

Дивись уперед: Над?йний шлях до омр?яного життя
Дивись уперед: Над?йний шлях до омр?яного життя
Michael Hyatt, Daniel Harkavy
Ez a k?nyv két év kutatómunkája alapján íródott. Fórumokon, internetes hozzászólásokban megnyilvánuló vélemények, és a velük kapcsolatban felmerült kérdések, illetve válaszok adják az írás gerincét. Nem orvos, nem tudós, nem kutató írta szaknyelven, hanem egy egyszer?, érz? ember, hétk?znapi nyelven, k?zérthet?en, azon igyekezve, hogy párhuzamot vonjon a szexuális irányultság két végletével és megértesse, hogy e szexuális orientációk egyenérték?ek. A kül?nleges szerelmi szálon futó t?rténet humorral, drámával f?szerezve bemutatja azokat a k?zponti problémákat, melyek a gy?l?letet táplálják a melegek felé és igyekszik utat mutatni az elfogadás irányába. Ma irtózol a homoszexuálisoktól. De mi lesz holnap, amikor a gyermeked, a legjobb barátod vagy a legkedvesebb rokonod megvallja, hogy ? úgy boldog? Az élet sorban osztja a pofonokat és nem tudhatjuk, mikor csattan a mi orcánkon... A k?nyv címét az alábbi idézet ihlette: ?Adj tüzedb?l lángot annak, aki kér!” /Marcus Tullius Cicero/ ?
The Sign of the Four
The Sign of the Four
Arthur Conan Doyle
Copernicus, the astronomer, whose discoveries make him the great predecessor of Kepler and Newton, did not come from a noble family, as certain other early astronomers have done, for his father was a tradesman. Chroniclers are, however, careful to tell us that one of his uncles was a bishop. We are not acquainted with any of those details of his childhood or youth which are often of such interest in other cases where men have risen to exalted fame. It would appear that the young Nicolaus, for such was his Christian name, received his education at home until such time as he was deemed sufficiently advanced to be sent to the University at Cracow. The education that he there obtained must have been in those days of a very primitive description, but Copernicus seems to have availed himself of it to the utmost. He devoted himself more particularly to the study of medicine, with the view of adopting its practice as the profession of his life. The tendencies of the future astronomer were, however, revealed in the fact that he worked hard at mathematics, and, like one of his illustrious successors, Galileo, the practice of the art of painting had for him a very great interest, and in it he obtained some measure of success.??By the time he was twenty-seven years old, it would seem that Copernicus had given up the notion of becoming a medical practitioner, and had resolved to devote himself to science. He was engaged in teaching mathematics, and appears to have acquired some reputation. His growing fame attracted the notice of his uncle the bishop, at whose suggestion Copernicus took holy orders, and he was presently appointed to a canonry in the cathedral of Frauenhurg, near the mouth of the Vistula.? To Frauenburg, accordingly, this man of varied gifts retired. Possessing somewhat of the ascetic spirit, he resolved to devote his life to work of the most serious description. He eschewed all ordinary society, restricting his intimacies to very grave and learned companions, and refusing to engage in conversation of any useless kind. It would seem as if his gifts for painting were condemned as frivolous; at all events, we do not learn that he continued to practise them. In addition to the discharge of his theological duties, his life was occupied partly in ministering medically to the wants of the poor, and partly with his researches in astronomy and mathematics. His equipment in the matter of instruments for the study of the heavens seems to have been of a very meagre description. He arranged apertures in the walls of his house at Allenstein, so that he could observe in some fashion the passage of the stars across the meridian. That he possessed some talent for practical mechanics is proved by his construction of a contrivance for raising water from a stream, for the use of the inhabitants of Frauenburg. Relics of this machine are still to be Been.??The intellectual slumber of the Middle Ages was destined to be awakened by the revolutionary doctrines of Copernicus. It may be noted, as an interesting circumstance, that the time at which he discovered the scheme of the solar system has coincided with a remarkable epoch in the world's history. The great astronomer had just reached manhood at the time when Columbus discovered the new world.??Before the publication of the researches of Copernicus, the orthodox scientific creed averred that the earth was stationary, and that the apparent movements of the heavenly bodies were indeed real movements. Ptolemy had laid down this doctrine 1,400 years before. In his theory this huge error was associated with so much important truth, and the whole presented such a coherent scheme for the explanation of the heavenly movements, that the Ptolemaic theory was not seriously questioned until the great work of Copernicus appeared. No doubt others, before Copernicus, had from time to time in some vague fashion surmised, with more or less plausibility, that the sun..
