Very Valentine
The Angelini Shoe Company, one of the last family-owned businesses in Greenwich Village, has been making exquisite wedding shoes since 1903 but now teeters on the brink of financial collapse. To save their business from ruin, thirty-three-year-old Valentine Roncalli—apprentice to and granddaughter of master artisan Teodora Angelini—must bring the family's old-world craftsmanship into the twenty-first century. Juggling her budding romance with dashing chef Roman Falconi, her duty to her family, and a design challenge presented by a prestigious department store, Valentine returns to Italy with her grandmother in a quest to build a pair of glorious shoes to beat their rivals. And in the course of discovering her true artistic voice and so much more in la bella Italia, Valentine will be turning her life and the business upside down in ways she never expected.

The September Sisters
Abigail Reed and her younger sister, Becky, are always at each other's throats. Their mother calls them the September Sisters, because their birthdays are only a day apart, and pretends that they're best friends. But really, they delight in making each other miserable. Then Becky disappears in the middle of the night, and a torn gold chain with a sapphire heart charm is the only clue to the mystery of her kidnapping. Abby struggles to cope with her own feelings of guilt and loss as she tries to keep her family together. When her world is at its bleakest, Abby meets a new neighbor, Tommy, who is dealing with his own loss, and the two of them discover that love can bloom, even when it's surrounded by thorns.This exquisitely written first novel illustrates life as it truly is—filled with fear and danger, hope and love, comfort and uncertainty.

Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter
Tom Franklin's extraordinary talent has been hailed by the leading lights of contemporary literature—Philip Roth, Richard Ford, Lee Smith, and Dennis Lehane. Reviewers have called his fiction "ingenious" (USA Today) and "compulsively readable" (Memphis Commercial Appeal). His narrative power and flair for character-ization have been compared to the likes of Harper Lee, Flannery O'Connor, Elmore Leonard, and Cormac McCarthy.Now the Edgar Award-winning author returns with his most accomplished and resonant novel so far—an atmospheric drama set in rural Mississippi. In the late 1970s, Larry Ott and Silas "32" Jones were boyhood pals. Their worlds were as different as night and day: Larry, the child of lower-middle-class white parents, and Silas, the son of a poor, single black mother. Yet for a few months the boys stepped outside of their circumstances and shared a special bond. But then tragedy struck: Larry took a girl on a date to a drive-in movie, and she was never heard from again. She was never found and Larry never confessed, but all eyes rested on him as the culprit. The incident shook the county—and perhaps Silas most of all. His friendship with Larry was broken, and then Silas left town.More than twenty years have passed. Larry, a mechanic, lives a solitary existence, never able to rise above the whispers of suspicion. Silas has returned as a constable. He and Larry have no reason to cross paths until another girl disappears and Larry is blamed again. And now the two men who once called each other friend are forced to confront the past they've buried and ignored for decades.

The Ghost Bride
A startlingly original voice makes her literary debut with this wondrous coming-of-age story infused with Chinese folklore, romantic intrigue, adventure, and fascinating, dreamlike twistsOne evening, my father asked me whether I would like to become a ghost bride. . . .Though ruled by British overlords, the Chinese of colonial Malaya still cling to ancient customs. And in the sleepy port town of Malacca, ghosts and superstitions abound.Li Lan, the daughter of a genteel but bankrupt family, has few prospects. But fate intervenes when she receives an unusual proposal from the wealthy and powerful Lim family. They want her to become a ghost bride for the family's only son, who recently died under mysterious circumstances. Rarely practiced, traditional ghost marriages are used to placate restless spirits. Such a union would guarantee Li Lan a home for the rest of her days, but at a terrible price.After an ominous visit to the opulent Lim mansion, Li Lan finds herself haunted not only by her ghostly would-be suitor, but also by her desire for the Lims' handsome new heir, Tian Bai. Night after night, she is drawn into the shadowy parallel world of the Chinese afterlife, with its ghost cities, paper funeral offerings, vengeful spirits, and monstrous bureaucracy—including the mysterious Er Lang, a charming but unpredictable guardian spirit. Li Lan must uncover the Lim family's darkest secrets—and the truth about her own family—before she is trapped in this ghostly world forever.

