

Making Sense of Adoption
Making Sense of Adoption
Melina, Lois Ruskai
When to tell, What to tell, and How to tell Children who are adopted have predictable and often unspoken concerns about themselves and how they joined their families. In this wise and timely guide, Lois Melina, author of the classic manual Raising Adopted Children, helps parents anticipate and respond to those concerns in ways that build self-esteem. Through sample conversations, reassuring advice, and age-specific activities parents will find answers to such questions as:-- When should I give my child the letter her birthmother wrote?-- How do I share information that might upset my child?-- How can I know when my child is wondering about adoption?-- What should I tell school personnel about my child's historyWhat about family and friends?-- How can I be sure we talk about adoption enough, but not too muchWhether parents adopted traditionally, as stepparents, or through donor insemination, surrogacy, or in vitro fertilization, Making Sense of Adoption will open the door to a lifetime of growth and understanding for adoptive families.
What God Wants for Your Life
What God Wants for Your Life
Schmidt, Frederick W.
A Practical and Engaging Guide for Changing the Way We Seek God's WillHow do we know God's will for our livesThis question lies at the heart of Christian life. And yet, attempting to understand our greater purpose can become a source of frustration as we look for help when making important life decisions. Spiritual retreat leader and Episcopal priest Fred Schmidt reveals how we can better recognize the difference between God's will and our own, deepen our ability to hear God's voice, and sharpen our powers of discernment.
Johnson, Robert A.
Simple Gifts of Contentment The forces of modern life urge us to achieve and acquire more, pushing us outward in our quest for contentment. World renowned Jungian analyst Robert A. Johnson and psychotherapist Jerry M. Ruhl guide us inward, to a deep understanding of true, lasting happiness.Instead of relegating joy and satisfaction to another time, a different place, a better circumstance ("just as soon as I finish this project / land that perfect job / find a new relationship"), Johnson and Ruhl encourage us to negotiate and embrace "what is." Instructive and wise, this gentle guide contains all the tools we need including illustrative stories, myths, poems, and practical exercises to seize true contentment in the here and now.
Black Pearls for Parents
Black Pearls for Parents
Copage, Eric V.
Meditations, Affirmations, and Inspirations for African-American Parents Eric. V Copage's Black Pearls became an instant best-seller and was the winner of the Blackboard African-American Bestsellers award for best non-fiction book of 1994. Now he has created a book of inspirational thoughts, practical advice and pearls of wisdom specifically for African-American parents. The 365 quotes that begin each day's entry range from African proverbs to wisdom and insight from Ida B Wells, Martin Luther King, Jr, Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, Willie Mays, Marva Collins and Martin Wright Edelman, among hundreds of other diverse and accomplished people of African descentEach day's entry covers a topic that affects parents (and their children) - including Role Models, Friends , Procrastination, Affection, Priorities, Independence, Stress, Faith, and hundreds more. From the daily inspirations and specific actions that will provide guidance, comfort and inspiration to African-American parents as they deal with the pressures and joys of raising children in today's world.Copyright 1995 by Eric Copage
Raised by Wolves
Raised by Wolves
Mellor, Christie
A hilarious guide for those raised by wolves, born in a barn, or otherwise unacquainted with the standard rules of adulthood Once upon a time, young adults with a modicum of social skills and the basic know-how to run a household were let loose upon a grateful world. But no longer. How did this come aboutWhy are so-called "grown-ups" often unable to make their beds and clean up their own kitchensPerhaps Mom shouldn't have done all of Junior's science projects for him. Maybe Dad should have made Tiffany take that summer job in college instead of paying her way through Europe. But fear not! Christie Mellor is here to help you prepare for the real world with essential skills like these: How to poach a chicken (and what to do with it when you're done) How to make the perfect martini Twenty-five amazing uses for baking soda How not to annoy your friends when you break up with your boyfriend And so much more! In short, here's everything you need to know in order to jump into the deep end of the pool with the rest of the adults.
