Zakhar Prilepin’s novel-in-stories, Sin, has become a literary phenomenon in Russia, where it was published in 2007. It has been hailed as the epitome of the spirit of the opening decade of the 21st century, and was called “the book of the decade” by the prestigious Super Natsbest Award jury. Now available for the first time in English, it not only embodies the reality of post-perestroika Russia, but also shows that even in this reality, just like in any other, it is possible to maintain a positive attitude while remaining human. Zakharka is young, strong, in love with love and with life’s random, telling moments. In the episodes of his life, presented here in non-chronological order, we see him as a little boy, a lovelorn teenager, a hard-drinking grave-digger, a nightclub bouncer, a father, and a soldier in Chechnya. He even writes poetry, and his stylistically varied verses are presented in the penultimate chapter of the book. Loving life, he looks boldly, and even with curiosity, into the face of death – taking pictures of the deceased at a funeral, staring with agitation at the entrails of a just-disembowelled pig, chronicling the death of a childhood friend – and values the freedom of not fearing his own end. It is family that ultimately defines happiness for Zakharka; but it is also family that makes him realize, on the desolate Chechen border, that his love for them has deprived him of this freedom. Sin offers a fascinating glimpse into the recent Russian past, as well as its present, with its unemployment, poverty, violence, and local wars – social problems that may be found in many corners of the world. Zakhar Prilepin presents these realities through the eyes of Zakharka, taking us along on the life-affirming journey of his unforgettable protagonist.
Madam How and Lady Why
A delightful children's classic dealing with questions of natural life with plentiful and colourful examples of how things work, and more importantly, why such things as rain, snow, wind and others happen.
Plato’s Republic: The Myth of ER
The Myth of Er is the epilogue of Plato’s Republic. It could be considered as an independent text that refers to the greatest philosophical question of all times."Where does our soul go when we die and where does it come from when we are born?"Socrates in order to give an answer that would lead to a safe conclusion connects the journey of our soul to the function of our planetary system and tries to analyze the following sacramental but also scientific issues:- What is the difference between a developed soul and a developed mind?- Why is the cultivation of virtues necessary?- Which are the three roads of Hades and their connection to the "Van Allen belts"?- How are the penalties and rewards to our soul defined?- Where is Tartarus?- What does the spindle of necessity symbolize?- How are space time and the "Cuiper belt" connected?- What does the existence of Sirens and the three fates mean?- What is the procedure our incarnation?- What contract do we sign before we reincarnate on planet earth?- Which is the role of free will?- What does the mystery of the Dionysial theatre symbolize?- What difference is there between reincarnation and metempsychosis?- What is Socrates’ genius or our guardian angel?
55 Years of Thoughts & Meditations: Practical Experiential Philosophy
The book “55 years of Thoughts & Meditations” is the result of the constant efforts, inquiries, reflections, thoughts and meditations of one man. All matters analysed derive from our everyday lives and include social, political, philosophical and love issues, as well as more general reflections on life. These matters are delivered in a thematic manner, which varies in both form and substance and is expressed in prose mainly, but also in poetic form. Many of the issues posed occur to every thinking person, who follows his/her own path on earth and who seeks answers and solutions to life’s problems: Why do nations engage in battle? Why do people fight? What makes human contact difficult? What are art and beauty? What are sciences and what are their true limits? Should we trust them? What is “wisdom” and “beauty” and which knowledge is truly worthwhile? Is there objective knowledge? What is the unique truth? Is there good and evil? What are the three ideals, “Love”, “Knowledge” and the “Truth”?So one morning, I began to gather and then document all my random thoughts, the remnants of everything that has triggered my observations, all the questions I have documented throughout my life and everything I had noted here and there and I turned it into a book of personal thoughts and meditations. This book is therefore the book of life, taken straight from life, rich with the reflec-tions of a lifetime. It is a book about life and is aimed at every thinking and honest reader with good intentions. This includes young readers who are gifted with the clarity of soul and are in a better position to be aware of the just and the beautiful. Fifty five years of thoughts and meditations is what this book is. It is a quest of “Love”, of “Knowledge” and of the “Truth”.