I Am No One You Know
I Am No One You Know contains nineteen startling stories that bear witness to the remarkably varied lives of Americans of our time. In "Fire," a troubled young wife discovers a rare, radiant happiness in an adulterous relationship. In "Curly Red," a girl makes a decision to reveal a family secret, and changes her life irrevocably. In "The Girl with the Blackened Eye," selected for The Best American Mystery Stories 2001, a girl pushed to an even greater extreme of courage and desperation manages to survive her abduction by a serial killer. And in "Three Girls," two adventuresome NYU undergraduates seal their secret love by following, and protecting, Marilyn Monroe in disguise at Strand Used Books on a snowy evening in 1956. These vividly rendered portraits of women, men, and children testify to Oates's compassion for the mysterious and luminous resources of the human spirit.

Dark Duets
Charlaine Harris and Rachel Caine enter a shadowy world of demons and angels in "Dark Witness" while Sarah Rees Brennan, Cassandra Clare, and Holly Black look at three weird sisters who face challenges beyond magic in "Sisters Before Misters." Sarah MacLean and Carrie Ryan explore the exquisite agony of eternal love in "She, Doomed Girl," and "Welded" by Tom Piccirilli and T. M. Wright offers an unsettling vision of an evil that infects and destroys lives. Mixing the ordinary—parents, teenagers, lovers—with the extraordinary—angels, demons, serial killers—these captivating and vivid tales delve deep into the shadowy, unexplored realms of the imagination.

Since their mother's death, Tip and Teddy Doyle have been raised by their loving, possessive, and ambitious father. As the former mayor of Boston, Bernard Doyle wants to see his sons in politics, a dream the boys have never shared. But when an argument in a blinding New England snowstorm inadvertently causes an accident that involves a stranger and her child, all Bernard Doyle cares about is his ability to keep his children—all his children—safe. Set over a period of twenty-four hours, Run takes us from the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard to a home for retired Catholic priests in downtown Boston. It shows us how worlds of privilege and poverty can coexist only blocks apart from each other, and how family can include people you've never even met. As in her bestselling novel Bel Canto, Ann Patchett illustrates the humanity that connects disparate lives, weaving several stories into one surprising and endlessly moving narrative. Suspenseful and stunningly executed, Run is ultimately a novel about secrets, duty, responsibility, and the lengths we will go to protect our children.

God's Secret Agents
One evening in 1588, just weeks after the defeat of the Spanish Armada, two young men landed in secret on a beach in Norfolk, England. They were Jesuit priests, Englishmen, and their aim was to achieve by force of argument what the Armada had failed to do by force of arms: return England to the Catholic Church.Eighteen years later their mission would be shattered by the actions of the Gunpowder Plotters -- a small group of terrorists who famously tried to destroy the Houses of Parliament -- for the Jesuits were accused of having designed "that most horrid and hellish conspiracy."Alice Hogge follows "God's secret agents" from their schooling on the Continent, through their perilous return journeys and lonely lives in hiding, to, ultimately, the gallows. She offers a remarkable true account of faith, duty, intolerance, and martyrdom -- the unforgettable story of men who would die for a cause undone by men who would kill for it.

Open Your Eyes
For nearly forty years and in numerous books, Alexandra Stoddard has shared her keen eye for design and sure sense of style. Now this renowned decorator and lifestyle philosopher teaches you hoe to see with the expertise and clarity of professional designers.First, Alexandra helps you become more attuned to your surroundings-as you set a table, straighten out a linen closet, stroll through a garden, or browse in a thrift shop. Then, through personal anecdotes; examples from masters; a rich array of ideas, tips, and techniques, she reveals hundreds of ways to see and solve problems or proportion, pattern, color, and composition. Her simple suggestions-whether it's changing a lampshade, rearranging treasured objects on a table, or moving a chair-will yield dramatic results. Filled with practical solutions offered with warmth and encouragement , Open Your Eyes helps make each day a visual feats as it deepens your understanding not only of what makes something beautiful but what makes something beautiful to you.

