Scandaloasa poveste a lui Frankie Landau-Banks
Ar putea exista alte universuri? O c?l?torie de neuitat ?n lumea g?urilor negre ?i a ma?inilor timpului, a universurilor alternative ?i a spa?iului multidimensional, Lumi paralele ne ofer? un portret conving?tor al revolu?iei care a cuprins lumea cosmologiei.Ideea de universuri paralele ?i teoria corzilor, care le poate explica existen?a, au fost c?ndva privite cu suspiciune de oamenii de ?tiin??, fiind v?zute ca o provincie a misticilor, ?arlatanilor ?i excentricilor.Ast?zi, fizicienii teoreticieni sus?in ?ntr-o propor?ie cov?r?itoare teoria corzilor ?i ultima ei itera?ie, Teoria M. Aceasta, dac? se va dovedi corect?, va reconcilia cele patru for?e ale universului ?ntr o manier? simpl? ?i elegant?, r?spunz?nd totodat? la ?ntrebarea:?Ce s a ?nt?mplat ?nainte de Big Bang?“ ?Folosind cu abilitate analogia ?i umorul, Kaku prezint? varia?iunile la tema universurilor paralele, venind din mecanica cuantic?, cosmologie ?i Teoria M.“ -- Brian Green, autorul c?r?ii The Elegant Universe
Bucure?ti, mon amour
Semiologia este piatra fundamental? a diagnosticului. Informa?iile anamnestice orienteaz?, datele clinice fundamenteaz?, iar datele de laborator confirm? diagnosticul.Cursul de semiologie medical? ??i propune s? ?narmeze asistentul medical cu metode ?i tehnici de examinare a pacientului ?i, ?n acela?i timp, cu mijloace ?i c?i de a descoperi semnele ?i simptomele ?i a le interpreta ?n mod corespunz?tor cu scopul de a aprecia corect ?i rapid diagnosticul clinic pentru a interveni eficient ?n sprijinul redob?ndirii/amelior?rii s?n?t??ii pacientului. Este structurat ?n trei capitole: (1) Utilizarea terminologiei medicale ?n efectuarea anamnezei; (2) Modific?rile observate de asistenta medical? la inspec?ia general? ?i (3) Manifest?ri cauzate de diferite afec?iuni. La sf?r?it, exist? o sec?iune de teste pentru evaluarea cuno?tin?elor.Datorit? nevoii permanente de cunoa?tere ?i perfec?ionare a asistentului medical, ca ?i a tuturor profesioni?tilor din domeniul s?n?t??ii, aceast? carte este extrem de util? elevilor ?colilor sanitare postliceale.
Simfonia fr?nei
Volum coordonat de R?zvan Supuran Antologia de fa?? reune?te texte ap?rute ?n revista Me?eria?ii, publica?ie de circula?ie limitat?, fabricat? pe h?rtie me?te?ugit? ?i tip?rit? manual ?n cadrul Atelierului de Carte de la Muzeul ??ranului Rom?n.
Hullámok csapdája
"Most, hogy ismét ?sszegy?lt egy k?nyvnyi írásom, meg kellett nézni, mit vállalok ma is és mit nem. A nem politikai témájú írások kevésbé romlandóak, azokat nyugodtan vállalom most is, legfeljebb kisebb korrekciókkal. Politikai nézeteim azonban akarvaakaratlanul is változtak, így ezek az írások alapvet? újragondolást igényeltek. Bármennyire érdekesnek is találom mostanában a politikát, valójában azt szeretném, ha a k?zbeszédnek ugyanúgy legfeljebb a negyedét tenné ki ez a téma, mint ennek a k?nyvnek. Annyi minden van, ami ennél sokkal érdekesebb. A másik háromnegyed akármi lehet, kit mi érdekel – engem például mostanában els?sorban az élet egyszer? dolgai, emellett a gazdaság és persze továbbra is a pszichológia. ?gy alakultak ki e k?nyv t?bbi részei." A szerz? az ELTE Pszichológiai Intézetének egyetemi tanára, jelenleg f? kutatási területe a gazdaság-pszi?cho?lógia.
