《神农本草经》是我国现存*早的药物学经典著作,全书分为上、中、下三品,共载药物365种,是传统中医药工作者案头的工具书之一。本书精选《神农本草经》原著中 300种草药植物物手绘图,并对植物的根、茎、叶、花、子等部位做详细的解读说明。
在启发逻辑思维的过程中,思维游戏起着至关重要的作用,是发展逻辑思维能力的一块敲门砖,它有利于锻炼大脑,启迪智慧,它在发人的潜在智力与拓宽思维的灵活性等方面扮演非常重要的角色。思维游戏通过激发人的思考兴趣,从而培养和提升人的推理力、分析力、观察力、注意力、想象力、记忆力和反应力。本书特别精选了逻辑思维游戏,从推理思维、应用思维、数学思维、探索思维、想象思维等方面全方位地提升读者的逻辑思维能力。 本书适合渴望使自己变得更聪明的青少年、急需提升逻辑思维能力的中小学生、喜欢领略思维游戏乐趣的上班族阅读。
The Crocodile
A true story of how a gentleman of a certain age and of respectable appearance was swallowed alive by the crocodile in the Arcade, and of the consequences that followed.
Drumul la zid
Volumul cuprinde dou? traduceri clasicizate, semnate de Victor Scorade?, Dincolo de bine ?i de r?u, ?i de Janina Iano?i ?i Horia Stanca, Genealogia moralei. Un mare vinovat f?r? vin?, sihastrul de la Sils-Maria a dinamitat g?ndirea secolului al XIX-lea, figur?nd – al?turi de Dostoievski – printre uria?ii profe?i ai omenirii, care au proorocit nenorocirile ce-au urmat, crimele ?n numele unei idei, rasismul, precum ?i devastatorul totalitarism ro?u. Dincolo de bine ?i de r?u e una dintre capodoperele g?nditorului german.
Pagini de istorie american?
Aceasta este prima lucrare scris? ?n limba rom?n? care se concentreaz? asupra operei lui Thomas Kuhn, probabil cel mai influent filosof al ?tiin?ei din ultima jum?tate a secolului trecut. ?n particular, lucrarea analizeaz? ?n detaliu, ?ntr-o manier? original?, o idee foarte provocatoare a filosofului american, teza incomensurabilit??ii conceptuale, conform c?reia, ?n dezvoltarea cunoa?terii ?tiin?ifice, teoriile noi utilizeaz? un limbaj ireductibil la cel al teoriilor anterioare. Totodat?, lucrarea se apleac? ?ntr-o manier? sistematic? asupra conceptului de paradigm?, introdus de Kuhn, care avea s? fie utilizat ulterior pe scar? larg? ?n filosofie ?i ?tiin?ele sociale.
Comandorul Sablin. Liderul monarhi?tilor ru?i urm?rit de Siguran?? ?i de Securit
Volumul de fa?? cuprinde trei eseuri ale autorului francez despre ,,r?sul provocat ?n mod special de c?tre comic“. Acestea au la baz? ideile urm?toare: comicul este uman, r?sul are nevoie de o deta?are emo?ional? fa?? de obiectul/subiectul vizat, r?sul are o func?ie social?. Autorul exploreaz? diferite ipostaze ale comicului ?n art? sau ?n via?a de zi cu zi ?n func?ie de cauza care a produs efectul respectiv. Un om care se ?mpiedic? ?i cade poate st?rni r?sul trec?torilor. ?n aceast? situa?ie comicul survine ca urmare a rigidit??ii mecanice a personajului care a c?zut pentru nu a putut evita un obstacol. ?i o diformitate poate st?rni r?sul, ?nsa una care poate fi imitat? de o persoan? care nu are acea diformitate. Exist? ?i un comic al mi?c?rilor, de exemplu, gesturile unui orator. ?n cel de-al doilea capitol, autorul analizeaz? alt? dou? categorii: comicul de situa?ie ?i pe cel de limbaj. ?n fine, al treilea capitol este consacrat comicului de caracter. Anexa de la sf?r?itul lucr?rii curprinde o scurt? discu?ie despre defini?iile comicului, dar ?i despre metoda utilizat? de autor ?n cele trei capitole. Comicul ?ine de aceast? dimensiune a persoanei prin care se seam?n? cu un lucru, acest aspect al evenimentelor umane care imit? prin rigiditatea sa de un fel cu totul spe-cial, mecanismul pur ?i simplu, automatismul, de fapt mi?carea f?r? via??. El exprim?, a?adar, o imperfec?iune individual? sau colectiv? care necesit? o corec?ie imediat?. R?sul este ?ns??i aceast? corec?ie. R?sul este un anumit tip de gest social care subliniaz? ?i reprim? o distragere special? a oamenilor ?i evenimentelor.