Apology presents the speech of self-defence given by Socrates in his trial for impiety and corruption specifically against the charges of corrupting the young, and by not believing in the gods in whom the city believes, but in other daimonia that are novel.
After an interval of some months or years, and at Phlius, a town of Peloponnesus, the tale of the last hours of Socrates is narrated to Echecrates and other Phliasians by Phaedo the beloved disciple. The Dialogue necessarily takes the form of a narrative, because Socrates has to be described acting as well as speaking. The minutest particulars of the event are interesting to distant friends, and the narrator has an equal interest in them.
Of all the writings of Plato the Timaeus is the most obscure and repulsive to the modern reader, and has nevertheless had the greatest influence over the ancient and mediaeval world. The obscurity arises in the infancy of physical science, out of the confusion of theological, mathematical, and physiological notions, out of the desire to conceive the whole of nature without any adequate knowledge of the parts, and from a greater perception of similarities which lie on the surface than of differences which are hidden from view.
The Ion is the shortest, or nearly the shortest, of all the writings which bear the name of Plato, and is not authenticated by any early external testimony. The grace and beauty of this little work supply the only, and perhaps a sufficient, proof of its genuineness. The plan is simple; the dramatic interest consists entirely in the contrast between the irony of Socrates and the transparent vanity and childlike enthusiasm of the rhapsode Ion.
通过大师们的视角,谛听大师们的教诲,不仅能领会到哲学的精髓,还能于感叹哲学博大精深的同时,感受到大师们的思想和精神。从大师们的身上,不仅汲取的是知识的营养,还有那种通过博大的心胸、长者的风范所彰显出来的崇高人格魅力。《大师哲学课》以世界著名哲学大师的核心思想为方向,涵盖古今中外哲学理论的经典主张。把哲学大师的一生主要的哲学成果通俗地展现出来,让读者只读精华的篇章。 本书以哲学大师具有代表意义的经典言论的基础上创作而成,用浅显易懂的语言和生动的案例,详尽地阐述了大师们对人生和世界的认知与理解。
