Como deixar um homem aos seus pés
Que mulher n?o gosta de ter o homem aos seus pés? De manipulá-lo, de fazê-lo de gato e sapato?Quanto mais o homem estiver sob o nosso controle, melhor para a nossa vaidade e auto-estima, e claro: menores as chances do safado nos fazer sofrer.
10 Pequenas lendas urbanas
Cole??o com 10 narrativas curtas sobre lendas urbanas. Esta cole??o contém as seguintes lendas:A loira do banheiro O velho do saco O corpo-seco O roubo do rim A mulher de branco O lobisomem A brincadeira do copo O quadro da crian?a chorando Agulhas no cinema O vídeo da loira
Возвращение к здоровью - Руководство по основам исцеления - Психология. НПСИ. Зд
Книга всемирно известного российского психотерапевта и психолога посвящена здоровью. А точнее, системе нейропрограммирования психосоматических исцелений (системе НПСИ), разработанной не просто психотерапевтом высшей в Европе и мире квалификации, но человеком, который сам себя излечил от сонма как бы неизлечимых современной медициной болезней. Для психотерапевтов, практических психологов, консультантов, коучей, врачей, педагогов, а также всех, кто хотел бы сделать свою жизнь полноценной, цельной, осмысленной, неизбывно интересной и просто приятной… Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Hogyan készíts eredményes Facebook hirdetéseket?
Fent van a ce?ged a Facebookon, de nem jo?nnek az eredme?nyek? Hirdetsz, de nem vagy ele?g sikeres? Szeretne?d felpo?rgetni?a Facebook-hirdete?seid hate?konysa?ga?t? A Facebook egy nagyon o?sszetett hirdete?si rendszer. To?bb, mint 500 fe?le hirdete?sce?lza?si bea?lli?ta?s, valamint 15 hirdete?sle?trehoza?si leheto?se?g a?ll rendelkeze?su?nkre. Nem ko?nnyu? eldo?nteni melyiket haszna?ljuk, hiszen gyakran csak apro? ku?lo?nbse?gek va?lasztja?k el o?ket egyma?sto?l.?Ra?ada?sul sokszor a siker nem is a technikai tuda?son mu?lik, hanem azon,?hogyan e?pu?l be a marketing folyamatok ko?ze? ez az eszko?z. Erro?l szo?l ez a ko?nyv.A segi?tse?ge?vel nem csak a hirdete?si rendszer tru?kkjeit ismered meg, hanem azokat a mo?dszereket, strate?gia?kat, amik tu?lmutatnak a Facebookon, e?s amik ta?mogatnak abban, hogy me?g eredme?nyesebbe? tedd az online marketingedet. "Atto?l tartok a Ricsi tu?l?sok informa?cio?t?i?rt bele a ko?nyvbe, eze?rt az emberek nem fognak jelentkezni a ke?pze?seire. Aki elolvassa, le?trehozhatja?vagy jelento?sen javi?thatja a saja?t social marketing strate?gia?ja?t. E?n ma?r megtettem!” Damjanovich Nebojsa, ?Ma ma?r egyre nehe- zebb sze?les ko?rnek organikusan eljuttatni egy-egy posztot, eze?rt hirdete?sekre van szu?kse?g. Me?gpedig jo?l megtervezett Facebook-hirdete?sekre. Ezt ja?rja ko?ru?l Richa?rd alapossa?ggal e?s folyamatszemle?lettel, ugyanakkor ko?nnyed sti?lusban. Ko?nyve a Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem digita?lis marketing executive MBA ke?pze?se?n is fontos alapirodalom lesz.”Dr. Papp-Va?ry A?rpa?d, a Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem a?ltala?nos rektorhelyettese, a ?ma?rkadoktor” ?Le?vai Ricsi megmutatja, hogyan kell meg fogni e?s nem ereszteni a vevo?idet, aka?r itthoni, aka?r ku?lfo?ldi piacra ce?lzol. E?s Ricsi bo?kezu? az informa?cio?val, hiszen Magyarorsza?gon o? publika?l a legto?bbet Facebook-marketingro?l. E?s ha annyi mindent megoszt ingyen, ke?pzeld, milyen titkokat tartogat Neked a ko?nyve?ben! Szo?val, u?j vevo?k, nagy te?telben, diszkont a?ron – e?rdekel?”Wolf Ga?bor, Marketing Commando U?gy e?rzed, itt az ideje, hogy a Facebook-hirdete?seid igaza?n eredme?nyesek legyenek?Ez a ko?nyv ebben segi?t. Fordi?tsd a saja?t ce?ged java?ra a benne rejlo? informa?cio?kat!