Publicat? ini?ial, ?n trei articole, ?n 1861, o lucrare fundamental?, cu o influen?? de necontestat ?n domeniul ?tiin?elor sociale, Utilitarismul lui J.S.Mill cuprinde o serie de discu?ii despre principiile care stau la baza doctrinei filosofice a utilitarismului. Structura lucr?rii, cu cinci capitole clare ?i concise (Considera?ii generale, Ce este utilitarismul, Despre sanc?iunea fundamental? a principiului utilit??ii, De ce fel de demonstra?ie este susceptibil principiul utilit??ii, Despre leg?tura dintre dreptate ?i utilitate), este elegant? ?i faciliteaz? ?n?elegerea ideilor aprofundate de g?nditorul englez. ?ntr-un sens, Utilitarismul reprezint? o rafinare a ideilor lui Jeremy Bentham despre ceea ce ar trebui s? constituie m?sura binelui ?i a r?ului: exigen?a de a ob?ine cea mai mare fericire pentru un num?r c?t mai mare de oameni. ?ntr-un alt sens, mai larg ?i mai important, cartea de fa?? formuleaz? ?i analizeaz? ?n profunzime toate implica?iile, pentru moral?, ale principiului utilit??ii. John Stuart Mill aduce etica ?n vecin?tatea economiei (maximizarea fericirii, ierarhizarea pl?cerilor ?n func?ie de profit, decizia bazat? pe calcularea utilit??ii alternativelor etc.) ?i ?ncearc? s? rezolve toate dificult??ile rezultate din acest mod de a trata problema drept??ii. Mill ofer? r?spunsuri la c?teva ?ntreb?ri esen?iale precum: ,,?n ce const? fericirea?“, ,,Ce urm?rim, de fapt, atunci c?nd alegem o anumit? conduit??“, ,,Ce pl?ceri sunt preferabile?“, ,,Cum trebuie s? arate legile (?i sanc?iunile inerente) dac? morala se ?ntemeieaz? pe utilitate?“, ,,De ce este preferabil principiul utilit??ii, at?t din perspectiva binelui personal, c?t ?i din aceea a binelui public?“
Disconfort ?n cultur?
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) este cunoscut publicului larg ca autor al C?l?toriilor lui Gulliver. A fost considerat de mul?i un mizantrop des?v?r?it, de?i a f?cut parte din clerul Bisericii Anglicane. Va r?m?ne ?ns? ?n istorie ca primul pamfletar de limba englez?. Povestea unui poloboc este cea mai consistent? lucrare de acest gen, de care ?nsu?i autorul s-a declarat ?ntotdeauna foarte satisf?cut. ?n aceast? ?poveste“ satiristul irlandez ne propune o ingenioas? alegorie, ?n egal? m?sur? un atac la adresa bisericilor occidentale care au pervertit p?n? la desfigurare credin?a mo?tenit? de la biserica primar? ?i la adresa modelor care au infestat at?t operele spiritului, c?t ?i discursul teologic.Pus? la index la vremea apari?iei ei de regina Ana a Angliei din cauza nest?p?nitelor ?arje la adresa papismului ?i a puritanismului britanic, considerat? un text ?reac?ionar“ ?n Rom?nia epocii lui Ceau?escu, aceast? carte nu este, cu siguran??, o lectur? confortabil?, dar r?m?ne una dintre cele mai spumoase ?i mai fine satire scrise vreodat?.