A Spiritual Formation Journal
A Spiritual Formation Journal
Rea, Jana
Spiritual study groups have never been more popular among Christians of all denominations. Coming together to study, pray, and plan ways to serve the community can spark new ideas and deeper reflection in each member of the group. A Spiritual Formation Journal, designed specifically to complement both individual and small group contemplation, is the perfect place to further explore these ideas and carry them into our everyday lives.As part of Renovar's popular collection of resource books, A Spiritual Formation Journal is uniquely designed with an emphasis on five great Christian traditions: Contemplative, the Prayer-Filled Life; Holiness, the Virtuous Life; Charismatic, the Spirit-Empowered Life; Social Justice, the Compassionate Life; and Evangelical, the Word-Centered Life. Divided into weekly sections, the journal offers an inviting space for written reflection and prayer as well as inspiring quotes, thought-provoking questions, evaluation exercises, and group worksheets to encourage the examination and celebration of spiritual growth.
Forgiving and Not Forgiving
Forgiving and Not Forgiving
Safer, Jeanne
In our culture the belief that "To err is human, to forgive divine," is so prevalent that few of us question its wisdom. But do we ever completely forgive those who have betrayed usAren't some actions unforgivableCan we achieve closure and healing without forgivingDrawing on more than two decades of work as a practicing psychotherapist, more than fifty indepth interviews, and sterling research into the concept of forgiveness in our society, Dr. Jeanne Safer challenges popular opinion with her own searching answers to these and other questions. The result is a penetrating look at what is often a lonely, and perhaps unnecessary, struggle to forgive those who have hurt us the most and an illuminating examination of how to determine whether forgiveness is, indeed, the best path to take--and why, often, it is not.
Give the Gift of Healing
Give the Gift of Healing
Altea, Rosemary
From The New York Times bestselling author of The Eagle and the Rose and Proud Spirit comes a book on spiritual healing.Rosemary Altea, the internationally renowned medium known to millions worldwide as "The Voice of the Spirit World," is also the founder of the Rosemary Altea Association of Healers, a charitable organization with patients worldwide. In this book package, Rosemary offers an introduction to spiritual healing, beginning with a personal account of how she embraced her role as a healer sixteen years ago. Sharing her belief that sickness and pain can cause the soul to live in a dark place, Rosemary presents healing techniques designed to give light - the Seven Steps to Self-Healing. We meet two inspiring patients who have been treated by Rosemary and her team of healers, and we learn how we can harness the power of our own thoughts and use color energy visualizations to achieve inner peace. Also included is a color chart explaining how each of eight vibrant hues can give us the gift of healing.
The Lost Ark of the Covenant
The Lost Ark of the Covenant
Parfitt, Tudor
After 2,500 Years of Mystery, the Truth About the Ark of the Covenant Is Revealed The Lost Ark of the Covenant is the real-life account of an astounding quest professor Tudor Parfitt's effort to recover the revered artifact that contained the Ten Commandments, sacred to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. With painstaking historical scholarship, groundbreaking genetic science, and fascinating on-the-ground discoveries, Parfitt, who the Wall Street Journal calls "a British Indiana Jones," debunks the previous myths and reveals the shocking history of the Ark and its keepers.
Beyond Genetics
Beyond Genetics
McGee, Glenn
Genetic science is about to radically alter our lives. Sooner than you can imagine, human beings will be capable of diagnosing their own illnesses, designating the sex of their children, even designing the food they eat -- all as easily as using a cell phone. Now is the time for every one of us to take control of our DNA, and one man is uniquely qualified to show us how: Glenn McGee, bioethicist at the University of Pennsylvania, pioneer in the study of "home genetics," and the acknowledged wunderkind of the exciting world found at the nexus of life science and computer technology.One of the most respected authorities in the field of genomics -- the study of the genetic "software" inside plants, animals, and us -- McGee takes us on an eye-opening journey behind the headlines and into the heart of this formidable cutting-edge science. Probing the far-ranging ethical and legal implications of genomic research, McGee tackles its most controversial and hotly debated aspects -- from patenting your DNA to genetic engineering at the supermarket -- and explodes unnecessary fears about this wondrous new knowledge.We live in a brave new world. Beyond Genetics provides us with the knowledge we need to take the right steps forward into tomorrow ... and beyond.
