

The Ballerina's Stand (Mills & Boon Superromance) (A Chair at the Hawkins Table,
The Ballerina's Stand (Mills & Boon Superromance) (A Chair at the Hawkins Table,
Angel Smits
Love reaches far beyond words When she was growing up, a deaf child in foster care, dancing gave Lauren Ramsey a sense of belonging. Now she's a prima ballerina with her own dance studio; everything's finally going right. And then lawyer Jason Hawkins turns up and drops a bombshell: Lauren's unknown father has left her a fortune. Well, Jason can take that money and shove it. Except…he can't. Once he sees Lauren dancing, he can't stay away…
Dark Harbor (Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense)
Dark Harbor (Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense)
Christy Barritt
THREAT OF EXPOSURE Someone wants reporter Madelyn Sawyer to leave the small coastal town she's just arrived in—even if it takes hurting her. But she won’t give up her goal of investigating Waterman's Reach's new police chief that easily. Madelyn assumes that former big-city detective Zach Davis—who some believe is a murderer involved in a drug-trafficking ring—is behind the threat. Who else would have a motive? But as bullets fly Madelyn’s way, it’s Zach who keeps saving her life. The closer she gets to the truth, the more she wants to tell the handsome lawman why she’s really in town. But if she does, will she lose his trust…and any hope of surviving long enough to bring the real killer to light?
The Gathering Dusk (Killer Instinct, Book 1)
The Gathering Dusk (Killer Instinct, Book 1)
Cynthia Eden
Don't miss the heart-pounding prequel novella to bestselling author Cynthia Eden's new Killer Instinct series! When untried FBI profiler Samantha Dark is face-to-face with a killer, there's no room for fear. Her best weapon is her instincts. Those same dark impulses that allow her to get inside the mind of murderer, to locate victims—or to pull the trigger before she's next. She can't afford to have those instincts clouded by anything… especially her far-too-sexy new partner. Former SEAL Blake Gamble plays everything by the book. Except, of course, when it comes to the increasingly simmering attraction between them. But when a vengeful serial killer targets them both, Samantha once again reaches into the sinister, shadowed part of herself. Even as she begins to fear that the only way to catch this killer is to become one…
Seek And Find (Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense) (Rookie K-9 Unit, Book 3)
Seek And Find (Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense) (Rookie K-9 Unit, Book 3)
Dana Mentink
KILLER HEADLINE Reporter Madison Coles wants to write an expose on the crime spree rocking Desert Valley, Arizona—but the small town residents and police are tightlipped. Even when Madison herself is attacked, the only help she can get is police protection from rookie K-9 officer James Harrison and his trusty bloodhound. Suspicious of the reporter’s motives, the handsome cop keeps her at arm’s length. But the more Madison’s life is threatened, the more focused she is on finding the truth—and the closer she gets to James. Can he help her find the story without them both ending up in the obituary pages? Rookie K-9 Unit: These lawmen solve the toughest cases with the help of their brave canine partners.
The Amish Midwife's Courtship (Mills & Boon Love Inspired)
The Amish Midwife's Courtship (Mills & Boon Love Inspired)
Cheryl Williford
An Arranged Romance Molly Ziegler is proud of being a successful midwife. But at age 21, she’s unmarried—and fodder for gossip in her Amish community. Even as her meddling mother urges her to marry the town’s most eligible bachelor, Molly wants more. And in newcomer Isaac Gruber, she’s found her way out. If Isaac will pretend to court her, her mother has to stop matchmaking—once and for all. What Molly hadn’t planned on were the unexpected feelings the businessman stirs in her. Isaac will go along with Molly’s ruse. Especially since he can't stop thinking about her. But when the favor backfires spectacularly, it might just lead them toward true love.
Outside The Law (Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense)
Outside The Law (Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense)
Michelle Karl
REUNION ON THE RUN When her apartment is besieged by masked gunmen, Yasmine Browder’s convinced it’s tied to her investigation into her brother's “accidental” death three weeks ago. Narrowly escaping, she flags down the car of a passerby she thought she’d never see again—her childhood crush. Unlike the local police, newly minted FBI agent Noel Black doesn't believe the attack is a coincidence, especially when the attempts on her life don’t stop. Yasmine's onto the truth about her brother, and someone powerful wants her dead. With nobody to trust and just days out of training, Noel must find a way to keep her alive…because now that he's found Yasmine, he refuses to lose her again.