Revistele literare ale exilului rom?nesc. Luceaf?rul
Adam Smith (1723-1790) este p?rintele g?ndirii economice moderne. ?n volumul de fa?? au fost culese c?teva dintre cele mai importante capitole din lucrarea care a marcat ?nceputurile disciplinare ale unui domeniu pentru care ast?zi se acord? Premiul Nobel, dar ?i paragraful care ofer? cititorului o explica?ie sintetic? a conceptului pentru care autorul va r?m?ne ?n istorie: m?na invizibil?. Chiar daca unele concepte-cheie ale teoriei g?nditorului sco?ian par dep??ite, ?n esen?a observa?iile ?i explica?iile sale privitoare la natura economic? a socialului r?m?n c?t se poate de subtile ?i conving?toare.
The Song of Triumphant Love by Ivan Turgenev - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Song of Triumphant Love by Ivan Turgenev - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Collected Works of Ivan Turgenev’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Turgenev includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Song of Triumphant Love by Ivan Turgenev - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Turgenev’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Embedded Linux Development using Yocto Projects - Second Edition
Optimize and boost your Linux-based system with Yocto Project and increase its reliability and robustness efficiently and cost-effectively. About This Book Optimize your Yocto Project tools to develop efficient Linux-based projects Practical approach to learning Linux development using Yocto Project Demonstrates concepts in a practical and easy-to-understand way Who This Book Is For If you are an embedded Linux developer with a basic knowledge of Yocto Project and want to broaden your knowledge with examples of embedded development, then this book is for you. This book is also for professionals who want to find new insights into working methodologies for Linux development. What You Will Learn Understand the basic concepts involved in Poky workflows along with configuring and preparing the Poky build environment. Configure a build server and customize images using Toaster. Generate images and fit packages into created images using BitBake. Support the development process by setting up and using Package feeds. Debug Yocto Project by configuring Poky. Build an image for the BeagleBone Black, RaspberryPi 3, and Wandboard, and boot it from an SD card. In Detail Yocto Project is turning out to be the best integration framework for creating reliable embedded Linux projects. It has the edge over other frameworks because of its features such as less development time and improved reliability and robustness. Embedded Linux Development using Yocto Project starts with an in-depth explanation of all Yocto Project tools, to help you perform different Linux-based tasks. The book then moves on to in-depth explanations of Poky and BitBake. It also includes some practical use cases for building a Linux subsystem project using Yocto Project tools available for embedded Linux. The book also covers topics such as SDK, recipetool, and others. By the end of the book, you will have learned how to generate and run an image for real hardware boards and will have gained hands-on experience at building efficient Linux systems using Yocto Project. Style and approach A clear, concise, and straightforward book that will enable you to use and implement the latest features of Yocto Project.