Dump That Chump!
Dump That Chump!
Mandel, Debra
Too many intelligent, attractive women these days find themselves trapped in destructive, unhealthy relationships, or simply settling for far less than they deserve.In Dump That Chump!, psychologist, author, columnist, and speaker Dr. Debra Mandel offers an essential nine-step program that will enable you to recognize the "red flags" and walk away from unhealthy relationships. Combining sensitivity with a positive "take charge" approach, Dr. Mandel provides checklists, quizzes, true stories, and exercises to help you restore your self-esteem and rid yourself of guilt and shame so you can Dump That Chump! once and for all, and turn your love life around.
What Brothers Think, What Sistahs Know
What Brothers Think, What Sistahs Know
Millner, Denene
From the author of The Sistahs' Rules and her husband comes a Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus for African Americans.Denene Millner's sassy, shrewd reaction to The Rules became a bestseller. The Sistahs' Rules spent six months on the BlackBoard list. Then, proving the value of her own advice about dating and mating, Denene married Brother Mr. Right, Nick Chiles. Once she'd laid claim to his heart, she took a really long look at his head to find out what his words and actions really meant. Together they decided to go boldly where few couples dare: inside the minds of a sistah and a brotha to reveal the real deal on what Black men think of commitment, monogamy, and other mysteries--and what sistahs know about staying true to themselves.What Brothers Think, What Sistahs Know is the first book for African Americans that decodes the inscrutable ways of the opposite sex. In this funny, honest, provocative book, Millner and Chiles step across the great divide to create--once and for all--real understanding between sistahs and brothers. They give the real deal on:* The perfect date* Why brothers think all sistahs are angry* Why so many men could run down Michael Johnson in an effort to escape commitment* Whether it's fair for sistahs to scream when brothers chase white girls* Why good sex matters What Brothers Think, What Sistahs Know covers everything from first dates to lasting commitments, from myths and misunderstandings between brothas and sistahs to the kind of communication that fosters love and respect. It reveals, for the very first time, the motivations and fears coursing through that warm-blooded animal on the other side of the bed.
The Tao Of Womanhood
The Tao Of Womanhood
Dreher, Diane
The Tao of Womanhood is for every woman who is searching for both external power and internal peace. It's for the woman who wants to be tough but nice, who wants to take care of things and everyone else but needs to be reminded to look after herself, who feels pulled in too many directions and yearns to live a full, balanced life. It's for the woman who wants to be a strong, proactive leader at work and at home, and lead a life of harmony and inner peace. A spiritual resource that combines the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching with straightforward advice and illuminating anecdotes, The Tao of Womanhood is a pre*ive, practical road map. Using Taoist principles, teacher and spiritualist Dreher explains how any woman can learn to incorporate calm into her busy modern life by learning how to Say "no" without feeling guilty Respond without being frantic or reactive Seize opportunities Summon the strength to change Clear the space necessary for continual growth transformation Calm and reassuring, The Tao of Womanhood imparts the invigorating message to all women -- whether stay-at-home moms or corporate executives -- that leading a balanced and fulfilling life does not mean surrendering peace of mind.
Marco Aurélio
Enquanto imperador, sou importante em Roma; enquanto homem, sou igual a qualquer um no mundo. Marco Aurélio Meditaes é a única obra de Marco Aurélio que chegou até nós. Composta por doze livros, em forma de máximas, apresenta reflexes marcadas pelo Estoicismo. Marco Aurélio considerava-se um cidado do mundo — ou melhor, do Universo. Para ele, a igualdade e a fraternidade entre os homens obrigavam a uma ateno constante aos atos sociais, a nunca censurar os deuses nem os seres humanos e a aceitar os acontecimentos como a expresso simples da lei do Universo. Esta obra é o livro de um homem de ao, que procura a serenidade, indispensável à eficácia, mas também de um homem para o qual os atos humanos apenas possuem um valor profundo e duradouro se se enquadrarem na perspetiva do Todo do Universo e da comunidade de todos. Muito mais do que uma compilao de pensamentos filosóficos, Meditaes é um manual de comportamento perfeitamente atual, que apela à reflexo sobre como podemos melhorar o nosso modo de vida e o nosso relacionamento com os outros.
