

Reise im Glück
Reise im Glück
Barbara Cartland
Lord Harlestons einstige Geliebte, die bezaubernde Dolly Countess von Derwent, kann nicht begreifen, daβ der begehrteste Junggeselle des Landes kein Interesse mehr an ihr hat. Vergeblich bemüht sie sich, ihn zur Heirat zu zwingen. Um der Rache seiner Geliebten zu entgehen, reist der Lord nach Amerika. ?Dort begegnet er unter ungew?hnlichen Umst?nden einer entfernten Verwandten, der jungen Nelda Harle. Gemeinsam bestehen sie ?u?erst gef?hrliche Abenteuer, bevor sie ihre wahren Gefühle füreinander erkennen.
Lady Bartons Rache
Lady Bartons Rache
Barbara Cartland
Die bildsch?ne junge Witwe Lady Barton hat es sich in den Kopf gesetzt, den Herzog von Wyndonbury zu heiraten, doch als dieser sie für nicht standesgem??h?lt und sie zurückweist, kennt ihre Rache keine Grenzen. Die unschuldige Valessa, die zuf?llig zur Stelle ist, wird in den Strudel der Ereignisse gerissen und findet sich pl?tzlich im Auge des Sturms. Ganz auf sich gestellt, sieht sie nur einen Ausweg…
The Eternal Husband
The Eternal Husband
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Alexei Ivanovich Velchaninov is a land owner who stays in Saint Petersburg for a trial about a piece of land. He receives a visit from Pavel Pavlovich Trusotsky, an old acquaintance who recently became a widower. Velchaninov had an affair with Trusotsky's wife Natalia, and he realizes that he is the biological father of Liza, Trusotsky's eight year old daughter. Velchaninov, who doesn't want Liza to be raised by an alcoholic, brings Liza to a foster family. The novel ranks among his best works because of its style and structure. Alfred Bem described it as one of the most complete works by Dostoyevsky in regards to its composition and development.
The Return Of Don Quixote
The Return Of Don Quixote
G. K. Chesterton
A librarian in a small town is asked to play the part of a medieval king. He not only takes his role seriously by thoroughly researching the Middle Ages, when the play is concluded, he refuses to take off the costume. He remains in character, much to the surprise of the other actors.
Richard III
Richard III
William Shakespeare
A historical play by William Shakespeare describing the life and death of Richard III. The play begins with Richard describing the accession to the throne of his brother, King Edward IV of England, eldest son of the late Richard, Duke of York. Richard plots to have his brother Clarence, who stands before him in the line of succession, conducted to the Tower of London over a prophecy he bribed a soothsayer to finagle the suspicious King with.
Cum s? fii un bun p?rinte
Cum s? fii un bun p?rinte
Poenaru Michiela
This is a complete facsimile of the original edition published by the Interborough Rapid Transit Company to commemorate the opening of New York's first subway line. From the perspective of both urban history and the history of transportation, this book is an important primary source. Building the city's first subway in the early years of the twentieth century required delicate collaboration between public and private interests and called for the expenditure of considerable sums of both public and private money. The book introduces us to Abram S. Hewitt, a late nineteenth-century mayor of New York City. It was Hewitt who realized that, while private capital alone had been perfectly adequate for building elevated rapid transit lines in New York as early as the 1870s, the more costly construction of underground rapid transit lines was far beyond the ability of private corporations to finance. Hewitt set in motion a chain of events that sanctioned the use of public funds for subway construction, with the completed facility then to be leased to a private company for day-to-day operation. The private firm that emerged, both to build and to operate the first subway in New York, was called the Interborough Rapid Transit Company, a name that would later be rendered more crisply as the IRT. The City of New York and the Interborough Rapid transit Company inaugurated service over the city's first subway line on Thursday afternoon, October 27, 1904. Mayor George B. McClellan, son of the Civil War general, took the controls of the first ceremonial train at City Hall Station in downtown Manhattan and headed north. In one way or another, the subway has been going ever since. The book also presents important tabular and statistical information, as well as clear and concise narrative descriptions of technical details.