Memories of John Lennon
John Lennon . . . as much a part of our world today as he ever was He touched many lives in his brief forty years, and continues to move and inspire millions more to this day. Now, invited by Yoko Ono, friends, family, and fans from all walks of life including some of the great artists of our day reminisce about Lennon as a visionary and friend, musician and performer, husband and father, activist and jokester.In their own words and drawings, poems and photos, Lennon's life from his childhood through the Beatles years to the happiness and tragedy of his final days become stunningly vivid.Intimate glimpses gathered from musicians who knew John, such as Pete Townshend, Sir Elton John, Billy Preston, and Joan Baez; friends and relatives such as producer David Geffen, publicist Elliot Mintz, and cousin Mike Cadwallader; and artists who followed him such as Bono, Alicia Keys, Steve Earle, Jello Biafra, and Carlos Santana.And, for the first time, renowned photographer Annie Liebovitz presents every frame of the historic last session with John and Yoko.Memories of John Lennon is a rich and deeply felt appreciation of a truly great man.

Oscar Micheaux: The Great and Only
Oscar Micheaux was the Jackie Robinson of film, the black D. W. Griffith: a bigger-than-life American folk hero whose important life story is nearly forgotten today. Now, in a feat of historical investigation and vivid storytelling, one of our greatest film biographers takes on one of the most talented and complex figures in the history of American entertainment.The son of freed slaves, Micheaux grew up in Metropolis, Illinois, then roamed America as a Pullman porter before making his first mark as a homesteader in South Dakota. Disaster and defeat there led him to forge a career publishing a successful series of autobiographical novels. Ever the entrepreneur, when Hollywood failed to bid high enough for film rights to his stories, he answered by forming his own film production company. Going on to produce or direct twenty-two silent and fifteen sound films in his lifetime, Micheaux became the king of the "race cinema" industry at a time when black-produced films had to scrounge for venues in a segregated society. In this groundbreaking new biography, award-winning film historian Patrick McGilligan offers a vivid and fascinating portrait of this little-known pioneer. Part visionary, part raffish Barnum-like showman, Micheaux was both a maverick filmmaker and an inveterate hustler who used every weapon at his disposal to break the color barrier and thrive in a profession he helped to invent. He made a fortune and lost it again, and launched repeated con games that were followed by public arrests and bankruptcies. He eagerly took credit for the work of others including his unsung-heroine wife. In his desperate later years, he even sunk to plagiarizing his final novel a discovery McGilligan reveals here for the first time. In this searching exploration, McGilligan tracks down long-lost financial records, unpublished letters, and unmarked pauper's graves, pinpointing Micheaux's birthplace, his tangled personal life, and the circumstances of his tragic death. The result is an epic that bridges a fascinating period in American history, and offers lessons for anyone who would understand the role of black America in forming the culture of our time.

The Great Mortality
La moria grandissima began its terrible journey across the European and Asian continents in 1347, leaving unimaginable devastation in its wake. Five years later, twenty-five million people were dead, felled by the scourge that would come to be called the Black Death. The Great Mortality is the extraordinary epic account of the worst natural disaster in European history -- a drama of courage, cowardice, misery, madness, and sacrifice that brilliantly illuminates humankind's darkest days when an old world ended and a new world was born.

J VILGOK VRNAK RD. res lakás, a családnak semmi nyoma, eléggé hátborzongató. De az egész olyan, mintha katonai támaszpontra lelnénk, amit senki se riz. Pilóta nélküli vadászgépek és tankok tétlenkednek a felszállópályán. Rosszindulatú dzsudzsut érzek itt. Valami rettenetes trtént. Az lenne a legokosabb, ha mindenkit figyelmeztetnél, hogy mielbb húzzanak el innen." Miután a térkapuk ezernyi új világhoz nyitottak utat, megkezddtt a bolygók gyarmatosítása. j életre vágyó telepesek ezrei znlenek ki a Naprendszerbl. Az Ilosz, e roppant új határvidék els emberi kolóniája vérben és tzben születik. A független telepesek pusztán elszántságukra, bátorságukra és az otthoni hosszú háborúk tapasztalataira támaszkodva szállnak szembe a hivatalos engedéllyel rendelkez nagyvállalat gyarmatosító hajójával. A küzdelem egyre inkább elfajul. Ráadásul az új, idegen világ felderítése kzben egyre félelmetesebb dolgokra derül fény. James Holdent és kis hajójának legénységét bízzák meg azzal, hogy békét teremtsenek a háborúskodó felek kztt, és értelmet vigyenek a káoszba. m minél jobban belebonyolódik, Holdenben annál határozottabbá válik a meggyzdés, hogy a küldetése eleve kudarcra ítéltetett. Egy halott ember szavai pedig arra emlékeztetik, hogy a galaktikus civilizáció, amely egykor e fldet birtokolta, rkre eltnt. Ugyanis valami elpusztította.

