

Lose Your Fear of Flying
Lose Your Fear of Flying
Are you amongst those who fly because they have to, yet dread it? You are in good company. There are many like you who reluctantly fly, perhaps because of work or due to the fact they won't allow their fears to curtail their enjoyment of life. Statistics are of no help. What can help, though, is a better understanding of exactly what is happening during a typical flight from the only vantage point that counts, your passenger seat. This eBook uses friendly language and terminology to clearly explain the sounds and noises you hear that may worry you and it tells you the truth about turbulence and adverse weather. Rest assured. It's good news. The format is simple. You are guided through a complete flight from boarding an aircraft, through taxiing to take-off, climb, cruise, descent and finally to landing. Along the way you will become familiar with the different stages of flight and what sounds and sensations you may expect. You will learn about an aircrafts capabilities, crew training, air traffic control and the systems in place to ensure your safety. More importantly you will learn that you do not need to concern yourself with the discomfort of a bumpy flight. Flying without fear....... It can happen.
Ghost Trails of Lancashire
Ghost Trails of Lancashire
Kristen, Clive
Popular TV ghosthunter Clive Kristen takes the reader in search of grueseome events in his home county of Lancashire. The stories are woven into their historical context and take the reader to spooktacular places. From grisly murders to wronged women to unfinished business, Lancashire has a haunting story...
Paul Andrews Presents - The Book of Werewolves
Paul Andrews Presents - The Book of Werewolves
Andrews, Paul
This gripping read is based on an original book by Sabine Baring-Gould, which details historical reports of alleged Were-Wolf reports over many hundreds of years. Some are clearly just deranged people who slaughtered people due to insanity and murderous intents, some are more mysterious and potentially could be real.... Newly edited, and with some new illustrations added, this is a must have book for the person interested in Werewolves
Why Aren't Normal People Normal?
Why Aren't Normal People Normal?
Edwards, Olley
Asperger syndrome is a form of autism affecting an individual's ability to understand, communicate and interact with other people. As it is often not obvious from their outward appearance that someone has Asperger syndrome, people do not always realise that they are different, leading to confusion on both sides.This new book by Olley Edwards, who has herself grown up with Asperger syndrome, aims to help Asperger girls gain a better understanding of their condition and take control of their lives to become more effective and happy individuals - without changing who they are.Why Aren't Normal People Normal? explains the difficulties that girls with Asperger syndrome may encounter and gives practical suggestions for coping with everyday situations. This is a much-needed, practical, self-help book written by someone who has first-hand experience of trying to co-exist with 'normal' people. This book is for anyone with Asperger syndrome and all the many as yet undiagnosed girls who are feeling socially isolated and misunderstood without understanding why.
Dyslexia and Us
Dyslexia and Us
Agnew, Susie
What do a member of the royal family, Olympic rowing champion, comedienne, retired construction worker, a job seeker, a parent, a prisoner and a vet have in common? They are among the many people who have shared their personal stories about what dyslexia means to them. Not every contributor is dyslexic but they have all been sufficiently affected by dyslexia to write their story. With a foreword by Formula 1 champion Sir Jackie Stewart OBE, this is a collection of over 100 moving, poignant, sad, shocking, funny, instructive and illuminating stories. They describe the powerful impact of dyslexia on individuals, families, relationships, professionals and support staff. They give a fascinating insight into how dyslexic people are treated in a wide range of different day to day settings, including job centres, adult literacy classes, education and workplaces. Dyslexia and Us was originally published by Edinburgh Libraries, demonstrating close partnership work with Dyslexia Scotland that has developed over a number of years.
Ghost Trails of Northumberland and Durham
Ghost Trails of Northumberland and Durham
Kristen, Clive
This collection of regional ghost stories is brought to you as an ebook specially formatted for today's e-readers. In this first book of the 'Ghost Trails' series, popular TV ghosthunter Clive Kristen takes the reader in search of spooktacular events in regional history. The stories are woven into their historical context within Northumbria. Although the trails are largely rural, however in this brand new edition of an ever-popular book for the first time there are also trails in Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne.