满1件7折 2件6折 高素质专业化干部队伍建设之四——专业训练
满1件7折 2件6折 高素质专业化干部队伍建设之一——思想淬炼
满1件7折 2件6折 高素质专业化干部队伍建设之二——政治历练
强化干部思想淬炼、政治历练、实践锻炼、专业训练,对深化共产党执政规律、社会主义建设规律、人类社会发展规律的认识和探究具有重要意义。 本选题从历史的维度、时代的需要和个人的需求手,对加强干部思想淬炼、政治历练、实践锻炼、专业训练行理论探究和实践总结,全面系统深阐释习近平总书记关于加强干部思想淬炼、政治历练、实践锻炼、专业训练的重要论述。 《政治历练/高素质专业化干部队伍建设》包含“政治历练的理论溯源和历史演”“新时代加强政治历练的根本依据”“新时代加强政治历练的目标要求及主要任务”等内容。
满1件7折 2件6折 高素质专业化干部队伍建设之三——实践锻炼
强化干部思想淬炼、政治历练、实践锻炼、专业训练,对深化共产党执政规律、社会主义建设规律、人类社会发展规律的认识和探究具有重要意义。 本选题从历史的维度、时代的需要和个人的需求手,对加强干部思想淬炼、政治历练、实践锻炼、专业训练行理论探究和实践总结,全面系统深阐释习近平总书记关于加强干部思想淬炼、政治历练、实践锻炼、专业训练的重要论述。 《实践锻炼/高素质专业化干部队伍建设》包含“干部实践锻炼的渊源与重要意义”“中国共产党加强干部实践锻炼的历史程及启示”“新时代加强干部实践锻炼的基本任务”等内容。
满1件7折 2件6折 中国的抉择:和平发展与构建和谐世界
满1件7折 2件6折 党政干部法治教程
本书将作为党政干部学习四中全会精神与学法用法的基本用书。 本书将在阐释四中全会决定中的法治精神、原理、贯彻四中全会决定的基本任务的同时,简明介绍各部门法的原理、原则和适用要点,意在帮助未经法学专业学习的党政干部对中国特色社会主义法治原理和各部门法的内容有一个总体上的认知、理解,为其在实践中贯彻四中全会精神、提高法治意识、增强依法办事的能力提供必要的知识基础。
满1件7折 2件6折 中国人民大学国民经济学发展报告(2015):新时代和新挑战下的国民经济学科发展(国民经济管理论坛系列报告)
满1件7折 2件6折 寻找思想政治教育的独特视角(高校马克思主义理论教学与研究文库)
满1件7折 2件6折 马克思主义理论学科建设和思想政治理论课教学研究(高校马克思主义理论教学与研究文库)
Secolul Bacovia
Secolul Bacovia
Mihai Cimpoi
Volumul abordeaz? teoretic ?i istoriografic cele mai importante categorii ale g?nditorului politic Antonio Gramsci. Analiza Ioanei Cristea Dr?gulin permite restituirea unit??ii ?i continuit??ii pe care tinde s? le ascund? natura fragmentar? a unei mari p?r?i din opera gramscian?, reconect?nd ?ntr?un cadru unitar apa?ratul conceptual complex pe care autorul ?l disemineaz? pe parcursul Caietelor sale, ?ntr-un context cultural at?t de ?ndep?rtat de cel originar, c?nd au fost scrise.
Amerikai k?lt?k a második ezredfordulón
Amerikai k?lt?k a második ezredfordulón
Wendell Berry, Michael Burch, Billy Collins, Russel Edson 等
Volumul constituie o introducere normativ? ?n sfera de interes reprezentat? de politicile publice aferente spa?iului administrativ, adres?ndu-se at?t speciali?tilor, c?t ?i factorilor de decizie din acest domeniu. Autoarea evoc? problemele actuale din c?mpul politicilor publice, oferind modele decizionale ?i indic?nd provoc?rile cele mai importante la adresa paradigmelor clasice.
满1件7折 2件6折 逛红色博物馆学党史
满1件7折 2件6折 我将无我 不负人民
我将无我 不负人民
陈继安 刘润为
本书从党的根本宗旨、以人民为中心、为生民立命、做人民的勤务员、人心向背、攻坚扶贫为民奔、金山银山为民谋等方面阐述了共产党人要以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指引,坚持立党为公、执政为民,坚持以人民为中心,做到“我将无我,不负人民”,一心为民谋幸福,全意为国谋复兴。《我将无我  不负人民》一步推动了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的学习宣传贯彻,也是广大党员干部学习领会新思想并用新思想武装头脑指挥实践、推动工作的重要读本。
满1件7折 2件6折 读懂基本方略
满1件7折 2件6折 全面小康 追梦之路——全面建成小康社会调研报告选编
全面小康 追梦之路——全面建成小康社会调研报告选编
【内容简介】 本书深入调研全省城乡各地艰苦创业的奋斗之路、为民造福的奋发之路、更上层楼的奋进之路,全景展示我省全面建成小康社会的发展历程、重大成就和鲜活经验,深刻揭示中国共产党领导和中国特色社会主义制度的显著优势。在全省范围内选择3-4个设区市、30-40个县(市、区)、300-400个行政村,采取“智库+媒体”“专家+记者”模式开展调研、采访和宣传,并从中选出29篇集结成册,深刻把握党领导人民为实现全面小康而奋斗的非凡进程,着力为新时代写史立传,生动展现全面小康美好图景,充分聚焦人民群众的生动实践。