Ask Your Way to Success - The Definitive Guide to Success Through Asking
This is one of the easiest parts of making yourself a?success, but we all forget to do it. Wherever we are on the road of life, whatever we are doing, however unpleasant or difficult, however challenging, the one thing that we always forget to do is to ask for the solution. It is so simple, yet we seem to overlook it.?You can't overlook that anymore because asking does a number of things, all of which are found in this book. The simplest thing in the world and we neglect it because we are looking for complex answers to things that we fail to understand.?The law of the universe?will give you all you desire, you just have to ask for it in a way that is universally understood. That's what you will find in this book. Along with that, you will develop an understanding of the nature of things that lie beneath the pursuit of success. By truly understanding?how to ask,?when to ask,?and?what to ask for, you will slowly begin to understand the nature of this universe.?Asking, in the way we describe, has been proven time and again for all kinds of requests. From solving challenges, to asking for inspiration. From charging into battles to asking for freedom. Once you learn how to ask and you internalize how to do it,?you will transform your life.? Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button and start learning how to ask for what you truly desire!
Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking
It is astonishing to see how many philosophical disputes collapse into insignificance the moment you subject them to this simple test of tracing a concrete consequence. There can be no difference any-where that doesn't make a difference elsewhere—no difference in abstract truth that doesn't express itself in a difference in concrete fact and in conduct consequent upon that fact, imposed on somebody, somehow, somewhere and somewhen. The whole function of philosophy ought to be to find out what definite difference it will make to you and me, at definite instants of our life, if this world-formula or that world-formula be the true one.
Contele de Monte-Cristo. Vol. IV
Economia american? modern? este crea?ia a patru oameni: Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould ?i J.P. Morgan. Ei au fost gigan?ii epocii de aur, un moment de dezvoltare f?r? precedent care a f?cut din America cea mai bogat?, mai inovatoare ?i mai productiv? ?ar? a planetei. Charles R. Morris ?i readuce la via?? pe magnatul o?elului Carnegie, regele petrolului Rockefeller ?i vr?jitorul c?ilor ferate Gould, cei obseda?i de progres, experimentare ?i vitez?, precum ?i pe finan?istul Morgan, omul de afaceri gentleman, care a luptat pentru o ?ncredere global? ?n afacerile americane. Magna?ii este incredibila poveste a oamenilor hot?r??i care au cl?dit economia american?, cre?nd un colos industrial – ?i o ?ntreag? ?ar? de consumatori din clasa de mijloc.
Awakening of Intelligence
This comprehensive record of Krishnamurti's teaching is an excellent, wide-ranging introduction to the great philosopher's thought. Within general discussions of conflict, fear, violence, religious experience, self-knowledge, and intelligence, Krishnamurti examines specific issues, such as the role of the teacher and tradition; the need for awareness of "cosmic consciousness"; the problem of good and evil; and traditional Vedanta methods of help for different levels of seekers. Krishnamurti discusses these themes with Jacob Needleman, Alain Naude, and Swami Venkatasananda, among others. The Awakening of Intelligence is indispensable for all those intent on a fuller understanding of Krishnamurti's teaching.