A taraj
"Három ember utazik Skóciában a vonaton: egy matematikus, egy fizikus és egy tudományfilozófus. Egyszer csak a matematikus kinéz az ablakon, és azt mondja: – Nézzék, itt fekete bárányok vannak! Mire a fizikus: – Pontosítanék: itt vannak olyan bárányok, amelyek feketék. Mire a tudományfilozófus: – ?n is pontosítanék: itt vannak olyan bárányok, amelyeknek a fel?lünk látszó oldala fekete." - idéz a Monoverzumokban Galántai Zoltán egy ismert tudományfilozófiai anekdotát, azt érzékeltetve, hogy humorral még az egyébként olykor száraznak t?n? szakmai ?sszefüggéseket is érthet?en, érzékletesen lehet kifejezni. Az olvasó legnagyobb ?r?mére.
The Time Machine
zet olarak tüm tp almalar & Bilim felsefesi & Hayat hikayesi & Metodolojisi ve Tahlilleri ilaveli bni Sin, daha ocukluunda, evresini hayrete düüren bir zek ve hafza rnei gstermitir. Küük yata ann bütün, ilimlerini renmiti. Gündüz ve gece okumakla vakit geirir, mum nda saatlerce, ou zaman sabahlara kadar alrd. Pek az uyurdu. Buhara Emiri Nuh bni Mansur’u ar bir hastalktan kurtard ve bu yüzden de Samanoullar saraynn kütüphanesinde alma iznini ald. Bu sayede pek ok eseri elinin altnda bulduu iin vaktini kitap okumak ve yazmakla geirdi. Hükümdar ldüü zaman o, henüz yirmi yandayd ve Buhr'dan ayrlarak Harzem'e gitti: EI-Brni gibi büyük bir hret ve deerin, onun alkanlna, bilgisine deer vermesi, kendisini yanna kabul etmesi, beraber almas, hakknda kskanla yol at. Bu yüzden takibata bile urad. Harzem'de barnamayarak yeniden yollara dütü. ehirden ehre dolaarak nihayet Hemedan'a kadar geldi ve orada kalmaya karar verdi. bni Sn, ou fizik, astronomi ve felsefeyle ilgili olarak 150 civarnda eser yazmt. Farsa olan birka dnda bunlarn hepsi Arapa'dr. ünkü o devirde ilim eserlerini Arap diliyle yazmak detti. Arapa'ya bu bakmdan deer verilirdi. Bilhassa tp ilmine dair aratrmalar son derece orijinal ve dorudur. Bu yüzden dou ve bat hekimliine kelimenin tam anlamyla, 600 yl, hükmetmitir. Eserleri Bat dillerine Latince yoluyla evrilerek Avicenna diye hrete ulaan bni Sin, yanl olarak bir süre Avrupa'da ranl hekim ve filozof olarak tannmtr. Bunun da sebebi, eserlerini Türke yazmam olmasndandr… Bununla beraber, batllar da kendisini Hkim-i Tb, yani hekimlerin piri ve hükümdar olarak kabul etmilerdir. 16 yandayken pratik hekimlie balayan bni Sin, resm saray doktorluu da yapmtr. NDEKLER: BN- SNA’NIN HAYATI ve ALIMALARI ESERLER bn-i Sina’nn Felsefi Anlay Varlk ve Mantk BN- SNA VE VARLIK FELSEFES VARLIK FELSEFES VE BN SNA* Varla likin Grüleri: BN- SNA’DA 3 MESELE A- VARLIK BLNC’NN NCEL B- NAYET VE ERRN LAH KAZADA BULUNUU (KTLK PROBLEM) C-FLLERN ALLAHTAN SUDURU BN- SNA’NIN BLM FELSEFES SLAMDA SMYA VE BN- SNA’NIN SMYAYA KATKILARI.. Tarihi zgemii nkar ve Muhalefet Batya Etkisi BN- SNA’NIN TIP FELSEFES BN- SNANIN TIP TARHNDEK YER…. Tp Sahasndaki Baz Bulular TIBBIN KANUNU ESER HAKKINDA.. BN- SNA’NIN FA FELSEFES BN- SNA’NIN VARLIK VE EVREN FELSEFES BN- SNA VE SUDUR NAZARYES… BN- SNA VE SPNOZADA DN VE FELSEFE LKLER B. BN SN FELSEFESNDE LEMN KIDEM/EZELL SORUNU C. GENEL DEERLENDRME SLAM METAFZ VE BN- SNA slam Metafiziine Ksa Bir Bak: bn Sn’ya Gre Nefsin Bedenden Ayrl Sonras Durumu BN- SNA’NIN “El-rtü ve’t-Tenbhtü fi’l-Mantk ve’l-Hikme” Kitab Hakknda BN- SNA VE ETM BN- SNA’NIN PSKOLOJK YAKLAIMLARI bn Sina’nn Aile Siyasetine Dair Risalesindeki Temel Grüleri KEND AZINDAN BN- SNA Genlik ve Olgunluk Devresi (M. 997 -1005) Seyahatler Devresi (M.1005-1014) (bn-i Sn’nn Hayatnda) Büveyhler Devresi bn-i Sn’nn Hayatnda Kkyler Devresi (M. 1024 -1037) BN- SNA’DA NAMAZ VE FA BALANTISI BN- SN’NIN NAMAZ RSALES Namazn Mahiyeti: Namaz: Namaz, nefs-i natkann, gk cisimlerine benzemesi ve ebed sevap istemek iin Mutlak olan Hakk’a tapnmas demektir. Namazn hakikati: Namazn Zahir ve Batna Ayrlmas Beyanndadr: Bu blüm nceki iki ksm namazdan her birinin kime ve hangi snfa vacib olduunu bildirir: BN- SNA’NIN RUH LE LGL KASDES ZETLE BN- SNANIN BLME KATKILARI BN- SNANIN UNUTULMAYAN SZLER
