The Sot-Weed Factor
The Sot-Weed Factor
The Standard Operas
The Standard Operas
The Trouble with Asian Men
Macho men or metrosexual guys? Mummy’s boys or blokes under their missus’ thumbs? Self-made entrepreneurs, pukka professionals and successful executives with their Mercedes Benz lives and designer-clad wives; husbands, sons, uncles, brothers and fathers – these successful, soulful and spirited Asian men have come a long way from their origins but they’ve all got roots! The Trouble with Asian Men is a vital, tender and hilarious insight into lives that surround us every day. From the award-winning theatre company that brought us East is East, a revealing verbatim comedy that has played to sell-out houses internationally.
Fall of the Reich: D-Day, Arnhem, Bulge and Berlin
Campaigns of World War II: Fall of the Reich is a military history of the Western European campaign from D-Day in June 1944 to the fall of Berlin in May 1945. Beginning with the Allied preparations for what would become Operation Overlord, from the initial discussions of Roosevelt and Churchill, to the deliberations and plans of Marshall and Brooke, and the subsequent appointment of commanders like Eisenhower, Montgomery and Ramsay, the book covers in detail the landings on the Normandy coast. Combining tactical coverage of events such as the severe fighting at Omaha and Pegasus Bridge, the Canadian success on Juno beach, and the 21st Panzer Division's aborted counterattack, with reporting of the reactions of Hitler and Rommel to the landings, the book provides an explanation of why the Allied advance ran out of steam, and a description of their struggle to escape the bocage hedgerows of Normandy. The US-led breakout in late July 1944 released Bradley and Patton's forces into the heart of France, and the liberation of Paris followed swiftly. A crumbling German defence led to Allied overconfidence and the resultant 'bridge too far' at Arnhem, but as the Allies approached the Rhine and the German border, resistance quickly stiffened. Hitler's last gamble, the attack through the Ardennes known as the Battle of the Bulge, brought temporary panic to the Allied ranks, but heroic stands at Bastogne and elsewhere, coupled with a German acute lack of petrol and the weather clearing to allow Allied aircraft to operate again, led to the defeat of the last Wehrmacht attack in the west. The final year of the war saw the Allies advancing as occupying forces into the heart of Germany, adopting Eisenhower's broad front strategy. Finally the book examines why the decision was made to allow the Red Army to occupy Berlin and remain on the western bank of the Elbe river. Part of a five-volume series on the Second World War written by prominent military historians, Fall of the Reich is a masterful account of the 1944–45 campaign in Western Europe that describes both the action on the front line and the decisions made behind the scenes that decided the fate of Nazi Germany.
Gladiator: Fighting for Life, Glory and Freedom
“When everyone had had plenty to eat and drink they called for the gladiators. The moment anyone’s throat was cut, they clapped their hands in pleasure. And it sometimes even turned out that someone had specified in their will that the most beautiful women he had purchased were to fight each other….” – Athenaeus, The Learned Banqueters With their origins as blood rites staged at the funerals of rich aristocrats, gladiatorial combat is one of the defining images of ancient Rome. For more than 600 years, people flocked to arenas to watch these highly trained warriors participate in a blood-soaked spectacle that was part sport, part theatre and part cold-blooded murder. Gladiatorial contests were a spectacular dramatization of the Roman emperor’s formidable power. Gladiator looks at life and service in the Roman arenas from the origins of the games in the third century BCE through to the demise of the games in the fifth century CE. It explores the lives of the prisoners of war, criminals, slaves and volunteers who became gladiators, their training, and the more than 20 types of gladiator they could become, fighting with different types of weapons. From Spartacus’s slave revolt to the real Emperor Commodius who liked to play at being a gladiator, from female gladiators to the great combats involving hundreds of exotic animals, Gladiator is a colourful, accessible study of the ancient world’s famous warrior entertainers.
Little more than ten years ago drones were barely used, but now more than 50 countries have them in service and they are not only changing how wars are fought but how crops are sprayed, how underwater pipelines are monitored and even how sports events are filmed. If it’s too risky to send a manned aircraft to survey the intensity of a hurricane or a combat zone, or too costly for conservation wardens to chart the movement of wildlife, drones can be used. Used for reconnaissance work and mapping as well as launching missiles, drones can fly autonomously or be controlled by remote control. Peering into a volcano about to erupt, checking how fast a forest fire is spreading, exploring the wreck of a sunken ship, charting your enemy’s position and taking out a military target—these are just some of the uses of drones today. From drones the size of a fingertip to drones that can carry soldiers, from single rotorcraft to multi-rotorcraft to propeller craft drones, Drones expertly examines these complex vehicles, which are not only very different from manned aircraft, but also very different from each other. Illustrated with more than 220 colour photographs and artworks, Drones is an exciting, accessibly written work about the latest in military and civilian aviation technology.
