Secure & Simple – A Small-Business Guide to Implementing ISO 27001 On Your Own
Secure Simple Dejan Kosutic, an author and experienced information security consultant, is giving away all his practical know-how on successful ISO 27001 implementation. Whether you’re new or experienced in the field, this book gives you everything you will ever need to implement ISO 27001 on your own. Dejan provides examples of implementing the standard in small and medium-sized organizations (i.e. companies with up to 500 employees). It is written primarily for beginners in the field and for people with moderate knowledge of ISO 27001. Even if you do have experience with the standard, but feel that there are gaps in your knowledge, you’ll find this book very helpful. Secure Simple is the definitive guide for implementing and maintaining the most popular information security standard in the world. The author leads you, step-by-step, from an introduction to ISO 27001 to the moment your company passes the certification audit. During that journey you will learn: The most common ISO 27001 myths, like “The standard requires xyz;” “We’ll let the IT department handle it;” “We’ll implement it in a couple of months;” and others.How to convince your top management to implement ISO 27001. “If you think that your management loves to listen to your great idea about a new firewall, or the perfect tool you've discovered for handling incidents, you're wrong – they just don't care.” This book will help you speak the language they want to hear.How to write the Risk Assessment Methodology plus other policies and procedures.How to identify potential risks.“Employees (and the organization as a whole) are usually aware of only 25 to 40% of risks – therefore, a thorough and systematic process needs to be carried out…” Learn how to identify all potential risks that could endanger the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of organization’s information.What are the most important steps in order to prepare a company for the certification, and much more. Written in plain English with a lot of practical examples, charts and diagrams, it is the only book you’ll need on the subject of ISO 27001 implementation.

Ducele p?c?tului
R?v??itor de chipe?, orgolios, lipsit de scrupule, Valentin Napier, duce de Montgomery, este b?rbatul despre care vorbe?te toat? Londra. Cu faima lui de crai ?i de ?antajist, Montgomery a revenit din exil ?i este hot?r?t s? se r?zbune pe cei care l-au nedrept??it. ?ns? descoperirea pe care o va face ?n propriul dormitor ?l va determina s?-?i schimbe cu totul planurile…Fiica bastard? a unei lady din lumea bun? londonez?, menajera Bridget Crumbs este o femeie inteligent?, curajoas? ?i extrem de loial?. C?nd mama ei ajunge ?inta unei escrocherii, Bridget se angajeaz? ?n casa ducelui de Montgomery ?n speran?a de a g?si probele incriminatoare pe care acesta le de?ine ? ?i ajunge s? descopere ceva mult mai periculos.Montgomery este peste poate de uimit ?i intrigat de ?nnebunitor de preten?ioasa ?i surprinz?tor de istea?a Bridget, pe care o g?se?te spion?nd ?n camerele lui. ?n ciuda str?daniilor ei, Bridget nu poate rezista farmecului acestui duce p?c?tos. Cei doi ?ncep un adev?rat joc de-a ?oarecele ?i pisica ?i ajung s? descopere ?n cur?nd c? am?ndoi au secrete bine ascunse ?i c? nici unul din ei nu este a?a infam ? sau de inocent ? cum pare.

Тайна летающей тарелки и другие весёлые дачные истории - Иллюстрированные сказки
Эта невероятно весёлая повесть адресована дошкольникам и младшим школьникам, а также педагогам, воспитателям, родителям и родителям родителей. Она состоит из нескольких самостоятельных глав, рассказывающих о похождениях двух дачных обитателей – щенка Борьки и его закадычной подружки киски Лариски как на самой даче, так и в её окрестностях. В каждой главе хвостатые герои обязательно ?влипают? в?какую-нибудь авантюрную историю или узнают для себя что-то новое и полезное. Сделав героями повести щенка и киску, автор, конечно же, имел в виду мальчишку и девчонку – двух любопытных непосед, ребят типа ?хочу всё знать?, для которых дача – распахнутое настежь окно в окружающий мир – прекрасный, подчас опасный, однако безумно интересный. Так, например, в первой истории мама щенка Борьки открывает школу и начинает обучать сына и других обитателей дачи читать и считать. Во второй истории щенок и киска отправляются на поиски страшного чудища, которое вдруг появилось на ближайшем пруду. А в третьей главные герои попадают в западню… Впрочем, не будем пересказывать все весёлые и познавательные истории, вошедшие в эту книжку, а то читать её будет совсем неинтересно. ?Тайна летающей тарелки? является переизданием вышедшей ранее книги ?Чудовище из пруда?. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.

