?nceputul ?i sf?r?itul
Suntem f?cu?i s? fim ferici?i! Programul ?n patru pa?i pentru fericire de lung? durat?Cu to?ii am tr?it, ?ntr-un moment sau altul al vie?ii noastre, un sentiment de fericire extatic?, de euforie provocat? de simpla senza?ie de a fi viu.Te-ai ?ntrebat vreodat? de ce aceast? stare este at?t de rar? ?i de efemer??R?spunsul este c? nu trebuie s? fie a?a!Toate afirma?iile, g?ndirea pozitiv?, terapia prin dialog ?i produsele farmaceutice din lume nu vor fi de ajuns ca s? ne fac? ferici?i a?a cum am fost crea?i s? fim, afirm? renumi?ii psihologi clinicieni dr. George Pratt ?i dr. Peter Lambrou. Asta deoarece abord?rile sus-men?ionate nu reu?esc s? valorifice un al treilea aspect al organismului uman, unul care construie?te o punte peste golul dintre minte ?i corp: bioc?mpul.Combin?nd ?ase decenii de experien?? clinic? ?i cercet?ri de ultim? or?, autorii au dezvoltat un program revolu?ionar cu ajutorul c?ruia ??i vei redescoperi fericirea ?nn?scut? ?n patru pa?i simpli ?i demonstra?i clinic.Programul conceput de Pratt ?i Lambrou a schimbat deja vie?ile a peste 45 000 de clien?i, printre care s-au num?rat sportivi profesioni?ti, conduc?tori ai unor firme de top ?i celebrit??i. Con?in?nd toate instrumentele bazate pe ?tiin?? ?i sfaturile necesare pentru a putea s? devii mai concentrat, mai puternic ?i mai ?mplinit, Codul fericirii ??i va schimba via?a.?Una dintre marile descoperiri ale secolului XX a fost conexiunea intim? dintre corp, minte ?i spirit. Doctorii Pratt ?i Lambrou au f?cut o munc? de pionierat, transform?nd aceast? descoperire ?n tehnici care func?ioneaz?. Dac? vre?i s? ave?i parte de mai mult? fericire ?i ?mplinire, citi?i Codul fericirii. V-ar putea schimba via?a.“ – Dr. Larry dossey, autorul c?r?ilor Puterea premoni?iilor ?i Cuvinte t?m?duitoare (Editura Lifestyle Publishing)
A f?n?k
"Negyvenkilenc voltam, amikor megszületett az els? és nyilvánvalóan egyetlen gyermekem, Linda.? Bár k?rnyezetem felkészített rá, hogy szinte minden ismer?snek, s?t idegennek is lesz valamilyen reakciója a hírrel kapcsolatban, talán még engem is meglepett, hogy milyen mennyiségben kaptam hideget-meleget. Ez a k?nyv az én verzióm, de nemcsak a saját sztorimat mesélem el benne, hanem hiszek abban, hogy segíteni tudok másoknak is a gondolataimmal.? Ha nem is tudom megoldani, hogy mindenki, aki szeretne, anyává válhasson, de bízom benne, az olvasóim céljainak eléréséhez kell? inspirációt nyújthatok." ?va ?szintén a kései teherbe esésr?l, gyermekvárásról, az els? hónapokról együtt.? Fej?s ?va új k?nyve egy személyes, naplószer? írás élete legutóbbi igen fontos eseményér?l, gyermeke születésér?l. ?szinte és humoros vallomások, t?rténetek gyerekvárásról, nevelésr?l, a mindennapokról. Egyfajta reflexió a sokakat foglalkoztató témára: a negyven f?l?tti gyerekvállalásra.? Tabukra fittyet hányó írás, amely minden gyereket tervez? vagy éppen már nevel? n?nek ajánlott olvasmány, kortól függetlenül, hogy mindenki számára egyértelm? legyen: Nem vagy egyedül, egy cip?ben járunk ;-)