Excelen?a ?n management. Trei reguli pentru succes
Un program de preg?tire pentru managerii ?n formare ?Una dintre cele mai bune cinci c?r?i de business pentru cariera ta.“ – Wall Street Journal ?Sfaturi practice privitoare la tehnicile care ?i pot ajuta pe manageri s? devin? mai eficien?i.“– Forbes Drumul spre dob?ndirea pozi?iei de manager eficient este unul obositor ?i dificil. Te confrun?i cu a?tept?ri contradictorii din partea subordona?ilor, a superiorilor, a colegilor cu acela?i statut ca al t?u ?i a clien?ilor. Cum ai putea st?p?ni arta de a conduce? Cum s? faci fa?? dificult??ilor zilnice din activitatea de management? Excelen?a ?n management este un ghid indispensabil pentru autoevaluarea celor care ocup? pozi?ii de conducere ?i pentru ?n?elegerea lucrurilor pe care le pot face pentru a-?i ?mbun?t??i performan?ele. Sfaturile inteligente ?i practice, conceptele esen?iale ?i exemplele pe care le con?ine le vor permite at?t ?efilor afla?i la ?nceput de carier?, c?t ?i celor cu experien?? s?-?i ating? poten?ialul maxim de lider. Lectur? obligatorie pentru manageri! ?Un clasic modern.“ – Financial Times
Vladimir Tism?neanu - ieri ?i azi
Spre deosebire de celelalte c?r?i ale sale, constituite ca ni?te a?a-zise ?fabule“ (sfaturile de business fiind oferite sub forma unor pove?ti moralizatoare), Avantajul-De ce s?n?tatea organiza?ional? este cel mai important atu ?n afaceri este o lucrare teoretic? (de?i pres?rate cu exemple concrete din practica de consultan?? a autorului ?i a echipei sale) ?i care sintetizeaz? principiile expuse ?n alte lucr?ri ale sale.La baza strategiei sale pentru echipele de conducere st? conceptul de ?s?n?tate organiza?ional?“, de care, din p?cate, mul?i lideri nu mai ?in cont atunci c?nd ?ncearc? s? ob?in? avantajul ?n fa?a competi?iei. Ei se axeaz? pe tehnologie de ultim? or?, strategii de marketing imbatabile sau planurile de afaceri complexe. Nu exist?, ?ns?, sus?ine Lencioni pe parcursul c?r?ii sale, o cale mai bun? de a ajuta o companie s? progreseze ?i s? se dezvolte s?n?tos dec?t elimin?nd cauzele care stau la baza intrigilor de culise, a confuziei, a fluctua?iei de personal ?i ?n general a tuturor disfunc?iilor. ?n acest scop, autorul propune patru ?discipline“ esen?iale, pe care le explic? ?n detaliu: 1. Construirea unei echipe de conducere bine ?nchegate (ceea ce presupune stabilirea unei rela?ii de ?ncredere, ?ncurajarea conflictelor productive, angajamentul asumat, responsabilizare reciproc? ?i concentrarea pe ob?inerea de rezultate);2. Crearea clarit??ii (toat? lumea trebuie s? fie pe aceea?i lungime de und? privind motivul existen?ei companiei, valorile specifice ale acesteia, strategiile de afaceri etc., ?n vederea atingerii scopurilor comune); 3. Supracomunicarea clarit??ii (liderii le explic? ?i le amintesc constant angaja?ilor aspectele clarit??ii) 4. Consolidarea clarit??ii (selectarea personalului pe baza valorilor comportamentale ?i integrarea lor corect? ?n organiza?ie). Ni?te reguli simple, de bun-sim?, pe care to?i liderii ar trebui s? le cunoasc? ?i s? le respecte, pentru ca organiza?ia pe care o conduc s? ating? succesul la care au visat ?ntotdeauna.
Drag? via??
Unul dintre primele titluri ale colectiei CEO, Lean In de Sheryl Sandberg,se adreseaza femeilor de afaceri, confruntate adesea cu dilema: o cariera de succes sau o viata personala implinita?Autoarea, al doilea om din conducerea Facebook, aflata in ultimii ani in topul celor mai puternice femei de afaceri si al celor mai influente personalitati si mama a doi copii, ne arata ca este posibil sa impaci reusita profesionala cu implinirea personala, ca trebuie sa depasim stereotipurile de gen, ca femeile trebuie sa aiba mai multa incredere in sine si ambitie pentru a-si obtine locul pe care il merita.Premisa acestei c?r?i o constituie un discurs fulminant TEDTalk, sus?inut de Sandberg ?n 2010, ?n care descria felul ?n care femeile ??i st?vilesc progresul ?n carier? ?n mod involuntar. Cuv?ntarea ei devenit? un real fenomen ?i urm?rit? de mai mult de 2 milioane de ori, ?ncurajeaz? femeile ?s? se a?eze la masa tratativelor“ al?turi de b?rba?i, s? caute ?n permanen?? provoc?ri, s?-?i asume riscuri ?i s?