Вдох-выдох:Сборник рассказов
Вдох-выдох — это второй сборник рассказов Ирены Яновой. Первый сборник,Магические книги Невилов, вышел под псевдонимом Ирина Иванова в 2014 году. Знаете ли вы, кто такие энергетические вампиры и что они делают с накопленной энергией В рассказе Вдох-выдох, который дал название сборнику, автор предложила свою версию жизни такого человека. Рассказ Посылка поведает вам о том, что судьбу иногда определяет случай, а 23 реальность о любви. Причем о любви в другой реальности, где ты проживаешь иную жизнь, с другим человеком, с другой любовью. Эхо вселенной — лирический рассказ о космосе и о зарождении чувства на громадном расстоянии. Как помочь девушке, если знаешь, что с ней может приключиться беда Необычный герой, необычный способ помощи и судьба, которая не оставляет влюбленных. А что может произойти, если ваше сознание случайно осталось в вашем клоне Рассказ Человек, которого нет раскроет возможный вариант развития событий. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.

Venüs Gezegeninde ?syan
Kitap ??in ?ns?z ??lg?nca ya?ad???m gen?li?imin pek renkli ge?mi? olmas? ve sonra da Kur-an’la tan???nca, bana zengin bir malzeme kayna?? olu?turdu. Anlad?m ki, mutlaka Kur-an’?n insanl??a a?t??? ufuklar? yeniden ke?fetmek laz?m… Art?k bu ?lemde, benim anlatmam gereken baz? ?eylerin zaman? geldi. Ben ki, en derine g?mülmü?, sesi solu?u kesilmi? bir yazar iken, atm?? ya??mdan sonra benli?im, Kur-an’la yava? yava? uyand? ve onun a??lad??? bir cesaretle yazmaya ba?lad?m… ???lg?nca ya?ad???m gen?li?imin, pek renkli ge?mi? olmas?, Kur-an’la tan???nca, bana zengin bir malzeme kayna?? olu?turdu. Biz de bu malzemeyi sanatk?rca kullanmaya ?al??t?k. ANLADIM K?, Mutlaka Kur-an’?n insanl??a a?t??? yeni ufuklar? yeniden ke?fetmek laz?m. Art?k ?nümüzdeki yüzy?llar Kur-an ?a?? olmal?d?r ve dünya kurtulu?u de?i?ik sapk?n y?ntemlerde aramamal?! Yeryüzünde h?kim olan dinsizli?i ?ürütmek, Kur-an ahlak?n?n tüm dünyada a??k?a g?rülmesini sa?lamak ve insanl??? hi?bir zaman olmad??? kadar mutlu edecektir. Ger?ekten buradan yola ??karak Kur-an’daki i? huzura, bar??a, mutlulu?a insanlar? mutlaka tan??t?rmak laz?md?r. Ger?ekten de dünyadaki sapk?nl?klara, dertlere, belalara asla Kur-an’dan ba?ka kimse ??züm bulamaz…

Moara cu noroc
Moara cu noroc este o nuvel? scris? de Ioan Slavici, trat?nd consecin?ele pe care dorin?a de ?mbog??ire le are asupra destinului uman. Majoritatea criticilor o consider? crea?ia cea mai important? a autorului, al?turi de P?dureanca ?i romanul Mara.