Мы родом из Страшного Детства или как стать хозяином своего прошлого
В этой книге – второй из новой серии ?Коды вашей судьбы? – известного психолога, одного из лидеров отечественного и мирового нейролингвистического программирования, психотерапевта высшей в Европе квалификации, описывается то, что смело можно назвать основополагающей теорией и практикой нейропрограммирования своей судьбы и жизнедеятельности. Подробно, в доступной и популярной форме рассказывается о сценариях и сценаристах наших судеб о психопатологиях прошлого и возможного будущего, а также о психологическом времени нашей судьбы. Детально описываются психотехнологии преодоления патологических последствий трудного детства, психотерапии Внутреннего ребенка, избавления от импринтов и психотравм, экологизации собственного будущего, оптимизации психологических временных ориентаций и улучшения Линий Времени. Для психологов, психотерапевтов, консультантов, коучеров и педагогов, но более всего – для всех, кто интересуется психотехнологиями личностных изменений и действительно желает исправить собственную (пока еще Хромую) судьбу, избавиться от последствий Страшного детства и стать хозяином своего прошлого, настоящего и будущего.
The Successful Author Mindset: A Handbook for Surviving the Writer’s Journey
Being a writer is not just about typing. It’s also about surviving the roller-coaster of the creative journey. Self-doubt, fear of failure, the need for validation, perfectionism, writer’s block, comparisonitis, overwhelm, and much more. When you’re going through these things, it can feel like you’re alone. But actually, they are part of the creative process, and every author goes through them too. This book collects the mindset issues that writers experience, that I have been through myself over the last ten?years and that perhaps you will experience at different times on the creative journey. Each small chapter tackles a possible issue and then offers an antidote, so that you can dip in and out over time. It includes excerpts from my own personal journals as well as quotes from well-known writers. I hope it helps you on the road to becoming a successful author. The book includes: Part 1: Mindset Aspects of Creativity and Writing Self-doubt and imposter syndrome Need for validation Fear of?failure Fear of rejection and criticism Your inner critic Fear of judgment Perfectionism Writer’s block and procrastination “I’m not creative. I don’t have any ideas” “My writing isn’t original” “Why write? There are too many books in the world already” “I don’t have the time or self-discipline to write” “I’m not finding writing much fun. It’s hard work.” “I keep starting things and not finishing them” Dealing with friends, family and writer’s groups “How do I find my voice?” Comparisonitis or “Everyone is better than me” Part 2: Mindset Aspects after Publishing Anti-climax and creative dissatisfaction What is your definition of success? What happens when you tell people that you’re an author? “I’m overwhelmed” Dealing with fans, authenticity and drawing the line Haters gonna hate Ambition, fame and fortune Giving up Part 3: Tips for Success on the Author Journey Know thyself Understand and hone your creative process Develop professional habits Manage professional relationships Take control of your writing career Find your community Keep learning Schedule rest and take time off Think long term. Create a body of work
O dem?nio do armário
Um pai de família compra uma casa sem desconfiar de que há um terrível dem?nio no armário embutido de um dos quartos.
Точка возврата - Женский любовный роман
Спустя три года после смерти мужа Женя так и не сумела обрести вкус к жизни. Она растит сына, терпит капризы матери, тянет лямку на работе в отделе кадров фарфорового завода. Евгений Халтурин, столичный кризисный менеджер, приезжает, чтобы запустить процедуру банкротства завода. Молодой, амбициозный и деятельный начальник раздражает Женю, и она высказывает негативное мнение о предстоящем банкротстве… Халтурин начинает размышлять о словах невзрачной кадровички, понимая, что хочет обязательно сделать ее своей союзницей. Но зачем? Женя разительно отличается от тех уверенных в себе элегантных светских женщин, которые привлекают его… Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
On the Parts of Animals
Every systematic science, the humblest and the noblest alike, seems to admit of two distinct kinds of proficiency; one of which may be properly called scientific knowledge of the subject, while the other is a kind of educational acquaintance with it. For an educated man should be able to form a fair off-hand judgement as to the goodness or badness of the method used by a professor in his exposition. To be educated is in fact to be able to do this; and even the man of universal education we deem to be such in virtue of his having this ability.
The Enchiridion
The Enchiridion or Manual of Epictetus is a guide on Stoic philosophy and ethical advice compiled by Arrian, a 2nd-century disciple of the Greek philosopher Epictetus. The book has played a disproportionately large role in the rise of modern attitudes and modern philosophy. Montaigne had a copy of the Enchiridion among his books. Frederick the Great carried the book with him on all campaigns. It was a source of inspiration and encouragement to Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, in the serious illness which ended only in his death; many pages of his diaries contain passages copied from the Enchiridion. It has been studied and widely quoted by Scottish philosophers like Francis Hutcheson, Adam Smith, and Adam Ferguson who valued Stoic moral philosophy for its reconciliation of social dependency and personal independence.
