The Appetite Solution
Dr. Joe Colella knows the science of weight loss. He has been helping thousands of patients lose weight—and keep it off—for over twenty years. And here's one of his secrets: any diet that leaves you feeling constantly hungry is almost certainly destined to fail.In fact, hunger should be your first clue that your diet isn't working. Sound crazyIt's not. There is science behind it, and in The Appetite Solution, Dr. Colella reveals what is holding you back from the weight loss you desire and provides a six-week, three-phase plan to help you start to shed those pounds in a sustainable way.His revolutionary "Appetite Scale" is a measurement that shows which foods lead to weight gain and cravings, no matter how much you've cut back on calories. Often, much of our weight gain comes from failing to recognize how many simple sugars we consume. Once aware of those secret saboteurs of weight loss, you'll begin the six-week plan. In phase one, you start to incorporate more protein into your diet. Phase two involves a progressive reduction of the simple sugars that lead to weight gain. And in phase three, you gradually begin to incorporate moderate exercise. This step-by-step process allows your body to adjust to the changes without going into survival mode and a decreased metabolism. This means you are increasing your metabolism for the long run, allowing you to slim down and maintain your ideal weight forever.After following the program in The Appetite Solution, you will have the metabolism of a teenager and no longer feel like you pack on pounds despite the yo-yo diet lifestyle you've experienced. Whether you have twenty pounds to lose or two hundred, Dr. Colella provides a practical and realistic way to control your appetite, lose weight, and stay healthy for the rest of your life.

The Diet Trap Solution
The techniques developed by New York Times bestselling author and expert in cognitive behavior therapy Dr. Judith Beck and her daughter, Deborah Beck Busis, have helped hundreds of thousands of dieters lose weight. The Diet Trap Solution is the first book of its kind to isolate the most common ways we fail on our diets and offer concrete and practical solutions to avoid these pitfalls for good, even when it seems impossible. No equipment, membership fees, special meals, or specific diet plan required. Instead, dieters need only use that most powerful of all resources—their minds. This accessible and highly practical guide enables us to stay on the healthy diet of our choice and not only lose weight, but keep it off once and for all.Diet programs all profess to have the magic formula for weight loss: simply eat a certain way and drop ten pounds in a week. But what do you do when your plans fall apartYour mother-in-law bakes you a surprise birthday cake. Stress at work leads to binge-eating peanut butter and chocolate. A painful breakup causes your diet to go out the window. The truth is, losing and keeping weight off can be extremely difficult, especially when unexpected challenges arise. But learning how to solve these very problems is the surprising solution to lasting weight loss. By identifying the most common traps—stress and emotional eating; friends and family pressure; holidays and travel; and feeling deprived, unmotivated, or discouraged—and then developing actionable escape plans that address each potential diet disaster, anyone can lose weight and keep it off.

Eat. Drink. Detox. Breathe. Neutralize. Good health is that simple.In this groundbreaking health-and-lifestyle guide, nutritionist and superfoods expert Darin Olien provides the keys to understanding and utilizing five life forces—Quality Nutrition, Hydration, Detoxification, Oxygenation, and Alkalization—the factors that determine whether we will be healthy, fit, and free of illness.Olien has traveled the world, exploring the health properties of foods that have sustained indigenous cultures for centuries. Putting his research into practice, he tells how to maintain healthy weight, prevent even the most serious of diseases, and feel great—all without restrictive or gimmicky diet plans that never work in the long term.All too often we take note of our health only when something goes wrong. Daily aches and pains are deemed normal—a headache here and there, a sore back, occasional heartburn. But when a diagnosis comes, we are taken by surprise. However, these little complaints, Olien argues, shouldn't be taken lightly—they are signals of underlying problems, and when we ignore them, we invite disease.With a comprehensive, holistic, and unique approach to wellness, Olien teaches us how to harness the superpowers of food, water, oxygen, and pH balance. In doing so, he smashes common myths about nutrition. Included in the book are an indispensable "How to Eat" user's guide with a shopping list, a balanced diet plan, and advice on what to throw away and on supplementing effectively, to get us started on the way to the best health of our lives.