Un pact cu diavolul
A fost poreclit Contele Diavol – un b?rbat cu spirit nesupus, acuzat de crim?, crescut pe str?zile periculoase ale Londrei ?i care nu-?i mai aminte?te nimic despre trecutul lui. Orice domni?oar? bine educat? ?tie c? risc? mai mult dec?t reputa?ia atunci c?nd ??i asociaz? numele cu frumosul Lucian Langdon, ?ns? Lady Catherine Mabry nu are alt? solu?ie. Ar face orice pentru a-i proteja pe oamenii pe care ?i iube?te… chiar ?i s? ajung? la o ?n?elegere cu ?nsu?i diavolul. Lucian vrea s? fie respectat ?i, mai presus de asta, ??i dore?te o so?ie. Problema este c? aleasa lui nu cunoa?te eticheta pe care trebuie s? o respecte ?n mijlocul aristocra?iei ?i nu e acceptat? de ?nalta societate. Catherine ?l poate ajuta pe Lucian s? dob?ndeasc? tot ce-?i dore?te. Dar pre?ul pe care ?l cere ea ?n schimb le poate pune chiar vie?ile ?n pericol. Atunci c?nd primejdia le d? t?rcoale, cei doi se descoper? cu adev?rat: Lucian se dovede?te a fi un b?rbat incredibil de pasional, iar Catherine, o femeie de un curaj nem?surat. Pe m?sur? ce ies la iveal? secrete din trecutul lui ?ntunecat, Lucian ajunge s? pun? sub semnul ?ntreb?rii toate lucrurile pe care le considera adev?rate, inclusiv dorin?ele propriei inimi.

M?na c??tig?toare
SERIA ?FAMILIA MACGREGOR“La dou?zeci ?i patru de ani, Darcy Wallace simte c? via?a nu-i mai poate oferi nimic: i-ar pl?cea o carier? de scriitoare, dar se plafoneaz? ca bibliotecar? ?ntr-un or??el din Kansas; ?i-ar dori o aventur? sentimental? ca-n pove?ti, dar abia reu?e?te s? scape de b?rbatul rigid, f?r? sim?ul umorului, cu care este logodit?; viseaz? la o ma?in? sport, dar are parte de o rabl? care se stric? atunci c?nd se a?teapt? mai pu?in. Dintr-un impuls de moment, hot?r??te s?-?i caute norocul la Vegas... unde, miz?ndu-?i ultimii dolari, are parte de o surpriz? de propor?ii – c??tig? aproape dou? milioane de dolari. Brusc, t?n?ra venit? dintr-un mic or??el devine o celebritate – ?i are nevoie de protec?ie.Dar banii aduc fericirea? Este posibil, ?n cazul lui Darcy, mai ales c? Robert MacGregor Blade, directorul cazinoului, este dornic s-o ?ndrume prin lumea str?lucitoare, dar plin? de pericole a Vegasului. Rela?ia lor, la ?nceput strict profesional?, alunec? ?n scurt timp pe o pant? romantic?. Darcy ?tie ce-?i dore?te: o ?ans? cu Robert. Va reu?i ?ns? de data asta s?-?i gestioneze corect ocazia nesperat??

Uma novinha em minha vida
Otávio vivia tranquilamente sua vida de aposentado com a esposa. Sua rotina despreocupada mudou quando sua esposa trouxe para morar com eles uma sobrinha distante.A sobrinha era uma novinha de 17 anos, cabelos ruivos e seios fartos. Como qualquer homem de meia idade, Otávio gamou na novinha e, mesmo resistindo, caiu em tenta??o.Uma tenta??o que lhe custou tudo.