Col?i-Lungi. Uniunea triburilor
Planul de 28 de zile pentru creterea energiei i a imunitii i scderea n greutatePotrivit autorilor acestei cri, stilul nostru de via actual duce la o diminuare i chiar eliminare din alimentaie a micronutrienilor – vitamine i minerale eseniale pentru o sntate optim. Iar acest deficit cauzeaz majoritatea bolilor larg rspndite n prezent. Mira nsi sufer de osteoporoz avansat la vrsta de 30 de ani. Dar, cu ajutorul lui Jayson, a reuit s inverseze evoluia bolii prin terapie cu micronutrieni. Soii Calton au creat Miracolul micronutrienilor", un excepional program de vindecare general.CarteaMiracolul micronutrienilorne dezvluie adevrul despre ceea ce mnnci de fapt i motivul pentru care obiceiurile legate de stilul de via pot duce la epuizarea micronutrienilor. Ofer, de asemenea, un plan de 28 de zile pentru inversarea acestor efecte prin refacerea nivelurilor de micronutrieni. n carte gsim reete delicioase care pot fi adaptate diverselor stiluri de via: fr gluten, hipoglucidic, hipolipidic, vegan i Paleo.Deficitul de micronutrieni eseniali cauzeaz boli grave i cronice, cum ar fi osteoporoz, cancer, diabet, boli de inim, demen, obezitate i altele. Autorii au identificat cu precizie problema i ne ofer o soluie care ne ajut s scdem n greutate, s fim mai plini de energie i s inversm evoluia bolilor mai rapid dect am fi crezut vreodat." -Dr. Mark Hyman, autorul crii The Blood Sugar SolutionDac eti stresat, supraponderal, epuizat sau suferi de orice boal, citete aceast carte." -Dr. Sara Gottfried, autoarea bestsellerului The Hormone Reset DietMicronutrienii sunt adesea veriga care lipsete pentru meninerea unei snti optime. n aceast carte revoluionar, Mira i Jayson Calton ofer un plan eficient i uor de implementat, care te ajut s-i pstrezi supleea, tonusul muscular i s ai o sntate excelent." -JJ Virgin, autoarea bestsellerului The Sugar Impact Diet
Cavalerul templier
Dr. Moalem spune poveti fascinante astfel nct cititorii s neleag uor complexitatea tiinei moderne a geneticii.“Dr. Temple Grandin, autorul crilor The Autistic Brain i Thinking in PicturesO carte revoluionar, care va transforma ceea ce nelegem despre noi nine i despre familiile noastre, dezvluind c tot ce credeam c tim despre genetic este greit:genele nu sunt fixe;trsturile pe care le motenim nu sunt de nemodificat;comportamentul nostru poate afecta modul n care genele sunt transmise copiilor notri.Am fost nvai c nu prea avem de ales n privina a ceea ce primim sau ceea ce transmitem mai departe, pentru c motenirea noastr genetic a fost fixat n momentul n care prinii ne-au conceput. Greit! Genele noastre sunt dinamice, unele se activeaz, altele se dezactiveaz, ca rspuns la ceea ce facem, vedem i simim. i toate aceste lucruri se pot schimba, ceea ce nseamn c i noi ne putem schimba. Genetic.Cartea aceasta este un ghid pentru aceast schimbare. Nu mai suntem nevoii s ne mulumim cu ceea ce ne-a fost dat. Putem s ne scriem singuri istoria!