Body By Simone
What do the hottest bodies in Hollywood have in commonThe secret is in your hands.We see them in films and magazines in show-stopping red carpet gowns during every awards season. They are the ageless, confident, athletic women of Hollywood we all aspire to look like. Now you can have access to the secret weapon used by actresses like Naomi Watts and Anne Hathaway: the workouts of Simone De La Rue.Simone, a former dancer with a stage career that spanned more than two decades, is the creator of Body By Simone, a fitness program that's winning over the women of New York and Los Angeles who flock to her sold-out classes. Now, in her first book, she makes her exclusive workout regimen available to everyone, everywhere.Her 8-week plan offers a road map to total body transformation. From her unique strength-training moves that target multiple muscle groups at once, focusing on areas like the hips, buns, and thighs for maximum burn, to her fun and fast-paced dance-cardio routines, there are workouts for every fitness level. Whether you're looking to lose five pounds, twenty pounds, or more, Simone leads you through the goals for each week of the program step by step, and offers both a simple eating plan and a fourteen-day cleanse for instant results.At the end of 8 weeks, you'll not only lose weight—but more important, you'll lose inches by replacing fat with lean, sexy muscle tone. If you're looking for a way to get bikini (or red carpet!) ready, look no further. Sculpt your way to the body you want and deserve with Body By Simone.

For Goodness Sex
Let's talk about sex.We do it all the time, don't weWe talk about our sex lives with friends; we gossip about celebrity hookups; we watch reality dating shows. Yet when it comes to talking to our kids—many of whom are in sexually intimate relationships—we are strangely silent. But our kids are talking—and seeing and listening and learning—about sex every day. Unfortunately the messages they receive are often problematic: boys are studs, girls are sluts; real sex should be like porn; hookups are better than relationships. Your kids know more about sex than you think they do. But your kids don't know as much about sex as they think they do.To make matters worse, most sexuality education in schools is either abstinence-only or abstinence-based—and both models tend to leave young people ill equipped to make fully informed decisions. Sexuality educator Al Vernacchio, a high school teacher for more than twenty years, has been an advocate of a new category: sex-positive education.In For Goodness Sex, Vernacchio refutes the "disaster prevention" model of sex ed, offering instead a progressive and realistic approach. Without a broader understanding to offset the damaging perceptions of sex that pervade much of our culture, adolescents and teens are dangerously unprepared intellectually and emotionally to develop as sexual beings, let alone cope with today's world of sex via smartphone, cyberbullying, and the precipitous rise of high school and college sexual assault.For Goodness Sex offers the tools and information adults and young people need in order to have important conversations about sexuality and to develop healthy values and safe habits.

Radical Remission
Discover the nine keys that can unlock your pathway to dramatic healing.Kelly Turner, Ph.D., a researcher and psychotherapist who specializes in integrative oncology, gives the reader the results of her research on over a thousand cases of Radical Remission—people who have defied a serious or even terminal cancer diagnosis with a complete reversal of the disease. The results of this study, which focused on seventy-five factors, include astounding insights of the nine key factors that Dr. Turner found among nearly every Radical Remission survivor she has studied and an explanation of how the reader can put these practices to work in his or her own life.Every chapter of Radical Remission includes dramatic stories of survivors' journeys back to wellness. The realization that the possibilities for healing are more abundant than we had previously known gives people concrete ways to defy the overwhelming prognosis of terminal cancer. This is a book for those who are in the midst of receiving conventional cancer treatment, who are looking for other options because that treatment has done all that it can, or who seemingly have no options left but still feel that the future holds the possibility of hope.Kelly Turner's Radical Remission shows that it is possible to triumph over cancer, even in situations that seem hopeless. Encompassing diet, stress, emotions, spirituality, and other factors that profoundly affect our health and well-being, Turner's discussion of how our choices can cause the seemingly miraculous to happen will open your eyes to what is possible when it comes to lasting healing.

The Disease Delusion
Disease care vs health care: which would you choose?Contrary to conventional wisdom, chronic disease is not genetically predetermined but results from a mismatch between our genes and environment and lifestyle. What we call a "disease" is the outcome of an imbalance in one or more of the seven core physiological processes. Leveraging a lifetime on the cutting edge of research and practice, Dr. Jeffrey S. Bland lays out a road map for good health by helping us understand these processes and the root causes of chronic illness. As Bland teaches us, no two people have the identical form of any disease, so with the right personalized program, we can safely and effectively manage and ultimately cure what ails us.In the twenty-first century, medicine is undergoing a paradigm shift comparable to the advances in infectious disease in the late nineteenth century. While these strides have nearly doubled life expectancies in only four generations, quality of life has yet to rise to its full potential. Treatment of chronic diseases—diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, dementia, and many others—is responsible for 78 percent of total health care costs in the United States, yet we're managing the symptoms of these illnesses with pills and temporary remedies instead of identifying, preventing, and addressing their underlying causes. In The Disease Delusion, we learn how we may fundamentally change our perceptions of illness and approach a cure.Dr. Bland has greatly influenced many of the biggest names in medicine today, but until now we have not had access to the larger framework in which to understand chronic illness or ways to foster lifelong health. Complete with self-evaluation questionnaires and sample meal plans, and supported by the most recent advances in health science, The Disease Delusion is indispensable to anyone determined to live long and well.Includes 8 interactive health assessments you can complete on your phone