Magia ordinii. Senza?ionala metod? japonez? de a-?i elibera ?i organiza casa
2 milioane de exemplare v?ndute Transform?-?i locuin?a ?ntr-un spa?iu ordonat ?i permanent curat cu incredibila metod? KonMari, aplic?nd trei principii de baz?: simplific?, organizeaz? ?i depoziteaz?. Pentru a reu?i s?-?i ordonezi locuin?a, trebuie s?-?i organizezi ac?iunile ?ntr-o succesiune corect?, s? p?strezi numai obiectele care-?i sunt cu adev?rat dragi ?i s? faci totul dintr-odat? ?i repede. Dup? aceea, pentru tot restul vie?ii, nu va mai fi nevoie dec?t s? alegi ce s? p?strezi ?i ce s? arunci. Metoda KonMari nu ??i va transforma doar spa?iul de locuit. Dup? ce ai f?cut ordine ?n cas?, vei constata c? ?ntreaga ta via?? se va schimba. Vei c?p?ta mai mult? ?ncredere ?n tine, succesul te va ?nso?i, vei avea mai mult? energie ?i te vei sim?i mai motivat s? duci via?a pe care ?i-o dore?ti. De asemenea, vei dob?ndi curajul s? la?i ?n urm? aspectele negative ale vie?ii tale: vei recunoa?te o rela?ie care-?i face r?u ?i ?i vei pune cap?t; anxietatea te va p?r?si ?i, ?n sf?r?it, vei sc?dea ?n greutate. ?Kondo ne provoac? s? ne ?ntreb?m dac? obiectele care ne ?nconjoar? servesc unui scop. Ne fac s? avans?m ?n via?? sau ne ?in ata?a?i de trecut?“ – USA Today

Alkaline Diet Cookbook:Delicious Alkaline Diet Recipes To Kick-Start Your Weight
This book not only provides step-by-step dieting information but also endless meal recipes that you need. Are you ready to lose weight and reclaim your health? If you want to follow Acid Alkaline Diet, you should focus on your regular eating habits. Alkaline diet has lots of benefits, and The Alkaline Diet Cookbook will help you to manage the pH level of your body. In this book, you will find about delicious recipes. These recipes are given with complete instructions, and your work will be easy. This book has 25 delicious recipes with images and easy instructions. You can try any recipe without any trouble and get desired benefits. You can reduce weight, chances of cancer and decrease chances of various health problems. This book can be a quick guide for you so download this book and follow its recipes. You have to use fresh ingredients to get maximum advantage of recipes of this book. Every recipe is carefully planned to improve your health and protect your body from toxic elements. This book offers: * Alkaline Breakfast Recipes * Alkaline Lunch Recipes * Alkaline Dinner Recipes * Alkaline Snacks for Evening Tea * Alkaline Dessert Recipes You Will Learn The Following: What is An Alkaline Diet? What is PH? Benefits of an alkaline diet Examples of Acidic, Alkaline and Neutral Foods Alkaline foods to eat and those to avoid Installing Apps and backing up with SD card Breakfast Recipes Lunch Recipes Dinner Recipes And much more! Download this book and learn about Alkaline Food List and healthy recipes for everyone. You can prepare healthy and filling meals for your family members. Get your copy today! You'll be surprised to see how easy it is to stay healthy, feel energized, and keep on track!

150 Really Useful English Phrases:For Intermediate Students Wishing to Advance.
Do you want to become more fluent in English?Do you want to understand everyday language and not just ‘textbook’ English?I taught English for many years and saw that many students get stuck at the high beginner/intermediate stage. They learn the basics and then can't move forward. This problem used to really frustrate me because I had lots of excellent students who were just stuck and eventually they would give up. I thought for a long time about what was wrong and then decided that it wasn't that the student didn't have ability but that what they were studying and how they were studying was not effective.I saw that even though they had good basic English they would read textbooks full of their native language (not English). I used to think 'why are they reading all this German etc about English and not just reading English instead. I decided to see if I could fix this problem. I started assigning students homework like 'watch this English drama with subtitles and then without' or 'read a? short article every night for a month'. I found the results were amazing. My students started becoming much more fluent and confident. This convinced me that the best way to become fluent was to read or watch real English that was interesting to the students. So I started writing short stories using easy to understand English mixed with idioms and phrasal verbs that native English speakers use all the time.In this book I have added explanations in English so you don't mix up English and German in your mind. I have also included easy to understand examples which I recommend you note down in your notebook so you can remember them easily. In my opinion, learning idioms, phrasal verbs and useful phrases is the best way to move your English forward as you will be using the vocabulary that English speakers use every day. If you would like to become more fluent and understand everyday English phrases then get stated today and press the button on the top right.

