

Finding Danny
Finding Danny
Glass, Linzi
Twelve-year-old Bree Davies is devastated when her beloved Border Collie, Danny, goes missing after her mom leaves the gate open to their Santa Monica home. In her search to find Danny, Bree is thrust into the world of animals in need. With the help and guidance of animal rescuer Rayleen, Bree's heart is opened to the plight of the dogs in the downtown Vox Street shelter. Before long, her emptiness about her own loss shifts into action – and her quest to find Danny and her newfound mission to save the shelter dogs soon become one. Longtime animal rescuer Linzi Glass has crafted a singular story of finding oneself in the search for finding another, a compelling emotional journey as well as a call-to-action for animal-lovers everywhere.
Williams, Suzanne
At the bazaar, Princess Fatima buys a beautiful bottle that supposedly holds a real genie. But it turns out that Jasper the genie is powerless—and no bigger than a caterpillar! In fact, his only real talent seems to be getting into mischief. Will Jasper ever be able to regain his gigantic size and magical touch?
The Locked Garden
The Locked Garden
Whelan, Gloria
It's the year 1900, the dawn of a new century and a chance for a new beginning for Verna and Carlie, whose mother died two years ago. They are headed to their new home—the grounds of an asylum for the mentally ill. Their father, a doctor, has been hired to treat its patients while the girls are under the strict and watchful eye of their aunt Maude. The towering asylum, the murmuring patients with their tormented pasts, the exquisite locked garden at the center of the grounds—Verna perceives forbidden mystery and enchantment everywhere. Even Aunt Maude's temper will not keep her from striking out on her own exciting adventures. But is Verna ready to confront all the secrets and emotions that have been locked within—even those of her own heart?
Be a Genie in Six Easy Steps
Be a Genie in Six Easy Steps
Chapman, Linda
Be careful what you wish for. . . . When new stepsiblings Milly, Michael, Jason, and Jess move to a town in the middle of nowhere, the last thing they expect is to find a magic book. But then they stumble upon The Genie Handbook, and their lives are changed forever. Each chapter in The Genie Handbook contains one of six stages of training to be mastered, and the kids are thrilled to begin their schooling—especially since once they become genies, they can wish themselves back to London and their old lives. But then some of the wishes go wrong, and the magic starts to seem scarier. And when the kids discover a mysterious couple watching them covertly, they realize there's more to the handbook than they ever could have guessed. If the children's greatest wish of all is finally granted, will their world change for better or for worseMaybe sometimes it takes something even more powerful than a genie to reveal your true heart's desire.
Mascot to the Rescue!
Mascot to the Rescue!
David, Peter
Josh Miller, sixth grader at Demarest Elementary School, has a secret. Everything that happens to Mascot, the superhero sidekick in the Captain Major comic books, also happens to Josh. So when Josh finds out that Mascot is slated to die in the next Captain Major adventure, he knows he has to do something—and fast! A budding comics artist and writer himself, Josh and his new friend, Kelsey (aka Large Lass), take off to find Stan Kirby, the creator of the Captain Major series, so they can save Mascot—and Josh's life.Comic-book legend Peter David teams up with the renowned comics artist Colleen Doran in their first book for young readers.
The Dragon Tree
The Dragon Tree
Langton, Jane
One mystical tree. One dangerous neighbor.Strange and magical things continually occur at the Hall family's home at 40 Walden Street. Now there's a terrible sound throughout the town of Concord—the buzzing of a chain saw. Only one thing is worse for Eddy and Georgie Hall than that noise: the man who causes it, Mortimer Moon. When all the trees in town are falling to his hand and he threatens the mysterious tree sprouting in the Halls' backyard, Georgie and Eddy will do anything to stop him.In the eighth installment of the Hall Family Chronicles, secrets—all caused by the growth of a miraculous tree—will be unlocked.
The White Elephant
The White Elephant
Fleischman, Sid
How can a beautiful white elephant be a terrible curse?Run-Run, a young elephant trainer, discovers the answer when he incurs the fury of the prince. The boy's punishmentThe gift of an elephant, white as a cloud. From that moment forward, the curse reveals itself. According to tradition, so rare an elephant cannot be allowed to work for its keep. It is poor Run-Run who must feed the beast the hundreds of pounds of food it eats each day, and scrub it clean, and brush its pom-pom of a tail, and wash behind its ears, and, above all, keep it from doing any work.Oh, if only Run-Run could make the magnificent white elephant disappear! Clever as a magician, he does—but the curse has tricks of its own for Run-Run.
