

Skinny Bitch Book of Vegan Swaps
Skinny Bitch Book of Vegan Swaps
Barnouin, Kim
A Must-Have Guide for the Smart VeganA vegan lifestyle is the newest hot health trend—thanks in no small part to the smart, fearless, and number one New York Times bestselling Skinny Bitch books. But with so much conflicting information out there, it's not always easy to make the best choices. Now Skinny Bitch coauthor Kim Barnouin is back with a book that makes making the right vegan choice easy. In Skinny Bitch Book of Vegan Swaps, Kim Barnouin takes the mystery out of following a plant-based diet. It's a comprehensive, user-friendly guide that tells you what foods look healthy, but actually aren't, and explains how to avoid the stuff you don't want. And because Kim knows that the concerns of today's savvy eaters run the gamut from calories to carbon footprints, she explains it all.Skinny Bitch Book of Vegan Swaps offers exciting and tasty alternatives for vegans, whether you're just starting out or have been a vegan for years. Barnouin's fun, no-nonsense voice sparkles on every page and in helpful lists and features like:The Best Places for Vegans to Grocery ShopDelicious Swaps for Your Favorite Dairy ProductsTop Ten Things to Eat While Stranded in an Airport
How to Fight FATflammation!
How to Fight FATflammation!
Shemek, Lori, PhD
From a leading voice in health, nutrition, and fat-cell research comes a radical and revolutionary approach to losing weight, looking great, and achieving optimum health—simply by restoring your body's fat cells to their natural state.Are you consistently overweight, no matter what you doHave you tried everythingAre you plagued by stubborn fat hanging around your hips, thighs, and bellyWell, there's a reason for that. All those frustratingly pointless diets and exercise regimes have failed to address the root cause of weight gain.According to Dr. Lori Shemek, a successful diet isn't centered on calories or cardio. She says, "Cutting calories doesn't cut it." Our problems with fat are created because we eat foods that cause the body's natural fat cells to become inflamed. Sadly, the staples of the Standard American Diet—from pasta and bread to factory-farmed chicken and cattle, from sugar and artificial sweeteners to salad dressing and soft drinks—irritate our fat cells, causing chronic inflammation and chronically oversized fat cells. This irritation causes the body to store fat permanently, no matter how hard you exercise or how diligently you cut back on calories.Dr. Shemek calls this serious condition FATflammation, and only when you decrease the inflammation of the fat cells can you achieve the weight loss and optimum health you've been chasing. We need to forget about counting calories, counting points, fad diets, no-fat diets, and spending countless hours at the gym. There is a better and more satisfying way to lose the fat and maintain your desired weight. "If we want to fix our problems with fat," Shemek writes, "we need to reduce the inflammation in our fat cells." In How to Fight FATflammation Shemek reveals her revolutionary three-week program that helps reboot your body chemistry by returning your body's fat cells back to their natural, healthy state. In the process, she explains the critical importance of maintaining balance between good fats (omega-3) and bad fats (omega-6) and how a proper ratio of both will help boost your metabolism; in short, your body will burn fat simply by your eating the right kinds of fat. She also helps you eliminate from your diet the dreaded FATflammation Four—sugar, refined grains, high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners. Here's your chance to shrink your fat cells and get the body you always wanted.
S.A.S.S. Yourself Slim
S.A.S.S. Yourself Slim
Sass, Cynthia
Formerly Published as Cinch!: Conquer Cravings, Drop Pounds, and Lose InchesEasy, Fast, Chocolate! Finally, The Plan You Can Stick WithI feel almost that this is too much food, too decadent.—Chris, age 54I lost 8 pounds and 1.5 inches from my hips in just five days!—Adina, age 28I love eating these meals. I don't feel deprived at all!—Laurene, age 36Acclaimed nutritionist Cynthia Sass has proven, once and for all, that fast, sustainable weight loss is not about deprivation—in fact, this diet is anything but, featuring treats from guacamole to mandatory chocolate truffles. But it's the big results—up to eight pounds of weight loss in the first five days alone—that make S.A.S.S. Yourself Slim the ideal plan for anyone who's ready to take control of their diet, their weight, and their long-term well-being.After just one month on the S.A.S.S. Yourself Slim plan, you will:Know which healthy foods promote rapid weight loss (the answers may surprise you!)Enjoy dozens of delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes that help you reach your weight-loss goalBetter understand, and control, the emotional triggers that often lead to overeatingSleep better and enjoy more energyShed the stubborn inches and pounds you'd all but given up onNew material, including sensational swaps and seven new success stories!Best of all, this program is designed for real lives. You won't have to pass up on nights out at your favorite restaurant, start shopping in specialty stores, or spend hours in the kitchen. S.A.S.S. Yourself Slim is a potent program that gives you the power to change your body, your health, and your life!
