

Mission: Cook!
Mission: Cook!
Irvine, Robert
The star of Food Network's Dinner: Impossible, Chef Robert Irvine shares the adventurous story of his life, his thoughts on cooking, and his favorite recipesThere are few chefs on the planet who do what Irvine does, flying around the world at a moment's notice to cook for heads of state, royalty, and celebrities. Irvine reveals his fascinating past and unorthodox culinary training. His career as a world-renowned chef began at the age of fifteen when he was discovered by Prince Charles while cooking in the mess halls of the British Royal Navy.In Mission: Cook! Irvine tells the wild stories of his career, from studying under the best European chefs to cooking for three thousand refugees on a beach while civil war raged in South Yemen to preparing an Oscars feast while coordinating the biggest chefs in the business. Sprinkled throughout are Irvine's most incredible recipes from his travels around the world, including Roasted Duck with White Bean Ragout, Truffle Oil, and Shaved Parmesan Cheese; Tea-Smoked Chicken; Lobster Risotto with Clams; and his ethereal Windsor Angel Food Cake. Easy to prepare and deliciously satisfying, these are dishes that everyone will savor.Irvine's candid stories and behind-the-scenes look at the creation of his Food Network TV show Dinner: Impossible prove that the life of a celebrity chef is anything but ordinary. As is Mission: Cook!—a unique and fascinating look into the mind and life of one of the world's hottest chefs.
Book of Odds
Book of Odds
Shapiro, Amram
From the popular Book of Odds website, this stylish and accessible reference book offers a fascinating peek at the probabilities that govern every aspect of human lifeDid you know that your odds of dying from drowning are higher than the odds of meeting your mate on a blind dateThat the odds a child has seen Internet porn are the same as the odds a person is right-handedThat nearly one in three adults believes in UFOs and nearly one in six has reported seeing oneDrawing from a rigorously researched trove of more than 400,000 statements of probability, based on the most accurate and current data available, The Book of Odds is a graphic reference source for stats on the everyday, the odd, and the outrageous from sex and marriage, health and disease, beliefs and fears, to wealth, addiction, entertainment, and civic life. What emerges from this colorful and captivating volume is a rich portrait of who we are and how we live today.
How Companies Win
How Companies Win
Kash, Rick
For the past twenty years, the growth formula for business has been to increase revenues by expanding product offerings and streamlining supply. But with the recent global recession, the world economy has changed forever. Now the old tools most notably supply-chain management are no longer enough. In a new digital age characterized by over-supply and too many product types in almost every market, the new challenge is to locate and capture the elusive pools of high-profit demand.Rick Kash and David Calhoun have the answer: a revolutionary, demand-driven model that has already proved successful for some of the world's most admired companies, including Best Buy, Anheuser-Busch, Hershey's, and Allstate. At the heart of this powerful new business model is an achievable vision for a new kind of winning company, one that uses sophisticated new tools and techniques to discover, characterize, and then serve these pools of high-profit demand and in the process gain pricing power in that market. Kash and Calhoun show how to use everything from social networks to more revealing and effective consumer-research techniques and then introduce the demand chain, the logical new partner to your supply chain. The authors' principles, case histories, and insights will help your business run faster, cut costs, and become better able to deliver high-quality products and services, even in the tightest economic climate.How Companies Win is a compelling call to action to engage every level within a company, small or large, local or global.
Lincoln Unbound
Lincoln Unbound
Lowry, Rich
In this thoughtful mix of history and politics, the New York Times bestselling author and editor of National Review the conservative bible founded by William F. Buckley, Jr. traces Abraham Lincoln's ambitious climb from provincial upstart to political powerhouse and calls for a renewal of the Lincoln ethic of relentless striving.Revered today across the political spectrum, Abraham Lincoln believed in a small but active government in a nation defined by aspiration. Fired by an indomitable ambition from a young age, the man who would be immortalized as the "railsplitter" never wanted to earn his living with an ax. He educated himself in a frontier environment characterized by mind-numbing labor and then turned his back on that world. All his life, he preached a gospel of work and discipline toward the all-important ends of self-improvement and individual advancement. As a Whig and then a Republican, he worked to smash the rural backwardness in which he was raised and the Southern plantation economy that depended on human bondage.Both were unacceptably stultifying of human potential. In short, Lincoln lived the American Dream and succeeded in opening a way to it for others. He saw in the nation's founding documents the unchanging foundation of an endlessly dynamic society. He embraced the market and the amazing transportation and communications revolutions beginning to take hold. He helped give birth to the modern industrial economy that arose before the Civil War and that took off after it.His vision of an upwardly mobile society that rewards and supports individual striving was wondrously realized. Now it is under threat. Economic stagnation and social breakdown are undermining mobility and the American way. To meet these challenges, Rich Lowry draws us back to the lessons of Lincoln. It is imperative, he argues, to preserve a fluid economy and the bourgeois virtues that make it possible for individuals to thrive within it.