Конёк-горбунок - Иллюстрированная сказка - Веселые сказки для детей
Конёк-Горбунок — сказка в стихах Петра Ершова с великолепными красочными иллюстрациями Виктории Дунаевой. Являясь классикой русской детской литературы, Конёк-Горбунок за многие десятилетия обрёл признание и популярность не только среди детей, но и среди взрослых. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.

Count of Monte Cristo:{Complete & Illustrated}
The Count of Monte Cristo (is an adventure novel by French author Alexandre Dumas. Completed in 1844, it is one of the author's most popular works, along with The Three Musketeers. The story takes place in France, Italy, islands in the Mediterranean, and in the Levant during the historical events of 1815–1838. It begins from just before the Hundred Days period (when Napoleon returned to power after his exile) and spans through to the reign of Louis-Philippe of France. The historical setting is a fundamental element of the book. An adventure story primarily concerned with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness, it focuses on a man who is wrongfully imprisoned, escapes from jail, acquires a fortune and sets about getting revenge on those responsible for his imprisonment. However, his plans have devastating consequences for the innocent as well as the guilty. The book is considered a literary classic today. According to Luc Sante, "The Count of Monte Cristo has become a fixture of Western civilization's literature, as inescapable and immediately identifiable as Mickey Mouse, Noah's flood, and the story of Little Red Riding Hood." Chapter 1. Marseilles—The Arrival. "On the 24th of February, 1815, the look-out at Notre-Dame de la Garde signalled the three-master, the Pharaon from Smyrna, Trieste, and Naples. As usual, a pilot put off immediately, and rounding the Chateau d'If, got on board the vessel between Cape Morgion and Rion island. Immediately, and according to custom, the ramparts of Fort Saint-Jean were covered with spectators; it is always an event at Marseilles for a ship to come into port, especially when this ship, like the Pharaon, has been built, rigged, and laden at the old Phocee docks, and belongs to an owner of the city..." The ship drew on and had safely passed the strait, which some volcanic shock has made between the Calasareigne and Jaros islands; had doubled Pomegue, and approached the harbor under topsails, jib, and spanker, but so slowly and sedately that the idlers, with that instinct which is the forerunner of evil, asked one another what misfortune could have happened on board. However, those experienced in navigation saw plainly that if any accident had occurred, it was not to the vessel herself, for she bore down with all the evidence of being skilfully handled, the anchor a-cockbill, the jib-boom guys already eased off, and standing by the side of the pilot, who was steering the Pharaon towards the narrow entrance of the inner port, was a young man, who, with activity and vigilant eye, watched every motion of the ship, and repeated each direction of the pilot. The vague disquietude which prevailed among the spectators had so much affected one of the crowd that he did not await the arrival of the vessel in harbor, but jumping into a small skiff, desired to be pulled alongside the Pharaon, which he reached as she rounded into La Reserve basin. When the young man on board saw this person approach, he left his station by the pilot, and, hat in hand, leaned over the ship's bulwarks. He was a fine, tall, slim young fellow of eighteen or twenty, with black eyes, and hair as dark as a raven's wing; and his whole appearance bespoke that calmness and resolution peculiar to men accustomed from their cradle to contend with danger. "Ah, is it you, Dantes?" cried the man in the skiff. "What's the matter? and why have you such an air of sadness aboard?" "A great misfortune, M. Morrel," replied the young man,—"a great misfortune, for me especially! Off Civita Vecchia we lost our brave Captain Leclere." "And the cargo?" inquired the owner, eagerly. "Is all safe, M. Morrel; and I think you will be satisfied on that head. But poor Captain Leclere—""What happened to him?" asked the owner, with an air of considerable resignation. "What happened to the worthy captain?" "He died." "Fell into the sea?" "No, sir, he died of brain-fever in dreadful agony."