-?i urm?reasc? scopurile cu tenacitate.Astfel, studiile de specialitate au eviden?iat faptul c? de?i s-au scurs treizeci de ani de c?nd 50% din absolven?ii de colegii din Statele Unite ale Americii sunt femei, totu?i b?rba?ii continu? s? de?in? o majoritate cov?r?itoare a pozi?iilor de conducere din guvern ?i industrie. Femeile ?nc? nu-?i fac auzite vocile, iar autoarea ?ncearc? s? g?seasc? un r?spuns la ?ntrebarea De ce progresul femeilor ?n accederea la rolurile de conducere s-a blocat?, explic? cauzele originare ale problemei ?i ofer? solu?ii conving?toare, practice, care le pot conferi femeilor puterea de a-?i etala ?ntregul poten?ial.Sandberg sondeaz? ?n ad?ncime aceste aspecte, pentru a str?punge ambiguit??ile ?i prejudec??ile prezente ?n vie?ile tuturor ?i a le ?ndruma pe femei, pas cu pas, ?n cl?direa unei cariere de succes, descriind etapele specifice pe care trebuie s? le parcurg? acestea ?n scopul concilierii reu?itelor profesionale cu ?mplinirea personal?.Scris? cu umor ?i ?n?elepciune, aceast? carte este un apel inspirat la ac?iune, destinat a schimba polii conversa?iei de la femeile care nu pot face la cele care pot, devenind astfel un strig?t animat c?tre acestea de a pune um?rul la crearea unei lumi mai egale.
What will you find in this book? You’ll find events and stories which strikingly resemble the ones that we see in corporations. You’ll find familiar things that you like and things that will make the corporate officials think meditate. And last but not least you will find each and every one of you. Why should you buy a book that speaks about the things that you live daily? Maybe because the way in which things are narrated will enchant you and will captivate you because it feels like someone has read your mind, because you simply want to enjoy yourself by discovering the corporate environment. It is a book dedicated mainly to corporate members and to the people who work there, that is about us, the corporate members. On an optimistic note and funny way, I hope.
Guvernamentalitatea. Forme ?i tehnici ale puterii ?n Occident
“Music is a fundamental channel of communication: through music people can share emotions, intentions and thoughts even though their spoken languages may be mutually incomprehensible.” (Hargreaves – Miell – McDonald, 2002) It can be a supporting baseline, which helps people and skilled composers to find their way to express their deep and profound emotional life and imagination. In fact, music is present in our lives everywhere playing a greater part than ever before. The rapid technological development made it possible to listen to music every time and everywhere through the commercialization and economic power of music. But how is music connected to country branding and nation image? The answer is quite simple: music can be a source of a wide range of associations. When we listen to a song featuring a country’s original characteristics, the nation itself pops into our mind with all of its typical symbols, inhabitants – briefly the image of a country. The key question in my paper is how music is able to influence the country image. The main objective of this paper is to uncover the linkage between music and country image and to draw a model based on Anholt-hexagon (2003) that can be used by practitioners as well. The paper’s novelty lies in the synthesis of theoretical approaches, which were not applied and connected to each other before according to secondary research. Nevertheless, the topic’s nature requires several examples from practical life as well: international and Hungarian case studies, moreover primary research were applied.
Живая еда от 1000 болезней. Рецепты, которые лечат позвоночник
У книжц? футуролога з Массачусетського технолог?чного ?нституту Март?на Форда йдеться про штучний ?нтелект ? роботехн?ку, чи? можливост? вже перевершують всяку уяву, руйнують стереотипи ? конкурують з людським мозком. Автор скрупульозно досл?джу? технолог?чн? ?нновац?? ? моделю? недалеке майбутн?, коли машини зам?нять людей ? заживуть сво?м життям. Ця книжка похитне в?ру читач?в у абсолютну доц?льн?сть роботизац?? ? спонука? задуматися над майбутн?м людства.
