

Branding de ora? - Studiu de caz: Bucure?ti
Branding de ora? - Studiu de caz: Bucure?ti
Florin Alexandru ALEXE
nvturile lui Osho, unul dintre cei mai cunoscui lideri spirituali ai secolului XX, rstoarn tiparele clasice de gndire, provocndune la o permanent punere sub semnul ntrebrii a certitudinilor i la un proces de contientizare de sine.Crile din seria Incursiune ntrun nou mod de via prezint viziunea lui Osho privind cele mai importante probleme pe care i le pun oamenii interesai de tiina transformrii de sine i de o spiritualitate adaptat la provocrile cotidiene ale vieii contemporane.
Kuciuk Ardian-Christian
Cea mai indrazneata lucrare a lui Von D?niken din ultimii ani! Pe inaltimile Anzilor bolivieni la 4.000 de metri deasupra nivelului marii se afla ruinele stravechiului oras Puma Punku un oras care pur si simplu nu putea fi construit de catre locuitorii lui din Epoca Pietrei. Conform calendarului mayas in decembrie 2012 zeii se vor intoarce din indelungata lor calatorie si isi vor face din nou aparitia aici pe Pamant. Da asa-numitii zei – de fapt extraterestrii – se vor intoarce intr-adevar! Vom trai intalnirea cu zeii. Numai ca orice om inzestrat macar cu un dram de minte stie ca o calatorie interstelara este imposibila din cauza distantelor colosale pe care le-ar implica! ?i ca extraterestrii n-au cum sa semene cu noi! Ei bine dragi cititori eu distrug aceste idei preconcepute. Sistematic. Una cate una! In stilul sau imposibil de imitat Erich von D?niken desfiinteaza prejudecatile celor care inca mai pun sub semnul intrebarii existenta civilizatiilor extraterestre cu o claritate de care nici un alt autor nu este capabil. C?r?ile sale ridica inteligenta umana la standardele unui dialog cu civilizatiile interstelare. Erich von D?niken este fara doar si poate cel mai citit si mai imitat autor non-fiction din lume. A publicat prima (si cea mai cunoscuta) carte Amintiri despre viitor in 1968. A fost un succes mondial de vanzari urmat de alte 31 de titluri inclusiv recentul ?hit Istoria se insala. C?r?ile lui D?niken au fost traduse in 28 de limbi si s-au vandut in total in 63 de milioane de exemplare. Cateva dintre ele au fost adaptate cinematografic iar ideile lui von D?niken au reprezentat sursa de inspiratie pentru multe seriale de televiziune dintre care si faimosul documentar difuzat de History Channel ?Extraterestrii din antichitate . Erich von D?niken este omniprezent in peisajul international al circuitelor de prelegeri publice. In prezent locuieste in Elvetia.
Eminescu, poem cu poem. C?lin (File din poveste)
Eminescu, poem cu poem. C?lin (File din poveste)
Alex. Ștefănescu
Scris de un fost campion al concursurilor de memorie, Cum s-i cultivi memoria ne arat cum poate o memorie radical mbuntit s devin un instrument util n consolidarea carierei profesionale i a vieii personale.Pe lng faptul c ofer tehnici practice care te ajut s-i aminteti numere, date i fapte, cartea conine sugestii inovatoare privind noi metode de nvare i procesare a informaiilor, care i pot schimba complet viaa. Sunt incluse ultimele perspective tiinifice referitoare la agilitatea mental i promoveaz o abordare motivaional cu ajutorul creia i vei putea dezvolta obiective inteligente i te vei putea concentra mai bine pe realizarea acestora.Aveam o memorie att de proast, nct uitam s o sun pe mama mea de ziua ei de natere! i iat acum, dup numai un an, am ajuns s memorez orice, de la lucruri amuzant, cum ar fi primele 200 de zecimale ale numrului Pi, pn la discursul Am un vis al lui Martin Luther King. Att de bun este Mark!" -Emi Gal, antreprenor i inginer de software de origine romn
Eminescu, poem cu poem. Venere ?i Madona, Rug?ciunea unui dac
Eminescu, poem cu poem. Venere ?i Madona, Rug?ciunea unui dac
Alex. Ștefănescu
Cartea?B?rbatul con?tient??i ajut? pe b?rba?i s? priveasc? ?nl?untrul lor pentru a-?i descoperi scopul ?i misiunea; pentru a fi conecta?i, dar nu domina?i de emo?iile lor, pentru a-?i tr?i via?a c?ut?ndu-?i propriul drum, dar ?i asum?ndu-?i responsabilit??ile care ?nso?esc acest demers. B?rbatul con?tient exploreaz? 12 calit??i ale noii masculinit??i, cu informa?ii privind modul ?n care biochimia influen?eaz? aceste calit??i.?De asemenea, femeile vor afla ?n fiecare capitol indica?ii despre cum s? g?seasc? un b?rbat bun ?i de ?ncredere, dar ?i cum s?-l sprijine s?-?i valorifice la maximum calit??ile.?