The Secret Agent: "A Simple Tale"
AMONG the ranks of the great astronomers it would be difficult to find one whose life presents more interesting features and remarkable vicissitudes than does that of Galileo. We may consider him as the patient investigator and brilliant discoverer. We may consider him in his private relations, especially to his daughter, Sister Maria Celeste, a woman of very remarkable character ; and we have also the pathetic drama at the close of Galileo's life, when the philosopher drew down upon himself the thunders of the Inquisition. The materials for the sketch of this astonishing man are sufficiently abundant. We make special use in this place of those charming letters which his daughter wrote to him from her convent home. More than a hundred of these have been preserved, and it may well be doubted whether any more beautiful and touching series of letters addressed to a parent by a dearly loved child have ever been written. An admirable account of this correspondence is contained in a little book entitled "The Private Life of Galileo," published anonymously by Messrs. Macmillan in 1870, and I have been much indebted to the author of that volume for many of the facts contained in this chapter. Galileo was born at Pisa, on 18th February, 1564. He was the eldest son of Vincenzo de Bonajuti de Galilei, a Florentine noble. Notwithstanding his illustrious birth and descent, it would seem that the home in which the great philosopher's childhood was spent was an impoverished one. It was obvious at least that the young Galileo would have to be provided with some profession by which he might earn a livelihood. From his father he derived both by inheritance and by precept a keen taste for music, and it appears that he became an excellent performer on the lute. He was also endowed with considerable artistic power, which he cultivated diligently. Indeed, it would seem that for some time the future astronomer entertained the idea of devoting himself to painting as a profession. His father, however, decided that he should study medicine. Accordingly, we find that when Galileo was seventeen years of age, and had added a knowledge of Greek and Latin to his acquaintance with the fine arts, he was duly entered at the University of Pisa. AMONG the ranks of the great astronomers it would be difficult to find one whose life presents more interesting features and remarkable vicissitudes than does that of Galileo. We may consider him as the patient investigator and brilliant discoverer. We may consider him in his private relations, especially to his daughter, Sister Maria Celeste, a woman of very remarkable character ; and we have also the pathetic drama at the close of Galileo's life, when the philosopher drew down upon himself the thunders of the Inquisition. The materials for the sketch of this astonishing man are sufficiently abundant. We make special use in this place of those charming letters which his daughter wrote to him from her convent home. More than a hundred of these have been preserved, and it may well be doubted whether any more beautiful and touching series of letters addressed to a parent by a dearly loved child have ever been written. An admirable account of this correspondence is contained in a little book entitled "The Private Life of Galileo," published anonymously by Messrs. Macmillan in 1870, and I have been much indebted to the author of that volume for many of the facts contained in this chapter.