Ихтияндр: Повесть, основанная на реальных событиях
Ихтияндр: Повесть, основанная на реальных событиях
Андрей Мелехов (Терехов)
A ciência e a tecnologia na contemporaneidade condicionam a organiza??o social e as formas existentes e emergentes de desigualdade e exclus?o tanto em cada sociedade como entre sociedades e regi?es do mundo. Os contextos de acesso e apropria??o do conhecimento científico e tecnológico s?o diversificados, como diferenciados s?o os públicos que se constituem em rela??o com esses contextos e modos de acesso e de apropria??o. Os textos desta colet?nea problematizam sob diferentes aspectos as quest?es críticas para a compreens?o e aplica??o do conceito de apropria??o social do conhecimento científico e tecnológico.
Kingpin - avagy hogyan vette át az uralmat egy hacker a milliárddolláros cyberal
Kingpin - avagy hogyan vette át az uralmat egy hacker a milliárddolláros cyberal
Kevin Poulsen
Основные принципы лечебного питания и советы по подбору продуктов Рецепты вкусных блюд, эффективных в борьбе с болезнями Очень часто мы полагаемся на таблетки и лекарства, хотя действенные и полезные средства от недугов всегда под рукой! Рецепты блюд, приведенные в книге, позволят вам отказаться от большинства медикаментов. Блюда содержат множество целебных веществ и помогут не только поддержать здоровье, но и излечить подагру и диабет, болезни сердца и сосудов, суставов и позвоночника, печени, почек, щитовидной и поджелудочной железы. Вы сможете составить индивидуальное меню здорового питания. Здесь представлены рецепты супов, блюд из мяса, рыбы, грибов, овощей, круп, молочных продуктов и т. д. Используются только доступные ингредиенты. Готовьте с нашей книгой – и избавляйтесь от болезней! Osnovnye principy lechebnogo pitanija i sovety po podboru produktov Recepty vkusnyh bljud, jeffektivnyh v bor'be s boleznjami Ochen' chasto my polagaemsja na tabletki i lekarstva, hotja dejstvennye i poleznye sredstva ot nedugov vsegda pod rukoj! Recepty bljud, privedennye v knige, pozvoljat vam otkazat'sja ot bol'shinstva medikamentov. Bljuda soderzhat mnozhestvo celebnyh veshhestv i pomogut ne tol'ko podderzhat' zdorov'e, no i izlechit' podagru i diabet, bolezni serdca i sosudov, sustavov i pozvonochnika, pecheni, pochek, shhitovidnoj i podzheludochnoj zhelezy. Vy smozhete sostavit' individual'noe menju zdorovogo pitanija. Zdes' predstavleny recepty supov, bljud iz mjasa, ryby, gribov, ovoshhej, krup, molochnyh produktov i t. d. Ispol'zujutsja tol'ko dostupnye ingredienty. Gotov'te s nashej knigoj – i izbavljajtes' ot boleznej!
The Dark House
The Dark House
Ida Alexa Ross Wylie
Illiberális. Inkorrekt. Igaz. Oriana Fallaci a Harag - trilógia második k?tetében még tovább megy, ítéletet hoz Európa felett, amely véleménye szerint már nem is Európa, hanem Eurábia, az Iszlám egyik gyarmata.
Stress Free in Three Minutes
Stress Free in Three Minutes
English Sisters, The
You may be feeling stressed right now or would like to help someone that is feeling stressed. It has been proven that heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, headaches, ulcers and many more medical conditions can all be brought on or made worse by cumulative stress. Stress has negative effects in all spheres of your life and can be fatal. The English Sisters, known as the Everyday Hypnotherapists, will take you on a relaxing journey in each of their easy-to-read short stories, which guide you into a comfortable stress-free state of mind in only three minutes. Each easy to read, short, hypnotherapeutic story is filled with metaphor and hypnotic language, which takes your mind on a mini break, providing relief from stressful thoughts. As you are reading, you will find that your heart rate decreases, your facial muscles begin to soften and your mind begins to enjoy the wonderful benefits of a stress-free state of mind. Stress Free in Three Minutes will help you form new responses, thoughts, attitudes and feelings. This will enable you to create healthy, empowering and happy thoughts in your mind.
Other Side of Truth
Other Side of Truth
Kimball, Paul
In The Other Side of Truth, filmmaker Paul Kimball crosses the Rubicon of the imagination to explore the idea that what we call the 'paranormal' is actually a form of artistic expression created by an advanced non-human intelligence to inspire us to think about who we are, where we have been, and where we are going. Using his own journey of discovery as the starting point, Kimball presents the 'other side of truth' - the world not as we have been told it is, but as we are being encouraged to imagine that it could become.
Right Now Enough is Enough!
Right Now Enough is Enough!