Epic Measures
Epic Measures
Smith, Jeremy N.
Moneyball meets medicine in this remarkable chronicle of one of the greatest scientific quests of our time and the visionary mastermind behind it.Medical doctor and economist Christopher Murray began the Global Burden of Disease study to gain a truer understanding of how we live and how we die. While it is one of the largest scientific projects ever attempted—as breathtaking as the first moon landing or the Human Genome Project—the questions it answers are meaningful for every one of us: What are the world's health problemsWho do they hurtHow muchWhereWhy?Murray argues that the ideal existence isn't simply the longest, but the one lived well and with the least illness. Until we can accurately measure global health issues, we cannot understand what makes us sick or do much to improve it. Challenging the accepted wisdom of the WHO and the UN, the charismatic and controversial health maverick has made enemies—as well as some influential friends, including Bill Gates who gave Murray a $100 million grant.Told with novelistic verve by acclaimed journalist Jeremy N. Smith, the story of Murray's lifelong determination to understand how we live and die encompasses wars and famines, presidents and activists, billionaires and billions of people worldwide living in poverty. It shows the human side of scientific revolutions and of revolutionary scientists—their breakthroughs and setbacks, their genius and their flaws, their champions and their critics—as they strive to bring the news of their findings to the world. This transformational effort is far from over, but the story of its genesis and impact is already an epic tale.
To Keep the British Isles Afloat
To Keep the British Isles Afloat
Parrish, Thomas
An inside look at the work and adventures of Harry Hopkins and Averell Harriman in the creation of history's most remarkable international partnership After the fall of France in June 1940, London became the center of world political theater. For the U.S. president, the vital question was: could Britain, with American help, hold out against the might of Nazi GermanyWhile keeping the United States officially neutral, Franklin D. Roosevelt devised an unprecedented strategy, leading to the revolutionary idea of lend-lease. But was Winston Churchill famous as a speechmaker but regarded by many as a reckless politician and possibly a drunk a good betTo find the answer, Roosevelt dispatched his closest associate, Harry Hopkins, to Britain on a mission. Hopkins's endorsement of Churchill put an end to FDR's doubts, and with the passage of the Lend-Lease Act the president sent Averell Harriman, a wealthy financier and entrepreneur, to London "to keep the British Isles afloat." For Harriman, the assignment turned out to be the great adventure of a remarkable life.Filled with vivid details and great storytelling, To Keep the British Isles Afloat explores the still-misunderstood beginnings of the unique Anglo-American alliance in World War II, offering an intriguing new look at Roosevelt's thinking and a fresh perspective on the relationship between the president and the prime minister.
The Pity Party
The Pity Party
Voegeli, William
When liberals don't have reason, authority, or the American people on their side, they turn to the one thing they never run out of: Pity.For decades, conservatives have chafed at being called "heartless" and "uncaring" by liberals who maintain that our essential choice as a nation is between the politics of kindness and the politics of cruelty. In The Pity Party, political scientist William Voegeli turns the tables on this argument, making the case that "compassion" is neither the essence of personal virtue nor the ultimate purpose of government. Over the years, liberals have built a remarkable edifice of government programs that are justified by appeals to compassion: Head Start, immigration reform, gun control, affirmative action, and entitlements, to name only some. As Voegeli amply demonstrates, the liberals who promote these massive programs are weirdly indifferent as to whether they succeed. Instead, when the problems they are intended to solve fail to disappear, liberals double down, calling for yet more programs and ever greater expenditures in the name of "compassion." Meanwhile, conservatives who challenge the effectiveness of these programs are slandered as "heartless right-wingers." Yet rather than challenge this tendentious liberal argument, the many conservatives it intimidates feel it necessary to insist that they really do "care." However, liberal compassion's good intentions consistently fail to translate into good results. Voegeli walks the reader through a plethora of programs that have become battlefields between conservatives fighting for more efficiency and liberals fighting for more budget-busting federal programs to address an ever-expanding catalog of social ills. Along the way, he explains the underpinnings of the liberal philosophy that reinforce this misapplied ideal and shows why today's self-described compassionate liberals are ultimately unfit to govern.