Hendrik de Mol ?i Planeta de aur
Nutri?ie + Hidratare + Oxigenare + Alcalinizare + Detoxificare = S?n?tate perfect? De prea multe ori suntem aten?i la s?n?tatea noastr? doar atunci c?nd ceva nu e ?n regul?. Ni se pare normal s? ne doar? c?nd ?i c?nd capul sau spatele ori s? avem arsuri stomacale. ?ns?, c?nd primim un diagnostic, suntem lua?i prin surprindere. ?n opinia autorului, nu trebuie s? ignor?m toate aceste mici nepl?ceri, care pot fi semnalele unor probleme mai grave. Folosind o abordare holistic? unic? a st?rii de bine, Olien ne ?nva?? cum s? valorific?m puterile extraordinare ale hranei, apei, oxigenului ?i echilibr?rii pH-ului, r?sturn?nd astfel miturile general acceptate despre nutri?ie.Olien a c?l?torit prin lumea larg?, explor?nd, din perspectiva s?n?t??ii, propriet??ile alimentelor consumate de secole de popula?iile b??tina?e. Pun?ndu-?i ?n aplicare cercet?rile, autorul ne ?nva?? cum s? ne p?str?m o greutate normal?, cum s? prevenim chiar ?i cele mai grave boli ?i cum s? ne sim?im bine – toate acestea f?r? impunerea unor diete restrictive, care nu func?ioneaz? niciodat? pe termen lung. Cartea cuprinde ?i un indispensabil ghid alimentar conceput astfel ?nc?t s? ne ajute s? pornim pe calea spre o s?n?tate optim?. “Prin acest manual dedicat vie?ii la superlativ, Darin ?i-a demonstrat pasiunea sincer? pentru s?n?tate. El nu se mul?ume?te doar s? scrie despre cum trebuie s? m?nc?m, s? facem mi?care ?i s? ne sim?im excelent, ci pune ?n practic? toate aceste principii ?i asta se vede.“ - Laird Hamilton, surfer de renume mondial ?i autor al c?r?ii Force of Nature: Mind, Body, Soul, and, of Course, Surfing, bestseller New York Times
?lmok háza
Te is biztosan jártál már úgy, hogy szeretted volna pszichológushoz vinni a gyermekedet, de a k?zismert el?ítéletek (“Csak a bolondok járnak pszichológushoz!”) és a k?rnyezeted ellenállása visszatartott. Ez a k?nyv gyermekek és szüleik számára készült. Egy kislány, Lili t?rténetén keresztül mutatja meg, mi is t?rténik a gyermekpszichológusnál. Lili egy szorongó kislány, aki nem akar oviba menni és emiatt betegnek érzi magát. Kata néni, a pszichológus segít neki félelmei leküzdésében. A k?nyv segítségével egy r?vid progresszív izomrelaxációs gyakorlatot is ki lehet próbálni. Emellett pedig sok hasznos információval szolgál gyermeknek, feln?ttnek egyaránt.
Ce sunt Marile Piramide?
The saber was the weapon of the soldiers and dueling heroes here in the Carpathian Basin for more than a thousand years. During this time it became more than a simple tool of fighting. It became a loyal companion and a symbol of valor of the wielder. This weapon and the valiant spirit of its wielders became known in Western Europe and North American via Hungarians. At the time of our settlement Western Europe feared the sight of the saber, it became a worthy opponent of the Turkish and later, after the civil war of Rákóczi it brought us honor in the wars fought at the side of foreign countries. Maybe there is no other sword type like this which reserved its significance for so long time. ?The saber is not only an antique weapon of a past era, but much like a sports tool as a foil which is used at the Olympic Games. ?This book contains an elaborated practical curriculum. With the help of it, the saber fencing can be learned from the basics to master level. The book guides the reader through hundreds of exercises with the help of more than a hundred photographic illustrations. These can help anyone to learn the basic moves, the more complex exercises and even the trick-cuts or disarmament. ?We prove with this book that the saber fencing is a living sport and martial art.