Procrastination: Procrastination Cure & Boosting Your Productivity
Procrastination: Procrastination Cure & Boosting Your Productivity
Mohammed Ayya
Procrastination: Procrastination Cure & Boosting Your Productivity
Védtelen város – Underground antológia
Védtelen város – Underground antológia
Sós Dóra
Перекладено 39 мовами Бестселер The New York Times Плануться екранзаця Визнаний шедевр сучасно англйсько прози, вдкрив для широко публки жанр неоготики Знаменита письменниця Вда Внтер, а, точнше, жнка, що скривалася пд цим псевдонмом, довг роки залишалася загадкою для свох шанувальникв. Жодного достоврного факту бограф, жодного слова правди у численних нтерв’ю, жодного пояснення, чому у найзнаменитшй книз Тринадцять казок лише дванадцять роздлв… Яким же було здивування скромно власниц букнстично крамниц Маргарет Л, коли менита письменниця запропонувала й написати свою бографю! Затишна бблотека та старовинний маток Енджелфлд, де тамниц за кожними дверима — Маргарет наче повернулася до дому, який колись залишила. Може тому, що у не, як у Вди Внтер, була сестра-близнючка, трагчно втрачена Крок за кроком, блукаючи лабринтом старих родинних драм, загадкових зникнень та патологчно любов до свого другого я, Маргарет наблизиться до фналу останньо казки, щоб стати одню з геронь… Дана Сеттерфлд — англйська письменниця, чий дебютний роман Тринадцята казка 2006 року став лтературною сенсацю у Великй Британ та Америц та змусив критикв оголосити про народження ново Шарлотти Бронте. Perekladeno 39 movami Bestseler The New York Times Planut'sja ekranzacja Viznanij shedevr suchasno angljs'ko prozi, vdkriv dlja shiroko publki zhanr neogotiki Znamenita pis'mennicja Vda Vnter, a, tochnshe, zhnka, shho skrivalasja pd cim psevdonmom, dovg roki zalishalasja zagadkoju dlja svoh shanuval'nikv. Zhodnogo dostovrnogo faktu bograf, zhodnogo slova pravdi u chislennih nterv’ju, zhodnogo pojasnennja, chomu u najznamenitshj kniz Trinadcjat' kazok lishe dvanadcjat' rozdlv… Jakim zhe bulo zdivuvannja skromno vlasnic buknstichno kramnic Margaret L, koli menita pis'mennicja zaproponuvala j napisati svoju bografju! Zatishna bbloteka ta starovinnij matok Endzhelfld, de tamnic za kozhnimi dverima — Margaret nache povernulasja do domu, jakij kolis' zalishila. Mozhe tomu, shho u ne, jak u Vdi Vnter, bula sestra-bliznjuchka, tragchno vtrachena Krok za krokom, blukajuchi labrintom starih rodinnih dram, zagadkovih zniknen' ta patologchno ljubov do svogo drugogo ja, Margaret nablizit'sja do fnalu ostann'o kazki, shhob stati odnju z geron'… Dana Setterfld — angljs'ka pis'mennicja, chij debjutnij roman Trinadcjata kazka 2006 roku stav lteraturnoju sensacju u Velikj Britan ta Americ ta zmusiv kritikv ogolositi pro narodzhennja novo Sharlotti Bronte.
Parteneri perfec?i
Parteneri perfec?i
Amanda Quick
Joel Blackstone a petrecut zece ani ca s? transforme Thornquist Gear dintr-un mic magazin local ?ntr-un juc?tor important pe pia?a echipamentelor sportive ?i de camping. Recompensa pentru munca sa era promisiunea b?tr?nului Thornquist de a-i vinde afacerea ?n mai pu?in de un an. Din p?cate, proprietarul moare pe nea?teptate ?i-i las? mo?tenire imperiul unei nepoate din Vestul Mijlociu – nimeni alta dec?t o bibliotecar?. Joel consider? acest lucru doar o piedic? minor? – se va oferi pur ?i simplu s? cumpere compania de la ea.Leticia Thornquist este profund ?ndurerat? de moartea unchiului ei ?i vede ?n mo?tenire ocazia perfect? de a-?i schimba radical via?a, mai ales dup? ce ??i surprinde logodnicul ?ntr-o postur? extrem de compromi??toare. Drept pentru care se hot?r??te s?-?i dea demisia, s? se mute la Seattle ?i s? preia conducerea companiei. Cur?nd ?ns? ??i d? seama c? un obstacol major ?i st? ?n cale – Joel Blackstone.Prin urmare, este inevitabil ca, profesional, Joel ?i Letty s? se ?nfrunte cu ?nfl?c?rare pentru c??tigarea controlului asupra companiei… dar asta nu ?i ?mpiedic? s? realizeze c? sunt parteneri perfec?i ?n toate celelalte privin?e.