Bosszú: A harag ébredése
Az egészségügyi szakemberek fontos feladata a kliensekkel folytatott beszélgetés. A diagnózis felállításán túl a terápia megbeszélése, valamint a megel?zésr?l szóló tájékoztatás is hozzájárul a hatékony gyógyításhoz. A korszer?, bizonyíték-alapú gyógyításban az egészségügyi szakember-kliens diskurzusok tanulmányozása megkerülhetetlen részét képezik az egészségtudományi kutatásoknak, hiszen a róluk készített részletes, módszeres és mélységi elemzések kiegészítik a statisztikai tényeken alapuló megk?zelítéseket. A k?nyv egészségügyi szakemberek és hallgatók-orvosok, ápolók, szülészn?k, gyógytornászok, dietetikusok- számára nyújt áttekint? képet a kvalitatív elemzések fajtáiról, módszereir?l és technikáiról, hogy segítséget nyújtson a kutatások megválasztásában, kidolgozásában és publikálásában. A szerz? mind a kézi, mind a számítógépes adatfeldolgozási módszereket példákon keresztül mutatja be, valamint a kül?nb?z? diskurzus-elemzési módszereket magyar k?zleményekb?l vett szemelvények segítségével illusztrálja. A glosszárium jelent?s segítséget nyújt a filozófiai és nyelvészeti kifejezések megértésében. A k?nyv használható kutatásmódszertani segédk?nyvként, de ?nállóan, egy kurzus részeként is alkalmazható.
Leonardo Da Vinci: "A Psychological Study of an Infantile Reminiscence"
FROM the eastern gate of Mardin the road decants itself plainwards in a skein of curves and zigzags—a vertical descent of 2000 feet, spinning out its gradients to a length of five or six miles. It is not at all a bad road. One could easily bicycle down it—and perhaps even bicycle up it if in specially strenuous mood. But it is, as it were, the swan-song of the modern Ottoman Telfords, and as soon as it reaches the level it reverts into a sheaf of footpaths. Henceforth to the end of our journey we saw no more metalled roads.We had now, too, a further reminder of the fact that we were quitting civilization, for a couple of zaptiehs rode with us to escort us over the stage to Nisibin. Hitherto such protection had been deemed needless: but in these remoter districts the Government prefers to have some tangible assurance of a European traveller’s safety, seeing that it is liable to be held responsible if he is unfortunate enough to come to grief. Thus that modest intruder finds himself passed on from city to city with all the pomp and circumstance of an armed cavalry escort; and afflicted at every stage with the consciousness that he is passing current at a face value vastly in excess of his intrinsic worth. The zaptiehs are a sort of military police, analogous to the Spanish Civil Guard or the Royal Irish Constabulary; though we fear that these two corps d’elite would not be likely to feel gratified at a suggestion that such deplorable ragamuffins should “march through Coventry” with them. Personally, for the most part, they are good-humoured and obliging fellows; accepting rough weather and hard lodging with the utmost philosophy. Also they rather welcome the chance of a little escort duty. It is a pleasant change from the monotony of garrison life; and there is a tip to look forward to finally, though this must be “under the rose.” “You have not mentioned that you’ve given us a present?” said one of our fellows with engaging na?veté when we asked him to carry back a letter—“Because it isn’t allowed!” But though Western civilization extends thus far no longer, there is not wanting