j vitaminforradalom zajlik – bár egyelre még csak a kutatás zárt világában. Az elmúlt egy-másfél évtizedben a tudomány olyan felismerések birtokába jutott a vitaminok kapcsán, amelyek szó szerint életbevágóan fontosak lehetnek számunkra. m SZENDI GBOR új ktetének aktualitását nem csupán e forradalmi helyzet adja. Az új ismeretek fényében ideje újragondolnunk a vitaminok krül kialakult babonákat és mesterségesen gerjesztett mítoszokat is, amelyek az utóbbi évtizedekben sajnálatos módon kialakították az elvakult vitaminhívk és a konok vitaminellenesek táborát. A vitaminguruk és -próféták által keltett kdben fontos végre tisztán látnunk, mik a vitaminok valódi hatásai, mit tarthatunk igaznak és mit idejétmúlt illúziónak a vitaminokkal kapcsolatban. SZENDI GBOR knyve vállaltan nem enciklopédia: nem sorolja fel, melyik vitamin mire jó”, vagy éppen mit okoz” a hiányuk. Ehelyett a vitaminkutatás legújabb eredményei alapján bemutatja a legfontosabb vitaminok, valamint a kalcium és magnézium hatásmechanizmusát, és igyekszik ráébreszteni az olvasókat arra, hogy ezek a vitaminok és ásványi anyagok csak egymással komplex klcsnhatásban mkdnek megfelelen. Kvetkezésképp ahhoz, hogy a szervezetben kifejthessék kívánatos hatásukat, az egyikbl beszedend mennyiséget célszer a vele klcsnhatásban lév másikkal sszhangba hozni. Ahogy a szerz fogalmaz: Olyan az egész, mint egy szimfónia. Csak akkor áll ssze egységes élménnyé, ha játékával minden zenész a nagy egészet szolgálja.”
Лето – прекрасное время для приготовления салатов! Вам понадобятся всего 5 ингредиентов и 5 минут! Для каждого салата приведено 5 вариантов. Заменив один ингредиент, вы получите новые необычные вкусы. Вы удивитесь, сколько новых салатов можно сделать из привычных овощей, сыра, мяса, рыбы! Каждый салат описан пошагово, готовые блюда показаны на фото. Воспользуйтесь рецептами из книги и приготовьте ?Цезарь? или ?Нисуаз?, салат с копченой курицей и черносливом или крабовый, шопский или азиатский салат. Leto – prekrasnoe vremja dlja prigotovlenija salatov! Vam ponadobjatsja vsego 5 ingredientov i 5 minut! Dlja kazhdogo salata privedeno 5 variantov. Zameniv odin ingredient, vy poluchite novye neobychnye vkusy. Vy udivites', skol'ko novyh salatov mozhno sdelat' iz privychnyh ovoshhej, syra, mjasa, ryby! Kazhdyj salat opisan poshagovo, gotovye bljuda pokazany na foto. Vospol'zujtes' receptami iz knigi i prigotov'te ?Cezar'? ili ?Nisuaz?, salat s kopchenoj kuricej i chernoslivom ili krabovyj, shopskij ili aziatskij salat.
Instant Pot Vegan Cookbook: Over 50 Quick and Healthy Recipes
The Instant Pot is a new cooking appliance that is taking the market… and the internet… by storm. This unique little device that is able to handle seven different primary kitchen functions, all wrapped into one. It sounds too good to be true, and definitely overwhelming.
Mental Endurance: How to develop mental toughness from the world's elite forces
You can train all you like, but when it comes to the crunch, do you have the mental endurance to see yourself through combat situations, being held hostage or finding yourself at the mercy of the elements? SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance examines what it takes to be as mentally fit as a special forces soldier. It is equally important to focus on diet, rest patterns and mental discipline as it is to concentrate on push-ups, sit-ups and other physical exercises. Using simple steps, the book shows the reader how they can build up their endurance over a matter of weeks and months, and how their quality of life will benefit. SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance demonstrates how you can gain the psychological edge over your opponent. Whether you are competing in unarmed combat sports, running a marathon or just looking to get ahead, the book will have helpful and practical advice for you. Exercises such as positive thinking and visualisations and memory games are explored as ways of dealing with solitude, depression, anger management and torture when in crisis situations. Using 300 instructive artworks, SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance shows you how special forces units such as the SAS and Delta Force stretch themselves mentally.