The Samurai Warrior: The Golden Age of Japan’s Elite Warriors 1560–1615
During Japan’s Warring States period, centuries of strife had left the country divided and leaderless. Those who filled the power vacuum were the daimyo, warlords who ruled over the clans and provinces of Japan. Serving their daimyo, the samurai were the ultimate warriors at a time when military prowess won out over hereditary power and position. The nature of warfare itself changed—romantic ideas of mounted duels and battlefield decorum became as rare as aristocratic samurai leaders. Marching in to replace them were the common foot soldiers, the ashigaru , armed with pikes and matchlock rifles. The Samurai Warrior examines the fighting men of this key period in Japanese history. Divided into six chapters, the book describes the unification under the Tokugawa bakufu , the major battles of the era, the weapons and armour used, the social structure of Japanese society, myths about the samurai, and finally the decline of the samurai amidst the modernization of the Meiji period. Including more than 200 photographs, illustrations, paintings, and maps, The Samurai Warrior is a colourful, accessible study of Japan’s famous but often misunderstood warrior elite.
The World's Greatest Tanks: An Illustrated History
The World's Greatest Tanks features 52 of the best armoured fighting vehicles from World War I to the present day. Beginning with the prototype Mark V Male in 1917, the book ranges from World War I, World War II, through the Cold War and up to the highly sophisticated tanks that have seen recent service in wars in the Balkans, Caususus, and Middle East. From the Soviet T-34 and German Panther tanks of World War II to the M1A2 Abrams, Challenger 2 and T-90 of the present day, The World's Greatest Tanks is an expert examination of the most successful tanks of the past hundred years. Each entry is examined over two spreads and includes a brief description of the tank's development and history, a colour profile artwork, photographs, key features and specifications tables. Packed with more than 200 artworks and photographs, The World's Greatest Tanks is a colourful guide for the military historian and military technology enthusiast.
Универсальный календарь садовода-огородника
Читанка для учн?в старших клас?в середньо? школи в ус?х ?вропейських кра?нах. Книжку створено в рамках сп?льного проекту орган?зац?й та установ, що працюють разом у Платформ? ?вропейсько? пам'ят? та сумл?ння. Зб?рка м?стить 30 дивовижних ?стор?й людей з 16 ?вропейських кра?н, що зазнали тотал?таризму. Це розпов?д? про см?ливц?в, як? протистояли тотал?таризмов? та загинули, а також про тих, кому пощастило вижити. Ц? розпов?д? сповнен? надзвичайного суму через незм?рн? страждання, що ?х завдали фанатичн? орудар?, поборники та п?дсобники тотал?таризму таким же людям, як ? вони. Але водночас вони осп?вують любов до свободи, людську г?дн?сть, несхитн?сть, см?лив?сть, в?ру та в?ддан?сть головним людським ц?нностям.
Энда. Земля легенд (Jenda. Zemlja legend)
Брошура в стисл?й та популярн?й форм? розпов?да? про под?? Укра?нсько? революц?? 1917–1921 рок?в – процеси державного буд?вництва, творення укра?нсько? пол?тично? нац??, в?дродження укра?нсько? науки, осв?ти, культури та духовност?. Багато уваги прид?ля?ться л?дерам Укра?нсько? революц?? – Михайлу Грушевському, Володимиру Винниченку, Симону Петлюр?, Павлу Скоропадському, ?вгену Петрушевичу, Номану Челеб?дж?хану та ?н., як? розробляли ?? ?деолог?ю, формували порядок денний, вели за собою народ. Розкрива?ться ?нституц?йне буд?вництво, творення законодавчо?, виконавчо?, судово? г?лок влади, розбудова в?йська, дипломат??, ф?нансово? системи тощо. Фотокартки ? св?дчення сучасник?в в?дтворюють атмосферу того часу, проливають св?тло на життя ? побут звичайно? людини в умовах революц?йних потряс?нь.??Брошура п?дготовлена на основ? матер?ал?в ?нформац?йно-просв?тницько? кампан??, яку Укра?нський ?нститут нац?онально? пам’ят? проводить до 100-р?ччя Укра?нсько? революц?? 1917-1921 рок?в, в ход? яко? п?дготовлено низку фотодокументальних виставок, комплект?в лист?вок та ?нформац?йних матер?ал?в, дитячу наст?льну гру, спец?ал?зовану веб-стор?нку, присвячену под?ям Укра?нсько? революц?? 1917–1921 рок?в (
Cinnet ve Ask: "Bir Felsefe & Sosyoloji Kurami"