Allies in Healing
"But what about me?""Is it possible to go one day without dealing with the survivor's issues?""Will we ever make love again?""Will the survivor love me in the end?""How do I know if I should throw in the towel?"Based on in-depth interviews and her workshops for partners across the country, Laura Davis offers practical advice and encouragement to all partners—girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses, and lovers—trying to support the survivors in their lives while tending to their own needs along the way. She shows couples how to deepen compassion, improve communication, and develop an understanding of healing as a shared activity. Addressing partners' most important questions, Allies in Healing covers:The Basics—answers common questions about sexual abuse. Allies in Healing—introduces key concepts of working and growing together. My Needs and Feelings—teaches partners to recognize, value, and express their own needs. Dealing with Crisis—includes strategies for handling suicidal feelings, regression, and hopelessness. Intimacy and Communication—offers practical advice on dealing with distancing, control, trust, and fighting. Sex—provides guidelines for coping with flashbacks, lack of desire, differences in sexual needs, and frustration. Family lssues—suggests a range of ideas for interacting with the survivor's family. Partners' Stories—explores the struggles, triumphs, and courage of eight partners.

Love, Laugh, and Eat
PBS host, weight-loss expert, and renowned authority on longevity, Dr. John Tickell shares the secret to a long life: moderation. Moderation in everything except love, laughter, and fish (and a few vegetables!).Based on common sense, sound science, and good food, Love, Laugh, and Eat is an easy-to-follow guide that will help put the bounce back in your step and add years to your life. With his characteristic wit and medical expertise, Dr. Tickell lays out his proven Activity, Coping, and Eating (ACE) program, which simultaneously works out your body, your brain, and your mouth—the three keys to a healthy life—through physical activity and stress-management techniques and his revolutionary Four Simple Rules of Nutrition. He also serves up a seven-day detoxification plan and a series of delicious, manageable, and satisfying meal plans that actually work, as well as his eight Fall-Safe Snacks to keep you energized morning, noon, and night.Through Dr. Tickell's Love, Laugh, and Eat program you will:Look better Sleep better Feel better Love betterInspiring and engaging, Love, Laugh, and Eat is the approach to healthy living and longevity you've been waiting for. Healthy living has never been so easy—or so much fun.

Aging Backwards
"Every day, we have a very clear choice: We can grow older or we can grow younger."In recent years the field of aging research has exploded with new clinical findings. Many widely accepted ideas about aging—including those about the inevitability of our declining metabolism, our dying brain cells, and our deteriorating muscles and bones—have been debunked. Today we know that the physical signs of aging are far more a product of lifestyle choices than of calendar years. Aging Backwards offers an exciting and comprehensive plan for actively slowing down and even reversing the aging process through gentle exercise that develops strong, flexible muscles.Why focus on strengthening musclesBecause as Miranda Esmonde-White, PBS fitness personality and creator of the Essentrics technique, explains, our muscle cells are the keys to our longevity. The powerhouses of our cells, the mitochondria, keep us looking and feeling young—and muscle cells contain more mitochondria than any other part of our body. If we can keep our mitochondrian fires burning, our muscles—not to mention our bones, hearts, lungs, and skin—can all experience the vitality of youth. And the best news of all is that it takes just thirty minutes a day of gentle exercise to keep muscles strong. With eight basic age-reversing workouts that build core strength, lengthen and tone muscle, increase flexibility, and speed weight loss, Aging Backwards offers the information and tools to live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

The Big Picture
What does your big picture look like?P90X creator Tony Horton is known by millions of fans for his take-no-prisoners, straight-talking approach to fitness. When you do his programs, put in the time, and follow his advice—you get results.Now Tony Horton is bringing his energetic, no-nonsense style to help you improve your life outside the gym. In The Big Picture, he shares his philosophy for living a happier, healthier, more successful life—a philosophy that transformed him from an out-of-shape, aimless kid to one of the most sought-after personal trainers in history.Tony's 11 Laws are the basis for his best-selling workout programs. In The Big Picture, he shows you how to put them to work in the rest of your life. Using eye-opening examples from his own journey as well as inspiring stories from the people he's met along the way, Tony shows you how to identify the life you want—and walks you through the path to creating it.This is the self-improvement book for people who want results, not hand-holding. Whether your Big Picture goal is a better job, a better relationship, or a better life—if you make the commitment and do the work, Tony will lead you to success.