?j vitaminforradalom
Mi az üzleti tervük Kész képtelenség! ... Ez a knyv az izraeli technológiai sikerek színes trténeteit gyjti ssze. Bámulatos olvasmány” – WASHINGTON POST Hogyan képes Izrael – ez az alig 7,1 millió lakosú ország, amely nem rendelkezik természeti kincsekkel, ellenségek veszik krül minden oldalról és folyamatosan hadiállapotban áll – tbb start-up céget elindítani, mint Japán, India, Dél-Korea, Kanada és Nagy-Britannia A szerzk, Dan Senor és Saul Singer, geopolitikai szakértk lévén a legnevesebb izraeli feltalálók és újítók példájából merítve mutatják be eme siker titkát, nevezetesen azt, hogyan tvzi Izrael egyedül- álló módon az innovációt és a vállalkozói kedvet az ellenséges krnyezetben. Más országokban az illemszabályokat és a precíz tervezést hangsúlyozzák, Izraelben azonban a hücpe, vagyis a merészség a legfontosabb. A szerzk azt is megmutatják, miként járult hozzá a sikerhez Izraelnek a bevándorlással, a K + F-fel és a sorkatonasággal kapcsolatos politikája. Az amerikai NASDAQ-on ma tbb izraeli cég van bejegyezve, mint amennyi dél-koreiai, japán, szingapúri, kínai, indiai és európai cég együttvéve. Ha valamikor, akkor most érdemes tanulmányozni ezt a figyelemre méltó és rugalmas országot, mert olyan lenygz és meglep tanulságokra bukkanhatunk, amelyek más nemzetek, üzletemberek és szervezetek számára is hasznosak lehetnek - mindenkinek, akit érdekel a gazdasági siker titka.
Resistance to Innovation
Every year, about 25,000 new products are introduced in the United States. Most of these products fail-at considerable expense to the companies that produce them. Such failures are typically thought to result from consumers' resistance to innovation, but marketers have tended to focus instead on consumers who show little resistance, despite these "e;early adopters"e; comprising only 20 percent of the consumer population.Shaul Oreg and Jacob Goldenberg bring the insights of marketing and organizational behavior to bear on the attitudes and behaviors of the remaining 80 percent who resist innovation. The authors identify two competing definitions of resistance: In marketing, resistance denotes a reluctance to adopt a worthy new product, or one that offers a clear benefit and carries little or no risk. In the field of organizational behavior, employees are defined as resistant if they are unwilling to implement changes regardless of the reasons behind their reluctance. Seeking to clarify the act of rejecting a new product from the reasons-rational or not-consumers may have for doing so, Oreg and Goldenberg propose a more coherent definition of resistance less encumbered by subjective, context-specific factors and personality traits. The application of this tighter definition makes it possible to disentangle resistance from its sources and ultimately offers a richer understanding of consumers' underlying motivations. This important research is made clear through the use of many real-life examples.
Beyond the Grave, Revised and Updated Edition
This expert, one-of-a-kind handbook shows you how to ensure that your inheritance instructions will be carried out the way you want them to be; protect your children's inheritance from creditors, ex-spouses, addictions, tax troubles, mismanagement, squandering, and other risks of loss; prevent family conflict that can arise when parents die and children divide the family money leave more money to your children and grandchildren, and less to the IRS; avoid creating inheritance problems in your family with cautionary tales of inheritance planning gone bad; understand why you still have to deal with estate tax issues even if your net worth falls below the new death-tax-exemption.
Crush It!
Do you have a hobby you wish you could indulge in all dayAn obsession that keeps you up at nightNow is the perfect time to take that passion and make a living doing what you love. In Crush It! Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion, Gary Vaynerchuk shows you how to use the power of the Internet to turn your real interests into real businesses. Gary spent years building his family business from a local wine shop into a national industry leader. Then one day he turned on a video camera, and by using the secrets revealed here, transformed his entire life and earning potential by building his personal brand. By the end of this book, readers will have learned how to harness the power of the Internet to make their entrepreneurial dreams come true. Step by step, Crush It! is the ultimate driver's manual for modern business.
