

I Am Number Four Collection: Books 1-6
The first six novels in the New York Times bestselling Lorien Legacies series are included in this collection:I Am Number Four: The book that started it all . . . Nine of us came here. We look like you. We talk like you. We live among you. But we are not you. We can do things you dream of doing. We have powers you dream of having. We are stronger and faster than anything you have ever seen. Our plan was to grow, and train, and become strong, and become one, and fight them. But they found us and started hunting us first. I am next.The Power of Six: I've seen him on the news. Followed the stories about what happened in Ohio. There are six of us left. We're hiding, blending in, avoiding contact with one another . . . but our Legacies are developing, and soon we'll be equipped to fight. Is John Number Four, and is his appearance the sign I've been waiting forAnd what about Number Five and SixI am Number Seven. One of six still alive.And I'm ready to fight.The Rise of Nine: In order to save our world and their own, John and Nine must join forces with Six and Seven who have been battling the Mogadorians in Spain, and who are now trying to locate Number Eight in India.The Fall of Five: When the Garde receive a sign from Number Five—a crop circle in the shape of a Lorien symbol—they know they are close to being reunited. But could it be a trapTime is running out, and the only thing they know for certain is that they have to get to Five before it's too late.The Revenge of Seven: The Garde have suffered an unbearable loss. Number Five has betrayed them. Eight is gone forever. Ella has been kidnapped. The others are now scattered. The Garde are broken and divided once again, but they will not be defeated. As long as one still stands, the battle for Earth's survival is not lost.The Fate of Ten: The sixth and penultimate book in the series! For years the Garde have fought the Mogadorians in secret. Now all of that has changed. The invasion has begun. The Garde are stretched thin, fighting this war on many fronts. The only chance they have is to take out the Mogadorian leader once and for all—but his fate is now irrevocably tied with Ella's. They can't destroy one without the other. But if the Garde can't find another way to stop the Mogs, humanity will suffer the same fate as the Loric: annihilation.

Human Communication Technology
Human Communication Technology


《考古中国》丛书是作家岳南等历时三十年写成的讲述中国11个重大考古与发现的探秘纪实系列作品集。作者通过实地采访当事人、参阅考古报告、查阅大量史料等,以生动的文笔真实再现了包括明定陵、秦始皇陵兵马俑、三星堆和金沙遗址、长沙马王堆汉墓、山东银雀山兵书竹简、夏商周断代工程、广州南越王墓、周口店北京人遗址、随州曾侯乙墓、清东陵、法门寺地宫在内的11个项目的发起、发掘和研究过程。 通过中国一百年来的田野考古发掘,用出土的遗迹、遗物来推断和验证中华民族文化与文明的来龙去脉,是这套书的最大特色。每一个考古遗址或陵寝陵墓的发掘过程中,都发生过很多不为世人所知的传奇故事。通过阅读本套书,读者宛如真实的考古现场,能够充分感受到中华百万年人类史,一万年文化史,五千多年文明史。



《钢铁厂工业炉设计规范(英文版 GB 50486-2009)》为中华人民共和国国家标准,由住房城乡建设部组织翻译的英文版,用于对外交流和国内对外的合作。中文版已于2009年出版。本规范由中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部第251号公告批准,编号为GB50486-2009,自2009年9月1日起实施。其中6条(款)为强制性条文,必须严格执行。 本规范共分8章,主要内容包括:总则,术语,轧钢加热炉,轧钢热处理炉,金属制品热处理炉,工业炉燃料及燃烧设备,工业炉烟气余热回收及其装置,安全卫士与环境保护。本规范附条文说明。 本规范适用于新建、扩建和改建大中型钢铁企业相关炉的设计。

理财是成功规划人生的*步,而这恰恰是学校、职场从未真正教过我们的*重要的一课!历经多年的聆听、观察和阅读,作者将自己多年的理财经验和人生规划融本书,告诉我们:其实不是你收太少,而是你没有理财的方法!如果你现在生活得很不错,那你可以过得更美好。 本书真正将理财融生活,趣味讲解生活中与财富相关的细节,帮助你分析个人的收支现状,树立正确的消费观念,学习作者的理财技巧。从这里,你将启财富自由的旅程。