The Last Oracle and The Doomsday Key
The Last Oracle and The Doomsday Key
Rollins, James
The Last Oracle and The Doomsday Key by James Rollins has de*ive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher.
Ca?a de bruixes: Un misteri paranormal de les bruixes de Westwick
Ca?a de bruixes: Un misteri paranormal de les bruixes de Westwick
Colleen Cross
COMPTE AMB ALL? QUE DESITGES Un misteri paranormal de les bruixes de Westwick La mort d’un multimilionari no és gaire bona per a un negoci! ?s el que diu la tieta Pearl a la Cen quan troben un cadàver a l’hostal familiar a Westwick Corners. Tanmateix, la Cen pensa que no és cosa d’ella. Viu una vida normal apartada de la màgia per alguna cosa. Està promesa amb un noi normal i té una feina normal com a periodista, sense màgia de per mig, i un inconvenient com un assassinat al poble no pertorbarà la seva còmoda existència. Encara que tot el poble acusi la tieta Pearl d’haver assassinat el seu hoste. Encara que el seu promès actu? d’una manera sospitosa i vegi fantasmes on no n’hi ha. Encara que el nou i atractiu xèrif, en Tyler Gates, la tracti com la més sexy de les bruixes. Si t’agraden els misteris lleugers amb una dosi d’humor i un toc sobrenatural, t’encantarà aquesta història de bruixes! Cada llibre de la saga conta una història diferent, i es poden llegir en qualsevol ordre. Sobre la saga Els misteris de les bruixes de Westwick: Registra’t per rebre notificacions a http://www.colleencross.com ?Una captivadora aventura màgica. Si t’agraden els misteris lleugers t’encantaran la Cendrine West i la seva peculiar família de bruixes. Westwick Corners no és el típic poblet. Ni tan sols un poble fantasma normal i corrent. ?s on la gent es perd i on les bruixes entrenen la seva màgia sense cridar massa l’atenció. Aquesta combinació el converteix en un lloc interessant on mesclar els misteris i l’humor, i les bruixes sempre són el centre d’acció. La cuina de la Ruby, les investigacions de la Cendrine i l’escola de màgia de la tieta Pearl sempre cerquen l’ingredient secret que impulsi les bruixes a la fama i la fortuna i torni a fer brillar el poble de Westwick Corners. Les bruixes sempre treballen en noves oportunitats de negoci per l’hostal Westwick Corners, el bar Embruix i, per descomptat, l’Escola d’Encanteri Pearl, on les bruixes van a desentranyar enigmes, conjurar encanteris i crear nous misteris màgics. Llàstima que sempre es distreguin perquè ocorren successos estranys a Westwick Corners, des de petits delictes fins a assassinats. La família West sempre ha estat a Westwick Corners i sempre hi estarà. Descendeixen d’una llarga estirp de bruixes que ha viscut a Westwick Corners des de la seva fundació. Bruixes que desvelen misteris, resolen crims i ajuden qui ho necessita. Són un conjunt de bruixes de tots els estils, perquè embruixar és una de les coses típiques que es fan a un poblet. Tothom ajuda. Fins i tot el fantasma de l’àvia Vi s’entremet i investiga. Però quan totes estiren, no ho fan sempre en la mateixa direcció. Si t’agraden les endevinalles, les rialles i les sagues de misteri, t’encantarà aquesta col·lecció. Disponible en format electrònic i en paper. La següent aventura de la saga ocorre la Nit de Nadal. Mentre hi hagi lectors que gaudeixin amb les meves històries, continuaré escrivint-les. Gràcies per la lectura!