tangible evidence to prove that it was here long ago. In the midst of one of the first plain villages there rises, like a lofty aiguille, the angle of a Roman watch tower. It seems impossible that such a slender fragment should be able to withstand wind and weather much longer; but hitherto the huge square blocks have stood firm though all support has fallen away. A Roman church (or more probably a Roman house converted into a church) stands in another village; and at the end of a short day’s journey we turned aside to visit some yet more striking remains. The mountains at this point ravel out on to the plain in a line of gently sloping spurs, and from between two of these issues a broad and shallow but never-failing stream. The spurs immediately westward of it are conspicuously gashed across with wide deep transverse trenches; and as we draw nearer we perceive that the ridge on each side of the river is crested with a ruined rampart, and that the hollow enclosed between them is a regular sugar bowl of huge disjointed stones. Here and there out of the chaos rises the fragment of a mighty tower or a massive skeleton archway, and presently we can descry a few wretched Kurdish hovels half hidden among the débris of the great devastated city.
Az ?t tornacsuka a Pannon Csillagdában
Книга расскажет о причинах возникновения таких серьезных хронических недугов как радикулит и ревматизм, их формах и соответствующих народных методах и рецептах лечения, проверенных многими поколениями. И сейчас не утратили свою эффективность, став незаменимыми помощниками официальной медикаментозной медицины, оздоровительные банные процедуры, минеральные воды, отвары и настои лекарственных трав для внутреннего и наружного применения, разнообразные массажи и комплексы лечебных упражнений, рецепты лечения эфирными маслами, продуктами пчеловодства, солями и металлами. Их подробное описание для регулярного применения, а также рецепты блюд сбалансированной ежедневной диеты для лечебного питания помогут вернуть здоровье и силу вашему позвоночнику и суставам.Kniga rasskazhet o prichinah vozniknovenija takih ser'eznyh hronicheskih nedugov kak radikulit i revmatizm, ih formah i sootvetstvujushhih narodnyh metodah i receptah lechenija, proverennyh mnogimi pokolenijami. I sejchas ne utratili svoju jeffektivnost', stav nezamenimymi pomoshhnikami oficial'noj medikamentoznoj mediciny, ozdorovitel'nye bannye procedury, mineral'nye vody, otvary i nastoi lekarstvennyh trav dlja vnutrennego i naruzhnogo primenenija, raznoobraznye massazhi i kompleksy lechebnyh uprazhnenij, recepty lechenija jefirnymi maslami, produktami pchelovodstva, soljami i metallami. Ih podrobnoe opisanie dlja reguljarnogo primenenija, a takzhe recepty bljud sbalansirovannoj ezhednevnoj diety dlja lechebnogo pitanija pomogut vernut' zdorov'e i silu vashemu pozvonochniku i sustavam.
Last Orders
This is a hands-on guide to discover how long you will live, what you're worth and who gets what when you die. It takes you step by step through everything you need for a personal action plan, including your digital legacy, your will, your final years, your death, funeral, and all your last orders for after you've gone. Relax. Stop worrying. Here are the answers to sort out your online and real world affairs and solve all those life and death problems. LAST ORDERS covers everything clearly, simply and honestly. An essential read for everyone who is not immortal.