本套书收录外国文学名著丛书共计12种12册,具体书目如下: 小妇人 (美)露易莎·梅·奥尔科特著 王之光译 面纱 (英)毛姆著 刘勇军译 呼兰河传 萧红著 简爱 (英)夏洛蒂?勃朗特著 汪洋译 安娜·卡列尼娜 俄)列夫·托尔斯泰著 力冈译 一个陌生女人的来信 (奥)史蒂芬·茨威格著 陈宗琛译 包法利夫人 (法)福楼拜著 许渊冲译 走出非洲 (丹麦)卡伦·布里克森著 马绍博译 茶花女 (法)小仲马著 王殿忠译 卡门 (法) 普罗斯佩·梅里美著 傅雷李玉民译 呼啸山庄 (英)艾米莉·勃朗特著 汪洋译 爱玛 (英)简·奥斯汀著 刘勇军译

本辑《唯美》的主题为“上海,上海”,主要以展现上海独特的文化魅力为核心,收录了60位当代文艺大家的作品,主要分为六个栏目:“文心”,邀约王安忆、裘小龙、金宇澄、孙甘露、陈子善、严锋、沈宏非等22位文学家、学者、文化名人的作品24篇,呈现了上海的城市空间、社会变迁、饮食文化、个人记忆、诗意声韵等,展现了五彩斑斓的海派文化的独特印记。 “建筑师”,邀约张永和、俞挺、赵城琦等4位建筑师的作品4篇,呈现了上海现代建筑空间与传统城市面貌的共存给上海带来的历史感和现代感,展现了上海深厚的文化积淀与充满活力的现代形象。 “艺术家”,邀约余友涵、李山、丁乙等6位艺术家的作品6篇,从油画、生物艺术、装置、电影、雕塑、当代艺术等众多艺术门类呈现了上海艺术的魅力和现代性。 “诗与音乐”,邀约王寅、陈钢、王恺等15位诗人、音乐家、歌唱家、艺术史学家的作品12组,从音韵、节奏、诗意、想象等角度展现了上海独特的声音美学所蕴含的中西融合的文化。 “影像”,邀约陆元敏、雍和、逄小威等8位摄影师、导演等的作品8篇,以纪实的摄影手法展现了上海的众生百态和人间烟火,图片以大版面呈现,极具视觉冲力和张力。 “其他”,邀约相关文艺品牌及摄影、漫画作品6篇,讲述了“浦东美术馆”“金泽工艺社”“之禾”等品牌等成长故事,展现了上海的深厚文化为地方品牌发展提供的丰厚的养料与根基。

写给大众读者的入门级艺术鉴赏指南,套装共7册,分别为《小顾聊中国画》《小顾聊绘画(全3册)》《艺术的乐趣 : 如何观看、欣赏、谈论艺术》《雕刻大地》《书籍秘史》


Blossom Street (Book 1-10): The Shop on Blossom Street / A Good Yarn / Susannah'
Perfect for fans of Maeve Binchy' - Candis Welcome to Blossom Street – where dreams come true For the first time all of the Blossom Street series in one bundle! The ultimate indulgence of Debbie Macomber’s bestselling Blossom Street novels. Including: The Shop on Blossom Street, A Good Yarn, Susannah’s Garden, Christmas in Seattle, Back on Blossom Street, Twenty Wishes, Summer on Blossom Street, Hannah’s List, A Turn in the Road and Thursdays at Eight. Make time for friends. Make time for Debbie Macomber.