?zenet III.-IV.
?zenet III.-IV.
Vásáry Tamás
zenet III.-IV.
Early:An Intimate History of Premature Birth and What It Teaches Us About Being
Early:An Intimate History of Premature Birth and What It Teaches Us About Being
DiGregorio, Sarah
几十年前,人们还没有针对早产儿的治疗方法,而现代医学够成功地挽救怀孕5个半月体重不足1磅的婴儿,这本书介绍和探讨了新生儿学的发展及其突破,这不仅仅是科学技术的进步,同时也涉及到了文化、伦理和人性。 Inspired by the author’s harrowing experience giving birth to her premature daughter, a compelling and empathetic work that combines memoir with rigorous reporting to tell the story of neonatology—and to meditate on the questions raised by premature birth. The heart of many hospitals is the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). It is a place where humanity, ethics, and science collide in dramatic and deeply personal ways as parents, doctors, and nurses grapple with sometimes unanswerable questions: When does life begin? When and how should life end? And what does it mean to be human?Nearly twenty years ago, Dr. John D. Lantos wrote The Lazarus Case, a seminal work on ethical dilemmas in neonatology. He described the NICU as “a strong, strange, powerful place.” The NICU is a place made of stories—the stories of mothers and babies who spend days, weeks, and even months waiting to go home, and the dedicated clinicians who care for these tiny, developing humans. The book explores the evolution of neonatology and its breakthroughs—how modern medicine can be successful at saving infants at five and a half months gestation who weigh less than a pound, when only a few decades ago, there were essentially no treatments for premature babies.For the first time, Sarah DiGregorio tells the complete story of this science—and the many people it has touched. Weaving her own story, those of other parents, and NICU clinicians with deeply researched reporting, Early delves deep into the history and future of neonatology, one of the most boundary pushing medical disciplines: how it came to be, how it is evolving, and the political, cultural, and ethical issues that continue to arise in the face of dramatic scientific developments. Eye-opening and vital, Early uses premature birth as a lens to view our own humanity, and the humanity of those around us.
The Breakthrough Imperative
The Breakthrough Imperative
Gottfredson, Mark
Every general manager today all the way up to the CEO is expected by his or her stakeholders to achieve new breakthroughs in performance and fast. Those who don't make visible progress toward that goal within the first year or two will likely find themselves looking for another job. It is precisely because of this growing breakthrough imperative that managers today, whether in corporations or nonprofits, need to get off to a fast start. They don't have time for mistakes or for going back and redoing what they should have done right in the first place. But, despite the intensity of these pressures, despite the high expectations and short time frames, a number of CEOs and general managers turn in truly exceptional results. How do they meet and exceed the breakthrough imperativeTo answer this question, consultants and former managers Mark Gottfredson and Steve Schaubert interviewed more than forty CEOs from both industry and the nonprofit sector, conducted an intensive study of what successful managers do right and what some do wrong and drew on their own combined fifty-plus years of experience at Bain & Company, where their insights have consistently been found in the pages of the Harvard Business Review. Together they came up with the four straightforward principles deceptively simple yet remarkably powerful that everyone must follow to succeed at achieving breakthrough results: 1. Costs and prices always decline2. Competitive position determines options3. Customers and profit pools don't stand still4. Simplicity gets results Although seemingly simplistic, mastering these four laws means mastering the basics of great management a foundation on which to build the rest of one's management strategy. Whether you're managing a small work group or a multinational corporation, a single division or an entire nonprofit, The Breakthrough Imperative presents these core laws of business to help you determine where you are, just how far you can go, and how to get there with stellar results.
Thieves of Mercy
Thieves of Mercy
Nelson, James L.
