

Teama de moarte
Teama de moarte
Erica Jong
Rela?ii interpersonale intense ?i haotice, accese de furie, impulsivitate, amenin??ri cu abandonul sau cu suicidul… dup? ce ai cunoscut ?ndeaproape o astfel de persoan? r?m?i adesea cu un gust amar ?i cu ?ntrebarea: ?Unde am gre?it?" ?n spatele acestui tablou ?nnegurat, se afl? ?ns? drama protagonistului – temeri profunde, o senza?ie de vid interior, ne?ncredere fundamental? ?n sine.Lumea unui ?borderline" este ?n alb ?i negru, acut?, direct?, f?r? nuan?e, cu at?t mai impresionant?, cu c?t ace?ti oameni sunt capabili s? duc? o via?? func?ional?. Pot fi partenerul de cuplu, colega de serviciu, amicul din copil?rie.Cartea de fa??, bazat? pe informa?ii din cele mai noi cercet?ri ?n domeniu, reprezint? un ghid cuprinz?tor prin h??i?urile acestei personalit??i aflate la grani?a dintre nevroz? ?i psihoz?. Scris? ?ntr-un limbaj accesibil, ea se adreseaz? at?t terapeu?ilor, c?t ?i publicului larg, aduc?nd lumin? asupra posibilelor cauze ale acestei tulbur?ri, descriindu-i plastic tr?s?turile prin intermediul a numeroase exemple, ajut?ndu-te s? ?n?elegi persoana cu borderline de l?ng? tine ?i s? creezi pun?i c?tre ea.Cea mai important? parte a oric?rei terapii este rela?ia dintre pacient ?i terapeut. Aceast? interac?iune formeaz? baza ?ncrederii, constan?ei obiectului ?i a intimit??ii emo?ionale. Terapeutul trebuie s? devin? o figur? de ?ncredere, o oglind? care s? reflecte o identitate coerent? ?n dezvoltare. Pornind de la aceast? rela?ie, persoana borderline ?nva?? s? extind? ?i asupra altora a?tept?rile adecvate ?i ?ncrederea. – Jerold Kreisman, Hal StrausAspectul fizic al lui Jennifer la ?edin?ele de terapie fluctua dramatic. C?nd venea direct de la serviciu era ?mbr?cat? ?ntr-o ?inut? business, eman?nd maturitate ?i rafinament. Dar ?n zilele ei libere, ap?rea ?n pantaloni scur?i, cu ?osete p?n? la genunchi ?i cu codi?e ?mpletite; ?n aceste ?edin?e se comporta ca o feti?? cu voce sub?ire ?i vocabular mult mai limitat. Uneori se transforma chiar sub ochii doctorului Gray. Putea fi plin? de intui?ie ?i inteligent?, colabor?nd pentru ob?inerea unei mai bune ?n?elegeri de sine, iar apoi devenea o copil? cochet? ?i seduc?toare, declar?ndu-se incapabil? s? func?ioneze ?n lumea adult?. – Jerold Kreisman, Hal Straus
Violen?a ?n ?coal?. Ajut?-?i copilul s?-i fac? fa??
Violen?a ?n ?coal?. Ajut?-?i copilul s?-i fac? fa??
DePino Catherine
Deseori, cei care solicit? ajutorul unui psihoterapeut nu sunt doar ?n c?utarea unor solu?ii pentru conflictele care ?i fr?m?nt?, ci simt c? au nevoie de un nou ?nceput pentru c? undeva, ?n interior, exist? un defect care trebuie reparat, un defect care a ap?rut ?n rela?iile cu ceilal?i. ?n Defectul fundamental, M. Balint ofer? at?t o descriere a personalit??ii umane ?n termeni rela?ionali, ?n care aceast? arie a defectului fundamental ??i are un loc definit de rela?iile bipersonale primare, c?t ?i o ilustrare a modalit??ii de a repara acest defect fundamental ?i de a oferi pacientului ?ansa unui nou ?nceput. Pentru autor, defectul fundamental reflect? consecin?ele actuale ale unor experien?e traumatice timpurii ?n rela?ia bipersonal? care pot fi retr?ite ?i vindecate pe cale analitic?, chiar dac? vindecarea las? o cicatrice. ?n abordarea sa, Balint recunoa?te importan?a aportului ambilor participan?i pentru rezultatul tratamentului ?i atrage aten?ia asupra contribu?iei terapeutului la desf??urarea procesului terapeutic. Pentru a crea atmosfera necesar? desf??ur?rii acestui proces, este necesar ca terapeutul s? fie flexibil emo?ional ?i s?-i permit? pacientului s? regreseze la nivelul defectului fundamental pentru a reveni, apoi, capabil s? aib? o rela?ie de obiect diferit?, mai matur?, cu cei din jur.