Inim? de piatr?
Inim? de piatr?
Mary Balogh
Via?a grea l-a ?nv??at pe Lucas Kendrick, Duce de Harndon, s?-?i p?streze o inim? de piatr? ?i s? nu-?i dezv?luie sentimentele. Respins de logodnic?, tr?dat de fratele lui, alege s? se dueleze cu acesta ?i aproape ?l ucide. De aceea, este nevoit s? fug? la Paris unde locuie?te timp de 10 ani. Aici ajunge cel mai c?utat burlac, un adev?rat dandy al vremii respective ?n societatea monden?. Dup? moartea fratelui, unchiul lui insist? s? se ?ntoarc? acas? pentru a prelua titlul de duce ?i s? se ocupe de proprit??ile familiei. Lucas este amuzat de sfatul de a se ?nsura c?t mai repede pentru a-i fi mai u?or s? ?in? ?n fr?u certurile din familie ?i s? aib? grij? de uria?a mo?tenire. Totu?i, atunci c?nd o cunoa?te pe Lady Anna Marlowe la un bal, se hot?r??te ?ndat? s? o ia de so?ie ?i se c?s?toresc ?n doar o s?pt?m?n?. Frumoasa ?i vesela fat? ascunde ?ns? un secret ?nfior?tor din trecutul ei. Un necunoscut o amenin?? ?i va fi ?n pericol s? fie r?pit?, pericol care ?l va amenin?a ?i pe copilul lor nen?scut. Nici familia nu-i ofer? lui Lucas prea mult? lini?te. Intrigile sunt la ele acas? ?n castelul ducelui: mama, sora, fratele mai mic ?i so?ia fratelui decedat nu se las? ?i ?ncearc? s? pun? m?na pe putere. Iar ceva – mai degrab? cineva – ?i va ?nmuia inima lui Lucas ?i ?l va schimba ?n mod nea?teptat.
Jocul seduc?iei
Jocul seduc?iei
Lindsey Johanna
Pirat, crai ?i burlac ?nr?it – dar dragostea are propriile c?i de a-?i g?si ?mplinirea Dup? ce descoper? c? logodnicul pe care l-a a?teptat ani ?ntregi a tr?dat-o ?n cel mai m?r?av mod, disperat?, Georgina Anderson se hot?r??te s? se ?ntoarc? c?t mai cur?nd acas? ?n America, pentru a-l da uit?rii ?i a-?i lecui inima fr?nt?. A?a c? adopt? solu?ia nebuneasc? de a se ?mbarca la bordul navei Fecioara Anne deghizat? ?n mus, f?r? s? aib? nici cea mai vag? b?nuial? c? va fi cu totul la dispozi?ia tiranicului c?pitan al vasului, James Mallory.Oaia neagr? a unei familii m?ndre ?i pline de firi furtunoase, chipe?ul c?pitan, fost pirat, a jurat c?ndva c? nu exist? femeie care s?-l poat? prinde ?n mrejele c?sniciei. Iar asta pentru c? ?ntreaga lui via?? a fost un adev?rat crai, poate cel mai renumit din Londra, fiind martor la superficialitatea femeilor m?ritate care abia a?teptau s?-?i ?n?ele so?ii ne?tiutori chiar cu… el ?nsu?i. Dar ?n largul m?rii, hot?r?rea aparent nestr?mutat? va fi sl?bit? de o pasiune mai fierbinte ca iadul ?i de frumuse?ea temperamentalei Georgina, a c?rei dragoste pentru libertate ?i aventur? se potrive?te at?t de bine cu ceea ce simte el ?nsu?i. Iar c?nd dou? suflete-pereche se ?nt?lnesc, nici un obstacol nu poate rezista ?n calea iubirii.
