

Whatever Next Mr Wallce
Whatever Next Mr Wallce
Sue Whitaker
All Mr. Wallace the little teddy bear really wants is a little girl or boy to love him and keep him safe! However the adventures and perils just keep coming! Join the courageous teddy bear as he survives against all the odds and learns that some human beings are really good and some are really bad. This is the second Mr. Wallace adventure book have you read the first 'The Further Adventures of Mr. Wallace'?
D-Day: Gold, Juno and Sword
D-Day: Gold, Juno and Sword
Will Fowler
In any military operation throughout history, few 24-hour periods have been as crucial as that of 6th June 1944. With the aid of specially commissioned maps, D-Day: The First 24 Hours series gives the dramatic history of the first 24 hours of the Normandy landings, and explains in detail the events that occurred in each landing zone. In this fourth volume of the series, the book describes the British and Canadian landings on Gold, Juno and Sword beaches. The book also includes details of the human cost of the first day, and a full order of battle for both sides. With colour and black & white photographs, the book is a guide to key events in the first 24 hours of the D-Day landings that saw the Allies successfully achieve a foothold in Northern Europe.
The Burial Mound by Henrik Ibsen - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Burial Mound by Henrik Ibsen - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Henrik Ibsen
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Burial Mound by Henrik Ibsen - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Henrik Ibsen’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Ibsen includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Burial Mound by Henrik Ibsen - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Ibsen’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Sberbank:The Rebirth of Russia’s Financial Giant
Sberbank:The Rebirth of Russia’s Financial Giant
Eugeny Karasyuk
The book sheds light on how Sberbank of Russia was transformed from the old-school institution with outlived Soviet practices into a decent member of the world’s financial elite and one of the richest brands on the planet. Sberbank reform was an unprecedented event in the history of Russian business. Never before such a large post-Soviet establishment has undergone such a radical and total reorganization according to western patterns. Initiator of the Sberbank reform in 2007 is the ex-minister and well-known liberal German Gref, whose ambitious plan was to turn this huge, unwieldy institution into an advanced financial company. Wins and losses of Gref’s team became not just a personal achievement or the bank’s chief failure. They essentially answered the key question of Russian business: can people in Russia work on the same level as people in the West? For the purpose of this book, journalist Eugeny Karasyuk conducted dozens of interviews with employees of Sberbank on different levels. The result is a breathtaking economic thriller with a remarkable story of how progressive management techniques were implemented in that reality. Sberbank: The Rebirth of Russia’s Financial Giant will be interesting to anyone seriously considering reforms in one’s company, and those who are curious about doing business with Russia. Translated from the Russian by Lewis White.
Options Trading:This Book Includes Two Manuals:Credit Spreads and Trading Moment
Options Trading:This Book Includes Two Manuals:Credit Spreads and Trading Moment
Casey Boon
Increase Your Profits by Combing These Two Trading MethodsDouble Your Trading Power without feeling overworked and out of time. ? What would another $5000 each month do for you? Imagine your profits clearing a car loan or covering the mortgage. What if you could spend more time with your family and less time in front of the computer. ? Casey Boon cuts through the unnecessary BS and gets to the heart of the matter.? Through years as a financial planner, she knows which financial instruments will give you the greatest output for the least amount of stress. ? In this Two volume set you will learn: ? ·How to double your profits in half the time. ·How to recognize predictable events that save time and money. ·How millionaires combine these strategies. ·How to conquer fear and guilt ·How to trade without touching your money. ·How to trade and sleep well at night. ? Buy this book today and increase your profits in 30 minutes or less, each day, so you can spend more time with your family. ? Pick up a copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. ?
Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking
Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking
William James
It is astonishing to see how many philosophical disputes collapse into insignificance the moment you subject them to this simple test of tracing a concrete consequence. There can be no difference any-where that doesn't make a difference elsewhere—no difference in abstract truth that doesn't express itself in a difference in concrete fact and in conduct consequent upon that fact, imposed on somebody, somehow, somewhere and somewhen. The whole function of philosophy ought to be to find out what definite difference it will make to you and me, at definite instants of our life, if this world-formula or that world-formula be the true one.