The Fiery Heart: Discovering the Source of Divine Wisdom
The Fiery Heart: Discovering the Source of Divine Wisdom
Zinovia Dushkova
All great sages and philosophers of antiquity emphasized the importance of the heart, calling it the “Abode of God.” It contains enormous magical potential and all the divine abilities people are destined to unseal in the coming New Era — the Era of the Heart. What is the fiery heart? What unknown functions does it perform? What are the specifics of its work? What is it capable of? How can you hear the voice of your heart and how can you avoid confusing it with the mind? Answers to these and many other questions will be provided to you by the Lord of Love and Compassion, known as the “Great Heart,” in Book 6 of The Teaching of the Heart series. Revealing the profound significance of the human heart step by step, He will enable you to look in an entirely new way at the treasure beating within your breast. After learning to listen to your heart, you will find a loyal friend that will always prompt you in which direction you need to head in order to realize your spiritual potential and accomplish — in the best way possible — the mission entrusted to you by destiny. It is the awakening of the human heart that will allow humanity to move to a new level of its spiritual development. Will you open your heart?
The Heart of the Community: Creating an Ideal Society
The Heart of the Community: Creating an Ideal Society
Zinovia Dushkova
Today, when humanity is being exposed to a variety of global crises, the need to create a new type of relationship between people is more urgent than ever before. Imagine a world where everyone lives in peace and harmony — a just society about which people have always dreamed.How can we create a society in which everyone will be happy? What should be done so that an attempt to establish this does not fail?In Book 3 of The Teaching of the Heart series, the Lord of Love and Compassion offers you the principles of a true community as a model for an ideal society that has already been tested by more developed civilizations within the Universe. Such foundations will allow people to reach incredible heights in their spiritual evolution and to open up completely new opportunities, such as co-operation with other worlds.Through applying the wise advice of the Lord in your daily life, you will be able to build proper relationships within your family and to establish a harmonious communication with others, bringing your experience further onto a more global level. Thus, step by step, you will approach the creation of a New World on a New Earth.Will you join the reconstruction of the world?
White Nights and Other Stories
White Nights and Other Stories
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
White Nights, a sentimental story from the diary of a dreamer, is told in first person by a nameless narrator who lives alone in St. Petersburg and suffers from loneliness and the inability to stop thinking.
The Remarkable Rocket
The Remarkable Rocket
Oscar Wilde
Set in a magical kingdom where a wealthy prince and a Russian princess meet for the first time and fall madly in love with each other. Their wedding is to be a huge celebration for the entire realm, with all sorts of entertainment, including fireworks as a grand finale. As soon as various firework elements are set in place they start talking amongst each other and we meet the very distinguished Remarkable Rocket responsible for so many of Oscar Wilde's memorable epigrams. 'I like to do all of the talking myself. It saves time and prevents arguments.'
The Water-Lily and Other Fairy Tales
The Water-Lily and Other Fairy Tales
Andrew Lang
Once upon a time, in a large forest, there lived an old woman and three maidens. They were all three beautiful, but the youngest was the fairest. Their hut was quite hidden by trees, and none saw their beauty but the sun by day, and the moon by night, and the eyes of the stars. The old woman kept the girls hard at work, from morning till night, spinning gold flax into yarn, and when one distaff was empty another was given them, so they had no rest...
Following the Equator
Following the Equator
Mark Twain
Following Twain's failed investment into a revolutionary typesetting machine he makes an attempt to extricate himself from huge debt by undertaking a tour of the British Empire, a route chosen to provide numerous opportunities for lectures in English. He documents his travels in this book.
Why the Sea is Salt and Other Fairy Tales
Why the Sea is Salt and Other Fairy Tales
Andrew Lang
Once upon a time, long, long ago, there were two brothers, the one rich and the other poor. When Christmas Eve came, the poor one had not a bite in the house, either of meat or bread; so he went to his brother, and begged him, in God’s name, to give him something for Christmas Day. It was by no means the first time that the brother had been forced to give something to him...
The Sleeping Beauty and Other Tales
The Sleeping Beauty and Other Tales
Charles Perrault
Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, who were very sorry that they had no children, so sorry that it cannot be told. At last, however, the Queen had a daughter. There was a very fine christening; and the Princess had for her godmothers all the fairies they could find in the whole kingdom (there were seven of them), so that every one of them might confer a gift upon her, as was the custom of fairies in those days. By this means the Princess had all the perfections imaginable.