Aparen?e ?n?el?toare
Aparen?e ?n?el?toare
Sarah MacLean
P?n? ?i cea mai puternic? femeie din Anglia are un punct slab… Pentru ?nalta societate, este doar Lady Georgiana, sora unui duce, cu reputa?ia distrus? ?n urma celui mai groaznic scandal posibil, ?nainte de debutul ?n primul ei sezon. Dar adev?rul este mult mai ?ocant – ?n lumea ?ntunecat? a jocurilor de noroc din Londra, ea este enigmaticul Chase, unul dintre fondatorii ?ngerului C?zut, cel mai vestit cazinou din ora?. Ani la r?nd, a r?mas un mister pentru toat? lumea ?i niciodat? nu i-a fost descoperit? dubla identitate… p?n? acum. Sclipitor, tenace, tulbur?tor de chipe?, Duncan West este intrigat de frumoasa femeie cu reputa?ia p?tat? care are leg?turi de ne?n?eles cu aceast? lume a promiscuit??ii ?i p?catului. ?tie c? ea este mai mult dec?t pare ?i jur? s? descopere secretele Georgianei, dezv?luindu-i trecutul, amenin??ndu-i prezentul ?i pun?nd ?n pericol tot ce are mai drag… inclusiv inima ei. ?Aparen?e ?n?el?toare“ ?ncheie incredibila serie a lui Sarah MacLean, aflat? pe lista de bestselleruri din The New York Times, spun?nd povestea ultimului dintre fondatorii clubului ??ngerul C?zut“.
Desc?ntec de dragoste
Desc?ntec de dragoste
Mary Jo Putney
Jack Langdon, Lord Frayne, trateaz? cu foarte mult? seriozitate onoarea str?vechii sale familii ?i,icircn acela?i timp, ascunde un secret pe care icircl consider? ru?inos: darul de vr?jitor, pe care a fost icirc nv??at s?-l reprime ?i s?-l resping?. Cacirc nd un accident icirc;l aduce pe Jack icirc;n pragul mor?ii, unica lui ?ans? de supravie?uire este Abigail Barton, o vindec?toare talentat?. Abigail trebuie s? icirc;?i asume un mare risc pentru a-i salva via?a lordului Frayne, a?a c? va cere icircn schimb un pre? pe m?sur?: c?s?toria cu Jack. Acesta nu icirc nt acirc rzie s? accepte ?i curacirc;nd se simte atras de sincera lui so?ie, al c?rei farmec este la fel de puternic ca ?i trezirea propriilor abilit??i magice la racirc;ndul ei, Abigail este impresionat? de sensibilitatea ?i bl acirc nde?ea lui Jack. Cunoscacirc nd icirc ns? prea bine ura acestuia fa?? de magie, hot?r??te s? tr?iasc? desp?r?it? de el dup? conceperea copilului pe care ?i-l dorise at acirc;t de mult, pentru ca Jack s? icirc ?i poat? p?stra reputa?ia, iar ea s? icirc ?i poat? îndeplini menirea de vindec?toare. Cu toate acestea, iubirea care se na?te icirc;ntre ei se dovede?te a fi cea mai misterioas? ?i mai seduc?toare for?? pe care au cunoscut-o vreodat?.