Рок. Книга первая. Лабиринт Сицилии - Исторический приключенческий роман
Действие первой книги романа ?Рок? разворачивается в Сицилии и далее на ?чёрном континенте?, в Африке, в период столкновения двух мегаполисов Древнего мира – Рима и Карфагена. Читателя ждут невероятно увлекательные приключения, где судьбы главных героев переплетаются паутиной войны и паутиной тайны, которую они пытаются раскрыть, борясь с невидимыми врагами. Развёрнутые красочные описания сражений, морских битв, быт, нравы того времени – все это доставит, пытливому, думающему человеку не только удовольствие от прочтения, но и повод задуматься о происходящем в мире в наше время. Этот динамичный роман написан для самой широкой читательской аудитории. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.

His First His Second:An Alicia Friend Investigation: An Alicia Friend Investigat
Meet Detective Sergeant Alicia Friend. She’s nice. Too nice to be a police officer, if she’s honest. Now assigned to DI Donald Murphy’s team, the annoyingly-perky detective finds herself in the grip of a northern British winter, investigating the kidnap-murders of two young women - both strikingly similar in appearance. When a third is taken, they have less than a week to chip away the secrets of a high-society family, and uncover the killer’s objective. But Richard - the father of the latest victim - believes the police are not moving quickly enough, so launches a parallel investigation, utilising skills honed in a dark past that is about to catch up with him. As Richard’s secret actions hinder the police, Alicia remains in contact with him, and even starts to fall for his charms, forcing her into choices that will impact the rest of her life. For a chilling serial killer thriller with a quirky main character, pick up His First His Second today! ??? Reviews CrimeFictionLover.com “An intriguing mix of police procedural and serial killer thriller, that will tease, involve and unnerve you. An entertaining and intriguing debut.” Undercover Book Reviews: “Want a book with twists and turns? This is the one. It will not disappoint.” AUTHOR Q&A Q: Alicia Friend is kind of an oddball, isn’t she? A: I’d say she’s unique. She knows who she wants to be and she doesn’t compromise, but most police officers she meets are dour and grumpy, and she sees how that impacts their personal lives. She doesn’t want to be as hard-nosed as many women sleuths in fiction, so radiates the sort of perkiness that sometimes grates on her fellow officers. But it’s who she is. Q: Despite having a quirky woman sleuth as main character, the novel goes to some dark places. A: Yes. I found that at one point I was trying to include ALL my research, and I’m really aiming for a thrill ride as much a straight police procedural. I originally included the sort of forensic details you get with Patricia Cornwell or Kathy Reichs, but it wasn’t right for this book. I keep it as accurate as possible, but it’s about the characters and how they uncover secrets, both externally and within the police. Q: So who is your ideal reader? A: Fans of serial killer books in general. If you like James Patterson, PJ Tracy or Steven James, Mark Billingham or Ian Rankin, Alicia Friend’s series could be worth checking out. Q: What levels of violence and bad language are there? A: Some of the violence is graphic, but the language … that goes as strong as references to one’s posterior and some faecal synonyms, if you get my meaning. No “F” or “C” words, as I don’t think Alicia’s audience appreciates that. Q: And how, exactly, do you come up with a character like Alicia? A: She is based on a real person. But very loosely. The essence is there, although I had to invent certain aspects for dramatic effect. The parts from real life are: a ditzy, perky outer shell, yet possesses a fierce intelligence, true dedication, and being brilliant at her job. Q: So the real Alicia Friend isn’t a serving police officer? A: No, she isn’t. And if she was, I certainly wouldn’t say so here. Alicia Friend Books In Order: His First His Second In Black In White With Courage With Fear A Friend in Spirit To Hide To Seek (novella for summer 2018)

End of Days:ARKANE Thriller Book 9
“When the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison.” Revelation 20:7 The thousand years are ended. ** From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author J.F.Penn ** A marble tablet found in the ruins of Babylon warns of the resurrection of a banished serpent in the final days. A sarcophagus is discovered in the deepest ocean, locked by seven seals scattered throughout the ancient world. As the Brotherhood of the Serpent race to find the seals before a rare lunar eclipse over the heart of Jerusalem, ARKANE agents Morgan Sierra and Jake Timber battle to find them first. But this time, evil threatens to destroy all that Morgan loves and she must wrestle an apocalyptic foe as well as fighting to conquer her own fears. In a fast-paced adventure from the ruins of Iraq to the snake-handling churches of the Appalachian Mountains, from archaeological digs in Israel to the tombs of Egypt, Morgan and Jake must find the seven seals and stop the resurrection of an evil as old as mankind. An evil that will usher in the End of Days.