Торты с сюрпризом сделают ваш праздник незабываемым! Их ароматная середина подарит в разрезе цветы из творожного теста, радужное сердце с цедрой лайма, милых шоколадных кошек, ежевичное омбре и даже признание в любви! Торты просты в приготовлении. Эффектные приемы работы с различными видами теста, наполнителями из цедры, орехов, кусочков желе и шоколадных капель, начинками и специальными трафаретами превращают обычный рецепт в кулинарный шедевр.Torty s sjurprizom sdelajut vash prazdnik nezabyvaemym! Ih aromatnaja seredina podarit v razreze cvety iz tvorozhnogo testa, raduzhnoe serdce s cedroj lajma, milyh shokoladnyh koshek, ezhevichnoe ombre i dazhe priznanie v ljubvi! Torty prosty v prigotovlenii. Jeffektnye priemy raboty s razlichnymi vidami testa, napolniteljami iz cedry, orehov, kusochkov zhele i shokoladnyh kapel', nachinkami i special'nymi trafaretami prevrashhajut obychnyj recept v kulinarnyj shedevr.
Hamupip?ke, menj a búsba!
A világ legnagyobb sportsz?vetségének b?nügyi krónikája. A FIFA neve évek óta egyet jelent a megvesztegetéssel, a hivatali visszaéléssel, a nepotizmussal - r?viden: a maffiára emlékeztet? jegyekkel. Thomas Kistner egyike a világ vezet? oknyomozó újságíróinak. Immár t?bb mint húsz éve tárja a nyilvánosság elé a sportvilág b?nügyi mesterkedéseit, most pedig eddig ismeretlen dokumentumokból és tanúvallomásokból szerzett számtalan kül?nleges információkból drámai képet fest a világ legnagyobb sz?vetsége, a FIFA világában uralkodó hihetetlen állapotokról.??
Rachel’s Food for Living
Bestselling author and TV chef Rachel Allen is back with a celebration of favourite foods for making memories. Ever feel rapture over a pudding? Fall in love over a romantic meal? Can you remember the smell of baking in your grandmother's kitchen? Food has the power to conjure up many emotions – it can make us feel happy or energetic, nostalgic or loved. Cooking and enjoying great food with others is part of how we relish life and in her new paperback book, Rachel Allen provides the mouth-watering recipes to help you do just that. Rachel explores the foods that stir these wonderful feelings. She provides inspiring and easy-to-achieve suggestions for all kinds of occasions whether you want to make an indulgent celebratory meal for someone special, create memories with your kids, or need a little healthy boost…or a sneaky treat! This is the food that will make you smile. Rachel's Food for Living includes over 100 recipes such as Greek Lamb, Onion and Butter Bean Stew; Korean Beef with Avocado Rice; Spanish Chorizo and Chickpea Soup; Little Mocha Kisses. Contents include: 1 Food for the soul 2 Childhood favourites 3 Making memories 4 Something to celebrate 5 The Lazy Sunday 6 An elegant afternoon 7 Pleasure without the guilt 8 Food for romance 9 For the love of chocolate 10 Classic dishes
Cooking for Friends
TV’s most famous chef, Gordon Ramsay, throws open the doors to his home and reveals what he cooks, away from the frantic pace of his restaurant kitchen, in a relaxed domestic setting. Retaining all of his trademark excitement and passion for food, bestselling Cooking for Friends is packed with simple, seasonal, modern British recipes. Now in paperback, Gordon gathers together over 100 inspiring recipes that everyone will enjoy cooking and sharing, perfect for a celebratory dinner with friends or simple Sunday night suppers. Learn how to quickly and easily whip up delicious Chorizo, Broad bean and Mint Couscous, Scallop Brochettes with Coriander and Chilli Butter, Smoked Salmon and Horseradish Cream Tarts and Toffee and Chocolate Steamed Pudding. Recipes that extol the virtues of supporting local producers and farmers’ markets, which can be cooked with seasonal fresh ingredients that haven't travelled miles to reach our plates and which celebrate the wealth of regional dishes available to us from Cornish Crab Soup to Bakewell Tarts. With chapters covering Hot and Cold Soups; Pasta and Grains; Fish and Shellfish; Meat and Poultry; Pies and Tarts; Vegetables and Salads; Puddings and Ices and Coffee and Chocolate, each recipe delivers stunning results.