Maybe We’re Leaving
Maybe We’re Leaving
Jan Balaban
A young boy from the housing estates comes across a copse of old oaks to which he can escape, as to an oasis of calm. Although he may forget about it once he becomes an adult and “puts aside the things of childhood,” it will remain a locus of balance, decades later, for a single mother struggling with the difficulties of raising the child she loves. A husband, on the lip of an ugly divorce, drives across town in the middle of the night to rescue his wife, abandoned by her lover, and then — as she falls asleep in the car — takes the long way home, to prolong a moment such as he has not experienced in years. An elderly doctor, self-diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, makes use of the few precious moments of consciousness granted him each morning to pass on to his grandson what he has learned about life and living responsibly. Loss, and permanence, the ephemeral and the eternal, are common themes of Jan?Balabán’s collection of short stories?Maybe We’re Leaving, presented here in the English translation of Charles S. Kraszewski. With psychological insight that rivals the great novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky, the twenty-one linked narratives that make up the collection present us with everyday people, with everyday problems — and teach us to love and respect the former, and bear the latter. Translation of this book was supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
Vindecarea intuitiv?. Ghid practic. S?n?tate fizic?, emo?ional? ?i sexual? ?n 5
Vindecarea intuitiv?. Ghid practic. S?n?tate fizic?, emo?ional? ?i sexual? ?n 5
Orloff Judith
Dup? ?nt?mpl?rile petrecute ?n V., Alexandra ?ncearc? s? redevin? adolescenta normal? de dinainte de a fi prins? ?n povestea contesei-vr?jitoare. ?ns? Mathias apare surprinz?tor la u?a ei, ar?t?nd cu 10 ani mai t?n?r ?i fiind perfect adaptat la decorul ?i via?a de noapte din Bucure?ti. Mathias nu este ?ns? singurul care revine... Alexandra se treze?te ?ntr-un triunghi de for?e ?ntunecate, iar r?pirea Norei, fiica Lorenei, este doar ?nceputul pentru o serie de ?nt?mpl?ri ?nfrico??toare. P?n? s? se dezmeticeasc?, Alexandra ajunge din nou ?n satul V., pe care-l g?se?te schimbat, cu atmosfera lui tihnit? complet evaporat?, devenind un fundal pentru crime, iubiri reg?site, r?zbun?ri. Noi figuri, ?ntunecate ?i diabolice, ??i fac apari?ia ?n miezul pove?tii. Vor reu?i Mathias ?i Alexandra s-o ?mpiedice pe Aneke s?-?i realizeze planurile malefice? Dou? lumi distincte se ?ntrep?trund: lumea adolescen?ilor de azi, cu Facebook, concerte rock, tatuaje ?i pierce-uri, ?i lumea contesei disp?rute, cu intrigi de curte ?i pove?ti uitate. Un mistery romance ?n tonuri ?ntunecate despre incest, supersti?ii, tr?d?ri, secrete, legende transmise peste veacuri.
Uricaru Eugen
Florin Logreteanu propune noul su roman intitulat Casa cu iedera. Aciunea lui se desfoar pe fundalul evenimentelor care au premers conflictului balcanic dintre srbi i albanezi din ultimul deceniu al mileniului trecut. L-am citit n manuscris i sunt n msur s spun c e vorba de un excelent romn al psihozei colective, care lumineaz subsolurile contiinei umane.“ – Eugen Negrici
Les Misérables
Les Misérables
Victor Hugo
Les Misérables
Sf?nta alian??
Sf?nta alian??
A.J. Kazinski
O poveste extrem de captivant? despre ?antaj, crim? ?i destine implacabile Dup? ce tat?l s?u moare, Carl Martin mo?tene?te o cas? mare ?i frumoas? ?n centrul Londrei. Ca s? nu trebuiasc? s? lucreze ?i s? aib? timp de scris, ?nchiriaz? etajul primei persoane pe care o intervieveaz?, Dermot McKinnon. Face astfel prima mare gre?eal?. A doua mare gre?eal? este faptul c? a p?strat colec?ia bizar? de ?remedii“ homeopatice a tat?lui s?u, pe care a g?sit-o ?n dul?piorul de medicamente, ?mpreun? cu ni?te pastile de sl?bit dubioase. A treia gre?eal? este s? v?nd? cincizeci de astfel de pastile unei prietene, care ulterior este g?sit? moart?. ?Ruth Rendell este ne?ntrecut? ?n a spune pove?ti despre obsesii, labilitate ?i coinciden?e nefaste.“ – Stephen King ?mpletind ingenios dou? fire narative ce se ?nt?lnesc ?n deznod?m?ntul ?ocant, Ruth Rendell descrie v?rtejul ame?itor care-l poart? pe Carl ?ntr-o lume ?ntunecat? ?i ?l ?mpinge apoi la crim?, ?n timp ce cade victim? unui du?man invizibil de care nu poate s? scape. ?Dac? nu e?ti familiarizat cu romanele lui Ruth Rendell, dac?, ?ntr-un fel sau altul, i-ai ratat cele peste ?aizeci de c?r?i, dar ai deschis-o acum pe aceasta… felicit?ri: via?a ta de cititor va deveni infinit mai bogat?.“ – Los Angeles Times ?Ruth Rendell a ?mbog??it cu dimensiuni psihologice profunde ?i sofisticate literatura poli?ist? clasic? din Marea Britanie.“ – Washington Post ?Scrisul lui Ruth Rendell are intimitatea nelini?titoare a unei atingeri str?ine ?n ?ntuneric.“ – The New York Times Book Review