诺贝尔说:“有什么样的选择,就会有什么样的人生。”的确,不同的选择会造就不同的人生。选择快乐的,你的一生就充满了欢声笑语。反之,你将是苦海无边!我们要想拥有真正的幸福,就必须具备选择幸福的能力。本书作者从职场、生活、做人、人际交往、心态、事业等六个方面手,结合发生在作者身边的真实故事,用风趣的文字加以分析和总结,告诉我们,虽然人生苦短,只要我们善于选择幸福,那么,我们将会拥有一个快乐、拼搏、精彩、 幸福的人生!本书将以*通俗易懂的语言,加上老范本性怪异的思想,对一些问题书写出了自己与常人不同的理解方法,通过一个个小话题,引起大家的思考,从而给读着带来帮助。本书语言诙谐幽默、故事生动励志,让你在领略风趣的文字、妙趣横生的小故事的同时,还会让你明白如何快乐、幸福地去生活
在长期传播的过程中,《论语》的许多思想被人们加以提炼,成为广为流传的名言。本书就是采撷这些名言,同时又考虑到读者的阅读兴趣,文中辅以历史故事,并对其逐一行解释、引申和拨,使孔子在两千年前的忠告能够针对现代人的做人处世、事业成功起到真正的指导作用。 本书结合“中庸”的思想理念,从修身养性、为人处世、交际应酬等方面将其中有现实意义的部分用现代人的眼光重新诠释,取其精华,去其糟粕,找出了与现代社会、现代人相关的共通。 ? ? ?一部教你准确把握人生各阶段的智慧书 中华古代先民的智慧结晶 本书对《老子》一书在原文解释的章句今译的基础上,结合我们当前社会的现实“请”老子直走上讲坛,面对我们这个时代发言,与我们行面对面的“对话”,这也是老子思想在现代社会的发展和延伸。本书为使哲学走出哲学家的殿堂,走向大众,加深人们作为民族文化源泉的中华古文化的认识,弘扬老子的哲学思想,在学以致用,古为今用方面作出了努力。
无论在传统解释学还是经历了存在论转变的哲学解释学思想中,语言、文本、理解和解释都是基础性的概念范畴,它们之间的理论关联建构起解释学思想的大厦。海德格尔与伽达默尔对于语言、理解与解释的生存论分析,使解释学与生存论之间的内在勾连得以彰显。 在解释学思想的生存论阐明中,语言不再是为人所操纵的交流工具,而是存在的自行道说和能够被理解的存在,它在人的生命存在中展现为语言世界经验和生命的精神化。 无论是生存论,还是解释学,其共同的视域乃是当下的生活世界。生活世界既是人们当下所生存的世界,更是变动不居的生成的世界与存在的界域。本书对于“生活世界”的思想渊源及其现代语境的探究,能够使生存解释学从纯粹思辨的空间中跳跃出来,融到现代人真实的“生活世界”与“交往行为”之中,并具有现代性的思想意蕴。
追求幸福是每个人一生都在学习的功课。我们都希望成为更好的人,收获个人的幸福,并有能力使他人更快乐。本书将这种获得幸福的能力视为可以分析和学习的“科学”,作者认为幸福首先建立在生物层面的法则之上,即健康的身体通常是心智健全的基础,包括注意饮食、锻炼身体、注重睡眠等;此外还应注意生理学家们提出的一些基本法则,行记忆训练,更好地发挥思考的能力与意志的能力;后,每个个体的幸福都可以通过不断与更多的人达成同情与理解、践行利他主义,来实现终的成果。 本书在身体、心理、社交与道德角度的分析清晰有力,并提出了很多具体而有针对性的建议:身体层面如饮食多元化、聪明地使用酒精、茶叶和咖啡;社交层面如败拖延症,寻找志同道合的朋友;道德层面如婚姻中的信任与宽容,在有生之年释放你的爱与能量并平静地面对死亡,等等。 本书非常契合当下的社会现实和人群中普遍存在的情绪病症,为应对道德失范现象、处理亲密关系、塑造良好的行为习惯、学会有智慧和张弛有度地生活提供了很好的解答。英文版1909年首印,其后多次再版和加印,是一本心理学经典读物。
《世间*的力量是忍耐》是星云大师鲐背之年示人际关系的新作,详解持家教子之道。继《宽心》《舍得》《厚道》《包容的智慧》幸福修行课之后,再次以无上智慧证悟人生、示大众。 一个人在家庭和社会当中会有不同的身份,丈夫、母亲、孩子等,需要扮演各异的角色,如何融洽地与身边人相处,做到恭敬慈孝、惩赞有度、收放自如,维持家的稳定与幸福美满,这需要大智慧。毕竟家和才能万事兴,想要事业成功,人生得意,则必须要有一个和谐的家作为自己的坚实后盾。《世间*的力量是忍耐》是星云大师给予世人持家教子的指导,全面详细地阐述了为父为母、为妻为夫、为子为女的思维方式与行为准则,让阅读者找到自己的身份角色定位,收获家庭所带来的幸福与愉悦感。 心量有多大,生活就有多美满。
本书作者、分析学派的主要代表人物英国哲学家罗素(Bertrand Russell,1872—1970)是当代西方知名和有影响的哲学家之一,也是为中国读者所熟知的西方哲学家之一。他在数理逻辑的研究领域曾作出过创性的贡献,同时他还是一位社会活动家和政论家。由于他多方面的成就,他一生曾获得过多种荣誉,包括1950年的诺贝尔奖。在哲学上,他的观大抵早期是属于新实在主义的,晚年逐渐转向逻辑实证主义。本书是他早期的后著作之一,书中较全面地阐述了他对许多哲学问题的论,可以代表他早期哲学思想的一个概括性的总结。 在本书各章中,我主要限于谈论那些我认为可以发表一肯定的和建设性意见的问题,因为单纯否定的批判似乎是不适当的。为了这个缘故,本书中知识论所占篇幅就比形而上学更多些,而哲学家们讨论得很多的一些论题,倘使加以处理,也处理得非常简略。