Excelen?a ?n management. Trei reguli pentru succes
Excelen?a ?n management. Trei reguli pentru succes
Linda A. Hill, Kent Lineback
Un program de preg?tire pentru managerii ?n formare ?Una dintre cele mai bune cinci c?r?i de business pentru cariera ta.“ – Wall Street Journal ?Sfaturi practice privitoare la tehnicile care ?i pot ajuta pe manageri s? devin? mai eficien?i.“– Forbes Drumul spre dob?ndirea pozi?iei de manager eficient este unul obositor ?i dificil. Te confrun?i cu a?tept?ri contradictorii din partea subordona?ilor, a superiorilor, a colegilor cu acela?i statut ca al t?u ?i a clien?ilor. Cum ai putea st?p?ni arta de a conduce? Cum s? faci fa?? dificult??ilor zilnice din activitatea de management? Excelen?a ?n management este un ghid indispensabil pentru autoevaluarea celor care ocup? pozi?ii de conducere ?i pentru ?n?elegerea lucrurilor pe care le pot face pentru a-?i ?mbun?t??i performan?ele. Sfaturile inteligente ?i practice, conceptele esen?iale ?i exemplele pe care le con?ine le vor permite at?t ?efilor afla?i la ?nceput de carier?, c?t ?i celor cu experien?? s?-?i ating? poten?ialul maxim de lider. Lectur? obligatorie pentru manageri! ?Un clasic modern.“ – Financial Times
?j vitaminforradalom
?j vitaminforradalom
Szendi Gábor
Mi az üzleti tervük Kész képtelenség! ... Ez a knyv az izraeli technológiai sikerek színes trténeteit gyjti ssze. Bámulatos olvasmány” – WASHINGTON POST Hogyan képes Izrael – ez az alig 7,1 millió lakosú ország, amely nem rendelkezik természeti kincsekkel, ellenségek veszik krül minden oldalról és folyamatosan hadiállapotban áll – tbb start-up céget elindítani, mint Japán, India, Dél-Korea, Kanada és Nagy-Britannia A szerzk, Dan Senor és Saul Singer, geopolitikai szakértk lévén a legnevesebb izraeli feltalálók és újítók példájából merítve mutatják be eme siker titkát, nevezetesen azt, hogyan tvzi Izrael egyedül- álló módon az innovációt és a vállalkozói kedvet az ellenséges krnyezetben. Más országokban az illemszabályokat és a precíz tervezést hangsúlyozzák, Izraelben azonban a hücpe, vagyis a merészség a legfontosabb. A szerzk azt is megmutatják, miként járult hozzá a sikerhez Izraelnek a bevándorlással, a K + F-fel és a sorkatonasággal kapcsolatos politikája. Az amerikai NASDAQ-on ma tbb izraeli cég van bejegyezve, mint amennyi dél-koreiai, japán, szingapúri, kínai, indiai és európai cég együttvéve. Ha valamikor, akkor most érdemes tanulmányozni ezt a figyelemre méltó és rugalmas országot, mert olyan lenygz és meglep tanulságokra bukkanhatunk, amelyek más nemzetek, üzletemberek és szervezetek számára is hasznosak lehetnek - mindenkinek, akit érdekel a gazdasági siker titka.
?tk?zés: Rossz hely. Rossz id?. Nagy lecke.
?tk?zés: Rossz hely. Rossz id?. Nagy lecke.
Juhász Gergely
Kézik?nyv azoknak, akik érdekl?dnek a baromfitartás iránt és egyetlen helyen szeretnének utánanézni felmerül? kérdéseiknek. ? milyen fajtát válasszak? ? mi a jobb: a tenyésztés vagy a szaporítás? ? hogyan készítsem el házilag az olcsóbb és táplálóbb takarmányt? ? mekkora helyen érdemes tartani a baromfikat és hogyan alakítsam ki az él?helyüket? ? milyen el?feltételeket kell megteremtenem a keltetéshez és milyen keltet?gépet használjak? ? hogyan el?zhetem meg a legfontosabb betegségeket? ? melyek a dísztyúktenyésztés legfontosabb feltételei és hogyan készülhet fel sikeresen a versenyekre? A k?tet kuriózuma az ?sszesen 60 baromfifajtát bemutató részletes ismertet?.
