

Kisah Kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW Utusan Tuhan Yang Terakhir
Kisah Kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW Utusan Tuhan Yang Terakhir
Muham Sakura Dragon
Nabi Mu?ammad SAW (selengkapnya Mu?ammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Mutthalib bin Hasyim (lahir di Mekkah, 20 April 570 – meninggal di Madinah, 8 Juni 632 pada umur 62 tahun) adalah seorang nabi dan rasul bagi umat Muslim. Ia memulai penyebaran ajaran Islam untuk seluruh umat manusia dan mewariskan pemerintahan tunggal Islam. Meski non-Muslim umumnya menganggap Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai pendiri Islam, dalam pandangan kaum muslim, Nabi Muhammad SAW sama-sama menegakkan ajaran tauhid untuk mengesakan Allah SWT sebagaimana yang dibawa nabi dan rasul sebelumnya sejak dari Nabi Nuh. Umat Muslim menyebut Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan salam penghormatan "Shalallaahu 'Alayhi Wasallam" dan mengiringi dengan shalawat Nabi setiap nama Nabi Muhammad SAW diperdengarkan. Lahir pada tahun 570 di Mekkah, Nabi Muhammad SAW melewati masa kecil sebagai yatim piatu; ia dibesarkan di bawah asuhan kakeknya Abdul Muthalib kemudian pamannya Abu Thalib. Beranjak remaja, Muhammad bekerja sebagai pedagang. Ia kadang-kadang mengasingkan diri ke gua sebuah bukit hingga bermalam-malam untuk merenung dan berdoa; diriwayatkan dalam usia ke-40, Nabi Muhammad SAW didatangi Malaikat Jibril dan menerima wahyu pertama dari Allah. Ia menyatakan dirinya sebagai utusan Allah, sebagaimana nabi-nabi yang telah Allah utus sebelumnya. Tiga tahun setelah wahyu pertama, Nabi Muhammad SAW mulai berdakwah secara terbuka, menyatakan keesaan Allah SWT Tuhan Alam Semesta dalam bentuk penyerahan diri melalui Islam sebagai agama yang benar dan meninggalkan sesembahan selain Allah SWT. Praktik atau amalan Nabi Muhammad SAW diriwayatkan dalam hadits, dirujuk oleh umat Islam sebagai sumber hukum Islam bersama Al-Quran.
Delphi Complete Works of Manetho (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Manetho (Illustrated)
An Egyptian priest that flourished in the third century BC, Manetho wrote ‘Aegyptiaca’ (History of Egypt), which provided a detailed history of his homeland to the Hellenic world. Although his original texts are now largely lost, important remains have survived, transmitted to us as fragments from several ancient authors. For many centuries, before hieroglyphics could be read, Manetho’s writings were one of the chief sources of information on Egyptian history. Delphi’s Ancient Classics series provides eReaders with the wisdom of the Classical world, with both English translations and the original Latin and Greek texts. This comprehensive eBook presents Manetho’s complete extant works, with illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Manetho's life and works* Features the complete extant works of Manetho, in both English translation and the original Greek and Latin fragments* Concise introduction to ‘Aegyptiaca’* Includes W. G. Waddell’s translations, previously appearing in the Loeb Classical Library edition of Manetho* Excellent formatting of the texts* Easily locate the works you want to read with individual contents tables* Includes rare fragments of Manetho's other works, first time in digital print* Features a bonus biography – discover Manetho's ancient world* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to explore our range of Ancient Classics titles or buy the entire series as a Super Set CONTENTS: The TranslationsAEGYPTIACAOTHER FRAGMENTS The Greek and Latin TextsLIST OF GREEK AND LATIN TEXTS The BiographyINTRODUCTION TO MANETHO by W. G. Waddell Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
Kisah Supernatural Dari Dunia Jin Vol 2
Kisah Supernatural Dari Dunia Jin Vol 2
