

Emile Gebhart,Victoria Charles
美第奇宫廷画家波提切利(Botticelli)是意大利文艺复兴时期与莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonard da Vinci)、米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)和拉斐尔(Raphael)相比肩的艺术家之一。波提切利擅长女性肖像画,他笔下那巧妙的线条和无拘无束的纵欲之情将他与其他画家区分开来。在宗教和私人的委托创作之间,这位佛罗伦萨的艺术家将世俗的元素引入复杂的神话主题的艺术当中,创作了例如《春》(Primavera)和《维纳斯的诞生》(The Birth of Venus)等不容置疑的杰作。
Edward Hopper Light and Dark
Edward Hopper Light and Dark
Gerry Souter
爱德华·霍普,1882年出生于奈阿克,是重要的美国画家之一。在学习了插图画之后,他进入了大名鼎鼎的纽约艺术学院学习,师从罗伯特·亨利(Robert Henri)。亨利对霍普产生了重大的影响,他鼓励霍普从美国人的生活中去发现素材。在创作中,诗意地表达了人们反对二十世纪二十年代的美国生活方式的孤独。受到电影作品—特别是多种摄影角度和人物性格的影响,他的绘画作品表达了对大众文化的疏离感。通过采用冷色调和绘画匿名人物,霍普的作品同样象征性地反映了大萧条时期。尽管霍普曾多次游历欧洲,但他在当时流行的的改革绘画面前仍然无动于衷,例如立体主义,例如超现实主义。霍普用一种非常个性化的形式来表达主题,致力于效仿古典艺术家,例如伦布兰特(Rembrandt)、德加斯(Degas)或者杜米埃(Daumier)。他绘画的加油站、旅馆和日常生活的场景代表了对个人主义的美学宣言、宽敞的开放空间和美国的基本价值观。霍普在1967年去世了,在美国艺术上留下了后的痕迹。
English Painting
English Painting
Ernest Chesneau
Strictly speaking, the word school applies only in a very imperfect manner to the growth of painting in England. Generally it is used to designate a special collection of traditions and processes, a particular method, a peculiar style in design, and an equally peculiar taste in colouring – all contributing to the representation of a national ideal existing in the minds of the artists of the same country at the same time. In this sense, we speak of the Flemish school, the Dutch school, the Spanish school, several Italian schools, and the French school, but not of the English school. We cannot apply the word to English art, for it is just this absence of any national tradition that strikes one most forcibly in studying English painting. Each painter seems to stand by himself, and is, so to speak, isolated from his brother artists. No trace is to be found of any uniformity of method or of teaching, none of systematic instruction by the State, the Academy, or the Fine Art school. English a
The Art of the Shoe
The Art of the Shoe
Marie-Josèphe Bossan
Aside from noticing a shoe for its comfort or elegance, contemporaries rarely take interest in this necessary object of daily life. However, the shoe is considerable in the history of civilization and art.
Jasper Johns
Jasper Johns
Catherine Craft
Leonardo da Vinci volume 1
Leonardo da Vinci volume 1
Eugène Müntz
对莫奈而言,艺术创作始终是一种痛苦的挣扎。较之同时代人,他更深沉地痴迷于表达情感,更强烈地渴望传达超越大自然的光线效果。用他自己的话来形容:“技巧来来去去……艺术始终如一——它是大自然的转译,需要与意志力同等的敏感性。我和太阳搏斗……(我)应该用金 子和宝石作画。”
对莫奈而言,艺术创作始终是一种痛苦的挣扎。较之同时代人,他更深沉地痴迷于表达情感,更强烈地渴望传达超越大自然的光线效果。用他自己的话来形容:“技巧来来去去……艺术始终如一——它是大自然的转译,需要与意志力同等的敏感性。我和太阳搏斗……(我)应该用金 子和宝石作画。”
Gothic Art
Gothic Art
Gothic art finds its roots in the powerful architecture of the cathedrals of northern France. It is a medieval art movement that evolved throughout Europe over more than 200 years. Leaving curved Roman forms behind, the architects started using flying buttresses and pointed arches to open up cathedrals to daylight. A period of great economic and social change, the Gothic era also saw the development of a new iconography celebrating the Holy Mary – in drastic contrast to the fearful themes of dark Roman times. Full of rich changes in all of the various art forms (architecture, sculpture, painting, etc.), Gothic art paved the way for the Italian Renaissance and International Gothic movement.