Having survived the bloody Battle of New Orleans and the loss of their ironclad Yazoo River, captain Samuel Bowater, engineer Hieronymus Taylor, and the survivors of their crew are given new orders -- take command of an ironclad warship being built in Memphis, Tennessee.Bowater and his men take passage upriver from "Mississippi" Mike Sullivan, one of the wild, undisciplined captains of the River Defense Squadron, only to find, on their arrival, that their ship is not even half built and the enemy is closing fast. Against their better judgment, Bowater and crew join forces with the mercurial Sullivan on board his ad hoc river gunship the General Page. Outnumbered and outgunned, the Confederates once again fling themselves bravely at the overwhelming power of the Yankee invaders. The deadly back-and-forth fight along the Mississippi ends at last in the massive naval battle of Memphis, and the near-suicidal attempt by the Confederates to hold back the Northern flood.Filled with wild characters and heart-pounding action, and set against the bold backdrop of the Civil War, Thieves of Mercy is a worthy successor to the W. Y. Boyd Award-winning novel Glory in the Name, the book Bernard Cornwell lauded as "by far, the best Civil War novel I've read."
The Invisible Sex
The Invisible Sex
Adovasio, J. M.
Shaped by cartoons and museum dioramas, our vision of Paleolithic times tends to feature fur-clad male hunters fearlessly attacking mammoths while timid women hover fearfully behind a boulder. In fact, recent research has shown that this vision bears little relation to reality.The field of archaeology has changed dramatically in the past two decades, as women have challenged their male colleagues' exclusive focus on hard artifacts such as spear points rather than tougher to find evidence of women's work. J. M. Adovasio and Olga Soffer are two of the world's leading experts on perishable artifacts such as basketry, cordage, and weaving. In The Invisible Sex, the authors present an exciting new look at prehistory, arguing that women invented all kinds of critical materials, including the clothing necessary for life in colder climates, the ropes used to make rafts that enabled long-distance travel by water, and nets used for communal hunting. Even more important, women played a central role in the development of language and social life in short, in our becoming human. In this eye-opening book, a new story about women in prehistory emerges with provocative implications for our assumptions about gender today.
Champions Body-for-LIFE
Champions Body-for-LIFE
Carey, Art
The all-new official guide to the Body-for-LIFE Challenge, with success secrets and tips to help you win your own personal Body-for-LIFE Challenge, by Body-for-LIFE Challengers and Champions from the past 10 years. Champions Body-for-LIFE is not just another diet or fitness book—it's a book of personal transformation. The Body-for-LIFE 12-week journey has changed the lives of millions. What makes it so successful?It's Simple. It Works.All it takes:12 weeks4 hours of exercise per week6 small, balanced, and nutritious meals per day—never be hungry againNow, Body-for-LIFE Champions and Challengers share how they created new and better lives for themselves, simply by following these three rules:1. Know your reasons for changing (Chapter 2)2. Write them down (Chapter 3)3. Get started (Chapter 4)You do have the power to change your body, your mind, your life.Read how men and women become Champions as you follow the 12-week story of two Body-for-LIFE Challengers. Mark Unger, a major in the U.S. Marine Corps, and Alexa Adair, a college student, share their personal Journeys of Transformation—from their Decisive Moments, to Starting the Challenge, Week 12, and a year later. Week by week, they chronicle the excitement, the tough moments, and the life-transforming experience of finishing their own personal Challenges.Science Shows Body-for-LIFE WorksFor more than 10 years, millions of people have proven with their real-life transformations that Body-for-LIFE works. Now science shows it works, too! In a clinical study of overweight men and women, the people who followed Body-for-LIFE:Lost approximately twice as much body and belly fat as the control group and moderate exercise higher-carb groupDecreased body fat by 21 percent on averageDecreased body weight by 11 pounds on averageDecreased belly fat by 26 percent on averageChampions Body-for-LIFE is for everyone—whether you're starting your first Body-for-LIFE Challenge or your fourth.
A Face to the World: On Self-Portraits
A Face to the World: On Self-Portraits
Laura Cumming
Focusing on the art of self-portraiture, this effortlessly engaging exploration of the lives of artists sheds fascinating light on some of the most extraordinary portraits in art history. Self-portraits catch your eye. They seem to do it deliberately. Walk into any art gallery and they draw attention to themselves. Come across them in the world’s museums and you get a strange shock of recognition, rather like glimpsing your own reflection. For in picturing themselves artists reveal something far deeper than their own physical looks: the truth about how they hope to be viewed by the world, and how they wish to see themselves. In this beautifully written and lavishly illustrated book, Laura Cumming, art critic of the Observer, investigates the drama of the self-portrait, from Durer, Rembrandt and Velazquez to Munch, Picasso, Warhol and the present day. She considers how and why self-portraits look as they do and what they reveal about the artist’s innermost sense of self – as well as the curious ways in which they may imitate our behaviour in real life. Drawing on art, literature, history, philosophy and biography to examine the creative process in an entirely fresh way, Cumming offers a riveting insight into the intimate truths and elaborate fictions of self-portraiture and the lives of those who practise it. A work of remarkable depth, scope and power, this is a book for anyone who has ever wondered about the strange dichotomy between the innermost self and the self we choose to present for posterity – our face to the world.