Sezonul accidentelor
Sezonul accidentelor
Moira Fowley-Doyle
Prin ce difer? cre?terea b?ie?ilor de aceea a fetelor? Sunt predispu?i b?ie?ii no?tri afla?i la pubertate sau la adolescen?? s? intre ?n mai multe buclucuri dec?t fetele de aceea?i v?rst?? Cum ne putem ajuta fiii s? str?bat? cu bine aceste perioade ?i s? se maturizeze f?r? a le ?tirbi masculinitatea ?n devenire??ntr-o societate ?n care femeile sunt considerate categorie marginalizat? ?i privite ca poten?iale victime, b?ie?ii, ulterior b?rba?ii, ajung s? fie privi?i ca poten?iali agresori. Astfel, discrepan?a social? nu se reduce, ci se ad?nce?te. Cum ar fi, ?ns?, ne propune autorul acestei c?r?i, s? pornim de la premisa c? b?ie?ii sunt structura?i diferit, c?, de-a lungul mileniilor, au evoluat av?nd nevoi, scopuri ?i comportamente diferite de cele ale fetelor? ?n loc s? ?ncerc?m s?-i schimb?m, ?ncadr?ndu-i ?ntr-un tipar feminin, putem ?ncepe prin a-i ?n?elege ?i a le oferi acel cadru de dezvoltare de care au nevoie pentru a deveni b?rba?ii pe care ni-i dorim: puternici, protectori, devota?i.?
Trei mii de semne. Jurnal de scriitor
Trei mii de semne. Jurnal de scriitor
Christi Aura
Ce ne ?ndeamn? s? r?vnim la acele lucruri care nu ne apar?in, devenind invidio?i, sau chiar s? ni le ?nsu?im uneori, nesocotind, astfel, unul dintre principiile morale esen?iale? Avem oare de-a face cu un atribut uman primar, mai mult sau mai pu?in ?mbl?nzit de-a lungul veacurilor??n mituri ?i basme, furtul ?i pierderea sunt prezente ca mecanisme declan?atoare ale unor serii de evenimente fatidice sau, din contr?, ca germeni ai unei noi stabilit??i, superioar? celei anterioare. Trec?nd dincolo de simpla nara?iune a acestora, cartea de fa?? ne dezv?luie, printr-o fin? analiz? psihologic?, aspectele, motiva?iile, ra?iunile interioare ale ho?iei, acelea care scap? adesea privirii moralizatoare, precum ?i ?n?elesurile ascunse ale pandantului s?u, pierderea.Ho?ul interior este o lectur? util? ?i ?n acela?i timp pl?cut? pentru psihologi, psihoterapeu?i, asisten?i sociali, avoca?i ?i, totodat?, pentru to?i aceia care doresc s? ?n?eleag? ra?iunile ascunse ale comportamentelor respinse, ?n general, de societate.?Un mit esen?ial despre ho?ie este povestea L?nii de Aur. Aceast? legend? are cel pu?in 3000 de ani ?i reprezint? o prim? ilustrare a furtului unui lucru de pre?. [...] Studiind acest mit, vom vedea c? Iason, eroul compromis, se comport?, ?n parte, ca un adolescent care ?nc? nu s-a maturizat ca b?rbat, ca un t?n?r ce consider? c? i se cuvinte totul ?i care nu-?i poate recunoa?te limit?rile. Viitoarea sa so?ie, Medeea, ??i ucide mai t?rziu copiii f?cu?i cu Iason, pentru a evita ru?inea pierderii statutului ei ?i pentru a-?i afirma propria idee de justi?ie ?n fa?a nedrept??ii lui Iason, pe care ea o resimte ca pe o priva?iune. ?ns? lunga lor poveste mai con?ine ?i o alt? ?ntrebare: c?nd ho?ia opre?te brutal procesul de individuare?“ – Robert TyminskiSt?team ?n cabinetul meu de la ?coal?, c?nd a intrat o profesoar? ?i mi-a spus: ?A f?cut-o din nou.? Am ?ntrebat cine a f?cut-o din nou, iar ea mi-a replicat: ?Kyle. A furat ceva din po?eta mea,dar una dintre celelalte profesoare l-a prins dup? aceea, c?nd ?ncerca sa ascund? ce a luat ?n ghiozdan.? Am ?ntrebat ce furase ?i mi-a r?spuns: ?Rujul. La fel ca data trecut?.? A continuat: ?E un ho? de farduri. Din toate lucrurile de furat, el e obsedat de farduri. M?car ?tim, ?n sf?r?it, cine tot lua rujurile.? La vremea aceea, Kyle avea doar 5 ani.“ – Robert Tyminski