Little Dorrit
Little Dorrit
Charles Dickens
William Dorrit has been a resident of Marshalsea debtors' prison for so long that his three children – snobbish Fanny, idle Edward and Amy (Little Dorrit) — have all grown up there, although they are free to pass in and out of the prison as they please. Amy, devoted to her father, has been supporting them both through her sewing.
Billy And Ant Fall Out: Friendship and Pride
Billy And Ant Fall Out: Friendship and Pride
James Minter
For 7 to 9-year-old boys and girls. False pride makes a child feel so important that they would rather do something wrong than admit they have made a mistake. Could pride be playing a part in your child’s negative behaviour? Billy Field says something nasty to his best friend Ant Turner, and they row. Ant goes off and makes a new friend, leaving Billy feeling angry and abandoned. Billy’s pride will not let him apologise to Ant until things get out of hand. Is Billy the sort of person to have as a friend? Will it be possible for Billy and Ant to be mates again? Can they overcome their differences? Billy And Ant Fall Out is the second title in the Billy Growing Up series. Each book addresses a unique topic—bullying, arrogant pride, jealousy, lying, stealing, lack of self-belief, understanding money, and secrets. Written to help parents, guardians and teachers deal with the issues that challenge pre-teen children; each topic is presented in a gentle way through storytelling. Setting the issues in a meaningful context helps children to understand the challenges, and to see things from a different perspective. The books act as icebreakers allowing for discussions of difficult subjects. Additionally, each title is supported by a free activity book to reinforce the learning, while having fun. Buying this book today will support your child in dealing with arrogant pride—a negative and unhelpful emotion.
Jack and The Beanstalk and Other Fairy Tales
Jack and The Beanstalk and Other Fairy Tales
Andrew Lang
Once upon a time there was a poor widow who lived in a little cottage with her only son Jack. Jack was a giddy, thoughtless boy, but very kind-hearted and affectionate. There had been a hard winter, and after it the poor woman had suffered from fever and ...
Under the Sunset
Under the Sunset
Bram Stoker
A collection of gothic stories from Bram Stoker, the author of Dracula featuring: Under the Sunset, The Rose Prince, The Invisible Giant, The Shadow Builder, How 7 Went Mad, Lies and Lilies, The Castle of the King, The Wondrous Child.
The Free Fishers
The Free Fishers
John Buchan
A conspiracy to betray England's defences to Napoleonic agents is discovered by Anthony Lammas, a young professor who sets out to save his former students appearing to be in grave danger.
A Lost Lady of Old Years
A Lost Lady of Old Years
John Buchan
An encounter with the beautiful wife of Bonnie Prince Charlie's secretary, Mrs Margaret Murray leads to a dangerous involvement with her husband for a young Edinburgh-born Francis Birkenshaw.
The Castle of Otranto
The Castle of Otranto
Horace Walpole
Conrad is crushed to death on his wedding day by a gigantic helmet that falls on him from above. Manfred, lord of the castle, terrified that his son's death signals the beginning of the end for his line, resolves to avert destruction by re-marrying himself while divorcing his current wife Hippolita, who he feels has failed to bear him a proper heir.
Book of Judas
Book of Judas
Richard Hollands
Philip and Simon Trenchard lost their parents at the age of seven and eight in a road accident, and were brought up by their beloved grandfather, the eminent archaeologist Sir Lawrence. At his funeral, years later, their world is about to be shattered once again – in fact the entire world as we know it faces an Armageddon of unimaginable evil. In Sir Lawrence’s will, he entrusts to the brothers the terrible secret he uncovered in the Holy Lands – some ancient apparently Biblical scrolls. But these were not the testaments of Mathew, Mark or John but of Judas… “The truth was potentially explosive. We had found the map and instructions to the biggest religious discovery of all time… Not only that, but if the Book of Judas really existed it was prophesised that its unearthing would destroy the pillars upon which the entire Christian religion had grown… It had the power to unlock the devil himself.” The very knowledge of their existence is deadly. Now Sir Lawrence is gone the Vatican is determined to claim the secret that undermines its raison d’être and their hired agents will stop at nothing. Worse still, is the knowledge that the Antichrist’s disciples on earth, The Satanica, have unleashed an assassin of pure, implacable evil leaving hideously mutilated bodies in his wake as he follows the Trenchard brothers on their quest. In a terrifying, nail-biting mission that takes us from leafy Oxfordshire to the Dead Sea; from Greece to the Vatican, the brothers travel the world to save the world – and themselves – from Satan’s ultimate revenge Language English
The American Cook Book
The American Cook Book
Josh Verbae
The American Cook Book will surprise you with many traditional American cookery secrets and provide you with an insight into the art of dressing fish, poultry, vegetables. The book contains many detailed instructions and recipes for making pastes, puffs, pies, tarts, custards and preserves.