Muham Sakura Dragon
Jin adalah makhluk yang diciptakan oleh Allah SWT dari api dan ia mempunyai kemampuan untuk menampilkan dirinya dalam berbagai bentuk yang berbeda. Mereka juga makan-minum, melakukan hubungan lawan jenis, dan melahirkan keturunan, sebagaimana halnya manusia. Mereka dapat melihat manusia, sedangkan manusia tidak dapat menangkap sosok mereka (kecuali atas izin Allah SWT). Di antara mereka ada yang beriman dan ada pula yang kafir. Firman Allah SWT, ''Dan Kami telah menciptakan jin sebelum (Adam) dari api yang sangat panas.'' (QS Alhijr [15]: 27). Katakanlah (hai Muhammad), ''Telah diwahyukan kepadamu bahwasanya: telah mendengarkan sekumpulan jin, lalu mereka berkata: Sesungguhnya kami telah mendengarkan Alquran yang menakjubkan, (yang) memberi petunjuk kapada jalan yang benar, lalu kami beriman kepadanya. Dan kami sekali-kali tidak akan mempersekutukan seseorang pun dengan Tuhan kami.'' (QS Aljin [72]: 1-2). Selama ini sebagian besar orang menyangka bahwa setan merupakan makhluk halus jahat yang selalu mengganggu kaum manusia. Padahal, Allah SWT secara tegas berfirman, "Dan demikianlah Kami jadikan bagi tiap-tiap nabi itu musuh, yaitu setan-setan (dari jenis) manusia dan (dan jenis) jin, sebagian mereka membisikkan kepada sebagian yang lain dengan perkataan-perkataan yang indah-indah untuk menipu (manusia) ....'' (QS Alan'aam [6]: 112). Tentang ayat di atas, Ibnu Katsir mengatakan, ''Setan itu sendiri berarti segala sesuatu yang menyimpang dari tabiatnya berupa kejahatan. Dan tidak ada yang memusuhi para Rasul melainkan syaitan-syaitan baik dari jenis manusia maupun jin.'' Berbicara mengenai Iblis, Al Hasan Bishri mengemukakan, ''Iblis itu bukan dari golongan malaikat, sesungguhnya ia berasal dari golongan jin, sebagaimana Adam as adalah asal mula manusia.'' Allah SWT berfirman, ''Dan (ingatlah) ketika Kami berfirman kepada para malaikat, 'Sujudlah kamu kepada Adam, maka sujudlah mereka kecuali Iblis. Dia adalah dari golongan jin, maka ia mendurhakai perintah Tuhannya. Patutkah kamu mengambil dia dan keturunannya sebagai pemimpin selain daripada-Ku, sedang mereka adalah musuhmu? Amat buruklah iblis itu sebagai pengganti (dari Allah) bagi orang-orang yang zalim'.'' (QS Alkahfi [18]: 50). Di antara jin ada yang taat dan ada pula yang menyimpang dari kebenaran. Jin yang taat adalah yang benar-benar memilih jalan yang lurus. Kemudian ia akan mendapat surga dan segala yang telah Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala sediakan untuk kaum yang shalih.
Kisah Hikayat Islami Nabi Muhammad SAW & Bulan Yang Terbelah Dua
Kisah Hikayat Islami Nabi Muhammad SAW & Bulan Yang Terbelah Dua
Muhammad Sakura
Tiada habisnya orang-orang kafir mengzalimi Rasulullah SAW. Mulai dari memfitnah hingga menyuruh Rasul melakukan sesuatu yang menurut mereka hal yang mustahil, yaitu membelah bulan. Namun, dengan izin Allah SWT, Rasulullah SAW dapat melaluinya dengan sabar.Jumlah orang-orang mukmin terus bertambah seiring berjalannya waktu.Sementara itu, orang-orang jahat tidak juga menghentikan kekejaman mereka. Mereka bahkan terus menantang Rasulullah SAW.Pada suatu hari, orang-orang kafir kembali mengelilingi Rasulullah SAW. Mereka punya rencana baru untuk menyudutkan beliau. Mereka meminta Rasul SAW melakukan sesuatu yang menurut mereka mustahil untuk dilakukan. Nanti saat melihat beliau tidak bisa melakukannya, mereka akan mengolok-olok beliau.Dengan pemikiran seperti itu, mereka berkata, "Kalau engkau memang seorang nabi, tunjukkan mukjizat kepada kamu. Misalnya, belahlah bulan purnama di atas kepala kita menjadi dua. Letakkan yang sebelah di atas gunung ini dan sebelah lagi di atas gunung itu," kata orang-orang kafir. "Kalau aku dapat melakukannya apakah kalian akan percaya padaku?" tanya Rasul SAW, merekapun menjawab ya…….
