

Roughing It
Roughing It
Mark Twain
A Népmesekincstár módszertanának gyakorlati kézik?nyve a mindennapokban kipróbált, 49 mesefoglalkozás részletes leírását tartalmazza. A 3–8 éves korú gyerekeket nevel? pedagógusok számára nyújt hasznos segítséget a sokoldalú, élmény- és ?r?mk?zpontú fejlesztésben. A témák szerint rendszerezett, a Népmesekincstár els? (Itt vagyok, ragyogok!) és második (Járom az új váramat) k?tetében található népmesék aranyfonalára mondókákat, népi játékokat és azok leírásait f?ztük. A tiszta forrásból merített dalok kottákkal szerepelnek, a találós kérdések, a kézm?ves- és alkotó folyamatok pedig komplex egységet képeznek a t?bbi elemmel. ?Nagyszer? munkaeszk?ze lesz ez a k?nyv mindenkinek, aki óvodásokat és kisiskolásokat szeretne nevelni-tanítani a népmesékkel – ahogy Bajzáth Mária teszi nagy sikerrel évtizedek óta.” (Dr. Merényi Hajnalka tanszékvezet?, ELTE Tanító- és ?vóképz? Kar) ?Bajzáth Mária mesefoglalkozásai igazi élményt jelentenek a pedagógusoknak is, segítik ?ket abban, hogy visszataláljanak a mesékhez. A feln?tt élménye alapozhatja meg a gyermek ?r?mét." (Dr. Nyitrai ?gnes tanszékvezet?, Kaposvári Egyetem Pedagógiai Kar) ?Ez a k?nyv gazdagító módszertani anyag, mely lehet?séget ad arra, hogy a játékok ?r?me által a gyermekeink számára is befogadhatóbbá tegyük ezt az élni segít? és élni tanító világot.” (Józsa ?va egyetemi docens, Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem, Benedek Elek Pedagógiai Kar) A Népmesekincstár hét k?tetb?l álló sorozata, melyet Bajzáth Mária mesepedagógus válogat, ?t korosztálynak gy?jti ?ssze a világ népmeséit: 0–4 éves, 4–6 éves, 6–8 éves, 8–10 éves gyerekeknek és a 11 éven felülieknek. A szül?k és pedagógusok számára egyaránt hasznos gy?jteményeket a Népmesekincstár mesepedagógiájának két, a korosztályok igényeit k?vet? módszertani k?tete kíséri.
Theresa Raquin
Theresa Raquin
Emile Zola
S?nav ?ncesi Okunacak Dualar ile yakla?an s?navlarla birlikte ??renci ve velilerin s?nav ?ncesi okunacak dualar? bu k?s?mda, sizler i?in derledik. Bu kapsamda kitab?m?z?n devam?nda siz de?erli okuyucular?m?z i?in bulunan, s?nav ?ncesi okunacak dua sayesinde s?navdan ?nce okuyabilirsiniz. En güzel s?nav duas? ve s?nav ?ncesi okunacak dua gibi merak etti?iniz dualar? bu kitab?m?zda bulacaks?n?z. ? ? ???NDEK?LER ?G?R?? Duan?n genel sosyolojik ve psikolojik faydalar?Dua etme ihtiyac? insanda yarat?l??tan m?d?r?Dua Etmenin Faydalar?Du?n?n ?nemiDuan?n Hayat?m?zdaki ?nemiDualar?m?zda Dünyaya Ait ?stekte Bulunabilir miyiz?Nas?l Dua Etmeliyiz?Duan?n Adab ve Erkan?DUALARIN KABUL ED?LMES?N?N SIRLARIHANG? DUALAR KABUL OLMAZ..DUA ETMEN?N SONU?LARIDersleri Anlama (??renciler) ??in DualarSINAVLARA G?RMEDEN OKUNACAK DUALAR.. ?