School Gaze Protecting Children's Eyes in an Era of Online Schooling
School Gaze Protecting Children's Eyes in an Era of Online Schooling
本书以问题为导向,对中小学生和家长*为关心的22个关于“宅家”学习如何保护眼睛的问题行一一解答,如:如何选择用于长时间网上学习的电子产品?上网课课余时间,如何让眼睛得到有效的休息?如何保持正确的读写姿势?居家如何保证每日近视防控所需的“户外活动”?……以浅显易懂的语言,帮助读者真正了解学习网课时科学用眼、防控近视的科普知识。 本书配有护眼科普动画和预防近视健身操。
Дивись уперед: Над?йний шлях до омр?яного життя
Дивись уперед: Над?йний шлях до омр?яного життя
Michael Hyatt, Daniel Harkavy
Ez a k?nyv két év kutatómunkája alapján íródott. Fórumokon, internetes hozzászólásokban megnyilvánuló vélemények, és a velük kapcsolatban felmerült kérdések, illetve válaszok adják az írás gerincét. Nem orvos, nem tudós, nem kutató írta szaknyelven, hanem egy egyszer?, érz? ember, hétk?znapi nyelven, k?zérthet?en, azon igyekezve, hogy párhuzamot vonjon a szexuális irányultság két végletével és megértesse, hogy e szexuális orientációk egyenérték?ek. A kül?nleges szerelmi szálon futó t?rténet humorral, drámával f?szerezve bemutatja azokat a k?zponti problémákat, melyek a gy?l?letet táplálják a melegek felé és igyekszik utat mutatni az elfogadás irányába. Ma irtózol a homoszexuálisoktól. De mi lesz holnap, amikor a gyermeked, a legjobb barátod vagy a legkedvesebb rokonod megvallja, hogy ? úgy boldog? Az élet sorban osztja a pofonokat és nem tudhatjuk, mikor csattan a mi orcánkon... A k?nyv címét az alábbi idézet ihlette: ?Adj tüzedb?l lángot annak, aki kér!” /Marcus Tullius Cicero/ ?
Pove?ti de moarte ?i de s?nge
Pove?ti de moarte ?i de s?nge
Güiraldes Ricardo
Ce este tensiunea arterial? ?i de ce ne poate face r?u o valoare ridicat? a acesteia? Cum se ajunge la hipertensiune ?i cum poate fi prevenit?? ?i, cel mai important, ce se poate face pentru tratarea ei?Pornind de la ultimele cercet?ri ?n domeniu, William Manger ?i colegii ofer? o serie de r?spunsuri la ?ntreb?ri legate de exerci?iile fizice, regimul alimentar, Viagra, estrogen, vitamine, sare, alcool ?i fumat. Informa?iile privind analizele de s?nge ?i medicamentele folosite ?n mod curent ?i ajut? pe cititori s? discute ?n cuno?tin?? de cauz? cu medicul despre tratamentul prescris, s? ?n?eleag? ce li se ?nt?mpl? ?i s? dezvolte o rela?ie doctorstr?ns?, esen?ial? pentru ?inerea sub control a tensiunii arteriale.Men?in?ndu-?i tensiunea arterial? ?n limite normale, ??i salvezi via?a. Ce poate fi mai important?Cele 101 ?ntreb?ri ?i r?spunsuri preg?tite de exper?i de frunte din domeniul hipertensiunii arteriale reprezint? un instrument necesar pentru dob?ndirea unui stil de via?? s?n?tos ?i gestionarea cu succes a tensiunii arteriale ridicate.Dr. Alberto Zanchetti, profesor emerit de medicin? la Universitatea din MilanoAutorii au f?cut o treab? excelent? formul?nd ?i r?spunz?nd la numeroasele ?ntreb?ri pe care oamenii ?i le pun cu privire la tensiunea arterial? ridicat?: ce este, cum se manifest? ?i ce putem face ?n privin?a ei. Pentru modul ?n care au clarificat ?i au corectat multe dintre miturile ?i concep?iile eronate legate de aceast? boal?, merit? toate felicit?rile.Dr. Marvin M. Moser, profesor de medicin? clinic?, Facultatea de Medicin? Yale, redactor emerit, Journal of Clinical Hypertension.PRINTRE CELE 101 SUBIECTE SE NUM?R?:? cea mai bun? metod? de monitorizare a tensiunii arteriale? principalii factori de risc care duc la apari?ia hipertensiunii? sugestii pentru diet?, combaterea stresului, renun?area la fumat ?i exerci?ii fizice? diferite medicamente pentru tratarea hipertensiunii? boli ?i medicamente care cresc riscul de hipertensiune? c?i de prevenire a hipertensiunii la copiiAcum po?i s? ?ncepi s? faci schimb?rile necesare ca s?-?i protejezi inima ?i s? duci o via?? lung? ?i fericit?!