Engel des doods: een juridische thriller
Soms kun je het verleden beter laten rusten...Tijdens een boottochtje naar een afgelegen eiland aan boord van een luxueus jacht heeft fraudeonderzoeker Katerina Carter al snel het gevoel dat de charmante, praatjesmakende eigenaar van de boot een duister geheim verbergt. Die manier die hij aanprijst om snel geld te verdienen – zij kan toch niet de enige zijn die doorheeft dat het zaakje stinkt?Eenmaal op het eiland onderzoeken Kat en haar vrienden de geruchten die de ronde doen over een sinistere sekte, de Aquarian Foundation, en gaan ze op zoek naar verborgen schatten. De sekte heeft mensen geld afgetroggeld en het begint erop te lijken dat dezelfde geschiedenis zich weer herhaalt. Tenminste, als Kat aan de anderen kan bewijzen dat sommige dingen te mooi klinken om waar te zijn...Als niemand haar waarschuwingen serieus neemt, gaat ze op pad om een vreselijke waarheid te onthullen die de mensen waarvan ze het meest houdt in doodsgevaar kan brengen. Nu is het een race tegen de klok: Kat moet de moordenaar ontmaskeren voor hij opnieuw kan toeslaan. Dutch books, Dutch thrillers

20 koraka prema naprijed
One man. Four women. Seventeen mysterious years. Dóra, Gabi, Szilvi, and Judit: They were best friends in high school, but a terrible secret bound them together for life. After a delirious night ending in tragedy, they make a pact to leave the country. They must flee to where the past can’t catch up with them. But before they say good-bye, they vow to meet again in Budapest, seventeen years later. Life scatters them to four corners of the world. Dóra starts her new life on the Island of Bali, and though she lives in the land of Earthly Paradise, all she can think about is her unfulfilled, lost love. Szilvi secretly writes a novel in which their shared past plays an important role. Gabi is torn between two successful and charming men, while Judit finally gets the man she’d never even dared to dream of... Seventeen years pass and the date of their reunion draws near. Have they found happiness? Can best friends betray each other for the sake of love? What other surprises does their mysterious past have in store for them? Is it possible to forgive and forget? Eva Fejos is a reporter and novelist, author of eighteen best-sellers. She loves sunshine, coffee, chocolate, and travel, writes her novels in the evening and late at night, and hates getting up early.

Oblik du?e
Din petice surprinz?tor de diferite, ca nuan?? ?i lucr?tur?, Dincolo de ferestre este o p?tur? multicolor? de pove?ti care pe mul?i ?i va ?nc?lzi. Jongl?nd cu emo?ii ?i st?ri, cu situa?ii ?i detalii, scriind despre orori ?i splendori, st?p?n? deja pe acest nou teritoriu, Irina Georgescu debuteaz? – deloc nea?teptat – cu un volum remarcabil. - Veronica D. Niculescu O colec?ie de dou?zeci ?i dou? de fic?iuni cu miez de magie, montate la limita dintre real ?i fantastic, av?nd ca numitor comun misterul ?i suspansul. ?n spatele pove?tilor se ascund ?ngerii. Ei s?nt pe urmele de?inutului care ?ncearc? s? evadeze din realitatea absurd? a unui penitenciar circular, f?r? ie?ire (?Encarcerado“), sau ale surorilor care scap? de atacatori datorit? muzicii (?Radio“). ?ngerii ?l privesc pe b?rbatul orb care, m?cinat de gelozie, ??i caut? rivalul ?n propria cas? (??ntuneric“) ?i afl? c? locatarii unei sc?ri de bloc s?nt alunga?i de farmecele unei vr?jitoare (?Rebound“). Surprinse ?n momentele cele mai vulnerabile, unele personaje ??i pierd capul – socrul sedus de cuscr? sare pe fereastr? sub privirile ginerelui (?Père Tinel“), b?iatul care g?se?te un pe?te auriu ?n para du?ului ??i pune o dorin?? neinspirat? (?Un tip f?r? noroc“), iar pendula vr?jit?, care d? verdicte la sf?r?itul proceselor, ?l pune ?n ?ncurc?tur? pe judec?tor (?Pendula lui Costic?“). Dincolo de Ferestre vorbe?te despre fragilitatea realit??ii, de limitele ei permeabile ?i de faptul c?, odat? traversat? aceast? barier?, lucrurile nu mai s?nt ce p?reau a fi. (Irina Georgescu Groza)