Milyen lenyomatot hagyott bennünk 1956? T?rténelem alulnézetb?l, avagy családi emlékek, személyes t?rténetek az ominózus ?szr?l, ami után minden más lett. Hogyan lesz egy 17 éves gyárimunkás fiúból néhány nap leforgása alatt forradalmár? Mi t?rtént Erdélyben 56-ban? Mikor eszmél rá a hatéves kislány, hogy a nagyapja Magyarország legfontosabb embere? Hogyan él tovább az, akinek a menyasszonya ?r?kre elhagyta az országot? Hogyan válik a távoli kultúrából érkez? idegen október 23. szellemiségét átérz? emberré? Ilyen és ezekhez hasonló kérdésekre válaszol t?bbek k?z?tt Horgas Eszter, Varga Miklós, Kiss Zoltán Zéro, Tordai Teri, Vámos Miklós, Bornai Tibor és sokan mások. A kül?n?s, szívszorító vagy kalandos emlékekb?l megismerhetjük az ezerarcú forradalom néhány emberi mozzanatát. Naszvadi Judith családi érintettsége okán is kezdte el feltenni a kérdéseket el?bb sz?kebb, majd tágabb k?rnyezetében. A 60. évfordulóra így, ezekb?l az interjúkból állt ?ssze A mi '56-unk.
D-Day: Omaha and Utah
In any military operation throughout history, few 24-hour periods have been as crucial as that of 6th June 1944. With the aid of specially commissioned maps, D-Day: The First 24 Hours series gives the dramatic history of the first 24 hours of the Normandy landings, and explains in detail the events that occurred in each landing zone. In this third volume of the series, the book describes the American landings on Omaha and Utah beaches. The fighting on Omaha was some of the most desperate fighting took place, but the beach was eventually secured. The book also includes the famous operation by the US Rangers to capture the gun position at Pointe du Hoc, successfully scaling a sheer cliff face in the teeth of the defenders' fire. With colour and black & white photographs, the book is a guide to key events in the first 24 hours of the D-Day landings that saw the Allies successfully achieve a foothold in Northern Europe.
Plays of Love and Conflict
From beautiful adaptations of classics to exciting new writing, Duffield is a master of storytelling. Commissioned by theatres and community groups in the UK, these plays offer strong roles for both men and women, as well as the opportunity for song and dance. They will appeal to schools and youth theatres as well as both amateur and professional performers. Using a mixture of storytelling, theatre and song, BROTHERS IN ARMS draws on the true story of two brothers from a Yorkshire pit village – one of whom steadfastly refused to fight in World War I, while the other volunteered and served on the front line in France. Cast 8 minimum. Adapted from Hugo’s novel, THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME is ‘remarkably faithful to the author’s original intention… a faultless production.’ – THE MORNING STAR Cast 8 minimum. WITH ALL MY LOVE is a tale of conspiracy and betrayal, of family feuds and deep-held secrets, of a woman’s struggle to keep faith with a husband transported to the other side of the world. Suitable for large cast productions, aimed at a general audience.
The Illustrated History of World War I
The first truly total war, the ‘war to end all wars’, shocked the world with its scale and brutality. Men from both sides went to war in August 1914 expecting to be home by Christmas, but on the Western and Italian Fronts troops became locked in a grim stalemate of trench warfare. For the first time, advances in both agricultural and industrial production had made it possible to equip and sustain mass armies for years in the field. The Illustrated History of World War I describes a conflict that began with a naval arms race in the early 1900s, and ended in 1918 with the deaths of nearly 23 million soldiers of all nations. As many more would die in the influenza pandemic that raged after the fighting had ceased. The war brought great social, political and military change. The innocence of the Victorian world was gone, replaced by an era of uncertainty. With the aid of more than 250 black-and-white photographs and full-colour artworks, The Illustrated History of World War I recreates the battles and campaigns that raged across the surface of the globe, on land, at sea and in the air. Including full colour maps of specific actions and campaigns and feature boxes explaining important events and personalities involved in the conflict, The Illustrated History of World War I provides a graphic and compelling account of the first truly modern war.