A lány a vonaton
A lány a vonaton
Paula Hawkins
Ritkaság, hogy egy k?nyv vezesse t?bb országban egyszerre, szinte az ?sszes fontos sikerlistát. A New York Timesét és a BarnesandNoble-ét, például. Az végképp szokatlan, hogy ezt egy debütáló író tegye.2015 elején Paula Hawkins regénye berobbant az angolszász piacokra. Ahogy Stephen King fogalmazott, ebben a t?rténetben csak fokozódik és fokozódik a feszültség. Nem véletlenül hasonlítják Hitchkockhoz és Agatha Crhristie-hez az írót, a Gone girlhez a t?rténetet.Rachel ingázó, minden reggel felszáll ugyanarra a vonatra. Tudja, hogy minden alkalommal várakozni szoktak ugyanannál a fénysorompónál, ahonnan egy sor hátsó udvarra nyílik rálátás. Már-már kezdi úgy érezni, hogy ismeri az egyik ház lakóit. Jess és Jason, így nevezi ?ket. A pár élete t?kéletesnek t?nik, és Rachel sóvárogva gondol a boldogságukra.?s aztán lát valami megd?bbent?t. Csak egyetlen pillanatig, ahogy a vonat tovahalad, de ennyi elég.A pillanat mindent megváltoztat. Rachel immár részese az életüknek, melyet eddig csak messzir?l szemlélt.Meglátják; sokkal t?bb ?, mint egy lány a vonaton.
A víz mélyén
A víz mélyén
Paula Hawkins
A várost átszel? folyóból holtan húznak ki egy fiatal n?t. Néhány hónappal korábban egy sérülékeny tinédzser lány végezte ugyanott, ugyanígy. El?ttük évszázadokon át asszonyok és lányok hosszú sora lelte halálát a s?tét vízben, így a két friss tragédia régen eltemetett titkokat bolygat meg - és hoz felszínre.Az utolsó áldozat árván maradt, tizen?t éves lányának szembe kell néznie azzal, hogy félelmetes nagynénje lett a gondvisel?je, aki most kényszeredetten tér vissza oda, ahonnan annak idején elmenekült, és ahová szíve szerint soha nem tette volna be újra a lábát. A folyóparti ház eresztékei éjjelente hangosabban nyikorognak, a fal t?vében susogó víz kísérteties neszekkel t?lti meg az egyébként zavartalan csendet. A lány a vonaton cím? regényhez hasonlóan PAULA HAWKINS újabb t?rténete is megállíthatatlanul sodorja az olvasót a végkifejlet felé, bizonyítva, hogy az írón? nagy ismer?je a n?i léleknek és az emberi ?szt?n?knek. A lány a vonaton az elmúlt évek legnagyobb sikere volt a magyar és a nemzetk?zi k?nyvpiacon. A szerz? második thrillerére két évet kellett várni. De - ahogy az els? olvasók egybehangzóan állítják - megérte.
Czeizel Endre Két életem, egy halálom
Czeizel Endre Két életem, egy halálom
M. Kiss Csaba
Aki a halállal néz farkasszemet, nem akar sem szépíteni, sem eltitkolni semmit. ?gy, az olvasó, aki meg akarja ?rizni magában az egyik legnépszer?bb magyar tudósról, orvosról, tévésztárról - Czeizel Endrér?l - alkotott idealizált képét, ne kezdjen bele ebbe a k?nyvbe! Mert Czeizel Endre nem az, akinek sokan hiszik. 79 évesen rákbetegsége végs? stádiumba jutott, így megkísérelte lezárni ügyeit és elbúcsúzni az ?t szeret?kt?l.
