now, on Earth.Do you want to become as radiant and joyful as the sun, a source of light and pure vitality so bright that everything in your vicinity can not help but grow and blossom as well?Find the Answers You Seek: Eden delivers source wisdom channeled straight from Spirit to help you transform your life. We have been helping people shift their vibration upwards and reach their full potential for over a decade. Let us help you learn how to SHINE.
The Practical Reiki Symbol Primer - Mobile Edition
This Mobile Edition of The Practical Reiki Symbol Primer from Earth Lodge delivers over 40 reiki symbols to your mobile device so you can always have them at your fingertips, whether you are just starting out or moving on to Master level experiences. The Primer illustrates elegantly hand-drawn symbols from both traditional Usui and newer Reiki traditions, followed by descriptions of their uses and origins. Hands-on healing is a natural ability that can be activated and accessed by all humans. The more you use it, the more you spirit unfolds.
Tarot - A Complete Course in Basic Tarot Meanings & Techniques
A #1 Divination Bestseller! Learn the traditional meanings of all 78 cards in the modern tarot, and how tarot cards evolved. Experience the cards through daily meditations that work with magical elements. Find out how to prepare for every reading and allow you intuition to unfold. Discover six different ways to lay out your cards for readings. The e-reader version of this book features gorgeous full color watercolor illustrations from the Aquatic Tarot deck, while the print version is black-and-white.
San Pedro Huachuma: Opening the Pathways of the Heart
San Pedro / Huachuma: Opening The Pathways Of The Heart is an invitation to explore and reconnect with our inner landscapes with the help of San Pedro, also known in South America as Huachuma. San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi) is a psychoactive cactus native of the Andes, but more importantly it’s an ancestral medicine that has been used for millennia for healing and ceremonial purposes. Our Western psychic and psychological make-up differs radically from that of Andean people, and our needs as modern people differ just as much from the needs of the ancestors and inhabitants of this land. This book intends to bridge such cultural gap in ways that honor the wealth of wisdom gathered through centuries of native studies and experimentation, and at the same time address our present day state of emotional disconnection and spiritual confusion, which are at the root of most physical, emotional, and mental diseases. Javier Regueiro draws a comprehensive and practical map for exploring consciousness using this ancestral medicine by sharing from his extensive knowledge as a plant medicine person, his personal experiences, and those of the many people he has guided over the years using this medicine.
Meditate Your Way to Success: The Definitive Guide to Mindfulness, Focus and Med
Most entrepreneurs and people in business misunderstand the purpose and power of meditation and how it complements and energizes business leaders. It is often thought that meditation is a tool to relax, a tool to rid unwanted stress and a means to dilute energies that activate the mind. All that is mostly untrue. Meditation is not just about seeking serenity and harmony. It is not about donning a veil of peace and relinquishing confrontational means. It is not just about contemplating the higher truths and the philosophical meaning of life.?Meditation is about empowering your physical presence?with the powers of the universe. It's about?becoming the force of attraction?instead of merely learning the laws of attraction. It is about?seeking and uniting the divine energy within you so that you may leap forward and make your inspiration take form and take flight.? Meditation is both the object and the subject of silence; it is the nexus of the universe and the energy that binds it. Energies flow in waves and transmit in vibrations. How you vibrate is more important than the words you chose. Meditation gives you a path to the right vibration and is best taken when the mind is disciplined and silent. Words and ideas that echo in the head are mere distractions that mindfulness and focus need to arrest. Meditation is the single most important discipline you need if you want to conquer your destiny. Is This Book For You?This book is dedicated to those that want to smash through the glass ceilings they have put over themselves.?Greatness is already within you, you just need to learn how to release it. This book will teach you exactly how to?extract every ounce of greatness you have,?and then some. Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button and learn how Meditation is an integral part of success and why you should get started NOW!
Literary Taste: How to Form It
At the beginning a misconception must be removed from the path. Many people, if not most, look on literary taste as an elegant accomplishment, by acquiring which they will complete themselves, and make themselves finally fit as members of a correct society. They are secretly ashamed of their ignorance of literature, in the same way as they would be ashamed of their ignorance of etiquette at a high entertainment, or of their inability to ride a horse if suddenly called upon to do so. There are certain things that a man ought to know, or to know about, and literature is one of them.