Why have all the sprinters who have run the 100 meters in under ten seconds been blackWhat's one thing Mozart, Venus Williams, and Michelangelo have in common?Is it good to praise a child's intelligenceWhy are baseball players so superstitiousFew things in life are more satisfying than beating a rival. We love to win and hate to lose, whether it's on the playing field or at the ballot box, in the office or in the classroom. In this bold new look at human behavior, award-winning journalist and Olympian Matthew Syed explores the truth about our competitive nature why we win, why we don't, and how we really play the game of life. Bounce reveals how competition the most vivid, primal, and dramatic of human pursuits provides vital insight into many of the most controversial issues of our time, from biology and economics, to psychology and culture, to genetics and race, to sports and politics. Backed by cutting-edge scientific research and case studies, Syed shatters long-held myths about meritocracy, talent, performance, and the mind. He explains why some people thrive under pressure and others choke, and weighs the value of innate ability against that of practice, hard work, and will. From sex to math, from the motivation of children to the culture of big business, Bounce shows how competition provides a master key with which to unlock the mysteries of the world.
Warren Buffett Invests Like a Girl
Investing isn't a man's world anymore and that's a good thing for individual portfolios, Wall Street, and the world's financial system.Warren Buffett and the women of the world have one thing in common: They are better investors than the average man. Psychologists and scientists have shown that women have the kind of temperaments that help them achieve long-term success in the market. The calamities of the past several years have only provided more statistical and anecdotal evidence of the same. Here are just a few characteristics of female investors that distinguish them from their male counterparts:Women spend more time researching their investment choices and tend to take less risk than men do. This prevents them from chasing "hot" tips and trading on whims. Women are also more likely to seek out information that challenges their assumptions.One study found that men trade 45 percent more often than women do, and although men are more confident investors, they are also more susceptible to becoming overconfident. By trading more often and without enough research men reduce their net returns and increase transaction costs and capital gains taxes.Women aren't as susceptible to peer pressure as men are, which results in a more levelheaded, patient approach to investing.Women have less testosterone than men do (not a surprise, we know). New and continually unfolding science points to the possibility that testosterone is responsible for herdlike risk-taking behavior from men in the financial markets.This book shows that women, with their patience and good decision making, epitomize the Foolish investment philosophy, as well as the investment temperament of the most successful investor in history: Warren Buffett. While men may be brash, compulsive, and overly daring, women tend to be more studious, skeptical, and reasonable. The book will empower and educate women and the men smart enough to embrace a "feminine" investing style on how to strengthen their portfolios and find success in the market.
Winning Every Day
Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it. Meet Lou Holtz, the motivational miracle worker who revitalized the Notre Dame football program by leading the legendary Fighting Irish to nine bowl games and a national championship. During his twenty-seven years as a head football coach, Holtz garnered a 216-95-7 career record. Each new assignment brought a different team with different players, but, invariably, the same result--success. How did he do itBy designing a game plan for his players that minimized obstacles while maximizing opportunities. Now he wants to pass his game plan on to you. In Winning Every Day, you'll discover ten strategies that will drive you to the top of your professional and personal life. Coach Holtz will reveal how you can acquire the focus and commitment it takes to be a champion. It won't be easy; it takes sacrifice to be the best. But now you'll have a proven winner alongside you in the trenches. Winning Every Day demonstrates how you can elevate your performance while raising the standards of everyone around you. Follow Coach's strategies and winning becomes habitual. You will learn to welcome sacrifice as you dedicate yourself to excellence. He will show you how to clearly define your short-term and long-term goals, to develop an unwavering sense of purpose without compromising flexibility. Through it all, Coach Holtz will help you discover the courage you need to live a life of unremitting triumph. You couldn't have a better guide. He will provide you with the strategies he has shared with Fortune 500 companies, groups, and organizations. Voted the top motivational speaker two years running by a survey of speakers' bureaus, Coach is going to present you with all the Xs and Os, the basics of his game plan for success in life and business.