Incredibilul pelerinaj al lui Harold Fry
Incredibilul pelerinaj al lui Harold Fry
Joyce Rachel
nvturile lui Osho, unul dintre cei mai cunoscui lideri spirituali ai secolului XX, rstoarn tiparele clasice de gndire, provocndune la o permanent punere sub semnul ntrebrii a certitudinilor i la un proces de contientizare de sine.Crile din seria Incursiune ntrun nou mod de via prezint viziunea lui Osho privind cele mai importante probleme pe care i le pun oamenii interesai de tiina transformrii de sine i de o spiritualitate adaptat la provocrile cotidiene ale vieii contemporane.
Jocul ?i fuga
Jocul ?i fuga
Nicolae Breban
Prin?esa Diana. Aparatele de fotografiat ?n?fac? r?m??i?ele automobilului scof?lcit. Cineva fotografiaz? o b?ltoac? de s?nge. Altcineva are inspira?ia s? surprind? o m?n? ?ns?ngerat?. A cui, nu mai are importan??. Iar m?ine imaginea ei ?n acest cadru va fi ?nf??i?at? aproape ca m?na destinului, care ?a ?ntrerupt via?a celei mai frumoase ?i pline de mister prin?ese.“ Gianni Versace. O cas? orbitor de alb? ?n Miami Beach, pe trepte se ridic? un om bronzat, bine f?cut, ?mbr?cat ?ntr?un r?nd de haine scumpe, de culoare deschis?. Un t?n?r se repede spre el ?i?l ?mpu?c? din fa??. ?i din nou luminile reflectoarelor, fotografii, reportaje ?i bine?cunoscuta m?n? a destinului, care ?a ?ntrerupt str?lucitoarea via?? a amatorului de pornografii, ?ig?ri de foi ?i b?rba?i“. Au mai fost John Kennedy, starul de cinema Marilyn Monroe, frumosul ?i nep?s?torul Elvis Presley, re?inutul ?i enigmaticul John Lennon ?i arhiducele Franz Ferdinand. Ce?i une?te pe to?i ace?ti oameni? Ei s?au dovedit de prisos ?n jocul misterios al nu se ?tie cui. Al cui oare? De ce s? faci o icoan? dintr?un om ale c?rui via?? ?i activitate au fost for?a motrice a politicii, filmului, muzicii, ba chiar ?i a istoriei?
Szabó Magda
Destinul, s?n?tatea ?i fericirea reprezint? concepte inseparabile. Este foarte posibil ca acestea s? reprezinte diferite versiuni ale aceluia?i ?ntreg, c?tre care tinde fiecare dintre noi pe parcursul vie?ii. ?n aceast? carte, Iurie Zemun – un mag contemporan – va povesti despre tainele Haosului ?i tehnicile magiei, care func?ioneaz? ?n spa?iul misterios al oportunit??ilor. Oportunit??ile Haosului reprezint? baza psiho-tehnologiei Eterling-ului, care reune?te tehnicile antice ale ?amanilor, metodele eficiente ale tehnologiei neuro-lingvistice ?i noua viziune a lumii, oferit? de fizica cuantic? contemporan?. Acesta este drumul c?tre s?n?tate, fericire ?i dragoste. Eterling-ul va schimba via?a dumneavoast?: acea lupt? continu? va fi ?nlocuit? cu un joc captivant, care, f?r? ?ndoial?, va deveni atractiv ?i pl?cut.