The Verdict
The Verdict
Elias Adam
Born and raised in Algeria with an active political life in the 70’s leading to his eventual emigration as a political refugee Elias Adam is the father of a family deeply affected by the new reality for economic and political migrants in Western Europe, victims of the new face of politics and some would say of Fear. This is his Book Of natural Rebellion
All Things Natural
All Things Natural
Ficino Ficino
Ficino's commentary on Plato?s Timaeus offers the English reader, for the first time, an opportunity to share the insights of this highly influential Renaissance philosopher into one of Plato's most important and controversial works. Here are discussed the perennial questions which affect us all: What is the nature of the universeHow did it beginDoes it have a cause outside itselfWhat is our place in itWhat is the nature of mind, soul, matter and timeThe central portion of the work, focusing on number, harmony, and music, has exerted a strong influence on the history of Western musical theory. Ficino added an appendix which amplifies and elucidates Plato?s meanings and reveals fascinating detail about Ficino himself. This volume provides rich source material for all who are interested in philosophy, the history of cosmic theory, and Platonic and Renaissance studies. This completes the four volume series, including Gardens of Philosophy, 2006 (ISBN 9780856832406), Evermore Shall Be So, 2008 (9780856832567) and When Philosophers Rule, 2009 (9780856832574), which contain all Ficino?s commentaries not previously translated into English.
Evermore Shall Be So
Evermore Shall Be So
Ficino Ficino
With the publication of Arthur FWith the publication of Arthur Farndell’s Gardens of Philosophy (Shepheard Walwyn 2006), there remained only four of Ficino’s commentaries on Plato’s dialogues which had not yet been translated into English. With the publication of this volume there remain only three. Farndell’s translation of the commentaries on the Republic and the Laws will comprise the third volume under the title When Philosophers Rule (9780856832574 – due 2009) and the fourth, All Things Natural (9780856832581 – due 2010), will contain the Timaeus. As Carol Kaske of Cornell University wrote when reviewing Gardens of Philosophy in Renaissance Quarterly, these translations fill ‘a need. Even those Anglophone scholars who know Latin still need a translation in order to read quickly through a large body of material’ The central message of Parmenides, that everything depends on the One, resonates with the growing awareness around the world of the interrelatedness of all things, be it in the biosphere, the intellectual or spiritual realms. Philosophers in ancient Greece appreciated this unity and employed reason and dialectic to draw the mind away from its preoccupation with the material world and attract it towards contemplation of the soul, and ultimately of that Oneness which embraces, but is distinct from, the multifarious forms of creation. Thus Parmenides carefully instructed the young Socrates, and Plato recorded their dialogue in this work which he named after the elderly philosopher. Nearly 2000 years later, Marsilio Ficino made Parmenides available to the West by translating it into Latin, the language of scholars in his time. Ficino added a lengthy commentary to this translation, a commentary which Evermore Shall Be So puts into English for the first time, more than 500 years after its original composition. Ficino’s crucial influence upon the unfolding of the Renaissance and his presentation of Plato’s understanding of the One and the socalled Platonic Ideas or Forms make Evermore Shall Be So an important work in the history of thought. Though it will be an essential buy for Renaissance scholars and historians, its freshness of thought and wisdom are as relevant today as they ever were to inspire a new generation seeking spiritual and philosophical direction in their lives. ‘This is philosophy with a mystical