Reengineering Management
The co-author of the monumental bestseller Reengineering the Corporation continues the reengineering revolution with another national bestseller that has already sold more than 165,000 copies in hardcoverReengineering Management is a brilliant, practical and much needed book on the most powerful management idea of the decade. Reengineering changing the traditional and outdated organization, processes and culture of a company is corporate America's greatest challenge today.In Reengineering Management, Champy examines the far-reaching changes managers must make for themselves and their companies to succeed in an era of unprecedented competition. Through his extensive consulting and research work, he shows how reengineering succeeds only when managers reinvent their own jobs and managerial styles. Otherwise, the ultra-efficient and effective reengineered processes for acquiring and serving customers, filling orders, bringing new concepts to market and other key business activities eventually fall apart.Champy illustrates this new management agenda through first-hand experiences of managers of reengineered operations at Federal Express, Wisconsin Electric, CIGNA Health Care, Hewlett-Packard, AT&T Universal Card Services and other companies. Champy shows how they are mastering the managerial challenges of reengineering, and as a result are making their organizations exciting and competitive. As more and more organizations reengineer, the experiences of these managers will become an insiders' guide to managerial life in the company of the future.Reengineering Management picks up where Reengineering the Corporation left off by exploring the managerial implications of the reengineered workplace. As reengineering becomes critical to all organizations, Reengineering Management will be the road map for managerial success in the future. It is, indeed, the manifesto for the next managerial revolution.
Wisdom 2.0
Technology is not the answer. It is also not the problem. What matters insteadAwareness, Engagement, and Wisdom.Wisdom 2.0 addresses the challenge of our age:to not only live connected to one another through technology,but to do so in ways that are beneficial, effective, and useful.
Success Runs in Our Race
A completely updated and revised edition of a bestselling book that has helped tens of thousands of people learn how to network effectively, Success Runs in Our Race is more important than ever in this fluctuating economy. With scores of anecdotes taken from interviews with successful African Americans -- from Keith Clinkscales, founder and former CEO of Vanguarde Media, to Oprah Winfrey -- Fraser shows how to network for information, for influence, and for resources. Readers will learn, among other things, how to cultivate valuable listening skills, which conferences blacks are most likely to attend when looking to build their business network, and how to effectively circulate a rsume.More than a guide for personal achievement, this is an information-packed bible of networking that also seeks to inspire a social movement and a rebirth of the "Underground Railroad," in which successful African Americans share the lessons of self-determination and empowerment with those still struggling to scale the ladder of success.
It was an inconceivable deception: over $65 billion stolen in the world's largest Ponzi scheme. Including new and revealing interviews with those who worked closest to himand his family, Betrayal is an in-depth, penetrating look at the man who perpetrated history's most notorious financial crime. To the people who knew him, Bernie Madoff was a kind and honorable person; a loving father and husband; generous to his employees and charitable even to strangers. On Wall Street, he was known as a wise elder statesman, wildly successful in his investments but never too risky with people's money. He was so revered and trusted that thousands placed their life savings with him, and he in turn provided them with early retirements and affluent lifestyles.But on December 11, 2008, Madoff confessed that he'd lied to them all. The monthly financial statements he'd sent customers for decades were all works of fiction. Their money was gone.Despite the crush of media attention on Madoff's scam, little is known about Madoff himself. What could lead a seemingly good man to ruin the lives of everyone who ever cared about himWhat caused Bernie Madoff to commit an unspeakable act of betrayal, bankrupting his family, his friends, his mentors, and thousands of investors who depended upon him for their livelihoodsBetrayal: The Life and Lies of Bernie Madoff is about the man who realized that he could have everything he wanted if he simply lied to the people who trusted him the most. Author Andrew Kirtzman tracked down more than a hundred people from Madoff's past, from the first girl he ever kissed to family members who played in his house as children; from his secretaries to his drivers; from traders at his company to his inner circle of friends. He pored through thousands of pages of court records; private e-mails; phone-conversation tran*s; and census, military, and immigration records. The result is a fascinating story about the rise of a deeply immoral man.Kirtzman describes Madoff's feelings of inferiority and humiliation as a child, and his obsession with making money to prove himself worthy as he grew older. He reveals Madoff's construction of a criminal enterprise at a young age, long before he's ever claimed it began. He paints a picture of a loving yet strange family that ran a multibillion-dollar corporation like a small family restaurant. He offers an inside look at life within the company and the characters who worked on the infamous seventeenth floor. He reveals the details of an underground flow of cash that no one has known about until now. And he chronicles the desperate moments leading up to Madoff's fall, from the perspective of the people who spent the last hours with him before his house of cards collapsed.