Gerry Souter
卡济米尔·谢韦里诺维奇·马列维奇(Kazimir Malevich, 1878-1935)是一位画家和伟大的艺术理论家。但为重要的是,他是至上主义(出现在俄国的纯几何形抽象绘画艺术运动)的奠基人。“至上主义”,马列维奇写道,“让我发现了很多过去不能理解的东西。这都潜伏在人类的潜意识中,是对于空间的迫切愿望,是逃离地球的夙愿。”这本新出版的著作收录了马列维奇*才气的作品。这位创新的艺术家,直到二十七岁时都没有接受过专业的绘画教育,但却出于好奇和好学的愿望来进行绘画创作。Gerry Souter又一次带领我们欣赏才华横溢的艺术家的作品,领略这位艺术家人格的新视点。
Félix Witting,M.L. Patrizi
Fra Angelico
Fra Angelico
Stephan Beissel
At the beginning of the fifteenth century, the Dominican convent of Fiesole had a lively intellectual atmosphere. The convent was founded in 1406 by the Blessed Giovanni di Dominici Bacchini, (who later became the Archbishop of Ragusa and, in 1419, a cardinal,) in order to reestablish the former discipline and strictness of the Dominican order in the spirit of Saint Dominic. Members of the observant monasteries were expected to consecrate themselves to the saving of souls not only through study, science, and preaching, but also through applied artistic labour. Exiled from Venice, Giovanni arrived in Città di Castello near Arezzo in 1399. From there he was summoned to preach in the cathedral of Florence for Lent. San Lapo Mazzei wrote to a friend after hearing one of Giovanni’s sermons, and summarized his impressions in the following terms, “I was at Santa Liparata (the cathedral) where a Dominican friar was supposed to preach, and where he did indeed preach. I assure you that I have ne
Greek Sculpture
Greek Sculpture
Edmund von Mach
The study of Greek sculpture was unknown two hundred and fifty years ago. Winckelmann1 was the first to study it, and to publish a book on the subject in 1755. The excavations in Pompeii and Herculaneum, the removal of the Parthenon sculptures to London by Lord Elgin, and above all, the regeneration of Greece and the subsequent rich finds in her soil, added zest to the continually growing interest in this new study.
Hans Memling
Hans Memling
Alfred Michiels
Edmond de Goncourt
Eugène Müntz
米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)的名字不断浮现在西斯廷教堂、阿波罗、丘比特等数不计数的杰作中。在《意大利绘画》(The Italian Painting)这本书中,作者司汤达写道:“在古希腊风物和米开朗基罗之间,没有任何距离,除了或多或少技术娴熟的伪造物。”在《漫步罗马》(Promenade in Rome)一书中,沙特布莱表达了对《圣母怜子像》(Pieta)中那些精致的线条的崇敬之情。诸如司汤达等大连古欧秀的作家将米开朗基罗视为西方艺术复兴的大家之一。毫无疑问,米开朗基罗的作品经历住了时间的考验。在若干年后,米开朗基罗的作品何以能够揭示希腊先驱们的创造性来源?米开朗基罗是创造性的天才和超人,是意大利文艺复兴中无与伦比的艺术家,他的影响力和成就与达芬奇可相媲美。在这本著作中, Jean-Matthieu Gosselin探讨了米开朗基罗所有的身份:雕塑家、建筑师、画家和美术家。
Donald Wigal
Each of the four sections of this book refers to a span of at least ten years. Each subsection, usually covering one year, opens by noting historical events relative at least indirectly to Pollock, or offers some significant backdrop to his life. Events named within that year are not necessarily presented here in strict chronological order. This book should not be relied on for trying to create a strict chronology of details.
William Blake
William Blake
Osbert Burdett
英国艺术家威廉·布雷克(William Blake,1757-1827)是浪漫主义运动的主要人物,也曾是一位画家、设计师、雕刻家和诗人。他一生致力于诠释他的文学作品,他的文字也随着他雕刻的线条和奇妙的绘画,成为了名副其实的手工绘本。受到圣经和先知预言的感染(《地狱的箴言》,《永远的福音书》和《天堂之门》),布雷克的艺术将他所处的时代及浪漫主义运动的现代感与他所探索的古典主义相结合。
?mile Michel
This book does not claim to be a complete history of landscape painting. The length of such a history would considerably exceed the proportions of this volume, but I have nevertheless endeavoured to give some idea of the order in which the different masters appeared, and of the relative importance of each. Having only to speak here of those who excelled, I have tried to show, in some sort of sequence, whence these artists came, the special merit of each, and his influence on the development of art.
The ABC of Style
The ABC of Style
?mile Bayard
你是否想过,为什么你的天花板的形状看起来像哥德式教堂的门拱?为什么你所在的办公楼看起来那么与众不同? 《建筑风格基础》带您探索从古代源头到二十世纪四十年代期间不同的建筑和室内装饰风格。这本书将带着你畅游历史,纵观法国贵族的宫殿和城堡,饱览中世纪多明尼加君主教堂的简约设计。通常,政治变动会带来艺术风格的转变。因此,常常以君王或历史时期来命名不同的欧式风格(文艺复兴式、中世纪风格)。直到十九世纪末,时代风格的转变仍是基于皇室贵族的品味。因此,风格可以说就是一种对权力的确认。
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