The Style Strategy
The Style Strategy
Garcia, Nina
"This book is written to help propel you forward, into that place where style and shopping are one. Neither can thrive without the other pulling its proper weight. Effortlessly balancing the two is your mission."From much-loved fashion maven and New York Times bestselling author Nina Garcia comes her most indispensable style primer yet—this one focused on looking timelessly chic, all while saving money!Armed with Nina's no-fail The Style Strategy, fashionistas will not only discover a myriad of shopping alternatives sure to help them attain high-end looks at lower prices, but also learn how to maximize what they already have through maintenance, ingenuity, and creative style choices. Step by step, Nina helps readers honestly answer three key questions—What do I haveWhat do I needWhat do I want?—before making purchases, so they can effectively eliminate any unnecessary spending. This book also celebrates some of the most extraordinary women of the past, who remained admiringly fashion-forward during their own era's economic hardships.Part of the growing classic collection from Nina Garcia, which already includes The Little Black Book of Style and The One Hundred, The Style Strategy is a must-have for this season and all seasons!
Why Mars and Venus Collide
Why Mars and Venus Collide
Gray, John
Once upon a time, Martians and Venusians functioned in separate worlds. But in today's hectic and career-oriented environment, relationships have become a lot more complicated, and men and women are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress. To add to the increasing tension, most men and women are also completely unaware that they are actually hardwired to react differently to the stress. It's a common scenario: a husband returns home from work stressed out and eager to kick back on the couch and watch television. A wife returns home from work stressed out and wants to talk about it with her husband. What happensNeither is on the same page, anger and resentment set in, and Mars and Venus collide. Using his signature insight that has helped millions of couples transform their relationships, John Gray once again arms the inhabitants of Mars and Venus with information that will help them live harmoniously ever after. In Why Mars and Venus Collide , Gray focuses on the ways that men and women misinterpret and mismanage the stress in their daily lives, and how these reactions ultimately affect their relationships. "It's not that he's just not into you; he needs to fulfill a biological need," Gray explains. "And it's not that she wants to henpeck you; she also has a biological drive." He shows, for instance, how a husband's withdrawal is actually a natural way for him to replenish his depleted testosterone levels and restore his well-being, and how a woman's need for conversation and support helps her build her own stress-reducing hormone, oxytocin. Backed up by groundbreaking scientific research, Gray offers a clear, easy-to-understand program to bridge the gap between the two planets, providing effective communication strategies that will actually lower stress levels. Whether in a relationship or single, this book will help both men and women understand their new roles in a modern, work-oriented society, and allow them to discover a variety of new and practical ways to create a lifetime of love and harmony.