Transform Yourself from "Passion Victim" to Passionista!In the smash hit She Comes First, Ian Kerner singlehandedly waged battle against male sexual "ill-cliteracy," and women everywhere benefited from his "viva la vulva" philosophy of female pleasure. Now, in Passionista, it's time to learn all about what turns men on—and makes them stay on. In this point-by-point, "blow-by-blow" guide, Kerner makes giving as much fun as receiving as he covers every angle of male sexuality, unlocks the secrets of satisfaction, and offers knowledgeable answers to the questions every woman wonders about. His advice is the closest you'll ever come to waking up in a guy's skin and knowing what truly makes him sexually tick.Written in the same witty, insightful, and utterly readable voice that has made She Comes First and Be Honest—You're Not That Into Him Either so popular, Passionista is the empowered woman's guide to enjoying sex to the fullest—and ensuring that he does the same.

Meat Is for Pussies
Think eating meat makes you machoThink again.Punk rock icon John Joseph grew up on the mean streets of New York City in the 1970s. From gang fights to drug addiction, foster homes to lockups—he’s lived it all. But shifting the way he thought about food is the one decision he credits with saving his life.Today at age fifty-four, he’s completing triathalons, keeping up with guys half his age, and still rocking with his band on world tours. In Meat Is for Pussies, he offers a no-holds-barred guide to plant-based living for every dude out there who thinks grilling burgers, going out for a steak, or sitting down with a bucket of wings is a “guy thing.”Joseph presents a throw-down of information, offering both personal and scientific evidence that a plant-based diet offers the best path to athleticism, strength, sexual stamina, and health. In addition to smashing the myths surrounding meat, Joseph offers a meal plan, recipes, and a workout regimen that make it easy to go plant-based and get a ripped body.

The Piper Protocol
Ever wonder why movie stars, supermodels, and some of the most high-profile musicians and athletes look so camera-readyWhy they don't have poochy stomachs, puffy eyes, dull tired skin, and fatigue like most of the rest of usWhy do they look so vibrant, energetic, and slimHollywood's best-kept secret, A-list celebrity cleanse expert Tracy Piper, knows exactly how they got that way: It's internal fitness, and Tracy is the master. Now, in The Piper Protocol, Tracy makes her life-changing, body-transforming plan available to everyone!Tracy's cleanse program offers an amazing promise: lose up to twenty-five pounds in the first month. But weight loss is just the beginning. Her structured four-week eating plan will change the way you feel and the way you live. The Piper Protocol takes you on a journey to make your body, your mind, and your spirit feel better, look better, and function better on every level. Taking a holistic view, it focuses on weight loss and overall wellness. Here for the first time is the revolutionary four-week program Tracy's celebrity clients use to get red-carpet ready:Piper Protocol Week One: 50/50 Cleanse Initiation: Here you'll start exchanging bad habits for good, but don't worry—you won't have to do anything extreme. You can have your steak and eat it too during week one, as long as you fill 50% of your plate with raw veggies. You'll also learn about juicing!Piper Protocol Week Two: 80/20 Protein: During this week, Tracy ramps up the intensity—reduce your protein to 20% of your plate and increase your veggies to 80%. You'll immediately notice the difference in increased energy and dropped pounds and inches.Piper Protocol Week Three: 80/20 Carbs: It's time to experiment with a meat-free week. With 80% veggies and 20% whole grains on your plate, you'll stay full and keep getting slimmer.Piper Protocol Week Four: Liquid Feast Week: Now that your body is prepped for some serious celeb-level cleansing, try this all-liquid week. You'll fill up on nutrient-dense veggie-rich juices and smoothies with a hint of sweetness from fruit, and the weight loss you will experience during the week will amaze and inspire you to embrace your new, health-enhancing, beauty-boosting, radiant lifestyle.Including step-by-step instructions, more than sixty delicious recipes for cleansing and rejuvenating foods, powerful home remedies, and the inspiration to put it all into practice, The Piper Protocol will help you slim down, rev up, and get gorgeous.

