

Edward MacDowell
Edward MacDowell
John F. Porte
Edward MacDowell
William Shakespeare Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 220+ Plays, Sonnet
William Shakespeare Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 220+ Plays, Sonnet
William Shakespeare, William Hazlitt, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Samuel Johnson
William Shakespeare Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world’s best William Shakespeare collection, including the most complete set of Shakespeare’s works available plus many free bonus materials. William Shakespeare Shakespeare is the first name we think of when we think of English literature. His works have an absolutely timeless quality. The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Shakespeare’s work, including not only all his plays, poetry, annotations and commentaries on those, but also his rare, hard-to-find Apocryphal Plays. Apocryphal Plays The Apocryphal Plays, as they are known, were not as widely published as Shakespeare’s well-known works, due to not being included in the famous ‘First Folio’ published by his fellow actors. As a result, they are extremely sought-after. Electrifying argument rages over them, often being discussed more than Shakespeare’s more familiar works. The Most Famous Commentaries This ultimate collection also contains some of the most famous commentaries on Shakespeare’s works, from some of the most celebrated literature experts in history: Samuel Johnson - known as the most quoted man after Shakespeare, Johnson’s famous ‘Preface to Shakespeare’ is one of the authorities on The Bard. He also created amazing Annotations of Shakespeare’s plays. All are included. William Hazlitt - We include hs in depth analysis, Characters Of Shakespeare’s Plays, explores each play and its players. Samuel Taylor Coleridge -?His Critical Analysis is considered highly influential and extremely insightful. Shakespeare Biographies This collection also included 2 full length biographies: Life Of Shakespeare By Sidney Lee A Study In Shakespeare By Algernon Charles Swinburne Bonuses In addition, you also receive in this collection: Life of Shakespeare – A quick biography about Shakespeare’s intriguing life. Apocryphal Explanation - Commentary about the fascinating Apocryphal Plays. Get It Now This is the best Shakespeare collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his world! Works Included: Comedies, including: Merchant Of Venice Midsummer Night’s Dream Much Ado About Nothing Twelfth Night Histories, including: Henry V Richard Iii Henry Viii Tragedies, including: Romeo & Juliet Titus Andronicus Julius Caesar Macbeth Hamlet Othello Apocrypha, Including: Thomas Cromwell Edward Iii Sir Thomas More Mucedrous Merry Devil Of Edmonton All Poems and Sonnets
The Mob, a Play in Four Act
The Mob, a Play in Four Act
John Galsworthy
Four-act play. According to Wikipedia: "John Galsworthy ( 1867— 1933) was an English novelist and playwright. Notable works include The Forsyte Saga (1906—1921) and its sequels, A Modern Comedy and End of the Chapter. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932.
The Puritan Widow or the Puritaine Widdow, Shakespeare Apocrypha
The Puritan Widow or the Puritaine Widdow, Shakespeare Apocrypha
William Shakespeare
Elizabethan play, sometimes attributed in part to Shakespeare. According to Wikipedia: "William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564 – died 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "The Bard"). His surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language, and are performed more often than those of any other playwright."
The Lamentable Tragedy of Locrine, Shakespeare Apocrypha
The Lamentable Tragedy of Locrine, Shakespeare Apocrypha
William Shakespeare
Elizabethan play, sometimes attributed in part to Shakespeare. According to Wikipedia: "William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564 – died 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "The Bard"). His surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language, and are performed more often than those of any other playwright."
Emily Dickinson
Rabindranath Tagore
Play. According to Wikipedia: "Rabindranath Tagore (7 May 1861 – 7 August 1941), sobriquet Gurudev, was a Bengali poet, novelist, musician, painter and playwright who reshaped Bengali literature and music. As author of Gitanjali and its "profoundly sensitive, fresh and beautiful verse", he was the first non-European who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913. His poetry in translation was viewed as spiritual, and this together with his mesmerizing persona gave him a prophet-like aura in the west. His "elegant prose and magical poetry" still remain largely unknown outside the confines of Bengal."