San-Antonio. Arhipelagul mitocanilor
San-Antonio. Arhipelagul mitocanilor
Dard Frédéric
Una dintre cele mai cuprinz?toare ?i mai bine v?ndute c?r?i despre tratamentul ?i supravie?uirea ?n cazurile de cancer mamar Aceast? edi?ie revizuit? ?i actualizat? a Manualului de supravie?uire ?n cancerul mamar ofer? nout??i esen?iale legate de tratament ?i ?ngrijire, f?c?nd din volumul de fa?? cel mai important ghid din ultimii zece ani pentru femeile diagnosticate cu cancer la s?n. Prezenta edi?ie cuprinde cele mai actuale informa?ii medicale privind: noua clasificare genomic? a cancerului mamar ?i importan?a acesteia ?n planificarea tratamentului; testarea genelor canceroase, prin care se determin? dac? pacienta va beneficia de pe urma chimioterapiei; noile progrese din chirurgia cancerului mamar ?i extirparea chirurgical? a ganglionilor limfatici; necesitatea ob?inerii unei a doua opinii: de ce este important s? o ob?inem, ce ?ntreb?ri trebuie s? punem ?i cum s? decidem care echip? de doctori este cea mai potrivit?. Con?tient de evolu?ia rapid? a spectrului op?iunilor de tratament, dr. John Link descrie ultimele experimente clinice din domeniu ?i ofer? sfaturi pentru pacientele aflate ?n c?utarea celui mai eficient plan de tratament. Manualul de supravie?uire ?n cancerul mamar r?m?ne o lectur? obligatorie pentru femeile care au nevoie de informa?ii corecte ?i accesibile cu privire la gestionarea cancerului mamar ?n zilele noastre. ?Ar fi o gre?eal? imens? s? trat?m cancerul mamar f?r? a ne g?ndi la femeia ?ns??i. V?rsta, statusul hormonal, starea general? de s?n?tate, re?eaua de sprijin emo?ional, sexualitatea, sistemul imunitar ?i femeia din punct de vedere psihologic ?i spiritual sunt toate extrem de importante pentru planificarea tratamentului ?i men?inerea st?rii de s?n?tate.“ – Dr. John Link ?Este o carte pe care nimeni n-ar vrea s? fie nevoit s-o citeasc?, dar cuprinde multe dintre informa?iile pe care trebuie s? le ?tim c?nd ne confrunt?m cu diagnosticarea acestei maladii teribile.“ – Beverly Deal
Dose-Response Curve: A Tutorial Study Guide
Dose-Response Curve: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Dose-Response Curve: A Tutorial Study Guide
Brain Imaging Techniques: A Tutorial Study Guide
Brain Imaging Techniques: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Brain Imaging Techniques: A Tutorial Study Guide
Mathematical Thaumaturgy: Doing The Math that Make You Laugh
Mathematical Thaumaturgy: Doing The Math that Make You Laugh
Alabi Stephen
Mathematical Thaumaturgy: Doing The Math that Make You Laugh
Biological Principles: A Tutorial Study Guide
Biological Principles: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Biological Principles: A Tutorial Study Guide
Circulatory System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Circulatory System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Circulatory System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Immune System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Immune System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Immune System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Motor System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Motor System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Motor System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Mentally Calculate It: Gateways To Becoming A Human Calculator
Mentally Calculate It: Gateways To Becoming A Human Calculator
Alabi Stephen
Mentally Calculate It: Gateways To Becoming A Human Calculator
Action Potential: A Tutorial Study Guide
Action Potential: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Action Potential: A Tutorial Study Guide
Scientific Methods: A Tutorial Study Guide
Scientific Methods: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Scientific Methods: A Tutorial Study Guide
Neuron: A Tutorial Study Guide
Neuron: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Neuron: A Tutorial Study Guide
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