Mavericks at Work: Why the most original minds in business win
Mavericks at Work: Why the most original minds in business win
William Taylor,Polly LaBarre
An engaging and incisive look at today's top business leaders – visionary and creative mavericks who are changing the way we do business. Inspiring and accessible, ‘Mavericks at Work’ is for anyone who wants to succeed in business – from the entry-level employee to the CEO. In ‘Mavericks at Work’, two high-profile journalists introduce an inspiring group of entrepreneurs and executives who are building great businesses by challenging business as usual. From break-the-mould innovators such as HBO, Pixar, and Netflix to global giants such as IBM and Procter & Gamble, these mavericks are winning big by devising new answers to the oldest (and toughest) challenges of competition and leadership. Their stories are exciting – and their ideas are truly powerful. Real mavericks know that: ? Big, original ideas pay big dividends ? Being different makes all the difference ? Nobody is as smart as everybody ? Cheaper is better, but value is priceless ? Great leaders are insatiable learners ‘Mavericks at Work’ is a relentlessly useful how-to book. But it is also an eye-opening what-if book – with insights that showcase the power of business at its best and set a positive agenda for the future.
Successful Networking in 7 simple steps
Successful Networking in 7 simple steps
Clare Dignall
7 simple steps to help you get what you want from networking Networking: get it right, and it provides an opportunity for learning and expanding your business contacts. But there are so many ways to get it wrong. Maybe you’ve learnt this the hard way, or maybe you don’t know where to start. Whether you’re setting out into the world of business for the first time, planning a return visit or want to be the best in the job you’re in, this is the book for you. Follow these 7 simple steps to pick your way through the minefield that is networking. We’ll take you from creating new opportunities to maintaining valuable relationships, and show you how to survive any difficult moments along the way.
Five Frogs on a Log
Five Frogs on a Log
Feldman, Mark L.
A riddle: Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are leftAnswer: Five WhyBecause there's a difference between deciding and doing. Written by Mark L. Feldman and Michael F. Spratt of PricewaterhouseCoopers, Five Frogs on a Log offers readers an entertaining and no-nonsense field guide to the mergers and acquisitions jungle, packed with insight and instruction for executing corporate change and capturing shareholder value. Whether you're buying another company or acquiring a new vision of the future, this book proffers an unconventional perspective and a practical, readily accessible set of solutions to the single greatest challenge facing today's managers: executing rapid transitions ion mergers, acquisitions and gut wrenching change. Designed for corporate managers and CEOs caught up in the whirlwind of change, every chapter provides accessible ideas and wisdom for navigating the most demanding business transitions. The authors offer a unique hands-on perspective based on their work with top Fortune 500 firms. As they state: "Increasingly, the companies that win are those that learn faster, act quicker and adapt sooner. They will compress time by making and executing early, informed decisions about economic value creation, ruthless prioritization and focused resource allocation. They will use these decisions to take early firm stands on management deployment, organization structure and culture. Their actions will increasingly be linked to long-term, sustained economic value creation." The advice and expertise offered in this book can be used to solve a range of operational problems from speeding up new product development to merging two businesses; from changing company culture to repositioning a business in a while new marketplace. Whatever the challenges and opportunities facing you, your company, your industry, Five Frogs on a Log will move you from deciding to doing.
Harper Paperbacks
Harper Paperbacks
Opdyke, Jeff D.
Are you ready for the inevitable day whenyou will have to act as parent to your parentsProtecting Your Parents’ Money is the essential financial handbook that will help you navigate this confusing and difficult transition, providing a game plan for tackling complex issues like estate planning, retirement income and savings, and long-term health care. Most important, it will help bridge the communication barrier between parents and adult children, which often makes the process much more difficult than it needs to be. Important topics include: ?Personal Finance 101, the Senior Years: The essential definitions and workings of the myriad investment options and financial requirements your parents will deal with in retirement. ?The Move: How to find the right nursing homes or retirement communities, comparing costs and factoring your parents’ assets into the mix. ?Understanding Medicare: What it is, how to qualify for coverage, and what it means for your parents’ finances. ?Elder Fraud: How to look for telltale signs that your parents have been victimized.