How To Install Kodi On Fire Tv: A detailed Kodi installation Guide with Screensh
How To Install Kodi On Fire Tv: A detailed Kodi installation Guide with Screensh
Chaz Florry
How To Install Kodi On Fire Tv: A detailed Kodi installation Guide with Screenshots
When the World Shook
When the World Shook
Henry Rider Haggard
A sorozat és ami m?g?tte van I. Szulejmán szultán 1494-ben született, és 1566-ban Szigetvár alatt vesztette életét. 1520-tól haláláig az Oszmán Birodalom ikonikus uralkodójaként hódított. A magyar t?rténelmet ismer?k biztosan nem rajongtak érte soha. Miután 2013-ban az egyik kereskedelmi csatorna megvásárolta az életér?l szóló Szulejmán cím? sorozatot, a szultán negatív megítélése sokat változott. A néz?k megkedvelték a Halit Ergen? által alakított Fényességest. A sorozatban ábrázolt t?rténelmi események, személyek azonban nem minden esetben egyeznek a valósággal. Ezt az alkotók is megjegyzik: a m? t?rténelmi ihletés? - ami nem azonos a t?rténelmi h?séggel. R. Kelényi Angelika tisztázza a valós t?rténelmi eseményeket. ?sszegy?jt?tt érdekességeken keresztül oszlatja el a félreértéseket, mik?zben szórakoztatja az olvasót.
Samson and Delilah
Samson and Delilah
David Herbert Lawrence
Ervin, ?va és Csaba t?rténete folytatódik. A F?pap és a praetoriánusok serege már nem fenyegetik ?ket, helyettük azonban egy gyilkos klán, egy természetimádó szekta és egy minden dimenziót uralni akaró entitás háborújának frontvonalában találják magukat. A tét pedig nem kevesebb, mint a F?ld j?v?je. Vajon az emberiség ki tud lépni a saját árnyékából, vagy végleg elenyészik? H?seink meg tudnak birkózni a rájuk váró akadályokkal? Bízhatnak-e az új sz?vetségeseikben? ?s egymásban??rmány, árulás, átalakulás és áldozathozatal. A világunk sorsa most d?l el!
The Trespasser
The Trespasser
David Herbert Lawrence
Egy t?kéletes férfi és egy kül?nleges lány. Vajon mit rejthet a hibátlan álca? William, a milliárdos üzletember Seattle-be utazik, hogy megtalálja elhunyt nevel?apja egyetlen vér szerinti gyermekét, akit ténylegesen megillet a férfira hagyott ?r?kség. Mik?zben piszkos módszereivel a valódi ?r?k?s után kutat, ?sszehozza a sors egy dacos, szemtelen, fiatal lánnyal, aki egyedi szépségével azonnal megbabonázza ?t. William felrúgva saját szabályait, enged Jessica csábításának. Ahogy egyre k?zelebb kerülnek egymáshoz, William ráj?n, hogy Jessica nem egy átlagos lány, a múltját s?tét titkok rejtik, ami után a férfi hiába nyomoz, folyton zsákutcába fut.Mer?ben eltér? személyiségük, életvitelük és a k?ztük lév? korkül?nbség nehéz d?ntés elé állítja ?ket. Megéri ennyit szenvedni egy boldog kapcsolat lehet?sége miatt? Ha fény derül minden titokra, képesek lesznek ugyanúgy nézni egymásra, mint azel?tt?Lilly Shade t?rténete nemcsak arra bizonyíték, hogy nincsenek véletlenek, de arra is, hogy a sors sem mindig kegyes. A t?kéletes nem valódi, és ami annak látszik, csupán álca. Az ilyen álcák pedig a legs?tétebb titkokat rejtegetik.