Sacco, Peter
This is a book for anyone who suffers from addiction, contends with bad habits, possesses negative thinking patterns, or is held captive by their addictive personality. Information and methods in this book for treating addictions and habits have taken a decade to put together compiling information, insights and ideas from recovering alcoholics, substance abusers, addiction sufferers, mental health sufferers and world leading practitioners in addictions and mental health. The principles when applied have a tremendous success rate! Using cognitive behavioral therapy techniques along with the law of intention, this book breaks new ground in combining psychology with spirituality for overcoming addiction. Furthermore, it employs the principles from the law of attraction, teaching individuals how to become what they most want to be in life, as well as showing them how to receive what they want! Anyone desiring to develop new positive thinking patterns should definitely read this book. Once you apply the principles in the book, you will definitely be on the road to recovery, as well as finding the "e;you"e; that you have been looking for!
Poems of Devotion and Commotion
Poems of Devotion and Commotion
Smith Reid, Iris Therese
This is the second book of poems by Iris Therese Smith Reid inspired by the experience of caring for a dementia sufferer and the high and low points of their home life. Her husband was diagnosed with dementia more than seven years ago, and since then Iris has chronicled the impact his illness has had on their life together. Her poems express what it really means when the connection between two people is held together by a great bond of devotion - even through the most demanding times. As a complete contrast, a selection of more-amusing verse ends the book in a lighter vein.
Real Ghost Stories
Real Ghost Stories
Stead, W. T.
A fascinating collection of several accounts of ghostly encounters as well as an intriguing look at other paranormal phenomena such as clairvoyance and premonition. Written by pioneering investigative journalist W. T. Stead.
50 Quick Diet Tips
50 Quick Diet Tips
Andrews, Paul
Do you want to lose weight? Are you struggling with your diet? These 50 quick diet tips will help you lose weight, and also keep that weight off. Using common sense and not fads, the advice in the book will help you lose the weight goal you are wanting to.
Introduction to Yoga
Introduction to Yoga
Besant, Annie
Many people know Yoga as a form of stress-relieving fitness regime. This book delves into the rich philosophy and history of this ancient physical and mental discipline, in the form of four lectures given at the 32nd Anniversary of the Theosophical Society.
Horoscopes - Your Future In 2011
Horoscopes - Your Future In 2011
Spain, Bryan
This book of horoscopes for the year 2011 have been specially formatted for today's e-readers. See what the future holds for you! The predictions mainly deal with the three most important areas in people's lives - work, family life and romance although another subject may appear occasionally. Advice appears in some forecasts together with a little gentle criticism of people who take themselves too seriously. It is hoped that the predictions will bring smiles, encouragement and pleasure to the readers. Good luck in 2011!
Dyslexia and Us
Dyslexia and Us
Agnew, Susie
What do a member of the royal family, Olympic rowing champion, comedienne, retired construction worker, a job seeker, a parent, a prisoner and a vet have in common? They are among the many people who have shared their personal stories about what dyslexia means to them. Not every contributor is dyslexic but they have all been sufficiently affected by dyslexia to write their story. With a foreword by Formula 1 champion Sir Jackie Stewart OBE, this is a collection of over 100 moving, poignant, sad, shocking, funny, instructive and illuminating stories. They describe the powerful impact of dyslexia on individuals, families, relationships, professionals and support staff. They give a fascinating insight into how dyslexic people are treated in a wide range of different day to day settings, including job centres, adult literacy classes, education and workplaces. Dyslexia and Us was originally published by Edinburgh Libraries, demonstrating close partnership work with Dyslexia Scotland that has developed over a number of years.
Men of Invention and Industry
Men of Invention and Industry
Smiles, Samuel
A fascinating collection of biographies of great inventors and industrialists.
Arabian Art of Taming and Training Wild and Vicious Horses
Arabian Art of Taming and Training Wild and Vicious Horses
Kincaid, P. R.
Published in 1853, this guide covers all the basics of calming, leading and seating wild horses.
Ghost Trails of Northumberland and Durham
Ghost Trails of Northumberland and Durham
Kristen, Clive
This collection of regional ghost stories is brought to you as an ebook specially formatted for today's e-readers. In this first book of the 'Ghost Trails' series, popular TV ghosthunter Clive Kristen takes the reader in search of spooktacular events in regional history. The stories are woven into their historical context within Northumbria. Although the trails are largely rural, however in this brand new edition of an ever-popular book for the first time there are also trails in Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne.