Tolstoi. Romanul unei drame
Tolstoi. Romanul unei drame
Ianoși Ion
Amiens, Fran?a, 1910. Stephen Wraysford, un t?n?r englez de dou?zeci de ani, ?nt?lne?te dragostea vie?ii lui ?n persoana lui Isabelle Azaire, so?ia unui proprietar de fabrici textile cu care a fost trimis s? stabileasc? rela?ii de afaceri. Stephen ??i convinge iubita s? p?r?seasc? ?mpreun? cu el atmosfera sufocant? a vie?ii de familie provinciale, dar lucrurile iau o ?ntors?tur? nea?teptat?. Dup? ce r?m?ne ?ns?rcinat?, Isabelle hot?r??te brusc s? se ?ntoarc? la p?rin?i, ?nainte s?-i dea vestea c? vor avea un copil. Profund marcat de aceast? rela?ie, Stephen o va duce cu el, ?ngropat? ?n ad?ncul sufletului, ?n tran?eele marelui r?zboi care cuprinde Europa ?ase ani mai t?rziu.Experien?a radical? a celui mai cumplit conflict din istoria de p?n? atunci a omenirii ?l transform? l?untric ?i ?i deschide perspectiva unei noi vie?i – paradoxal, prin ?ntoarcerea la Amiens pentru a reg?si iubirea ?i apoi prin salvarea lui, ?n urma unei explozii ?n subterane, de c?tre un ofi?er neam? cu care fraternizeaz?.Cu o galerie de personaje memorabile, de o mare complexitate psihologic?, cu o scriitur? de o intensitate ?i o fruste?e tulbur?toare, cu episoade capabile s? r?scoleasc? sufletul oric?rui cititor, romanul lui Sebastian Faulks este o emo?ionant? medita?ie asupra naturii umane ?i un omagiu adus solda?ilor britanici participan?i la Primul R?zboi Mondial.
Literatura comparat? la turnanta ultimului secol. Anxiet??i, paradigme, metode
Literatura comparat? la turnanta ultimului secol. Anxiet??i, paradigme, metode
Vasile Voia
Ion este, probabil, ?ntr-un fel de clasament all time, cel mai citit roman rom?nesc. A?a cum ?n poezie suprema?ia pare s?-i revin? Luceaf?rului eminescian. Paradoxul este c? din aceast? faim? (alimentat? inclusiv de manualele ?colare) prozatorul nu pare s? fi tras prea mare profit de imagine. Cunoscut ca autor al primului roman rom?nesc modern, Rebreanu n-a fost feti?izat de publicul larg. El e ?nc? perceput ca vocea discret?, aproape inaudibil?, din spatele unei capodopere. Portretul interior al omului e adeseori uitat, acestuia prefer?ndu-i-se portretele personajelor sale. ?tim ?ndeob?te mai pu?ine despre omul Rebreanu dec?t despre George Bulbuc sau Macedon Cerceta?u. Iar asta ?n condi?iile ?n care opera lui memorialistic? e impresionant?. (Iar aventura edit?rii jurnalului s?u constituie ea ?ns??i un roman). Ar fi timpul, acum, la aproape un secol de la apari?ia lui Ion (se va ?mplini peste ?ase ani) s? facem pu?in? dreptate ?i s? ne ?ntreb?m cu ce eforturi de con?tiin?? a fost posibil? scrierea unei asemenea c?r?i inaugurale. Surprizele vor fi majore.
Lumea Sofiei. Romanul istoriei filosofiei
Lumea Sofiei. Romanul istoriei filosofiei
Gaarder Jostein
Casa Matrionei, una dintre cele mai emo?ionante proze ale lui Soljeni??n, este povestea unui profesor de matematic? exilat ?n propria patrie, care porne?te ?n c?utarea Rusiei profunde, idealizate, acea Rusie ?nc? p?trunse de fiorul cre?tin pe care regimul stalinist n-a reu?it s?-l ?n?bu?e. La cap?tul c?l?toriei sale, profesorul g?se?te ad?post ?n izba Matrionei, o femeie simpl?, gra?ie c?reia descoperim noi fa?ete ale sufletului slav. ?n Incident la gara din Kocetovka, adjunctul unui ?ef de gar? dintr-o localitate uitat? de lume, care a ?mbr??i?at cu entuziasm ?i candoare cauza comunist?, este nevoit s? hot?rasc? soarta unui om ?i cade prad? scepticismului, ru?inii ?i ?ndoielilor. Cele dou? povestiri sunt printre ultimele texte pe care Alexandr Soljeni??n le-a publicat ?n Rusia comunist?, fiind redus la t?cere de ac?iunea represiv? a sistemului totalitar.