Winter At Cedarwood Lodge: A perfect heart-warming romance for 2018!
Winter At Cedarwood Lodge: A perfect heart-warming romance for 2018!
Rebecca Raisin
Includes bonus material! This winter it’s time to fall in love at Cedarwood Lodge… After years of dreaming, Clio Winters is finally fulfilling her childhood dream of renovating the gorgeous old Cedarwood Lodge in Evergreen and turning it into the perfect destination for celebrations, weddings and extravagant birthday parties. The huge property used to be a bustling holiday camp, now Clio wants to bring it back to its halcyon days – which will be a lot of hard work! Returning back to the small town of her youth she’s glad to have one of her best friends still around to lean on, Micah who is just as solid as he used to be. But with her own secrets pushing her to run from her glamorous life in New York, she’ll have to tread carefully, especially when the far-too-handsome-for-his-own-good contractor, Kai, shows up on her doorstep… Sure she’s here in Evergreen to change her life, but there is no way she’s falling in love! Previously published as Celebrations & Confetti, Brides & Bouquets, Midnight & Mistletoe.
The Butterfly Cove Collection
The Butterfly Cove Collection
Sarah Bennett
‘Guaranteed to melt your heart!’ Rae Reads A perfectly enchanting collection of all three books in the heartwarming Butterfly Cove series! A year of taking chances… Mia is finally putting the past behind her and pouring all her savings into renovating a crumbling guesthouse in peaceful Butterfly Cove. But when her first guest, Daniel Fitzwilliam, arrives it’s soon clear that the tranquil seaside village has a few surprises in store! Kiki is hoping for a fresh start after her marriage falls to pieces – and her sister’s guesthouse by the sea is the perfect escape. Yet when Aaron Spenser offers to share his cottage until she’s back on her feet, she realises she may have found more than just a new home… Nee knows that returning to Butterfly Cove means facing Luke Spenser, the man she impulsively married, then left in the middle of the night. Running away was the biggest mistake of her life – but could coming home for Christmas be the best decision she’s ever made? Three delightfully feel-good romances, perfect for fans of Trisha Ashley, Rachael Lucas and Hilary Boyd. Praise for Sarah Bennett: ‘A sweet, feel-good contemporary romance…definitely sigh-worthy!’ – My Humble Opinion ‘I am already looking forward to my next trip to Butterfly Cove in the summer!’ – Rachel’s Random Reads (top 1,000 Amazon reviewer) ‘A gorgeous story, beautifully written and so full of hope.’ – Rachel Hawes (NetGalley Reviewer) ‘A beautifully romantic debut by a promising new author.’ – Kitty Loves Books ‘Full of charm, engaging and heart warming…what more could you want!’ – Rachel Broughton (NetGalley Reviewer) ‘A beautiful, romantic tale, well written and so cheerful.’ – Jessica Bell (NetGalley Reviewer) ‘A heartwarming and uplifting read.’ – Nicola Armstrong (NetGalley Reviewer)
Rosen, Charley
The history of the Irish in baseball is much richer than anyone realizes. From early discrimination to later domination, from Mike Kelly, a society star in the 1880s, to the managerial fame of Connie Mack (né McGillicuddy), early Irish players and managers helped shape the game of baseball in every way. From the first curveball to the first players' unions, Irishmen took America's national pastime and made it their own, turning it into the glorious game we know today, as more recent players have kept alive the Irish tradition of setting records. A wild, fun, fact-filled celebration of the Irish in baseball, The Emerald Diamond intersperses interviews with current players with tales of such players as Dan Brouthers, who at 6'2" and well over 200 pounds, was the game's home-run king until Babe Ruth came along; and includes lively anecdotes about such colorfully nicknamed ballplayers as Tony "the Count" Mullane, Mike "King" Kelly, James "Pud" Galvin, Hugh "One-Arm" Daily, Frank "Silk" O'Loughlin, and "Iron Man" Joe McGinnity. Just a few of the great Irish athletes featured as well are Mickey Cochrane (for whom Mickey Mantle was named); Charles Comiskey; Ed Walsh, the last pitcher to win 40 games in a single season; and Ed Delahanty, whose prodigious life and mysterious death continue to be a source of intrigue. With decade-by-decade profiles of exciting Irish figures on the field and off, The Emerald Diamond also offers important discussion on cultural and political themes relevant to their times.