Humanizing Madness:Psychiatry and the Cognitive Neurosciences
Humanizing Madness:Psychiatry and the Cognitive Neurosciences
Niall McLaren
An application of the philosophy of science to psychiatryAlthough it's been 140 years since Maudley's groundbreaking treatise, modern psychiatry is in a state of intellectual collapse. No psychiatrist practicing today can point to a universally agreed model of mental disorder which explains the common observations of mental disorder, dictates a research program and ordains a form of management.This book, the result of thirty years research in the philosophy of science, takes each of the major theories in psychiatry and demonstrates conclusively that it is so flawed as to be beyond salvation. It goes further, in that the author outlines a model of mental function which both satisfies the essential requirements of any scientific model, and shows how the phenomena of mental disorder can be described in a parsimonious dualist model which leads directly to a humanist form of management of the most widespread form of disability in the world today."This book is a tour de force. It demonstrates a tremendous amount of erudition, intelligence and application in the writer. It advances an interesting and plausible mechanism for many forms of human distress. It is an important work that deserves to take its place among the classics in books about psychiatry." --Robert Rich, PhD, AnxietyAndDepression-Help.comAbout the AuthorNiall McLaren has been an M.D. and practicing psychiatrist since 1977. Since then, he has undertaken a far-reaching research program, some of which has previously been published. For six years, while working in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia, he was the world's most isolated psychiatrist. He is married with two children and lives in a tropical house hidden in the bush near Darwin, Australia.From Future Psychiatry Press www.FuturePsychiatry.coman imprint of Loving Healing Press
Crisis Intervention Training for Disaster Workers:An Introduction
Crisis Intervention Training for Disaster Workers:An Introduction
George W. Doherty
This book provides information about training for mental health professionals and first responders who work with victims of disaster related stress and trauma. It helps prepare them to relate with disaster victims and co-workers. Warning signs and symptoms are explored together with stages, strategies and interventions for recovery.The book will introduce you to disasters, the community response, the roles of first responders, Disaster Mental Health Services and Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) responders and teams. It provides a brief overview of these and their roles in responding to the needs of both victims and disaster workers. The role of CISM is presented and discussed both for disasters and other critical incidents. This includes discussion about war, terrorism and follow-up responses by mental health professionals. The book is designed to help readers identify appropriate methods for activating Disaster Mental Health Crisis Intervention Teams for disaster mental health services for victims, co-workers, and self.The content includes general theory and models of Disaster Mental Health, CISM, crisis intervention techniques commonly used in these situations, supportive research, and practice of approaches used in responding to the victims, workers and communities affected by disasters, critical incidents and terrorism threats and events.What People are Saying About Crisis Intervention Training for Disaster Workers"Provides a breadth and depth of knowledge as well as practical tools for beginner to expert. Should be required reading for all disaster responders, and, especially, mental health professionals considering disaster work."-Bruce L. Andrews, MS, LPC (ARC Disaster Mental Provider/Instructor)"This text serves as a wonderful adjunct and lead into the discipline of CISM. It provides a brief survey of disaster mental health and disaster mental health services."-Thomas Mitchell, LPCRocky Mountain Disaster Mental Health Institute Press"Learning from the past and planning for the future"Please visit RMRInstitute.org
Beyond Psychology:An Introduction to Metapsychology
Beyond Psychology:An Introduction to Metapsychology
Frank A. Gerbode
Person-Centered Techniques put You Back in Control of Your Destiny Metapsychology is the science of human nature and experience as viewed by you--the one who experiences--from the inside out, not by an outside "expert" trying to look in. The methods of "Applied Metapsychology" recognize you as the authority at the center of your world of experience, and provide tools to enable you to improve personal relationships, increase personal power, and fashion your world into the loving, fascinating, and fulfilling place you always wanted it to be. Readers of this book will learn... ·The principles and methodology of Applied Metapsychology, a truly effective method for understanding yourself, your own mind, and your world of experience. ·The principles of Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR), a technique for resolving the traumatic incidents that build upon each other to produce a network of distress that can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) . ·Specific other techniques to help you address the issues which concern you most--relationships, job satisfaction, and unwanted emotions such as grief and anger. ·A systematic method of case-planning for designing coherent and effective strategies for achieving these ends in a relatively short period of time. Acclaim for Beyond Psychology "Beyond Psychology deserves to be widely known, studied and applied. A new synthesis is now possible." -- Lewis H. Gann, Ph.D., Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University "Metapsychology represents a new and effective way of 'viewing' ourselves, our worlds, and our relationships with each other." -- Jerry S. Davis, Ed.D., Vice President for Research, Lumina Foundation for Education (retired) "Not in 30+ years of clinical practice have I found a more straight-to-the-core and consistently successful approach." -- Robert H. Moore, Ph.D., former Director Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy Clearwater, Florida "Stimulating and helpful... especially the section on Traumatic Incident Reduction... will contribute a great deal to change for the better." -- Robert A Harper, Ph.D., Book Review Editor Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy For more information please visit www.TIRBook.com From Applied Metapsychology International Press PSY045020 Psychology : Movements - Humanism PSY022040 Psychology : Psychopathology - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder SEL031000 Self-Help : Personal Growth
A Few Good Eggs
A Few Good Eggs
Vargo, Julie
Insight and frank, friendly advice on overcoming infertility -- from two women who have lived through it all. We are bombarded by images of blissful older mothers, such as Madonna and Celine Dion. But 'Hollywood' articles about pregnancy and fertility at middle age gloss over the tremendous amount of financial, emotional, and physical effort faced by couples struggling to conceive. In this warm, funny, empathetic book, journalist Julie Vargo and literary agent Maureen Regan -- women who have experienced personally almost every aspect of infertility -- give readers a glimpse into what to expect when you're not expecting. Hormones, sperm counts -- nothing is too personal for these two outspoken women! Ranges from technical to humorous and everything in between. What are good, snappy comebacks to the question, 'Why aren't you pregnant?' What is the difference between gonadotrophin releasing hormone and progesteroneShould you freeze your eggsThese questions and many more are answered, and in the tone of a couple of good friends. Between them, the authors have gone through hormone treatments, miscarriages and multiple inseminations -- so they know firsthand the rollercoaster ride of trying to achieve pregnancy. With wise advice on how to communicate with doctors, husbands, friends, and mothers, this book is an invaluable guide for all women facing infertility.