Bridges to Success
When you know something works you have to teach others. Learn how to transform learning difficulties into successful learning differences, enabling youngsters and adults alike to succeed. Bridges to Success offers visually talented yet challenged individuals a completely new perspective, empowering them to change themselves and the system around them. The focus is on positives and how people can be their very best. Threads of research, a wealth of experience and a variety of evidence have been pieced together to offer simple skills that anyone can learn to start making changes for the whole family and for any educational practice.
Spirit Revelations
This is an account of incredible yet documented precognitive dreams and synchronicities. They show that our minds are far more powerful than we thought and that we can access true and detailed information without using our normal senses and even of the future.These experiences offer us genuine spiritual guidance in our everyday lives and have profound implications for our understanding of consciousness.Endorsed by the world-renouned scientist Rupert Sheldrake as "e;vivid and fascinating... pioneering research."e;
BMW 3 Series - E36 Restoration Tips & Techniques
A practical restoration manual on the E36, the 3 Series BMWs built between 1990 & 1999. Covers all models from the 316 compact to the M3. Advice is given on acquiring a good pre-owned example plus restoring & modifying engines, bodywork, trim, electrics, suspension & mechanical parts. Detailed information on Alpina & M3 cars. A total of 148 fully illustrated colour and black & white
Truth Machine
DNA profiling-commonly known as DNA fingerprinting-is often heralded as unassailable criminal evidence, a veritable "e;truth machine"e; that can overturn convictions based on eyewitness testimony, confessions, and other forms of forensic evidence. But DNA evidence is far from infallible. Truth Machine traces the controversial history of DNA fingerprinting by looking at court cases in the United States and United Kingdom beginning in the mid-1980s, when the practice was invented, and continuing until the present. Ultimately, Truth Machine presents compelling evidence of the obstacles and opportunities at the intersection of science, technology, sociology, and law.
Victorian Popularizers of Science
The ideas of Charles Darwin and his fellow Victorian scientists have had an abiding effect on the modern world. But at the time The Origin of Species was published in 1859, the British public looked not to practicing scientists but to a growing group of professional writers and journalists to interpret the larger meaning of scientific theories in terms they could understand and in ways they could appreciate. Victorian Popularizers of Science focuses on this important group of men and women who wrote about science for a general audience in the second half of the nineteenth century.Bernard Lightman examines more than thirty of the most prolific, influential, and interesting popularizers of the day, investigating the dramatic lecturing techniques, vivid illustrations, and accessible literary styles they used to communicate with their audience. By focusing on a forgotten coterie of science writers, their publishers, and their public, Lightman offers new insights into the role of women in scientific inquiry, the market for scientific knowledge, tensions between religion and science, and the complexities of scientific authority in nineteenth-century Britain.
Making Marie Curie
In many ways, Marie Curie represents modern science. Her considerable lifetime achievements-the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize, the only woman to be awarded the Prize in two fields, and the only person to be awarded Nobel Prizes in multiple sciences-are studied by schoolchildren across the world. When, in 2009, the New Scientist carried out a poll for the "e;Most Inspirational Female Scientist of All Time,"e; the result was a foregone conclusion: Marie Curie trounced her closest runner-up, Rosalind Franklin, winning double the number of Franklin's votes. She is a role model to women embarking on a career in science, the pride of two nations-Poland and France-and, not least of all, a European Union brand for excellence in science.Making Marie Curie explores what went into the creation of this icon of science. It is not a traditional biography, or one that attempts to uncover the "e;real"e; Marie Curie. Rather, Eva Hemmungs Wirtn, by tracing a career that spans two centuries and a world war, provides an innovative and historically grounded account of how modern science emerges in tandem with celebrity culture under the influence of intellectual property in a dawning age of information. She explores the emergence of the Curie persona, the information culture of the period that shaped its development, and the strategies Curie used to manage and exploit her intellectual property. How did one create and maintain for oneself the persona of scientist at the beginning of the twentieth centuryWhat special conditions bore upon scientific women, and on married women in particularHow was French identity claimed, established, and subvertedHow, and with what consequences, was a scientific reputation secured?In its exploration of these questions and many more, Making Marie Curie provides a composite picture not only of the making of Marie Curie, but the making of modern science itself.