dimension – one that is crucial to the original Socratic and Platonic teaching’ Tony Cross in Faith and Freedomarndell’s Gardens of Philosophy ( 2006), there remained only four of Ficino’s commentaries on Plato’s dialogues which had not yet been translated into English. With the publication of this volume there remain only three. Farndell’s translation of the commentaries on the Republic and the Laws will comprise the third volume under the title When Philosophers Rule (9780856832574 – due 2009) and the fourth, All Things Natural (9780856832581 – due 2010), will contain the Timaeus.As Carol Kaske of Cornell University wrote when reviewing Gardens of Philosophy in Renaissance Quarterly, these translations fill ‘a need. Even those Anglophone scholars who know Latin still need a translation in order to read quickly through a large body of material’ The central message of Parmenides, that everything depends on the One, resonates with the growing awareness around the world of the interrelatedness of all things, be it in the biosphere, the intellectual or spiritual realms. Philosophers in ancient Greece appreciated this unity and employed reason and dialectic to draw the mind away from its preoccupation with the material world and attract it towards contemplation of the soul, and ultimately of that Oneness which embraces, but is distinct from, the multifarious forms of creation.Thus Parmenides carefully instructed the young Socrates, and Plato recorded their dialogue in this work which he named after the elderly philosopher. Nearly 2000 years later, Marsilio Ficino made Parmenides available to the West by translating it into Latin, the language of scholars in his time. Ficino added a lengthy commentary to this translation, a commentary which Evermore Shall Be So puts into English for the first time, more than 500 years after its original composition. Ficino’s crucial influence upon the unfolding of the Renaissance and his presentation of Plato’s understanding of the One and the socalled Platonic Ideas or Forms make Evermore Shall Be So an important work in the history of thought. Though it will be an essential buy for Renaissance scholars and historians, its freshness of thought and wisdom are as relevant today as they ever were to inspire a new generation seeking spiritual and philosophical direction in their lives. ‘This is philosophy with a mystical dimension – one that is crucial to the original Socratic and Platonic teaching’ Tony Cross in Faith and Freedom
Gardens of Philosophy
Gardens of Philosophy
Ficino Ficino
What made the Renaissance tickWhy had it such a force that its thinking spread from a small group of scholars in Florence, working in their own brilliant ways but coming together in a small villa on the Florentine hillside where Marsilio Ficino (143399) lived, to affect the thinking of the whole of Europe, and eventually of America, for five hundred years and is continuing to do soCosimo de?Medici, the virtual ruler of Florence, had been attracted to the philosophy of Plato by Gemistos Plethon during the Council Florence in 1439 and had instructed his agents to gather together Plato?s works before Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453. In 1462 he commissioned Marsilio Ficino to translate them from Greek into Latin for the benefit of the Latin speaking world, a task he completed in under five years according to his biographer Giovanni Corsi. This, the first volume in a four volume series, provides the first English translation of the 25 short commentaries on the dialogues and the 12 letters traditionally ascribed to Plato. Later volumes will provide translations of his longer commentaries on the Parmenides (2008), the Republic and Laws (2009) and Timaeus (2010). Though this book will be an essential buy for Renaissance scholars and historians, its freshness of thought and wisdom are as relevant today as they ever were to inspire a new generation seeking spiritual and philosophical direction in their lives.
