

满1件7折 2件6折 非凡.新日本语能力考试.N4全真模拟试题
【本书内容与特】 一、“文字?词汇”试题涉及所有的词性。二、“语法”中的项目尽可能选择实际运用中出现比较频繁的表达形式,出题形式也努力做到紧扣真题。三、“读解”中的文章根据考试要求以及级别的不同,选编了诸如论述文、评论文、说明文、随笔以及应用文等不同体裁的文章。文章的来源既有日本的报纸、杂志等传统出版物,也有网络、电视等媒体。四、“听解”中的内容紧密结合实际生活,难易度和篇幅等也尽可能地近真题,文本均由日语专家海老原博先生编写。五、编者精心编写了所有模拟试题的详细解析及听力原文。
满1件7折 2件6折 标准日语手写体字帖
本书是一本专为日语学习者造的,全面、充分练习基础日语书写的字帖。包含标准五十音、高频单词、常用句子和名篇佳段四个主题。标准五十音书写部分标示假名书写笔顺与每一笔在书写时的注意事项;高频单词部分归纳9大主题,对200 个常用日语单词行了分类整理,并标注词性和假名读音;常用句子部分归纳12 个主题,总结120个在日常生活中日本人经常使用的简单句;名篇佳段部分由名言警句、隽永诗篇和名家美文三部分组成,赏析流传千年的经典佳作。
满1件7折 2件6折 日语拟声词、拟态词辨析
拟声词是模拟自然界声响而造的词汇,是世界上所有语言都具备的成分。拟声词虽然是模仿自然的声音,却有很大的主观性。自然界的声音无限,通过我们耳朵和大脑的诠释,主观音感的辨别,再由自然语言的音位系统模拟,这样的模拟往往会失真。因此,它和口技的声音模仿有所不同。 拟态词是日语里用象征说法来表现某一种动作或状态的词。本书汇总了日语中常用的拟声词与拟态词,主要通过归类、辨析的方式呈现给读者。拟声词、拟态词不仅常用于生活中,也经常出现在日语各类考试中,是日语学习者需要掌握的知识。
刘建, 编
满1件7折 2件6折 外教社公共法语系列:新公共法语 语法自习自测
外教社公共法语系列:新公共法语 语法自习自测
吴贤良, 编著
    (语法自习自测)为《新公共法语》配套的语法习题汇编。本书包括初级语法、中级语法和高级语法三个部分,根据(新公共法语)各册语法顺序行编排    本书对语法规则以习题形式加以门纳总结,编排由浅深,以带面,难易结合,重突出,循序渐,每单元习题后的“难解读”简明扼要,通俗易懂,对相关语法规则的难及要逐一行r解读、分析、释疑、归纳,帮助学习者掌握运用,备考各类法语测试。
满1件7折 2件6折 新公共法语简明教程:法语大家学
上海外国语大学法语系资深教师,从事基础法语教学工作40余年,积累了丰富的教学经验,在语音、语法和词汇教学中形成了独特的教学风格。在教材和词典的编写方面颇有造诣,其主编的《新公共法语》系列教材深受广大法语学习者的喜爱,在杜会上产生了极大的影响,并荣获了全国高等学校优秀教材奖。 本书是一本入门级法语速成教程,可供法语爱好者自学使用,为其出国学习、考察、旅游提供帮助。本教材可与《新公共法语》中级教程衔接,也可与初级教程的课文一起学习,为深入学习打下扎实基础。 本教材特色: 课文全部采用对话形式,题材丰富,语言地道,朗朗上口 注重听说能力培养,基础语法知识系统简明,语言难点解析清楚明了 每课课后设有学习方法栏目,帮助初学者抓住学习要点,顺利入门 提供配套微课视频,作者面对面讲述每课要点,手把手教你学法语。
●收词丰富,正文收目18000余条 ●收词,注重收录1985-2016年间出现的新词,新义,新用语 ●释义精准,例句翻译到位,文字顺畅优美 ●语料新颖,例证丰富,鲜活,实用 ●注重科学性,时代性和实用性 ●充分反映当今俄语中出现的构词热,借词热和社会言语俚俗化等现象
本书是专门为葡萄牙语刚门或基础较弱、急于口说葡萄牙语的读者量身定制的一本实用葡萄牙语速成工具书,能帮助读者轻轻松松快速掌握简单葡萄牙语。 全书分为四大部分,将日常必需单词、日常生活用语、情景应急口语全部覆盖,第四部分附录对葡萄牙国家概况、节日和赴习俗作了介绍。这是一本即翻即用型的便携工具书,是葡萄牙语国家学习、生活、工作、旅游和物的好帮手。
满1件7折 2件6折 中等日语教育(第一辑)
满1件7折 2件6折 商务日语
本书为面向中等职业学校“商务日语”专业的教材。“商务日语”课程是中等职业学校商务日语专业的核心课程。在教学标准中要求在第四、第五学期设,共72 课时。本书的内容编写依据“中等职业学校商务日语专业教学标准(试行)”中的要求,并参考了涉日出口加工、外经贸、涉日服务等企业规范。本书参照“商务日语”课程的内容,在课文内容中加了“自我介绍、电子邮件、通知、便条、电话应答、商务图表、日程安排、来访待”等职业相关场景,使学习者能够掌握在不同场景中相关的词汇和表达,了解商务日语文件及其写作方法。此外,课文内容融合“商务礼仪与沟通”课程的要素。在学习日语语言能力的同时,让学习者了解商务礼仪与沟通的基本知识和操作方法,提高职业素质和个人魅力。
The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Poirot)
The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Poirot)
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With impeccable timing Hercule Poirot, the renowned Belgian detective, makes his dramatic entrance on to the English crime stage. Recently, there had been some strange goings on at Styles St Mary. Evelyn, constant companion to old Mrs Inglethorp, had stormed out of the house muttering something about ‘a lot of sharks’. And with her, something indefinable had gone from the atmosphere. Her presence had spelt security; now the air seemed rife with suspicion and impending evil.