What's Mine Is Yours
What's Mine Is Yours
Botsman, Rachel
WHAT'S MINE IS YOURS is about Collaborative Consumption, a new, emerging economy made possible by online social networks and fueled by increasing cost consciousness and environmental necessity. Collaborative Consumption occurs when people participate in organized sharing, bartering, trading, renting, swapping, and collectives to get the same pleasures of ownership with reduced personal cost and burden, and lower environmental impact. The book addresses three growing models of Collaborative Consumption: Product Service Systems, Communal Economies, and Redistribution Markets. The first, Product Service Systems, reflects the increasing number of people from all different backgrounds and across ages who are buying into the idea of using the service of the product-what it does for them-without owning it. Examples include Zipcar and Ziploc, and these companies are disrupting traditional industries based on models of individual ownership. Second, in what the authors define as Communal Economies, there is a growing realization that as individual consumers, we have relatively little in the way of bargaining power with corporations. A crowd of consumers, however, introduces a different, empowering dynamic. Online networks are bringing people together again and making them more willing to leverage the proverbial power of numbers. Examples of this second category include Etsy, an online market for handcrafts, or the social lending marketplace Zopa. The third model is Redistribution Markets, exemplified by worldwide networks such as Freecycle and Ebay as well as emerging forms of modern day bartering and swap trading such as Zwaggle, Swaptree, and Zunafish. Social networks facilitate consumer-to-consumer marketplaces that redistribute goods from where they are not needed to somewhere or someone where they are. This business model encourages reusing/reselling of old items rather them throwing them out, thereby reducing the waste and carbon emissions that go along with new production.WHAT'S MINE IS YOURS describes how these three models come together to form a new economy of more sustainable consumerism. Collaborative Consumption started as a trend in conjunction with the emergence of shared collective content/information sites such as Wikipedia and Flickr and with the recent economic troubles and increasing environmental awareness, it is growing into an international movement. The authors predict it will be a fully fledged economy within the next five years.In this book the authors travel among the quiet revolutionaries (consumers and companies) from all around the world. They explore how businesses will both prosper and fail in this environment, and, in particular, they examine how it has the potential to help create the mass sustainable change in consumer behaviors this planet so desperately needs. The authors themselves are environmentalists, but they are also entrepreneurs, parents, and optimistic citizens. This is a good news book about long-term positive change.
Lohr, Steve
By one estimate, 90 percent of all of the data in history was created in the last two years. In 2014, International Data Corporation calculated the data universe at 4.4 zettabytes, or 4.4 trillion gigabytes. That much information, in volume, could fill enough slender iPad Air tablets to create a stack two-thirds of the way to the moon. Now, that's Big Data.Coal, iron ore, and oil were the key productive assets that fueled the Industrial Revolution. The vital raw material of today's information economy is data.In Data-ism, New York Times reporter Steve Lohr explains how big-data technology is ushering in a revolution in proportions that promise to be the basis of the next wave of efficiency and innovation across the economy. But more is at work here than technology. Big data is also the vehicle for a point of view, or philosophy, about how decisions will be and perhaps should be made in the future. Lohr investigates the benefits of data while also examining its dark side. Data-ism is about this next phase, in which vast Internet-scale data sets are used for discovery and prediction in virtually every field. It shows how this new revolution will change decision making by relying more on data and analysis, and less on intuition and experience and transform the nature of leadership and management. Focusing on young entrepreneurs at the forefront of data science as well as on giant companies such as IBM that are making big bets on data science for the future of their businesses, Data-ism is a field guide to what is ahead, explaining how individuals and institutions will need to exploit, protect, and manage data to stay competitive in the coming years. With rich examples of how the rise of big data is affecting everyday life, Data-ism also raises provocative questions about policy and practice that have wide implications for everyone.The age of data-ism is here. But are we ready to handle its consequences, good and bad?
The 1% Windfall
The 1% Windfall
Mohammed, Rafi
Leading pricing expert Rafi Mohammed shows businesses how to reap a financial windfall and foster growth using the underutilized and often overlooked strategy of setting prices. The 1% Windfall reveals how modest incremental changes to an everyday business practice pricing can yield significant rewards. Illustrating the power of pricing, a study of the Global 1200 found that if companies raised prices by just 1%, their average operating profits would increase by 11%. Using a 1% increase in price, some companies would see even more growth in percentage of profit: Sears, 155%; McKesson, 100%; Tyson, 81%; Land O'Lakes, 58%; and Whirlpool, 35%.The good news is that better pricing is more than simply raising prices. Instead, the key is to offer customers a variety of pricing options. This strategy is win-win: profits to companies and choices for consumers. But how do executives and managers set the right priceUnderpinned by sound empirical research and real-life anecdotes, The 1% Windfall addresses this fundamental question. This book offers guidelines that any company whether a multinational conglomerate, a small business, or even a nonprofit can follow to create a comprehensive pricing strategy for any product or service. In addition, these versatile techniques and tools provide solutions to avert a slump in a recession, offset the impact of inflation, or battle a new competitor. The result is a mind-opening, clear blueprint for com-panies to price for profit and growth.