The Viking Warrior: The Norse Raiders Who Terrorized Medieval Europe
"…and they laid all waste with dreadful havoc, trod with unhallowed feet the holy places, dug up the altars, and carried off all the treasures of the holy church. Some of the brethren they killed; some they carried off in chains; many they cast out, naked and loaded with insults; some they drowned in the sea." —Simeon of Durham, A History of the Community of Durham Beginning in 789 CE, the Vikings raided monasteries, sacked settlements and invaded the Atlantic coast of Europe and the British Isles. They looted and enslaved their enemies, terrorizing all whom they encountered. But that is only part of their story. Sailing their famous longboats, they discovered Iceland and North America, colonised Greenland, founded Dublin, and also sailed up the River Seine and besieged Paris. They settled from Newfoundland to Russia, conquered eastern England, and fought battles from Ireland to the Caspian Sea. They traded walruses with Inuits, brought Russian furs to Western Europe and took European slaves to Constantinople. Their graves contain Arab silver, Byzantine silks and Frankish weapons and artefacts. Illustrated with more than 200 maps, photographs and artworks, The Viking Warrior examines these fearsome warriors through their origins, social structure, raiding culture, weapons, trading networks and settlements.
American Battles and Campaigns: A Chronicle from 1622 - Present
Raids and sieges; trench warfare and air campaigns; guerrilla warfare, naval engagements, and colonial wars; American Battles & Campaigns covers every major campaign and battle fought in North America or by United States’ forces overseas, from the Pequot War of 1634 to the recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Arranged chronologically, American Battles & Campaigns includes hundreds of entries, ranging from the 1770 Boston Massacre through the Alamo (1836) and the Philippine-American War (1899–1902), to Chateau-Thierry (1918), Midway (1942) and Hue (1969). Major battles, such as Yorktown, Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, and D-Day are illustrated with an annotated colour 3D map and detailed text explaining the course of the engagement. There are also colour and black & white photographs, numerous 2D battle maps, paintings and artworks, and expert accounts from leading military historians on each engagement. American Battles & Campaigns offers a complete guide to every war fought by the United States, from early European settlement to the present day.
Plays for Young People
Red Red Shoes was commissioned by the Unicorn Theatre for Children and The Place. Based on the Hans Christian Andersen tale, this play uses dance, music and drama to explore the inner world of a traumatised child fleeing from war in Eastern Europe. (Ages 9+) Eye of the Storm offers a contemporary version of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, exploring father/daughter relationships and the need for independence. (Ages 12+) Playing From the Heart, commissioned by the Polka Theatre, is a poetic piece which follows the travails of the young Evelyn Glennie to become a professional musician despite her profound deafness. (Ages 8+)
Calea spre fericire. Pove?ti adev?rate. Vol. 2
No caso da episteme comunicacional pode-se dizer que a mesma vem-se constituindo na historicidade de conceitos chave e de hipóteses clássicas que têm nutrido o pensamento teórico e a pesquisa empírica do campo. Pensando a episteme comunicacional trata disso, ou seja, do objeto comunica??o em sua trajetória por fazer-se, a qual, ao acumular-se, permite a renova??o do que foi pensado a seu respeito e a prospec??o de novos pontos de vista.