Inventing George Washington
Inventing George Washington
Lengel, Edward G.
An entertaining and erudite history that offers a fresh look at America's first founding father, the creation of his legend, and what it means for our nation and ourselves George Washington's death on December 14, 1799, dealt a dreadful blow to public morale. For three decades, Americans had depended on his leadership to guide them through every trial. At the cusp of a new century, the fledgling nation, caught in another war (this time with its former ally France), desperately needed to believe that Washington was and would continue to be there for them.Thus began the extraordinary immortalization of this towering historical figure. In Inventing George Washington, historian Edward G. Lengel shows how the late president and war hero continued to serve his nation on two distinct levels. The public Washington evolved into an eternal symbol as Father of His Country, while the private man remained at the periphery of the national vision always just out of reach for successive generations yearning to know him as never before. Both images, public and private, were vital to perceptions Americans had of their nation and themselves. Yet over time, as Lengel shows, the contrasting and simultaneous urges to deify Washington and to understand him as a man have produced tensions that have played out in every generation. As some exalted him, others sought to bring him down to earth, creating a series of competing mythologies that depicted Washington as every sort of human being imaginable. Inventing George Washington explores these representations, shedding new light on this national emblem, our nation itself, and who we are.
Dear Photograph
Dear Photograph
Jones, Taylor
We all have moments we wish we could relive. We'd give anything to skid down the toboggan hills of our youth, to breathe in the smell of our children as babies, or to spend just one more minute with someone we've lost. Dear Photograph provides a way to link these memories from the past to the present, overlapping them to see how the daydreams of our memories collide with our current realities.The idea is simple: hold up a photograph from the past in front of the place where it was originally taken, take a second photograph, and add a sentence of dedication about what the photograph means to you. The results, however, are astounding, which is why millions have flocked to dearphotograph.com and thousands have submitted their own Dear Photographs.This stunning visual compilation includes more than 140 never-before-seen Dear Photographs, as well as a space for you to attach your own cherished photo. By turns nostalgic, charming, and poignant, Dear Photograph evokes childhood memories, laments difficult losses, and, above all, celebrates the universal nature of love.
Macfarlane, David
A sensuous, heartbreaking novel about art, beauty, and the choices we make that define us for lifeIn 1968 a young man travels to Paris, where a series of unlikely events take him to a tiny village in Italy—and to the one great love of his life. A marble merchant meets a couple on their honeymoon, introducing them to the sensual beauty of Carrara. An Italian woman arrives in Canada to find the father she never knew. A terrible accident in a marble quarry changes the course of a young boy's life and, ultimately, sets in motion each of these stories, which David Macfarlane masterfully shapes into a magnificent whole.Oliver Hughson falls in love with wild, bohe-mian Anna over the course of one glorious summer in Italy. Bound by a sense of responsibility to his adoptive parents back home in Canada, however, he leaves her, an act he will regret for the rest of his life. Narrated by the daughter he never knew he had, The Figures of Beauty is a love story of mythic proportions. Through luck, fate, and great good fortune, Oliver found the one place and the one woman he should never have left. This is the story of his trying to find his way back.
The Long Way Back
The Long Way Back
Alexander, Chris
Afghanistan is far from stable: Wounds left by thirty years of war are still raw. Terrorism is a daily menace. Roads are littered with Taliban bombs. Targeted killings and international impatience are fueling Afghan anxieties. Regional warlords, drug barons, and corrupt government officials all flout the conceit of a functional and unified nation. Pakistan's aggressive influence is a real and constant presence. Yet Chris Alexander, former deputy head of the UN Assistance Mission to Afghanistan and former Canadian ambassador to Afghanistan, sees something different: a peace that is not only theoretically possible but practically achievable given the right conditions.The Long Way Back tells the story of the historic accomplishments and bitter disappointments encountered on the road to political stability. But the book is much more than a firsthand account of recent events: it is a clear-eyed take on what has been achieved, the triumphs and failings of Afghans and foreigners alike, and why the country is still mired in conflict. With his direct access to and experience with the country's leaders, the international players, and ordinary Afghan citizens, Chris Alexander reveals a portrait of Afghanistan like none other and makes an insightful and bold argument for what it will take to attain a lasting peace.