Whatever it Takes: The Real Story of Gordon Brown and New Labour
Whatever it Takes: The Real Story of Gordon Brown and New Labour
Steve Richards
At the beginning of the financial crisis, in September 2008, Gordon Brown called an emergency press conference in which he declared, 'we will do whatever it takes to restore stability in the financial markets'. He was to repeated the phrase ‘whatever it takes’ constantly in the following weeks. As Shadow Chancellor Brown would do whatever it took to restore Labour's economic credibility. As leader-in-waiting he would do whatever it took to acquire the crown. As Prime Minister he would do whatever it took to buttress his enfeebled regime, going as far instigating a rapprochement with Peter Mandelson, a figure he had come to despise. Determined, wilful, multi-layered in his complexity, Brown would always do whatever it took to survive. New Labour, as a political force, rootless and defensive in its origins, would similarly do whatever it took to retain support in what its founders regarded as a conservative country. Written by one of the most influential political commentators in the UK, the Independent's chief political commentator, Steve Richards, this political expose examines Gordon Brown's wildly oscillating career and the ruthless and sometimes shallow pragmatism displayed by New Labour as a whole.
The Irish Are Coming
The Irish Are Coming
Ryan Tubridy
In the sequel to his bestselling JFK in Ireland, the Emerald Isle’s favourite son delves into his country’s past to celebrate the Irish people who through their skills and endeavours helped make the British Isles great. In ‘The Irish Are Coming’ Ryan Tubridy takes a journey into Ireland’s past to unearth the many amazing, and altogether fascinating, contributions the Irish have made to everyday British life; whether it be making us laugh (Graham Norton), thrilling us with their acting (Peter O’Toole), or dazzling us with their audacious adventuring (Earnest Shackleton). Just as Stuart Maconie has celebrated in his own unique way all that is great about his North of England roots, so Ryan Tubridy makes a passionate case for the magnificent contribution Ireland has made to its nearest neighbour.
Dry Store Room No. 1: The Secret Life of the Natural History Museum (Text Only)
Dry Store Room No. 1: The Secret Life of the Natural History Museum (Text Only)
Richard Fortey
This edition does not include illustrations. ‘Dry Store Room No. 1’ is an intimate biography of the Natural History Museum, celebrating the eccentric personalities who have peopled it and capturing the wonders of scientific endeavour, academic rigour and imagination. Behind the public fa?ade of any great museum there lies a secret domain: one of unseen galleries, locked doors, priceless specimens and hidden lives.Through the stories of the numerous eccentric individuals whose long careers have left their mark on the study of evolutionary science, Richard Fortey, former senior paleaontologist at London's Natural History Museum, celebrates the pioneering work of the Museum from its inception to the present day. He delves into the feuds, affairs, scandals and skulduggery that have punctuated its long history, and formed a backdrop to extraordinary scientific endeavour from Darwin to the present day. He explores the staying power and adaptability of the Museum as it responds to changes wrought by advances in technology and molecular biology – 'spare' bones from an extinct giant bird suddenly become cutting-edge science with the new knowledge that DNA can be extracted from them, and ancient fish are tested with the latest equipment that is able to measure rises in pollution. 'Dry Store Room No.1’ is a fascinating and affectionate account of a hidden world of untold treasures, where every fragment tells a story about time past, by a scientist who combines rigorous professional learning with a gift for prose that sparkles with wit and literary sensibility. Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.
Redcoat: The British Soldier in the Age of Horse and Musket
Redcoat: The British Soldier in the Age of Horse and Musket
Richard Holmes
Redcoat is the brilliant story of the common British soldier from 1700 to 1900, based on the letters and diaries of the men who served and the women who followed them. Delving into the history of the period – charting events including Wolfe's victory and death at Quebec, Wellington's Peninsular War, Waterloo, the retreat from Kabul and the Sikh wars – celebrated military historian Richard Holmes provides a comprehensive portrait of a fallible but extraordinarily successful fighting force.