A Touch Of Love
A Touch Of Love
Barbara Cartland
After her young nephew and two nieces’ parents are drowned in a tragic sailing accident off the coast of Cornwall, the beautiful red-headed Tamara is devastated by their loss and realises almost at once that she is the only person who can look after the three children as she loves them so much. She speaks to the local Solicitor, who tells her that there is no money left in her brother-in-law’s estate and so she has no choice but to take the three children to their uncle, the Duke of Granchester, who lives in splendid isolation in a vast sprawling but intimidating Castle in Gloucestershire. The prospect at once appals Tamara. Firstly because she despises the Duke for the way he had cut off all contact with her sister and brother-in-law as he disapproved of their marriage, thinking that she was an actress when in fact she was a renowned opera singer. Worse still, Tamara has written a somewhat scurrilous novel portraying the Duke as the vile character she believes him to be! And the novel is just about to be published in London! Arriving at Granchester Castle in the guise of the children’s Governess, she finds the Duke to be as arrogant, high-handed and annoyingly handsome as her fictional portrayal of him and she hates him even more bitterly. Until a touch of love intervenes and changes everything forever.
Hiding from the Fortune-
Hiding from the Fortune-
Barbara Cartland
The beautiful Colena Dalton has inherited a great fortune following the untimely death of her enormously rich father, Sir Arthur Dalton, in Paris after a long illness. After overhearing the Comtesse de Lyons telling her charmless son, Pierre, that he must propose to Colena as they need the money, she decides that she wants to marry a man who really loves her for herself and not for her money It is then that she and her cousin, Elizabeth, who has been living with Colena and her father in France, decide to change places. The two girls return to London where they join the Social world and are at once invited to endless parties as Sir Arthur’s death has been widely reported in all the newspapers. And immediately the fortune-hunters start circling. One of them called Oliver Stone becomes particularly persistent and bombards Elizabeth, thinking that she is Colena, with attention and invitations, while ignoring Colena. As expected he proposes marriage and will not be shaken off whatever the girls try and in order to escape him they drive of Colena’s father’s house in the country. There they find they find that two famous paintings have been stolen and hearing that there is to be a sale of pictures and other treasures nearby, the girls go there to try to replace the pictures. It is then that they meet up again unexpectedly with the unpleasant Oliver Stone who tries to abduct Elizabeth and force into marrying him. Then an unfortunate accident occurs that changes everything. How Colena and Elizabeth meet the men of their dreams, who love them for themselves and not for their money, is told in this intriguing story by BARBARA CARTLAND.
The Marquis is Deceived
The Marquis is Deceived
Barbara Cartland
The Marquis of Craigmere, who is one of the most handsome and attractive men in the Beau Monde, is pursued by an exotic and beautiful married woman called Peony Lawson The Marquis finds this affaire-de-coeur amusing and enjoyable until Peony says that that she intends to tell her husband what they have been doing and ask him for a divorce. The Marquis is horrified because he was determined never to get married until he is much older and needs to have an heir. He knows, however, that Peony is serious and he will have to be exceedingly clever not to be involved in a scandal that would force him to live abroad for some years. He is at Royal Ascot and is hoping to win the Gold Cup. He is not successful, but as the race ends he sees the Duke of Hawkhurst, who was a friend of his father’s. The Duke has always been in debt and a way suddenly occurs to the Marquis of saving himself from the horror of Peony’s intentions. He tells the Duke that he wishes to marry his daughter, Natalie, in two days’ time. The Duke thinks it strange, but he realises that a very rich son-in-law will save him when he is on the verge of bankruptcy. However, his daughter Natalie is in love with the charming son of a neighbour, who is far from being a rich man, and she is in despair at the prospect of being married to the Marquis. Her cousin, Silva, who is beautiful and intelligent, urges her to elope and promises that she will somehow keep the knowledge of it from the Duke until it is too late for him to prevent it. How Silva arranges for Lady Natalie and the man she loves to set off for Gretna Green and how to save not only her cousin, but also herself from what has been for her a life of misery at the Duke’s Castle, she takes her place at the altar. And the Marquis only discovers the switch when they are on their way to Dover for their honeymoon on his yacht. Find out what happens next in this intriguing and fast moving love story by BARBARA CARTLAND.