YO Sushi: The Japanese Cookbook
YO! Sushi has transformed the concept of Japanese food and has created a revolutionary and unique dining experience. Conveyor belts filled with a rainbow of coloured plates carrying mouth-watering food prepared by chefs cooking in front of the diner have made sushi fun, funky and totally accessible. YO! Sushi: The Japanese Cookbook brings YO!'s delicious Japanese dishes to the home and shows you how easy it is to make your own sushi and other Japanese fare. This eye-popping book includes YO!'s most popular dishes: california rolls, salmon maki, prawn yaki soba and chilled roasted aubergines. Original recipes encourage readers to expand their repertoire and enjoy a range of flavoursome dishes. Learn to cook soy-marinated chicken, make healthy salads such as beetroot with sweet vinegar and impress friends with red snapper rice. Written by renowned Japanese food expert, Kimiko Barber, YO! Sushi: The Japanese Cookbook includes 120 delicious recipes. Forget complicated rolling or bizarrely named ingredients, Kimiko explains all the terms and shows how to make sushi rolls and other dishes through step-by-step photography. No recipe takes more than 30 minutes preparation or requires special cooking techniques. The book is divided into six colour-coded sections which reflect YO!s famous coloured plates, taking the reader chapter by chapter from novice to samurai so that you can work your way up the rungs until you're rolling with gusto. The book is fully illustrated in YO! Sushi’s exuberant style: Crisp finished food photography, bright graphics, and atmospheric reportage shots bring the energy of the YO! experience to the reader.
Rose Elliot’s New Complete Vegetarian
Britain's foremost vegetarian cook and bestselling author, Rose Elliot, offers over 1000 simple and delicious recipes in this fully updated and beautifully illustrated edition of her definitive Complete Vegetarian Cookbook. Combining timeless classic dishes with modern recipes, Rose Elliot's New Complete Vegetarian is an essential cookbook for every kitchen - whether vegetarian or not. As well as many mouth-watering main course recipes and imaginative side dishes, this book also includes hundreds of great pasta, pulse and rice dishes; tempting hot and cold desserts; pizza and bread making; and tried-and-tested cakes, biscuits and scrumptious teabreads. Rose's practical and creative approach to cooking has been praised for over 35 years. Her easy-to-follow recipes and warm, unhurried writing encourage readers to try new flavours and attempt new recipes. She offers something for everyone, whether it's a warming French Onion Soup or a filling Root Vegetable and Lentil Pie. In this impressive fully revised edition, Rose includes fantastic new recipes - try Purple Sprouting Broccoli with Lemon Butter Sauce, Wild Mushrooms en Croute or Boozy Banoffee Pie. Whether you're a long-time vegetarian looking for new inspiration or a non-vegetarian who enjoys cooking and eating great food, this book has exciting ideas for all occasions.
Food Facts for the Kitchen Front
The perfect gift for yourself or someone else, this classy reproduction of a 1940's cooking manual combines time-tested wisdom with practical, no-nonsense recipes. Start with a handful of recipes, add a dash of nutrition, a sprinkle of time-tested wisdom and bake for 70 years. Finish with a light dusting of nostalgic charm, and what you get is this beautifully reproduced facsimile of a genuine archive title. For times when healthy home-cooking matters more than cordon bleu, we have resurrected this excellent war-time food guide. As revelant in our current thrift minded times as in the forties when it was written this excellent cookery book makes the perfect gift for yourself or someone else. Uniform with this guide: Food Facts for the Kitchen Front o Make your Garden Feed You o The archive collection- because good advice never goes out of date.