Groene schijn: juridische thriller
Lawinegevaar is niet het enige dat levens bedreigt in de bergen…Fraudeonderzoeker Katerina Carter en haar vriend Jace gaan een gezellig weekendje weg naar een huisje in de bergen. De dagen voor kerst zijn immers nog veel romantischer in de juiste omgeving. Bovendien heeft Jace een klus: overdag werkt hij aan de biografie voor een stinkendrijke milieugoeroe terwijl Kat gaat wandelen in de besneeuwde bergen.Maar dan overlijden er twee milieuactivisten uit de buurt onder verdachte omstandigheden. Kat en Jace moeten de waarheid achterhalen voor er nog meer ongelukken gebeuren. Want de bergen kennen geen genade... en de moordenaar net zomin. In de eenzame Rocky Mountains passen mensen normaal goed op elkaar, maar een koelbloedige moordenaar denkt daar anders over. En hij komt steeds dichterbij. Iemand wil duidelijk niet dat de waarheid aan het licht komt en doet er alles aan om Kat te dwarsbomen. Als je van spanning, mysterie en een winterse sfeer houdt, mag je Groene Schijn niet missen!? thrillers kobo plus, thriller ebooks nederlands, bestseller boeken nederlands, thriller boeken

Septuagenarian Stew
Septuagenarian Stew is a combination of poetry and stories written by Charles Bukowski that delve into the lives of different people on the backstreets of Los Angeles. He writes of the housewife, the bum, the gambler and the celebrity to evoke a portrait of Los Angeles

Manifest Your Destiny
From the inspirational leader and author of the international bestsellers Your Sacred Self and the classic Your Erroneous Zones comes this mind-awakening guidebook for making your desires reality. Based on ancient principles and spiritual practices, Manifest Your Destiny introduces the Nine Spiritual Principles that will help you overcome the barriers--both within and around you--that prevent you from getting what you want, including: Developing spiritual awareness Trusting yourself Reconnecting to your environment Attracting your desires Accepting your own worthiness Practicing unconditional love Meditating to unlock the power within you Letting go of demands Filled with warmth and insight, this invaluable book will help you achieve your goals--and take you to a level higher than you've ever dreamed.

The Clockwork Universe
The Clockwork Universe is the story of a band of menwho lived in a world of dirt and disease but pictured auniverse that ran like a perfect machine. A meld ofhistory and science, this book is a group portrait ofsome of the greatest minds who ever lived as theywrestled with nature's most sweeping mysteries. Theanswers they uncovered still hold the key to how weunderstand the world.At the end of the seventeenth century an age ofreligious wars, plague, and the Great Fire of London when most people saw the world as falling apart, theseearliest scientists saw a world of perfect order. They declaredthat, chaotic as it looked, the universe was in factas intricate and perfectly regulated as a clock. This wasthe tail end of Shakespeare's century, when the naturaland the supernatural still twined around each other. Diseasewas a punishment ordained by God, astronomy hadnot yet broken free from astrology, and the sky was filledwith omens. It was a time when little was known andeverything was new. These brilliant, ambitious, curiousmen believed in angels, alchemy, and the devil, and theyalso believed that the universe followed precise, mathematicallaws a contradiction that tormented them andchanged the course of history. The Clockwork Universe is the fascinating and compellingstory of the bewildered geniuses of the RoyalSociety, the men who made the modern world.

The Perennial Philosophy
An inspired gathering of religious writings that reveals the "divine reality" common to all faiths, collected by Aldous Huxley"The Perennial Philosophy," Aldous Huxley writes, "may be found among the traditional lore of peoples in every region of the world, and in its fully developed forms it has a place in every one of the higher religions." With great wit and stunning intellect—drawing on a diverse array of faiths, including Zen Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Christian mysticism, and Islam—Huxley examines the spiritual beliefs of various religious traditions and explains how they are united by a common human yearning to experience the divine. The Perennial Philosophy includes selections from Meister Eckhart, Rumi, and Lao Tzu, as well as the Bhagavad Gita, Tibetan Book of the Dead, Diamond Sutra, and Upanishads, among many others.