Ioan-Bradu Iamandescu, Crina Julieta Sinescu
La prima vedere, Jurmnt de rtcire pare un bildungsroman. Numai c devenirea stagneaz ntr-un timp zero, transformndu-l, mai degrab, ntr-un antibildungsroman. Cderea eroinei vine odat cu izgonirea din paradisul primei copilrii, iar asta o nchide ntr-un ir de matrioka identice cu sine, avataruri ale aceleiai dezrdcinri.“ (Nora Pavel) ntr-un fel, i sunt recunosctoare. Dac nu era el, s-mi zic Tu nici n-ai nevoie s te pregteti cu un profesor, ca s intri, tu te-ai pregtit cu m-ta i cu tac-tu gratis timp de doipe ani, o s intri prima, i fac ia i cunun de lauri nc de la admitere“, poate c nu a fi avut curaj s dau la teatru. Credeam c nu sunt suficient de bun, c talentul nu ajunge. Dar el m-a fcut, pentru prima dat n via, s m-arunc cu capu-nainte. Ce-aveam s pierd, un an pe bar, pn la urmtoarea admitere Dar ci ani pierde un om, dac ar fi s adunm momentele alea cretine n care-i risipete timpul cu regretele M-am dus i-am intrat. Acum, sunt o actri mbuntibil, dac e s fim sinceri, ns, pentru c n generaia mea e cam jale, sunt considerat o actri foarte bun. Rahat. Mai e mult pn departe, n cazul n care apuc departele la.
Bubble Wrapped Children
Bubble Wrapped Children
Oakwater, Helen
Numerous reasons cause adopted teenagers to reconnect with their birth family via Facebook, creating new challenges for adoption today and tomorrow. Incorporating theory, practice, anecdotes, metaphors, diagrams, models and case studies, this accessible book, written by an experienced adopter, clearly explains these complex issues. It maps connections between trauma, child development, grief, adolescence, contact, truth telling and parenting styles; offering fresh perspectives and strategies for parents and professionals.
Outstanding Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes
Outstanding Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes
Kelly, Gerard
This compilation, comprising a Baker's (street) Dozen of his adventures, re-creates the gas-lit, fog-enshrouded world of Victorian London as once more Sherlock Holmes urges - Come, Watson, the game is afoot!
Out of Essex
Out of Essex
Canton, James
Beyond the brash modern stereotypes of Essex there exists a landscape that has inspired some of England's finest writing. This book tracks the paths of those literary figures who have ventured into the wilder parts of Essex. Some are illustrious names: Shakespeare, Defoe, John Clare, Joseph Conrad, H. G. Wells, Arthur Ransome. Others may be lesser known but here are well remembered: Samuel Purchas, Sabine Baring-Gould, Margery Allingham, J. A. Baker. In ten chapters James Canton crosses five centuries into the furthest reaches of the county in search of writers and what can be seen of their work today. J. A. Baker follows the peregrines along the Chelmer valley to the Blackwater estuary at Maldon. John Clare wanders the hidden pathways of Epping Forest scribbling poetry while Arthur Ransome sails around the islands of the Hamford Waters. William Shakespeare appears in the woody glades beside Castle Hedingham, Joseph Conrad stares across the Essex marshes at Tilbury to the Thames, while Sabine Baring-Gould's Gothic heroine Mehalah lives upon a lone muddy stretch beside Mersea Island, where Margery Allingham sets her first tale of smuggling and murder; Daniel Defoe recounts the horror of the ague on the Dengie Peninsula; H. G. Wells writes a tale of the First World War from his home at Little Easton. Samuel Purchas tells such seafaring tales from his Southend vicarage as to inspire Samuel Taylor Coleridge to write Kubla Khan. Combining detailed literary detective work with personal responses to landscapes and their meanings, James Canton offers a fresh vision of Essex, its cultural history and its living legacy of wilderness and imagination.