A Ray of Light:Reinhard Heydrich, Lidice, and the North Staffordshire Miners
A Ray of Light:Reinhard Heydrich, Lidice, and the North Staffordshire Miners
Russell Phillips
This is the inspiring true story of what happens when ordinary people unite to make a stand against evil. Lidice was a peaceful and vibrant community in Czechoslovakia with a rich mining heritage. But an act of Nazi revenge saw this village wiped from existence in a horrifying chapter of European history. Disaster struck for Lidice in 1942 when the prominent Nazi official Reinhard Heydrich was assassinated. Described by Hitler as "the man with an iron heart", Heydrich was one of the key architects of the Holocaust. His death, after an attack by members of the Czech resistance, left Hitler furious and desperate for vengeance. Looking for a scapegoat to blame for Heydrich's death, he settled on the village of Lidice, which had been falsely linked to the assassination. In a brutal act which shocked the world, Lidice was completely destroyed. The men were shot while the women and children were rounded up and sent to their deaths in Nazi concentration camps. Hitler was determined that by the time he had finished, no one would even remember Lidice, let alone live there. What he hadn't reckoned on was the efforts of a group of campaigners in Britain, who resolved to make sure Lidice would never be forgotten. A Ray of Light tells the tale of Lidice's downfall and what happened next. Would the village simply be allowed to become a footnote in history, or would it rise from the ashes and forge a new future? This book is a compelling testament to the power of friendship and solidarity, and how empathy and compassion can help rebuild the world.
Kisah Supernatural Dari Dunia Jin Vol 1
Kisah Supernatural Dari Dunia Jin Vol 1
Muham Sakura Dragon
Jin (bahasa arab Janna) secara harfiah berarti sesuatu yang berkonotasi "tersembunyi" atau "tidak terlihat". Bangsa Jin dahulu dikatakan dapat menduduki beberapa tempat dilangit dan mendengarkan berita-berita dari Allah SWT, setelah diutusnya seorang nabi yang bernama Nabi Muhammad SAW maka mereka tidak lagi bisa mendengarkannya karena ada barisan yang menjaga rahasia itu. “...dan sesungguhnya kami dahulu dapat menduduki beberapa tempat di langit itu untuk mendengar-dengarkan (berita-beritanya). Tetapi sekarang barangsiapa yang (mencoba) mendengar-dengarkan (seperti itu) tentu akan menjumpai panah api yang mengintai (untuk membakarnya) (Al-Jin 9:72) Asal pembentukan kata "jin" dari huruf 'jim' (?) dan 'nun' (?) menunjukkan makna tertutup, Syaikh al-Islam berkata: "Ia dinamakan jin karena ketertutupannya dari pandangan manusia."Kata jin menurut bahasa (Arab) berasal dari kata ijtinan, yang berarti istitar (tersembunyi). Jadi jin menurut bahasa berarti sesuatu yang tersembunyi dan halus, sedangkan syetan ialah sifat dari setiap yang durhaka dari golongan jin dan manusia.Tentang asal kejadian jin, Allah menjelaskan, kalau manusia pertama diciptakan dari tanah, maka jin diciptakan dari api yang sangat panas, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam surat Al-Hijr, dan kami telah menciptakan jin sebelum (Adam) dari api yang sangat panas." (Al-Hijr 15:27) Tidak semua jin yang didakwahi mau mengikuti dan beriman. Di antara mereka ada yang shalih dan ada yang tidak. Mereka menempuh jalan yang berbeda-beda. Seperti juga manusia, ada yang mau mengikuti jalan kebenaran dengan baik, adapula yang membangkang dan mengikuti jalan kesesatan Di antara jin ada yang taat dan ada pula yang menyimpang dari kebenaran. Jin yang taat adalah yang benar-benar memilih jalan yang lurus. Kemudian ia akan mendapat surga dan segala yang telah Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala sediakan untuk kaum yang shalih. Buku ini megisahkan kehidupan kaum jin bersumberkan dari Al-Quran & Al-Hadist.