Life of the Moselle
["The Elements of Drawing" was written during the winter of 1856. The First Edition was published in 1857; the Second followed in the same year, with some additions and slight alterations. The Third Edition consisted of sixth thousand, 1859; seventh thousand, 1860; and eighth thousand, 1861.The work was partly reproduced in "Our Sketching Club," by the Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt, M.A., 1874; with new editions in 1875, 1882, and 1886.Mr. Ruskin meant, during his tenure of the Slade Professorship at Oxford, to recast his teaching, and to write a systematic manual for the use of his Drawing School, under the title of "The Laws of Fésole." Of this only vol. i. was completed, 1879; second edition, 1882. As, therefore, "The Elements of Drawing" has never been completely superseded, and as many readers of Mr. Ruskin's works have expressed a desire to possess the book in its old form, it is now reprinted as it stood in 1859.] ? THE SECOND EDITION.As one or two questions, asked of me since the publication of this work, have indicated points requiring elucidation, I have added a few short notes in the first Appendix. It is not, I think, desirable otherwise to modify the form or add to the matter of a book as it passes through successive editions; I have, therefore, only mended the wording of some obscure sentences; with which exception the text remains, and will remain, in its original form, which I had carefully considered. Should the public find the book useful, and call for further editions of it, such additional notes as may be necessary will be always placed in the first Appendix, where they can be at once referred to, in any library, by the possessors of the earlier editions; and I will take care they shall not be numerous.August 3, 1857. ? PREFACE? i. It may perhaps be thought, that in prefacing a manual of drawing, I ought to expatiate on the reasons why drawing should be learned; but those reasons appear to me so many and so weighty, that I cannot quickly state or enforce them. With the reader's permission, as this volume is too large already, I will waive all discussion respecting the importance of the subject, and touch only on those points which may appear questionable in the method of its treatment. ? ii. In the first place, the book is not calculated for the use of children under the age of twelve or fourteen. I do not think it advisable to engage a child in any but the most voluntary practice of art. If it has talent for drawing, it will be continually scrawling on what paper it can get; and should be allowed to scrawl at its own free will, due praise being given for every appearance of care, or truth, in its efforts. It should be allowed to amuse itself with cheap colors almost as soon as it has sense enough to wish for them. If it merely daubs the paper with shapeless stains, the color-box may be taken away till it knows better: but as soon as it begins painting red coats on soldiers, striped flags to ships, etc., it should have colors at command; and, without restraining its choice of subject in that imaginative and historical art, of a military tendency, which children delight in, (generally quite as valuable, by the way, as any historical art delighted in by their elders,) it should be gently led by the parents to try to draw, in such childish fashion as may be, the things it can see and likes,—birds, or butterflies, or flowers, or fruit. ? iii. In later years, the indulgence of using the color should only be granted as a reward, after it has shown care and progress in its drawings with pencil. A limited number of good and amusing prints should always be within a boy's reach: in these days of cheap illustration he can hardly possess a volume of nursery tales without good wood-cuts in it, and should be encouraged to copy what he likes best of this kind; but should be firmly restricted to a few prints and to a few books.
Plimb?ndu-l pe Fun
Drag? cititorule,Dac? te-ai uitat ieri mai mult de dou? ore la televizor ?i nu po?i f?r? asta, las? cartea asta jos.Dac? vrei s? fii de acord cu cineva, cu oricine, nu e?ti omul meu.Dac? m? ?tii din tinere?e ?i crezi c? sunt b?iatul care se b?lb?ia la prompter, dai banii degeaba.Dac? vrei s? dai cadou cartea asta unui prieten, nu mai bine ?i iei o sticl? de vin? Eu nu ?tiu s? ame?esc a?a bine.?n general, recomand cartea doar c?torva oameni.Cei care vor s? afle cum am ajuns s? tr?im, iubim, alegem ?n social media.Dar mai ales celor care cred c? a scrie poate schimba ceva.P.S. Poate.Doar c? trebuie s? scriem cu to?ii ?n acela?i timp.Despre asta e Share! Despre for?a social media, cel mai bun amplificator de idei pe care ?l ?tiu.?ntr-un fel, dac? stai s? te g?nde?ti, ?i tu ai scris-o.
Az elveszett cirkáló
1920-ban a magyar t?rténelem egyik legsúlyosabb krízise érkezett el. Nem csupán a t?rténelmi Magyarország és hagyományos vezet? rétegei találtattak k?nny?nek: 1918 és 1919 forradalmaival együtt elbuktak a radikális reformokat szorgalmazó baloldali pártok is. K?zel hat év háborús pusztítás után gazdasági, szociális, külpolitikai és m?vel?dési problémák sokasága halmozódott fel. Ekkor született meg a fiatal értelmiség reform iránt elk?telezett részéb?l a magyar népi mozgalom. Az ? t?rténetükr?l szól ez a k?nyv. A magyar népi mozgalomról meglep?en keveset tud a jelenkor emlékezete, és ismereteink jó része is leginkább félreértésekb?l és el?ítéletekb?l táplálkozik. A népi mozgalom elitjéhez tartozók – Németh Lászlótól és Illyés Gyulától kezdve Veres Péteren és Kovács Imrén át egészen Bibó Istvánig – megpróbáltak választ találni a Trianon utáni Magyarország legéget?bb kérdéseire, méghozzá nem a hagyományos ideológiák mentén, hanem egy általuk ?harmadik útnak” nevezett eszmeiség jegyében. Papp István k?tete – amely harminc év óta az els? modern szemlélet? ?sszefoglalása a témának – els?sorban azt kívánja bemutatni, hogyan és miért született meg a népi mozgalom, illetve hogy legfontosabb tagjai milyen elgondolásokat fogalmaztak meg, és milyen reformokat láttak szükségesnek 1945 el?tt és után.