Plato’s Republic: The Myth of ER
The Myth of Er is the epilogue of Plato’s Republic. It could be considered as an independent text that refers to the greatest philosophical question of all times."Where does our soul go when we die and where does it come from when we are born?"Socrates in order to give an answer that would lead to a safe conclusion connects the journey of our soul to the function of our planetary system and tries to analyze the following sacramental but also scientific issues:- What is the difference between a developed soul and a developed mind?- Why is the cultivation of virtues necessary?- Which are the three roads of Hades and their connection to the "Van Allen belts"?- How are the penalties and rewards to our soul defined?- Where is Tartarus?- What does the spindle of necessity symbolize?- How are space time and the "Cuiper belt" connected?- What does the existence of Sirens and the three fates mean?- What is the procedure our incarnation?- What contract do we sign before we reincarnate on planet earth?- Which is the role of free will?- What does the mystery of the Dionysial theatre symbolize?- What difference is there between reincarnation and metempsychosis?- What is Socrates’ genius or our guardian angel?

Emile is a treatise on the nature of education and on the nature of man written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who considered it to be the best and most important of all his writings. During the French Revolution, Emile served as the inspiration for what became a new national system of education.

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion.

The Doctrine of the Mean
The Doctrine of the Mean is a text rich with symbolism and guidance to perfecting oneself. The person who follows the mean is on a path of duty and must never leave it. A superior person is cautious, a gentle teacher and shows no contempt for his or her inferiors.

The Spanish Wars
On the defeat of Pharnaces and reduction of Africa, those who escaped from those battles fled to young Cn. Pompey, who had taken possession of Further Spain, while Caesar was detained in Italy in exhibiting games. Pompey began to throw himself on the protection of every state, in order the more readily to establish the means of defense against him. Accordingly, with a considerable force which had been collected, partly by entreaty, partly by force, he began to lay waste the province. Under these circumstances some states voluntarily sent him supplies, others shut the gates of their towns against him. If any of these chanced to fall into his hands by assault, although some citizen in it had deserved well of Cn. Pompey (his father), yet some cause was alleged against him on account of the greatness of his wealth, so that, he being dispatched, his fortune might become the reward of the soldiers.

The Civil Wars, Book 2
While these things were going forward in Spain, Caius Trebonius, Caesar's lieutenant, who had been left to conduct the assault of Massilia, began to raise a mound, vineae, and turrets against the town, on two sides; one of which was next the harbor and docks, the other on that part where there is a passage from Gaul and Spain to that sea which forces itself up the mouth of the Rhone. For Massilia is washed almost on three sides by the sea, the remaining fourth part is the only side which has access by land.

Areopagitica is among history's most influential and impassioned philosophical defences of the principle of a right to freedom of speech and expression. Today, Areopagitica is regarded as one of the most eloquent defences of press freedom ever written – and as one of the most influential, because many of its expressed principles have formed the basis for modern justifications.

Apology presents the speech of self-defence given by Socrates in his trial for impiety and corruption specifically against the charges of corrupting the young, and by not believing in the gods in whom the city believes, but in other daimonia that are novel.

The Origin of Conflict
During this time span, Krishnamurti gave talks in England and India. In this volume, Krishnamurti introduces the material as a form of a discussion. He asks those listening to engage in the material along with him. "What I propose to do during these discussions is to think out with each one of you this extraordinarily complex problem of living. You know this problem is not confined to a narrow area. All over the world it is the same. We are confused; we do not know what to do; and we do not know how to set about it or to discover why each group is fighting the other."

Zur Genealogie der Moral
Das Werk, das aus einer Vorrede und drei ?Abhandlungen“ besteht, geh?rt zu den einflussreichsten Schriften Nietzsches. Er legte hier keine Aphorismen vor wie in den meisten anderen seiner Werke, sondern l?ngere, systematische Texte mit durchaus wissenschaftlichem Anspruch: Er stellt darin soziologische, historische und psychologische Thesen auf. Nietzsche wollte anders als klassische Moralphilosophen keine Moral herleiten oder begründen, sondern die geschichtliche Entwicklung und die psychischen Voraussetzungen bestimmter moralischer Wertvorstellungen nachvollziehen. Er fragt also nicht, wie die Menschen handeln sollten, sondern warum Menschen (Einzelne oder Gruppen) glauben, sie sollten auf bestimmte Weise handeln, oder andere dazu bringen wollen, so oder so zu handeln.

