How to Write a Novel: A Practical Guide to the Art of Fiction
How to Write a Novel: A Practical Guide to the Art of Fiction
Not That It Matters
Not That It Matters
IELTS 英熟語1190(リスニング?リーディング対策)BANDスコア5.0~7.0以上
IELTS 英熟語1190(リスニング?リーディング対策)BANDスコア5.0~7.0以上
Language and Truth
This book explores the nature of human language, its relation to truth and to the natural laws of the universe. It focuses on truth according to DaVita (non-dualism), and concentrates mainly on the Sanskrit language. The author draws on his long experience as a student and teacher of both DaVita and Sanskrit. He identifies some principles of Advaita which are particularly relevant to human language, such as the primacy of consciousness, unity in diversity, and sound as the basis of the universe. He then compares Sanskrit, English and Mandarin in the light of these principles. What follows is an investigation of how far the basic elements of the Sanskrit language such as its alphabet, its roots and the deep structure of its grammar, may be seen as the expression of such principles. The book continues with an examination of the fundamental nature of words, of sentences and of meaning, all of which are illumined by insights into the deeper significance of the sound and structure of the Sanskrit language. What emerges is a radically different view of language from that found in most modern Western philosophy. Human language is seen as having an innate capacity to reflect the light of consciousness, the primary element of the universe, and evidence is provided to show the extraordinary reflective capacity of the Sanskrit language. Many books have been written on Advaita, but the combination of Advaita and language as tackled in this book may be unique.
JLPT(日本語能力試験)N5:単語(vocabulary)漢字(kanji)Free list
JLPT(日本語能力試験)N5:単語(vocabulary)漢字(kanji)Free list
TOEFL iBT100点突破!リスニング?リーディング必須英単語5000
TOEFL iBT100点突破!リスニング?リーディング必須英単語5000
Englisch Konversation Guide Für Anf?nger
Englisch Konversation Guide Für Anf?nger
Short Story Writing: A Practical Treatise on the Art of the Short Story
Short Story Writing: A Practical Treatise on the Art of the Short Story
Writing-Publishing Survival Guide
Writing-Publishing Survival Guide
TOEFL iBT80点?100点突破!リスニング?リーディング必須英熟語1340
TOEFL iBT80点?100点突破!リスニング?リーディング必須英熟語1340