Enciclopedia transform?rii
Enciclopedia transform?rii
Vladimir Lermontov
S? nu mai arunc at??ia ani pe fereastr?. S? renun? la atitudinea de spectator al propriei vie?i. S? m? sperii de c?t de t?rziu am l?sat s? se fac? peste mine. S? nu m? mai comport ca ?i cum nu e al meu timpul pe care ?l investesc ?n orice. S? nu m? intereseze c? nu mai vreau sau nu mai pot sau alte c?te asemenea. S? ?lefuiesc intens verbul ?a fi” dac? vreau ceva.
Mental Efficiency And Other Hints
Mental Efficiency And Other Hints
Arnold Bennett
No one is a worse guide to success than your typical successful man. He seldom understands the reasons of his own success; and when he is asked by a popular magazine to give his experiences for the benefit of the youth of a whole nation, it is impossible for him to be natural and sincere. He knows the kind of thing that is expected from him, and if he didn’t come to London with half a crown in his pocket he probably did something equally silly, and he puts that down, and the note of the article or interview is struck, and good-bye to genuine truth!
Meditate Your Way to Success: The Definitive Guide to Mindfulness, Focus and Med
Meditate Your Way to Success: The Definitive Guide to Mindfulness, Focus and Med
Chase Andrews
Most entrepreneurs and people in business misunderstand the purpose and power of meditation and how it complements and energizes business leaders. It is often thought that meditation is a tool to relax, a tool to rid unwanted stress and a means to dilute energies that activate the mind. All that is mostly untrue. Meditation is not just about seeking serenity and harmony. It is not about donning a veil of peace and relinquishing confrontational means. It is not just about contemplating the higher truths and the philosophical meaning of life.?Meditation is about empowering your physical presence?with the powers of the universe. It's about?becoming the force of attraction?instead of merely learning the laws of attraction. It is about?seeking and uniting the divine energy within you so that you may leap forward and make your inspiration take form and take flight.? Meditation is both the object and the subject of silence; it is the nexus of the universe and the energy that binds it. Energies flow in waves and transmit in vibrations. How you vibrate is more important than the words you chose. Meditation gives you a path to the right vibration and is best taken when the mind is disciplined and silent. Words and ideas that echo in the head are mere distractions that mindfulness and focus need to arrest. Meditation is the single most important discipline you need if you want to conquer your destiny. Is This Book For You?This book is dedicated to those that want to smash through the glass ceilings they have put over themselves.?Greatness is already within you, you just need to learn how to release it. This book will teach you exactly how to?extract every ounce of greatness you have,?and then some. Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button and learn how Meditation is an integral part of success and why you should get started NOW!
Literary Taste: How to Form It
Literary Taste: How to Form It
Arnold Bennett
At the beginning a misconception must be removed from the path. Many people, if not most, look on literary taste as an elegant accomplishment, by acquiring which they will complete themselves, and make themselves finally fit as members of a correct society. They are secretly ashamed of their ignorance of literature, in the same way as they would be ashamed of their ignorance of etiquette at a high entertainment, or of their inability to ride a horse if suddenly called upon to do so. There are certain things that a man ought to know, or to know about, and literature is one of them.
Journalism for Women: A Practical Guide
Journalism for Women: A Practical Guide
Arnold Bennett
The secret significance of journalism: life (says the public) is dull. But good newspapers are a report of life, and good newspapers are not dull. A practical guide for those who are outside and would fain be inside, a newspaper office.