全套书分三册: *册是政策与环境册,包括综述篇、政策篇和环保篇。综述篇会从从全球显示产业竞争格局的变化以及今年的热事件着以分析,另外还有物联网方面的综述。政策篇涉及到政府相关主管部门产业政策的规划,各地区产业发展、政策、规划等方面内容的收集和整理。 第二册是器件与应用册,包括显示器件、应用和新技术。包括LCD、OLED、电子纸、激光显示等器件方面内容,电视、车载显示、手机、VR等应用方面的内容,柔性OLED、量子、裸眼3D、全息显示、石墨烯等新技术方面的内容。 第三册是材料与装备册。包括基板玻璃、液晶材料、OLED材料、靶材、光刻胶、掩膜版、OLED设备等方面内容。

Bones, Clones, and Biomes
As explorers and scientists have known for decades, the Neotropics harbor a fantastic array of our planet's mammalian diversity, from capybaras and capuchins to maned wolves and mouse opossums to sloths and sakis. This biological bounty can be attributed partly to the striking diversity of Neotropical landscapes and climates and partly to a series of continental connections that permitted intermittent faunal exchanges with Africa, Antarctica, Australia, and North America. Thus, to comprehend the development of modern Neotropical mammal faunas requires not only mastery of the Neotropics' substantial diversity, but also knowledge of mammalian lineages and landscapes dating back to the Mesozoic.Bones, Clones, and Biomes offers just that-an exploration of the development and relationships of the modern mammal fauna through a series of studies that encompass the last 100 million years and both Central and South America. This work serves as a complement to more taxonomically driven works, providing for readers the long geologic and biogeographic contexts that undergird the abundance and diversity of Neotropical mammals. Rather than documenting diversity or distribution, this collection traverses the patterns that the distributions and relationships across mammal species convey, bringing together for the first time geology, paleobiology, systematics, mammalogy, and biogeography. Of critical importance is the book's utility for current conservation and management programs, part of a rapidly rising conservation paleobiology initiative.

Shareholder Democracies?
Understanding the challenges of corporate governance is central to our comprehension of the economic dynamics driving corporations today. Among the most important institutions in capitalism today, corporations and joint-stock companies had their origins in Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. And as they became more prevalent, the issue of internal governance became more pressing. At stake-and very much contested-was the allocation of rights and obligations among shareholders, directors, and managers.This comprehensive account of the development of corporate governance in Britain and Ireland during its earliest stages highlights the role of political factors in shaping the evolution of corporate governance as well as the important debates that arose about the division of authority and responsibility. Political and economic institutions confronted similar issues, including the need for transparency and accountability in decision making and the roles of electors and the elected, and this book emphasizes how political institutions-from election procedures to assemblies to annual reporting-therefore provided apt models upon which companies drew readily. Filling a gap in the literature on early corporate economy, this book provides insight into the origins of many ongoing modern debates.

Lying Game Complete Collection
From Sara Shepard, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Pretty Little Liars books, comes a riveting new series about secrets, lies, and killer consequences. Separated at birth, twin sisters Emma Paxton and Sutton Mercer never had a chance to meet. And now they never will. Someone murdered Sutton and forced Emma into taking her place. Sutton can only watch from beyond the grave as Emma tries to figure out who killed her—and why. But as Emma digs deeper, the girls discover that the truth may be far more terrible than they'd ever imagined—and the killer may be a lot closer to home….This collection contains all six Lying Game novels, plus two digital original novellas, The First Lie and True Lies.

本书是一套反映中国近代法制转型过程的史料汇编。既有中国人关于中国法制的论著,又有日本人关于中国法制的论著。晚清至民国初,中国人关于的法制的论著,与日本存在种种关联,作者或留学日本,或受到日本法学的影响而写作。如王鸿年的《宪法法理要义》,王系日本法学家学生,将其在日本听讲的内容编纂成此书。又如保廷梁的《大清宪法论》,以日本的宪法学为借鉴和批评的对象,在此基础上构建了自己的宪法学说。日本人关于中国法制的论著,如北鬼三郎撰写的《大清宪法论》,后来直成为清政府起草《钦定宪法草案》的参考书。有的间影响中国,如穗积八束的《宪法说明书》,是其为晚清五大臣出洋考察滞留日本的随从人员的讲座。 此外,《奉派赴日司法考察记录》是反映伪满洲国司法与日本交流的重要史料,伪《满洲帝国六法全书》更是研究伪满法制体系建构的资料。