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Postern of Fate (Tommy & Tuppence)
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A poisoning many years ago may not have been accidental after all… Tommy and Tuppence Beresford have just become the proud owners of an old house in an English village. Along with the property, they have inherited some worthless bric-a-brac, including a collection of antique books. While rustling through a copy of The Black Arrow, Tuppence comes upon a series of apparently random underlinings. However, when she writes down the letters, they spell out a very disturbing message: M a r y – J o r d a n – d i d – n o t – d i e – n a t u r a l l y… And sixty years after their first murder, Mary Jordan's enemies are still ready to kill…
10-Minute Pilates with the Ball
10-Minute Pilates with the Ball
Lesley Ackland
Easy-to-follow 10 minute routines using the Pilates exercise ball to enhance your Pilates workout, from the bestselling Lesley Ackland. Used by Olympic coaches, ballet dancers and athletes to achieve optimal performance, this safe and effective exercise regime is also suitable for anyone wanting to get fit and toned, as well as pregnant women. ? Pilates is famous for being a safe and effective exercise regime that gives you long, toned limbs, great posture and amazing abdominal strength. The large inflated Swiss exercise ball, which is becoming increasingly popular, maximises the benefits of a Pilates workout and provides the perfect base for performing the graceful, strength-building Pilates movements. ? Pilates ball routines are used by Olympic coaches, ballet dancers and athletes to enhance performance. In this book, Lesley Ackland makes the techniques available to everybody whatever your level of fitness, with simple 10 minute routines that are easy to fit into your day. ? The Pilates ball method is especially popular with pregnant women due to the extra support it provides, and this book contains a special section dedicated to routines for birth and pregnancy. ? As well as increasing fitness, strength and stamina, the book contains exercises suitable for people dealing with back and neck problems. ? Pilates balls are readily available, and this book shows you how to get the benefits of this exercise programme without the need for expensive lessons or equipment.