The Simple Secrets for Becoming Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise
The Simple Secrets for Becoming Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise
Niven, David, PhD
Sociologists, therapists, and psychiatrists have spent entire careers investigating the ins and outs of health, success, and happiness, but their findings are inaccessible to ordinary people, hidden in obscure journals seen only by other experts.Now David Niven, the international bestselling author of the Simple Secrets series, has collected the most current and significant data from more than a thousand of the best scientific studies on three of the most important aspects of our daily lives. Niven has boiled these findings down to sound, succinct advice for each day of the year, presenting 365 essential ways to find and maintain health, wealth, and wisdom. Each entry is accompanied by a true story showing the results in action. Whether you want to enhance your body, your bank account, your IQ, or all three, this bestselling series offers 365 essential ways to let science help you.
Straight Talk, No Chaser
Straight Talk, No Chaser
Harvey, Steve
In the instant number one New York Times bestseller Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man , Steve Harvey gave millions of women around the globe insight into what men really think about love, intimacy, and commitment. In his new book he zeros in on what motivates men and provides tips on how women can use that knowledge to get more of what they need out of their relationships, whether it's more help around the house, more of the right kind of attention in the bedroom, more money in the joint bank account, or more truth when it comes to the hard questions, such as: Are you committed to building a future togetherDoes my success intimidate youHave you cheated on meIn Straight Talk, No Chaser: How to Find, Keep, and Understand a Man , Steve Harvey shares information on: How to Get the Truth Out of Your Man Tired of answers that are deceptiveHarvey lays out a three-tier, CIA-style of questioning that will leave your man no choice but to cut to the chase and deliver the truth. Dating Tips, Decade by Decade Whether you're in your twenties and just starting to date seriously, in your thirties and feeling the tick of the biological clock, or in your forties and beyond, Steve provides insight into what a man, in each decade of his life, is looking for in a mate. How to Minimize Nagging and Maximize Harmony at Home He said he'd cut the lawn on Saturday, and you may have been within reason to think that that meant Saturday before ten in the evening, but exploding at him is only going to ruin the mood for everyone, which means no romance. Steve shows you how to talk to your man in a way that moves him to action and keeps the peace. And there's much more, including Steve's candid answers to questions you've always wanted to ask men. Drawing on a lifetime of experience and the feedback women have shared with him in reaction to Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man , Harvey offers wisdom on a wealth of topics relevant to both sexes today. He also gets more personal, sharing anecdotes from his own family history. Always direct, often funny, and incredibly perceptive, media personality, comedian, philanthropist, and (finally) happily married husband, Steve Harvey proves once again that he is the king of relationships.
Living Well with Back Pain
Living Well with Back Pain
Winter, Robert B., M.D.
If you're one of the millions of Americans suffering from back pain, Robert B. Winter, MD, and Marilyn L. Bach, PhD, have the answers and knowledge you need to effectively manage your condition. In Living Well with Back Pain, Winter and Bach draw on an extensive network of experts to bring you the latest information on:Diagnosing—and even eliminating—the problemExercise programs and over-the-counter drug treatmentsChoosing the right medical practitionerWhen surgery and other invasive procedures are not neededThe authors are affiliated with an internationally renowned back treatment center, the Twin Cities Spine Center, which has treated tens of thousands of back pain sufferers. Their expertise and up-to-the-minute knowledge make this the most comprehensive, current, and accessible back pain book available.
Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Expanded Edition
Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Expanded Edition
Harvey, Steve
An International Bestseller Over 3 Million Copies Sold! With translations in more than thirty languages, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is the definitive relationship guide for women. Steve Harvey can't count the number of impressive women he met over the years the many incredible women who can run a business, have three kids, maintain a household in tiptop shape, and chair a church group all at the same time. So, when it comes to relationships, why can't these same women figure out what makes men commitAccording to Steve, it because they're asking other women for advice when they should be going directly to the source. In this expanded edition, Steve includes an added section of all new advice, with tips on dealing with your partner exes, spicing up your relationship, ensuring you're ready for that walk down the aisle, and much more. Sometimes funny, often unflinchingly direct, but always truthful, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is a book you must read if you want to understand how men think when it comes to relationships, intimacy, and love.
Living Well with Migraine Disease and Headaches
Living Well with Migraine Disease and Headaches
Robert, Teri, PhD
For millions of Americans, Migraine disease, tension headaches, and other headaches are a debilitating part of every day. Teri Robert has been there—in fact, she experienced her first Migraine at age six. Now, in this groundbreaking holistic guide to the diagnosis and treatment of headaches and Migraine disease, she brings a patient-empowering message to all headache sufferers: you don't have to live with daily pain. She provides you with all the information you need to know about getting the help you need, including: ?Understanding side effects ?Treatments for long-term relief ?Risks and symptoms ?Identification of the various types of headaches ?Traditional and alternative therapies ?Information on finding health care practitioners and support ?Numerous case studies and expert advice
The End of Diabetes
The End of Diabetes
Fuhrman, Joel
Despite what you might have heard, diabetes is not a lifelong condition.It does not have to shorten your life span or result in high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, or other life-threatening ailments. In fact, most diabetics can get off medication and become 100 percent healthy in just a few simple steps. In The End of Diabetes, Dr. Joel Fuhrman shows how you can prevent and reverse diabetes and its related symptoms and lose weight in the process.The End of Diabetes is a radical idea wrapped in a simple plan: Eat Better, End Diabetes. While the established medical protocol aims to control diabetes by limiting your carbohydrate intake, monitoring glucose levels, and prescribing bottomless doses of medicine, Dr. Fuhrman believes this long-standing approach to fighting diabetes is wrong—and possibly fatal.Designed for anyone ready to enjoy a healthier and longer life, Dr. Fuhrman's plan is based on a single formula: Your Health Future (H) = Nutrients (N) / Calories (C). Foods with a high nutrient density, according to Dr. Fuhrman, turn our bodies into the miraculous, self-healing machines they can be, which results in significant weight loss, improved health, and, ultimately, the end of diabetes and other diseases.In engaging, direct, and easy-to-follow language, The End of Diabetes supplies the science and clinical evidence to prove that diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure are not inevitable consequences of aging. They are reversible and preventable. This simple and effective plan offers great food, starts working right away, and puts you on a direct path to a longer, better, fuller, disease-free life.
Living Beauty Detox Program
Living Beauty Detox Program
Gittleman, Ann Louise
SPRING -- time to rejuvenate. Leafy green vegetables, dandelion root tea, dill, mint, and chlorophyll-rich parsley cleanse the system, balance energy, and aid digestion.SUMMER -- an active season. Rose hips tea, garlic, cayenne pepper, and oregano, along with the Living Beauty Elixir, promote vitality, make the heart strong, and increase nutrient absorption.AUTUMN -- time for inward reflection and preparation for the darkness of winter. Fenugreek tea and warming foods and spices like cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg protect the lungs, aid in elimination, and boost the immune system, leaving you with vibrant skin.WINTER -- a season of stillness and rest. Getting enough sleep and eating cooked or warm foods spiced with ginger sustains body heat and immunity.
The Thyroid Hormone Breakthrough
The Thyroid Hormone Breakthrough
Shomon, Mary J.
If you're one of the millions of American women suffering from PMS, irregular periods, difficulty getting pregnant, low sex drive, postpartum depression, menopausal symptoms, or many other hormonal problems, what you may not realize is that thyroid disease could be the culprit. The Thyroid Hormone Breakthrough is a holistic guide to identifying and overcoming the connection between hormonal problems and the thyroid, which goes undiagnosed in more than 30 million women in the U.S. alone. It will help you identify and diagnose thyroid problems and offer strategies to cope with the effects that thyroid conditions can have on everything from puberty to menopause, including ways to avoid the pitfalls of decreased sex drive. With information on diet and exercise, conventional and alternative therapies, and lifestyle changes that will benefit overall health, plus a risk and symptom checklist and a detailed resource section, The Thyroid Hormone Breakthrough is the most comprehensive thyroid hormone book on the market.