Το ε?ναι του φα?νεσθαι
Το ε?ναι του φα?νεσθαι
Αιμιλία- Αννα Καφαντάρη
Αναλ?οντα? εκτεν?? την συμπεριφορ? εν?? ατ?μου ?ταν βι?νει το συνα?σθημα τη? αγ?πη?, εξηγε?ται το π?? μ?α αντ?δραση μπορε? να υποδηλ?νει κ?τι ?λλο απ? αυτ? που εμε?? σαν δ?κτε? εισπρ?ττουμε. Υμνε?ται η μητρικ? και η αλτρουιστικ? αγ?πη και κατηγορε?ται η κτητικ?. Ξεκιν?ντα? απ? το ?τομο, συνεχ?ζεται η επεξ?γηση συμπεριφορ?ν στο ευρ?τερο πλα?σιο μια? κοινων?α?. Διαφορετικ?? νοοτροπ?ε? μεταξ? των λα?ν τη? Ευρ?πη? αναφ?ρονται. Καταλ?γοντα? στην Ελλ?δα, ο χ?ρο? τη? εκπα?δευση? χρησιμοποιε?ται ω? παρ?δειγμα, αν?μεσα σε ?λλα. Προσπαθ?ντα? να δο?με με μια αντικειμενικ? ματι? κ?ποια κοινωνικ? φαιν?μενα, χωρ?? να υποστηρ?ζεται κ?ποια συγκεκριμ?νη ιδεολογ?α, τ?θενται κ?ποια κοινωνικ? ερωτ?ματα. Το ?τομο ω? μ?λο? μια? κοινων?α? καθορ?ζει τον τρ?πο με τον οπο?ο αυτ? κινε?ται, και βλ?πουμε π?? το ?φα?νεσθαι? εν?? φαινομ?νου σε μια κοινων?α, κρ?βει π?σω του ?να ?ε?ναι?. Στο συμπ?ρασμα, επιστρ?φουμε π?λι στο ?τομο ω? οντ?τητα, και με ?να αισι?δοξο μ?νυμα στο τ?λο?, εξηγε?ται το π?? η ευκαιρ?α για ψυχικ? ηρεμ?α και υγιε?? ανθρ?πινε? σχ?σει? βρ?σκεται στο χ?ρι του ανθρ?που ω? ατομικ? προσπ?θεια αλλ? και ω? μ?λο? εν?? συν?λου.
What Is Art?
What Is Art?
Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy shares his views about the imprecision of general opinions on art, the time, effort, public funds, and public respect spent on art and artists. The difficulty of meaning in art, and especially what is good, useful art, art for the sake of which we might condone such sacrifices as are being offered at its shrine. So, what is art?
The Forged Coupon, and Other Stories
The Forged Coupon, and Other Stories
Leo Tolstoy
Schoolboy Mitya is in desperate need of money to repay a debt, but his father angrily denies him assistance. Dejected, under the instigation of a friend Makhin, Mitya simply changes a 2.50 note to read 12.50, but this one evil deed sets off a chain of events that affects the lives of dozens of others, when his one falsehood indirectly causes a man to murder a woman.
The Black Tulip
The Black Tulip
Alexandre Dumas
The city of Haarlem, Netherlands, has set a huge prize to the person who can grow a black tulip, sparking competition between the country's best gardeners to win the money, honour and fame. Only the city's oldest citizens remember the Tulip Mania thirty years prior, and the citizens throw themselves into the competition. The young and bourgeois Cornelius van Baerle has almost succeeded but is suddenly thrown into the Loevestein prison. There he meets the prison guard's beautiful daughter Rosa, who will be his comfort and help, and eventually become his rescuer.
Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology: "Included Glossary of Jungian Terms"
Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology: "Included Glossary of Jungian Terms"
Carl Gustav Jung
This book contains a selection of articles and pamphlets on analytical psychology written at intervals during the past fourteen years. These years have seen the development of a new discipline, and as is usual in such a case, have involved many changes of view-point, of concept, and of formulation.??It is not my intention to give a presentation of the fundamental concepts of analytical psychology in this book; it throws some light, however, on a certain line of development which is especially characteristic of the Zürich School of psychoanalysis.??As is well known, the merit of the discovery of the new analytical method of general psychology belongs to Professor Freud of Vienna. His original view-points had to undergo many essential modifications, some of them owing to the work done at Zürich, in spite of the fact that he himself is far from agreeing with the standpoint of this school.??I am unable to explain fully the fundamental differences between the two schools, but would indicate the following points: The Vienna School takes the standpoint of an exclusive sexualistic conception, while that of the Zürich School is symbolistic. The Vienna School interprets the psychological symbol semiotically, as a sign or token of certain primitive psychosexual processes. Its method is analytical and causal.??The Zurich School recognises the scientific feasibility of such a conception, but denies its exclusive validity, for it does not interpret the psychological symbol semiotically only, but also symbolistically, that is, it attributes a positive value to the symbol.??The value does not depend merely on historical causes; its chief importance lies in the fact that it has a meaning for the actual present, and for the future, in their psychological aspects. For to the Zürich School the symbol is not merely a sign of something repressed and concealed, but is at the same time an attempt to comprehend and to point out the way of the further psychological development of the individual. Thus we add a prospective import to the retrospective value of the symbol.??The method of the Zurich School is therefore not only analytical and causal, but also synthetic and prospective, in recognition that the human mind is characterised by "caus?" and also by "fines" (aims). The latter fact needs particular emphasis, because there are two types of psychology, the one following the principle of hedonism, and the other following the principle of power. Scientific materialism is pertinent to the former type, and the philosophy of Nietzsche to the latter. The principle of the Freudian theory is hedonism, while that of Adler (one of Freud's earliest personal pupils) is founded upon the principle of power.??The Zurich School, recognising the existence of these two types (also remarked by the late Professor William James), considers that the views of Freud and Adler are one-sided, and only valid within the limits of their corresponding type.??Freud and Adler interpret in the analytical and causal way, reducing to the infantile and primitive. Thus with Freud the conception of the "aim" is the fulfilment of desire, with Adler it is the usurpation of power. Both authors take the standpoint in their practical analytical work which brings to view only infantile and gross egoistic aims.??The Zurich School is convinced of the fact that within the limits of a diseased mental attitude the psychology is such as Freud and Adler describe. It is, indeed, just on account of such impossible and childish psychology that the individual is in a state of inward dissociation and hence neurotic. The Zürich School, therefore, in agreement with them so far, also reduces the psychological symbol (the phantasy products of the patient) to the fundamental infantile hedonism, or to the infantile desire for power. But Freud and Adler content themselves with the result of mere reduction, according to their scientific biologism and naturalism.
A Psychological Revolution
A Psychological Revolution
J. Krishnamurti
A PSYCHOLOGICAL REVOLUTION is an essay on the unique teaching of J. Krishnamurti. It starts with the question ‘What is Consciousness?’ – and carefully proposes a holistic definition, after reviewing the various psychological and spiritual theories that deal with this subject. However, the study goes farther and focuses on a more particular issue, a provocative question asked by K: “How to empty consciousness of its content?” Krishnamurti, coming to the conclusion that only a psychological revolution can lead to a transformation of thought and therewith, of the psychological make-up of modern man, suggests that it was possible to empty the content of consciousness on an individual level so as to totally renew our thought and emotional patterns. However, a careful examination of the question brought the author to the insight that consciousness cannot be emptied; what can be done instead is to integrate its content by the development of total awareness and vigilant attention.
San Pedro Huachuma: Opening the Pathways of the Heart
San Pedro Huachuma: Opening the Pathways of the Heart
Javier Regueiro
San Pedro / Huachuma: Opening The Pathways Of The Heart is an invitation to explore and reconnect with our inner landscapes with the help of San Pedro, also known in South America as Huachuma. San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi) is a psychoactive cactus native of the Andes, but more importantly it’s an ancestral medicine that has been used for millennia for healing and ceremonial purposes. Our Western psychic and psychological make-up differs radically from that of Andean people, and our needs as modern people differ just as much from the needs of the ancestors and inhabitants of this land. This book intends to bridge such cultural gap in ways that honor the wealth of wisdom gathered through centuries of native studies and experimentation, and at the same time address our present day state of emotional disconnection and spiritual confusion, which are at the root of most physical, emotional, and mental diseases. Javier Regueiro draws a comprehensive and practical map for exploring consciousness using this ancestral medicine by sharing from his extensive knowledge as a plant medicine person, his personal experiences, and those of the many people he has guided over the years using this medicine.