The Discourses
The Discourses are a series of extracts of the teachings of the Stoic philosopher Epictetus written down by Arrian c. 108 AD. It is a guide for the advanced student of Stoicism to show him the best roads toward the goal of becoming a true philosopher.
Deadly Storms
This series of nonfiction readers will grab a student's interest from the very first page! Designed with struggling readers in mind, these riveting 92-page books offer short chapters on significant disasters. Each chapter is its own mini-book, which includes a timeline, key terms, and interesting facts. Fascinating black and white photographs keep the pages turning. A bibliography encourages further topical reading. Disasters are inherently frightening, riveting, and involving. Grabbed straight from the headlines, these disasters leave tragedy, destruction, and years of anguish: Cyclones, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, The Perfect Storm, Hurricane Katrina, and more.
This series of nonfiction readers will grab a student's interest from the very first page! Designed with struggling readers in mind, these riveting 92-page books offer short chapters on significant disasters. Each chapter is its own mini-book, which includes a timeline, key terms, and interesting facts. Fascinating black and white photographs keep the pages turning. A bibliography encourages further topical reading. Disasters are inherently frightening, riveting, and involving. Grabbed straight from the headlines, these disasters leave tragedy, destruction, and years of anguish: The Munich Massacre, Sara Jane Olson, The Achille Lauro, The Unabomber, Oklahoma City, 9/11, The London Underground, and more.
Rereading the Fossil Record
Rereading the Fossil Record presents the first-ever historical account of the origin, rise, and importance of paleobiology, from the mid-nineteenth century to the late 1980s.?Drawing on a wealth of archival material, David Sepkoski shows how the movement was conceived and promoted by a small but influential group of paleontologists and examines the intellectual, disciplinary, and political dynamics involved in the ascendency of paleobiology. By tracing the role of computer technology, large databases, and quantitative analytical methods in the emergence of paleobiology, this book also offers insight into the growing prominence and centrality of data-driven approaches in recent science.
Scars of Project 459
The Scars of Project 459 tells the environmental story of the Lake of the Ozarks, built by the Union Electric Company in 1931. At 55,000 acres, the lake was the biggest manmade lake in the United States at the time of its completion, and it remains the biggest in the Midwest, with 1,100 miles of shoreline in four different Missouri counties. Though created to generate hydroelectric power, not for development, the "e;Magic Dragon,"e; as it is popularly known because of its serpentine shape, has become a major recreational area. Located in some of the most spectacular Ozark scenery, the giant lake today attracts three million visitors annually and has more than 70,000 homes along its shoreline. Traci Angel shows how the popularity of the Lake of the Ozarks has resulted in major present-day problems, including poor water quality, loss of habitat, and increasing concerns about aging waste-management systems for the homes surrounding the lake. Many in the area, especially business owners whose incomes depend on tourism, resist acknowledging these problems. The Scars of Project 459 aims to make public the challenges facing this important resource and ensure that its future is not to be loved to death.
Newly famous in the wake of the publication of her groundbreaking Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, Gertrude Stein delivered her Narration lectures to packed audiences at the University of Chicago in 1935. Stein had not been back to her home country since departing for France in 1903, and her remarks reflect on the changes in American culture after thirty years abroad.In Stein's trademark experimental prose, Narration reveals the legendary writer's thoughts about the energy and mobility of the American people, the effect of modernism on literary form, the nature of history and its recording, and the inventiveness of the English language-in particular, its American variant. Stein also discusses her ambivalence toward her own literary fame as well as the destabilizing effect that notoriety had on her daily life. Restored to print for a new generation of readers to discover, these vital lectures will delight students and scholars of modernism and twentieth-century literature."e;Narration is a treasure waiting to be rediscovered and to be pirated by jolly marauders of sparkling texts."e;-Catharine Stimpson, NYU
Whale and the Reactor
"e;The questions he poses about the relationship between technical change and political power are pressing ones that can no longer be ignored, and identifying them is perhaps the most a nascent 'philosophy of technology' can expect to achieve at the present time."e;-David Dickson, New York Times Book Review"e;The Whale and the Reactor is the philosopher's equivalent of superb public history. In its pages an analytically trained mind confronts some of the most pressing political issues of our day."e;-Ruth Schwartz Cowan, Isis
How Life Began
The origin of life is a hotly debated topic. The Christian Bible states that God created the heavens and the Earth, all in about seven days roughly six thousand years ago. This episode in Genesis departs markedly from scientific theories developed over the last two centuries which hold that life appeared on Earth about 3.5 billion years ago in the form of bacteria, followed by unicellular organisms half a millennia later. It is this version of genesis that Alexandre Meinesz explores in this engaging tale of life's origins and evolution.?How Life Began elucidates three origins, or geneses, of life-bacteria, nucleated cells, and multicellular organisms-and shows how evolution has sculpted life to its current biodiversity through four main events-mutation, recombination, natural selection, and geologic cataclysm.?As an ecologist who specializes in algae, the first organisms to colonize Earth, Meinesz brings a refreshingly novel voice to the history of biodiversity and emphasizes here the role of unions in organizing life. For example, the ingestion of some bacteria by other bacteria led to mitochondria that characterize animal and plant cells, and the chloroplasts of plant cells.?As Meinesz charmingly recounts, life's grandeur is a result of an evolutionary tendency toward sociality and solidarity. He suggests that it is our cohesion and collaboration that allows us to solve the environmental problems arising in the decades and centuries to come. Rooted in the science of evolution but enlivened with many illustrations from other disciplines and the arts, How Life Began?intertwines the rise of bacteria and multicellular life with Vermeer's portrait of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, the story of Genesis and Noah, Meinesz's son's early experiences with Legos, and his own encounters with other scientists. All of this brings a very human and humanistic tone to Meinesz's charismatic narrative of the three origins of life.?