Pagini de istorie american?
Aceasta este prima lucrare scris? ?n limba rom?n? care se concentreaz? asupra operei lui Thomas Kuhn, probabil cel mai influent filosof al ?tiin?ei din ultima jum?tate a secolului trecut. ?n particular, lucrarea analizeaz? ?n detaliu, ?ntr-o manier? original?, o idee foarte provocatoare a filosofului american, teza incomensurabilit??ii conceptuale, conform c?reia, ?n dezvoltarea cunoa?terii ?tiin?ifice, teoriile noi utilizeaz? un limbaj ireductibil la cel al teoriilor anterioare. Totodat?, lucrarea se apleac? ?ntr-o manier? sistematic? asupra conceptului de paradigm?, introdus de Kuhn, care avea s? fie utilizat ulterior pe scar? larg? ?n filosofie ?i ?tiin?ele sociale.

Comandorul Sablin. Liderul monarhi?tilor ru?i urm?rit de Siguran?? ?i de Securit
Volumul de fa?? cuprinde trei eseuri ale autorului francez despre ,,r?sul provocat ?n mod special de c?tre comic“. Acestea au la baz? ideile urm?toare: comicul este uman, r?sul are nevoie de o deta?are emo?ional? fa?? de obiectul/subiectul vizat, r?sul are o func?ie social?. Autorul exploreaz? diferite ipostaze ale comicului ?n art? sau ?n via?a de zi cu zi ?n func?ie de cauza care a produs efectul respectiv. Un om care se ?mpiedic? ?i cade poate st?rni r?sul trec?torilor. ?n aceast? situa?ie comicul survine ca urmare a rigidit??ii mecanice a personajului care a c?zut pentru nu a putut evita un obstacol. ?i o diformitate poate st?rni r?sul, ?nsa una care poate fi imitat? de o persoan? care nu are acea diformitate. Exist? ?i un comic al mi?c?rilor, de exemplu, gesturile unui orator. ?n cel de-al doilea capitol, autorul analizeaz? alt? dou? categorii: comicul de situa?ie ?i pe cel de limbaj. ?n fine, al treilea capitol este consacrat comicului de caracter. Anexa de la sf?r?itul lucr?rii curprinde o scurt? discu?ie despre defini?iile comicului, dar ?i despre metoda utilizat? de autor ?n cele trei capitole. Comicul ?ine de aceast? dimensiune a persoanei prin care se seam?n? cu un lucru, acest aspect al evenimentelor umane care imit? prin rigiditatea sa de un fel cu totul spe-cial, mecanismul pur ?i simplu, automatismul, de fapt mi?carea f?r? via??. El exprim?, a?adar, o imperfec?iune individual? sau colectiv? care necesit? o corec?ie imediat?. R?sul este ?ns??i aceast? corec?ie. R?sul este un anumit tip de gest social care subliniaz? ?i reprim? o distragere special? a oamenilor ?i evenimentelor.

Publicat? ini?ial, ?n trei articole, ?n 1861, o lucrare fundamental?, cu o influen?? de necontestat ?n domeniul ?tiin?elor sociale, Utilitarismul lui J.S.Mill cuprinde o serie de discu?ii despre principiile care stau la baza doctrinei filosofice a utilitarismului. Structura lucr?rii, cu cinci capitole clare ?i concise (Considera?ii generale, Ce este utilitarismul, Despre sanc?iunea fundamental? a principiului utilit??ii, De ce fel de demonstra?ie este susceptibil principiul utilit??ii, Despre leg?tura dintre dreptate ?i utilitate), este elegant? ?i faciliteaz? ?n?elegerea ideilor aprofundate de g?nditorul englez. ?ntr-un sens, Utilitarismul reprezint? o rafinare a ideilor lui Jeremy Bentham despre ceea ce ar trebui s? constituie m?sura binelui ?i a r?ului: exigen?a de a ob?ine cea mai mare fericire pentru un num?r c?t mai mare de oameni. ?ntr-un alt sens, mai larg ?i mai important, cartea de fa?? formuleaz? ?i analizeaz? ?n profunzime toate implica?iile, pentru moral?, ale principiului utilit??ii. John Stuart Mill aduce etica ?n vecin?tatea economiei (maximizarea fericirii, ierarhizarea pl?cerilor ?n func?ie de profit, decizia bazat? pe calcularea utilit??ii alternativelor etc.) ?i ?ncearc? s? rezolve toate dificult??ile rezultate din acest mod de a trata problema drept??ii. Mill ofer? r?spunsuri la c?teva ?ntreb?ri esen?iale precum: ,,?n ce const? fericirea?“, ,,Ce urm?rim, de fapt, atunci c?nd alegem o anumit? conduit??“, ,,Ce pl?ceri sunt preferabile?“, ,,Cum trebuie s? arate legile (?i sanc?iunile inerente) dac? morala se ?ntemeieaz? pe utilitate?“, ,,De ce este preferabil principiul utilit??ii, at?t din perspectiva binelui personal, c?t ?i din aceea a binelui public?“