Pilates (Thorsons First Directions)
Pilates (Thorsons First Directions)
Lesley Ackland
First Directions – an inspirational source of information, insights and practical techniques to change your life. Pilates is an exercise system traditionally used by ballet dancers and models, that is designed to make your body longer, leaner and stronger. The soft exercises combine low-impact but high-energy movements with realignment of posture to build your flexibility, stamina and strength. Designed to work for all ages and at all levels of fitness, the short Pilates exercises will soon leave you energized and exuding total confidence and grace. Lesley Ackland has designed a Pilates session to fit every part of your day and to tone every part of your body, and in just 15 minutes a day you too can have the lithe and beautiful body of a dancer.
Eat Clean: 20 Recipe Bite-Sized Edition
Eat Clean: 20 Recipe Bite-Sized Edition
Ching-He Huang
A mouthwatering collection of 20 easy, speedy, nutritional and delicious recipes taken from TV chef Ching’s beautiful new book, Eat Clean. Includes fresh and healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes, as well as sides, pickles and salsas, and teas. Forget your saucepan and roasting tin, Ching-He Huang’s beautiful new recipe book shows you how you can Eat Clean and wok yourself to health. Eat Clean is the perfect cookery book for the time starved and health conscious who don’t want to compromise on taste. Drawing on her belief of the age-old principle of Yin and Yang, Ching-He Huang creates delicious fare for each mealtime which is specifically balanced in all these ways: food which is hassle-free, good for you and which you’ll enjoy!
One Night in the Orient (Mills & Boon Modern)
One Night in the Orient (Mills & Boon Modern)
Robyn Donald
Penniless and alone, who can she turn to? When Siena sees Nick again she can’t stop the ache of painful memories. Years ago he crushed her innocent heart before disappearing from her life. Since then, Siena’s chosen the safe path:a fiancé who might not make her pulse race, but who’ll surely never hurt her. But it’s to Nick that she turns in her darkest hour. However, the brooding tycoon is no safe option. He sweeps her off to exotic Hong Kong on his private jet, determined to seduce his way back into her heart. This time for ever . . . .
Dream Date with the Millionaire (Mills & Boon Romance)
Dream Date with the Millionaire (Mills & Boon Romance)
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Dani Bennett isn't looking for a man, but her new job requires her to sign up to blinddatebrides.com. The last thing Dani expects is to be paired with a devastatingly attractive millionaire! Her poor background and blonde-bombshell looks mean she expects Bryce Delaney to take one look and judge her--like all other men.But Bryce isn't just any man....
俄语专业本科生教材:俄语口语教程 下册
俄语专业本科生教材:俄语口语教程 下册
民俗,即民间风俗,指一个国家或民族中广大民众所创造、享用和传承的生活文化。它起源于人类社会群体生活的需要,在特定的民族、时代和地域中不断形成、扩大和演变,为民众的日常生活服务。 民俗是人民传承文化中ZUI贴切身心和生活的一种文化——劳动时有生产劳动的民俗,日常生活中有日常生活的民俗,传统节日中有传统节日的民俗,社会组织有组社会组织民俗等等。 中华传统民俗作为传统文化的一个组成部分,是在中华民族特有的自然环境、经济方式、社会结构、政治制度等因素的制约下孕育、发生并传承的,因而中华传统民俗既有人类民俗的共性,又有不同于其他欧美国家和民族的独特个性。
众所周知,尽管人人都想致富,但真能致富的人总是少之甚少,可见,要致富还要念好一些有关致富的“经”。 我们致力于此的研究,只是想为大多数人开出致富的神秘“处方”,医治我们的贫穷病,使我们摆脱所处的尴尬局面,相信并希望每一位立志致富的人在读过本书之后,能够成功地走上富裕之路。 本书是针对大多数人所做的研究报告,内容情理交融,实例剖析深层理论,使其具有很强的可读性和趣味性。本书既是一部优秀的财经励志书籍,更是一部有系统、能助你走上致富之路的宝典,无论你是想从平民百姓到拥有万贯家财,还是从豪门府邸到富可敌国,本书都是你ZUI好的选择。
满1件7折 2件6折 韩国传统民俗与文化遗产