The Dream by Ivan Turgenev - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Dream by Ivan Turgenev - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Collected Works of Ivan Turgenev’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Turgenev includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Dream by Ivan Turgenev - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Turgenev’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Midas by Mary Shelley - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Midas by Mary Shelley - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Mary Shelley’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Shelley includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Midas by Mary Shelley - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Shelley’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Precaution by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Precaution by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of James Fenimore Cooper’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Cooper includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Precaution by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Cooper’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrate
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of James Fenimore Cooper’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Cooper includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Cooper’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Saemtliche Werke von Franz Kafka (Illustrierte)
Franz Kafka ist eine wichtige Figur der moderne Literatur. Jetzt k?nnen Sie das Gesamtwerk von Kafka auf Ihrem E-Reader, mit vielen Bonus-Features, genie?en. Dies ist das erste deutsche eBook von Delphi Classics, erfolgreicher Verleger klassischer Fiktion. (Version: 2) * Alle Romanfragmente, jedes mit einem Inhaltsverzeichnis * Kurze Einführungen zu den Romanen und anderen Texten * Viele Bilder mit Bezug zu Franz Kafka, seinem Leben und seinen Werken * Alle Kurzgeschichten, darunter seltene Erz?hlungen * Spezielle alphabetische Inhaltsverzeichnisse für die Geschichten * Kafkas seltenes Drama DER GRUFTW?CHTER * Kafkas Tagebücher — Erkunden Sie des Schriftstellers unruhige Gedanken * Weitere Werke von Kafka * Enth?lt jetzt auch FRANZ KAFKA: EINE BIOGRAPHIE von Max Brod – die erste Biographie über das Leben von Kafka! INHALT: Romanfragmente DER PROZESS DAS SCHLOSS AMERIKA (DER VERSCHOLLENE) Kurzgeschichten BETRACHTUNG BESCHREIBUNG EINES KAMPFES HOCHZEITSVORBEREITUNGEN AUF DEM LANDE DIE AEROPLANE IN BRESCIA EIN DAMENBREVIER GESPR?CH MIT DEM BETER GESPR?CH MIT DEM BETRUNKENEN AM FENSTER EIN ROMAN DER JUGEND IN DER NACHT EINE ENTSCHLAFENE ZEITSCHRIFT GROSSER L?RM AUS MATL?RH?ZA DAS URTEIL DIE VERWANDLUNG DER HEIZER IN DER STRAFKOLONIE DER DORFSCHULLEHRER BLUMFELD, EIN ?LTERER JUNGGESELLE EIN LANDARZT DER J?GER GRACCHUS EIN BERICHT F?R EINE AKADEMIE DIE ABWEISUNG EIN HUNGERK?NSTLER BEIM BAU DER CHINESISCHEN MAUER FORSCHUNGEN EINES HUNDES DER BAU PARABELN Erz?hlungen in Alphabetischer Reihenfolge Drama DER GRUFTW?CHTER Tagebücher LISTE DER TAGEBUCHEINTR?GE TAGEBUCH EINER REISE NACH FRIEDLAND UND REICHENBERG Weitere Werke BRIEF AN DEN VATER BETRACHTUNGEN ?BER S?NDE, LEID, HOFFNUNG UND DEN WAHREN WEG DIE ACHT OKTAVHEFTE Biographie FRANZ KAFKA. EINE BIOGRAPHIE von Max Brod Besuchen Sie bitte www.delphiclassics.com für weitere Informationen und unsere anderen eBooks durchsuchen.
《菜根谭》从中国传统文化根源出发,探究人文精神、生存体悟与生活睿智,诠释人生主题,在轻松的意境中,以思辨的方式体悟人生的大智慧。为更好地帮助读者阅读,采用了原文与译文对照的编排方式,同时还附有深度解读。书中不仅有至真至纯的说理性文字,更选取了许多富有哲理的小故事,给人带来不一样的人生感悟,相信读过之后会对自己的人生有一种全新的见解。 本书选取《论语》中的精华思想行了精确细致的释义和智慧解析,汇集了孔子为人处世智慧的精髓,对于如何提高个人修养,如何在社会上立足,如何学习等问题行了深刻透彻的论述,并且还通过一个个生动的故事,让读者更加深刻地领悟孔子言论中的智慧。 本书参透了老子思想体系中丰富、精妙的智慧,以改变其对现代人思想的许多固有影响,修正现代人的思想轨迹,又能从老子智慧的言论中觉悟出许多具体的做法。本书使读者能够更好地体会和感悟两千多年前的哲人圣典,无论你是治学修身、处世待人,还是经商置业、从政为民,总能在这本书中,找到自己所需要的智慧。