Shaky Game
In this new edition, Arthur Fine looks at Einstein's philosophy of science and develops his own views on realism. A new Afterword discusses the reaction to Fine's own theory."e;What really led Einstein . . . to renounce the new quantum orderFor those interested in this question, this book is compulsory reading."e;-Harvey R. Brown, American Journal of Physics"e;Fine has successfully combined a historical account of Einstein's philosophical views on quantum mechanics and a discussion of some of the philosophical problems associated with the interpretation of quantum theory with a discussion of some of the contemporary questions concerning realism and antirealism. . . . Clear, thoughtful, [and] well-written."e;-Allan Franklin, Annals of Science"e;Attempts, from Einstein's published works and unpublished correspondence, to piece together a coherent picture of 'Einstein realism.' Especially illuminating are the letters between Einstein and fellow realist Schrdinger, as the latter was composing his famous 'Schrdinger-Cat' paper."e;-Nick Herbert, New Scientist"e;Beautifully clear. . . . Fine's analysis is penetrating, his own results original and important. . . . The book is a splendid combination of new ways to think about quantum mechanics, about realism, and about Einstein's views of both."e;-Nancy Cartwright, Isis
Plant Physics
From Galileo, who used the hollow stalks of grass to demonstrate the idea that peripherally located construction materials provide most of the resistance to bending forces, to Leonardo da Vinci, whose illustrations of the parachute are alleged to be based on his study of the dandelion's pappus and the maple tree's samara, many of our greatest physicists, mathematicians, and engineers have learned much from studying plants.?A symbiotic relationship between botany and the fields of physics, mathematics, engineering, and chemistry continues today, as is revealed in Plant Physics. The result of a long-term collaboration between plant evolutionary biologist Karl J. Niklas and physicist Hanns-Christof Spatz, Plant Physics presents a detailed account of the principles of classical physics, evolutionary theory, and plant biology in order to explain the complex interrelationships among plant form, function, environment, and evolutionary history. Covering a wide range of topics-from the development and evolution of the basic plant body and the ecology of aquatic unicellular plants to mathematical treatments of light attenuation through tree canopies and the movement of water through plants' roots, stems, and leaves-Plant Physics is destined to inspire students and professionals alike to traverse disciplinary membranes.
Once Out of Nature
Once Out of Nature offers an original interpretation of Augustine's theory of time and embodiment. Andrea Nightingale draws on philosophy, sociology, literary theory, and social history to analyze Augustine's conception of temporality, eternity, and the human and transhuman condition.?In Nightingale's view, the notion of embodiment illuminates a set of problems much larger than the body itself: it captures the human experience of being an embodied soul dwelling on earth. In Augustine's writings, humans live both in and out of nature-exiled from Eden and punished by mortality, they are "e;resident aliens"e; on earth. While the human body is subject to earthly time, the human mind is governed by what Nightingale calls psychic time. For the human psyche always stretches away from the present moment-where the physical body persists-into memories and expectations. As Nightingale explains, while the body is present in the here and now, the psyche cannot experience self-presence. Thus, for Augustine, the human being dwells in two distinct time zones, in earthly time and in psychic time. The human self, then, is a moving target.?Adam, Eve, and the resurrected saints, by contrast, live outside of time and nature: these transhumans dwell in an everlasting present.?Nightingale connects Augustine's views to contemporary debates about transhumans and suggests that Augustine's thought reflects our own ambivalent relationship with our bodies and the earth. Once Out of Nature offers a compelling invitation to ponder the boundaries of the human.