The Transparent Leader
The Transparent Leader
Baum, Herb
Drawing on his experience as a leader in some of the nation's largest corporations, Baum issues a convincing call for honest, ethical, "transparent" dealing throughout the business world. Baum outlines the management techniques he uses within and without the company to get outstanding results without skirting the rules or bending the truth. Baum maintains that by fostering trust, integrity and accountability at all levels within the corporation, managers can stop the erosion of employee loyalty, restore consumer trust in brands, products, and American business. Baum teaches executives fresh ways of managing Wall Street analysts, communicating with shareholders, and wading through the complex maze of social responsibility issues.As a member of six corporate boards, Baum offers unique insight into transparent leadership, including the advantages and pitfalls of corporate governance, and the pressures executives face in reporting earnings. He also discusses the importance of setting standards for ethical business practices, yet highlights the dangers of government regulations that may result in excessive compliance costs at the expense of shareholders, creative risk taking, and innovation.
Best Practices: Communicating Effectively
Best Practices: Communicating Effectively
Kranz, Garry
In this age of digital communication, getting the right message across clearly is crucial to success. Communicating Effectively, a comprehensive and essential resource for any manager on the run, shows you how.Learn to: Build relationships through effective communication Get more done via e-mail Draft pitch perfect letters, memos, and reports Conduct productive conference calls Deliver hard-hitting presentations The Collins Best Practices guides offer new and seasoned managers the essential information they need to achieve more, both personally and professionally. Designed to provide tried-and-true advice from the world's most influential business minds, they feature practical strategies and tips to help you get ahead.
In-N-Out Burger
In-N-Out Burger
Perman, Stacy
The untold story of the renegade burger chain that evokes a passionate following unlike any other In fast-food corporate America, In-N-Out Burger stands apart. Begun in a tiny shack in the shadow of World War II, this family-owned chain has stead fastly refused to franchise or be sold. It is a testament to old-fashioned values and reminiscent of a simpler time when people, loyalty, and a freshly made, juicy hamburger meant something. Over time, In-N-Out Burger has become nothing less than a cultural institution that can lay claim to an insanely loyal following. Perman uses her investigative skills to uncover the story of a real American success story. It is not only a tale of a unique and profitable business that exceeds all expectations, but of a family's struggle to maintain a sustainable pop empire against the industry it helped pioneer, internal tensions, and a bitter lawsuit that threatened to bring the company to the brink. This is a lesson in a counterintuitive approach to doing business that places quality, customers, and employees over the riches promised by rapid expansion. In-N-Out Burger is a keenly observed narrative that explores the evolution of a California fad that transformed into an enduring cult of popularity; it is also the story of the conflicted, secretive, and ultimately tragic Snyder family who cooked a billion burgers and hooked a zillion fans. As the story of In-N-Out Burger unfolds, so too does the cultural history of America as influenced and shaped by car culture and fast food.
House Poor
House Poor
Fletcher, June
The housing market, like any other investment, has always had its ups and downs. But ever since it started its upswing at the beginning of this decade, the ride has become more thrilling and more dangerous. One day, home values are skyrocketing and cheap money is up for grabs; the next day, houses linger on the market and interest rates rise alarmingly high. Home buyers and sellers are beginning to recognize that however the market moves where they live, they must be prepared to make smart housing decisions.Written by veteran real estate reporter June Fletcher, House Poor teaches you everything you need to know to weather the ups and downs of the housing market, including: How to tell whether your hometown is likely to boom or bust When to take equity out of your house How to buy as a first-time home owner or as an investor during turbulent times How to protect your home investment When and how to sell your home Today's volatile housing market could make you house poor.This book will keep you house proud.
Career Building
Career Building
Editors of CareerBuilder.com
Your one-stop guide to finding a job, navigating the corporate ladder, and leaving when the time is rightDid you know that: 60% of hiring managers will offer a higher salary if asked14% of workers have used happy hour to get ahead66% of businesses monitor Internet use77% of workers feel burnout on the jobFrom the experts at CareerBuilder.com, America's largest online job site, comes a complete handbook for career domination. Whether it's answering the questions the interviewers are really asking, making the most of your performance reviews, or quitting with great references and without burning bridges, Career Building explains it all. This book offers everything from job hunting basics to hiring manager secrets, office survival advice to career change suggestions, workplace statistics to sample resignation letters, and more. Whether you're looking for your first job or your fortieth, or you're just eager to move up the ranks at your current company, this is the one and only guide you need to create the career you've always wanted.