Un pact cu diavolul
Un pact cu diavolul
Lorraine Heath
A fost poreclit Contele Diavol – un b?rbat cu spirit nesupus, acuzat de crim?, crescut pe str?zile periculoase ale Londrei ?i care nu-?i mai aminte?te nimic despre trecutul lui. Orice domni?oar? bine educat? ?tie c? risc? mai mult dec?t reputa?ia atunci c?nd ??i asociaz? numele cu frumosul Lucian Langdon, ?ns? Lady Catherine Mabry nu are alt? solu?ie. Ar face orice pentru a-i proteja pe oamenii pe care ?i iube?te… chiar ?i s? ajung? la o ?n?elegere cu ?nsu?i diavolul. Lucian vrea s? fie respectat ?i, mai presus de asta, ??i dore?te o so?ie. Problema este c? aleasa lui nu cunoa?te eticheta pe care trebuie s? o respecte ?n mijlocul aristocra?iei ?i nu e acceptat? de ?nalta societate. Catherine ?l poate ajuta pe Lucian s? dob?ndeasc? tot ce-?i dore?te. Dar pre?ul pe care ?l cere ea ?n schimb le poate pune chiar vie?ile ?n pericol. Atunci c?nd primejdia le d? t?rcoale, cei doi se descoper? cu adev?rat: Lucian se dovede?te a fi un b?rbat incredibil de pasional, iar Catherine, o femeie de un curaj nem?surat. Pe m?sur? ce ies la iveal? secrete din trecutul lui ?ntunecat, Lucian ajunge s? pun? sub semnul ?ntreb?rii toate lucrurile pe care le considera adev?rate, inclusiv dorin?ele propriei inimi.
The Boy at the Beach:A Short Story (The Meet Cute)
The Boy at the Beach:A Short Story (The Meet Cute)
Katey Lovell
‘Sweet, romantic, perfectly formed coffee break reads. I loved them.’ – Best-selling author, Carmel Harrington A gorgeously romantic short story, part of The Meet Cute series.
The Boy with the Board:A Short Story (The Meet Cute)
The Boy with the Board:A Short Story (The Meet Cute)
Katey Lovell
‘Sweet, romantic, perfectly formed coffee break reads. I loved them.’ – Best-selling author, Carmel Harrington A gorgeously romantic short story, part of The Meet Cute series.
Totul pentru tine
Totul pentru tine
Mary Carter
Bailey Jordan î?i iube?te so?ul, pe Brad, de când aveau amândoi zece ani. L-a urmat în toate aventurile, de la înfiin?area unui mic magazin în Seattle pân? la cafeneaua din Colorado ?i magazinul de pl?ci de surf din Santa Monica, ?i a îndurat fiecare e?ec cu stoicism. Acum îns? e rândul ei s? se afirme: are o carier? de succes în domeniul imobiliar din Manhattan ?i este preg?tit? s? aib? un copil – pân? în momentul în care, din cauza unui accident, so?ul ei intr? în com?. Clipele petrecute între via?? ?i moarte l-au schimbat radical pe Brad. Cump?r? un far pe fluviul Hudson, inten?ionând s?-l transforme într-o pensiune, iar Bailey, fericit? s?-l aib? din nou al?turi, îi acord? tot sprijinul. Farul este superb, îns? dificult??ile – renovarea, transportul proviziilor cu barca, rela?iile complicate cu localnicii ?i oaspe?ii – sunt enorme. ?i de parc? nu ar fi fost de ajuns, Bailey descoper? existen?a unui secret din trecutul lui Brad care o face s? se îndoiasc? de so?ul ei, de c?snicia ei ?i de cât de departe poate merge ca s? le p?streze...
The Boy on the Bus:A Short Story (The Meet Cute)
The Boy on the Bus:A Short Story (The Meet Cute)
Katey Lovell
‘Sweet, romantic, perfectly formed coffee break reads. I loved them.’ – Best-selling author, Carmel Harrington A gorgeously romantic short story, part of The Meet Cute series.
The Boy at the Bakery:A Short Story (The Meet Cute)
The Boy at the Bakery:A Short Story (The Meet Cute)
Katey Lovell
‘Sweet, romantic, perfectly formed coffee break reads. I loved them.’ – Best-selling author, Carmel Harrington A gorgeously romantic short story, part of The Meet Cute series.
The Boy Under the Mistletoe:A Short Story (The Meet Cute)
The Boy Under the Mistletoe:A Short Story (The Meet Cute)
Katey Lovell
‘Sweet, romantic, perfectly formed coffee break reads. I loved them.’ – Best-selling author, Carmel Harrington A gorgeously romantic short story, part of The Meet Cute series.
The Boy and the Bridesmaid:A Short Story (The Meet Cute)
The Boy and the Bridesmaid:A Short Story (The Meet Cute)
Katey Lovell
‘Sweet, romantic, perfectly formed coffee break reads. I loved them.’ – Best-selling author, Carmel Harrington A gorgeously romantic short story, part of The Meet Cute series.