Drumul la zid
Volumul cuprinde dou? traduceri clasicizate, semnate de Victor Scorade?, Dincolo de bine ?i de r?u, ?i de Janina Iano?i ?i Horia Stanca, Genealogia moralei. Un mare vinovat f?r? vin?, sihastrul de la Sils-Maria a dinamitat g?ndirea secolului al XIX-lea, figur?nd – al?turi de Dostoievski – printre uria?ii profe?i ai omenirii, care au proorocit nenorocirile ce-au urmat, crimele ?n numele unei idei, rasismul, precum ?i devastatorul totalitarism ro?u. Dincolo de bine ?i de r?u e una dintre capodoperele g?nditorului german.

Revistele literare ale exilului rom?nesc. Luceaf?rul
Adam Smith (1723-1790) este p?rintele g?ndirii economice moderne. ?n volumul de fa?? au fost culese c?teva dintre cele mai importante capitole din lucrarea care a marcat ?nceputurile disciplinare ale unui domeniu pentru care ast?zi se acord? Premiul Nobel, dar ?i paragraful care ofer? cititorului o explica?ie sintetic? a conceptului pentru care autorul va r?m?ne ?n istorie: m?na invizibil?. Chiar daca unele concepte-cheie ale teoriei g?nditorului sco?ian par dep??ite, ?n esen?a observa?iile ?i explica?iile sale privitoare la natura economic? a socialului r?m?n c?t se poate de subtile ?i conving?toare.

Disconfort ?n cultur?
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) este cunoscut publicului larg ca autor al C?l?toriilor lui Gulliver. A fost considerat de mul?i un mizantrop des?v?r?it, de?i a f?cut parte din clerul Bisericii Anglicane. Va r?m?ne ?ns? ?n istorie ca primul pamfletar de limba englez?. Povestea unui poloboc este cea mai consistent? lucrare de acest gen, de care ?nsu?i autorul s-a declarat ?ntotdeauna foarte satisf?cut. ?n aceast? ?poveste“ satiristul irlandez ne propune o ingenioas? alegorie, ?n egal? m?sur? un atac la adresa bisericilor occidentale care au pervertit p?n? la desfigurare credin?a mo?tenit? de la biserica primar? ?i la adresa modelor care au infestat at?t operele spiritului, c?t ?i discursul teologic.Pus? la index la vremea apari?iei ei de regina Ana a Angliei din cauza nest?p?nitelor ?arje la adresa papismului ?i a puritanismului britanic, considerat? un text ?reac?ionar“ ?n Rom?nia epocii lui Ceau?escu, aceast? carte nu este, cu siguran??, o lectur? confortabil?, dar r?m?ne una dintre cele mai spumoase ?i mai fine satire scrise vreodat?.





《物性论》为读者带来一个警告:它是想改变你的生命。许多作者相信他们的著作将使读者感到一个真实的冲击,但是很少会想象到这种野心给读者所带来的变化。 ……想象一下,有满足之感,并想得到一个可靠的对宇宙的理解以及生存的自然规律,从而再没有对突如其来不愉快的惊讶,没有怪物从我们的无知的阴暗角落向我们发动攻击,而现在整个宇宙为自然规律的知识所照耀。想象没有权力、金钱、爱情甚至生命本身的野心。你应放弃所有的这些东西,一滴眼泪也不掉。你应当享受生命已经给了你的,而不应先追求这以外的东西。你应保持安详、满足和智慧。在《物性论》的末尾,卢克莱修说,你也应有像这样的一个生命。因此,这首诗并不是为炫耀其深奥聪明的观念的一部枯燥的哲学论著,更不是一位疲惫的诗人,碰着一个问题专注于把希腊哲学用拉丁诗体来表示出来。