Sister Carrie
Sister Carrie
Theodore Dreiser
In Sister Carrie, Dreiser portrayed a changing society, writing about a young woman who flees rural life for the city (Chicago) and struggles with poverty, complex relationships with men, and prostitution. It sold poorly and was considered controversial because of moral objections to his featuring a country girl who pursues her dreams of fame and fortune through relationships with men. The book has since acquired a considerable reputation. It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels." It was adapted as a 1952 film by the same name, directed by William Wyler and starring Laurence Olivier and Jennifer Jones.??"..When Caroline Meeber boarded the afternoon train for Chicago, her total outfit consisted of a small trunk, a cheap imita-tion alligator-skin satchel, a small lunch in a paper box, and a yellow leather snap purse, containing her ticket, a scrap of paper with her sister's address in Van Buren Street, and four dollars in money. It was in August, 1889. ??She was eighteen years of age, bright, timid, and full of the illusions of ignorance and youth. Whatever touch of regret at parting characterised her thoughts, it was certainly not for advantages now being given up. A gush of tears at her mother's farewell kiss, a touch in her throat when the cars clacked by the flour mill where her father worked by the day, a pathetic sigh as the familiar green environs of the village passed in review, and the threads which bound her so lightly to girlhood and home were irretrievably broken.."
South Sea Tales
South Sea Tales
Jack London
I met him first in a hurricane; and though we had gone through the hurricane on the same schooner, it was not until the schooner had gone to pieces under us that I first laid eyes on him. Without doubt I had seen him with the rest of the kanaka crew on board, but I had not consciously been aware of his existence, for the Petite Jeanne was rather overcrowded. ??In addition to her eight or ten kanaka seamen, her white captain, mate, and supercargo, and her six cabin passengers, she sailed from Rangiroa with something like eighty-five deck passengers—Paumotans and Tahitians, men, women, and children each with a trade box, to say nothing of sleeping mats, blankets, and clothes bundles.??The pearling season in the Paumotus was over, and all hands were returning to Tahiti. The six of us cabin passengers were pearl buyers. Two were Americans, one was Ah Choon (the whitest Chinese I have ever known), one was a German, one was a Polish Jew, and I completed the half dozen. ?
Love And Friendship: A Collection of Juvenile Writings
Love And Friendship: A Collection of Juvenile Writings
Jane Austen
"DECEIVED in FRIENDSHIP and BETRAYED in LOVE."??Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction, set among the landed gentry, earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature. Her realism, biting irony and social commentary have gained her historical importance among scholars and critics.??How often, in answer to my repeated intreaties that you would give my Daughter a regular detail of the Misfortunes and Adventures of your Life, have you said "No, my freind never will I comply with your request till I may be no longer in Danger of again experiencing such dreadful ones."??Surely that time is now at hand. You are this day 55. If a woman may ever be said to be in safety from the determined Perseverance of disagreeable Lovers and the cruel Persecutions of obstinate Fathers, surely it must be at such a time of Life: ??ISABEL
Réveils à la vie
Réveils à la vie
Patricia Mayer
Réveils à la vie
Wedding Planner Hand Book
Wedding Planner Hand Book
Desmond Ihenze
Wedding Planner Hand Book
Vreme ?nchis?
Vreme ?nchis?
Ion Lazu
Sarcina nu este o boalǎ ?n timpul cǎreia trebuie sǎ stai la pat. Pentru majoritatea femeilor aceasta reprezintǎ o stare normalǎ, armonioasǎ, at?t pentru corp, c?t ?i pentru suflet. Asta ?nseamnǎ cǎ lini?tea absolutǎ va aduce numai daune! Pe de altǎ parte, efortul fizic din aceastǎ perioadǎ trebuie sǎ fie chibzuit ?i sǎ influen?eze ?n mod pozitiv asupra stǎrii dumneavoastrǎ ?i a sǎnǎtǎ?ii copilului, at?t ?n timpul sarcinii ?i ?n momentul na?terii, c?t ?i dupǎ. Activitatea ?n mod regulat v? va ajuta corpul s???i recapete puterea ?i tonusul, iar mintea s? se relaxeze ?i s? fac? fa?? c?t mai bine posibil noilor griji. ?i cel mai important este s? re?ine?i c? a fi mam? ?nseamn? s? ar??i ?i mai bine, s? fii ?i mai ?n?eleapt?, mai puternic?, mai activ?, s? ?tii din ce ?n ce mai multe ?i s? ?n?elegi tot ce exist? ?n lume! Aceste este un rol complex al vie?ii, dar incredibil de interesant ?i profund, ce necesit? un consum mare de energie ?i putere, care trebuie cumva compensate! ?i ce ne poate revigora mai bine dec?t gimnastica, somnul ?i plimb?rile ?n aer liber? De aceea nu lenevi?i, m?mici tinere, deoarece acum nu trebuie s? ave?i grij? de propria persoan? ?i de siluet? doar pentru voi, dar ?i de dragul micu?ului vostru adorat, pentru care ve?i fi mereu un ideal de frumuse?e feminin?! A?a c? nu v? descuraja?i!