Shalat Tahajud Sebagai Terapi Penawar Stres
Shalat Tahajud Sebagai Terapi Penawar Stres
Muham Sakura Dragon
Hidup manusia ditandai oleh usaha-usaha pemenuhan kebutuhan, baik fisik, mental-emosional, material, maupun spiritual. Bila kebutuhan dapat di penuhi dengan baik berarti tercapai keseimbangan dan kepuasan. Tetapi pada kenyataannya sering kali usaha pemenuhan kebutuhan-kebutuhan tersebut mendapat banyak rintangan dan hambatan. Tekanan-tekanan dan kesulitan-kesulitan dalam hidup sering membawa manusia dalam keadaan stres. Penyelesaian masalah yang tidak tepat, semakin memperburuk keadaan. Oleh karenanya sebagai seorang individu yang beragama langkah spiritual merupakan salah satu cara positif yang dapat digunakan dalam mengatasinya. Stres merupakan reaksi fisiologis dan psikologis manusia terhadap situasi yang menekan (Lahey, 2003). Stress menurut Selye (dalam Hardjana, 1994) adalah tanggapan yang menyeluruh dari tubuh terhadap setiap tuntutan yang datang atasnya. Tanggapan ini tidak hanya terbatas pada satu bagian tubuh, tetapi menyangkut seluruh bagian tubuh, dari ujung kaki hingga ujung kepala. Bila terkena stres, segala segi dari diri terkena. Stres tidak hanya menyangkut segi lahir, tetapi batin. Secara umum, wanita cenderung lebih sering mengalami stres (Sarafino, 2006). Stres juga didefinisikan sebagai tanggapan atau proses internal atau eksternal yang mencapai tingkat ketegangan fisik dan psikologis sampai pada batas atau melebihi batas kemampuan subyek (Cooper, 1994). Sebagai seseorang yang percaya akan keberadaan Allah. Ternyata Islam telah memberikan solusi akan kondisi stres yang dialami seseorang yaitu dengan melakukan shalat tahajud. Tahajud berasal dari kata tahajjada yang berpadanan kata istaiqazha, yang berarti terjaga, sengaja bangun, atau sengaja tidak tidur. Shalat tahajud adalah shalat sunat pada malam hari setelah tidur. Bilangan rakaatnya paling sedikit dua rakaat dan banyaknya tak terbatas. Waktunya mulai dari setelah mengerjakan salat isya’ sampai terbit fajar (Nawawi, 2006). Hubungan antara shalat tahajjud dan kesehatan, salah satu penjelasannya adalah berkenaan dengan hormon kortisol. Hormon kortisol, disebut juga sebagai hormon stres, adalah hormon yang sangat penting yang dapat meningkatkan tekanan darah dan kadar gula darah (Guyton, 2007). Kortisol berperan kunci dalam adaptasi terhadap stres. Segala jenis stres merupakan rangsangan utama bagi peningkatan sekresi kortisol (Sherwood, 2011).
Investing In Stock Market For Beginners:understanding the basics of how to make
Investing In Stock Market For Beginners:understanding the basics of how to make
Neil Hoechlin
Stock investing can be intimidating and a bewildering experience for complete beginners. Fortunately that doesn't have to be the case anymore. This course will arm you with all the basics and fundamentals of stock market picking, so you can begin taking control of your financial future! This book will take away the confusion and teach the must-know principles and theories in plain english.This book is especially written for those who know very little, if any about the stock market and how it works.Be aware that although you can make a LOT of money in the market? Many also go broke without proper guidance and training. For a beginner, this is the perfect book to get you started. Perhaps not with real money yet? I urge you to get your feet wet first, gain some experience (by applying the principles in this book) and when you're making a killing in the market simulations? You can now invest real cash!If you don't want to go through that stage first? Don't worry. Safe investments will be taught to you to mitigate high risk ventures, so you can get started with minimal risks.