Analyzing Animal Societies
Animals lead rich social lives. They care for one another, compete for resources, and mate. Within a society, social relationships may be simple or complex and usually vary considerably, both between different groups of individuals and over time. These social systems are fundamental to biological organization, and animal societies are central to studies of behavioral and evolutionary biology.?But how do we study animal societies How do we take observations of animals fighting, grooming, or forming groups and produce a realistic de*ion or model of their societies?Analyzing AnimalSocieties presents a conceptual framework for analyzing social behavior and demonstrates how to put this framework into practice by collecting suitable data on the interactions and associations of individuals so that relationships can be described, and, from these, models can be derived.In addition to presenting the tools, Hal Whitehead illustrates their applicability using a wide range of real data on a variety of animal species-from bats and chimps to dolphins and birds. The techniques that Whitehead describes will be profitably adopted by scientists working with primates, cetaceans, birds, and ungulates, but the tools can be used to study societies of invertebrates, amphibians, and even humans.?Analyzing AnimalSocieties will become a standard reference for those studying vertebrate social behavior and will give to these studies the kind of quality standard already in use in other areas of the life sciences.
Science in the Age of Computer Simulation
Computer simulation was first pioneered as a scientific tool in meteorology and nuclear physics in the period following World War II, but it has grown rapidly to become indispensible in a wide variety of scientific disciplines, including astrophysics, high-energy physics, climate science, engineering, ecology, and economics. Digital computer simulation helps study phenomena of great complexity, but how much do we know about the limits and possibilities of this new scientific practiceHow do simulations compare to traditional experimentsAnd are they reliableEric Winsberg seeks to answer these questions in Science in the Age of Computer Simulation.Scrutinizing these issue with a philosophical lens, Winsberg explores the impact of simulation on such issues as the nature of scientific evidence; the role of values in science; the nature and role of fictions in science; and the relationship between simulation and experiment, theories and data, and theories at different levels of de*ion. Science in the Age of Computer Simulation will transform many of the core issues in philosophy of science, as well as our basic understanding of the role of the digital computer in the sciences.
Cancer on Trial
Until the early 1960s, cancer treatment consisted primarily of surgery and radiation therapy. Most practitioners then viewed the treatment of terminally ill cancer patients with heroic courses of chemotherapy as highly questionable. The randomized clinical trials that today sustain modern oncology were relatively rare and prompted stiff opposition from physicians, who were loath to assign patients randomly to competing treatments. Yet today these trials form the basis of medical oncology. How did such a spectacular change occurHow did medical oncology pivot from a nonentity and, in some regards, a reviled practice to the central position it now occupies in modern medicineIn Cancer on Trial Peter Keating and Alberto Cambrosio explore how practitioners established a new style of practice, at the center of which lies the cancer clinical trial. Far from mere testing devices, these trials have become full-fledged experiments that have redefined the practices of clinicians, statisticians, and biologists. Keating and Cambrosio investigate these trials and how they have changed since the 1960s, all the while demonstrating their significant impact on the progression of oncology. A novel look at the institution of clinical cancer research and therapy, this book will be warmly welcomed by historians, sociologists, and anthropologists of science and medicine, as well as clinicians and researchers in the cancer field.
Ruled by Race
From the Civil War to Reconstruction, the Redeemer period, Jim Crow, and the modern civil rights era to the present, Ruled by Race describes the ways that race has been at the center of much of the state's formation and image since its founding. Grif Stockley uses the work of published and unpublished historians and exhaustive primary source materials along with stories from authors as diverse as Maya Angelou and E. Lynn Harris to bring to life the voices of those who have both studied and lived the racial experience in Arkansas.