One-Pot Cooking: Casseroles, curries, soups and bakes and other no-fuss family f
Love cooking but tired of of washing up all those pots and pans? One-Pot cooking contains over 130 delicious and easy-to-make recipes that can be cooked in just one dish. Bestselling food writer Katie Bishop shows you how easy it is to produce fast, hassle-free meals for all the family. From favourites such as chicken curry and oven-baked risotto, Asian-inspired noodles and stir-fries to mouth-watering desserts, every recipe will delight those looking for good food that requires minimal clearing up. Katie's straightforward, helpful style and inspired recipes, which use easily attainable supermarket ingredients, will be loved by anyone who wants to produce perfect meals every time. One-pot is divided into six accessible chapters and recipes include: * In a Pot - Sausage, bean and tomato hot pot; Thai coconut beef curry; Creamy cauliflower cheese soup; Toffee apple pudding. * In a Pan - Big brunch breakfast omelette; Pesto pepper chicken and potatoes; Speedy pasta and meatballs; Emergency prawn curry. * In a Wok - Lemon Chicken with rise; Lamb, spring green and garlic noodles; Rainbow vegetable and cashew nut stir-fry. * In a Bowl - Watercress, blue cheese, pear and pecan salad; Smoked salmon with celeriac and capers; Chicken and lentil salad; Rocky road; Strawberry and vanilla shortcakes. * In the Oven - Quick Fish Pie; Baked garlic mushroom risotto; Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding; Creamy potato and blue cheese gratin; Easy apple pies. * Under the Grill - Pork burgers; Lamb and mango chutney kebabs; Charred steak and onion sandwiches; Sticky balsamic duck and fig salad; Caramelised bananas with pecan praline.
Masterclass: Make Your Home Cooking Easier
TEXT ONLY EB TV favourite James Martin is back with another collection of brilliant recipes. This is the book James Martin fans have been waiting for. Recipes you need, like the ultimate beef burger, perfect pies, a foolproof risotto and puddings to die for. With James's help, you can master them all. Masterclass is the ultimate collection of James Martin recipes; the ones that everyone should know how to cook. James takes classic dishes and much-loved favourites and makes them simpler than ever, and even more delicious, adding some exciting tweaks and twists of his own. Learn how to master James' recipes for beloved classics such as Cheese Soufflé, Beef Bourguignon and traditional Bakewell Tart, as well as his take on international dishes such as Onion Bhajis, Saffron Gnocchi, Bang Bang Chicken and Brioche French Toast. Alongside the recipes, you'll find manageable step-by-step guides to essential kitchen skills, such as how to fillet a fish, how to tie a joint for roasting and the best way to poach an egg. So, if you want to take your cooking to the next level, James Martin will help show you how.
Recipes That Work
An offering from critically acclaimed Irish celebrity chef, Kevin Dundon. ‘Recipes That Work’ is a robust, confident collection of delicious, classic recipes that does exactly what it says on the tin. A firm believer that great tasting, seasonal food shouldn't be reserved for the restaurant, Kevin specialises in taking his vast knowledge and years of experience as head chef, and creating delicious, simple recipes that you can replicate in the home. ‘Recipes That Work’ is a collection of tried-and-tested, fail safe recipes that any home cook of any experience will be able to master. These are recipes that you can dig out time and time again whatever the occasion. Whether you are hosting a dinner party for friends, preparing tea for the kids or making a quick, nutritious supper for two, Kevin will have the perfect solution. This book will give confidence to the most timid of cooks but will also help more experienced home chefs build their repertoire. Focusing on delicious, simple, seasonal food ‘Recipes That Work’ is guaranteed to bring some restaurant magic to your everyday meals. With Kevin's expertise guiding you all the way, it's the essential kitchen companion. Recipes Include: Pan seared scallops with creamy leeks Hamhock & Parsley Terrine Classic French onion soup Roasted rib of beef with horseradish cream Smoked trout, poached eggs & hollandaise Glazed pork belly Ginger-spiced vegetable pie Coffee & walnut layer cake Triple chocolate brownie Chapter Breakdown: Starters & Salads Soups Main Courses Desserts Larder & Kitchen essentials