The Calorie Myth
Contrary to what most diets would have you believe, the human body does not recognize all calories as equal. Some foods are used to boost brain power, fuel metabolism, and heal the body—while others are simply stored as fat. In The Calorie Myth, Bailor shows us how eating more of the right kinds of foods and exercising less, but at a higher intensity, is the true formula for burning fat.WhyBecause eating high-quality foods balances the hormones that regulate our metabolism. When we eat these foods, our bodies naturally maintain a healthy weight. But when we eat sugar, starches, processed fats, and other poor-quality foods, the body's regulatory system becomes "clogged" and prevents us from burning extra calories. Translation: Those extra 10 pounds aren't the result of eating too much . . . they're the result of eating the wrong foods!Bailor offers clear, comprehensive guidance on what to eat and why, providing an eating plan, recipes, and a simple yet effective exercise regimen. Losing weight doesn't have to mean going hungry or spending hours at the gym. The Calorie Myth offers a radical and effective new model for weight loss and long-term health.

Sugar Crush
Sugar =Chronic Inflammation + Trauma =Nerve Damage, Pain, and DysfunctionDo you suffer from ailments your doctors can't seem to diagnose or help—mysterious rashes, unpredictable digestive problems, debilitating headaches, mood and energy swings, constant tirednessIf so, nerve compression is likely the cause.What Grain Brain did for wheat, leading peripheral nerve surgeon Dr. Richard Jacoby now does for sugar, exposing the shocking truth that a diet high in sugar, processed carbohydrates, and wheat can compress and damage the peripheral nerves of the body, and lead to pain, numbness, and tingling in the hands and feet, as well as a host of related conditions, from migraines, autism, and ALS to gallbladder disease and diabetes.Over the years, Dr. Richard Jacoby has treated thousands of patients with peripheral neuropathy. Now he shares his insights and tells the story of how he connected the dots to determine how sugar is the common denominator of many chronic diseases.Practical and accessible, Sugar Crush breaks down our dangerous addiction to sweets, offering a unique, holistic understanding of the toll sugar and carbs take on the body, and demonstrating how dietary changes can help nerves regain their normal function dramatically.Whether you have diabetes or prediabetes, or are even just concerned about your health, Sugar Crush is the essential guide to knowing the dangers of nerve compression. Complete with dietary advice, the latest thinking on ways to prevent and reverse neuropathy, and a quiz to help you assess your nerve damage, this book will give you the tools you need to quit sugar, calm your nerves, and reclaim well-being.

The compelling drama of American herbologist Rosita Arvigo's quest to preserve the knowledge of Don Elijio Panti, one of the last surviving and most respected traditional healers in the rainforest of Belize.

A Healthy You
As the host of A Healthy You & Carol Alt, supermodel, actress, bestselling author, raw food expert, and entrepreneur Carol Alt has teamed up with leading experts and doctors to offer a unique blend of alternative and practical health and wellness advice. Now, for the first time, Carol has collected the very best information, advice, and tips from the show all in one place! In A Healthy You Carol and her top experts show readers how to approach all aspects of life with energy and vitality—from nutrition and fitness, to beauty, skin care, and fashion.Drawing on her years of experience as a raw food advocate and ambassador for a mindful, health-focused lifestyle, Carol guides readers of all ages with simple, effective advice on how to live a more balanced, healthy, beautiful life. She demystifies and takes readers step-by-step through the recipes, regimens, diets, and products—from raw eating to do-it-yourself, chemical-free beauty products—that really work.Carol curates advice from her favorite doctors, fitness gurus, dietitians, and the hundreds of experts she's interviewed on her television show. Never afraid to try the trends that may seem unusual, difficult, or fringe, Carol is devoted to making alternative ideas accessible to everyone. In A Healthy You, she brings readers the best of what she's found. Filled with practical advice, expert guidance on living a cleaner, greener lifestyle, and engaging stories from Carol's own life, A Healthy You will inspire everyone to take charge of his or her health every day, in new and exciting ways.