J’aime fumer… et je vais arrêter!: Devenez non-fumeur en 30 jours
J’aime fumer… et je vais arrêter!: Devenez non-fumeur en 30 jours
Andreas Jopp
Jaime fumer...et je vais arrêter ! Devenez non-fumeur sans prendre de poids. Le Livre est un succès international, déjà traduit en 10 langues! Ce n’est qu’en découvrant et en comprenant pourquoi vous aimez fumer que vous pourrez arrêter la cigarette sans avoir l’impression de renoncer à quelque chose d’important. **PERMIS DE FUMER** Si vous lisez ce livre, vous allez pouvoir continuer à fumer… Au fil des pages, Andreas Jopp explique point par point et avec humour les schémas de pensée qui empêchent d’arrêter. Il démontre comment la nicotine déprogramme le cerveau, rend vulnérable au stress et empêche de trouver le calme. Une fois ces mécanismes compris, vous pourrez arrêter sans difficulté. Et durablement. **NE PAS PRENDRE DE POIDS** Arrêter de fumer est plus facile quand on n’a pas tout le temps faim et qu’on se sent bien. Avec les conseils alimentaires d’Andreas Jopp, vous pourrez manger davantage sans prendre de poids. **LES QUESTIONS SUIVANTES SERONT REPONDUES** EST-CE QUE VOUS AIMEZ FUMER -Comment la nicotine transforme notre cerveau et sentiment desatisfaction -Pourquoi on se sent mieux quand on fume -Et si l’addiction au tabac était plus forte et plus rapide à cause des additifs -Pourquoi les cigarettes légères sont plus dangereuses que lesnormales LA CIGARETTE ET LE MENTAL -Les fumeurs ont-ils des sautes d’humeur plus fréquentes et desproblèmes de concentration -Pourquoi on fume plus quand on est stressé. -Pourquoi on a l’impression que la cigarette nous relaxe. -Fumer rend-il plus éveillé et plus concentré -Les ex-fumeurs sont-ils moins satisfaits que les fumeurs LES STRATGIES LES PLUS EFFiCACES POUR ARRTER DE FUMER -Pourquoi l’hypnose marche pour arrêter de fumer -La meilleure faon de faire face aux symptmes du sevrage. -Comment éviter les reculades et les rechutes. ARRTER DE FUMER, RESTER MINCE -Les fumeurs sont-ils plus minces que les non-fumeurs La réalité -Comment garder tout simplement son poids en arrêtant de fumer. -Pourquoi le sucré entretient la dépendance à la nicotine. -Comment gérer au mieux son poids, sa faim et sa bonne humeur. -Conseils pratiques et listes de course pour rester mince EN MEILLEURE FORME -Améliorer votre soufe et votre condition physique -Réduire rapidement les risques d’infarctus et de cancers Andreas Jopp **Journaliste médical, coach pour non-fumeurs et auteur de best-sellers. **Andreas Jopp travaille aussi depuis 10 ans avec l'hypnose chez les fumeurs. **L'hypnose fait partie des stratégies les plus efficaces contre le tabac ! *Pour les MP3 de hypnose: www.nichtraucherin30Tagen.de/francais**
The Illumination of the Heart: Experiencing a Divine Miracle
The Illumination of the Heart: Experiencing a Divine Miracle
Zinovia Dushkova
"The entrance of the Messiah in this period — 1998," predicted Edgar Cayce in 1932. His prediction accurately came true, but very few people knew about this... until now.Where and how did the Messiah descend into the earthly world, predicted long ago, but wholly unnoticed?In Book 2 of The Teaching of the Heart series, the Lord, for the first time in history, unveils this Secret. He entrusts all human hearts to witness the greatest and most unprecedented Miracle of the Divine Incarnation of His Son, which took place in 1998 within several worlds as the first stage of the Advent.However, not only will you behold this Miracle as if through your own eyes, but you will also experience it within your own heart. As you read the powerfully poetic pages of this book, an imperceptible mystery will occur inside you: the Divine Love of the Lord will transfigure the essence of your entire being, preparing you to become a particle of His human entity at the time of the Great Advent.Offering spiritual food for further deep reflections, The Teaching of the Heart continues to provide you with inspirational and illuminating instructions from the Lord of Love and Compassion to transform the whole world through self-perfection.Will you let the Saviour be born inside your heart?