The Ship of Ishtar
The Ship of Ishtar
Abraham Merritt
Gustáv Murín? k?nyvében a vad és zabolátlan kilencvenes évekbe kalauzolja el az olvasót, abba az id?be, amikor a volt szocialista államoknak azzal kellett szembesülniük, hogy a demokratizálódás bizony t?rvényszer?en magával hozza a komolyabb szervezett b?n?z?i csoportok megjelenését is. Az államapparátus fenekén tojáshéj, a b?n?z?k zsebében pedig a fegyver és a pénz. Kicsoda valójában Jozef Rohá?, a profi, akihez a legvéresebb merényletek k?t?dnek Szlovákiában és Magyarországon egyaránt? Mi k?ze van a magyar b?rt?nbüntetését t?lt? Eva Reze?ovának a kassai gengszterekhez? Hogyan t?nt el 114 vagonnyi olaj Pozsony és Budapest k?z?tt? Mi k?ti ?ssze Magyarországot az újkori t?rténelem legvéresebb maffialeszámolásával? Ki szervezte meg a szlovák k?ztársasági eln?k fiának elrablását? Ki ne emlékezne a vadkeletre? Ezek a csoportok nem ismertek határokat, így a szlovák és a magyar alvilág számos ponton és ügyben kapcsolódhatott egymáshoz. Ezekb?l a t?rténetekb?l kiderül, hogyan. T?rténetek, amelyek egyszer véget érnek. A b?n azonban marad, itt jár k?ztünk továbbra is.
While I wait for my turn
While I wait for my turn
Piereh Antoni
While I wait for my turn
Soffio verso il cielo: Prova a soffiare anche tu
Soffio verso il cielo: Prova a soffiare anche tu
Cosimo Schena
Soffio verso il cielo: Prova a soffiare anche tu
Cinco sentidos: II Edición
Cinco sentidos: II Edición
Piereh Antoni
Cinco sentidos: II Edición
Whispers of a soul
Whispers of a soul
Cosimo Schena
Whispers of a soul
The love es amor
The love es amor
Piereh Antoni
The love es amor
Hydroponics: The Complete Guide To Hydroponics For Beginners
Hydroponics: The Complete Guide To Hydroponics For Beginners
Nancy Ross
Marijuana: A Beginners Guide To Growing Marijuana
Marijuana: A Beginners Guide To Growing Marijuana
Nancy Ross
LEARN HOW TO GROW MARIJUANA FOR YOURSELF!! Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... Benefits of Growing Your Own Cannabis Indoor vs. Outdoor Growing The Basics of Growing Cannabis Dealing with Pests and Other Gardening Issues Types of Hydroponic Systems Harvesting Much, Much, More!
Homesteading: A Beginners Guide To Homesteading
Homesteading: A Beginners Guide To Homesteading
Nancy Ross
Do you want to learn how to live more self sufficient by using the tools of homesteading? Whether you want to learn how to raise your own livestock, garden for yourself, or preserve your own food this book will help! Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... The Basics of HomesteadingRaising Your Own Livestock in Your BackyardThe Magic of Gardening for Your Own FoodPreserving Your Food for WinterMaking Your Own ClothesMaking Your Own Household ItemsMuch, Much, More!
Любий друг
Любий друг
Gi De Moposan
Fic??o brasileira no século XXI é um livro instigante. De leitura agradável e de interesse amplo, debru?a-se, com competência e inventividade, sobre oito escritores brasileiros contempor?neos, consagrados e premiados. O que n?o é pouco em uma tradi??o como a nossa, em que n?o se encontram muitos estudiosos de literatura que encarem o contempor?neo e consigam discuti-lo de forma a dialogar, n?o apenas com o estudioso e o especialista como também com o leitor comum interessado em literatura. Adriana Lunardi, Alberto Martins, Luiz Ruffato, Michel Laub, Milton Hatoum, Nelson de Oliveira, Ricardo Lísias e Rodrigo Lacerda encontram, por meio da leitura que deles fazem os autores deste livro, novos olhares para suas obras. E, nestes novos olhares, há um convite para novos leitores e leituras renovadas.