Spirit Revelations
Spirit Revelations
Peace, Nigel
This is an account of incredible yet documented precognitive dreams and synchronicities. They show that our minds are far more powerful than we thought and that we can access true and detailed information without using our normal senses and even of the future.These experiences offer us genuine spiritual guidance in our everyday lives and have profound implications for our understanding of consciousness.Endorsed by the world-renouned scientist Rupert Sheldrake as "e;vivid and fascinating... pioneering research."e;
Simple and Natural Herbal Living - An Earth Lodge Guide to Holistic Herbs for He
Simple and Natural Herbal Living - An Earth Lodge Guide to Holistic Herbs for He
Maya Cointreau
Herbal living is simple. It's natural. In this illustrated guide, you'll come to understand that an herbal life is a reward in itself. You will learn to appreciate the power held in one tiny leaf. You will be inspired to walk hand in hand with nature, accepting her gifts and respecting her in return. And you'll even learn to appreciate the immense potential you hold inside yourself. Detailing the medicinal uses for over 60 herbs and 23 essential oils, Herbal Living contains many useful recipes for health and home. Herbs for the kitchen, facial products, healing salves and tinctures are all covered in detail."Maya Cointreau will take you on a journey towards a new way of living life. She makes it easy to relate to the material and her words will leave you feeling confident and self-empowered." Kathy Lalonde, RPP
Manager contra curentului. Ce fac marii manageri altfel dec?t ceilal?i
Manager contra curentului. Ce fac marii manageri altfel dec?t ceilal?i
Marcus Buckingham, Curt Coffman
Acest suport de curs este destinat elevilor ?colilor postliceale sanitare c?t ?i personalului mediu din sistemul sanitar., respect?nd programa de preg?tire. Este structurat ?n ?ase capitole: (1) Simptomatologia afec?iunilor ortopedico-traumatice; (2). Afec?iuni congenitale; (3) Infec?ii osoase; (4).Osteoporoza; (5) Tumori osoase; (6) Traumatologie.Pentru a detecta corect problemele reale ?i a decide care este cea mai bun? metod? de ?ngrijire, personalul medical cu preg?tire medie trebuie s? ?tie s? abordeze principalele afec?iuni ortopedico-traumatice. Cei care ??i ?nsu?esc principiile ?i normele expuse ?n acest volum vor fi capabili s? identifice ?i s? ?ncadreze corect semnele ?i simptomele, vor cunoa?te principalele investiga?ii recomandate, precum ?i m?surile de prevenire ?i tratamentul necesar pentru recuperarea bolnavilor care sufer? de aceste afec?iuni.
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
Nikola Tesla
It was in this interesting border region, and from among these valiant Eastern folk, that Nikola Tesla was born in the year 1857, and the fact that he, today, finds himself in America and one of our foremost electricians, is striking evidence of the extraordinary attractiveness alike of electrical pursuits and of the country where electricity enjoys its widest application. Mr. Tesla's native place was Smiljan, Lika, where his father was an eloquent clergyman of the Greek Church, in which, by the way, his family is still prominently represented. His mother enjoyed great fame throughout the countryside for her skill and originality in needlework, and doubtless transmitted her ingenuity to Nikola; though it naturally took another and more masculine direction. The boy was early put to his books, and upon his father's removal to Gospic he spent four years in the public school, and later, three years in the Real School, as it is called. His escapades were such as most quick witted boys go through, although he varied the programme on one occasion by getting imprisoned in a remote mountain chapel rarely visited for service; and on another occasion by falling headlong into a huge kettle of boiling milk, just drawn from the paternal herds. A third curious episode was that connected with his efforts to fly when, attempting to navigate the air with the aid of an old umbrella, he had, as might be expected, a very bad fall, and was laid up for six weeks.. ABOUT AUTHOR: Nikola Tesla (1856 –1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before emigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison in New York City. He soon struck out on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories and companies to develop a range of electrical devices. His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla for a short time as a consultant. His work in the formative years of electric power development was involved in a corporate alternating current/direct current "War of Currents" as well as various patent battles. Tesla went on to pursue his ideas of wireless lighting and electricity distribution in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs, and made early (1893) pronouncements on the possibility of wireless communication with his devices. He tried to put these ideas to practical use in an ill-fated attempt at intercontinental wireless transmission, his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project. In his lab he also conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and early X-ray imaging. He also built a wireless controlled boat, one of the first ever exhibited. Tesla was renowned for his achievements and showmanship, eventually earning him a reputation in popular culture as an archetypal "mad scientist". His patents earned him a considerable amount of money, much of which was used to finance his own projects with varying degrees of success. He lived most of his life in a series of New York hotels, through his retirement. Tesla died on 7 January 1943. His work fell into relative obscurity after his death, but in 1960 the General Conference on Weights and Measures named the SI unit of magnetic flux density the tesla in his honor. There has been a resurgence in popular interest in Tesla since the 1990s.