Camping Blues Book 3:The Extraordinarily Ordinary Life of Cassandra Jones
Camping Blues Book 3:The Extraordinarily Ordinary Life of Cassandra Jones
Tamara Hart Heiner
Excited for her first camping trip with her Girls Club, Cassandra buddies up with her friend Riley and hopes their friendship will become even stronger. It only takes a few hours for her to realize Riley doesn't have Cassie's best interests at heart. Frustrated, wet, and cold, Cassie decides it's time she figured out who her true friends are once and for all.
The World’s Best Sailing Jokes
The World’s Best Sailing Jokes
Edward Phillips
An Irishman went out alone in a small skiff and ran into bad weather. His craft foundered on a reef and he waited several hours before he was finally spotted and rescued. When they saw his radio, the rescuers asked why he hadn’t sent out an S.O.S. ‘I would have done,’ he replied, ‘but I didn’t know how to spell it.’
More of the World’s Best Drinking Jokes
More of the World’s Best Drinking Jokes
Edward Phillips
A wife decided she would leave her drunken husband, but a neighbour persuaded her to give him one more chance. ‘Instead of nagging him,’ she was advised, ‘treat him nicely. Maybe he’ll feel so ashamed, he’ll stop drinking so heavily.’ So the next night when he staggered home, she did not rant as usual. She made him a cup of tea, warmed his slippers, loosened his collar and tie and stroked his head. ‘Shall we go to bed now?’ she suggested.‘Might as well,’ he replied. ‘If I go home, there’ll only be a row.’
Хроники Атлантиды. Книга первая - Фантастика. Роман
Хроники Атлантиды. Книга первая - Фантастика. Роман
Владислав Федосеев
По причине колонизации планеты Доринго оккупационными силами принц Энилот Атлантис с горсткой приближенных вынужден навсегда покинуть свою родину. Найдя пристанище на задворках галактики, на планете под названием Земля, он основывает новую цивилизацию, имя которой Атлантида. Но судьба играет с ним по своим правилам, и, сам того не подозревая, Атлантис становится пешкой в большой политической игре, которая длится уже миллионы лет. Молодой американец по имени Моузли Гук случайно находит древние артефакты, оказавшиеся архивными документами атлантов, и раскрывает всему миру правду о легендарном острове Атлантида, который вот уже несколько тысяч лет будоражит умы человечества. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Рок. Книга первая. Лабиринт Сицилии - Исторический приключенческий роман
Рок. Книга первая. Лабиринт Сицилии - Исторический приключенческий роман
Юрий Швец
Действие первой книги романа ?Рок? разворачивается в Сицилии и далее на ?чёрном континенте?, в Африке, в период столкновения двух мегаполисов Древнего мира – Рима и Карфагена. Читателя ждут невероятно увлекательные приключения, где судьбы главных героев переплетаются паутиной войны и паутиной тайны, которую они пытаются раскрыть, борясь с невидимыми врагами. Развёрнутые красочные описания сражений, морских битв, быт, нравы того времени – все это доставит, пытливому, думающему человеку не только удовольствие от прочтения, но и повод задуматься о происходящем в мире в наше время. Этот динамичный роман написан для самой широкой читательской аудитории. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Сказки Дружного леса (аудио-книга): Иллюстрированное издание
Сказки Дружного леса (аудио-книга): Иллюстрированное издание
Алексей Лукшин
Представляем вам сборник сказок для детей, сочетающий в себе как традиционное (увлекательный текст и красочные иллюстрации), так и современное мультимедийное содержание. В книге собраны десять поучительных и волшебных историй о приключениях жителей Дружного леса, прочитанных великолепным голосовым актером Александром Водяным. Главной задачей автора при написании этой книги было научить детей дружбе, гуманному отношению друг к другу, умению создавать хорошее настроение себе и окружающим. И все это без лишнего морализаторства. Каждая сказка — это короткая и смешная история. Книга будет интересна и взрослым читателям, которые с ее помощью смогут вернуться в мир детства, из которого мы все вышли. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.