Journalism for Women: A Practical Guide
The secret significance of journalism: life (says the public) is dull. But good newspapers are a report of life, and good newspapers are not dull. A practical guide for those who are outside and would fain be inside, a newspaper office.
Breaking the Silence: Victims No More
The silence must be broken… ? Each year, thousands of men, women, and children suffer domestic violence. For many, it’s far too long to live in this kind of silence. How much devastation must we see in individuals, families, and communities before we realize that someone… anyone… everyone must take a stand? Featuring stories & accounts from domestic violence survivors & family members. Also included is information regarding types of abuse, why victims stay, awareness months, & a personalized safety plan. Domestic violence has the potential to destroy everything it touches, but there is a solution. Stand up, speak up, and break the silence!
Naked and Transparent
Do you feel broken or lost? Are you trapped by fear, loneliness, and heartache, but unable to see a way out? Are you unhappy in your relationships, and without a solution to make things right? If you are searching for answers to all of your struggles, Vladimire Calixte’s Naked and Transparent: Six Vital Tools for Knowing Yourself and Attracting Healthy Relationships can help you reclaim your life and help you attract more love, success, peace, and joy than you’ve ever imagined! Filled with personal experiences about love, loss, and abandonment, Naked goes beyond a traditional self-help book. It is a refreshing, honest, and stimulating experience that will help you open your heart and soul, and discover a brand-new you! Part workbook and part memoir, Naked is an enjoyable yet informative must-read for women, men, and teens who suffer from low self-esteem, unworthiness, anxiety, shame, guilt, feelings of failure, and toxic relationships.
Το ε?ναι του φα?νεσθαι
Αναλ?οντα? εκτεν?? την συμπεριφορ? εν?? ατ?μου ?ταν βι?νει το συνα?σθημα τη? αγ?πη?, εξηγε?ται το π?? μ?α αντ?δραση μπορε? να υποδηλ?νει κ?τι ?λλο απ? αυτ? που εμε?? σαν δ?κτε? εισπρ?ττουμε. Υμνε?ται η μητρικ? και η αλτρουιστικ? αγ?πη και κατηγορε?ται η κτητικ?. Ξεκιν?ντα? απ? το ?τομο, συνεχ?ζεται η επεξ?γηση συμπεριφορ?ν στο ευρ?τερο πλα?σιο μια? κοινων?α?. Διαφορετικ?? νοοτροπ?ε? μεταξ? των λα?ν τη? Ευρ?πη? αναφ?ρονται. Καταλ?γοντα? στην Ελλ?δα, ο χ?ρο? τη? εκπα?δευση? χρησιμοποιε?ται ω? παρ?δειγμα, αν?μεσα σε ?λλα. Προσπαθ?ντα? να δο?με με μια αντικειμενικ? ματι? κ?ποια κοινωνικ? φαιν?μενα, χωρ?? να υποστηρ?ζεται κ?ποια συγκεκριμ?νη ιδεολογ?α, τ?θενται κ?ποια κοινωνικ? ερωτ?ματα. Το ?τομο ω? μ?λο? μια? κοινων?α? καθορ?ζει τον τρ?πο με τον οπο?ο αυτ? κινε?ται, και βλ?πουμε π?? το ?φα?νεσθαι? εν?? φαινομ?νου σε μια κοινων?α, κρ?βει π?σω του ?να ?ε?ναι?. Στο συμπ?ρασμα, επιστρ?φουμε π?λι στο ?τομο ω? οντ?τητα, και με ?να αισι?δοξο μ?νυμα στο τ?λο?, εξηγε?ται το π?? η ευκαιρ?α για ψυχικ? ηρεμ?α και υγιε?? ανθρ?πινε? σχ?σει? βρ?σκεται στο χ?ρι του ανθρ?που ω? ατομικ? προσπ?θεια αλλ? και ω? μ?λο? εν?? συν?λου.