Hat kül?nleges t?rténet az egzotikus utazásoktól a szívfájdító szerelemig. Sok-sok kül?nb?z? ember, rendkívüli párok és szerelmek. Egy mexikói luxus prostituált erotikus t?rténete, akit a kegyetlen sors, az átok sem tud megakadályozni abban, hogy rátaláljon az igaz szerelemre. A sivatagban eltévedt fiatal orvosn?, az elkényeztetett maffiaf?n?k lánya, és az ?r?kké bizonytalan magyar Kathy egzotikus világokba viszi el az olvasókat Jement?l Mexikóig. Mindezek mellett két fiatalt, egy testvér szíve, sok-sok fájdalom, és csodálatos érzelmek vezérelnek, hogy szem ne maradjon szárazon. A t?rténetekben megtalálható a kaland, rejtély, izgalom, de mindenekel?tt a romantika.

htiyalar ok fazlalaan insanlar kendi z kaynaklarn snrlarn zorlamaya itilir ve yollarna kan herhangi bir savunmasz kiiden bile irkilir. ve ücretler, yiyecek ve s, cesaret ve iyi niyet hepsi sahip olamadklar eylerdir. Bu karanlk ierisinde erkek, kadn ve ocuun zayfln ele geirir ve onlar utan verici ilere zorlar. Artk hibir dehet veya korku dlanmaz. mitsizlik, sadece drt duvarn adilii ve basitlii ile snrlanmtr; hepsi ktülük ve sua ynelir... Hepsi sefillemi, bozulmu birer ktü ve pislik gibi gzükür. Fakat o denli alalm kiilerin de daha fazla alalamayaca bir izgi vardr ve bu dnüm noktasnda, d dünya adeta yutar bu zavall, tahilsiz, kimliksiz insanlar... Onlar "Sefiller"dir; toplumdan dlananlar, yeralt kpekleri...

Master English in 12 Topics: Over 200 intermediate words and phrases explained
How to master English Lots of intermediate English speakers tend to get trapped using the same vocabulary over and over again. They often only speak about subjects they know the words for and avoid anything outside of their ???comfort zone???. The problem with this is that even though they sound ok, they never really get any better. If you really want to improve, you need to be able to speak about a wide range of topics. For this, you will need to learn the special vocabulary connected to these topics. What are the benefits of using this book? You will learn 235 useful words and phrases. You will be able to speak about 12 new topics with confidence. This will greatly improve your English conversational ability. All new words and phrases are introduced in fun and interesting articles and stories. So you will learn naturally. Everything is explained in easy to understand English, so you can get used to ???thinking in English???. There are 100???s of example sentences to help you understand how these words and phrases are used in everyday language. For each topic I have listed useful television shows and YouTube channels to help you practice your new vocabulary.

Айпад - Сказочная повесть - Сказки для подростков
Айпад — это современная сказочная повесть популярного автора Алексея Лукшина, написанная им про и для подростков. Это книга о приключениях, о полном чудес мире детства и о настоящей дружбе. Волшебник Моцарт, попавший к нам из параллельного мира через планшет Гошкиного отца, многому учится у главного героя, но и Гошка тоже узнает от Моцарта немало нового. Становясь всё более закадычными друзьями с каждой новой главой, вместе они принимают участие в велосипедном заезде, находят способ проучить хулигана и помогают ребятам отказаться от сигарет, которые им предлагает старший товарищ. Эта книга не даст заскучать, а происходящее в ней не раз вызовет на лицах широкую улыбку. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.