The Good Doctor's Guide to Colds and Flu
The Good Doctor's Guide to Colds and Flu
Schachter, Neil, M.D.
The latest and most effective information on preventing and treating colds and flu Under the weatherEminent lung specialist Neil Schachter, M.D., arms you with the knowledge you need to boost immunity and avoid illness. And when colds, flu, and other respiratory infections do strike, you'll know exactly how to relieve uncomfortable symptoms like congestion and fever. In this book you'll find: ?Treatment plans for the most common respiratory infections, including colds, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and strep throat ?The right way to use vitamin C and zinc to combat a cold ?The important difference between a head cold and chest cold ?The five best ways to quiet a cough ?Three signs that indicate if it's a cold or flu ?Three symptoms that signal it's time to call a doctor ?Why humming five seconds a day can reduce risk of sinus problems ?The surprising reason why women catch more colds ?And much more With Dr. Schachter's guidance, you'll stay one step ahead of colds and flu.
The No Carbs after 5pm Diet: With the new step counter plan
The No Carbs after 5pm Diet: With the new step counter plan
Joanna Hall
Joanna Hall, author of Drop a Size in 2 Weeks Flat, offers a special 28-day plan to lose up to 5 inches off your waist. A great alternative to Atkins, Joanna’s Carb Curfew method (banning carbs after 5pm) has been hailed as the healthiest, simplest way to diet the low-carb way. The healthy way to follow a low carb diet and really see the benefit. For all those who have tried Atkins or South Beach and found it difficult, Joanna’s Carb Curfew system is fantastic. Joanna Hall presents a day-by-day diet plan specifically designed to help you lose up to 5 inches from your waistline in a month – watch your belly disappear, while your health improves and fitness soars. Fat on your stomach is a potential killer and Joanna shows how simply using a step counter (pedometer) and her quick abs routine will help you lose those 5 inches. The book also includes: ? Special ‘Do It Together’ plan for partners ? Trouble shooting daily tips ? Carb Curfew recipes
Menopause Without Weight Gain: The 5 Step Solution to Challenge Your Changing Ho
Menopause Without Weight Gain: The 5 Step Solution to Challenge Your Changing Ho
Debra Waterhouse
Women over the age of 40, as they move towards menopause, usually experience an increasing waistline and multiplying fat cells…no matter how much they exercise. Hormonal changes start to affect your weight when your 30 billion fat cells detect a slightly lower oestrogen reading and come to your aid to produce oestrogen for you. And the fat cells in your waist grow the largest because they are better equipped to produce oestrogen than those in your bottom, hips and thighs. Debra Waterhouse provides her usual sound strategies to cope but also explains the positive side: that the more oestrogen you produce the fewer mood swings and hot flushes, less intense PMS, improved sleep, and a reduced risk of osteoporosis you will experience. And she warns: the harder you try to lose weight by dieting the more powerful your menopausal fat cells become . Positive actions Waterhouse proposes include: ? Encouraging a positive attitude for your change of life, embracing your body changes ? Following her tailored exercise programme which includes building bone density and gaining muscle ? How much to eat, when and how often. What to eat, including plant oestrogens. And how to start trusting your body’s messages and cravings.
The Blood Type Diet Cookbook
The Blood Type Diet Cookbook
Karen Vago,Lucy Degremont
An eating plan and over 100 delicious recipes to suit each of the blood types, in a diet made famous by D’Adamo’s bestselling Eat Right for Your Type. Peter D'Adamo's book Eat Right 4 Your Type has revolutionised the way many people eat. The theory behind it is that the four different blood groups; O, A, B and AB need four different diets. What may be beneficial to one blood group is undoubtedly harmful to another. The Blood Type Diet Cookbook explains the workings of the diet, and as it is written by real ‘food lovers’ rather than a nutritionist, it provides truly delicious recipes for enthusiasts of this bestselling and revolutionary diet. The book contains: ?easy-to-follow plan ?blood type food lists ?over 100 recipes which can be adapted to suit the different blood types.