Too Loud, Too Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight
In the publishing tradition of Driven to Distraction or The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Washing, this pre*ive book by a developmental psychologist and sufferer of Sensory Defensive Disorder (SD) sheds light on a little known but common affliction in which sufferers react to harmless stimuli as irritating, distracting or dangerous.We all know what it feels like to be irritated by loud music, accosted by lights that are too bright, or overwhelmed by a world that moves too quickly. But millions of people suffer from Sensory Defensive Disorder (SD), a common affliction in which people react to harmless stimuli not just as a distracting hindrance, but a potentially dangerous threat.Sharon Heller, Ph.D. is not only a trained psychologist, she is sensory defensive herself. Bringing both personal and professional perspectives, Dr. Heller is the ideal person to tell the world about this problem that will only increase as technology and processed environments take over our lives. In addition to heightening public awareness of this prevalent issue, Dr. Heller provides tools and therapies for alleviating and, in some cases, even eliminating defensiveness altogether.Until now, the treatment for sensory defensiveness has been successfully implemented in Learning Disabled children in whom defensiveness tends to be extreme. However, the disorder has generally been unidentified in adults who think they are either overstimulated, stressed, weird, or crazy. These sensory defensive sufferers live out their lives stressed and unhappy, never knowing why or what they can do about it. Now, with Too Loud, Too Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight, they have a compassionate spokesperson and a solution–oriented book of advice.

Taking Charge of Your Fertility
This new edition for the twentieth anniversary of the groundbreaking national bestseller provides all the information you need to monitor your menstrual cycle—along with updated information on the latest reproductive technologiesAre you unhappy with your current method of birth controlOr demoralized by your quest to have a babyDo you experience confusing signs and symptoms at various times in your cycleThis invaluable resource provides the answers to your questions while giving you amazing insights into your body.Taking Charge of Your Fertility has helped literally hundreds of thousands of women avoid pregnancy naturally, maximize their chances of getting pregnant, or simply gain better control of their gynecological and sexual health. Toni Weschler thoroughly explains the empowering Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), which in only a couple of minutes a day allows you to:Enjoy highly effective and scientifically proven birth control without chemicals or devices Maximize your chances of conception before you see a doctor or resort to invasive high-tech options Expedite your fertility treatment by quickly identifying impediments to pregnancy achievement Gain control and a true understanding of your gynecological and sexual healthThis new edition includes:A fully revised and intuitive charting system A selection of personalized master charts for birth control, pregnancy achievement, breastfeeding, and menopause An expanded sixteen-page color insert that reflects the book’s most important concepts Six brand-new chapters on topics including balancing hormones naturally, preserving your future fertility, and three medical conditions all women should be aware of

How to Fight FATflammation!
From a leading voice in health, nutrition, and fat-cell research comes a radical and revolutionary approach to losing weight, looking great, and achieving optimum health—simply by restoring your body's fat cells to their natural state.Are you consistently overweight, no matter what you doHave you tried everythingAre you plagued by stubborn fat hanging around your hips, thighs, and bellyWell, there's a reason for that. All those frustratingly pointless diets and exercise regimes have failed to address the root cause of weight gain.According to Dr. Lori Shemek, a successful diet isn't centered on calories or cardio. She says, "Cutting calories doesn't cut it." Our problems with fat are created because we eat foods that cause the body's natural fat cells to become inflamed. Sadly, the staples of the Standard American Diet—from pasta and bread to factory-farmed chicken and cattle, from sugar and artificial sweeteners to salad dressing and soft drinks—irritate our fat cells, causing chronic inflammation and chronically oversized fat cells. This irritation causes the body to store fat permanently, no matter how hard you exercise or how diligently you cut back on calories.Dr. Shemek calls this serious condition FATflammation, and only when you decrease the inflammation of the fat cells can you achieve the weight loss and optimum health you've been chasing. We need to forget about counting calories, counting points, fad diets, no-fat diets, and spending countless hours at the gym. There is a better and more satisfying way to lose the fat and maintain your desired weight. "If we want to fix our problems with fat," Shemek writes, "we need to reduce the inflammation in our fat cells." In How to Fight FATflammation Shemek reveals her revolutionary three-week program that helps reboot your body chemistry by returning your body's fat cells back to their natural, healthy state. In the process, she explains the critical importance of maintaining balance between good fats (omega-3) and bad fats (omega-6) and how a proper ratio of both will help boost your metabolism; in short, your body will burn fat simply by your eating the right kinds of fat. She also helps you eliminate from your diet the dreaded FATflammation Four—sugar, refined grains, high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners. Here's your chance to shrink your fat cells and get the body you always wanted.