好多妈妈都觉得,所谓的英文环境,要么是在国外生活,要么是父母英文超级好,在家恨不得都说英语。其实生活在国内,爸妈英文不用很优秀,照样能给孩子营造原汁原味的英文环境。唯 一的要求和门槛,就是父母的决心。 学识影响眼界,眼界决定格局,而格局影响人一生。现在早已不是古代,人的一辈子都困在一城一池;在日新月异的全球化的今天,英文是通向世界舞台的钥匙。在未来的世界,英文更是会成为不可或缺的能力之一。 蔡康永说,15岁觉得游泳难,放弃游泳,到18岁遇到一个你喜欢的人约你去游泳,你只好说“我不会耶”。18岁觉得英文难,放弃英文,28岁出现一个很棒但要会英文的工作,你只好说“我不会耶”。 英文启蒙真的不难,别让它成为孩子未来发展的短板。
How to Text a Girl: …Even if She Doesn’t Know You and Doesn’t Like You
How to Text a Girl: …Even if She Doesn’t Know You and Doesn’t Like You
Kent Lamarc
How to Text a Girl: …Even if She Doesn’t Know You and Doesn’t Like You
Discipline Kids
Discipline Kids
John S. Roberts
Discipline Kids
Raising Boys
Raising Boys
John S. Roberts
Raising Boys
Alpha Woman: How to Get a Man, Keep Him and Make Him Fall In Love
Alpha Woman: How to Get a Man, Keep Him and Make Him Fall In Love
Bianca Gold
Alpha Woman: How to Get a Man, Keep Him and Make Him Fall In Love
Amor: A din?mica do fim dos relacionamentos
Amor: A din?mica do fim dos relacionamentos
Daniel Marques
Amor: A din?mica do fim dos relacionamentos
How to be a Lion: …and get all the hot females in the entire jungle
How to be a Lion: …and get all the hot females in the entire jungle
Kent Lamarc
How to be a Lion: …and get all the hot females in the entire jungle
The Rules of Love: The Truth about Compassion, Attraction and Romance
The Rules of Love: The Truth about Compassion, Attraction and Romance
Daniel Marques
The Rules of Love: The Truth about Compassion, Attraction and Romance
Amor: A din?mica das emo??es nos relacionamentos
Amor: A din?mica das emo??es nos relacionamentos
Daniel Marques
Amor: A din?mica das emo??es nos relacionamentos
Living With Aspergers Syndrome
Living With Aspergers Syndrome
Jessica Caplain
Living With Aspergers Syndrome
Toddler Potty Training: Incredibly Simple 2-Day Potty Training that Works
Toddler Potty Training: Incredibly Simple 2-Day Potty Training that Works
Marie C. Foster
Toddler Potty Training: Incredibly Simple 2-Day Potty Training that Works
Parenting: 3 Manuscripts - Raising Boys, Raising Daughters and Raising Teenagers
Parenting: 3 Manuscripts - Raising Boys, Raising Daughters and Raising Teenagers
John S. Roberts
Parenting: 3 Manuscripts - Raising Boys, Raising Daughters and Raising Teenagers
Advanced Parenting Techniques Of Rebellious Teens
Advanced Parenting Techniques Of Rebellious Teens
Suzzie Santos
Advanced Parenting Techniques Of Rebellious Teens
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